Ball of Thread: Zombie Mueller

In this episode of Ball of Thread, we showed how Bill Barr’s efforts to kill the parts of the Mueller investigation that continued after he misrepresented the report itself led directly to January 6. In his effort to lower the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, for example, Barr treated threats from Stone and the Proud Boys against a Federal judge a “technicality.” And after Barr’s efforts to reverse the prosecution of Mike Flynn failed, Trump pardoned his former National Security Adviser just as Flynn and Sidney Powell were creating the Big Lie.

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17 replies
  1. Spencer Dawkins says:

    I read everything Marcy writes, but this is the first Ball of Thread video I’ve watched. It’s long, but I don’t know what a responsible reporter could possibly have left out, and it’s REALLY nice to have so many critical points that I’ve read about over a period of years in one ball of thread!

    Yeah, I need to watch the previous videos now.

  2. Sussex Trafalgar says:

    Excellent piece!

    Broken Billy Barr is the Republican “fix-it” attorney for the Republican Party billionaires who dislike democracy in favor of authoritarian dictators. Musk, Thiel, Miriam Adelson and Woody Johnson are just four of the several billionaires.

    These billionaires naively think they can control dictators once they put them in power.

    If Trump is elected president in two weeks, he’ll embark on a détente project with Putin whereby eventually he will allow Putin to put Russian soldiers on US soil. Musk and Thiel will support this project as it will give them opportunities, especially Musk, to share rocket and satellite technology with Putin for a profit.

    • dozer2222 says:

      Bill Barr’s 2019 Notre Dame speech ( youtube name “Attorney General William Barr on Religious Liberty” ) is 47 minutes well spent. He looks and sounds more sincere when he talks of American moral decay than at any other time. The particular danger comes from the subtle, often disguised inclusion of “the ends justify the means” in the training of the farthest right (and wealthiest) religious sects, best exemplified by Opus Dei and its many public facing disguises. In fact, I’ve often wondered if there wasn’t forged cognitive connective-tissue between Unitary-Executive thought and the concept of papal-infallibility.
      “Forged” in the sense that repetition actually grows new or additional neural connections.

    • Spencer Dawkins says:

      You might be right about “off topic”, but if I’m learning anything from the Ball of Thread series, everything is connected … so maybe it’s irresponsible not to speculate.

      Usually, the goal of “pump and dump” would be to make money, but when one has as much money as Elmo, just making sure Trump gets as much money out of Truth Social as possible is a more likely goal. If Trump sells enough stock to tank the price, and no one is bidding the price up, he looks like a loser, two weeks before the election, and he still needs money to pay off his court losses when his appeals run out.

      • john paul jones says:

        Trump Media is like the Polymarket site, in that both are supposedly rising and falling in tune with Trump’s chances to win. In actuality, somebody (or several somebodies) are dumping millions into both in order to make it look like Trump’s support is increasing. It’s called buying an election, and to me it seems clear that Elon is involved in at least some of this, given his other attempts to buy people’s votes.

  3. Savage Librarian says:


    Trump and his mob are malicious:
    Barr’s MO, more than suspicious,
    his pretexts for Stone & Flynn, fictitious.

    Auspicious and inauspicious,
    the thugs’ conspiracies were ambitious,
    predatory and surreptitious.

    Vaingloriously vicious,
    Proud Boys were so pernicious,
    their verdict rendered them seditious.

    Barr, still bent on the officious,
    lacks the character to be judicious,
    Damn cover-up, he’s so repetitious.

    Probably not suppositious,
    his corruption, more than expeditious,
    is exactly what he has to wish us.

    rev. 10/23/24

  4. dannyboy says:

    “They’re allready on, on turning the effort to kill the Mueller investigation into the effort to steal the election.”

    Thorough and convincing!

  5. dannyboy says:

    “Harris Will Offer Closing Argument at Ellipse in Washington on Tuesday” – NYT October 23, 2024

    Women will be wild!

    In a good way

  6. Matt Foley says:

    Gabe Sterling, the Chief Operating Officer for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, destroyed MTG’s lies about Dominion fraud.

    OUCH! That’s gonna leave a mark.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      I imagine that will come up in the next defamation lawsuit, too. His knowledge and intent to defame are becoming so easy to prove.

  7. MsJennyMD says:

    Thank you. Superb production. While watching what came to mind was Stone, Manafort and Atwater forming a DC lobbying firm in 1980 on behalf of Republicans. Forty four years of deceitful actions.

    The Secret Papers of Lee Atwater, Who Invented the Scurrilous Tactics That Trump Normalized
    An infamous Republican political operative’s unpublished memoir shows how the Party came to embrace lies, racial fearmongering, and winning at any cost.

    The Swamp Builders
    How Stone and Manafort helped create the mess Trump promised to clean up

  8. Matt Foley says:

    OT but must share!

    At today’s county commissioner meeting one of the Dem commissioners announced that his kid’s Halloween costume will be an election dropbox. Masterful troll of the lone MAGA on the commission!

  9. Matt Foley says:

    Phoenix man Jeffrey Michael Kelly charged with shooting Democratic office had 250,000 rounds and a grenade launcher.

    “0 results found.”
    –Fox News search results

  10. dozer2222 says:

    So glad to see this thread kept alive. I haven’t lost hope for a message that can break through the MAGA-cult-mantra-firewall. A message that parts the smokescreen a bit so they can see that their grievances (which were legitimate just before the Tea Party formation) were caused not by a manufactured “other” but by the unholy alliance of the Billionaire-networks and the “Spanish Inquisition”(best represented by Opus Dei). There are many more than these in the alliance (Russia, the Peter Thiel Billionaire nextgen, etc) but these two are enough to form an “entity”, easier to draw a bead on. The catharsis of legitimate venting could break the MAGA fever dream just long enough for logic to get a foothold before MAGA countermeasures are applied. Long enough for a small chunk of MAGA to vent their anger at the polls, say an 80,000 sized chunk out of tens of millions.
    Grievances form the front of mind fulcrum where Trump most effectively anchors his leverage of the MAGA millions.
    Just a tiny dollop of logic-grease on the fulcrum and . . . . . . . . .

    • dannyboy says:

      News reported today should add a drop of grease on the fulcrum:

      “Two Brothers Charged With Assaulting Officers in Jan. 6 Riot” (NYT October 25,2023)
      “Roger and Reynold Voisine, from upstate New York, used weapons that included a pipe, a police shield and a table leg studded with nails, prosecutors said.”

      #TableLegWhacker & #BlueJavelin’s mom must be heartbroken. They shamed her and the family. People do notice this.

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