Trump’s GOP Is Running on a Platform of Freeing Seditionists and Cop Assailants

I’m halfway done my first review of the materials Jack Smith released today.

All of us who have followed this have concluded there’s not any new news (though the presentation of it reveals certain things about Smith’s investigation).

So why did Trump’s lawyers wail and wail about releasing these materials before the election?

Just days ago, after all, Trump’s lawyers argued that releasing these materials would alter the election.

It may be this:

As the appendix documents, on March 11, 2024, Trump posted to Truth Social that, along with closing the border and DRILL, BABY, DRILL, his first priority, Day One, was to free the seditionists and cop assailants who had fought for him on January 6.

Prosecutors cited that post to support their argument that Trump ratified the violence that day.

As the Government identified in its Rule 404(b) notice, ECF No. 174-1 at 8-9, the Government will introduce some of the defendant’s numerous statements that post-date his time as President in which he has blamed Pence and approved of the actions of his supporters who breached the Capitol and obstructed the certification proceeding,722 thus providing evidence of his intent on January 6.

The defendant’s endorsement of the violent actions of his supporters on January 6, and his sentiment that they were justified in threatening Pence—all made while the defendant was a private citizen after the end of his term in office—are probative of his intent during the charged conspiracies.

722 See, e.g., GA 1970 at 17:37 (Video of Trump Interview 07/10/2021); GA 1926 at 1:15:30 (Video of Conroe Rally 01/29/2022); GA 1971 at 15:51, 16:42 (Video of Trump Interview 02/01/2022): GA 1962 at 48:29 (Video of Trump at Faith and Freedom Coalition 06/17/2022); GA 1966 at 09:30 (Video of Trump Interview 09/01/2022); GA 1973 at 43:07 (Video of Waco Rally 03/25/2023); GA 1694 (Transcript of CNN Town Hall 05/10/2023); GA 1964 (Video of Trump Campaign Statement 2024); GA 1967 at 45:18 (Video of Trump Interview 08/23/2023); GA 1965 at 56:10, 57:11 (Video of Trump Interview on Meet the Press 09/17/2023); GA 1935 at 35:50, 01:16:16 (Video of Greensboro Rally 03/02/2024); GA 967 (Donald J. Trump Truth Social Post 03/11/2024); Isaac Arnsdorf and Maeve Reston, 7rump claims violence he inspired on Jan. 6 was Pence’s fault, WASH. PostT, (Mar. 13, 2023, 8:09 p-m.), [my emphasis]

The GOP candidate for President has a criminal docket. And in that criminal docket, today, the government included a post promising to free seditionists and cop-assailants with the same urgency with which Donald Trump promises to close the border. “My first acts,” the GOP standard-bearer stated, would include freeing the people who assaulted the Capitol on January 6.

This was the proposal back in March, one of the first things Trump did after Nikki Haley conceded. And since that time, the entire GOP has fallen into line behind that plan.

The Republican Party’s candidate for President is running on a platform of freeing cop assailants and seditionists.

There’s nothing new in this appendix. But that post does clarify things considerably.

7 replies
  1. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Donny Trump, Mr. Law and Order. Makes you wonder why so many law enforcement unions are behind this schmuck.

    As for Donny, he may feel he needs a big mob to get back into office, but he’ll need a bigger one to stay there.

      • TooLoose LeTruck says:

        And I think it’s safe to say you are absolutely right in your opinion…

        There’s a really strong article up at the Atlantic, about the rhetoric Trump has been using of late…

        Written by Anne Applebaum, who knows what she’s talking about…

        I’ve never been this afraid of an American candidate before…

      • Peterr says:

        Trump would disagree.

        “I am the Law, and I give the Orders. Just ask SCOTUS, who declared me immune from prosecution!”

  2. Savage Librarian says:

    Ratholes of Lost Time

    Like a brute who went viral
    Like a squeal within a squeal
    On a bender, never winning
    On an ever skimming deal

    Like a downfall always counting
    on someone to impugn
    Like a mobster still returning
    to a nominal tycoon

    Like some schlock that keeps creeping
    past the limits of the base
    And the world just can’t grapple
    with a brute so out of place

    Like the brutes that you find
    in the ratholes of lost time

    Like a pummel that you cop to
    that begets a pummel of it’s own
    Then you have to case for a tavern
    where you’ll be left alone

    Like a plan that keeps evolving
    through a half cockeyed scheme
    by the principals and rogues
    and mob bosses in the team

    Malaise now mingles in the docket
    Records rankle in your head
    A newcomer quite so glibly
    did a doozy on your spread

    Covers gone from in a drawer
    can leave their imprints on the stand
    Your assistant’s constant humming
    says you’re not in such demand

    Files hanging in their folders
    Your stagnant speeches are all wrong
    Half-remembered words and places
    But just where do you belong?

    Now you know it’s close to over
    as you are forced to be aware
    that the people now are yearning
    for a leader from elsewhere

    Like a brute who went viral
    Like a squeal within a squeal
    On a bender, never winning
    On an ever skimming deal

    All your images maligned
    Like the brutes that you find
    in the ratholes of lost time

    “Windmills Of Your Mind (M.Legrand) piano JMAGP”

  3. SunZoomSpark says:

    TFGs physical and cognitive decline is becoming increasingly apparent. I think the time may be right for the campaign and/or the supportive ad creators to raise the prospect of JDV lurking in the wings, ready to take over.
    JD is historically unpopular and Donny is looking feeble.
    They should push the message that a vote for TFG is a vote for JD.

    This would have the added benefit of driving Donny closer to the precipice.


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