Jack Smith’s Appendix

Sorry it has taken me so long to post the appendix to Jack Smith’s immunity briefing. The four sections are here:

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

Volume IV

There’s virtually nothing new here. Trump’s temper tantrum was little more than a public wail that if people saw already-public documents about his plotting to run fake electors, it would swing the election.

That said, there are a few things we can confirm from the structure of all this, which I’ll write up over the weekend.

70 replies
  1. SVFranklinS says:

    Every page I’ve looked at in the links above simply says “SEALED”.
    Are these the correct links?

  2. harpie says:

    Thanks for getting the Docs up here, Marcy!

    A lot of sealed pages in Volume 1, but so far, the order seems to be sealed pages, then J6 Committee interview transcripts. The dates of the interviews are included, so probably Marcy will know who is being interviewed…I haven’t kept track of all that. Can’t tell if there’s anything new.

    Vol 1 [pdf169/723] TRUMP aide interview; re: when he returned to the WH after 1/6/21 rally 1:21 PM

    So, TRUMP was having his RABBLE ROUSING taped for posterity, and:

    Q: And you were telling him the speech was cut off at the end. Do you know why it was cut off?

    A: Because it jumped to what was happening down at the Capitol.

    Q: So when the President came back in this moment – – this is timestamped 1:21 PM – – you were telling him that his speech was cut off and the recording because the coverage jumped to what was happening at the Capitol. Is that right?

    A: Yes, sir. […]

    [pdf170/723] A: It’s like, they’re rioting down there at the Capitol. And he was, like, Oh, really? And then he was like, All right, let’s go see. […]

    • SteveBev says:

      Should one wish to cross refer from the brief to the GA the page numbers in the brig refer to
      GA pagination
      I have identified all the GA pages which have unredacted evidence on them by Volume number and GA page number.
      I have included a ready reckoner for ease of calculating the GA page number from the PDF page reference in each Volume, and vice versa
      It is a slightly long comment so will thread it by volume as 4 replies to myself

        • SteveBev says:

          Sorry It came out a bit garbled,
          I meant to say that the brief (not brig) refers to a doc by GA page number not the pdf page number
          So I constructed an index using GA pagination

          But I included a way of reckoning what the pdf page number would be for the relevant GApage (and vice versa)
          So the index is relatively straightforward and not cluttered ie
          The reckoner tools avoid filling the index with lots of data about page numbers from both systems of pagination

          Apologies for not returning to topic sooner but I suffered a health issue shortly after the comment.
          The index is probably superseded by that posted by Marcy recently.

        • harpie says:

          Steve, I’m sorry to hear about the health episode
          and hope very much that you are ok!

          I was confused because of my own insufficient knowledge. I didn’t realize GA in the indictment refers to the Appendix… [I am SO far behind] … I understand now, after reading Marcy’s post yesterday and spending a little more time with the Indictment and the Appendixes.

          Thanks for the work you did on that and I’m sorry if you spent time
          on it because of me. :-( It was a BIG mistake for me to do the pages like I did.

        • SteveBev says:

          1Health issue : getting treatment and investigation tldr my blood pressure taken in a resting standing position is 25% less than when taken in a sitting position

          2 Re index is was doing it for myself to be able to follow the argument in due course assuming the desirable course indeed comes due! I imagined it might be useful to others. It may still be.

        • harpie says:

          Steve, I’m sending best wishes and keeping my fingers crossed
          that your situation is managed quickly and effectively!

          And yes, it might be useful!

    • harpie says:

      Lisa Rubin mentions this excerpt in her article, here:

      Here’s what stands out in Jack Smith’s 1,889 page appendix The exhibits to Smith’s immunity brief largely remain a mystery, but snippets of witness statements give clues about his litigation strategy, if the federal election interference case survives. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/jack-smith-trump-evidence-jan-6-election-case-rcna175265 Oct. 18, 2024, 7:57 PM Lisa Rubin

      She has realized that the interview transcripts are in alphabetical order, and notes that except for one, we have seen them before.

      […] Now, for that exception: As Politico’s Kyle Cheney observed on X [link], one interview was provided with fewer redactions than were previously in the public domain. Specifically, earlier this year, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., released a redacted version [link] of the June 10, 2022, interview that a still-unnamed White House valet provided to the Jan. 6 committee. […]

      But LOUDERMILK, of course, redacted some important information,
      which we now get to see.

    • harpie says:

      RUBIN’s list of [unSEALED] Testimony Transcripts used
      [she provides links to them in the article]:

      Former Attorney General Bill Barr, who resigned in late December 2020
      Former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers
      Former Trump deputy campaign manager Justin Clark
      Former senior Trump White House aide Kellyanne Conway, who left the Trump administration months before the election

      Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman
      Stephanie Grisham, former chief of staff to Melania Trump
      White House speechwriter Vincent Haley, who helped draft the Ellipse speech
      Chris Hodgson, then Vice President Mike Pence’s chief aide in the Senate
      Pence’s counsel Greg Jacob
      Jan. 6 rally organizer Amy Kremer
      Then-senior campaign adviser Jason Miller
      Then-campaign adviser Katrina Pierson
      Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
      Former Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey
      Former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien
      White House speechwriter Ross Worthington [] contributed to the Ellipse speech

      Former Trump fundraiser Caroline Wren, who later advised grocery heiress Julie Fancelli on where to direct her money in the post-election period.

      [I guess it would have been good to put the pages in that list…haven’t done that yet.]

  3. harpie says:

    Volume 2 consists of TRUMP Tweets and ReTweets and some Truth Social posts.

    The last one is a TS post from 3/11/24 telling his readers what he’ll do when he is elected President.

    V2 [pdf246/246] TRUMP 3/11/24 7:55 PM:

    My first acts as your next President will be to Close the Border, DRILL, BABY, DRILL, and Free the January 6 Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!

  4. Robot-seventeen says:

    Spam Risk Egypt?

    That’s what displays when Don-Don calls you direct? Somebody alert Jimmy Kimmel. That’s too much hahaha!

      • Robot-seventeen says:

        Ah ok. Sorry about that. I just glanced at the doc and it was the first thing I came to on page 557 of the first appendix (doc 266).

        ” The Speaker of the House told me I might be getting a call from The President of the United States and advised me that my display on my phone would say, “Spam risk Egypt.” That was my notification for the fact that it might be him.”

        I don’t know who it was, but they said they were surprised they may get a call and more surprised about the Egypt bit.

        Trump had a burner phone from Egypt? Now that’s outsourcing!

        [Moderator’s note: Please use the SAME USERNAME and email address each time you comment so that community members get to know you. You attempted to publish this and your last comment as “Robot_seventeen” using an underbar instead of a dash in your name. This is triggering auto-moderation requiring human intervention. I have fixed it and the last one but you need to handle it on your end or future comments won’t clear. Please check your browser’s cache and autofill. /~Rayne]

        • Memory hole says:

          That definitely is weird. Because I recall that after the Jan 6 attempted coup went down, Donald Trump made a comment something to the effect of,” I wasn’t using a burner phone.”. Maybe every statement really is an admission.

        • Fran of the North says:

          If using a burner phone isn’t conduct unbecoming of POTUS, I don’t know what it. It literally SCREAMS illicit behavior.

    • Narpington says:

      There was “sorry Potus had my phone” from one of his aides during the Mar a Lago stolen documents thing.

      They’re all at it:

      “Hey, let’s call Trump,” [Lindsey] Graham said to MBS while visiting with the Saudi leader in March.

      Woodward writes that bin Salman had an aide bring over a bag with about 50 burner phones, pulling out one labeled “TRUMP 45.”
      Among the others in the bag, Woodward writes, was a burner labeled “JAKE SULLIVAN.”

  5. harpie says:

    This is what I’ve got so far scrolling through Volume 3:
    [pages in between are redacted]

    [pdf34/536] Arizona Superior Court proceedings from 11/13/20
    [pdf49/536 to 67/536] PENCE book
    [pdf74/536] State officials and legislatures responses: Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin,
    [pdf122/536 to 147/536] Transcript: “President Trump Remarks at Georgia U.S. Senate Campaign Event” on 1/4/21
    [pf148/536 to 175/536] Transcript: Trump’s remarks at Ellipse Rally on 1/6/21
    [pdf188/536 to 207/536] Transcript: Trump call with Raffensperger 1/2/21

    • harpie says:

      The rest of Volume 3:

      [pdf224 – 226/536] Article: Mich. GOP leaders say Biden won state, encourage public to support democracy // Shirkey and Chatfield’s statements are included below; Published 12/14/20 12:55 PM EST
      [pdf232 – 236/536] NEVADA Facts vs. Myths #1-14
      [pdf255/536] PA correspondence [date?] re electors from legislators Corman, Ward, Cutler, Benninghof
      [pdf258 – 269/536] Wisconsin correspondence re: 11/18/20 TRUMP request for recount of election results
      [pdf270/536] 11/12/20 CISA Statement
      [pdf275/536] TRUMP 11/23/20 campaign statement on legal team
      [pdf276/536] Comms Alert @GOP.com 12/1/20 Subject: AP: Barr: No evidence of fraud that’d change election outcome
      [pdf278/536] 12/1/20 TRUMP campaign statement on 12/1/20 BARR statement [AP article]
      [pdf283 – 289/536] 11/18/20 MEMO: The Real Deadline for Settling a State’s Electoral Votes
      [pdf294 – 299/536] 12/6/20 MEMO: Important That All Trump-Pence Electors Vote on December 14
      [pdf300 – 304/536] 12/9/20 MEMO: Statutory Requirements for December 14 Electoral Votes
      [pdf306/536] Certificate of Ascertainment – New Mexico
      [pdf384 – 390/536] 11/18/20 [12/10/20 streamlined revision] MEMO: The Real Deadline for Settling a State’s Electoral Votes
      [pdf391 – 402/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Georgia
      [pdf403 – 413/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Michigan
      [pdf414 – 432/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Pennsylvania
      [pdf454 – 458/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Arizona
      [pdf459 – 478/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Nevada
      [pdf479 – 484/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – New Mexico
      [pdf485 – 491/536] Re: 12/14/20 GOP Electoral Votes – Wisconsin
      [pdf492 – 536/536] SEALED

  6. Amateur Lawyer At Work says:

    There needs to be an update on the old “A person who represents himself has a fool for a client.” Something about how you can’t “micromanage your own lawyers without the lead attorney of a group of fools” because it is foolish that this was fought over, it is foolish that this was released without effective opposition, and it is foolish that the reply brief opposing release was the same failed argument as every other failed opposition brief (“My client is very important and a candidate for office.”). The last one also constitutes ‘insanity,’ technically.

    • Bruce Olsen says:

      The purpose of Trump’s filing was not to adhere to the norms of the law. It was to, ummm, strengthen the case he repeatedly makes to his base.

      It’s propaganda, not a legal document.

      • dannyboy says:

        Agree, but that needn’t negate the fact that he “micromanage[d] [his] own lawyers with the lead attorney of a group of fools” (We useta’ call ’em shysters.)

        So it’s propaganda AND deception; Trump’s M.O.
        It’s this twofer’ that makes him unique.

      • Amateur Lawyer At Work says:

        The attorneys who presumably wrote it also are required to SIGN it and present it in front of a judge that can (and apparently has) taken time to unlimber her thesaurus’s entry for “idiot”. No one likes that, especially attorneys may not get paid. Cuz, if TFG wins and has their Attorney Private dismiss the case, TFG won’t think that his attorneys kept the case at bay until, but rather that they failed to get it dismissed. “I did the work, so I should get paid, not them.”

        • Peterr says:

          In addition, lawyers who submit testimony, evidence, and/or make motions they know to be false or frivolous are subject to sanction, both by the court and the bar association.

          See also Giuliani, Rudy; Eastman, John; et al.

          Hmmmm . . . Don’t get paid for this legal work, or never work as a lawyer again? Rock, meet Hard Place.

        • boatgeek says:

          In reply to Peterr immediately above.

          A single tear rolls down my cheek to the sounds of the world’s tiniest violin playing the world’s saddest song. The moment passes.

  7. CitizenSane77 says:

    So it’s all public tweets from 2021 and J6 testimony? Anything new released from the 3.5 years of gathering evidence?

    And what do you think represents the sealed content?

    • Peterr says:

      Grand jury testimony.

      It would not get unsealed until it is introduced at trial. If it isn’t introduced as evidence, it doesn’t get unsealed.

  8. ToldainDarkwater says:

    Well, this is fun. From the first unsealed transcript, from a hearing or interview before the Jan 6 Committee. The person being interviewed is an election official in Arizona. They go over a call he got in late November 2020.

    A: […]they said: Well, we are given to understand – and I am reconstructing a lot of things in my mind, that is, to my best memory – I understand that there are – there has been a lot of fraud in your election.

    And then he [not Trump but someone else on the call, I think the president of the Arizona State Senate] proceeded to give classifications, groups of people, a large amount, 60,000 illegal aliens, you know, large numbers, voted in your election, fraudulent military ballots were counted in your election, people that voted and moved – and he had more. I can’t remember all of them and — and I said: […] do you have proof of that?

    And they said: Yes.

    I said: Do you have names?


    Can you give those to me?


    And the President – and I said: I need more than just numbers. I need proof, and I need it on my desk. I don’t want it – It’s not a thing about a hunch, I think, maybe, none of that. It has to be proof, names, how they voted, on my desk.

    Q: [Name redacted] can interrupt you for one moment?

    A: Of course

    Q: So was the person who started ticking off these claims that there were 60,000 illegal aliens that voted, a number of dead people voted, was that President Trump or [Name redacted]?

    A: No, it was [name redacted].

    Q: Did the President share any of his thoughts or give any input on the specifics of the claims of election fraud?

    A: He did not, to my recollection. Not to the specifics. He didn’t offer any numbers or anything.

    Q: So [Name redacted] –

    A: He did say —

    Q: I’m sorry

    A: He did say, because I — I was insistent that I had to have proof, real proof, judicial level. That’s the kind of proof I’m talking about. And the President said [Name redacted] give the man what he wants. Give him what he wants.

    And [Name redacted] said: I will. I will. We have it.

    [I’ll skip a bit about what’s the ask which I don’t quite follow and isn’t the point I wanted to make anyway.]

    Q: Did [Name redacted] give you the evidence that you were asking for in that conversation?

    A: Not then and not a week later, not 2 weeks later, not now. Never.


    Wow. That’s the whole “the check is in the mail” thing, in a different theater.

    • CitizenSane77 says:

      Giuliani is the redacted name claiming he had proof, and the redacted name told to “give the man what he wants” is Jenna Ellis.

      • ToldainDarkwater says:

        I feel like I’m at a baseball game listening to the vendor calling, “Programs! Programs! You can’t tell the players without a program!”

        • CitizenSane77 says:

          I feel like a 5th grader listening to a classmate (JS) read highlights of a book everyone read 3.5 years ago.

  9. Benoit Roux says:

    On MSNBC they were just saying that there is a witness that turned the TV on for Trump and can positively say that he was sitting and watching while the violence was shown live on TV. Not sure if this is new or not. So much for a “day of love”.

  10. ToldainDarkwater says:

    As interesting as all this is, there are people out there who think all charges against Trump have been dropped, and it was all a fabrication. They probably think the Hunter Biden thing was drummed up, too, because that’s what people do, and it’s all of a piece. I’m not sure this will make a dent. Is Trump depressed about this? I don’t know why.

    Rather than point a finger at any one organization, I would rather look at what the media ecosystem looks like in the time of the internet. Fox is a problem, of course, but Facebook is much more of a problem. Most of the conspiracy theories start on Facebook, not on Fox, which just reports them. And Trump passes them on.

    The strange claims seem more credible because they come from “just folks” and let me tell you, faking “authenticity” is a thing so many people are now figuring out how to do.

    I think, at the least, we are going to have to reform our laws concerning defamation, and make it harder to pass around lies about government officials. That’s a tricky, tricky business, and yet other countries appear to have and keep democracies with somewhat differing approaches.

    Of course, one of the worst parts about the lies on social media is that the technology assists in keeping these things out of the sight of the people who could effectively rebut them, until they have gathered a whole bunch of momentum. I don’t really know how to deal with that. It’s The Algorithm, man. The Algorithm.

  11. Twaspawarednot says:

    “Trump’s temper tantrum was little more than a public wail that if people saw already-public documents about his plotting to run fake electors, it would swing the election.” isn’t that in itself, an admission of exposure to be condemning?

  12. JanAnderson says:

    This isn’t about ‘low information people’. I’ve never believed that.
    They know exactly what they want/wanted, by any means. Willing in other words. They waffle on camera out of a little sense of shame left, in front of fellow Americans, but off camera? Nah, they’re down for it all. They’ve no interest in any of this, the Rule of Law etc, because they are willing. Harris said the other night on Fox, when baited, paraphrasing here, ‘I would never call them stupid, they’re Americans’. They are, and they’re not stupid, but they have very different ideas, really really bad ideas. Were they molded by Trump, by disinformation/misinformation? Nah, he simply honed in on a ‘good thing’ for his own purposes. As all dictators and their circles do. He’s just the current “in” because it’s so much more easy to blow it up, take it over – from within. As history has taught us. Adolf Hitler comes to mind. He got an ‘in’ inititially and then never, and wasn’t, stopped, Oops, too late.
    Trump et al must be stopped now.
    Now is numbers – every Democrat supporter must take it upon themselves to get put the vote. Expats, there are over 6 million of ye – you can make a difference.
    I’m glad to see Jack Smith keeping calm and carrying on. The system of justice is still doing what it should. :-)

    • Memory hole says:

      “Taking it over from within.” A book by Moises Naim, “Revenge of Power” goes into that playbook. It is being used in many countries around the world. Rich and poor, socialist to Trump’s style fascism. Pretty much the same methods threaten democracies worldwide.

      I have only gotten a little ways into it, but it really sounds like our predicament here.

      We really need a landslide by Harris and the Democrats to block the backslide to authoritarianism.

    • ExRacerX says:

      eh, they’re only “low information” b/c they’ve swallowed so much disinformation and outright lies that the factual truths have been crowded out.

      It’s virtually impossible to argue with people who swallow such offal whole and without examination.

  13. Booksellerb4 says:

    Try as I might, it’s tough to keep up with all the details (and various trials) in litigation (NY, DC, FL,) that abound the current Republican candidate (for the office of President of the United States)

    but I would like to mention that (ha, no linking) Raw Story has a piece that follows the money…and a simple spreadsheet that adds up to 3 million dollars (!) in expenses for Jan 4-6, 2021. Including expenses for the Willard Hotel, no shit! I thought Sarah did a nice job on that!

    So “New Jack Smith documents reveal millions spent on Jan. 6 rally” article up today there was worth the read!

    Thanks again Marcy, Rayne, Harpie, EofH, Peterr, + lawyers, etc for giving us your talents, time and (most important) tenacious dedication to sussing out the truth, wherever it may lurk, and posting it ever so quickly. :)

    PS I hope I’m not forgetting if you already have posted a spreadsheet/table on this very thing…? I will take a dive into the EW archive this weekend, to see what I might have missed!

  14. harpie says:

    VOLUME 4
    [pdf6 – 42/384] Four partial documents; Heading: “January 6 scenario”
    [pdf63/384] Hand-written note: 1/5/21 [meeting about – “Request VP reject” […] unclear]
    [pdf162/384] 1/6/21 13:56 [+11] email from TRUMP for President, Inc press office to someone at Donald Trump dot com. re: 1/5/21 “Statement from President Donald J. Trump”

    […] The New York Times report regarding comments Vice President Pence supposedly made to me today is fake news. The Vice President and I are in total agreement that the Vice President has the power to act. […]

    [pdf163 – 166] Text chain from 1/6/21 at 10:36 AM re: “We need to get a document on the Wisconsin electors to you for the VP immediately. […]”
    [pdf181 – 182/384] Beginning of TRUMP rally speech [draft?]
    [pdf183 – 185/384] PENCE’s 1/6/21 letter
    [pdf190 – 194/384] Transcript [partial] of 5/11/23 CNN town hall with TRUMP
    [pdf202 – 203/384] Congressional Record of 1/6/21
    [pdf209 – 211/384] Email from WH Press Office 11/20/20 14:24 -0500 (EST)

    To: [redacted] Subject: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany [Partial transcript] [She is asked about conceding the election, Trump meeting with MI legislators, transition planning]

    [pdf258 – /384] Ten 1/4/21 fund raising emails from various entities re: Georgia Senate Election Rally
    [pdf304 – 317/384] BUDGET and ITINERARY DOCS for 1/4/21 until 1/6/21
    [pdf334 – 342/384] TRUMP rally speech [draft?]
    [pdf343 – 346/384] TRUMP administration promotional materials [Late 2020 DATE???]
    [pdf352 – 364/384] 11/18/20 U.S. Office of Special Counsel // Report of Prohibited Political Activity Under the Hatch Act
    [pdf367/384] Transcript of TRUMP’s 1/6/21 [TIME?] VIDEO statement

    I know your pain […] and go home at peace.”

    [pdf368 – 384/384] [SEALED]

    • harpie says:

      Breaking this out a bit:

      [pdf304 – 317/384] BUDGET and ITINERARY DOCS for 1/4/21 until 1/6/21

      [pdf304/384] BUDGET DOCS An ITINERARY for 1/4/21 2:30 PM
      from Lakeland until 1/6/21 9:15 PM back in Lakeland;
      includes Georgia rally with TRUMP
      to WILLARD Hotel in DC;
      WH Tour on 1/5 AM;
      1/5/21 Rally/speeches;
      1/6/21 Rally/speeches [10:30 AM];
      leave WILLARD at 6:00 PM

      [pdf305/384] BUDGET DOCS document for ITINERARY [pdf304/384]
      [Turning Point Action // Save the U.S. Senate // Tea Party Express // [redacted] // Rule of Law Defense Fund (RAGA) // Bluebonnet Fundraising LLC // Women for America First/Rally Event organizers // Speakers/Fees/Speakers Travel, Crowd Building/Busing Program, Hotel/Flights/Security

      • harpie says:

        ^^^ That [redated] “Entity”:

        Round 1 $200,000
        Entity: [redacted]
        Description: This investment will go directly to [redacted] to assist with his organization efforts.

        Roger STONE? Alex JONES? Ali ALEXANDER?
        Is Lakeland in Florida?

        Added: [LOL!]

        Lakeland is home to several colleges and universities. Lakeland Linder International Airport is in Lakeland as is the corporate headquarters of Publix, a supermarket chain.

        Julie Fancelli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Fancelli
        heiress to the Publix supermarkets fortune

        • harpie says:

          That may be Roger STONE’s Itinerary!

          1/5/21 8:00 PM Dinner [TBD] Washington, DC

          7:50-7:59 PM STONE speaks last, from 7:50-7:59 PM
          8:51 PM STONE leaves Willard (later claims that he was going to get his hair dyed)

        • Savage Librarian says:

          The article at the bottom of my comment is full of information that might help with the redactions, as well as provide reminders of who was doing what and when. It’s also useful to see how much Caroline Wren networked.

          She worked for Kimberly Guilfoyle, at Trump Victory, during the 2020 campaign. And, among others, she texted with Taylor Budowich, former executive director of Tea Party Express. It might be useful to add his name to the list of potential people redacted.

          Also, there’s a “Fancelli Budget and Trip Plan” spreadsheet that says, “This investment ($200,000) will go directly to Alex Jones to assist with his organization efforts.”


          “Meet the Operatives Who Profited From January “ – Dan Friedman, 1/12/24

        • harpie says:

          Oh! That looks great, SL! Thanks!
          So it is Alex JONES. lol [I KNOW I’m not caught up on stuff…ugg]

          But, at this point, I have to take a break until tomorrow…see you then! :-)

    • harpie says:

      The first row of that BUDGET doc:
      [This may be the FANCELLI money…it adds up to $3 million]

      Round 1: $1,000,000.00
      Entity: Turning Point Action
      Description: Turning Point Action was founded by [redacted] [KIRK]. This investment will allow them to deploy social media influencers and students from around the country to Washington, D.C. to attend the rally. Additionally, they will be producing all the video content at the event and will also be running nationwide ads educating millions about the significance of January 6th for President Trump, in addition to mobilizing students to fight against voter fraud as well as help expand Turning Point Action’s campus army towards the President’s America First goals/objectives.

    • harpie says:

      Row 2:
      Round 1: $500,000.00
      Entity: Save the U.S. Senate
      Description: Save the U.S. Senate PAC was founded by Donald Trump, Jr in an effort to stop the Georgia Voter Fraud and to help re-elect Republican Senate candidates Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. This investment will help support attendance at President Trump’s rally on January 4th and will also enable the organization to make additional ad buys featuring Donald Trump, Jr to encourage Senators Loeffler and Perdue to vote to stop the steal in Georgia on January 6.

      [I’ll continue here later…]

    • harpie says:

      Row 3:
      Round 1: $400,000.00
      Entity: Tea Party Express
      Description: They will use the contribution to create a centralized website to promote the rally events on January 5th and 6th including the agenda and an RSVP page. They will use targeted ads to promote the website to encourage individuals to attend and sign up via the webpage. This will include both a television, radio and digital campaign to promote the January 6th rally and will geo-target a 180 mile radius to encourage attendance.

    • harpie says:

      Row 4:
      Round 1: $200,000.00
      Entity: [Redacted]
      Description: This investment will go directly to [Redacted] to assist with his organization efforts.

      Row 5:
      Round 1: $200,000.00
      Entity: Rule of Law Defense Fund (RAGA)
      Description: The Republican Attorney Generals (RAGA) have been incredibly supportive of President Trump’s legal efforts. This investment would fund their continued legal efforts to fight the election fraud around the country with so many pending lawsuits.

      Row 6:
      Round 1: $50,000.00
      Entity: Bluebonnet Fundraising LLC
      Description: This payment is to retain [redacted] services including overseeing the budget, event organization, travel logistics and donor advisement. The budget is built to scale pending subcontractors that may be needed to assist with the executions and logistics of the rallies.

    • harpie says:

      Row 7:
      Round 2: $300,000.00
      Entity: Women for America First/Rally Event organizers
      Description: These funds will assist the organizers of the rally. The main organizer is currently Women for America First but another organization holds the actual permits. Holding on payment until this gets worked out but the organizers expect the expenses to be around $300,000 and they have raised $150,000 to date so this would go to supplement the additional costs.

      Row 8:
      Round 2: $2000,000.00
      Entity: Speakers Fees/Speakers Travel
      Description: This is money we are holding back to help assist VIP speakers that will need potential speakers fees, flights, lodging, etc.

      Row 9:
      Round 2: $100,000,00
      Entity: Crowd Building/Busing Program
      Description: We will need these funds to organize a busing program for cities within 180 mile radius. We may just contract directly through Bluebonnet Fundraising with the busing companies.

      Row 10:
      Round 2: $100,000.00
      Entity: Hotels/Flights/Security
      Description: This is the estimated cost for the hotels/private flights, car services and private security for the [Redacted] group (estimate 10-15 people)

      Total Round 1: $2,350,000.00
      Total Round 2: $700,000,00
      Total Budget: $3,000,000.00

      [^^^ That doesn’t add up, right?]

  15. harpie says:

    VOLUME 1 J6 Committee Testimony

    [pdf1 – 7/723] SEALED [7pp]
    [pdf8 – 11/723] Former AG Bill BARR
    [pdf12 – 20/723] SEALED [9pp]
    [pdf21 – 47/723] AZ House Speaker Rusty BOWERS
    [pdf48 – 126/723] SEALED [79pp]

    There’s a change in the size of the “SEALED” labels bet. pdf114-115

    [pdf127 – 131/723] Deputy campaign manager Justin CLARK
    [pdf132 – 160/273] SEALED [29pp]
    [pdf161 – 162/273] Senior WH aide Kellyanne CONWAY
    [pdf163 – 166/723] SEALED [3pp]
    [pdf167 – 170/723] WH Employee [unnamed]
    [pdf171 – 172/723] Georgia election worker Ruby FREEMAN
    [pdf173 – 180/723] SEALED [8pp]
    [pdf181 – 183/723] COS to Melania Trump, Stephanie GRISHAM
    [pdf184 – 190/723] SEALED [7pp]
    [pdf191 – 193/723] Vincent HALEY, WH speechwriter; helped draft Ellipse speech
    [pdf194 – 261/723] SEALED [67pp]
    [pdf262 – 264/723] Chris HODGSON, PENCE chief Senate aide
    [pdf265 – 266/723] SEALED [2pp]
    [pdf267 – 273/723] PENCE counsel Greg JACOB
    [pdf274 – 297/723] SEALED [24pp]

    There’s a change in the size of the “SEALED” labels bet. pdf291-292
    and again bet pdf294-295

    [pdf298 – 303/723] J6 rally organizer Amy KREMER
    [pdf304 – 374/723] SEALED [71pp]

    There’s a change in the size of the “SEALED” labels bet. pdf305-306

    [pdf375 – 387/723] Senior campaign adviser Jason MILLER
    [pdf388 – 481/723] SEALED [94pp]
    [pdf482 – 487/723] Campaign adviser Katrina PIERSON
    [pdf488 – 513/723] SEALED [26pp]
    [pdf514 – 516/723] Georgia SoS, Brad RAFFENSPERGER
    [pdf517 – 553/723] SEALED [37pp]
    [pdf554 – 572/723] Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike SHIRKEY
    [pdf573 – 609/723] SEALED [37pp]
    [pdf610 – 615/723] Campaign manager Bill STEPIEN
    [pdf616 – 634/723] SEALED [19pp]
    [pdf635 – 637/723] WH speechwriter Ross WORTHINGTON, helped with Ellipse speech
    [pdf638 – 643/723] SEALED [6pp]
    [pdf644 – 654/723] J6 Fundraiser Caroline WREN [connection with FANCELLI]
    [pdf655 – 709/723] SEALED [55pp]
    [pdf710 – 715/723] BLACKED OUT PAGES [6pp]
    [pdf716 – 723/723] SEALED [8pp]

  16. harpie says:

    [pdf1 – 7/723] SEALED [7pp] Possible: Alexander, Bannon
    [pdf12 – 20/723] SEALED [9pp] [Maybe BARR cont’d]
    [pdf48 – 126/723] SEALED [79pp] [Maybe BOWERS cont’d]; Possible: Caporale, Chafian
    [pdf132 – 160/273] SEALED [29pp] [Maybe CLARK cont’d]
    [pdf163 – 166/723] SEALED [3pp] [Maybe CONWAY cont’d]

    Since there are only 3 SEALED pages between CONWAY and FREEMAN, Fancelli, Fletcher, and Flynn are probably OUT

    [pdf173 – 180/723] SEALED [8pp] [Maybe FREEMAN cont’d]; Possible: Gibson
    [pdf184 – 190/723] SEALED [7pp] [Maybe GRISHAM cont’d]; Possible: Guilfoyle
    [pdf194 – 261/723] SEALED [67pp] [Maybe HALEY cont’d] Possible: Jones, Kirk
    [pdf265 – 266/723] SEALED [2pp] [Maybe HODGSON cont’d]
    [pdf274 – 297/723] SEALED [24pp] [Maybe JACOB cont’d]
    [pdf304 – 374/723] SEALED [71pp] [Maybe A. KREMER cont’d]; Possible: K. Kremer, Lindell, Martin, McMahon
    [pdf388 – 481/723] SEALED [94pp] [Maybe MILLER cont’d]; Possible: Mulvaney
    [pdf488 – 513/723] SEALED [26pp] [Maybe PIERSON cont’d]; Possible: Powers
    [pdf517 – 553/723] SEALED [37pp] [Maybe RAFFENSPERGER cont’d]; Possible: Salem
    [pdf573 – 609/723] SEALED [37pp] [Maybe SHIRKEY cont’d]; Possible: Short
    [pdf616 – 634/723] SEALED [19pp] [Maybe STEPIEN cont’d]; Possible: Stockton, Stone, Eric Trump
    [pdf638 – 643/723] SEALED [6pp] [Maybe WORTHINGTON cont’d]
    [pdf655 – 709/723] SEALED [55pp] [Maybe WREN cont’d]
    [pdf710 – 715/723] BLACKED OUT PAGES [6pp] [Maybe WREN cont’d]
    [pdf716 – 723/723] SEALED [8pp] [Maybe WREN cont’d]; Possible: Unes

    There are some pretty good “possible” entries on this list…like: Jones, Kirk Stone

    • harpie says:

      PAXTON and RAGA:

      2:19 AM · Oct 20, 2024

      This election won’t see another Jan 6 – Trump can’t raise a crowd. But there will be something new; his backers are desperate. In 2020 TX AG Ken Paxton was one of Trump’s main allies. Now, 2 weeks before the election, Paxton previews a plan: to contest the Texas vote. 1/ [screenshot]

      The scariest players in 2020 weren’t Proud Boys; they were rogue state attorneys general, led by Ken Paxton: elected officials all in for sedition. [THREAD]

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