Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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9 replies
  1. xyxyxyxy says:

    Aahhhhhhhhhh! Just watching Gaffigan at Al Smith dinner and he says it’s 19 days to the “election and likely a civil war” and then he says “this is my first civil war” and the audience is laughing hysterically.
    Also, at one of the town halls Trump said something to the effect of Babbit died – nobody died. What?!

    • synergies says:

      I’m 73. I can’t remember going to a website & in particular a website with just capitol letters i.e. KFF and no explanation of what KFF stands for. I had to google to find out Kaiser Family Foundation. We who live in big cities all know of Kaiser Hospitals. No biggie. I wouldn’t answer a survey presented to me by KFF and no explanation of what the initials stand for on their website. It’s comes off as being suspect.
      The results in my opinion don’t reflect most womens most important issues. I.e. abortion access, freedom to choose. Sorry just my opinion. The insane TFG types in all caps when ANGRY! The put off perhaps?

  2. synergies says:

    Sorry Rayne,
    When I clicked on the link provided it immediately went to a large Blue page with the polling graph. I can’t remember if there was an article with but if so minimal. The top of the page had KFF and a few tabs to click with no about us. The page looked nothing like the page when I now click on the link or on the link in a search. Maybe there was a glitch. I also can’t remember any site I’ve went to that doesn’t have their info like “about us” at the top of the page. I admit to being a dinosaur. I learn everyday. IMO at the top of the page it would be nice with an organization with this much info to put at the top of the page along with donate, follow us, magnifying glass (search) please scroll for index or addendum for example. Believe me I always click on a new sites “about us.”

    Sorry for the confusion. I apologize. I admit to being old & not tech. Although adding a health website like that could be more expansive. There’s room at the top of the page. I’ll scroll to the bottom of pages from now on but there are elder people more confused than I : ) No worries.

  3. Savage Librarian says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Kamala and Meena! Hope you have a wonderful day! I think things are really looking good. And just for good measure:

    In the Meantime

    Proud of Harris in the meantime
    Proud of Harris, such a pol
    Proud of Harris
    She’s a winner
    And she’s civil
    Proud of Harris,
    She’s a stunner
    She won’t shrivel

    Proud of Harris, she’s so cogent
    She’s so cogent, she’s so clear
    Proud of Harris
    Why, oh why, so proud of Harris
    Fearless, she perseveres

    “I Love Paris – Paul Mauriat”

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