16 replies
  1. Rayne says:

    “The following program contains graphic material including offensive language.”

    Bring it!

    Harris’ event last night in AP’s Newsroom:

    Attribution: Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris speaks Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, on the Gila River Indian Community reservation in Chandler, Ariz. (AP Photo/Matt York)

  2. synergies says:

    OMG! From the first glimpse of elon mama’s boy jumping & the photo shopped cartoon someone made of him as (TFG’S) a street performer’s monkey (with a cup…) It just gets worse with every image. OMG, he’s flipped his lid and blown all circuits.

    I’m one who has to take in someone of power losing it all in increments, besides TFG, it’s unprecedented in modern times. OMG!

  3. dopefish says:

    Opposite world is so disturbing sometimes. Obama’s speech was a nice breath of fresh air, calling a spade a spade.

    Sort of on-topic: after watching today’s episode, the youtube autoplay happened to show me this question & answer by VP Harris at a Univision Town Hall event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXTYhNfFhKU

    The question was basically “I’m an undecided voter and given the irregular way you were nominated, why should I vote for you?” and Harris’s answer was an impassioned defense of democracy and the rule of law. She covered Jan. 6, Trump’s statements about being a dictator on day one, and terminating the Constitution.

    For once I am real happy Youtube auto-played something, I might otherwise not have known about!

    • Russalnyde says:

      I watched the clip. I’m a little concerned in that Mario was concerned about the process through which she was elected/selected. Unless I misunderstood anything I feel she didn’t answer the question about the process but instead spoke (eloquently) of the reason to vote for her (which I totally support!). I have a relative that keeps pushing the fact that she didn’t go through the primary process and that primary votes for Biden were automatically passed onto her – perhaps counter to the primary voters’ true intentions. I’ve read discussions about the primary votes are actually placed for delegates – per the electoral college functionality – and that, by the fact that those delegates that Biden won eventually gave their support for Harris, she indeed fulfills the primary voters’ intentions. I feel that if that could be addressed and or clarified that could possibly put to rest the pressure from the other side in pushing that she had not gone through the primary process and is therefore not a legitimate candidate. I’m must admit I’m not thoroughly caught up on any conversations surrounding this issue that may have put this to rest either on this site or in the media.

      • emptywheel says:

        The party provided a short deadline for anyone else to run against her. No one ran. She got all but the uncommitted votes among delegates.

        • Russalnyde says:

          Thanks Marcy. That fills out the facts for me and will be helpful when I travel to see some of the family next week.

  4. wa_rickf says:

    The current Rwing narrative that Trump has the election locked-up is false. The Foxy one has been pushing this narrative for over a week now.

    Polling aggregate has VP Harris winning – but barely. Allan Lichtman whose “Keys to the White House” shows that VP Harris will win. Michael Moore predicted a 270 v 268 win for VP Harris.

    ALL of the above are showing a VERY NARROW win for VP Harris.

    Trump’s mood and increasingly false rhetoric has become increasingly dark. Trump pundits are preemptively blaming different minority groups for a Harris win, because it’s easier than reckoning with the kind of gleeful hatred that has absolutely consumed 48% of white folks in this country.

    Moderates don’t owe a thing to the GOP. Moderates don’t owe anything to a party that is out of touch and hell-bent on taking the U.S. backward. And by all means, Moderates owe no loyalty to a POTUS candidate who is morally and ethically bankrupt. Place country over party if one truly cares about our American democratic republic, as deeply held conservative Liz Cheney has done

    More than ever, it is imperative the decent folks vote blue, no matter who. The survival of America depends on decent folks stepping-up in 2024.

  5. Error Prone says:

    Three links, the LATimes behind a subscription wall”:

    “California rejects further SpaceX rocket launches after Musk’s ‘aggressive’ presidential race involvement” – https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/spacex-launch-elon-musk-us-election-california-b2628129.html
    “California officials reject more SpaceX rocket launches, with some citing Musk’s X posts” – https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-10-11/la-me-spacex-coastal-commission
    “California officials cite Elon Musk’s politics in rejecting SpaceX launches” – https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/10/california-reject-musk-spacex-00183371

    Headlining speaks for itself. One thing, the federal government made the requests, not SpaceX itself. Even where SpaceX Starlink launches were sought. How totality of circumstances affected the decisionmaking is unclear, with comments related to Internet commentary by Musk noted, but it unclear how heavily decisionmakers weighed the politics. It leaves some things unclear, but suggests Elon might have legit free speech reasons to move the bulk of new SpaceX enterprise to Texas.

    • P J Evans says:

      Vandenberg is mostly used for polar or near-polar orbital launches, and the state had also concerns about the effects on the local environment. (Much of VSB is still fairly wild.)

  6. wa_rickf says:

    I’ve been trying to understand the Trump phenomena, and why it is so appealing. I’ve concluded that that Trump’s base are made-up of seriously broken and damaged human beings who cannot stand to see others joyful and happy in life. Trump’s base have chosen as their savior a man who is equally broken and as damaged as they are.

    Together, Trump and his followers seek to break, smash, and destroy everything happy and joyful folks hold dear.

    When I view Trump and his followers through the broken and damaged human beings lens, hell-bent on destroying happy and joyful society, the Trump movement makes sense to me.

    I’m not certain that Trump and his followers can be fixed to be made healthy happy Members of society.

    But happy and joyful society should try. We owe it to our own happiness and peace of mind.

  7. John H Wolfe says:

    Another great discussion of important events.

    I am hoping that next Friday some views on the US sending a THAAD system along with 100 troops to operate the system to Israel. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/13/us/politics/us-missile-defense-iran-israel.html

    Reflexively, I see this article and think of the start of Viet Nam, but, of course, not a direct, or even close, parallel other than the US becoming involved in a war where the combatants are fighting for the existence of their country and we, likely as not, do not understand all the nuances.

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