Ball of Thread: Barr’s Butchery

In this week’s installment of Ball of Thread, LOLGOP and I talk about how Barr deliberately set out to kill the Mueller investigation. Here’s the Patreon for the series.

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11 replies
    • Old Rapier says:

      It’s best to remember that every word Roger Stone utters is a likely a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the’.

  1. pdaly says:

    Barr may claim his actions were performed in good faith, but it is great to have this detailed dissection of his words and actions showing Barr’s corruption.

    The editorial decision to play Ashokan Farewell in the background at the beginning while Marcy read Barr’s self-serving words (a nod to Ken Burns’ Civil War series) was a chef’s kiss. It had me belly laughing.

  2. Savage Librarian says:

    Super-Duper Barr Abuser

    Hey there, Mr. Empty Suit,
    Tell us who’s the bigger galoot,
    One on 5th Ave. who can shoot,
    Or one who is a sneakier brute?

    One who lives in hot pursuit
    of power he dreams is absolute?
    Or one who wants to institute
    his own pompous parachute?

    One who doesn’t give a hoot,
    virtue signaling his salute
    while indulging forbidden fruit,
    as he gives us all the boot?

    Or one who ripped out at the root
    truth he tried hard to make moot,
    Didn’t he hear that from old Newt?
    Democracy may be more resolute!


  3. JAFO_NAL says:

    Your journalistic tenacity in continuing to connect the dots regarding Barr’s corruption is heartening against against the stubborn insistence of the majority of news sources to go for the quick click and then move on. Hopefully you someday put this all in a book so Barr’s lies and obfuscation get the comprehensive timeline applied that makes his partisan motives and religiously shrouded moral bankruptcy clear. The word Russia should be on the cover at least three times.

    • Rugger_9 says:

      I have to wonder why the courtier press is so intent on whitewashing Barr’s conduct, and the best I can come up with is the ongoing fallacy of the so-called moderate Republican as a counterbalance to the DFH narrative. It’s also why the courtier press continues to sane-wash MAGA claims vomited forth on the campaign trail.

      All of those reasonable GOPers were purged long ago, starting with Reagan. The courtier press will never accept that the prion disease (h/t Charlie Pierce) has made GOP = MAGA.

      • JAFO_NAL says:

        Mostly I think it boils down to simple greed – the ones owning and controlling the media are mainly concerned with maintaining dependable revenue streams and retaining their tax breaks. Ideology is probably secondary.

        • dannyboy says:

          Agree that deception is MSM modus operandi. I also think the inability to tell truth from lie and tell right from wrong plays a part. One big swiling tornado (pardon the reference these days) of misinformation, disinformation, redirection, propaganda, denial, error, subterfuge…).

          They, with few exceptions, do not hold a high standing in my hierarchical model of mankind.

          To grok my hierarchy, one needs to accept evolution as a fact. Once accepted, homo sapiens range from animalistic (and not in a good way, like my cat) to humanistic. Good and evil exist and, yes there are monsters.

          Here in nyc, the media monsters are found everywhere waiting to devour the truth.

        • dannyboy says:

          Here’s the Suggestion Box

          Not from The Onion

          But rather, THE New York Tmes (October 14, 2024)

          “Curious About How The Times Is Covering the Election? Send Us Your Questions.”

          an excerpt: “How are we investigating the candidates’ positions on the issues and the sources of their campaign funding? How does our polling operation work?”

          I had a field day with Question #1: “The Times has a team of reporters covering the candidates. What do you want to know about their experience and work?”

          HAVE AT IT!

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