Trump Didn’t Call the FBI Because He Refused to Meet the Standard to Which He Held Hillary Clinton

In a piece laying out how Trump tried to undermine rule of law with a press release stating that the former President wanted the State of Florida, not the FBI, to investigate the suspected Ryan Routh assassination, WaPo provides more explanation for why Trump’s campaign didn’t call the FBI after Microsoft or Google told them they had been hacked: Because they feared sharing their email server with the FBI.

Trump’s mistrust of federal agencies has complicated the investigation into Iran’s cyberattack on his campaign. When a technology firm first discovered the breach, campaign aides huddled to discuss what they should do. After hours of discussions in July, they decided they trusted the software experts to handle the matter and did not call the FBI. Co-campaign manager Susie Wiles, whose email account was targeted, was among those who questioned whether they could trust the Justice Department. The fears centered on giving federal officials access to campaign email servers and whether they would leak information out publicly.

Donald Trump and his Republican allies spent years spinning conspiracies off of misleading Jim Comey testimony about how the FBI conducted the investigation into the Russian hack of Hillary’s campaign, claiming that because (they claimed) FBI had not obtained Hillary’s server, any attribution to Russia must be suspect. This was a key prong of Roger Stone’s criminal defense. Republicans spent years suggesting that Hillary, a victim of a nation-state attack, somehow failed to meet the standards of responsible victim.

Yet Hillary, in 2016, was in fact situated in the place Trump claims to currently be: facing a counterintelligence investigation stemming out of a partisan witch hunt in Congress.

Hillary was, in fact, faced with the prospect of having to ask for help from the very same people who had been criminally investigating her for years.

And any precedent that information shared with the FBI would “leak” (as opposed to get shared in court filings)? Trump’s the guy who did that, leaking materials from the investigation that resulted, going so far as to prepare his entire Crossfire Hurricane binder to release to the press.

Trump did that, not the FBI.

I am genuinely sympathetic about the plight Trump faces, trying to run an election campaign while facing real threats, including assassination attempts, from a hostile foreign actor.

The ongoing burden of trying to reclaim digital security and stave off physical threats takes a lot of energy that would otherwise be focused on running a campaign.

I know that, because I’ve heard a bit about how much time Hillary’s team had to spend fighting serial hacks, all the way through election day.

But understand: This decision not to call the FBI because Susie Wiles was afraid the FBI might ask to access the compromised server, what amounts to a decision to delay taking necessary steps to try to fight back?

That decision stems from a refusal to abide by the standards Republicans have demanded of Hillary for eight years.

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6 replies
  1. Bugboy321 says:

    “I am genuinely sympathetic about the plight Trump faces…”

    No one should be sympathetic to anyone who invites the things that Trump invites by being, well, Trump. See also: he ran for office to claim precisely what he is claiming right the fuck now: to be the victim.

    While Trump might be on the receiving end of it at the moment, he’s the one using eliminationist rhetoric.

  2. OldTulsaDude says:

    As usual Trump and his people feared a response based on projection. That there are people with genuine integrity is outside their comprehension.

  3. harpie says:

    THANK YOU so much, for stating this so plainly, Marcy!

    But accckkk!!! I am just plain spitting ANGRY after reading it.

  4. Ben Soares says:

    Your Hilary comparison reminded me of Comey’s comments about 2016 hacks.

    Comey later added that “there was evidence of hacking directed at state-level organizations, state-level campaigns, and the RNC, but old domains of the RNC, meaning old emails they weren’t using. None of that was released.”

    Comey said there was no sign “that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked.”

    They really seemed sure about Trump Camp and RNC … Yet Iran gets in through Roger Stone ?

  5. Savage Librarian says:

    Peas in a pod, Wiles and Trump. Based on my own experience, I’d say that influence operations are probably well established as a valued component of Susie’s toolkit.

    I keep coming back to Michael Kruse’s article about her. To me, it’s one of the truest ones I’ve seen. Some excerpts:

    “If you don’t shape the narrative, it shapes you,” one Wiles associate told me. “There’s an understanding by certain people, both herself and certain people around her,” this person said, “of gravity, of political gravity, and understanding that sometimes you just have to set a play in motion,” this person said. “Sometimes, you just have to get it into the water, and then let the world take over.”

    “There’s knowledge that not many people had that is certainly not protected in any ethical or legal way,” said a second Wiles associate. “All we did was accelerate the magnification.”

    • Matt___B says:

      “If you don’t shape the narrative, it shapes you,”

      Reminds me of what Bill Barr said: “History is written by the winners”. He said that coincident with him reversing Michael Flynn’s conviction.

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