Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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18 replies
  1. Savage Librarian says:

    I too was struck by how directly and sincerely Kamala Harris responded when Oprah asked her about what was on her heart when Joe Biden told her he was dropping out. But, unlike you, Marcy, when she said she felt an enormous responsibility I didn’t immediately think about campaigning. Although I can see now how that makes sense.

    Instead, my thoughts went to the weighty obligations of carrying on the task of being a global leader for democratic principles. It reminded me of that clip you shared of the changes in her facial expression at the DNC when she recognized she was officially nominated.

    To me it shows how deeply anchored her belief in the aspirations of the American people is. She truly wants to do something meaningful for others. It’s such a contrast to the motivations of her opponent.

    Oprah is such a pro at coordination, timing, and paying attention to emotional nuances. It inspired me to encourage a young clerk at the drugstore to register to vote. I found myself more animated than usual. I hope it made a difference.

    • JanAnderson says:

      Oprah asked her and I’m paraphrasing here – ‘what came over you’.
      Yeah well duh – running for the most powerful person on planet earth.
      I’m regularly shocked at how Americans really don’t fathom the USA’s place in the world. Harris will be that leader. :-)

      • Ewan Woodsend says:

        I hope “The most powerful person on planet earth” is not what Harris is running for. US presidents have thankfully their hands partially tied by the rule of law, unlike autocrats. She will not do as she pleases without putting a number of people on board (senate, congress, allies).

    • JanAnderson says:

      Weighty? An understatement. Harris, like Biden, fully understands the burden.
      While media looks for garbage – the likes of Biden and now Harris fully understand what they’re up against. Do you see the concern in their eyes? I do.
      Let’s give them all the support we can. I do and not American. Why? Simply because it’s the right thing to do in this time.

        • Sandor Raven says:

          But is Jan being a troll? I try to be respectful of the point of view of others, and I try to appreciate the nuance and subtlety that often comes with difficult issues. But often I wonder whether what I see (and struggle to understand) in a comment as nuance and subtlety are not these at all, but rather is sarcasm. So, if you think it is true: In what way is Jan being a troll?

  2. phillatius says:

    Latest “Shrinking Trump.”

    These guys get it.
    – Trump is campaigning on “Blood Libel.”
    – Strategic and calculated to control media attention.
    – His cognitive decline is accelerating and made worse with its combination with his “malignant narcissims” (see Eric Fromm).
    – JD Vance knows he’s lying; “Freudian slip” with his “creating stories” comment.
    – Excellent discussion with Dr. Arlie Hochschild author of “Stolen Pride: Loss, Shame and the Rise of the New Right.”

  3. LizzyMom says:

    FWIW, also a fellow Michigander who’s lived overseas for several decades. There is zero difference in Michigan (and pretty sure the other 49 states) between the (mail-in) ballot for overseas/military voters. The ballot that I get sent to me in Germany is identical to that which my 90-year-old dad in northern Michigan gets (I was last registered at the same address before going abroad).

    • LizzyMom says:

      Got cut off editing…

      Because of the well-known vigilante-style weirdness of recent elections, I contacted my city clerk (who I know) and requested a “normal” physical ballot to be sent to me rather than using the electronic pdf version which overseas/military can use. This is so that, in a pile of ballots, mine cannot be differentiated. (I trust my local folks, but the next county over is Antrim, which made loads of headlines in recent elections….)

      Have used the electronic version prior without worries, this year is different.

  4. Savage Librarian says:


    Trump attacks our valued unity
    with tarnished silver spoon spit he
    spreads through our community
    Be wise: choose Harris opportunity

    We’re sick of Don’s old thug finance
    and his Nazi sycophants
    with there ugly, fascist rants
    We win when Harris gets a chance

    Trump’s lost his cash & lost his funny
    Harris shares Opportunity Economy
    Bet on the smart, not the hush money
    With the bonus of a just autonomy

    But Trump’s so busy goldbrickin’
    he almost hides he’s panic stricken
    Big old cock-up of a chicken
    can’t stand another debate lickin’

  5. klynn says:

    OT but related.
    Red, Wine & Blue Unite for Springfield Zoom event, is showing that love wins.

    Hoping to raise $20,000 for Springfield, OH 100% of donations are going to the Haitian Community Help and Support Center and Springfield City School District. And thanks to some generous donors, the first $20,000 in contributions were matched. The $20,000 goal was reached in less than 15 minutes. The current total is over $103,000 in less than 24 hours.

    A woman’s rights forward group, raising awareness and funds for Springfield, Ohio in an effort to help build up the community, is rocking it.

    Someone’s meltdown last night with xeets full of hate for: women, blue efforts, and immigrants, seemed to coincide.

    Loved the show! Thank you Nicole and EW!

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