The Laura Loomer Problem Is the Same as the Vladimir Putin Problem

At about the same time that several of Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters were warning that Laura Loomer’s access to the former President threatens his presidential bid, Tim Walz was in Grand Rapids mocking how easy it is to manipulate Donald Trump.


Kamala Harris was able to, within a matter of a few seconds, use this guy’s inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 60 million.

You don’t think Vladimir Putin could do that?

You don’t think Xi Jinping could do that?

Jewish space laser conspiracist Marjorie Taylor Greene scolded Loomer about attacking Kamala Harris for her Indian ancestry (after which MTG went back to making racist attacks on migrants again).

Lindsey Graham, a sometime hawk who makes excuses for Trump’s apologies for Russia, agreed that Trump should distance himself from Loomer and the incendiary comments she makes.

“We have policy disagreements but the history of this person is just really toxic,” Graham told HuffPost on Thursday. “I mean, she actually called for Kellyanne Conway’s daughter to hang herself. I don’t know how this all happened, but, no, I don’t think it’s helpful. I don’t think it’s helpful at all.”


“Marjorie Taylor Greene is right. I don’t say that a lot,” Graham said.

“I think what [Loomer] said about Kamala Harris and the White House is abhorrent, but it’s deeper than that,” he added. “I mean, you know, some of the things she’s said about Republicans and others is disturbing. I mean, to call for someone’s daughter to hang themselves. Yeah, no, I think that the president would serve himself well to make sure this doesn’t become a bigger story.”

The backlash comes after Trump brought Loomer, a 9/11 conspiracist, with him to the 9/11 memorial in New York. It comes as many of Trump handlers are trying to find someone, someone besides themselves, besides the candidate, to blame for his disastrous debate performance.

When asked about Republican complaints about Loomer the other day, Trump offered word salad.

Well, I don’t know what they would say, Laura has been a supporter of mine, just like a lot of people have been supporters. And she’s been a supporter of mine. She speaks very positively of the campaign — I’m not sure why you asked that question, but Laura’s a supporter. I don’t control Laura. Laura has to say what she wants. She’s a free spirit. Well, I don’t know. Look. I can’t tell Laura what to do. Laura’s a supporter. I have a lot of supporters. So I don’t know exactly what you’re referring to. … I just don’t know. Laura’s a supporter. I don’t know. She is a strong person. She’s got strong opinions. And I don’t know what she said but that’s not up to me. She’s a supporter.

Shortly after this pathetic response from Trump, a Truth Social post was released over Trump’s initials, bearing none of the roughness of a post the man wrote himself. The post disavowed unspecified “statements she made.”

All that, in turn, has led to insinuations and whispers about precisely what kind of access Loomer has to Trump.

No one can keep former President Donald Trump away from Laura Loomer.

Throughout his third presidential campaign, aides and advisers have done their best to shield him from Loomer, a far-right social media influencer, and similar figures who stroke his ego and stoke his basest political instincts.

They lost that battle this week, as Loomer traveled on Trump’s jet to his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday and to Sept. 11 memorial services Wednesday. Her presence at the latter infuriated some Democrats and Republicans because one of the many conspiracy theories she has promoted is the false notion that the terrorist assault on the U.S. was an “inside job.” It wasn’t.


[H]er presence reflects Trump’s loss of faith in his campaign aides and their concomitant fear of upsetting him in a time of crisis, according to people familiar with the situation. Last month, he tapped his 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, to be an adviser to his top advisers — a move widely viewed as a rebuke of the existing leadership crew.

A senior official from Trump’s 2020 campaign team said that helps explain why Loomer is no longer being kept at arm’s length.

“The people that have the authority to stop it are hanging on to their jobs,” the former official said. “So are you going to pick that fight with him?”

A lot of this is manufactured controversy. Loomer is little different than all the other far right nutbags Trump surrounds himself with. Why blame Loomer for the cat-and-dog screech when Trump’s chosen Vice Presidential candidate — chosen with the considerable input of Trump’s dumbass son — has a much more central role in magnifying this hoax, when Trump has employed Stephen Miller to engage in such fearmongering both inside and outside the White House, for years?

And Marjorie Taylor Greene, lecturing other people about being racist? You have got to be fucking kidding me.

As described, what distinguishes Loomer is her access. I even joined in, speculating that as she traveled on his plane to the Philadelphia debate, handlers may believe she tainted the killer immigration attack coached by upstanding, reasonable people like Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard, creating the screech.

The unspoken (except by Drudge) suggestion they’re fucking is the invented explanation for what might make Loomer more dangerous than the other racists and conspiracists who populate Trump’s inner circle. Me, I’m more interested in whether the problem with Loomer is that she’s so close to Roger Stone, whom campaign officials perennially attempt to keep separate from Trump during presidential elections. Ali Alexander served as Roger’s surrogate during the 2020 election; perhaps Loomer is doing so now.

Whatever it is that has Republican members of Congress and campaign officials blaming Loomer for Trump’s failures, it is also a concession.

The complaint being offered is that none of Trump’s advisors can prevent someone — in this case, Loomer — from getting Trump to parrot the most outrageous beliefs simply by inveigling herself into his closest circle and flattering him enough to stay there.

The complaint being offered is that Loomer’s mere fawning presence will lead Trump to say and do things that will disrupt the carefully cultivated illusion that he is a sane, effective leader.

Trump’s anonymous aides are making the same argument that Tim Walz did: that anyone who strokes Trump’s ego enough can win him to their view. Trump’s boasts about how valuable Viktor Orbán’s adulation is have nothing to do with Orbán’s real stature on the world stage. Rather, Trump boasted about Orbán’s “endorsement” because Orbán has serially sucked up to Trump, repeating back to Trump Trump’s own fantasy that he can deliver “peace” in Ukraine with a snap of his fingers.

The problem isn’t Laura Loomer. She’s little different than all the other extremists who remain in Trump’s good graces by performing near-perfect sycophancy.

The problem is precisely what Tim Walz warned: Trump’s narcissism and his ego make him weak, vulnerable to any person willing to use flattery to win their objectives.

Trump’s aides are making the same argument Tim Walz is: that Trump doesn’t have the self-control to protect against extremists making him their ready tool.

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138 replies
  1. mickquinas says:

    I do get the sense that there’s something more going on. Lindsey Graham is not getting the vapors because Loomer is nuts, or because she reveals (or even draws attention) that Trump is susceptible to manipulation by flattery. Nor am I convinced that Graham, or MTG, are concerned that Loomer’s influence coarsens Trump’s campaign rhetoric, if such a thing were possible.
    Now, if someone were to suggest that there is a power struggle at work “behind the scenes” (or highly visibly) between the semi-covert fascist wing of the GOP and the overt Q-friendly Nazi-wannabe wing, I’m probably persuadable.

    IOW, I don’t think the Loomer thing is about content or public perception, I think it’s an argument about WHO gets to manipulate the Republican candidate for president.

    Of course, as Dr. Wheeler points out, that’s exactly the problem.

    • Chuffy sez says:

      My speculation is that she’s sleeping with him, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows it. MTG seems jealous, and maybe Graham is, too. They’re worried that she’s going to go “psycho mistress” on him.

      • RitaRita says:

        The idea that that 78 old year, unhealthy, man is actually having sex with the 31 year old is so laughable that it brings to mind some of Catullus’ poems about old men and young women.

        • freebird says:

          Read about the libido of Sumner Redstone. He was suffering from dementia but still had a strong sex drive in his 90s. Some people like Loomer will do anything for fame, power and money.

        • ernesto1581 says:

          “Every old ox wants to chew tender grass.”

          Su Shi Dongpo teases his friend Zhang Xian, a thousand years ago:

          “An eighteen-year-old bride, an eighty-year-old groom, white hair against red makeup. They spend the night together in a brocade quilt, a pear blossom tree weighs down the sea of red.”

        • ThingsComeUndone says:

          Trump can be motivated by flattery a pretty face he probably physically can’t have sex but he still appreciates a Woman.
          Especially one who agrees with him and is submissive? After the debate Trump needed a shoulder to cry on and a Woman to Dominate.

      • theartistvvv says:

        “MTG seems jealous, and maybe Graham is, too.”

        I just threw up a little.

        You know, in my mouth.

        While laughing …

  2. stillscoff says:

    76 “Retruths” … LOFL.

    Shouldn’t there be at least some particle of truth in a statement before it can be “retruthed?”

    Regurgitated would be a more accurate description.

  3. Wendy_14SEP2024_1137h says:

    Just as he did after losing in 2020, Trump is pushing away anyone that tries to get him to see reality and surrounding himself with kooks.

    Loomer is Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell plus boobs.

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      • BRUCE F COLE says:

        What I love about her worming her way into his lair is that, as a 911 truther, Rudy was a prime target of her CT mania.

        • BRUCE F COLE says:

          …and GW Bush was also the villian of Truther lore. But will Trump’s romancing a Truther give W the impetus to finally denounce him like his own VP did?

          I mean his entire Presidency was based on 9/11. Heh. Maybe he just doesn’t want to get into an argument with her about it.

          My breath, fwiw, is definitely not bated.

  4. Bohemienne says:

    Trump and Loomer’s (near-certainly) sexual relationship is almost beside the point. In any other campaign, sure, it would be disqualifying and draw out lots of handwringing and moral high-ground condemnation. Yet the sheer avalanche of “sinful” behavior from Trump that regularly gets brushed aside by his evangelical fanclub makes it not even fun to point to one more instance of their hypocritical double standards.

    I’d love to take glee in yet another example of how much the evangelical wing is happy to look the other way to get their easily-manipulable proxy back into the White House. But what’s even the point, when they hear him screeching daily about mass deportations of people fleeing violence and war and are unmoved about the suffering he wants to compound? Where’s the delicious little schadenfreude hit when the Jesus Squad has already been ignoring his efforts to punish poverty and illness with more poverty, more illness, more suffering, for nine-plus years already? Man. Trump even takes the fun out of told-you-so.

    • RIPRustyStaub says:

      There must be something that will move at least some of MAGA to see their idol for who he really is. Clearly his overt racism and threats of violence against the “Other” is not going to do it, on the contrary this is more likely to increase his support. Maybe something like the scene from The Dead Zone where Greg Stillson holds up a child as a human shield against a would be assassin?

      • Bohemienne says:

        I don’t even know. At this point it feels like Trump himself could be executing newborn babies live on TV and still get 42-47% of the vote.

      • ConcernedObserver_CHG-REQD says:

        I often refer to The Omen and The Dead Zone (movie) to draw cinematic parallels to Trump but you bringing it up again made me think about the recent assassination attempt against him and the parallels to The Dead Zone. I’m really surprised he didn’t pull a Martin Sheen. Secret Service dogpiling him likely prevented him from picking up some toddler.

        [Welcome to emptywheel. Please choose and use a unique username with a minimum of 8 letters. We have adopted this minimum standard to support community security. Unfortunately we have had more than one “[modifier] Observer”; please choose a different username which is more unique. /~Rayne]

    • coral reef says:

      The evangelicals looked the other way in 2016 and got a Supreme Court that overturned Roe v Wade. I’m sure they feel it was well worth the trouble.

    • tomstickler says:

      Don’t miss an opportunity to use a little political jiu-jitsu here. Instead of clutching our pearls about the impropriety of Trump having sex with Loomer, the premise should be dismissed as hilariously improbable.

      • -mamake- says:

        To my eyes it is less about ‘having sex’ as the provocative illusion that he could arouse sexual desire in anyone. That turns him on – and the fact that she plays an Ivanka type big boob rubbing on his body dance….well how can he turn away. She must not have a very strong sense of smell. Whatever it is if he thinks it means he is attractive – that’s all it takes to give her full access to plant mind bombs.

    • Alan Charbonneau says:

      My wife and I drove from Austin to Colorado to get out of the August heat and have our kitchen remodeled. On the drive we were listening to an audio book, Tim Alberta’s “The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism “ It’s an excellent book, full of insights, but listening to it is frustrating, infuriating, sickening, and a bunch of other negative words. The evangelicals are frightening and have already done significant damage to our country.

    • fatvegan000 says:

      I’m kind of surprised at the interest in whether the relationship between Loomer and Trump is sexual, but since I’m vastly unqualified to join most of the usual discussions here, I can’t resist the opportunity to relay my relevant experience in these matters:

      To pay for college, one of the jobs I worked was at a massage parlor and escort service, and a large part of the daytime clientele were old guys too out of shape to do anything but lay there for a hand or blow job.

      Observing Trump, this is the only scenario I believe could be happening between him and Loomer.

      • fatvegan000 says:

        I wanted to add that the most interesting part – and the one that might be most worth thinking about – is that men in this position are vulnerable physically and, more importantly, psychologically. Very easy to manipulate.

      • Rugger_9 says:

        I’ll agree with our colleagues who think there might be something going on between Loomer and Convict-1, especially since Melania is nowhere to be found. Therefore, the idea isn’t too far-fetched.

        EW’s note of Loomer being a Roger Stone acolyte is interesting in its own right, since a honey trap operation is child’s play for a rodent fornicator like Stone. At the least Loomer is Stone’s minder of Convict-1.

        • atriana smith says:

          I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Loomer and all the semi-intimate photos of her and DonOld showed up right after he got publicly humiliated by one of the most powerful and attractive women in the world.

  5. grizebard says:

    However intimate or not it may be, this new touchy-feely relationship between an old has-been on the slippery slope of decline, increasingly dependent on sensationalist media stunts, on the one hand, and a physically attractive young female nut job with a once-in-a-lifetime chance for mainstream influence on the other, this is surely a match made in heaven. (Or hell, more accurately.) It will likely end in tears, but meanwhile, amidst a court of sycophants who fear for their positions and salaries, who on earth will dare interfere in this budding romance? Gaetz and Gabbard must be grinding their teeth in frustration.

    With Trump, there is always the outside chance of a campaign melt down. After Kamala’s hit job, it becomes somewhat more likely. But an eventual win for Kamala+Tim still hangs by a thread, given that the result in this broken system may ultimately depend on the votes of a distracted few in very few places. While they will surely win the popular vote by a mile, a successful outcome may depend on strong Dem turnout, non-Dems who can truly put America first, and even on some MAGAworld disillusion, not least in places where it matters the most.

    Plus, not to forget that for MAGA-GOP, their campaign will only really start in earnest when the votes are being counted. A legion of lawyers eager for payoff are already “standing back and standing by”, besides the goons.

    • Drew in Bronx says:

      Whatever the actual activities between Trump and Loomer might or might not be, it does appear that he’s enjoying and encouraging her company. This has the attention of lots of people who want Trump’s attention and feel they aren’t getting enough of it as long as he’s got Loomer close.

      This election is still scarily close. But it’s not just scary for Democrats, it’s also very scary for the Republicans. They have a lot to lose, but particularly they have a lot to lose if the Trump campaign goes into total meltdown and takes the party with him. A 50-50 Senate would be bad enough for them, but a 52 seat Democratic Senate caucus could bring in things like court reform & all manner of other stuff with the filibuster killed.

      So each of them has ideas of how Trump’s campaign should be run in order to avoid disaster and for all of them having Laura Loomer in the Eva Braun seat is the wrong direction. This is the case even when they disagree among themselves about the right direction. They DO know that Tuesday’s debate wasn’t the right one.

  6. GSSH-FullyReduced says:

    How much do have have to pay foxnews and xityer to run front page pix of loomer-trump chest rub?
    TY Marcy.

    • JanAnderson says:

      Whether it’s Putin or an extremist Laura Loony, Trump is the quintessential Useful Idiot.
      Unfit is an understatement.

  7. JSinOrford says:

    Just the latest in a long series of excellent posts. Thank you for the insight and sanity you bring to the circus.

    [Welcome back to emptywheel. SECOND REQUEST: Please use the SAME USERNAME and email address each time you comment so that community members get to know you. You attempted to publish this comment as “Jon in Orford” which triggered moderation; I have edited it this once to match your last comment. Stick to the same username, check your browser’s cache and autofill. /~Rayne]

  8. earthworm says:

    Foul, unseemly, but possibly crazy like a fox, like much of Trump’s behavior —
    HCR’s Letters from an American emphasizes the point of the “pet-eating Haitians” of Springfield hysteria is to tip the OH senate race for GOP candidate and assist regaining GOP control of the US Senate.

    • grizebard says:

      In the spotlight glare of presidential races, it’s typically overlooked that the downticket matters as much, sometimes even more. Not least where Congress is concerned. As Kamala herself implicitly pointed out in the debate, it’s Congress that will have to fix the almighty mess that MAGA-SC has left of Roe v Wade; all she as President can and needs do is (gladly!) sign the eventual bill into law.

    • Yohei1972 says:

      It’s a stupid strategy if so – I read recently that research shows racist appeals are political losers in general elections. They turn off more voters than they attract.

      • SteveBev says:

        That depends on whom is being energised and whom is being demoralised.

        Demoralisation and cynicism through divisiveness has always been part of the Trumpian strategy to suppress the vote of the opposition to him.

  9. P-villain says:

    I dissent. The probability that a 78-year-old man with Trump’s “health” habits could achieve and sustain an erection to climax is, like his, uh, hands, vanishingly small.

      • JanAnderson says:

        Precisely, he’s a weak pathetic creature playing the strongman. That makes him dangerous – and it’s not as if we haven’t seen this weakness before, and the consequences.
        Ask Israel how they felt about his bragging in the WH to Russians, for example.
        He’s a Useful Idiot.

    • Barbara_14SEP2024_1307h says:


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  10. Penalcolony says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of Putin’s influence comes from knowledge of — and ability to prove — crimes involving Trump with Putin’s cronies. The largest category could be money laundering, and I’d first look for that at Trump’s European golf courses. All of them have been in operation for 10+ years, and none has ever turned a profit, yet he neither sells them nor shuts them down.

    • Rayne says:

      You know what has gone yet unexamined by the media *again*?

      Trump’s financials. Nothing about the forever audits, nothing about his overseas income, nothing about the transfer of cash between his campaign and his personal wallet. Nothing about the USD$10 million in cash Egypt wanted to give him for his campaign in 2016.

      When a red line was drawn during the Mueller investigation making Trump’s financials off limits, that’s when the media should have gone extra hard on his finances, because we now know about the hinky $10 million. There’s surely more.

      That includes the golf courses, Europe and American, his licensing deals related to golf, all of it. Ditto LIV golf — who’s he working for now? The Saudis by providing them venues?

      Welcome to emptywheel.

      • Bohemienne says:

        I was really disappointed Trump wasn’t asked about the Egypt $10mil in the debate. I know it would have invoked even more screeching about “biased moderators” than there already was, but they’re going to do that anyway so might as well go for it! Then again, they did ask him point blank about 2020 results, accepting a potential loss in 2024, and whether he actually wants Ukraine to win. And the beautifully pathetic “concepts of a plan.” So I can’t be too disappointed.

        • Stephen Calhoun says:

          Trump would have said: “Oh $10 million, same number of immigrant gangbangers marching through Harris open borders every month.”

        • Rayne says:

          I’m sure the prosecutor running for POTUS knows what buttons to press to get Trump to decompensate again.

          Perhaps she’d lead with a wise crack about the size of his shitty back swing and his inability to avoid cheating on the golf course as well as in finances like the 200 lbs. of cash from Egypt. Did he need it because his golf courses weren’t doing well?

          As soon as he tries to change the subject to “illegal” immigrants, then ask why he’s hired them at the same golf courses where he cheats so often.

      • Barringer says:

        I was surprised Harris did not mention Trump’s desire to open a hotel in Moscow when talking about his fealty to Putin. The resulting dissociative rage would have been fun to watch.

        • SteveBev says:

          How could that point have been made succinctly, convincingly and effectively within the context of this debate?

          Debates involving setting strategic goals, and creating within the debate tactical opportunities to advance those goals, with effective attacks on the opponent for the purpose of getting positive messages across, and the most effective attacks are ones which induce self sabotage.

          Making the accusation you suggest without laying the groundwork, and finding a way to relate the point to the underlying strategic goals of the debate, all of which would have used up an inordinate amount time, for an uncertain outcome. seems like a fools errand to me.

      • Cicero101 says:

        A glance at the media today shows they’re too busy click-baiting the latest dead cats Trump has thrown on the table to examine and expose his financial corruption.

        • Rayne says:

          There are little dribs and drabs; WaPo did do reporting on the Egyptian money.

          But it’s just so damned frustrating watching Marcy unwind the ball of string connecting all the pins and she doing it with little more than a budget for string and corkboard and tacks. Meanwhile the big old school brick-and-mortar outlets lumber along while snowing us with “Biden is old” stories and now “Trump sez aliens eat cats.” Polling is close between candidates in no small part because corporate-owned media has constantly chased popular zeitgeist instead of making it, as if they’ve forgotten NYT and the publication of the Pentagon Papers or WaPo and plumbers at the Watergate.

    • iamevets says:

      I guess he’s talking about Melania also. Big strong man (/s) can’t tell his women what to do, but all those backers of his have two objectives: 1) lower taxes, 2) telling women what to do with their bodies, especially after they become pregnant, willingly or not.

  11. HonestyPolicyCraig says:

    I disagree with emptywheel, unfortunately. They are unconsciously or quasi consciously creating debate within themselves, within the ranks of maga mindset, to create spectacle. The fight is what gets the attention. So, why not fight within the group, then you control the narrative, basically a reality show. And what is fomented, promoted, pushed, heaped, and shoved into our general streets and towns is racism.

    The fact that the Republican Party, whatever it is right now, is allowing a racist psychotic to speak into the media is horrifying. I am frightened. Is Tim Walz gonna say something about Trumps vulnerability? Honestly, wake up Tim, Americans are vulnerable right now!

    Would this election just end. I am sick of it. It is disgusting.

    • ExRacerX says:

      If it ends with Trump as president, you’ll really be sick.

      You can hide under a rock until it’s over or do something to help ensure Harris/Walz win. The choice is yours.

      • HonestyPolicyCraig says:

        I am hiding under a rock. Yep, I was poor as a child and young man, and finally as a teacher my immediate family is middle class now. That rock was safe for me. What else am I supposed to do? Would you like me to voice my opinion against the entire Republican/Democratic monopoly and the media machine that promotes them? What I am I going to say? What exactly are the right words to turn this insanity around.

        And woe, I do not take it lightly that Harris wanted to debate him again, perhaps giving the coward another chance at humiliating and entire race of people. Like, sure, put a microphone in front of a psychopath while Harris laughs at him.

        There is an entire city in this country that is under dangerous, precarious, and unsafe conditions simply because of the rhetoric of a presidential debate. Put that under a rock.

        • Trypeded says:

          Mother Jones is blaming JD Vance for what you are blaming debate fallout on. This piece shows indoctrination was well in place before Trump added fuel at at the debate.

          If I were to hazard a guess I’d say the laughter from vp Harris was part of a carefully planned strategy to prevent UK style riots from starting
          in the US.

          These are frightening times but not the most frightening, there’s still a good chance Kamala Harris and co will prevail:

          Sept 13, Mother Jones:
          How JD Vance Unleashed the Racist Backlash Against Haitian Immigrants in Springfield, Ohio – Mother Jones

          In recent months, Vance has been the key figure in making Springfield a national target for the far right. “I blame JD Vance for it. Our city leaders reached out to JD Vance, our senator, asking for help,” Carl Ruby, the senior pastor at Central Christian in Springfield, said about a request for federal assistance Vance drew attention to this summer. “Instead, he brought it up at a Senate hearing and referenced it as a crisis and began amplifying these lies.” In doing so, Vance has put his own constituents at risk. Bomb threats have now led to multiple Springfield schools being evacuated.

          The initial gut reaction many people are having to this racist smear campaign is the correct one: It’s vile. Nor is it new. The first ad of his political career in 2022 (titled “Are you a racist?”) opened with Vance asking “Do you hate Mexicans?” He went to to attack the media for calling “us” racist for wanting to build the wall and to invoke the Great Replacement theory—claiming in the ad that “Democrat voters” were “pouring into this country” from across the southern border.

          [FYI – formatting added to improve readability. /~Rayne]

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      You give Trump’s inner circle too much credit. His claims to the contrary, he manifestly does not hire the best. They have no ability to restrain Trump’s chaos. They can only react to it. They’re fairly good at it.

      Tim Walz is doing fine, as is Kamala Harris. Responding to Trump is not their most important purpose. That’s to set out a framework for what they would do.

      An effective response to Trump’s outrage is laughing derision, rather than serious counterpoint. People will remember the former, and tune out the latter. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t point out the harm he’s doing, but the focus of that should be on those he harms, not Trump.

      • HonestyPolicyCraig says:

        What do you think is going to happen after this election? Think really hard. The results are going to hang, it is going to go to the supreme court, and we are going to have unrest in this country.

        Please give Putin some credit.

        • Rayne says:

          If you mean to say we should acknowledge Putin has caused and continues to cause both demoralization and destabilization through Trump and other useful American idiots, hello, yeah.

          I know you’ve only published five comments here to date but take a good look through tags and categories here. There are roughly 90 posts tagged with “Vladimir Putin,” another roughly 90 tagged “Russia,” and north of 233 under category “Russian Hacks.” We know exactly what Putin is capable of doing.

          We’re not going to give Putin credit as you insist. We’ll give attribution.

  12. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Agree that Loomer is a shiny object, a lightning rod set atop Trump’s burning barn. Will he put out the fire? Nope.

    If she and Trump are intimate, it might make it into the Guinness book of recordds. But Trump would leak word of it to bolster the claimed size of his crowd. Stormy Daniels was unimpressed with it two decades ago. Crowd size does not grow with age. Loomer, on the other hand, would not be doing anything that her colleagues do not figuratively do for Trump every day of the week.

    It’s all a distraction from the hate, resentment, fear, and lust for violence that overwhelm Trump, and which he survives only by passing on to others, like a plague carrier. We are all living in Springfield, OH, now.

    • Marinela says:

      I agree.

      But if LL is intimate with Trump and she gets pregnant, she should be forced to carry that pregnancy to term./s
      That’s karma.

  13. originalK says:

    There are different types of narcissistic supply. I knew Loomer’s “brand” when she popped up again – but not her age – she’s only 31.

    A love/sex interest is a huge need with his pathology, and it is more desperate compulsion and image preservation, than wanting to bond, even over white supremacy or how he’s the greatest, or to hook up. The campaign stress would make it worse, as does Kamala’s attractiveness and his wife’s non-participation. Susie Wiles and MTG can’t fill the need. Alina Habba was playing the role during his legal appearances, but is on the back burner during the campaign (and married). Other women on the campaign, in addition to looking their parts, apparently have other jobs to do. It might have been enough for him (at 78 y.o.) to have Kristi Noem as his VP, but instead he has JD.

    Loomer is Trump 2024’s Hope Hicks (which in and of itself gives you an indication of how diminished a candidate he is). If Loomer’s a channel to Stone, that would be icing on his cake. Also, campaign chaos is a distraction from how unfit he is. It’s notable that Graham’s comments were made via HuffPost.

    • Matt Foley says:

      Yes, Habba is married and so is Trump. So? I am confident Trump has granted himself and married women immunity from the sixth/seventh commandment (adultery). After all, he’s been sent by God.

      • originalK says:

        “So?” Image, not reality. She plays the role of potential mistress, and acts as a fan, attractive mouthpiece, and maybe, strategist or confidant, but she gets paid as an attorney and goes home to her husband and children.

    • Old Rapier says:

      It’s one thing for a woman to be a courtesan of a nameless hedge fund guy or other assorted sorts of millionaires but it’s another thing entirely to be one for the most famous person in the world. I am including ‘arm candy’ as a courtesan.

      Arm Candy 1: An attractive, seemingly romantic companion who accompanies a person in public simply so that one or both of the individuals can gain attention, enhance social status, or create an impression of sexual appeal.

      Looney I can understand. Hope Hicks I cannot. She could have had a hedge fund guy years ago, or two or three. She just snagged one in her home town, Greenich CT. In terms of self interest or even sanity why attach yourself to Donald Trump. Ick Then there was Rob Porter.

    • Thomas_H says:

      Wasn’t there a rumor early in trump’s presidency that Melania had renegotiated her pre-nup after the Access Hollywood debacle?

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Yes, there were lots of those rumors, stoked by her atypical, long delay in moving into the White House.

        I hope she succeeded in renegotiating it in her favor, and in getting what she would be owed pre-funded and put into a separate segregated account or trust that Trump can’t touch. He’s not a guy known for keeping his promises.

    • BRUCE F COLE says:

      That assumes she isn’t happy for him to have a courtesan to keep him the hell away from her. Her absence from the scene speaks as many volumes as does Loomer’s omnipresent canoodling.

  14. Magbeth4 says:

    “…The problem is precisely what Tim Walz warned: Trump’s narcissism and his ego make him weak, vulnerable to any person willing to use flattery to win their objectives.”

    Fertile soil, absolutely. But it isn’t only flattery which makes him say the things he does.
    What he says is who he is. Flattery only encourages him to say the worst of it out loud in public: the general public, not only at his rallies, or in private.

    Trump is an example of where this country went wrong when it elected a Hollywood movie star to be President: choosing created image for a mass entertainment culture who accepts fantasy over reality, i.e., deep thinking and contemplation about what government is designed to do and the qualifications for a president to be the executive-in-chief to fulfill the requirements. Reagan, at least, had been a governor of a very big state. Trump was only, and ever will be, a developer-turned-tv-entertainer. His qualifications and preparations for being president were absolutely nil. He wouldn’t be able to discern the difference between the Constitution and expensive toilet paper.

  15. earlofhuntingdon says:

    The Loomer story ironically highlights how easy it is to stroke and manipulate Trump into doing whatever you want. It’s his ego that needs attention, not the body parts he hasn’t seen in a couple of decades.

    Xi, Kim, Putin, Orban, and JD Vance are not the only people, foreign and domestic – looking at you, billionaires – who know how to expertly manipulate him. They are a bigger threat than whomever Trump sleeps with.

    • Ken Muldrew says:

      The whole lot of them just waiting for him to dismantle the American Republic so they can et tu Brute him and lay claim to the empire that swims in their imagination.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        I don’t know about that, but JD Vance would be the first guy to expect and hope for Donald’s untimely demise. But only after he’s elected. Because JD would never get the top job on his own. Nor would he wield it on his own, addicted as he is to taking orders from Pete Thiel.

  16. RitaRita says:

    A romantic liaison with someone younger than Ivanka would put another nail in the campaign coffin. And Trump is megalomaniac enough not to care.

    But Gov. Walz is right. The story of the debate is not that Harris successfully baited Trump into self-defeating ramblings but that Trump wasn’t capable of not taking the bait. Self-discipline, control of your emotions, and intelligence to realize what your opponent is doing are needed to avoid the trap. That the editors and media (not Medea) execs won’t admit that Trump’s manipulability is a serious threat to national security is hard to understand. They may have believed that Trump could be contained in his first term. But they shouldn’t be suffering under those illusions after Trump’s post-election coup attempt. Or maybe they think that they can manipulate Trump as well.

    • Matt Foley says:

      Are you kidding? MAGAs think his affairs prove what an alpha stud he is. They love to see how “masculine and powerful” he is. They love when he breaks the rules to get what he wants.

        • Matt Foley says:

          I agree with you that getting elected is the big picture. I’m just saying that the people who support him despite his grabbing and raping and stealing and fraud certainly won’t hold his lechery against him.

  17. Challenger says:

    The above clip of Tim Walz shows what a powerful thoughtful speaker he is, a great addition to Kamala’s team. This team is building strength and momentum at exactly the right time. Trump’s campaign is weakening and spinning out of control. It’s a good day for a walk at the beach

  18. Michael Carr says:

    “I don’t think it’s helpful. I don’t think it’s helpful at all.”

    Laura Looney Tunes suggests Claudia Conway should ‘hang herself,’ and that’s the response from Miss Lindsey ‘Ladybugs’ Graham. Utterly unhelpful in and of itself.

  19. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Meanwhile, Springfield, OH, remains in lockdown, owing to its third day of bomb threats. The state of Ohio will need to up the $2.5 million it seems to have promised Springfield. Heightened Trump-induced public administration costs seem likely to exceed that. Private economic losses certainly will.

    The costs and liability that JD Vance – OH’s junior Senator, who grew up nearby – and Donald Trump have generated are growing like the chains and boxes Marley’s Ghost drags around for eternity.

    • earthworm says:

      What are the remedies of law, of government, and of society available to counter successfully this kind of stoking of violence?
      i need* you and rayne to school me in the rhetorical means to counter/defuse this, apart from calling in the national guard!
      (Which, for all we know in OH, is well seeded with JD Vance’s followers.)
      *maybe i shouldnt phrase it as “need,” but would appreciate your perspectives.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        You’re right, I wouldn’t express it as “need.”

        The remedies are political, not legal, unless a speaker violates the First Amendment’s limits, and starts explicitly advocating for the immediate physical harm of his targets. So far, I don’t think they’ve crossed it.

        If the infamously Republican OH legislature picks up part of the tab here, well and good, and kudos to Gov. Mike DeWine for making them do it, if they do. Same when it happens elsewhere. But only political juice would make them do it.

      • Sandor Raven says:

        [re-commenting from a previous thread, as it seems appropriate here]

        “… the lies on the right are so pervasive and entrenched that it is impossible to counter or dislodge them.”

        One approach is to target someone more likely (one can hope) to feel shame: J.D.Vance, as a Yale Law School graduate knows that:

        — “murder” (the killing of another with malice aforethought), must not be used to describe the death of someone in a traffic accident (a term he used to describe the actions of a driver who, by crossing the center-line, caused the death of the child riding the school bus). Doing so is unethical.

        — to say “Communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town”, presupposes a verifiable and easily accessible public health data-point (one which I could not find). He is duty-bound to cite the evidence for this assertion. J.D. Vance, as an attorney, knows this.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Pretty sure JD Vance cast shame aside, as a form of middle-class morality (h/t to Alfred P. Doolittle) that he could not afford. Like Trump, he’s gone farther, and embraces using that morality against his critics.

          That he is duty bound as a lawyer to certain conduct might be one reason he left the practice of law after less than two years, to become a venture capitalist. They and practitioners of what’s known as private equity admit to no standard they are duty bound to observe.

      • Sandor Raven says:

        TY earlofhuntingdon for all of your work here.

        It seems that to cast aside whatever shame would otherwise accrue in one’s failure to adhere to a social contract opens up many possibilites in one’s pursuit of power.

  20. BobBobCon says:

    The same thing happened with Covid in January 2020. The White House was crawling with libertarian supposed experts insisting there would be minimal deaths of 1,000 or less in total. They manipulated Trump’s desperate need to be seen as the champion of the stock market, and as a result their own rigid opposition to public health programs led him to waste critical months blocking the government’s efforts to prepare, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives.

    It’s worth noting that insider political reporters like Maggie Haberman knew about these people spreading their fantasies to Trump, and that their advice ran counter to what public health experts were pleading for.

    The White House reporters still deliberately slow walked coverage of the manipulation campaign because they didn’t want to upset their cozy relationships, and weren’t smart enough to realize that when the dire warnings came true their primacy at their outlets were going to be wrecked anyway. All those Hope Hicks beat sweeteners they were planning were going to be forgotten, but they went ahead focusing on that kind of trivia all the same.

  21. Ewan Woodsend says:

    I am a little worried about the number of comments about the loomer-trump relation here, and probably elsewhere in the democratosphere. It looks like something that she can deny, in a teary press conference saying it is the democrats that are such pervs to even think about that, she is a good girl yes sir, and that will somehow wipe away a lot of the well constructed arguments about trump weakness for flattery, a bit like the pee tape wiped away everything else about the russia-trump relation. It would be so much better if it was left untouched. But of course, we will see.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Well, Loomer was the explicit subject of this post.

      Leaving the subject untouched would be an own goal and solve nothing. Reframing the purpose of Loomer’s role and the leaks around it, as EW has tried to do, might well do something.

      • Ewan Woodsend says:

        I don’t mean loomer in general, i meant the possible trysts, which was just a few lines in the post (but not the comments).

    • originalK says:

      The NYT will let us know what lines we crossed soon enough!

      The NYTpitchbot (@dougjballoon) is keeping it in-bounds though:

      I still have not forgiven Barack Obama for praying with Reverend Wright. Here’s why the media needs to lay off Trump for flying around the country with Laura Loomer and bringing her to a 9/11 memorial service.

    • timbozone says:

      The GOP is due for their own Presidential ticket sex scandal…speculating about it isn’t going to prove anything though.

  22. Badger Robert says:

    Good post. Loomer only matters on the Republican side. On the Democratic side voter registration and GOTV matter.
    Caputo made the observation that Ms. Wheeler repeats, that the Springfield, OH story came mainly from Vance.
    I look forward to Ms. Wheeler returning to the subject of so called polls and her analysis of why they are simply wrong.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Oversimplified. If Loomer matters to the GOP, she matters. The combat is over how to frame her importance and refute it. EW presents a persuasive way to do that. Otoh, your dismissal of EW’s observation, that it merely repeats “Caputo’s,” is unpersuasive.

  23. Badger Robert says:

    OT: maybe we can consider whether the initial success of VP Harris, the nominee chosen by President Biden with the consent of other Democratic insiders, and the result of the Republican system choosing the former President stand in condemnation of the entire primary process as wasteful and masochistic, especially among Democrats?

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Oversimplified. For starters, the Democratic Convention chose Harris and Walz. Biden merely recommended Harris.

      • wasD4v1d says:

        I think Badger Robert is right – the DNC was presented with a fait accompli. There was no time to kickstart a popup primary, and a floor fight would have been an act of self-immolation. No one voted for Harris in a primary, not this one, nor in 2020 when as a declared early candidate (with a good debate performance) she didn’t even get to the starting line.

        The good thing about this? This time, she wasn’t trashed by her own party for 18 months of runup and primary. She’s unscathed.

        • Rayne says:

          Oh stop this crap. It ends here.

          I mean this “fait accompli” crap, because every state party had to consent after already having voted for Harris as Biden’s VP. Every state party enthusiastically voted from the convention floor for Harris.

          This stops now. I don’t care what you and Badger Robert meant by your comments — stop amplifying this by repeating it. Team Trump already tried attacking Harris’s legitimacy as a candidate using this angle and we don’t need to be a fuel source for the right-wing to try it again when they don’t have much else to go on.

          I swear some people didn’t learn from 2016.

  24. wa_rickf says:

    “…The backlash comes after Trump brought Loomer, a 9/11 conspiracist, with him to the 9/11 memorial in New York…”

    The backlash actually began the day before, when she flew on Trump’s plane to the 09/10 debate in Philadelphia as an “advisor.” Loomer has been pushing the Haitian Immigrant lie that Trump spoke about at the debate. The lie that how now resulted in bomb threats to various government agencies and schools in Springfield, OH.

    Many are suggesting an affair is going on in plain view. After all, Trump is a dog, and 31-year Loomer is his type.


  25. BobBobCon says:

    There’s gangrene eating away at the souls of AG Sulzberger, Joe Kahn, Kathleen Kingsbury, Carolyn Ryan, and Patrick Healy. For that matter, there are worms eating away at their brains too.

    The headlines on their website right now are

    “A Georgia Work Program Previews How Donald Trump Could Reshape Medicaid” /
    “Harris and Trump Keep Up the Pace, With Events in Washington and Utah” /
    “Donald Trump and his campaign have engaged in an awkward push and pull over how closely to associate with Jan. 6” /
    “In Pennsylvania, wary voters are wondering if Kamala Harris can deliver” /
    “Donald Trump is calling for exempting overtime pay from taxes, which could cost billions”

    And only then do they and the rancid husks they have trained get around to the headline:

    “In Springfield, Ohio, Threats Leave Haitian Residents Shaken”

    Neo nazis gathering for ethnic cleansing is not some sixth tier headline. This is not the time for some vague reference to “Threats.”

    Sulzberger, Kahn, Ryan, Healy and the rest need to tackle what this is head on. It’s a crisis. There is almost no time for the ghouls running the Times to reclaim their souls. They need to run headlines in the same font size as they chose for Barr spiking the Mueller Report, and they need to do it every day for a week. Call out the fascists now, because we are looking at the risk of another OK City in 1995 situation.

  26. nxinNoVa says:

    Loomer trying for love child?

    [Welcome back to emptywheel. Please use the SAME USERNAME and email address each time you comment so that community members get to know you. This is your THIRD username to date; you have previously published comments as “celeste descoteaux” and “NHDecoto”; pick a name and stick with it as future username mismatches may result in comments stuck in moderation and ultimately banning. /~Rayne]

  27. MrBeagles says:

    I think the main topic -as asserted in the post- is how readily Donnie DARVO is manipulated.

    MTG is jelly that her freak seat is occupied (remember her tantric sex guru, polyamory and gym manager) sure, but she/ Lindsey/ Matt/ Tulsi have two main aims- seeing DT win and asserting their place close to him. Loomer’s not helping DT win and she’s leapfrogged over them in influence. Point being, Loomer, like Matt, Tulsi, Lindsey, and up the bully food chain to Leo, Putin etc are the ones manipulating (‘appeasing’) DT. They take umbrage with Loomer butting in.. DT is just the tip of the spear to destroy rules and norms. He’s nothing without all the work of the Clan and Clan-adjacent actors. Putting a mechanism to DT’s cult, his NPD and ability to be manipulated, as MW’s line drawn from Loomer to Putin does, brings us closer to a common language thesis describing the hole the R party and DT’s followers have sunk into

    Maybe it’s as simple as something along the lines of, ‘pretty weird how easy this guy is to manipulate when you know how’

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      How odd, then, that a post entitled, “The Laura Loomer Problem Is the Same as the Vladimir Putin Problem,” should mention Laura Loomer, directly or indirectly, in 15 out of 18 paragraphs (excluding quotes).

    • Benji-am-Groot says:

      “up the bully food chain to Leo, Putin etc are the ones manipulating (‘appeasing’) DT. They take umbrage with Loomer butting in.. DT is just the tip of the spear to destroy rules and norms.”

      ^ THIS ^

      I have been hammering the LCD folk that want to discuss-debate-flood the zone with ‘Harris or Trump?’ bullshit.

      I think I may have convinced 2 or 3 to actually think about the policies that we will be voting for – face of the ticket be damned. Is the face bringing the policy message? Absolutely. Will the 35% who are going to vote for the Orange Dotard regardless of any truth or reality going to listen to the entire policy package?


      The Christo Fascists mainly hear the abortion dog whistle.

      The racist, bigoted Frothers mainly hear the mass deportation/they’re eating dogs and cats dog whistle.

      90% of all wisdom is minding my own business. But when I hear younger folk breach the subject of the election for the purpose or either A) obvious trolling or B) parroting ignorance because they do not know any better – I will engage.

      (A note here – I have taught literally hundreds of younger people how to navigate the Electrical industry and construction sites for over 30 years – ignorance can be cured with knowledge. Also that between impulse and action there is a thought process, or there should be.)

      If they are hard-core trolls I usually insult them with a bit of provable truth, engage in personalities (yes, that is a euphemism) and move on. If they are truly ignorant and I believe there is hope for them I will spend some time and explain how the political system works and what is behind the scenes – complete with pointing to places they can verify what I am saying for themselves.

      Can’t help but to leave this here (h/t to the Kiffness) – mock the fuck out of them in a good way:

      https: //

  28. GKJames25 says:

    Taking easy-to-manipulate back to 2016, the “Russia hoax,” and the question that no Republican has ever answered: Isn’t it self-evident that the country’s chief geopolitical adversary would work hard to help elect Trump over his formidable opponent?

  29. nxinNoVa says:

    My apologies, Raine.
    Another thought occurred to me, what other way to prove how “young” (like Tony Randall) and “virile” (shudder) then a new spawn.

  30. harpie says:

    Re: TRUMP talking about Orbán’s “endorsement”, I find it so interesting that each time he brings this up, he says something like this, from the Bedminster thing on 8/15/24:

    […] But Viktor Orban said if you put Trump in nothing’s gonna happen everyone’s gonna be peaceful because they were afraid of Trump. Now I don’t like saying that I said that. I would say maybe they respected Trump. But he said they were afraid of Trump they didn’t know where he was coming from and they were really afraid of him. [cheering] They’re not afraid of these people [applause, cheering] and being afraid isn’t so bad, but I would say more importantly, they respected me, but he didn’t use that word, he said that they were afraid of Trump. And we would have not had any problems with China and Taiwan, we wouldn’t have had any problems with Ukraine and Russia. We wouldn’t have had any problems with anything. […]

    He doesn’t “like saying that he said “afraid”, but uses it 6 times in this segment.

  31. Narpington says:

    “chosen with the considerable input of Trump’s dumbass son”

    Sorry Marcy, you’re usually so precise but could you narrow it down? I see the youngest possibility is going to (at least nominally) head Trump’s imminent crypto scam.

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