Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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30 replies
  1. Flatulus says:

    Yes it’s Friday and it feels good to laugh.
    Thought I’d share a weekend recipe.
    Recipe for Jerk Kitten

    1 young kitty, quartered
    (preferably Siamese but if you’re really hungry, by all means Maine Coon)
    If it’s for a party, by all means get extra legs.

    * 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
    * 3 medium scallions, chopped
    * 6 Scotch bonnet chiles, chopped (ouch!)
    * 20 garlic cloves, chopped
    * 1 tablespoon fifteen-spice powder
    * 1 tablespoon dingle berries, coarsely ground
    * 1 tablespoon coarsely ground black pepper
    * 1 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled
    * 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
    * 1 teaspoon kosher salt
    * 1/2 cup soy sauce
    * 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    * 1/2 cup recycled, pissy, kitty litter (break up large lumps, mmmm)
    Warning! If you want to follow this recipe, first go purchase a tub of Preparation H.

    They’re Eating The Dogs!

    • Sandor Raven says:

      Unfortunately, it is not in my nature to laugh, especially LOL. When it does happen I surprise even myself.

      LOL: It has been weeks, but “Jerk Kitten” did it for me. Thanks!

      • gruntfuttock says:

        Since we’re open and I’m a childless cat staffer (you never, ever, own a cat, jings, don’t these eejits know that?), here’s some fun cat stuff. If you’ve ever tried to pick up a sleepy, very relaxed, floppy cat, you might have wondered are cats solid, are they liquid?

        Marc-Antoine Fardin did and won an Ig Nobel for his troubles:

        file: ///C: /Users/ XXXXX /Downloads/On%20the%20rheology%20of%20cats%20-%20Rheology%20Bulletin%20-%20juillet%202014.pdf

        Hope the link’s okay. If not, go here:

        Scroll down to 2017.

        • Rayne says:

          FYI — “file:///C:” is local to your device. I’ve stripped out personally identifying info in that address especially since it’s useless.

        • gruntfuttock says:

          replying to Rayne September 16, 2024 at 1:13 pm

          Thanks, Rayne, I’m not as expert with computers as a lot of the contributors here. It looked a bit odd but I didn’t know why it was odd.

  2. Nicole Sandler says:

    Of course I had problems with the live stream today. Ugh.
    I usually start my show with some kind of fun parody song. Today, I was going to play one at the beginning and one at the end but the gremlins were really fucking with me today.
    So, here are the two videos I was gong to share with today’s show.
    The first is from a guy named Patrick Fitzgerald

    The second one is a guy who goes by the name of The Kiffness, who lives in South Africa. Note what he says he’s doing with the proceeds from this video …


    • Peterr says:

      Marcy has a loooong history with Patrick Fitzgerald.

      OK, maybe not the same Pat Fitz, but still . . .

      [For the oldtimers . . . Zed!]

      • P J Evans says:

        Ah, memories!

        squirrel hiller says:
        May 17th, 2006 at 12:15 pm

        Before we get to the tea list here’s the recipe for the “Fitzgerald Hammer of Justice” concocted by Bustedknuckles with a suggestion from Blank Kludge
        1 shot 151 rum
        1 shot Grenadine
        1 shot Crown Royal (: substitute John Jameson’s Irish whiskey for the ‘Crown Royal’…he’s fighting against the monarchy after all.) orange juice to taste served over crushed ice with a pillow on the side.
        When you are good and hammered, use the pillow

  3. dopefish says:

    “that she put out” : I interpreted this as Trump implying Harris put out some kind of statement or message saying she was Black.

    (I don’t think he’s smart enough to have deliberately chosen those words as a claim that she was promiscuous… and Trump slept with everybody under the sun, so its hard to imagine that he was trying to use that as an attack against Harris?)

    Probably not his best choice of words though.

    • AndTheSlithyToves says:

      He’s a malignant narcissist. Although his dementia is finally catching up with him (not fast enough for my taste), he definitely went there with Kamala and “putting out.” He can’t help himself.

  4. -mamake- says:

    About 28 minutes from the end…Nicole said regarding Kamala, ‘…in her twenties, she had an affair with an older man…’ In California everyone knew that Willie & his wife were separated – that’s their personal business. And if you lived in Sacramento or SF, it was also well known that Willie dated women openly.

    I prefer the characterization that Kamala _dated_ Willie. An affair, in common terms, or at least as I hear it, implies hiding, keeping it secret, and something sordid. People may have viewed Willie as very much a player and judged him for that. But he was politically savvy and fun to hang out with, or so I gathered at the time from my friends at the capitol. Don’t know if this was addressed or clarified. I just had to say it – cause we were ‘there’ – at least at adjacent tables.

    • Nicole Sandler says:

      Point taken. Dated an older man. I certainly did. Right out of college, fell in love with my boss, 30 years my senior, I guess that experience set me up for a successful career? I fail to see the logic in their thinking.

      • HikaakiH says:

        It’s the dyed-in-the-wool misogyny of refusing to accept that successful women might succeed on their own terms by their own talent without some powerful man magically assisting them from the shadows.
        This kind of thinking might even be more prevalent in the thinking of inadequate men whose successes in life were only achieved with a helping hand from dad or dad’s friends – another iteration of ‘every accusation is an admission’.

        • SteveBev says:

          Laura Loomer is the person principally responsible for recycling, reworking and maliciously distorting the already grotesque misogynist slights published in American Spectator on 8/12 and 8/13 2020. Dov Fischer wrote that pair of hit pieces on Harris which included this construction:
          “She shamelessly made her rounds throughout the state as plaything to the very married Willie Brown.. [several slights ommitted ] .. by being Willie’s public escort and consort.”

          Having cited Dov Fischer as a reliable source in her own more recent hit pieces, Loomer took that reference to ‘public escort’ and used it as the basis for claiming that Harris “worked as an escort” and was a sex worker.

          Forgive me for imagining that projection and confession might be at work with Loomer’s oeuvre.

        • dopefish says:

          Yes, its pure misogyny.

          Harris having dated an older man decades ago, who was technically married at the time, is somehow a demonstration of insufficiently-virtuous character to be President.

          Meanwhile, Trump has cheated on multiple of his wives, and also been credibly accused of sexual assault by quite a lot of women. I mean seriously, almost nobody gets accused of rape or sexual assault by a whole bunch of people, except for rich psychopaths who apparently use their power and influence to do anything they want and be shielded from the consequences. (“Grab em by the pussy”).

          Its baffling to me that there exist people who are capable of holding Kamala Harris’ long-ago relationship against her, while not acknowledging that Trump’s behavior towards many many women over his lifetime should be utterly disqualifying for high office.

          (Then again, this is only one of at least a dozen things about Trump that should be utterly disqualifying; but its one of the sicker ones. Republicans used to claim to care about morality, but they chose as their standard-bearer an utterly immoral asshole. Its a clear reflection of who they are.)

  5. BRUCE F COLE says:

    Regarding the Iranian hack: another reason not to publish the material is that the provenance of the hack(s) is as unknowable as the malware that’s embedded. My suspicion from the get go has been that the hacks could have been engineered by Stone just as likely as that they were Iranian in origin.

    That’s not to say that Iranian actors weren’t involved, but that they might have been directed and/or assisted by Russia (whose cyber skills are much greater), with Trump allied complicity.

    Not saying that’s what it’s about, only that it’s another possibility that should be considered

    • BRUCE F COLE says:

      . and one reason for thinking that is that I have a very hard time conceiving of Stone allowing himself to get successfully phished.

  6. phillatius says:

    Psychologists John Gartner and Harry Segal’s lastest “Shrinking Trump” podcast is a good complement to this episode.

    They agree that Harris was in control from the opening handshake and only got better as things progressed.

    And at the end, Mr. Segal returned to the handshake with a clip from the “original:” the groundbreaking handshake between Lena Horne and Gary Cooper on a TV show in the 1950s.

    • BRUCE F COLE says:

      .LOL indeed. More “wink, wink, nod, nod” rules for judges to ignore!

      They even provide a neat workaround in the last sentence of the “guidance,” telling the clerks that if they get approached by a political org to just tell them to hold off till their stint with the judge is up! That’ll fix the problem! In the meantime, their work can’t possibly be affected by the ideology of the outfit that’s courting them like a 19th century suitor, hat in hand, tapping their feet on the drawing room floor…

    • SteveBev says:

      The analysis depends on a straw man: it suggests that use of the term bait, to describe one of the tactics Harris used, detracts from a proper appreciation of the skills Harris brought to bear, and the goals she successfully achieved in debate.

      The only people saying anything remotely like her baiting of Trump was cheating are MAGAs melting down trying to spin and excuse a devastating debacle

      Harris skilfully induced Trump to self sabotage, thereby causing him to provide evidence against himself which went to various fundamental points of the general case she sought to make against him, which she went on to skilfully thread together to establish her overarching political case eg unfitness for office, a propensity to lie, invention of grotesque facts to serve an anti-social agenda, obsession with petty personal concerns, a poor grasp of facts and details, an inability to be well informed on policy matters, etc etc.

      Bait is an entirely appropriate description of one of the tactics she used, and to name it as such doesn’t in the least detract from the array of skills strategic, tactical and political she put on display.

      The instagram take seems a bit silly to me.

      • klynn says:

        I’ll defer to Toussaint Morrison’s views and activism on race and the power of words in discussing the debate.

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