Trump’s Handlers Attempt to Retcon His Fascist Attack on Haitian Migrants

According to Marc Caputo, the cat-eating screech that was one of the most disastrous moments of Donald Trump’s debate was supposed to be a planned bit.

DONALD TRUMP HAD A PLAN FOR Tuesday night’s presidential debate. But then the cat, neither abducted nor consumed, got his tongue and talking points.

If the moderators hit him for spreading a baseless urban legend about Haitian immigrants eating cats in the small city of Springfield, Ohio, the ex-president was supposed to execute a classic rope-a-dope strategy: He would dodge the punch and place the blame for the story on town locals; then he’d pivot to attacking Vice President Kamala Harris and the media over the toll of rampant immigration on housing, healthcare, and crime in Springfield.

It was all strategized in advance. There was just one problem: It required Trump to execute it.

But when the topic of immigration came up, the former president got sidetracked by taking umbrage with Harris’s insistence that he had uninspiring rallies. He then mentioned the possibility of World War III. Only after that did he launch into the rumors of pet-eating, and then without preparing viewers about the backstory.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs,” Trump said. “The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame.”

This explanation — that Trump was only supposed to raise this if moderators dinged him for spreading a racist hoax — doesn’t make sense on several levels.

That’s true, most of all, because Trump himself raised the hoaxes he’s been spreading about Springfield and Aurora in his very first response, which was supposed to be about the economy.

On top of that, we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums. And they’re coming in and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics and also unions. Unions are going to be affected very soon. And you see what’s happening. You see what’s happening with towns throughout the United States. You look at Springfield, Ohio. You look at Aurora in Colorado. They are taking over the towns. They’re taking over buildings. They’re going in violently. These are the people that she and Biden let into our country. And they’re destroying our country. They’re dangerous. They’re at the highest level of criminality. And we have to get them out. We have to get them out fast. I created one of the greatest economies in the history of our country. I’ll do it again and even better.

DAVID MUIR: We are going to get to immigration and border security during this debate. [my emphasis]

Debate first responses at any debate reflect a campaign’s primary focus and should be fresh from debate prep (though Trump invited Laura Loomer to fly to the debate with him, which is whom Mike Allen and Jim “Pool Boy” VandeHei blame for the meltdown). And Harris hadn’t yet started the process of beating Trump to a quivering mess yet, so that can’t explain why Trump raised it unbidden.

Trump repeated his immigration attack (this time not mentioning Aurora and Springfield) in response to Harris’ accusation that Trump exported chip technology to China.

But when you look at what she’s done to our country and when you look at these millions and millions of people that are pouring into our country monthly where it’s I believe 21 million people, not the 15 that people say, and I think it’s a lot higher than the 21. That’s bigger than New York state. Pouring in. And just look at what they’re doing to our country. They’re criminals. Many of these people coming in are criminals. And that’s bad for our economy too. You mentioned before, we’ll talk about immigration later.

Well, bad immigration is the worst thing that can happen to our economy. They have and she has destroyed our country with policy that’s insane. Almost policy that you’d say they have to hate our country.

His cat screech came not in response to a question to him about the hoax he had already raised (what Caputo claimed it was supposed to be), but as a follow-up to Harris’ response to Muir’s question about why the Biden Administration had waited so long to implement executive orders.

DAVID MUIR: But my question to you tonight is why did the administration wait until six months before the election to act and would you have done anything differently from President Biden on this?

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: So I’m the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. And let me say that the United States Congress, including some of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, came up with a border security bill which I supported. And that bill would have put 1,500 more border agents on the border to help those folks who are working there right now over time trying to do their job. It would have allowed us to stem the flow of fentanyl coming into the United States. I know there are so many families watching tonight who have been personally affected by the surge of fentanyl in our country. That bill would have put more resources to allow us to prosecute transnational criminal organizations for trafficking in guns, drugs and human beings. But you know what happened to that bill? Donald Trump got on the phone, called up some folks in Congress, and said kill the bill. And you know why? Because he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. And understand, this comes at a time where the people of our country actually need a leader who engages in solutions, who actually addresses the problems at hand. But what we have in the former president is someone who would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. And I’ll tell you something, he’s going to talk about immigration a lot tonight even when it’s not the subject that is being raised. And I’m going to actually do something really unusual and I’m going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies because it’s a really interesting thing to watch. You will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about windmills cause cancer. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. And I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you. You will not hear him talk about your needs, your dreams, and your, your desires. And I’ll tell you, I believe you deserve a president who actually puts you first. And I pledge to you that I will.

DAVID MUIR: Vice President Harris, thank you. President Trump, on that point I want to get your response.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I would like to respond.

DAVID MUIR: Let me just ask, though, why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so? That would have put thousands of additional agents and officers on the border.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: First let me respond as to the rallies. She said people start leaving. People don’t go to her rallies. There’s no reason to go. And the people that do go, she’s busing them in and paying them to be there. And then showing them in a different light. So, she can’t talk about that. People don’t leave my rallies. We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. That’s because people want to take their country back. Our country is being lost. We’re a failing nation. And it happened three and a half years ago. And what, what’s going on here, you’re going to end up in World War 3, just to go into another subject. What they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country. And look at what’s happening to the towns all over the United States. And a lot of towns don’t want to talk — not going to be Aurora or Springfield. A lot of towns don’t want to talk about it because they’re so embarrassed by it. In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in. They’re eating the cats. They’re eating — they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country. And it’s a shame. As far as rallies are concerned, as far — the reason they go is they like what I say. They want to bring our country back. They want to make America great again. It’s a very simple phrase. Make America great again. She’s destroying this country. And if she becomes president, this country doesn’t have a chance of success. Not only success. We’ll end up being Venezuela on steroids.

DAVID MUIR: I just want to clarify here, you bring up Springfield, Ohio. And ABC News did reach out to the city manager there. He told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community —

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, I’ve seen people on television

DAVID MUIR: Let me just say here this …

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The people on television say my dog was taken and used for food. So maybe he said that and maybe that’s a good thing to say for a city manager.

DAVID MUIR: I’m not taking this from television. I’m taking it from the city manager.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: But the people on television say their dog was eaten by the people that went there.

DAVID MUIR: Again, the Springfield city manager says there’s no evidence of that.


DAVID MUIR: Vice President Harris, I’ll let you respond to the rest of what you heard.


There’s little doubt that the psychic damage Harris did by calling his rallies “bor[ing]” rattled his response, leading him to first defend the virility of his rallies and only then to deliver the purportedly prepackaged Springfield comment, delivered as screech.

But what happened next is significant, given the retconning that Caputo got fed.

Trump’s meltdown might not have been so damaging were it not for Muir’s fact check, one of just three from the entire debate, but nevertheless the one that has led right wing trolls to offer bounties to try to create a less pathetic explanation than, “the people on my TV say.”

The timeline shows that Trump raised Springfield, what Caputo calls, “a baseless urban legend,” himself, when he was still fresh and unsullied by Harris’ attacks. Then he had his screech. And then Muir offered a fact check that — let’s face it — right wingers didn’t expect (which therefore Trump’s debate preppers likely didn’t either).

No one expected the push back that Muir actually gave after the fact, yet it is central to the effort to retcon the screech.

As an interlude, make sure you seek out the various versions of Trump’s screech set to music, which I first saw from this guy.

A few more things happened, though, between Harris’ pummeling of Trump, his screech, and the time when people started  retconning it with Caputo: Stephen “Discount Goebbels” Miller similarly got pummeled, in that case by a Venezuelan journalist, José del Pino, asking why Miller — and by extension, Trump — have this ridiculous belief that Nicolas Maduro brought down crime by exporting criminals to the United States.

So before someone tried to retcon Trump’s meltdown with Caputo, both Trump and Miller had had humiliating meltdowns.

And before that, Miller had spent most of the two days leading up to the debate disseminating these same false claims, RTing at least ten tweets dehumanizing Haitians, especially in Springfield.

The retconning fed to Caputo lets not just Miller off the hook for spreading what Caputo calls “a baseless urban legend.” It lets JD Vance off too.

After all, Ohio Senator Vance was a key vector in the pet-eating story.

Even after people explained there was no evidence for it, even as he acknowledge that “these rumors [may] turn out to be false,” JD nevertheless encouraged other trolls to “keep the cat memes flowing.”

Caputo credulously accepts that JD’s explanation to Kaitlan Collins in the spin room (in an interview given around the same time that Miller was melting down when called on the fact that he was parroting Maduro’s false stats) that meming was just a way to highlight the underlying tensions in a small city with an influx of new residents, of whatever race and national origin.

It was left to his vice presidential nominee, JD Vance, to play cleanup and showcase the campaign’s strategy during an appearance on CNN 45 minutes after the debate had ended.

“This town has been ravaged by 20,000 migrants coming in . . . This is what Kamala Harris’s border policies have done,” Vance said. “The media didn’t care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats . . . If we have to meme about it to get the media to care, we’re going to keep on doing it because the media should care about what’s going on.”

The primary cleanup here was Caputo’s.

Caputo doesn’t mention Collins’ comparison of this hoax to Bigfoot. He doesn’t mention how Vance bulldozed through Collins’ point that Trump raised this even though officials have no evidence.

If someone calls your office and says they saw Bigfoot, that doesn’t mean they saw Bigfoot. You have a sense of responsibility as a running mate, he certainly does as the candidate to not promote false information, right?

Similarly, Caputo cleaned up what he describes Jason Miller’s attempt to “polish” this conspiracy.

In a CNN interview Wednesday morning, Miller also tried to polish Trump’s immigration remarks from the night before. He insisted the story of pet-eating Haitians wasn’t far-fetched by boosting a story from the conservative website the Federalist about a Springfield resident who recently called 911 to report four Haitians each carrying a goose (but the story didn’t mention cats, dogs, or pets).

Miller complained about the bias of the moderators for failing to fact-check Harris on issues like fracking and said they should have talked about the Biden-Harris administration’s “airlifts” of Haitian migrants into the United States.


Later that morning on Truth Social, Trump posted an image of the police report as well as video of a woman in the city of Canton, Ohio (which is 173 miles away from Springfield) who was arrested for eating a cat. The woman is a U.S. citizen and not of Haitian descent, according to press reports.

Yes, Caputo noted how ridiculous it was for Miller and others to point to Haitians carrying geese (or a troubled non-immigrant woman 100 miles away who did eat a pet) to claim their Haitian hoax was defensible.

He didn’t note that Miller was on CNN falsely claiming the Haitians in Springfield are illegal (or that they were brought in deliberately). That is, Caputo cleaned up the false premise here: that Trump and his team are calling legal immigrants illegals, and on that basis fearmongering about someone eating your pet kitty.

This is the real issue, both in the dissemination and Caputo’s willingness to repackage it.

All the evidence suggests this is not “a baseless urban legend.” Rather, it is a packaged neo-Nazi attack designed to sow violence against migrant communities.

According to a local leader in the Haitian community, while there were tensions, none of that boiled up until a car accident involving a legal Haitian ended up killing a school boy.

What were things like over the course of the first couple of years that you were living in Springfield? Was the community welcoming?

We were just here working peacefully and caring about our family and all of this. The community was okay. There was still a group of people in Springfield who saw the coming of the Haitians as a threat. But normally, generally, the community was so open with us. We had so many people working with us and things like this. Until the recent incident of the recent bus accident and people have been building up on that just to tell bad news about us.

So you think the bus accident was when things really started to change?

Yeah, it triggered it. There was some tension before but not like it came after the bus accident.

A neo-Nazi group responded to that by organizing a march in the town. And then one of them created a conflict at a local city commission.

Late last month, a neo-Nazi group called Blood Ties organized a march outside the Springfield Jazz and Blues Festival. At the Aug. 26 city commission meeting, Drake R. Berentz took credit for organizing that march while introducing himself via an anti-Black pseudonym. He was promptly removed from the hearing after stating, “Crime and savagery will only increase with every Haitian you bring in.”

A national far right network with intimate ties to Trump’s team start magnifying disinformation from Springfield.

Shortly after, racist claims aimed at the state’s Haitian community began to surge online, boosted by known disinformation outlets and eventually echoed by GOP officials.

The unfounded narrative that Haitian immigrants were eating pets reached national attention after being repeated this week first by Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance (the junior senator from Ohio) and then his running mate Donald Trump at the latter’s debate with Kamala Harris.

The origins of the conspiracy theory remain largely unknown, but a New Lines investigation has identified several points of amplification from known spreaders of disinformation. Its fairly rapid spread reveals how extremist narratives travel from the fringes of the internet into the mouths of politicians, seemingly overnight.

Less than a week earlier, End Wokeness, an account on X (formally Twitter) that has been connected in the past to the white nationalist Jack Posobiec, shared a Facebook post alleging that Haitian immigrants were eating pets in Ohio. The claim was quickly repeated by the political commentator and founder of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk, during his broadcast hosted on Steve Bannon’s media network.

Kirk commented that this brought the United States “one step closer to the great replacement,” referring to a white nationalist narrative that claims non-white immigrants are replacing white people in the U.S. The narrative was originally obscure but has been increasingly embraced by the GOP mainstream in recent years.

Kirk is a close associate of Posobiec. Both his claims and the End Wokeness account’s tweet reference a single anonymous post on a private Facebook group as proof of their claims.

This was followed up on Sept. 8, when the End Wokeness account tweeted a video from a Springfield City Commission meeting where an influencer and podcaster named Anthony Harris claimed Haitian immigrants were eating ducks in the parks. This seemingly spawned from a repurposed image of a man holding a dead Canada goose in Columbus, Ohio, taken a month before.

This entire story, then, is about creating false stories in order to stoke far right violence against immigrants. It’s not an urban legend. It is deliberate propaganda.

It is already having real effects on the Haitians in Springfield.

And as such, it’s little different from the deliberate disinformation used to stoke the Dublin or Southport riots. Indeed, the networks behind all of them have very significant overlaps.

What is different here is that Trump is running to regain the presidency on such a platform of such disinformation. Trump’s team is riddled with participants in this transnational effort to stoke fascism with viral disinformation targeting immigrants; some of them aren’t even serving prison terms in Danbury FCI for covering up January 6! And Elon Musk has been all too happy to encourage it on Xitter.

Because of this — because of the way Trump’s team participates in this — Trump’s meltdown calls for far more than embarrassed retconning.

I don’t doubt that this was an orchestrated, intentional smear, one that Trump flubbed because Kamala Harris first made Trump insecure and then because Muir came ready with a fact-check. The fact that Trump’s handlers are trying to excuse it away as — in the Axios version — a matter of the fascist conspiracists he has admitted into his old man bubble, is a tell, but also an opportunity.

  1. He’s haunted. He can’t stand being seen as a loser. So it’s impossible to fully admit he didn’t win in 2020. He looks to distractions like crowd size and adoring coverage for solace. So, seemingly silly taunts — like Harris’ “people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom” — hit deep.
  2. He falls for fake news. For a guy who made “fake news” a household term, he falls for it often and easily. It wasn’t hard to learn that the allegations of Haitians eating pet dogs and cats were silly and wrong. But far-right activist Laura Loomer was on the plane ride to the debate with him, egging him on.
  3. He’s old. A wise man told us three types of people never change: Old guys. Rich guys. Guys with their names on the building. So the chances that Trump — a 78-year-old, self-proclaimed billionaire with his name on buildings, bottles and golf courses — will change are, um, nil.
  4. His bubble lies to him. All politicians live in self-protective bubbles. But Trump’s, which extends from his social media cocoon to his Mar-a-Lago luxury, is almost impossible to penetrate with hard truths. There’s always a Loomer to tell Trump he’s winning … even when he’s not.

Usually, this far right disinformation is supposed to be a little smoother than this — like JD delivered it, rather than the screech with which Trump did.

But, in spite of the excuses fed to Bulwark and Axios, the screech is the real thing. It is who Trump is. It is the ugliness with which this is all intended.

And rather than accepting excuses because the former President’s delivery made the ugliness readily visible in front of millions, we need to be clear that these memes are not, in fact, an effort to focus attention on the growing pains of a town with booming population.

Rather, they are a deliberate attempt to dehumanize people to either sow fear among voters — Trump even targeted this at union voters! — or violence if that fails.

After Kamala Harris rattled his ego, Trump showed himself for who he and his extended network really are. When people show you who they really are, believe them.

Update: Paul Waldman notes the intentionality of all this as well.

138 replies
  1. dopefish says:

    typo: A national far right network with intimate times to Trump’s team

    times -> ties (delete this comment too)

  2. Matt Foley says:

    People eating cats and dogs? Come on. Obviously Trump was joking; you left out his “I lost by a whisker” setup.

    You liberals have no sense of humor.

  3. dopefish says:

    The charitable person in me wants to believe that Trump is so brain-addled that he didn’t understand he was repeating racist memes with no basis in reality. But as we’ve seen over the past decade, that’s who Trump is.

    He’s brought an ugliness to U.S. politics that I never would have imagined before it was here. He mainstreamed far-right extremists and gave them permission to say the quiet part out loud. He normalized political violence and took every chance he had to divide Americans instead of bringing them together like any real President would do. No wonder Putin likes him so much. (“Nashatrampushka”)

    • Magbeth4 says:

      Trump is not doing this because he is “addle-brained.” He knows exactly what and why he is doing this. This is who his father was and this is who he is and always has been: a bigot and a racist.

        • SteveBev says:

          Trump chooses to regurgitate racist memes, because they have a “truthie-ness” to them, confirming his pre-existing prejudices, and he does so also because he knows they have the power to stoke grievances and anger amongst his followers for exactly the same reasons.

          Truth is irrelevant to these choices, and on the question of belief : the only important belief of Trump here is his conviction that the memes serve his purpose in a grasp for power.

        • xxbronxx says:

          “People don’t leave my rallies. We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics.” – “Mister Trump, a Miss Riefenstahl on Line 1.”

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Trump is almost certainly suffering from dementia. It interferes with his memory, speech, gait, timing, and delivery. But his racism, misogyny, and violence predate its onset.

      They are fundamental to who he is and has always been. They are why he hires bent personalities, like Stephen and Jason Miller. They are meant to extend his hate and make it politically more effective.

      • SteveBev says:

        As someone who has had significant dealings with people living with dementia it has been my experience that as the disease strips away various capabilities the core personality is what is retained longest, essentially kind people retain that despite their fears and worries, defensive, touchy mean spirited individuals become ever more hostile and recalcitrant.
        My parents, fortunately for me were in the first category. The parent of a former partner, and the parent of my brother-in-law were each very much in the latter category, sadly.

        • OldTulsaDude says:

          As a retired hospice nurse, my experience is people aging become a concentrated version of who they’ve always been.

      • BobBobCon says:

        J. Edgar Hoover had dementia late in his career, but by the late 60s the racist, paranoid edifice he had built had become self sustaining.

        As long as he was alive the fact that he was slipping mentally didn’t matter. He was the FBI and the FBI was him.

    • LadyHawke says:

      The ugliness in the Republican party pre-dates Trump by decades. Karl Rove, Lee Atwater’s Southern Strategy, the white hands ad, Nixon, etc. Nurturing people’s grievances, pitting them against each other, turning others into scapegoats. The thing about Trump is that it so perfectly meshes with his malignant personality and worldview.
      I’m not prone to exaggeration, but this election is really Darkness vs. Light.

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Yes. And I would add: Don’t overlook those people in Trump’s campaign that are allegedly professional or normal. For example, Susie Wiles says Michael Deaver (Reagan’s Deputy Chief of Staff) taught her to be an “image maker.” I’ve seen a bit of how that nitty gritty worked. And remember, Roger Stone listed her in the acknowledgments of his book.

      • earthworm says:

        reply to ladyhawke:
        yes, you are correct. nothing new here. the mccarthy era, strom thurmond, george wallace, richard nixon, “turd blossom” rove — they all jostle for the darkness & ugliness award.
        what makes a difference, it seems, is the internet and social media. now, poison spreads with the speed of light instead slowly, slowly seeping.

  4. Magbeth4 says:

    For people who spread rumors such as the one Loomer and Trump and Vance have spread,
    the question for anyone who hears such a rumor is to ask, ” who is ‘they.'” Rumors generally begin with the phrase, “They say..”. (A lesson my father taught me because of his being a target for such anti-immigrant ranting in the Forties.) Countering rumors is one way to stop the spread of a rumor. It’s just much more difficult now with the Internet and Social Media and Mass Media. Hitler must be turning over in his grave with envy.

      • Benji-am-Groot says:

        ‘Allo, my name is Inigo Montoya – you killed my father, prepare to die.’

        Consider how many times he said that to Count Rugen, and how it rattled the six-fingered man.

        Whenever I hear anyone – particularly a wing-nut-job MAGAt use that line I have a stock response:

        * “who are ‘they’?”

        * “what do ‘they’ want?”

        * “and how many of ‘them’ are there?”

        And I repeat it ad nauseam up to and including interrupting/talking over the offending MAGAt until they walk away or give me a rude response – then walk away.

        Seriously, I have manners and decent self-restraint but for some reason the ‘they/them’ argument gets me to the point of taking off the manners gloves.

  5. Matt___B says:

    Calling Howard Dean – which “candidate screech” was more damning? Next up: a “cackle contest” between Hillary and Kamala. Never mind.

  6. Peterr says:

    Trump’s handlers seem to be worried about their next gigs. “Wasn’t my fault!”

    And yes, that should not mask the underlying thing going on here. Even if Trump had run the play as they had designed, it was built to dehumanize and demonize The Other.

  7. coalesced says:

    Posobiec planted the seeds of this propaganda hit in his recent book “Unhuman”:

    “Haiti would become synonymous with voodoo occult rituals, and Boukman was a top practitioner who led the rites. To the assembled crowd he passed around a cup of animal blood which everyone drank, and he called out: The God of the whites pushes them to crime but he wants us to do good deeds. But the God who is so good orders is to vengeance. He will direct our hands and give us help. Throw away the God of the whites who thirsts for our tears. Then the blood massacres began…Men and women and so many screaming children, it didn’t matter. If you were French, you were hacked to death.”

    JD Vance wrote the book’s forward.

    • Matt Foley says:

      All this talk of dead cats. I can’t be the only one who thought of Stella “demon seed” Immanuel. Remember her? Trump’s “covid expert”.

    • SteveBev says:

      This book

      The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)
      Jack Posobiec, Joshua Lisec, Stephen K Bannon

      Steve Bannon wrote the foreword

      But Vance wrote a review which is quoted as promotional blurb on the publishers website
      Skyhorse Publishing
      Also Tucker C,
      Don Jr, Gen Flynn
      Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator
      Dr. Peter Boghossian

      A veritable collection of “the Hate and the Bad”

  8. Matt Foley says:

    Ah yes, the old MAGA tip-of-the-iceberg play.

    Take a single instance of an unconfirmed rumor (cat eaten, election fraud, Biden influence peddling, etc).

    Spread it in the MAGA echo chamber.

    Claim “people are saying it.”

    When there’s pushback fake objectivity by saying “Americans are concerned there could be a lot more of this happening but we won’t know unless we have a full investigation”.

    When the investigation finds nothing claim “Of course we didn’t find it! The Soros deep state is hiding it. What more proof do you need of the Dems rampant corruption?”

  9. Badger Robert says:

    I took as intentional as described by Ms. Wheeler, because I had already learned that the Aurora story was a concocted legend. By the way, Aurora, CO is one of those racist pockets that are numerous in the US.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Yes, there are several such “pockets” between Denver and the People’s Republic of Boulder. Boulder, otoh, may be liberal, but it hasn’t a lot of room for those without a lot of money.

    • DaveC2022 says:

      While Mayor Mike Coffman is problematic, Aurora is only 40% white. There maybe racists and racist landlords in Aurora, but the population is quite diverse.

  10. Amicus12 says:

    I know someone who was working at Comet Ping Pong when the gunman showed up in response to the conspiracy stories. I later explained to him and others that these were simply a later day variation on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The fabrications did what they were intended to do.

    Substitute eating babies for eating pets and you have more of the same with respect to the Haitians in Springfield.

    But Trump saw fit to double-down on the Protocols by accusing Democrats of killing infants after birth in his prattle about reproductive rights.

    I was texting with my children during the debate. My assessment was succinct: “It’s Hitlerite.”

  11. Robot-seventeen says:

    Thanks for writing about this! It’s been pretty clear the Trump-O-Sphere has been desperate to gin up Blood Libel smears for both Democrats and immigrants and at this point it isn’t even camouflaged. Why this doesn’t get any traction (except for Marcy and EW) is beyond me. Are the current roster of editors and “journalists” ignorant about this part of human history? Compliant? Both?

    I believe the idea of abortion being a preferred form of contraception for women is an older substitute perpetuated by men, who of course have never gone through the procedure. I thought the right couldn’t get much lower, but I guess they just keep digging. Disgusting.

  12. harpie says:

    City Hall in Springfield, Ohio, Is Closed After Bomb Threat The city said that “multiple facilities” had received the emailed threat. Sept. 12, 2024 Updated 12:10 p.m. ET

    […] By early on Thursday, the authorities had not made a connection between the threat and the rhetoric at the debate.

    The bomb threat prompted law enforcement to respond immediately and order City Hall to be evacuated as a precautionary measure, it said. The community was asked to avoid the area around the building.

    It was not immediately clear which agencies and organizations had received the threat. City and law enforcement officials were not available to reply to questions about the nature of the threat. The motive was also unclear.

  13. bloopie2 says:

    My only knowledge of pet eating comes from the 1960’s film “King Rat” in which George Segal et al. were prisoners starving in a POW camp in Singapore. When one officer’s pet dog eats a chicken being raised for later consumption, the dog is killed. Shortly thereafter, some of the inmates have real (not rat) meat for dinner, and on asking where it came from, are told, “Hawkins’ dog”.

    Not a nice moment in the film. At least in the debate we knew that what was being said, wasn’t real.

    • Robot-seventeen says:

      My grandfather was with the Navy personnel that liberated Santo Tomas in Manilla. I think it was a picnic compared to others. He was also involved trying to get the brass to help liberate POW camps earlier – what was happening wasn’t believed. He didn’t talk about it much but was quite affected by PTSD following the war and hated the Japanese.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      James Clavell wrote his novel, King Rat, from personal experience. Dog and rat would have been luxuries, compared to the normal diet at the Japanese army-controlled Changi prison in Singapore. The film cleaned things up quite a bit.

      Just for comparison, in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, the Germans laid siege to Paris. Rat and cat were definitely on the Parisian menu.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        But imagine if Trump’s false claims were true. What would that say about America as a place of asylum – and that Donald Trump was, in effect, bragging about it? What would it say about the low wages American employers were paying their immigrant staff, because they could get away with it?

      • Harry Eagar says:

        Fun and true historical fact: there was a lot of rice in Paris during the siege but some of the working classes preferred cat and rat.

    • Dark Phoenix says:

      It was a plot point in the VN/anime The Fruit Of Grisaia, but the situation was insanely desperate (the bus carrying a female sports team lost control and fell into a ravine, and the only way out was through a wooded area without a compass, making navigation difficult, AND they had limited food, so when one girl’s pet dog died, they suggest eating it because they haven’t had any food for DAYS).

      I would assume in a desperate IRL situation like that, you’d probably accept it as something that had to be done to not starve, but otherwise…

    • Eschscholzia says:

      Aside from the obvious voodoo/occult othering overtones of claiming Haitians were killing and eating fido & fifi, the other thing that popped into my mind was Michael Moore’s Roger & Me documentary. One scene had an out of work woman first carrying around talking about then matter of factly slaughtering & skinning (on the clothesline?) huge lop-eared pet rabbits to have food for supper. That woman could well be MAGA or the MAGA target audience. There’s a clip of that scene on YouTube but I’m not going to provide the link. It was unsettling even within the context of the movie about GM closing their plants in Flint and throwing thousands out of work. Without the context, just yikes.

      My mom’s family was dirt poor outside of Albuquerque in the 1930s and tried raising ducks for food, but none of them could kill the ducks, nor eat that meat after a neighbor did the killing for them. I won’t claim my mom & grandmother were better persons than the rabbit woman in Roger & Me, just different, and perhaps in not quite so desperate circumstances.

  14. Mister_Sterling says:

    I swore I would never comment here again. This is a site for lawyers with severe superiority complexes. But here goes.

    I think Trump’s “They are eating the dogs,” moment is going to have a greater impact on how people see him than his mob’s attack on Congress. How? I’ll be as quick as I can:

    16 million more Americans watched this debate than watched Biden’s debate in June. Take it from a 9/11 survivor, the week after Labor Day is a great week to ensure there are more people around compared to the early summer months. Back to school time (which is also UN General Assembly time) is probably the best week to get anyone’s attention.

    Hate to say it, but seeing Trump spout Nazi nonsense is far easier for the typical busy American to understand than a two month conspiracy to send a mob to attack Congress on a workday.

    About that. Think back to January 6 2021. It was a weekday afternoon. Over 100,000 Americans died of COVID that month (the deadliest of the ongoing pandemic – we’re down to 4,000 per month). I myself was helping to administer the first vaccines. I was going back and forth between following the terrorist attack and wrangling an endless line of New Yorkers to get vaccinated. Man, a lot was happening in addition to Trump’s coup by proxy.

    As Ross Perot would frequently say in his 1992 debates, “It’s simple.” What Trump did on Tuesday night is really simple. Just as Harris was able to provoke that craziness on live TV, perhaps that moment can re-awaken the American tradition of recognizing that when a candidate says something a wee too crazy, they are done.

    May Harris now slowly pull away in the polls. Trump did something so simple and shocking, he might not be able to survive this time.

    • Rayne says:

      Helpful hint: don’t start a comment with a crack denigrating this site. Why would anyone want to read what follows, especially when it’s another 289 words long?

      • Pikekone says:

        I read it and I’m a lawyer with a superiority complex. It’s a bit wordy but the post comes to a sound conclusion.

        • Rayne says:

          First, while there are quite a few attorneys in our community, this is not a community of “lawyers with severe superiority complexes.

          Second, it’s just plain bad manners to insult a site and its community before dumping a comment which approaches the limit of optimum length.

          Third, the commenter has a history here tending toward crankdom. They’ve now been liberated from the oppressive need to comment here.

          So thanks. I can read quite well but I also have to deal with this bullshit as moderator.

  15. vigetnovus says:

    This is absolutely the case. Note that DOJ indicted the leaders of one of these far-right white nationalist networks on Monday for doing exactly these sorts of things. Perhaps that’s why this operation didn’t go as they planned.

    Here’s the link to the DOJ press release: Link.

    In addition, the tactics are right out of the Doppleganger dossier/affadavit: create fake news stories and what look like authoritative sources to back up these fables to give a pretext for spreading the more widely.

    See, it’s kind of hard for these operations to work, when the bots and the foreign troll farmers have been successfully neutralized by the DOJ and the IC.

    • Jaybird51 says:

      It gets worse with the Double Haters. My sister still supports RFKjr, Jill Stein, and Marianne Williamson.

      >> Marianne Williamson<<

      Continuing to dump on Trump because of the “eating cats” issue will create blowback on Nov. 5. Haitian voodoo is in fact real, and to dismiss the story out-of-hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield. Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of Democrats as smug elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo.

      (posted on Xitter 4 hours ago)


      [FYI – content edited to offset what appears to be tweet content for improved readability. A link to the tweet should be shared. /~Rayne]

    • VinnieGambone says:

      Re : DoJ indictment Monday
      …Wonder if J6 choir will welcome them in?

      Hearing nothing from Rodger Stone, hymn ?

      Did I hear Trump was planning to have the J6 choir sing the national anthem at his inauguration if he won via TV because he knows pardoning them will take some time.

    • ExRacerX says:

      Absolutely unhinged. “Why are you screaming at me?”

      Miller never answered the question, either, even though del Pino repeated it about 10 times.

    • notyouraveragenormal says:

      The interviewer did well to stay calm and focused. A bit like Trump, Miller just couldn’t help himself. He could have just walked away, but, like a moth to a lamp, he needed to have that last word. Temperament as policy.

      Will add a shout-out to you, harpie, for your contributions in the comments section. I always look out for them and appreciate the added color. This was an example of something I missed in the original article but followed up based on your highlighting it.

  16. higgs boson says:

    33rd para:

    Trump’s team is riddled with participants in this transnational effort to stoke fascism with viral disinformation targeting immigrants; some of them aren’t even serving prison terms in Danbury FCI for covering up January 6!

    Can’t quite follow that…. was it supposed to be “are”?
    A great bit of writing regardless. Really calls out the danger of retconning.

  17. Fraud Guy says:

    A reply on a friends social media timeline mentioned that there was a case of someone eating a cat. I explained that it was not an immigrant, and in a city 100+ miles away. They replied that it did happen. I explained that just mentioning that, without the caveats, allows people to take refuge in feeling that the lie had some truth, somewhere, and if you insist on being that accurate, point out that the story was completely different, and had nothing to do with the people the lie was targeting, and otherwise you are just fueling the lie.

    • Rayne says:

      I wouldn’t explain anything. I’d ask them to provide proof in the form of reported news from a respected organization.

      I say prove it. Show me. No AI, no easily manufactured images, get me a report based on a police blotter. If they can’t produce any credible report, I tell them I can’t be asked to swallow bullshit even if you’re okay with swallowing bullshit.

      • Fraud Guy says:

        It was the case cited by Marcy in her post. Again, I was telling the person to be specific on that event, and that it had nothing to do with Haitians or Springfield, rather than cite a vague “well there was something” story.

        • Rayne says:

          Yeah, I got that — and there are more “cases” like the one “Baby Goebbels” Miller amplified which people are not shutting down by insisting on facts.

          My 20-something son called me today and told me he was gaming with a handful of white male friends his age while the debate was underway. When the aliens-eating-pets bullshit came up, they couldn’t provide any solid details, just “well I heard this, too” or “I saw it on the internet” or other nebulous excuses to rationalize their belief in this utter nonsense. Only thing missing this election season is “I read it at 4chan” or “it was a Q-drop.”

      • Badger Robert says:

        Catching and eating a wild goose or duck out of season is probably a fish and wildlife violation. Has anyone been issued a ticket? Catching and killing someone’s dog or cat would be a cruelty to animals crime. Has anyone been charged? Any arraignments? None that I know of.

        • John Lehman says:

          “ Catching and eating a wild goose…”
          ….how in the hell could they model their marching if there were no geese around?

          Sorry, been waiting awhile for this straight line.

      • P J Evans says:

        Donnie and “I saw it on TV”.
        (Not useful, Donnie. Who, when, what channel were you watching? If you can’t provide that, you’re just spreading rumors.)

  18. Badger Robert says:

    Maybe we can give Caputo a break. He’s trying to burrow into the former President’s campaign and get the finger pointing and the claims of “Not me” as they jockey for position in what comes next in the MAGA world, or try to build credentials in what might become a rational conservative party. I don’t assume that the attempt to make a rational conservative party from the remnants of the Republican party will be successful.

      • SteveBev says:

        Marc Caputo shouldn’t get a free pass for this piece.
        I believe the Trump aide was Micheal Caputo, who has not been heard of in public since his cancer diagnosis in 2020

  19. TimothyB says:

    Fled Haiti because of gang violence. Granted TPS because we are good people in the US. Succeeding, doing great with actual neighbors because they are good people, both neighbors and migrants.

    Then along comes this nonsense, based on nothing, stirring up more gang violence (for that is the modern GOP) against them.

  20. N.E. Brigand says:

    As I mentioned in response to a prior post, if Springfield has indeed grown by 15,000-20,000 since the 2020 census (and I’m not sure it has), then that takes the population from 58,000 to perhaps 78,000. At its peak in the 1960s, Springfield had a population of 82,000, so it’s possible that current immigration policies and economic conditions are making Springfield great again.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      It’s a small city in a big Ag belt between the state capital, Columbus, and the Dayton-Cincinnati conurbation. Increasing the population by a third would be a lot, and take a time to integrate the new folks. It would be nice if it were doing well, it hasn’t for a long time.

      • N.E. Brigand says:

        Once every autumn for the past ten years, I have a late evening event in Columbus followed by a noon event in Dayton, and I always stay between in a Springfield hotel along I-70, but I never have time to look around the town and see what it’s like.

        This Reuters article comes closer than any other I’ve yet seen to addressing my population questions. It notes the previous decline in Springfield’s size, it says that the Haitian immigration has been “too fast and too recent” for sure accounting, it mentions that the city now estimates the immigrant population is 12,000-15,000, and it says that before the surge that population was 3,500. (It doesn’t catch the fuzziness between whether those numbers refer to all immigrants or just Haitian immigrants, and it doesn’t note that the city website is referring to the population of the whole county.)

        I think that means that Springfield’s population was 58,000 in 2020 and that it has increased by somewhere between 8,500 and 11,500 since then, which means that it is now between 66,500 and 69,500, which is what it was in the 1990s.

        There’s also some helpful reporting there about how Springfield is seeing new home construction and downtown redevelopment for the first time in many years, and this: “For their part, city officials, local educators and the business community say that once the short-term disruptions are overcome, a growing population will add to a nascent revival.”

    • Dark Phoenix says:

      Some of the local business owners have stated that the Haitian immigrants saved their businesses, because they were having trouble staffing due to people leaving.

  21. bgThenNow says:

    The bomb threats and accompanying fright in Springfield are real and result from this terrible false claim. I just saw someone on line saying we are contributing to the racism and terror with the hilarity of various memes that have run rampant.

    I don’t know how much of the racism lives on/underlies the laughter, but I will be rethinking my own participation in it. The whole thing is preposterous and rightly deserves the takedowns of it, but we see there are real consequences when others magnify it, as was intended.

    I have wanted to believe that most of us are better than the hatred, but the ongoing story of “close race” is so depressing. After 2016, I just can’t shake the feelings. My state is pretty strongly blue, and I have not done all the things yet to turn out the vote. It just feels dangerous and dark, still.

    • Peterr says:

      My state is pretty strongly red, and no amount of work by me or the MO Democratic Party is going to turn the state blue for Harris.

      State Democrats are wisely pouring their energy into state and local races, where this is a year when they have a chance at breaking the GOP super-majority in the state legislature. A few flips in a few very competitive districts, and the wingnuts in Jefferson City will have to work with Dems instead of far-right Freedom Caucus nutters to get things done. Lucas Kunce is running an uphill race against Josh Hawley, but it’s not beyond possibility that he could pull that off, especially with an abortion rights amendment on the state ballot (which polls show folks in favor of winning) that will draw more Dems to the polls.

      Don’t know your state, but there are a whole lot of races below the Presidential campaign that make a whole lot of difference in the lives of all kinds of people. Find some of them, and give them a hand.

      • Molly Pitcher says:

        I am donating to Lucas Kunce, Ruben Gallego, JohnTester and several other down ballot races, since the top of the ticket seems to be doing well in the fundraising department. And I want to be optimistic and try to give the new administration a majority to work with.

    • Twaspawarednot says:

      “we are contributing to the racism and terror with the hilarity of various memes that have run rampant.” No. Making fun of TFG’s ridiculous claims discredits their validity.

  22. Thomas Paine says:

    The stereotyping of Haitian immigrants as pet-nabbing cat and dog eaters is a racist BS trope propagated by Neo-Nazi’s and members of the KKK. Fred Trump was a long-standing member of the KKK and Donald Trump is just following in his footsteps. The news media could have labeled Trump as a racist KKK sympathizer when he was endorsed by David Duke, but they chose not to. As a result, he used these ancient racist tropes to rise to power and eventually became POTUS in a country that has seen way too much racism and white supremacy motivated violence against innocent migrants just trying to make a life in a better place than where they came from.

    • JanAnderson says:

      Don’t dwell on the obvious – of course it’s bullshit, Trump has nothing else to run on but Fear. Harris rightly ridiculed it, but moved on to her message.
      Trump wants to run on immigration, obviously – don’t let him, he rigged Congress to allow him to do that. Harris cannot allow it, must push back pointing to the facts she stated – he wants a perpetual problem – not a solution. Aside from that issue is the bread and butter – cost of living. It is improving but slowly. Address that, point to the slow but lowering costs, the drop in inflation, the lowering of interest rates – point to what’s improving, what will get better. Remind people that inflation is not unique to America, it is global. Address those costs of living – childcare, housing, student debt, insurance costs and more. Move forward – leave Trump in the dust on those issues.
      Harris is not a magic wand to make Trump disappear – she’s only just the thing to address the issues close to American voters.
      No leader, no government ever resolves all problems, it is always ongoing and never ending. :-)

  23. JanAnderson says:

    Trump, Vance et al – boys Acting like men.
    It’s an act, they’re frauds. Just like every strongman in history, and the goofs in media, law, etc that go/went along to get along. Obama knew them, as does Harris.
    The fight is never over, my gay friends taught me that years ago. History teaches us it’s true. Don’t rest, keep fighting. :-)

  24. MsJennyMD says:

    Yes. When people show you who they really are, believe them.
    June 2015 domestic violence arrived 24/7 when Trump descended an escalator years ago to run for president by insulting Mexico with his foul speech. His pompous statement, “I alone can fix it,” fired up his followers into a frenzy.

    Previews to coming attractions of abuse while in office was his treatment of separating immigrants and their children at the border; Muslim travel ban into this country; Charlottesville, VA with the white supremacist rally; peaceful protesters tear-gassed for his bible photo op; January 6th insurrection where his touring terrorists bonded in the drug of hate and more.

    He exudes aggression, anger, hate and fear fueling the fire for threats and violence. He embraces abuse and violence as a political objective where his faithful followers and political pals reward abusive behavior in a toxic environment.

    Abuse breeds abuse. For years abusive words are drummed into supporters at rallies. “Fight, fight, fight” is a call to action looking for a fight. No surprise that there was an attempt on his life with the heightened hateful words giving permission for bully behavior leading to violence. Hate breeds hate and one has to be taught to hate.

    This is what bullies do. They blame, belittle, bate and bash others to boost themselves up in order to belong.

    His pathological lies and ludicrous comments continue and will continue until he is gone. No surprise he is latching onto outrageous theories (has been for years) about “eating cats and dogs.” The man lacks emotional intelligence, lacks responsibility for his abusive actions and lacks character.

    Nine years of immature, insecure and juvenile behavior is too much and too long. He is an abuser. This is who he is. This is who he has always been. Now people are finally standing up to the bully.

    Refuse to reward abusive behavior. Refuse to be abused.

    • JanAnderson says:

      Well a bully only understands one thing.
      Harris demonstrated it the other night. The coward is running, running away from another debate. Now is the time to push your advantage and don’t let up.
      Harris has a very distinct message, the opposite of Trump’s- America IS Great.
      It has gone through a period of inflation just like every other developed country has post-pandemic and is/has bounced back very well. People are feeling it slower than they’d like, but that’s how it goes during those periods, anyone my age has lived through it at least a few times. What the GOP fears most is the days ahead when they can no longer blame a global phenomenon on Biden/Harris. Trump added trillions to debt with nothing to show for it.
      Harris is holding all the cards now, realise it and play them well – you have a couple of months so go for it.

  25. JanAnderson says:

    MTG, another fraud, preaching to the latest GOP campaign scapegoat Laura Looney. ‘Jewish space Lazer’ gal talking. ‘That’s not MAGA’ – oh, but it is. Does anyone believe that climber? They’re all so feckin obvious, no surprise they eat their own.

  26. Savage Librarian says:

    Proof of Concepts

    Well, Eastman had a theory
    and Chesebro had one too,
    Rudy’s was quite smeary:
    the Barr, Brady, Weiss, Smirnov coup.

    Donald has some concepts
    but he won’t provide the proof,
    He takes a few more con steps
    but his lies are through the roof.

    He’s always good for his 2 cents
    but more could find him short,
    And when he lacks the evidence
    he next moves to extort.

    He’s left behind his fingerprint
    alongside his unhinged rants,
    One day we hope the government
    stops him and sycophants.

    He wants to push us retrograde,
    But we’re not going back,
    We’re tired of the Trump tirade,
    Give us Kamala’s soundtrack.

  27. earlofhuntingdon says:

    For those, mostly not here, who think Trump’s attacks are harmless, exaggerated rhetoric, they never are, as the judges in Trump’s cases know well. They always have an effect, and that effect is becoming more “kinetic.”

    Bomb threat shuts down [Springfield,] Ohio city hall after Trump spreads baseless migrants rumor….Republicans sharing false claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets has put national attention on Springfield.

    This is like Trump not paying his campaign bills when he holds events across America. He leaves them saddled with tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in bills they can’t or have a hard time paying.

    The effects on Springfield will not be limited to a one-time, one-day closure over a single bomb threat. They will recur between now and the November election. If Trump loses, which seems likely, they will continue. Trump will have no reason to persuade his troops to stop or to become less violent. He will have many reasons to let them act out his rage.

    The consequences will include a long-term drain on this small Ohio city’s budget, which it has limited ability to deal with. Perhaps Gov. DeWine and Ohio’s famously Republican legislature should fill in the gap.

  28. SunZoomSpark says:

    “Slow Don”
    To the tune of Lowdown – Boz Scaggs

    Kamala’s into runnin’ down
    The small size of your crowds
    You ran your failed grifts in the ground
    She’s saying it out loud
    Sayin’ you lied bout this and that
    And how dad’s dough got spent
    Everyone now all believes
    She does not pay rent
    Hey Don
    Your concept’s not a plan
    It’s the sad sad truth
    You dirty old man

    Old, o, o, o, old
    You thunder, blunder, ripped asunder, fool
    She knows how to talk like that
    Old o,o,o,o old
    I wonder wonder wonder wonder how
    She has those big ideas

    Woman you can’t handle
    Brains that you ain’t got
    She’s got money on the table
    A lot more than you got
    Put you in a bad light
    Tried to get you to confess
    Same old bullshit claims
    Got you into this mess
    Hey Don
    You gonna get run out of town
    Face the sad old truth
    You greasy orange clown

    Old, o, o, o, old
    You thunder, blunder, ripped asunder, fool
    She knows how to talk like that
    Old o,o,o,o old
    I wonder wonder wonder wonder how

    Crashing on back down to earth son
    Dig the slow slow slow slow don

    You can’t help that you so bad
    Got to be so old
    They eat dogs insistence
    Sure is gettin’ old
    Got to have a lie for this
    Lie for that
    Runnin’ with Laura Loomer
    Just ain’t where it’s at
    You’ll learn when the court has found
    All the sad sad truth..
    You dirty old clown

    Old o, o, o, old
    I wonder wonder wonder wonder who
    Got you thinking like that boy
    Old, o,o,o, old
    I wonder wonder wonder, wonder, who… … .

    • RitaRita says:

      The pet cat eating meme was more than likely a counter to “Republican Governor Shoots Pet Dog” story as well as a way to demonize Haitian immigrants. They saw the reaction to Dog Killer Kristi Noem and came up with their own racist version.

      • Rayne says:

        Excellent deduction. The public’s positive response to Walz’s love for animals further bolsters this premise.

        What other subjects cause such deep emotional responses? I think Harris’s relationship with her grandnieces is another touchstone — Trump has never looked comfortable around children and they steer clear of him. Is that what Vance was supposed to protect against, the use of this emotional wedge?

  29. wetzel-rhymes-with says:

    Trump, Vance, Miller, Thiel and all the fascist brain-trust, I believe, think of scapegoating as a kind of failure-proof propaganda. How it usually goes, I think they are right, because debating with a lynch-mob is impossible, but Trump’s blundering application of their strategy during the debate showed him, Vance and Miller as pathetic Wizards of Oz.

    Millions of Americans really do seem ready to make a pitchfork “ready-to-hand” like Heidegger’s hammer to a carpenter. They won’t analyze the pitchfork thrust into their hands during the ‘crisis’. It’s like a part of the body. What the Trump campaign’s ham-handedness did here though, is make that pitchfork “present-at-hand” or a subject for analysis. The ham-handedness has become a subject itself to the media, which is steadily pulling the whole scapegoating of the Haitians and showing how it was put together as a construct. Now the mob turns on them, which still needs catharsis, so it’s playing out as an absurdist tragedy for the Trump campaign, and they look like clowns. The American people aren’t Russians under Putin, where conformity, or at least obsequious silence during two minutes hate is required.

  30. Zinsky123 says:

    Purveyors of Hate always go to the extremes of human behavior and accuse thier perceived enemies of the most egregious and outrageous crimes and misdeeds. That’s why pedophilia or child abuse charges are always used to falsely accuse the target of hate. Killing people’s pets and eating them is just a variant on that avenue of deviancy.

  31. HonestyPolicyCraig says:

    Planned rhetoric or not, it is still the economically advantaged putting a fool up for election. The market place is making a mockery of government as a means to level wealth and the assets of our lands. The worst is when Madison Avenue actually gets low information and low income individuals to vote for their policies of destroying government. It cannot get any worse than what we are currently watching, but perhaps we can walk ourselves back to using slavery in our economy. I really have utmost contempt for the press at this point, for putting a microphone in front of this man’s mouth. So, I guess we let him destroy our policy makers, and then call him out on it? Press = Enablers.

  32. HuntaurD says:

    If you haven’t seen it and want a palette cleanser after the debate, the Good Liars were able to make their way into the spin room before and after the debate. Their interviews with sycophants are a thing to enjoy with a celebratory adult beverage.

  33. harpie says:

    In October of 2019, TRUMP sicced his mob onto Somalis in Minneapolis AND Ilhan Omar:
    [I’ll try to get these THREADs on the Thread Reader]

    7:01 PM – 10 Oct 2019 [< This VIDEO can be seen at the Reilly Tweet below]

    Trump vows to crack down on Somali refugees in a city with one of the largest Somali populations in the country [VIDEO]

    At that time, Marcy retweeted Ryan Reilly, who reminded us:
    7:08 PM – 10 Oct 2019

    Three Trump supporters are currently in federal prison for plotting a terrorist attack to kill Somali refugees. [in Kansas][HuffPo link] / […] / Dan Day, the Trump voter who served as a FBI informant in the case, told me he wished Trump would cool off the anti-Muslim rhetoric. [link] [THREAD]

    Links to Huffington Post:
    Right-Wing Extremists Guilty In Terror Plot Against Muslim Refugees
    Attorneys argued the Trump-backing trio were radicalized by “chaos news,” and wrongfully targeted by the feds for “locker room talk.”
    Ryan J. Reilly and Christopher Mathias Apr 18, 2018

    • harpie says:

      WaPo from 10/11/19
      ‘Stunning in ugliness & tone’:
      Trump denounced for attacking Somali refugees in Minnesota

      […] Two days before the 2016 presidential election, then-candidate Trump told the crowd at a campaign rally in Minneapolis they had “suffered enough” as a result of “filthy refugee vetting” that had allowed an influx of Somalis into their state. He promised that if he became president, refugees would not be admitted “without the support of the community where they are being placed.” […] [link]

      Links to November 2016 WaPo article:

      Why Trump warned about ‘Somali refugees’ — and why it could backfire
      WaPo 11/7/16

      • harpie says:

        From the Department of Justice 10/14/16:

        Three Kansas Men Charged With
        Plotting a Bombing Attack Targeting the Local Somali Immigrant Community

        [Criminal Complaint P.2]: Since February 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been conducting a domestic terrorism investigation of a group of individuals operating in southwestern Kansas who identifies themselves as “the Crusaders.” This is a militia group whose members support and espouse sovereign citizen, anti-government, anti-Muslim, and antiimmigrant extremist beliefs. […]

        [At p.7 one defendant is quoted [on tape June 2016]:

        The only fucking way this country’s ever going to get turned around is it will be a bloodbath and it will be a nasty, messy motherfucker. Unless a lot more people in this country wake up and smell the fucking coffee and decide they want this country back…we might be too late, if they do wake up…
        I think we can get it done. But it ain’t going to be nothing nice about it.

      • Harry Eagar says:

        I had forgotten that but recalled the earlier explosion when Somali cabbies in Minneapolis-St. Paul refused to take passengers with (in at least one case seeing-eye) dogs. That was unlike dog-eating in that a genuine clash of cultural norms was involved.

        It was also unlike in the reaction of the city’s leaders, with the cooperation of Somali leaders. A stick was wielded against the cabbies by threatening to bar them from the airport, and a carrot with social coaching for the cabbies about how American attitudes toward dogs were — to them — strange.

        It died down quickly enough.

        When I was reading for my History of Eating Dogs in Iowa, I had an hypothesis that there is a sort of cultural ‘Wallace Line’ separating antidog/prodog societies. I couldn’t quite nail it, but I still think there is something to that.

        Part of my problem is that even in the most extreme prodog society (England), there were situations where dogsploitation was calmly accepted (dogskin gloves, Antarctic explorers eating dogs). Probably if I knew more about Somalia I would find examples of people there who like dogs.

        To me, the lesson to be taken away is that when cultures clash, a deeper cultural affect emerges: those who choose a meliorist approach vs. those who weaponize it.

    • harpie says:

      TRUMP’s mob was already primed to attack Omar.
      Here they are in North Carolina in July 2019:
      4:45 PM – 17 Jul 2019

      At the Trump rally in NC, as Trump goes on a riff about Ilhan Omar, audible screams from the crowd



      “Send her home!”

      Crowd now full chanting “SEND HER BACK!”
      a mini contest always breaks out at Trump rallies, among crowd, to yell the most eye popping thing as the president speaks on a given subject. that’s what’s missed on TV […]

      Here’s an Adam Serwer prediction as he retweets that:
      4:48 PM – 17 Jul 2019

      We gonna keep pretending this isn’t what it is or…
      Now that the mob has rendered its verdict, the rejections of the president’s racism from elected Republicans will grow fewer and quieter.
      This ritual however, will only grow more grotesque.

  34. freebird says:

    Now I understand why Melania isn’t around. Trump is disgusted by eating pussy and she wants him to partake.

    • BRUCE F COLE says:

      Tip: you have 5 minutes after hitting “Post Comment” to hit “Cancel reply.”

      Translation: Let’s leave the 5th grade-level commentary to the other side, shall we?

  35. RitaRita says:

    I live in a 55+ community in an area where there are many Haitians. The likelihood that someone with dementia has a personal caregiver who is Haitian or of some other ethnic group that is not WASP is high. Many of Trump’s despised ethnic groups have cultures that treat the elderly with reverence and care for them lovingly as they decline. It would be the height of irony if, on his slow descent into dementia, he is cared for by one of his despised groups.

    And as to eating cats or dogs, as a child I remember being horrified by a Filipino Jesuit priest who was a friend of my mother telling me that Filipinos eat squirrels. And, of course, 4Hers or Future Farmers can talk about selling the lamb, cow or pig to be butchered that they had lovingly raised. Lots of tears are shed at auctions. French eat snails. Italian eat pigeons and their babies are fed horse meat. Scarcity is the mother of different and inventive cuisine.

    Trump was going to deliver his racist spiel about immigrants at some point or multiple points in the debate. It is really all that he has to offer. He has no policies, just concepts that the media pretends are policies. His cognitive decline prevents him playing the racist card with any subtlety.

    • Rayne says:

      TBF, Trump isn’t being coached by persons gifted with subtlety when he’s closeted with Stephen “Baby Goebbels” Miller and Lara Loomer. They may be counting on his lack of discretion combined with his imbued authority to encourage even more overt racism and other bigotry.

  36. klynn says:

    Springfield is near and dear to my heart. I’ve lived there. Went to college there. Worked there. Our children have lived, worked and experienced formative learning in Springfield. Mr. klynn and I were married in Springfield. We still visit often and have friends there and still volunteer for community events. A former mayor was a significant influence in my life.

    The requests I am receiving from friends, ranging from doctors, lawyers, educators and social workers, is to please stop giving oxygen to anything about Springfield – especially memes, reels and any music made of Trump’s screech. Every “like and share” prolongs the pain and hate experienced by Haitian immigrants in Springfield.

    If you have questions about Springfield, I’ll do my best to answer them.

  37. Narpington says:

    That Vance and Stephen Miller both tweeted about the pet eating the day before the debate shows the topic was planned beforehand, but Trump screwed up in his eagerness to play his namesake card by mentioning Springfield, Ohio at the start, and though he didn’t give any context the first time, it did allow ABC to research and ask the city manager before the debate came back to immigration (well done ABC, can’t imagine Fox News doing that).

    “He falls for fake news”. He believes if he wants to believe and doesn’t really care what’s true.

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