2024 Presidential Election: Second Presidential Debate (for Trump)

[NB: check the byline, thanks. /~Rayne]

ABC News network hosts a presidential debate this evening beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET. It’s the first time Kamala Harris meets Donald Trump but it’s Trump’s second presidential debate. Will he do any more than Gish gallop like he did against Joe Biden?

Major news outlets don’t seem to care how badly Trump did last time. They were far too focused on their “But Biden is Old” agenda to focus on Trump’s bullshit. All his lies should have been noted in real time for the benefit of the public but apparently informing the public is not the job of corporate-owned major news outlets.

Marcy’s already spelled out the case: at 92% of the election season, Trump has used up most of his campaign already. Harris is less than half way and has plenty of room to run circles around a stultifying campaign dependent on outrage cycles and old ratfucking tricks.

And in spite of Trump having burned so much of his campaign promulgating crap which does nothing to lift the American public and everything to save his ass from prosecution and jail if he should win, major news media outlets insist on putting all the pressure on the seated vice president who has already been engaged in much of the work she’d do if elected. They’re pretending she’s wet behind the ears.

Here’s what I see from out here in the cheap seats: Donald Trump lost already.

He lost my dad.

My 90-year-old dad, a veteran who lives in Florida, has always voted Republican. ALWAYS. He has already told us several weeks ago he’s going to vote for Harris

When asked why he explained in his usual economic fashion: “I can’t vote for a felon.”

This decision has been an evolution. You see, two years ago when the FBI served a warrant on Mar-a-Lago for the presidential records including classified materials, I asked my dad what he thought.

He tsk-tsked, shook his head and said, “Sloppy. He’s sloppy.”

Last year dad wouldn’t talk about Trump at all, just shook his head.

This year he’s blunt about it. Trump is a felon.

The doubt began for my father with the presidential records scandal in no small part because Dad worked SIGINT in the Navy. We’ve had a few interesting discussions about intelligence but even now, though more than 65 years has passed, my dad is still closed mouthed about what he did. He took an oath and he’s kept it.

Donald Trump did not.

Furthermore, he cheated in 2016 to get elected. All his bullshit claiming Democrats are cheating is projection, because he cheated on his wife and then he cheated the state of New York and the American public to hide that he cheated in order to win the election.

It took my pops a while to break through the lifelong conditioning that he should vote for a Republican for president.

It only took Trump being outed as a felonious cheating loser.

He remains one no matter what happens tonight.

~ ~ ~

This thread is dedicated to this evening’s debate. Please stay on topic, thanks.

151 replies
  1. Rayne says:

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    • Rayne says:

      Don’t go there about the pandemic, buddy. You are responsible for the termination of the early warning system Obama put in place so that we’d be able to respond proactively to a pandemic threat.

    • P J Evans says:

      He officially has a degree in economics. How TF does he NOT have a clue about tariffs? (I only took Econ 101, and I know more than he does.)

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          He also lied about his degree. It wasn’t from the Wharton School of Finance. It was from a separate real estate finance program at Penn.

        • xyxyxyxy says:

          Did he say “my daddy only gave me 1/4 of that,” only $100 million and bailed me out with $1 million chip purchase when I was about to lose a casino.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Lawrence O’Donnell laid this out well the other night. A high schooler knows more about tariffs than Donald Trump.

        The foreign country does not pay them. US consumers pay them. The importer pays the levied tariff, but passes it along up the chain until it reaches the ultimate consumer. That’s why tariffs are analogous to sales taxes.

        But, here, Donald Trump repeats the lie that they are not a sales tax and that China will pay them. LMAO.

  2. thesmokies says:

    Terrible, terrible start for Harris. She did not answer the first question. She should be defending the current economy. Instead she is running from it.

    • dopefish says:

      She seems a bit nervous, but she also seems to be getting under Trump’s skin, obviously intentional.

      [Edit: if Trump doesn’t respond directly to the moderator’s questions, why should Harris?]

    • Rayne says:

      It wasn’t great but ABC’s question holds the White House responsible for both corporate greed and Congress’s inability to deal with both the greed and the supply chain factors which are a big chunk of the economic challenge.

    • SteveBev says:

      KH seems a little nervous and dry mouthed

      The question about ‘better off’ was evaded by both

      KH gave a coherent policy response to the issue of the economic policy moving forward.

      Trump mentioned Tariffs and descended into unhinged fairly quickly

      In the follow up questions Harris started to get into her stride.

        • SteveBev says:

          Harris needles hm into descending even further on ratfucking. With the jibe about nonsense at his rallies

          Trump is losing it a descends into dog eating conspiracies

          Harris laughs at him she is winning now

          Trump doubles down on dog eating after good fact check

  3. Ed Walker says:

    We won’t watch at our house. Every time that doddering old criminal opens his mouth it makes my skin crawl. I can’t even listen to clips of that whiny draft dodger. I have to wait for transcripts, and almost all of them are indecipherable.

    It’s easier to watch on the cave wall, so thanks in advance, everyone.

  4. Rayne says:

    “People are absolutely dying because of what they’ve done.”

    You mean like the three-plus thousand who died in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria because Trump did dick for prep and response besides throwing paper towels?

    • dopefish says:

      Harris talking about abortion and bodily autonomy like this, this is what America needs to hear. She’s hitting him hard.

      [edit: yeah, she really got under Trump’s skin with that one… he’s now ranting about student loans and Biden hanging out at the beach…]

    • SteveBev says:

      Good that Trump fact checked on ‘execution’

      Harris is making an excellent case on the Roe v Wade issues

      And called him a liar at a strategic moment in a telling way, linked to a fact

      Trump just calls her a liar willy nilly.

      The fact check on Vance comment was well made and not well rebuffed by Trump.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        And yet, after Trump is told by a moderator that no state authorizes “abortion” after birth – that’s infanticide, murder – he doubles down on it twice, insisting they do.

  5. Ed Walker says:

    Violating my rule, i turned on the debate to tape it and heard that doddering old criminal lie about chip manufacture. Bone ignorant dolt doesn’t realize that US capitalists sent the chip manufacturing know-how and capitaloverseas, and that the CHIPS Act is the only thing we’ve ever done to make this better.

  6. Rayne says:

    Harris says Trump is running on a problem — I think this could be better stated as Trump making problems and running on them.


    • dopefish says:

      She trolled him good about the rallies and now he’s ranting about America being a failing country, and how people in Springfield “are eating the pets of the people who live there”.

      The Donald is looking a little unhinged, here…

      • dopefish says:

        From The Washington Post’s live reactions:

        Ruth Marcus Opinion Columnist 6:31 p.m.
        Okay, and now Trump has started to go off the rails, with the cat-eating and the ludicrous claim that Harris has to bus paid people into her otherwise sparsely attended rallies. And another note: I think the questioners are both doing a good job of real-time fact checking.

        Megan McArdle Opinion Columnist 6:31 p.m.
        Trump has now been diverted onto ridiculous social media memes about Haitian immigrants eating pets. Well done, Team Harris.

  7. dopefish says:

    I’m amazed we’re 45 minutes into this, talking about economy, inflation, oil production, and nobody has mentioned yet one of the largest causes of inflation and high oil prices: Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

  8. Rayne says:

    Oh right, poor Ashli Babbitt, harmlessly beating on the Capitol doors trying to force her way in with the rest of the insurrectionists intent on halting the certification of the vote and punish VP Pence and Speaker Pelosi.

    *eye roll*


    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Babbitt fucked around and found out. Trump doesn’t want to accept the truth that he was responsible for her death.

    • SteveBev says:

      And now shamelessness on the big lie weaving in the illegal immigration into the narrative.

      Agin good fact checking on “loss by a whisker”

    • Peterr says:

      Yes. Much better than any I can recall, though to be fair, moderators pre-2016 never had to deal with someone lying to their faces with every other sentence.

  9. Rayne says:

    “Nation is dying,” he says.

    We have an economy which is the envy of the world right now but sure, we’re dead. Jesus he is just a bag of hyperbolic wind.

    • CaptainCondorcet says:

      Apocalyptic talk plays well with people who believe in an actual apocalypse. Even when Trump was in office, his debate with Biden was about how bad the country would become. Truly depressing

  10. Peterr says:

    CNBC liveblog header right now, top of their webpage: “Presidential debate live updates: Trump goes off script with false conspiracy, claims ‘They’re eating the dogs’”

    If a GOP nominee is losing the business folks at CNBC . . .

    • CaptainCondorcet says:

      Never in Kamala’s boldest plans could she have banked on Trump rattling nonsense about pets getting kidnapped and eaten by evil immigrants. People are going to (correctly) run with that all the way through November.

  11. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Can’t believe Trump is obsessing about people eating pets. I suppose it’s a way to make those he accuses of it of being so degraded, they deserve no civil rights, only incarceration and punishment, if not death, without due process.

  12. SteveBev says:

    Harris makes a great speech on the instability of Trump and the possibility of illegally messing with the vote, and how world leaders are appalled by J6

    Trump goes straight to Orban loves me !!!

    *eye roll*

    • dopefish says:

      It was smart of her to turn and say to Trump that world leaders think he’s a joke. That really got under his skin.

      Now she’s doing it again, throwing Trump’s “well known” love of dictators, and past statements praising Putin and Kim Jong Un right in his face. “because its so clear they can manipulate you, with flattery …”

      • Rayne says:

        McMaster wrote in his book about stopping a handwritten mash note Trump attempted to send to Putin the week of the Skripal novichok attack.

        Sure looks like this was the last straw that got McMaster fired.

      • thesmokies says:

        When Trump went on and on about how Orban says all these wonderful things about him, I wish Harris would have come back with something like, “When you apply for a job you try to get the best references you can. Look who Trump has chosen — President Orban, an autocrat who has (lists some of his horrible acts). That’s the best reference he can come up with.”

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          It’s all a junior high school popularity contest for Donald Trump. He’s the bestest and brightest, and wins every fair contest. His cheating at golf is the least thing he cheats at.

          Trump is so fragile and demented, no wonder foreign leaders like Xi, Putin, and Orban can twist him around their finger with nothing but a few kind words, a biscuit, and a scratch behind the ear.

      • -mamake- says:

        1000%. A joke, easy to manipulate and a fool, easily confused. She has nailed him. Now NATO….gee, tell us what NATO stands for dude.

  13. dopefish says:

    Okay, Trump finally raises Ukraine, when he’s supposed to be explaining how he would get Netanyahu and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire deal.

    • dopefish says:

      Wow. Trump is now explaining his grand plan to end the Ukraine war.

      The truth is that Trump’s plan is to hand Russia a huge victory.

      Trump refuses, a 2nd time, to answer “Yes” to whether he wants Ukraine to win the war.

      • CaptainCondorcet says:

        Though i doubt it will happen, I truly dream of the day we find out what Russia has on him to say (and not say) some of the things he does that aren’t just awful but also awful politics

  14. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Donny sure isn’t talking to anyone but those who’ve drunk his Kool-Aid. He’s got nothing, so he’s treating this as a campaign event and spouting his canned talking points.

    • Badger Robert says:

      That was my recurring thought. He gets away with this stuff in his rallies in front of a marginal audience. But he repeated more crazy conspiracy theories on national TV with all the networks sending out by broadcast, cable and streaming apps.

  15. Memory hole says:

    It seems like the demented, old man is getting to double up on his rants yelling about immigrant “criminals”. Dominating the mic time. I wish Ms.Harris would point out that if that’s the case, then he was a total failure when he was President. Nearly his entire platform was building a beautiful wall and ending immigration. His wall failed, so why trust him again.

  16. The Old Redneck says:

    Harris started a little slow. But over the course of this debate she has come across as reasonable. Meanwhile, Trump has shown himself to be an angry, spluttering, rambling old man. He actually doubled down on the “illegal immigrants are eating your pets” thing.

    If voters are paying attention to this debate, this election should not be close. If it remains close after this, I’m really concerned about what that says about our electorate.

    • CaptainCondorcet says:

      There is a sizable portion of the population that would literally put a dog in office if it could use it’s paw to sign off on appointing anti abortion judges to the court. Brace for disappointment

      • Jim Luther says:

        And there is another sizable portion of the population that would like to see the federal government do noting more than deliver mail, build roads, and maintain a military – and have taken the odd strategy of attempting to kneecap government so they can point at it and say “it doesn’t work”.

  17. Peterr says:

    The leaders of every nation in the EU + Britain would like a word about Trump’s lies about them not helping out Ukraine. Maybe even several words, though most of them would not be suitable for television.

    • SteveBev says:

      Harris has burnished her foreign policy credentials on rallying allies to the Ukrainian cause.

      She has made an excellent case for herself here.

      And Trump is reducing to whining.

    • Peterr says:

      From the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and their Ukraine Aid Tracker:

      European support from Jan 24, 2022 – June 30, 2024: 110.2B Euros, with another 77B allocated but not yet spent
      US Support over the same time: 75.1B Euros, with another 23.3B allocated but not yet spent.

  18. Ravenclaw says:

    Hard to see how anyone but a dyed-in-the-wool MAGA-head perceives the man’s performance as anything other than deranged. But I guess there are a lot of them, and maybe I’m wearing blinders of my own?

    • pH unbalanced says:

      That’s exactly where I am.
      There was never any doubt that *I* would think she had won, but I have no idea how this comes across to independents/Republicans.

  19. The Old Redneck says:

    Harris started a little slow. But over the course of this debate she has come across as reasonable. Meanwhile, Trump has shown himself to be an angry, spluttering, rambling old man. He actually doubled down on the “illegal immigrants are eating your pets” thing.

    If voters are paying attention to this debate, this election should not be close. If it remains close after this, I’m really concerned about what that says about our electorate.

    • Ravenclaw says:

      Yes. Unfortunately, it probably won’t move the needle more than a point or two. But this is a case where I would *love* to be proved wrong.

    • Peterr says:

      I’d love to see the moderators not simply quote what one of the candidates said, but play the video of them speaking and ask for a response.

      The answer to the question about Trump recently saying he lost by a whisker in 2020 would have been very different if the video was played instead of simply quoting the words. “I was being sarcastic” would not have flown at all if the tape had been played.

  20. dopefish says:

    Harris hit him hard over Afghanistan, and Trump sounds pretty defensive in his response.

    [but his verbal attacks are not being fact-checked much by the moderators.]

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Yes, but like the banks, no one is allowed to see his “concepts of a plan.” They are so valuable, everyone would try to steal and copy them. Rather like how Trump uses copyrighted music without permission.

  21. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Trump’s knowledge of the Logan Act is…unprecedented. He’ll settle Putin’s war in Ukraine after his election and before he takes office.

    Harris was right. Trump will, as he’s already promised, give Putin whatever he wants. Giving him Ukraine would be the appetizer in a twelve course meal.

    • SteveBev says:

      There was not even a pretence that some diplomatic solution could be brokered by hinting at establishing peace talks looking at complex historical issues.

      It all comes down to Putin’s got Nukes watch out for WW3! What a shithead.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Brilliant snark. Perfect illustration.

      Trump and Vance aren’t talking about cultural necessity or preferences in choosing food. They are creating and reinforcing a sense of an outrageous other, who is beyond the pale of tolerance, acceptance, and equality. Their play comes straight from the fascist playbook.

      I’ve traveled a fraction of the miles of Anthony Bourdain. Unlike the post-apocalyptic hero in the Book of Eli, I haven’t eaten cat. But I have eaten dog, camel’s knuckles and pig ear (gristly cartilage), cold sliced duck stomach, fried scorpions, sea cucumber, and a lot of things I couldn’t name. (I prefer the camel’s knuckles to haggis.) The poor learn to eat whatever the rich ignore. It has nothing to do with civil rights or social acceptance or equality.

      • P J Evans says:

        Once upon a time – 19th century and earlier – lobsters were food for the poor.
        Think of giblet gravy and chicken-liver dishes. Or any other organ meat dishes…
        My grandmother sometimes made fried corn-meal mush. (The fancy version is polenta, but that came along after she stopped cooking.)

  22. thesmokies says:

    When challenging trump and allies on the Big Lie, I would like those who challenge them present the big trifecta — court cases (which were mentioned), the fact that ALL 50 state election leaders, most of them republican, said there was no significant election fraud, and that Trump’s own commission reported that they found no such evidence.

  23. Memory hole says:

    Former President Trump spent a bit too much time talking about world war three for my comfort level. That, along with his anger issues and hero worship of “tough guys” like Orban and Putin is not a good combination.

  24. Matt Foley says:

    Harris won that debate. Not even close.

    Trump is an angry desperate man and it showed. He was afraid to even look at her.

    THUMBS DOWN to moderators for allowing Trump to interrupt several times. Instead of cutting him off they gave him the mic.

  25. CaptainCondorcet says:

    What’s truly the most bizarre is how little Trump even attempts to reckon with how absolutely distant he is from his base. He accuses two gun owners of being gun grabbers when he’s never owned a gun and could probably count on one hand the number of times he’s fired one. He rattles on about eating dogs when he’s notoriously bad with animals. He talks about complacency with foreign powers when by those same laws his numerous overseas companies have “capitulated” a dozen ways. But the worst part is, it won’t matter. In a form of dramatic irony, the man who spent his life taking advantage of others has been reduced to a mere tool by fundies and vulture capitalists alike. And he’s just about so far gone he’ll never truly know that.

  26. Magbeth4 says:

    The “debate” went far better than I expected, due, in part to the moderators who did some occasional fact-checking on Trump, as well as challenges to some of his wildest claims.
    It was as fair and balanced as one could wish when one candidate is a raving lunatic and the other is rational, beautiful, joyful and honest.

    Nevertheless, the people who worship at Trump’s altar of madness will vote for him because he echoes their prejudices. The rest of the voters who are ready to move on into the difficult future ahead of us will vote for Kamala Harris and pray that she gets the Congress she deserves and needs to press forward with her agenda. ABC did an excellent job.

  27. Peterr says:

    Someone thinks Harris won

    Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country.

    Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter. The simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth.

    I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election. I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos. I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate @timwalz, who has been standing up for LGBTQ+ rights, IVF, and a woman’s right to her own body for decades.

    I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story.

    With love and hope,

    Taylor Swift
    Childless Cat Lady


    • vigetnovus says:

      Perhaps the sight of seeing another person, not to mention a woman of color, courageously stand up to a bully and tell the world the emperor is naked inspired her.

      It’s about time. You have to stand up to bullies if you expect to win.

      • Peterr says:

        I believe she once sang about that.

        And I can see you years from now in a bar
        Talking over a football game
        With that same big, loud opinion, but nobody’s listening
        Washed up and ranting about the same ole bitter things
        Drunk and grumbling on about how I can’t sing
        But all you are is mean

        All you are is mean
        And a liar, and pathetic
        And alone in life, and mean
        And mean, and mean, and mean

        Someday, I’ll be livin’ in a big ole city
        And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
        Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me
        And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
        Why you gotta be so mean?

      • CaptainCondorcet says:

        It’s also relevant that she was very recently seen hanging out with another Chiefs WAG who has been painted, fairly or not i don’t know, as a strong Trump supporter. And that a few crackpots had started circulating on Xitter that meant she was going to sit this one out. The timing was undoubtedly planned, but the plan did become a bit more important this week.

    • CaptainCondorcet says:

      You beat me to it. It was a brilliant post with brilliant timing. And it made things all the more brutal that Melania wasn’t there to even pretend to offer human warmth as they would have walked off the stage. Trump comes across as bitter, deranged, and alone.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Within minutes, Taylor Swift’s endorsement had a million likes.

      Celebrity endorsements may play only to fans who already like one candidate or another, but Swift’s may be different. She’s also likely to get more people to register and vote, and possibly contribute. That makes a difference.

      • Peterr says:

        Add one more: she’s also likely to get folks to actually get out and vote.

        GOTV is that last big battle of every campaign. You can be persuasive as all get out, but if you don’t get folks to cast their ballot, you lose. Bigly.

      • CaptainCondorcet says:

        Even before 2018 when she endorsed her first major candidate, she’s been a big GOTV supporter. She will put her money where her mouth is. Imagine a “Gift with Swift” matching campaign to voter mobilization efforts.

  28. SteveBev says:

    Needless to say Trumpers on CNN trying to wrest something from the debacle

    David Urban goes to “The debate was unfair, moderators had their thumb on the scale, and repeatedly challenged Trump answers and didn’t challenge Harris once”

    The obvious answer to that is:
    Trump should not have uttered batshit lies, requiring fact checking and Harris managed to avoid that pitfall quite easily.

    • vigetnovus says:

      Yes, but it was oh so amazing to see that total Trump shill Scott Jennings just sit there dejected and admit Harris just crushed him. Wow. Never thought I’d see that

      • SteveBev says:

        He said that Trump won the argument on the economy (and another topic I forget which), which I don’t think was a fair analysis but seeing the Trumpers looking sick made my evening. Jennings I find particularly sly odious and offensive.

        • vigetnovus says:

          Yeah, but he also said “you gotta make your jump shots” and that Trump didn’t do that. His basic message was don’t blame the ref

          I hope this performance emboldens waffling fence-sitting R’s to abandon Trump.

          It’s clear…the Emperor has no clothes.

  29. Badger Robert says:

    I wonder what African/Americans and Hispanic/Americans saw and heard. Do they see the arrogance and presumed privilege to lie that makes them distrust white people? Do they see a father in the Republican nominee? Or a doddering grandfather that has to be patronized by never allowed to put the family at risk?

  30. SteveBev says:

    Dale: doing a fact check Trump lied 30+ times

    KH: 1 false claim
    re worst unemployment rate since the Great Depression (though it was since the Great Recession, so it may have been a mistake)


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