All Trump’s Recidivists

Donald Trump and Stephen “Discount Goebbels” Miller have a plan. As the election draws near, they want to find every instance of an undocumented immigrant who commits a violent crime; that is and will continue to be their routine response when Trump’s misogyny or his own crimes get coverage.

After Berman continued to push Leavitt on whether the posts were demeaning to women, she named girls and women who were killed by illegal immigrants to show the real harm caused by the Biden administration’s open-border policies.

“I think what’s demeaning to women is the fact that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are allowing an invasion of illegal criminals into our country, many of whom have proven to be rapists and murderers. I think what’s demeaning to women like Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungara and Rachel Morin is the fact that they are no longer with us because of the policies of this administration, and that is what voters and your viewers care about, John,” Leavitt responded.

This ploy closely parallels (and may herald) the way a transnational network of far right provocateurs blame migrants for violence — first in Dublin and then in the UK — as a way to stoke riots, a point I made to LOLGOP in our latest bonus video for the Ball of Threads Patron subscribers.

But there’s a way to rebut Trump’s focus on undocumented immigrants who commit crime: The growing number of Trump clemency recipients who’ve already committed other crimes.

There have been two stories in recent weeks about recipients of clemency from Trump who have already gone on to commit further crimes.

Two weeks ago, Maggie and Mike got the old Trump obstruction team back together to write, again, about Jonathan Braun.

In their second story on Braun, they described how Braun used ties to the Kushners to get his sentence commuted, which disrupted prosecutors’ efforts to get him to cooperate against others.

In working to secure his release, Mr. Braun’s family used a connection to Charles Kushner, the father of Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior White House adviser, to try to get the matter before Mr. Trump. Jared Kushner’s White House office drafted the language used in the news release to announce commutations for Mr. Braun and others.


The commutation dealt a substantial blow to an ambitious criminal investigation being led by the Justice Department’s U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan aimed at punishing members of the predatory lending industry who hurt small businesses. Mr. Braun and prosecutors were in negotiations over a cooperation deal in which he would be let out of prison in exchange for flipping on industry insiders and potentially even wearing a wire. But the commutation instantly destroyed the government’s leverage on Mr. Braun.

Since his release, Braun has faced other legal trouble, including for his predatory lending. Then, last month, he was arrested (and released on his own recognizance) on allegations of beating his father-in-law and wife.

On Tuesday, the police on Long Island arrested Mr. Braun after he allegedly punched his 75-year-old father-in-law in the head. Mr. Braun struck his father-in-law twice as he tried to protect his daughter from Mr. Braun, who was chasing after her while the couple had an argument in their home, according to the Nassau County District Attorney’s office.

Mr. Braun’s wife, according to court documents, told police that Mr. Braun had assaulted her twice in the past five weeks. On July 17, the court documents said, Mr. Braun threw his wife off a bed onto the floor, “causing her substantial pain and bruising her legs.”

Last week, on Aug. 12, Mr. Braun threw her to the floor and punched her in the head multiple times “causing her substantial pain, bruising” to her arms, legs and head and causing her to feel dizzy, the documents said.

Today, Judd Legum wrote of another instance of a guy released thanks to key ties to Trump: Jaime Davidson, who was sentenced to life without parole in 1993 for the murder of a cop tied to a drug buy.

Davidson was convicted of the murder of Wallie Howard Jr., who was working undercover as a federal agent. Howard was shot in the back of the head in a Syracuse, New York, grocery store parking lot in 1990. According to authorities, Davidson was a drug kingpin in New York and recruited three men to rob Howard of $42,000 that Howard planned to use to buy four pounds of cocaine.

Robert Lawrence, a teenager at the time, testified at trial that Davidson handed him a .357 revolver hours before he shot Howard. Although Davidson was not present when Howard was killed, prosecutors successfully argued that Howard’s death was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the robbery planned by Davidson.

On July 2, 1993, Davidson was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Davidson got a commutation because his attorney is married to an attorney with close ties to Trump Organization, Alan Futerfas (who, among other things, allegedly withheld Russian-related emails from Mueller subpoenas and recently represented one of the guys convicted of insider trading on Truth Social stock).

In the waning days of Trump’s presidency, Davidson eschewed the Office of the Pardon Attorney and sought relief directly from Trump. Davidson’s attorney Betty Schein, had deep connections to the Trump White House. Schein and her husband, Alan Futerfas, represented people associated with the Trump Organization, including Donald Trump Jr.

Like Braun, Davidson was busted — and convicted — for assaulting his wife.

On March 31, 2023, a little more than two years after Davidson was set free by Trump, Davidson was arrested in Orlando, Florida, and charged with battery by strangulation and domestic violence. Davidson was accused of attacking Nayeli Chang, his wife of five months.

Legum cites another Trump recidivist: Eliyahu Weinstein, a fraudster who, DOJ charged, promptly returned to fraud shortly after release.

But he says something a bit surprising: He claims, “Davidson is the first person granted clemency by Trump known to be convicted of another crime.”

That ignores Rand and Ron Paul associate Jesse Benton, who in 2022 was convicted of helping a Russian donate to Trump’s 2016 campaign after having been pardoned for much earlier campaign finance crimes, though he committed the second campaign crime before being pardoned for the first.

DOJ had considered retrying Philip Esformes on medicare fraud charges, but that case ended in a time served plea in February.

Most importantly, Legum ignores a far more obvious example: Steve Bannon, who was pardoned for his Build the Wall fraud the same day that Davidson, Weinstein, and Braun had their sentences commuted, January 19, 2021. As we speak, Bannon is serving his four month sentence for blowing off the January 6 Committee subpoena, a crime committed in October 2021.

While his trial keeps getting delayed, Bannon is currently scheduled to face trial in New York state for the same fraud charges his three co-conspirators were convicted for on December 9. (Bannon was also treated as a co-conspirator in Guo Wengui’s trial, though was never charged himself.)

And Bannon could yet be bested among Trump’s clemency recipients for how quickly he returned to crime.

After all, four days after receiving his December 24 pardon, Roger Stone discussed January 6 with Trump personally, reportedly discussing Trump’s plan to speak.

Several days later, at a dinner onthe evening of December 27th, Stone thanked President Trump. In a post onParler, Stone wrote that he “thanked President Trump in person tonight forpardoning me” and also recommended to the President that he “appoint a special counsel” to stop “those who are attempting to steal the 2020 election through voter fraud.” Stone also wrote that he wanted “to ensurethat Donald Trump continues as our president.”245 Finally, he added: “#StopTheSteal” and “#rogerstonedidnothingwrong.”246 The Select Committee has learned that Stone discussed the January 6th event with the President, likely at this same dinner on December 27th.247 The President told Stone he “was thinking of speaking.”248

And Stone’s speech at a Florida rally on January 3, 2021, was the basis by which Proud Boys Dan Scott and Chris Worrell were convicted of obstruction.

On January 3, 2021, Daniel Scott, Worrell, and other members of their local Proud Boy chapter attended a “Stop the Steal” rally in Naples, Florida. The headline speaker at this event was Roger Stone. Daniel Scott helped Stone up a ladder that Stone used to talk to the crowd. During this speech, Stone asserted that the 2020 presidential election was rigged due to voting fraud, and urged Florida’s U.S. Senators to vote against the certification of the Electoral College vote. Stone stated: “Rick Scott has a fundamental choice. He will either stand up for the constitution…” At that point, Daniel Scott yelled “Or give him the rope!” At another point in the rally, Daniel Scott chanted “Stop the Steal!” into a megaphone, along with the crowd at the rally.

It may have taken no more than ten days for Trump’s pardon recipients to start criming again. That’s unsurprising: For the people close to Trump (including Bernie Kerik, who played a key role in Rudy Giuliani’s cultivation of the Big Lie), he often pardoned them so that they could put their skills to work for him.

Trump wants to fearmonger about the very small percentage of migrants who turn to crime.

But there’s a far higher percentage of people whom Trump plucked from prisons (or spared from prison entirely) who turned back to crime.

Which is not surprising. These are Trump’s people, after all.

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59 replies
  1. earlofhuntingdon says:

    “Turned back” or “continued” their criming?

    Wordplay aside, nicely done. You walk through intellectual mazes with a chain saw.

  2. Fraud Guy says:

    Trump only hires the best people. Criminals are obviously the best people to hire if you want to commit a crime.

  3. Zinsky123 says:

    Great post and why aren’t more journalists writing/talking about this recidivism? Once is an incident, twice is a pattern. Roger Stone has been criming since the 1960s and for the most part, getting away with it! Trump’s pardon of this lifelong criminal at the end of his term, should have prompted massive outrage, instead of a shrug. The one I worry most about is Paul Manafort. This blood criminal has made and lost a fortune by helping undermine democracies around the world. He is fiendishly smart and probably still a conduit to the Kremlin. I pray to God (if there is one) that the CIA, FBI, NSA etc. have “eyes on” and “ears on” this American traitor.

  4. Benji-am-Groot says:

    Huh. Markos Moulitsas (Kos) has an interesting post on Ad spending levels by State which makes this take on all The Felon Guy’s Recidivist’s continue to add up for me. He closes with “This thing will be won on the ground.”

    https:// www.

    He is correct.

    It’s not about the Felon winning the election.

    It has never been about the Felon winning the election.

    It seems it is all about the Felon sowing the seeds of doubt to cry ‘stolen election’ if it is close. Seems he is only trying to keep his 35% hardcore followers riveted and use them as a cudgel on undecideds from one side while his Team Recidivist hammers the airwaves.

    Unless there is a large margin – more than 5/6%? – will he try to win it ‘on the ground’ through violence? Or are the courts going to be clogged up for weeks after the election is called for Harris/Walz but the Felon claims victory to stir the pot.

    Rhetorical, I get it.

    Vote people – very important to get this right.

    • rosalind says:

      how do we get ready to counteract Trump demanding any swing state he is ahead in the vote count night of to “stop the vote!” then unleashing his maga-mobs to physically storm where votes are being counted and terrorize election volunteers and staff? the FL “Brooks Brothers Riots” were nothing compared to what I fear we will see.

    • gmokegmoke says:

      Whatever the vote count, whatever the Electoral College count, I believe there are 6 votes on the Supreme Court which would hand the Presidency to Trmp if they can see their way clear to do it. I mention it here because I also believe pointing out this possibility before Election Day may help make this possibility less likely after Election Day.

      Incidentally, 4 out of the 5 Presidents who lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College were Republicans – Hayes, Harrison, George W, and Trmp. The fifth was John Quincy Adams but that was before the present (or past) Republican Party (not affiliated with Jefferson’s party of the same name).

      • Benji-am-Groot says:

        I dunno gmoke – if this turns into a 54-46%ish 8 point loss for the Felon and the EC (which needs to go) sees it as mid-280 to mid-210s with only PA and GA going to the Felon (giving him a boost to the mid-250s) I see no way the SCOTUS can openly fuck with such a result.

        Come on North Carolina! I think Michigan is going our way…

        Unless of course this is the long game envisioned by Goldwater and the Powell memo etc. and those 6 hacks are and have been in the bag – then we have a whole other battle on our hands.

        Add to that the mess Chutkin has to shovel through with the possibility of her decision being revisited by the HackPack and still – it seems unlikely the SCOTUS can effectively meddle in a solid win, popular and EC.

        VOTE people!

        Popular vote + EC and the SCOTUS interferes?

        WTF, over?

  5. Matt Foley says:

    Forget the 1.1 million killed by Trump’s imported virus; it’s those bad hombres who are the real trouble!

    Make America Safe Again!
    No vaccines! No health insurance! Release J6 criminals! Freedom!

    Donald Trump oversaw an increase of 2.3 million uninsured people during the first three years of his presidency and a 0.6% increase in the national uninsured rate.

    • RIPRustyStaub says:

      A good number of those who died from COVID did so needlessly because they were mask-averse vaccine rejecters. Likely most of them were MAGA. Imagine where the race would be now if Trump had not killed off so many of them.

  6. Ginevra diBenci says:

    The fact that Roger Stone so recently served as a stooge for Iran’s attempt to hack the Trump campaign suggests a reconciliation of sorts, although whether with Trump himself or one of his campaign chairs is unclear. But a few years ago Stone was livid at Trump for not pardoning him *again* before leaving office in 2021, presumably for Stone’s J6 activities.

    I live for the day Jack Smith decides to charge these crimes. Stone isn’t nearly as old as he looks, and he’s got a lot of criming left in him. I shudder to think what he has planned for the upcoming election if Trump loses.

    • coalesced says:

      “Reconciled” in as much as each hold the ability to destroy the other (thus ensuring ongoing cooperation). That pardon Stone desired (but remained withheld) was recovered from Trump’s Mar-A-Lago desk on August 8, 2022.

      Also recovered, were four “pardon packages” that Trump tried to declare as “personal.” Combine this with what we know of Flynn’s pardon deal involving Sidney Powell and election litigation.

      Trump uses not just pardons, but also the withholding of pardons, to ensure co-conspirators remain loyal co-conspirators.

  7. Yohei1972 says:

    Did the interviewer at any point correct the assertion of a migrant-created bloodbath by pointing out that undocumented immigrants don’t commit crime at any higher rates than the native-born? Every time a media outlet puts one of these people on the air or quotes them in print and they pitch this nativist fearmongering, it’s journalistic malpractice not to give that context. Even relatively liberal minded people I know buy into the idea that this is some sort of crisis, because the notion is pounded into us every day in spite of facts.

    To say nothing of the other, objectively bullshit claims about Biden policies tanking the economy, also easily refuted with actual numbers.

    Lazy access journalism is a cancer on our whole civilization.

  8. TimothyB says:

    Interesting post, thanks.
    Recidivism is so hard to measure. We tend to measure it as “caught and convicted again” where conceptually it means “went back to crime.” But the smart criminals sometimes go back to crime, having learned how not to be caught and convicted again.
    Just my weird left handed way of saying Stone, Manafort, Bannon, Navarro. Trump crime family still has a deep bench.

  9. Cheez Whiz says:

    Pointing out all the criming is good, but there’s a much simpler response to using illegal immigrant murder anecdotes. “I supported a bill that would have saved that poor woman’s life. One man stopped that bill from becoming law.” Point at Donald.

    Yes, yes, I know. Facts, schmacts. You think Trump can form a coherent response that points out the inconsistencies? Adding all his pardoned criminal crimes would just be the sprinkles on top. Treating a “debate” with Trump like a debate was Biden’s biggest mistake, not his brain freeze. I am expecting Harris to not make that same mistake.

    • trnc2023 says:

      Agree about rebutting the immigrant murder porn with his tanking of the bill but I’d also add the preventable deaths from abortion bans and gun fetishism that are clearly results of republican policy.

      Apart from that, I doubt anything less than murder makes a dent, so I wouldn’t expect comparisons with Bannon and Stone to get much traction.

    • John In Denver says:

      That border control bill also had funding for 100 fentanyl detection systems.that COULD have been deployed to the US Mexico border entry points, where most of the drug comes into the US (mainly by US citizens).

      Why did Donald want to spike fentanyl detection?????

  10. mospeckx says:

    Girl, you really got me going, you got me so I don’t know what I’m doing.
    Do get that you and Rayne hate Musk. My prob is I respect all you three.
    Yea, Musk should stick to the rockets, that’s for sure. But I don’t get the vibe
    that he’s a bad guy like Miller. For ex. look at the v complicated thing going on right now
    between he and Moraes in Brazil (it’s a shocker, but NYT, in spite of itself, has some vg reporters):
    “How Brazil’s Experiment Fighting Fake News Led to a Ban on X”,
    “Musk’s Starlink Defies Order to Block X in Brazil”,
    “With X Blocked, Brazilians Find New Homes for Their Thoughts”
    Also, without starlink, the Ukrainians would be cooked.
    It’s like what, 62 days? and I can’t sleep at night

    • dopefish says:

      Musk is no friend of Ukraine.

      Musk platforms Russian war propaganda on Xitter, and he geofenced the Starlink coverage of Ukraine to exclude Crimea. That was one of the factors against Ukraine back in 2022 when they had their best chance (so far) to regain some of their territory that was illegally occupied by Russia.

    • Geddy Myung says:

      Musk is actively spewing and promoting anti-democratic nonsense on his platform, while suppressing D/democratic voices. He is absolutely “a bad guy like Miller”; he just has different tools.

  11. RipNoLonger says:

    I suppose we could also include the 5,000 Taliban prisoners who were let go by Trump and went on to kill Americans and many others during our hectic withdrawal from Afghanistan – the withdrawal which was scheduled by Trump to damage his successor.

    • CaptainCondorcet says:

      Has anyone told Musk what happens to Putin’s oligarchs if they accidentally end up on his bad side? Jokes aside, the myopia is unreal. All the elites were clearly paying attention as they watched Trump nearly get his VP killed from his combination of malice and incompetence. Does Musk really think he’ll be safe?

    • originalK says:

      I took a stab at the slider, and this is where I found myself (47:36)

      I believe you have to fight fire with fire. I believe they’re very evil people. These are evil people. We have an enemy from the outside and we have an enemy from within. And in my opinion, the enemy from within are radical left lunatics. And I think you have to fight back.

      He lets us know the true provenance of “slurring”.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Word salad for, “I can do whatever I want to do,” Trump’s lifelong mantra. He falsely elevates the threat posed by his opponents – indeed, from his not be able to rule – in order to justify what he already intended to do.

        • originalK says:

          I agree, though I thought it was somewhat more lucid than what I usually hear from him.

          I’m also interested in the psycho-social aspect, so I went and watched the youtube version (just this section, not the whole thing!). This diatribe came right after he got the smallest amount of challenge from the podcaster re: his previous talking point. Or maybe it was that that invoked a whiff of the golden rule.

  12. OldTulsaDude says:

    This recidivist information has been all over MSNBC today but I’ve yet to hear or see a single nod to Marcy. Like they have the capacity to ferret this out themselves. Sure they do.

    • RIPRustyStaub says:

      One of the MSM pieces on this topic was on Memeorandum at the same time as Marcy’s piece when I checked the site this afternoon. Was Marcy first and the others just ripped off her story?

  13. JanAnderson says:

    In Dublin and elsewhere the vast majority of crime, which includes rape, is committed by the “home grown”. There’s two things going on here. One, the demonization of immigrants, migrants, newcomers – that’s the old playbook. Two – misogyny, or rather, excuse for when it’s homegrown. It’s a mind fuck perpetrated on, and excuse my frankness – dumbarses.
    Our mysognists are okay – foreign mysognists are criminals. Ha!

  14. JanAnderson says:

    So WTF is happening in the USA? A man running for President is held accountable for rape in “the civic court” whilst the same man points to a migrant that did the same thing. How more fucked up does it need to be? Will Donold next declare that ‘I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and rape a woman, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?’
    Between him and that noodle Vance, I mean really, outside of Russia, Belarus and Hungary – the world is looking at the US aghast. While US media has normalized all of it, for 8 fucking years, serving the spectacle. Third rate players like Bannon, Stephen Miller et al – that’s exactly what happened in Hungary. The losers back for revenge. Trump back for revenge. Don’t, please don’t let it happen.

    • Matt Foley says:

      With Trump every accusation is a confession. I’m in Philly suburbs and I want to hit someone when I see the TV ad “Kamala Harris lies a lot.”

  15. Yankee in TX says:

    What does the Trump White House most remind you of? For me it’s the Mos Eisley Spaceport – the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in the Galaxy. Of course the cantina there had better music.

    • Rayne says:

      No. It doesn’t sound as entertaining as Mos Eisley. I am reading H.R. McMaster’s latest book and it’s worse. Far worse. Like the worst sort of daycare for the largest spoiled brat on earth where every employee has a different agenda and the locus of their care has no morals whatsoever.

  16. says:

    Marcy, Rayne –

    Any chance you guys know if there are any confirmed deaths in/resulting from childbirth by women forced to carry pregnancies to term in states with post-Dobbs abortion bans? I know in Idaho, they have had to airlift at least 7 pregnant women out of state to save their “health” (as of April 2024) because the cases were highlighted during arguments at SCOTUS over Idaho’s strict abortion ban conflicting with EMTALA (the federal Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act). But I don’t know if any one tracks deaths resulting from/in childbirth of women forced to remain pregnant.

    If these data are collected somewhere, the low incidence should likely be similar to deaths of women due to alleged-illegal-immigrant crime, an also very-low-incidence event. That would be an interesting and important contrast to make, because it compares DEATH (due to alleged “illegal immigrant” crimes) to DEATH (due to abortion bans/forced pregnancy).

    AND, the fact that two of the formerly-Trump-pardoned-REoffenders mentioned in Marcy’s piece above committed domestic violence AGAINST WOMEN, with at least one involving strangulation — which researchers agree increases the chances by up to 600% that a domestic-abuser will select murder next (that much of the world learned about with (the murder of Gabby Petito) — is another CRUCIAL point to make:

    ‘Go ahead Trump…. continue to encourage violence against and the death of women with YOUR policies. Both have a low incidence in the population, but you are not women-friendly just because you are against illegal immigration. Your policies kill as many women as the ones you accuse Biden of….’

    … or something to that effect, if the data show this to indeed be true.

    • Rayne says:

      I haven’t looked for mortality rates, sorry — I’m not certain this is being tracked at all though I would bet some nonprofit orgs have been trying to do so, like the Guttmacher Institute and the Center for Reproductive Rights. One of the aggravating factors has been the threat of prosecution for aiding women seeking abortion — this may be encouraging suppression of reporting. Infant deaths are up since Dobbs but specific cases aren’t surfacing that I can see.

      ADDER: jeebus that study linked above is really bothering me.

      Results Between 2018 and 2022, there were 102 391 infant deaths in the US, with 10 351 of these deaths occurring in the state of Texas. Between 2021 and 2022, infant deaths in Texas increased from 1985 to 2240, or 255 additional deaths. This corresponds to a 12.9% increase, whereas the rest of the US experienced a comparatively lower 1.8% increase. On the basis of the counterfactual analysis that used data from Texas and eligible comparison states, an excess of 216 infant deaths (95% CI, −122 to 554) was observed from March to December 2022, or a 12.7% increase above expectation. At the monthly level, significantly greater-than-expected counts were observed for 4 months between March and December 2022: April, July, September, and October. An analysis of neonatal deaths found somewhat similar patterns, with significantly greater-than-expected neonatal deaths in April and October 2022. Descriptive statistics by cause of death showed that infant deaths attributable to congenital anomalies in 2022 increased more for Texas (22.9% increase) but not the rest of the US (3.1% decrease).

      Imagine being forced to birth a child you know will not live because of birth defects which could be detected in utero but you were unable to terminate the pregnancy. Forced. Birth. Infant. Deaths. That’s Trump’s post-birth abortion right there — they’re on him because of his SCOTUS and Dobbs.

      • harpie says:

        Doctors grapple with how to save women’s lives amid ‘confusion and angst’ over new Louisiana law A lifesaving drug [misoprostol] used to stop postpartum hemorrhaging will be pulled off emergency response carts once it becomes a ‘controlled dangerous substance.’
        Lorena O’Neil – September 3, 2024 5:00 am

        […] In May, Gov. Jeff Landry signed legislation reclassifying misoprostol and mifepristone as Schedule IV controlled dangerous substances, despite more than 200 doctors signing a letter against the measure. The law goes into effect on Oct. 1, and doctors and pharmacists are scrambling to come up with postpartum hemorrhage policies that will comply with the law while still providing proper medical care for women. […]

      • harpie says:

        […] The doctor said the pending law likely explains why pharmacists had been “pushing back” when she prescribed misoprostol for outpatient miscarriage management. They’ve been calling her to request clarification on why she prescribed the medication, and one pharmacy refused to fill the prescription. She had to send that patient to a different pharmacy. Her patients often travel hours to see her, and she regularly has to call in misoprostol to help them manage care at home. […]

        8/22/24 50 doctors write to Louisiana Department of Health and
        Surgeon General Ralph Abraham asking for additional guidance

        9/2/24 Still NO response

        • harpie says:

          And as Heather Cox Richardson notes while discussing this,
          the Harris campaign responded to the author of that piece:

          8:15 PM · Sep 3, 2024

          The @KamalaHarris campaign released a statement about my story on misoprostol being pulled off postpartum hemorrhage carts, blaming Trump: [screenshot]

          Harris-Walz 2024 spokesperson Serafina Chitika:

          Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is the reason Louisiana women who are suffering from miscarriages or bleeding out after birth can no longer receive the critical care they would have received before Trump overturned Roe. Because of Trump, doctors are scrambling to find solutions to save their patients and are left at the whims of politicians who think they know better. Trump is proud of what he’s done. He brags about it. And if he wins, he will threaten to bring the crisis he created for Louisiana women to all 50 states.

      • says:

        Rayne –
        Thanks for your thoughtful research. I had wanted to append your post to clarify for newer readers that Texas’s creatively crafted SB 8 — it’s vigilante-enforced abortion ban — was allowed to go into effect in 2021, so despite Roe not being overturned until June 2022, some data in the later part of the time frame you site, as the June 2024 study you link to notes, could potentially reflect abortion-ban-affected fetal deaths (despite not occurring 9+ months after June 2022.) Not ironically, states with worse fetal outcomes were the ones to ban abortion in the first place, researchers had observed — perhaps an inference you were leading us to(?).

        But reminding myself of this time gap reminded me when the TX AG said in legal filings that only SOME babies lives will be protected in Texas. This mother, yes, must be forced to give birth to non-separable-conjoined twins, who died 4 hours after birth, which might actually perpetuate her family’s struggle with poverty. But this working mom did not have the right to have her healthy baby be born alive, despite the TX AG proclaiming he’d “fight tirelessly for the rights of the unborn.” He actually argued before a court that the 14th Amendment did not guarentee protections to this woman’s unborn child — a position the state vehemently pushes in public pleadings today, because the baby died in Nov. 2021, before SCOTUS overturned Roe!

        The stats you site bring to mind that not only is pregnancy itself not a health-neutral condition (physically), being forced to give birth to DEAD and DYING babies is NOT a MENTAL-HEALTH-NEUTRAL event for the often-motherless mom and others. There are costs to the families involved!

        This WaPo story about a Florida mom delves into the mental health toll she and her 4-year-old not-a-big-brother-after-all son have paid since she was forced to give birth to a baby with no kidneys and non-developed lungs that fought to breathe for 99 hours until he died.

      • says:

        So doctors have made clear to lawmakers that upcoming harm is FORESEEABLE.

        Are civil plaintiff’s lawyer’s paying attention and thinking creatively?

        Thanks, Harpie, for making me madder than I was before. ;)

  17. harpie says:

    O/T NEW from ProPublica this morning:

    Ginni Thomas Privately Praised Group Working Against Supreme Court Reform:
    “Thank You So, So, So Much”
    In a [7/31/24] call with donors, First Liberty Institute’s Kelly Shackelford read the supportive email he said came from Thomas. The leader of the religious-rights group also labeled Justice Elena Kagan “treasonous” for backing a stronger ethics code.
    Andy Kroll, ProPublica, and Nick Surgey, Documented Sept. 4, 5 a.m. EDT

    […] [First Liberty Institute’s] Shackelford read Thomas’ email aloud on a July 31 private call with his group’s top donors.

    Thomas wrote that First Liberty’s opposition to court-reform proposals gave a boost to certain judges. According to Shackelford, Thomas wrote in all caps: “YOU GUYS HAVE FILLED THE SAILS OF MANY JUDGES. CAN I JUST TELL YOU, THANK YOU SO, SO, SO MUCH.” […]

    • harpie says:

      […] Before the call ended, Shackelford wanted his “very top supporters” to know that they had the support in this fight from key figures in high places. He said that a First Liberty staffer based in Washington, D.C., had recently been in a meeting with Ginni Thomas. Afterward, Thomas sent the email that praised First Liberty for joining the fight against Supreme Court reform.

      “‘Great to meet through the meetings today,’” Thomas wrote, according to Shackelford, who read the email aloud to the donors. “‘I cannot adequately express enough appreciation for you guys pulling into reacting to the Biden effort on the Supreme Court,” she said, adding, “Many were so depressed at the lack of response by R’s and conservatives” to recent court-reform proposals. The rest of Thomas’ email, Shackelford said, was the all-caps gratitude. [end]

    • harpie says:

      On the [7/31/24] donor call, Shackelford voiced strong opposition to various court reform proposals, including the ones floated by Biden [7/29/24], as well as expanding the size of the court. All of these proposals, Shackelford said, were part of “a dangerous attempt to really destroy the court, the Supreme Court.” This effort was led by “people in the progressive, extreme left” who were “upset by just a few cases,” he said. [emphasis added][…]

    • harpie says:

      […] Near the start of the Biden presidency, he said, First Liberty raised $3 million to run a campaign that sought to block efforts to add more justices to the high court and to reform or eliminate the filibuster in the U.S. Senate. Getting rid of the filibuster then would’ve removed the 60-vote procedural hurdle that currently exists for most types of legislation.

      According to Shackelford, First Liberty conducted polling, ran advertisements, worked with social media influencers and urged Congress to oppose these changes. In particular, Shackelford said, his group focused its activities on convincing Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to oppose filibuster reform.

      In the end, both senators did just that. “We stopped this from happening,” Shackelford said. (Spokespeople for Manchin and Sinema did not respond to requests for comment.) […]

    • harpie says:

      Ginni Thomas Is Doing Her Husband’s Dirty Work
      New reporting from ProPublica and Documented reveals just how intertwined Ginni Thomas’s work is with Clarence Thomas’s ability to go on luxury cruises. Madiba K. Dennie September 4, 2024

      Legal and political elites have spent years entertaining the fantasy that Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, the conservative activist Ginni Thomas, have separate political lives. […]

      This is nonsense. […]

      I would add “And His Funders’” to the title after “husband’s”.

  18. Bay State Librul says:

    The power of the presidency needs to be reined in.
    Eliminate the pardon and give it to a tribunal.

    • Rayne says:

      You’re asking for a constitutional amendment to remove this:

      Article II, Section 2
      The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

      An amendment to address the Electoral College or SCOTUS’ configuration and operation would be more effective if this much political capital must be amassed and burned.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Apart from organized crime, institutions are not built to withstand a criminal at the top, especially where he’s there long enough to appoint his own most senior judges. Avoiding elevating to that position is the responsibility of the political process.

  19. Opiwannn says:

    I live in central PA, and since Biden stepped aside you cannot watch a sporting event without every commercial break having one of the many Trump-supporting PACs’ ads telling you how this illegal immigrant or that one assaulted this blonde woman or that blonde woman (while down in the fine print you see it happened over 15 years ago). This ABC News story talks about the most prominent and repeated ad I’ve seen so far:

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