DNC Convention 2024: Day 2

[NB: check the byline, thanks. /~Rayne]

The second day of Democratic National Committee Convention 2024 has commenced.

Here’s today’s event lineup (times shown are Central Time):

7 a.m.-9:30 a.m.: Delegation breakfasts
9 a.m.-10a.m.: Morning press briefing
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.: Women’s Caucus meeting
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Disability Caucus meeting
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Youth Council meeting
12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Rural Council meeting
1:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m.: Veterans & Military Families Council meeting
1:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m.: Poverty Council meeting
1:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m.: Interfaith Council meeting
6 p.m.-10 p.m.: Main programming

Main programming has already begun as this post publishes at 7:30 PM ET/6:30 PM CT

Tonight’s schedule (times shown are Central Time):

5:30 PM

Call to order
• Jaime R. Harrison, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee

Gavel in
• Mitch Landrieu, DNC Night 2 Co-Chair and Committee Co-Chair

• Rabbi Sharon Brous, IKAR
• Imam Dr. Talib M. Shareef, The Nation’s Mosque

Pledge of Allegiance
• Joshua Davis

National Anthem
• Aristotle “Aris” Garcia Byrne

• Jason Carter, Grandson of President Jimmy Carter
• Jack Schlossberg, Grandson of President John F. Kennedy

Remarks: “Project 2025—Chapter Two: The Economy”
• Malcolm Kenyatta, PA state house of representatives
6:00 PM

• Kyle Sweetser, former Donald Trump voter
• Stephanie Grisham, former Trump White House Press Secretary
• Nabela Noor, Content creator
• Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI)
• Kenneth Stribling, Retired Teamster

7:00 PM

Roll Call
• Minnesota Delegation
• California Delegation

8:00 PM

• Ana Navarro, host introduction
• Sen. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader (D-NY)
• Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
• Gov. JB Pritzker (D-IL)
• Ken Chenault, American business executive
• Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)

9:00 PM

Keynote Remarks
• Angela Alsobrooks, Nominee for the U.S. Senate (D-MD); Long-time mentee of VP Harris
• Mayor John Giles, City of Mesa (R-AZ)
• Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)
• Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff
• Former First Lady Michelle Obama

10:00 PM

• Former President Barack Obama, key note speaker

• Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr., African Methodist Episcopal Church, 7th Episcopal District
• Archbishop Elpidophoros, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

See yesterday’s post for the best channels on which to catch the majority of this evening’s programming.

DNC at United Center-Chicago will stream a live feed from its own website between 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM ET (6:00 PM to 10:00 PM CT) Tuesday through Thursday.


USA Today will also live stream Tuesday through Thursday.

https://www.youtube.com/@USATODAY/streams – main page

https://www.youtube.com/live/6n40S96nmv8 – tonight’s feed

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23 replies
  1. Jaxtra1027 says:

    A shout out to my son’s best friend , who is at the DNC as the youngest delegate. We are very proud of him

  2. Terry Salad says:

    Loved the DJ and the rocking roll call. I already downloaded the playlist on Spotify. Biden gave a wonderful speech last night. But Schumer and Saunders nearly killed the buzz tonight. While I appreciate the importance of what they say, it makes me feel that more of these old guys need to give way to the Dems deep bench of rising young stars. Obama will fire them back up tonight. I’m from Illinois and love the job JB is doing. Great speech by him.

    • CantankerousDave says:

      I didn’t have high hopes for him after Bruce Rauner, our previous billionaire governor, but Pritzker has been pretty dang impressive across the board.

    • posaune says:

      I loved that DJ too. His rhythm was impeccable — he shifted beat per state and did it with very skillful key modulations too. He is a real talent!

    • Grain of Sand says:

      There have been lots of speakers from the young deep bench. What Bernie said was important. You say you recognize the importance, but in your book youth trumps importance. Not in mine.

  3. bloopie2 says:

    One note I read about the convention “theme” said that “Harris continues to emphasize her commitment to working people and labor rights”. That line brought to mind how Trump recently encouraged Elon Musk to fire any striking workers. I’ll just bet you that Musk (and Trump) would love to go back to those days that Tennessee Ernie Ford sang about in “Sixteen Tons”: “You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Saint Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company store.”


    Kamala, don’t let them do that.

  4. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Superb speech by Michelle Obama. Tempo, delivery, poise, focus, priorities. Good writing, great delivery. Among her long list of zingers – many about Trump, but without saying so. Paraphrasing:

    – When we fail, we don’t have the “affirmative action” of generational wealth to fall back on.

    – Who’s gonna tell him the job he’s seeking might just be one of those Black jobs.

    – When we see a mountain in front of us, we don’t expect an escalator to the top

    – No matter how good we feel today, tomorrow, or the next day, this is going to be an uphill battle. We cannot indulge our anxieties about whether Kamala is electable (hint, hint, lamestream media), but do everything we can to make sure we elect her. And now, to Barack Obama.

    – Don’t just sit around and complain – Do Something! Don’t wait to be called. There’s no time for that kind of foolishness. Do Something, Y’all!

    – We need to vote in overwhelming numbers, to remove any doubt. “Our fate is in our hands.” (Film buffs would recognize that as “No fate, but what we make.”)

    • Ray Harwick says:

      Ouch! That “…. generational wealth …” remark was a bullseye. I gotta send that to my relatives in Oklahoma and Texas. I’ll probably have to sacrifice my Thanksgiving invitation but they’re like a jury – reasonable doubt works on them.

  5. CaptainCondorcet says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed the intentionality with which the Dems recruited across the aisle for speaking slots at their convention. It makes such a masterful complement to their daily analysis of the exclusionary toxic nonsense in Project 2025.

  6. Bob Roundhead says:

    As a Union member, it was great to hear so many pro labor voices. There is another term for Union Labor, “American Workers “. American workers need to have a political voice. It has been absent for far too long. You can’t claim to be for American workers with one breath, and disparage Union Labor with the other.

  7. Error Prone says:

    The Minnesota Secretary of State’s website says the vote early in person option begins Sept. 20. It likely varies state by state. There is time from then to election day, voting by mail is an option, having an agent pick up your ballot is an option. They make it easy. No excuse for not voting as is personally most convenient. If not registered, you can show proof of residency and then vote early in person. Everything is easy. When you vote in person an official witnesses your ballot so later signature challenges are forestalled – our signatures do change over time and voting by mail has that consideration.During the pandemic and away from home I had a second absentee ballot sent me because somebody challenged the signature, and by being very early my vote was not lost.

    That said, now back to convention assessments by those who watched. No intent to misdirect the thread. But had a felt need to interject a reality reminder that it’s the vote count that matters, not the quality of convention speeches. So says the elderly curmudgeon. Back on topic, people. Just had that felt need.

    • Matt Foley says:

      Error Prone,

      I am curious to know more about your signature being challenged; I’ve been worried that it’s another way for MAGAs to rig the election. When I vote in person I have to sign in and my signature is compared to the one on file and I always worry that the slightest variation could be used to challenge my ballot. See, I believe in November the MAGAs will use every possible trick to cheat.

  8. BobBobCon says:

    One thing struck me on top of how great so many speakers have been and how on point they are.

    Political conventions take a long time to organize, with themes and messages being developed a year or more ago.

    There must have been a ton of rewriting and restrategizing in the wake of the Harris change just a month ago. They pulled this off and coordinated it in a matter of weeks and days. That’s an awfully impressive amount of organization.

    Once again, the hollowness of the DC media’s “Dems in Disarray” conventional wisdom gets exposed. It also shows how little they understand about politics, and if GOP sources aren’t telling them something, they don’t even know what to look for.

    • Rayne says:

      Look, this is a political party convention, not a concert. Be glad there was so much time-eating applause — it’s an indication of the party’s excitement which is critically important going into the next 75 days.

      • Just Some Guy says:

        As a tribute I offer the following:

        I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen Rayne
        I’ve seen overlong comments that I thought would never end
        I’ve seen confusion from those who could not find a… compliant username
        But I always thought that I’d post here again

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