Fridays with Nicole Sandler

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6 replies
  1. Clare Kelly says:

    Thanks, as always.

    People forget that Kamala Harris been subject to nasty vitriol her whole life.

    She’s also had a very strong support group to help her flourish.

    She’s been through a few election campaigns, too.

    I don’t think she was surprised by the crowd picking up “We’re not going back”.
    The line was classic ‘call and response’. I saw her repeat her line, then mouth it to the crowd.

    At any rate, I wept through almost the entire speech in Milwaukee, for a variety of reasons, and was reminded of the Kamala Harris campaign speeches I’ve heard in California.

    She’s reconnected to her authenticity.

    After four years of a lawless, authoritarian-curious Trump administration, a global pandemic, a never-ending January sixth coup, (successful) squeakers to pass real solutions in Congress, a never ending drone of hand-ringing over President Biden’s age, SCOTUS, a humanitarian failure in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the prospect of an even worse 2nd Trump term and the rise of global authoritarianism…I think Americans are relieved and energized at the prospect of ‘Not goin’ back’.

    Gaslighting is over. This administration has an extraordinarily successful record. And there’s a lot of work to do. There will be some very, very, dirty tricks to legitimize a coup.

    And then, there’s the very real prospect of the first woman… ever, as President of the United States, FF’sS.

  2. Savage Librarian says:

    One of my favorite things that Kamala says is, “Can you believe they put that in writing?!!”

    I can’t tell you how many times that went through my own head during my ordeals with white supremacists, bigots, and idiots. I never said it out loud and I always kept a very calm, straight face when those things happened (except that one time I called somebody a liar in a meeting. Uh-oh…)

    But there was one time that really hit the jackpot. It came through the mail, in someone’s own handwriting, addressed to me. And when the shit hit the fan for that person, they were totally clueless. They couldn’t figure out what went down.

    So, I’m glad to hear Merrick Garland is focusing on civil rights for the rest of this administration. Even when I had lots of evidence, it was a long, long haul to set things right. And I was all alone. Thank Goddess that things have finally moved forward.


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