Ronny Jackson Memory Holes His Nephew’s Injury

As I noted in real time, during a hearing on the Trump shooting yesterday, FBI Director Chris Wray suggested that the FBI is not sure whether the former President was hit by a bullet or shrapnel.

I’ve held off on posting about it, because I expect we’ll get further clarification from the FBI. But Josh Marshall and others have been focused closely on it since, which has set off some squirrelness among Trump’s boosters.

Propagandists have set Trump’s own narrative of the shooting to video.

Speaker Mike Johnson suggested Wray wasn’t credible — and that it wouldn’t matter anyway if Trump was falsely claiming he “took a bullet for democracy” if, in reality, he had taken shrapnel for fascism.

Johnson said he didn’t find Wray’s testimony credible.

“We’ve all seen the video, we’ve seen the analysis, we’ve heard it from multiple sources in different angles that a bullet went through his ear. I’m not sure it matters that much,” Johnson said.

He also said Wray “was not forthcoming with some of the information that we would expect.”

And then, finally, Ronny Jackson weighed in. First, he screamed that it was irresponsible for the FBI Director to suggest the evidence was not certainy.

More remarkably, he told CBS that, of course it was a bullet, because if it wasn’t, what would have hit him?

If it wasn’t a bullet wound, I ask you: ‘What was it’? Piece of glass? Where’d the glass come from? I’ve been told the teleprompters are completely intact. So what just mysteriously.. a piece of glass just appeared out of nowhere?

This is where things get really weird.

That’s because Ronny Jackson — I believe this was before he had yet seen Trump after the shooting — described that his nephew, who was sitting close to Trump, was injured when “something had grazed and cut his neck.”

Maybe, just maybe, the same kind of thing that hit his nephew also hit Trump, standing just a short distance away?

Again, I’m agnostic and don’t much care which it was. I care that Trump has refused to provide real medical transparency about the incident, and the press corp has — before Wray’s testimony — largely let that slide. If it was a bullet that damaged his ear, there are actually greater ongoing concerns about head injuries.

But this now smells like flopsweat.

Just release the medical records.

102 replies
    • Anvil Leucippus says:

      IS that a photo of a bullet whizzing past Trump?

      That isn’t some other projectile, or a piece of a projectile? It isn’t an artifact from image compression? Can you tell it’s traveling left to right in the image?

      I can only speak for myself, but I would be unable to say with certainty that it is a photo of a bullet passing through the air. Or the wake left behind a bullet passing through the air. Or whatever. Muzzle velocity of a 5.56 round is like 3000 feet per second.

      I can absolutely put a red circle around anything in an image and put a caption of whatever I want.

        • harpie says:

          WRAY: [0:22] Um, as I said, I think with respect to ah former President Trump, um, there’s, some question about whether or not ah it’s a bullet or shrapnel that you know, that hit his ear. [0:33]

        • N.E. Brigand says:

          It may be worth noting that Director Wray mentioned shrapnel in response to questions from two different (Republican) Congressmen. When Rep. Kevin Kiley of California asked him, “To the best of your understanding, how close did the assassin’s bullet come to killing President Trump?”, Wray responded, “My understanding is either it or some shrapnel is what grazed his ear, so I don’t know that I have the actual distance.” (Kiley followed up with, “Very very close, you would agree.”, and Wray said, “Yes.”)

          And then about an hour later came the other answer you cite, in response to Jim Jordan asking for an accounting of what each of the eight bullets fired had hit. After explaining that he didn’t have that information at hand, and then making the statement you quote, Wray went on: “It’s conceivable — I don’t know as I sit here right now — that, in addition to causing the grazing, could also have landed somewhere else”. I wonder how deliberate his choice of words was in “causing the grazing”. That allows for the possibility of a bullet striking something which broke loose and struck Trump’s ear even as the bullet went on to strike something else.

        • Dark Phoenix says:

          Where the fuck did Jim Jordan get “8 bullets were fired”? At least half of those were the Secret Service.

      • Nord Dakota says:

        The photo I’ve seen looks like not the bullet per se but the distortions of the air it was causing. Idk what kind of exposure times are involved but bullet would be dawned fast, you’d need strobe light or something to capture bullet image.

        I had assumed that the graze wound was possible without deeper internal damage, but Sanjay Gupta brought that up on cnn and he’s an MD which I am not.

      • Eric deCanada says:

        Focus for a moment on the bullet’s speed. I have not seen anywhere that the ammunition used was subsonic. The”the world’s largest mosquito” as Trump described to RFK Jr. should have been literally a deafening crack. The bullet, still supersonic at 150 yards, would have generated its shockwave only a centimeter or so from his ear canal. The visible physical damage seems unbelievable however the hearing damage (and that pesky mosquito) seem to be ignored.

    • Twaspawarednot says:

      If that is a bullet, it does not appear that it could have possibly hit his right ear. It is too low. With a right handed shooter, firing rapidly, it is likely the next round would have gone higher and more to the shooters right.

      • SteveBev says:

        Not to dispute anything you’ve said

        We obviously don’t know the sequence of shots, but one other data point to consider is that a man who was definitely shot was seated high in the stand towards the top corner behind Trump and way to his right hand side (ie to the shooters left). This is evidenced by video of the aftermath showing attempts to resuscitate and the movement of the body. It would appear that this was the man who was killed.

        Such evidence as there is reports that the victim who was killed heard a shot/shots and covered his family members.

    • velcroman says:

      I should have clarified: I make no claim that the bullet in the photo hit his ear. Did he duck after the first bullet? If so, it seems likely that shrapnel would have come from the first bullet, and it would have tumbled. So I am a little less inclined to say shrapnel.

        • Rugger_9 says:

          That last point is something that bugs me, because my ears will bleed if anything breaches the skin, yet Convict-1’s ear did not. I would not be surprised if the injury to the ear was self-inflicted especially considering how quickly the fundraising began afterward. However, I’m massively cynical about Convict-1’s motives on just about anything.

          Has anyone seen a real medical report yet?

        • dopefish says:

          Reply to Rugger_9
          July 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm

          Come on, that’s more than a little conspiratorial. A handful of seconds after the first shot, Trump stands up (surrounded by Secret Service) and has blood streaked across his face and cheek. *Something* clearly hit his ear.
          Video clip from Reuters when it happened.

          Edit: when they escort Trump away from the podium, most of his right ear is bright red with blood.

  1. Staid Winnow says:

    There was an assassination attempt. Trump survived.

    The only remaining interest for me is who else was the shooter helped by.

    But I thoroughly enjoy Republicans fighting off rumors and wasting time, when they could just ask Trump to release the medical reports. This and the couch-coitus narratives are for odd reasons dominating the media.

    Good, good.

      • Bugboy321 says:

        You know what, screw that. We are only taking Trump’s word, and this, well, who IS this guy anyway? He’s not a doctor any more, he’s barely a congressman, so why is he even weighing in on it? I don’t GAF that he was there, he’s a known liar, just like Trump is.

        It’s goddamned revealing how evasive they are all being about it. But NOOOOO! let’s bash the head of FBI instead of listening to him tell the truth, mmkay Pastor Johnson?

      • Spencer Dawkins says:

        I assume “help” includes the shooter’s father storing an AR-15 where his son could access it. That does seem to be widely reported elsewhere.

        I agree that we don’t need theories here that haven’t appeared in creditable reports elsewhere.

      • ThomasJ7777 says:

        Two independent acoustic experts analyzed the audio and came to the same conclusions.

        1. There are four weapons.

        2. There are 10 shots.

        3. The last two shots are from counter snipers (other sources confirm that these two shots came from the counter sniper team and a police sharpshooter. That’s two weapons.

        4. The first three shots came from one weapon, and the following five shots came from a different weapon. Wray confirms that 8 bullets and casings have been recovered. Watch his answer again. He did not confirm that all 8 casings were recovered from the roof where Crooks was perched.

        5. The first three shots came from a location that absorbed the echo of the gunshot. The following five shots have an echo consistent with a weapon that was fired outdoors (Crooks).

        6. Teleprompters were intact? This last one is of dubious certainty.

        Those are facts. Where the bullets landed has not been disclosed yet.

        My opinion is that Trump was not hit by anything, and that he used a fake blood capsule to fake his injury.

        That would imply that he knew in advance that there would be a shooting.

    • Twaspawarednot says:

      “The only remaining interest for me is who else was the shooter helped by”. This question, in the form of a statement, assumes someone helped the shooter. Until there is some reason to believe there was you are encouraging CT.

  2. Marc in Denver says:

    I do recall a brief kerfuffle in 2016 when Trump compared avoiding STDs in the 60s with surviving Vietnam.

  3. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Ronny Jackson is worse at giving Trump cover than he was at being his WH physician. He completed his residency in emergency medicine. He supposedly examined the ear wound itself. He should have a better idea about what caused it than most people at the FBI. But all he has to support his contention that it was a grazing wound from a bullet is not his examination – or reports by the examining physicians who treated it – but a question, what else could it be? FFS.

    • CA Dave_25JUL2024_0939h says:

      It’s notable the “Dr” Ronny described the wound as 2cm “wide”. Since only one dimension is given, it could be a hairline scratch. The lack of followup is astonishing. At this point, given the lack of stitches and other small details, only a minor scratch would explain the basics.

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  4. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Oddly enough, a shrapnel wound would better explain Jackson’s lack of concern about concussive damage to Trump’s hearing or brain. Shrapnel would travel at a fraction of the speed of an unimpeded rifle round, fired 150 yds away, substantially decreasing the potential for concussive damage.

    An interesting question is whether examining physicians found trace evidence of other substances in the wound they treated: metal, glass, wood, fibers, etc. Perhaps another reason their reports are still in lock-up.

    • Twaspawarednot says:

      The FBI will be able to look at the data that is part of every photo a digital camera takes, determine shutter speed and calculate the velocity of the “projectile” in the photo.

      • John Paul Jones says:

        That’s what I find so frustrating about the CNN report (“How the photo was captured” according to the lead-in) because the report includes zero data on that subject. No lens number, no shutter speed, no aperture listed, no sense of what the up-angle was on the camera. Useless.

        • retired railroad switchperson says:

          According to the NYT photographer Doug Mills, the shutter speed was 1/8000 sec & the streak, which has been interpreted as the bullet, is seen in only one frame.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          If unimpeded, the bullet would have been traveling at about 2700’/sec. You can do the math about how long that streak should be at that shutter speed. If shrapnel from a ricochet, it would be traveling much slower.

        • BRUCE F COLE says:

          That shutter speed and bullet speed should show a streak of 4+ inches plus the length of the bullet. That comports with the photo.

  5. N.E. Brigand says:

    Josh Marshall has been pushing hard for more than a week now for the media to dig into this question. His concern has been that, although he feels Donald Trump probably was grazed by a bullet, the media’s unwillingness to report on the uncertainty — their deference to Trump’s initial statement and Rep. Ronny Jackson’s letter — does not bode well for how they will act should Trump become president again.

  6. NaMaErA says:

    Clear and obvious lie — from the very start — that Lard Ass was hit directly by an AR15 round fired from 150+ yards away. The amount of blood and disfigurement that would result from that would have been FAR greater. He recoils and puts his hand to ear as if he was BITTEN BY A MOSQUITO, not shot by a sniper.

    Shrapnel from a bullet hitting something else that subsequently broke/splintered and happened to hit dum-dum.

    • Estragon says:

      I don’t even know it’s shrapnel. It’s possible he just clonked his head/ear on the podium on the way down.

      • N.E. Brigand says:

        Trump did reach up to his ear just before the first gunshot was heard (the bullet of course was flying at supersonic speed), apparently because he felt something strike it. (Although I suppose it’s possible that he did so because he heard something pass close to his ear.)

        • P J Evans says:

          There was some blood on his hand when he pulled it back down. And when they FBI was trying to get him to stay down, there were trails on his face from that ear.

        • Estragon says:


          Im not seeing anything here with a picture of the moment he looks at his hand better than I can see on the video— which definitely does not show blood on his hand. He definitely reacts to something whizzing by him; it beggars belief that he could be “hit hard” by a bullet and react, physically, like that.

          I’m with Justaperson, it looks to me like a ding from either hitting the podium or inadvertent contact once he is on the ground. Add in the fact that he could be on statins or other blood thinning meds and even a shaving cut could produce that amount of blood (seen it on my own dad).

          I’m not willing to buy chicken blood capsules at this time

      • JustaPerson says:

        I am now 73. Last fall, I had a bike accident where I caught my front wheel in a train track. As I fell, even though I had a glove on my hand, I reached out and the impact of hitting the ground, even through the glove, caused my palm to split wide enough so I needed stitches. Our skin thins as we age.

        Trump is 78 so if his ear came in contact with the ground with any degree of impact, it could’ve just split the skin from that. If he had been hit by a bullet, he would’ve been bleeding profusely all over the place. I do not believe he was hit at all.

        • xxbronxx says:

          Right there with you. Never forget that Trump and the WWE go way back. He knows all about small capsules filled with chicken blood. I’m not saying that’s what happened. Probably shrapnel of some kind. But in the feral recesses of the windmill that is his mind once he hit the deck his vaudeville instincts kicked in and he now had his own blood to show the crowd.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        The video I’ve seen does not show Trump’s head coming close enough to the lectern to strike it.

        • Magnet48 says:

          Responding to xxbronxx on ‘X’there was video describing a woman sitting right behind trump who just before the shot(?) nodded her head as if giving a signal. She was wearing a baseball cap (MAGA?) & the OP questioned whether she was with FBI & it was an FBI plot. What if her nod was to tell trump to act out being hit? Like you pointed out he knows the WWE tricks of the trade & is wholly not above using them.

      • EuroTark says:

        I’m not a firearms expert, but I’m pretty sure that if the ear was grazed by some sort of (expanding) hollow-point bullet, there wouldn’t be much left to look at. I have no idea what kind of ammunition was fired though.

  7. earlofhuntingdon says:

    There are also such things as frangible rounds for the .223 (and other sizes). These splinter on impact, rather than maintain their integrity and ricochet. But the small bits keep traveling for a few yards. That would produce damaging, but essentially non-lethal fragments within a few yards of initial impact.

    • Shadowalker says:

      He purchased 50 rounds that morning. Fired eight shots, it sounds like they accounted for all the rounds and none of the trajectories match or come close.

        • Shadowalker says:

          Pure speculation on my part. But if an intact round made contact with his ear, it would be intact afterwards until it struck another object in the path.

  8. Savage Librarian says:

    I think it’s possible that the truth is much more tragic and exploitative than people care to imagine. Trump has proven himself to be a hideous monster, time and again. I think this time is only different by degree of depravity. Far more detestable.

  9. Eichhörnchen says:

    The only reason that Trump withholds information is that it does not fit the narrative he wants to propagate and/or raise funds off of.

  10. Cosmo Lecat says:

    I would have something to say to JD Vance about his attack on childless cat people, but I don’t use “fowl” language.

  11. harpie says:

    Testing if this goes through.

    Yes…Is anybody else seeing something weird going on with the page?

    • Eichhörnchen says:

      We were inspired to rewatch “Bob Roberts” last week. It was even more fitting than I remembered.

  12. Magbeth4 says:

    I really don’t care how Trump received his “wound.” All the discussion of the miniscule details won’t change the more important facts that a man protecting his family died, and others were wounded, and a young, lonely man of intellectual gifts, also died. All because of the fragmentation of thinking and political discourse into pettiness and lying by many entities which ought to be more responsible with language. For someone who is unhinged, even slightly, the monotonous intoning of a Trump can push that person over the edge.

    That he still exists in political and National life as a subject for serious thought is very troubling. If the Internet were anything but a receptacle for mostly garbage, and if the major news organizations were led by people of principle and deep thought, and if a formerly major political party such as the Republicans were more respectful of their history with Presidential material, i.e., Lincoln and Eisenhower, Trump would never have ever been more than a tabloid item for those New Yorkers who like to read trash about “famous” people.

    Be patient. The truth of his injury will emerge from the USSS, and other respected government entities. And, someone may spill the beans from the hospital where he was treated for his “mosquito” sting.

    • Eichhörnchen says:

      The sad thing is that, even if it turns out Trump covered up a less heroic truth in order to raise more $$ and cast himself as Saved by God Himself in order to feed his insatiable ego, his “people” will be fine with it.

  13. harpie says:

    Marcy: “I believe this was before he had yet seen Trump after the shooting”

    I think so too. The text was at 11:39 PM · Jul 13, 2024 [pretty sure this is ET]

    According to this article by Jonathan Swan, Jackson was home in TX watching the rally.

    Former White House Doctor Describes Tending to Trump’s Wounded Ear
    Ronny Jackson, former President Donald J. Trump’s White House doctor and now a congressman from Texas, replaced the dressing on Mr. Trump’s ear on a flight to Milwaukee on Sunday. July 16, 2024

    […] [Jackson] jumped on a plane later on Saturday and arrived at Bedminster, Mr. Trump’s private club in New Jersey, around 4:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.

    Also, lol…so, Jackson is the person who placed that famous bandage on TRUMP’s ear.

    • emptywheel says:

      That’s the same math I was doing, plus the time zone.

      But I never trust my time zone calculations unless someone fact checks them.

  14. boatgeek says:

    Fun fact: In Napoleonic-War-era naval battles, far more sailors were killed by splinters from cannonballs hitting the wooden ships than by the cannonballs themselves. The crews would put their hammocks up against the ship’s sides wherever they could to try to catch and slow splinters before they took off a limb. Recognizing that podiums, teleprompters, and .223 ammunition are not oaken ships nor 24-pound shot, I think it’s a useful analogy. When you have highly energetic rounds hitting [stuff], things fly in odd directions. A shot could have kicked a splinter off of the podium or something else nearby even if the teleprompter was intact.

    Not that it really matters in the grander scheme.

    A WWII-era fun fact: a sufficiently energetic round can knock splinters off the inside of steel structures and injure/kill people inside without ever making a hole.

    • Harry Eagar says:

      The splinters in those naval battles were often the size of a large piece of firewood, or bigger.

      I would hope that the forensic examination would inventory all the chips from the stage and its furniture. Hope being the operative word, as I have little faith.

    • EuroTark says:

      It’s not really all that different with modern explosives. Yes, the shockwave they create can kill on it’s own, but the deadly zone is much larger for the shrapnel they deliver. In Napoleonic times they also used grapeshot, which is kind of like shotgun pellets but for cannons.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Projectiles like grapeshot or shotgun pellets are one thing. Shrapnel produced by a solid bullet, ricocheting off wood, metal, or glass is something else. It’s traveling at a lower velocity. It’s unbalanced and oddly shaped, and loses speed more quickly. Trump’s lucky that the primary effect he has to deal with is the opportunity to display his performance art.

  15. Sussex Trafalgar says:

    I suspect Trump is reluctant to release his medical record for the July 13, 2024 shooting incident because he wants to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

      • boatgeek says:

        Sure, but campaigning for president is just like being on the field of battle, dontchaknow? It’s like how avoiding STDs in New York was just like being sent to Vietnam.

        /s of course

  16. freebird says:

    Frankly, Trump’s crowd is perplexed over the shooting because it came from an area that vastly supports Trump. People tend to let their guard down when they are among those of their same ilk. Trump’s supporters are missing the irony that Trump could have been killed by a weapon whose likeness was worn on the lapels of Republicans like it was a religious icon.

  17. DoubleDeens says:

    I’m curious why no video has emerged from a constituent or official source behind Trump at the Butler rally (looking toward the audience). Because he’d turned his right ear toward them, that video would show the ear being injured in real time. And if his ear was gently pierced by a bullet (doubtful), given the shooter’s trajectory, wouldn’t people directly behind his ear also be hit? More information needs to come out.

  18. Molly Pitcher says:

    As a family who hunt deer, game birds and ducks in California (deer hunting is VERY different here, done in the heat of the end of the summer and done by stalking, no sitting in trees during the rut like elsewhere) , we all were immediately skeptical of the claims of Trump’s ear being shot up/off.

    In this family are a Marine who fought in Korea, an Annapolis grad, a sheriff and a California Highway Patrolman, all skeptical of the whole thing.

    The behavior of the SS, allowing him to standup and wave his fist, uncovered, search for his shoes, carry his hat off the stage, the whole thing looked…odd; especially when compared to how the SS acted when Reagan was shot. I really hope the truth comes out, because it doesn’t smell right.

    Ronnie not-allowed-to-practice-medicine-any-longer Jackson has zero credibility. I want to see that ear without a bandage.

    In my minds eye I keep seeing Mike Johnson, Gym Jordan and the rest of hte MAGA clowns in Congress with their fingers in their ears shouting “LALALALALA” every time something is brought up that doesn’t fit the martyr narrative /s

    • P J Evans says:

      He was fighting off the USSS agents who were trying to get him to stay low and get to his vehicle. There were like four or five on him, and he was still trying to rile the crowd.

    • CantankerousDave says:

      >Ronnie not-allowed-to-practice-medicine-any-longer Jackson has zero credibility.

      Jackson was also demoted, post-retirement, by the Navy over his behavior in the White House. That’s a pretty huge deal, yet no one seems to know about it.

  19. MT Reedør says:

    C’mon people. As soon as he was allowed by the secret service to do the multiple melodramatic fist pumps to the heavens while ostensibly under sniper fire, you knew we would never see a clear, blood free photo of his ear injury. Blading.

  20. N.E. Brigand says:

    I accidentally let my New York Times subscription lapse, but I gather there is some new information about the investigation into what struck Trump in this article:

    Meanwhile, Trump himself is disputing Wray’s testimony:

    In that post, Trump describes Wray as saying that “he wasn’t sure if I was hit by shrapnel, glass, or a bullet” (but Wray never mentioned glass). Trump claims “the FBI never even checked” into what it was that struck him. And he says that the “hospital called it a ‘bullet wound to the ear'”, but of course we haven’t heard anything from the hospital.

    • Bugboy321 says:

      “hospital called it a ‘bullet wound to the ear’”

      I’ve seen a few clinical reports in my time, and I can tell you with near certainty that this is not what any hospital would call a “bullet wound to the ear”. That’s Dr. Trump’s diagnosis right there, worthless as it is.

      Funny about that mention of glass. Fits the MO that he has no filter between what pass for his brain and his mouth, and why he’s such a security risk to this country. The entire incident proves that last part over and over again.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Trump has no clue about what the FBI checked and what reports it had access to at the hospital. It probably has millions of bullet wound analyses in its databases, yet Wray could not satisfactorily identify this wound as caused by a bullet.

      Trump, as usual, is playing his victim card. Sadly for him, it’s a joker in a straight game.

  21. Challenger says:

    He is a pretty good conman, and the evil get lucky sometimes. Trump also dodged a bullet back when he had covid. The image of him coming back from the hospital, when he in fact had covid, and tearing off his mask for example. Similar perhaps? Everything he says is a lie and part of the con and Ronnie is a player.

  22. not-the-dart says:

    Shrapnel? WPXI’s Rick Earle, the Channel 11 chief investigative reporter posted a story at 6:24pm on July 16. Four Pittsburgh motorcycle officers were hit by shrapnel when the gunman opened fire at the Trump rally. They had only minor injuries, but one went to hospital later.

    Search for “11 Investigates Exclusive: Pittsburgh motorcycle officers transferred after working Trump Rally”.

    Two supervisors were reassigned, one to zone 1 on the North Side and the other to zone 3 in Allentown. Authority to work Trump event was disputed.

    May have made error causing earlier comment to be lost in moderation.

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  23. Zinsky123 says:

    Trump was clearly injured by something as a result of the deranged young man’s shooting, which is horribly unfortunate. Although I despise Trump, I don’t wish violence on him. It is so predictably sad and macho of Trump to make his victimhood into some sort of badge of masculinity. I guess a random injury and his golf game is all he really has to brag about. In any case, Trump remains one of the luckiest humans alive, having been sprayed with AR-style shells and only getting a nick on the ear!

    • chocolateislove says:

      One thing I keep coming back to is that SCOTUS made bump stocks legal about a month before. I’m very glad the young man didn’t decide to test out SCOTUS’ explanation that bump stocks did not turn formerly semi-automatic weapons into automatic weapons.

      Forget Lou Gehrig, Trump is the luckiest MF on the face of the earth.

    • MT Reedør says:

      There’s nothing clear about this and everything you write is an assumption. Wound photos would clear up a lot. But now it might be too late.

  24. P J Evans says:

    Photos of him with Bibi show an ear with no visible damage. If it were skin-deep, that would be a real possibility – think of skinned knees, where it heals in days. But no damage says minor injury at most.

  25. Challenger says:

    Some considerations: did the shooter have a clear line of sight? Likely hood of bullet fragments if the bullet didn’t hit something enroute to target? If a bullet hit a teleprompter wouldn’t this be obvious? Can a bullet graze an object with very little damage? If this bullet had a concussive force along it’s trajectory wouldn’t it at least knock his stupid Maga hat off his head? Trump has almost no muscle tone, he is mainly blubber, wouldn’t his head be knocked sideways by a concussive force? Is a concussion immediate, watch MMA, when the fist hits the chin the lights go OUT. This on a sliding scale of symptoms from completely out to being minorly dazed, is a concussion It is not over time, that is brain swelling or bleed, possible side effects of a concussion. For what it is worth I didn’t see Trump have a concussion, he acted pretty much like you would expect an un concussed patient would act in this circumstance, Watch the video. And it is so great Steve Bannon is still in jail

  26. Challenger says:

    With any luck there will never be another assassination attempt. Hopefully Kamala will have the most and the best security.

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