Will Peter Baker Exhibit the Same Tenacity about Medical Records on the Trump Shooting as He Did a Parkinson’s Conspiracy Theory?
Something funny happened on Xitter.
In an attempt to demonstrate the double standard and cowardice of the captive media, I tweeted at Peter Baker asking if he was ever going to exercise the same diligence about getting a medical report on Donald Trump’s shooting injury as he was at engaging in conspiracy theories about a Parkinson’s doctor.
Jesse Singal screen capped the tweet, admitted “it would be good to know exactly what happened” but then scolded that my single tweet was a weird thing, “to spend one’s resources on…”
Singal babbled on in telling ways, if you’re into that kind of thing.
But his complaint is useful illustration of something larger.
Given replays, I have no reason to doubt that the teleprompters were not hit by any bullets Thomas Crooks shot; I accept that early reports that Trump was hit by glass from his teleprompter were wrong.
I have no preconception about what we would learn from a medical report on the treatment Trump got. It might be something as banal as the news that plastic surgeons had to do some quick reconstruction to replace cartilage in Trump’s ear. Though Eric Trump has already revealed that Trump did not require stitches, which is the most detailed report we’ve gotten.
What I do know is there once used to be a norm in the United States that presidents and presidential candidates were expected to offer some transparency, however feigned, about two subjects: their finances and their health.
Biden has done that. Indeed, the report he released from his January physical not only described that he had been screened for Parkinson’s, which was ruled out, but it provided explanations for the things, like his halting step, that had raised concerns about Parkinson’s. Sure, by all means question that — but before you do, at least cross check the visitor logs on which you’ve built a conspiracy theory to see if they back your insinuations (which these never did).
Biden has similarly released several reports about the progression of his COVID, down to his temperature, treatment, and oximeter levels (one, two, three). Given the current state of COVID treatment, I have no big worries about his diagnosis (just as I have no preconceived notion about what Trump’s medical treatment would reveal). But it’s good to have. It is an important part of democracy. At the very least, such reports offer reassurances that if something were to happen — such as the time Trump got pre-vaccination COVID and almost killed Chris Christie, before walking into a debate with Joe Biden — we would know about it.
Obviously, we never got anything remotely reliable as to Trump’s medical records. He had two hack doctors write up his reports, one of whom disclosed alarming details about a cover-up after the fact. He had at least one medical event that remains unexplained.
And so, even if Trump’s entire right ear had been replaced, I doubt we’d know about it.
But, particularly amidst an otherwise diligent effort to learn what happened, I would expect that journalists would nevertheless demand such reports. If Trump refused to provide such reports, I would expect that to be a story — certainly a far bigger story than Peter Baker’s baseless insinuations about Biden’s health.
And yet, crickets. Either they asked and were refused that basic information, or they have stopped bothering to ask for basic transparency from Trump, knowing he’ll refuse.
Either way, the failure to demand a formal medical report after a shooting attempt represents the utter collapse of the most basic kind of journalism.
Do not obey in advance, Tim Snyder has written about how to resist fascism.
Ask for the medical report, even if you know they’ll refuse. If they do refuse, that — by itself — is a story.
Update: Shortly after I posted this, Trump released what purports to be a medical report from Candy Man Ronny Jackson.
It serves as an excellent test of whether self-imagined journalists are exercising any assessment of source credibility. More on this tomorrow.
Most people have never been in a situation wherein multiple hi velocity rounds were fired into people (the GOP intends to amend this “defect”).
When that happens tissue and bones fly everywhere.
I have no direct insight into this event.
I do know that a hi velocity round near enough to “pierce an ear” would cause more damage than any report has suggested.
Those have been my thoughts, as well. Rick Wilson claimed that Trump had been golfing the day before the RNC and was not wearing a bandage.
I just wonder how long he’s going to keep wearing that pointless bandage – all the way to the election?
I don’t think there’s much doubt that Trump plays games with the size of the bandage he wears. The My Pillow Guy thing he wore for the convention was almost certainly just for the cameras. It became a theme and other convention goers wore a similar one.
The reported 2 cm tear, which apparently did not rip the ear’s edges, didn’t require stitches, so it was repairable with high-adhesive bandage or something similar.
They can use surgical glue for that kind of thing; it seals the wound and comes off by itself in two or three weeks.
It’s equivalent to nail holes in his hands and feet. Expect to see it a lot.
Now that Trump has been seen in public with no bandage and no apparent damage to his ear it’s my view that Trump was not shot by an AR- style rifle bullet.
My guess is he was either splattered with tissue from the true victims OR injured himself some other way. The way the blood on his face radiates from the ear leans me to tissue splatter.
For some reference:
.223 ballistics
and a WaPo gift article on AR style weapon damage:
“A single bullet lands with a shock wave intense enough to blow apart a skull and demolish vital organs.”
Based on what I have seen (pictures from the incident) it all strikes me as consistent with a .223 clipping his ear. Bullets punch clean holes of bullet diameter in thin materials. It’s only when there is significant depth to the target that they destabilize, disintegrate, or expand, creating the cavitation and fragmentation that does extensive damage.
I have seen deer shot with a .308 (bullet 3x the mass at 70% of the speed of a .223) and the entrance wound is a small clean hole in the skin, with the major damage occurring deeper in the body cavity. Ear skin is not deer skin, but it’s close enough I would expect a similar effect.
This was the closest of close calls. I would be very surprised if he didn’t suffer some some hearing damage from a supersonic bullet passing so close to his ear. The bulk of the noise of a gunshot is the escaping gas from the muzzle, but the sonic boom of a bullet is by no means negligible.
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Having taken my turn in the butts on an Army firing range, I can attest to the sonic “snap” of a bullet passing close by. A .223 bullet from an AR15-style rifle could easily pass through the thin tissue of an ear without causing any collateral damage to nearby tissue from the “sonic boom” of the bullet.
I’ve fired many weapons. I prefer to not hunt game due to the exit wound trauma.
I’ve seen true graze wounds on animals…there is always cavitation due to the thermodynamics of “pierced” air.
I waited to see if Trump’s ear was deformed by the claimed bullet strike.
It was not.
Now. Perhaps the press should examine the PA ballistics report.
Maybe the press will find where the actual victims were placed when they were shot.
I have yet to find such a diagram a week after…but I’d love for my assumption to be proven wrong.
Thanks for pointing out the double standard.
The Boston Globe had a headline this morning about Biden: “I think he cannot win” in reference to a shiny new Globe/Suffolk poll. I have suspended my subscription so I couldn’t read the article, but the headline alone got me to thinking about 2 things.
First, the media smear campaign is working. Not a big surprise, it’s why companies pay to advertise, people are often persuaded by what they are told.
Second, what makes Democrats who want to replace Biden think that the media coverage will get any better when he’s gone? So far, the press has done a great job of damaging Biden’s campaign. What makes people think that the news media will suddenly sing the praises of Dems if Biden steps aside? This is a sincere question.
I think it is more likely, once Biden is kicked to the curb, that the stories will shift into “Dems in disarray”, “Chaos at the Convention”, and an endless stream of stories about disaffected voters unhappy with whoever comes next.
I’m appalled by how the media are behaving and for the first time I have truly begun to worry that they are working to get Trump over the finish line.
The NYT owns the Boston Globe.
The Boston Globe, like the Red Sox, is owned by John W. Henry.
They routinely reprint articles from the NYTimes and the Washington Post, particularly those related to national politics.
SFGate, which is part of Hearst, reprints stuff from WaPo and LATimes.
Thanks for the correction. The NYT sold it in 2013, having managed it through a considerable decline in value.
Sadly, the ownership of both appear to share the same world view, so it’s a difference that doesn’t matter much.
I can’t stop the editors at The Globe from doing what they’re doing, but I’ll feel better if I’m not paying them to do it. I suspended my subscription last week. I’ll be canceling it on Monday (since one can cancel only during business hours).
The media will definitely go after any replacement. My personal belief is that it would be harder for the media to blow up something about Kamala Harris than it is to keep harping on Biden’s age. People don’t need for media to explain that Biden is old and why that might be a problem, because they can just look at him. He’s old and appears less healthy than he used to be.
He’s old and appears old, but that’s not a sign of poor health.
He appears unwell. Maybe he’s not, but he appears that way. So ginning up a media story is less hard than with someone whose issue isn’t readily apparent, at least to a layperson.
Based on what some of people involved are saying (like AOC), it sounds like the demands for Joe Biden to step down are actually coming from the rich donors, who are telling Dems they’ll stop donating if they don’t force Joe Biden off the ticket. From what they’ve said, the donors don’t like Kamala Harris either, and would really prefer an open convention (probably because they’d prefer a white man who will end Biden’s attempts at getting them to pay their fair share of taxes).
If the push to dump Biden is coming from rich donors, I hope that helps Congress focus on getting money out of politics in 2025, or at least require transparency for donations.
“Some people can afford to own their own Supreme Court justice, or even their own vice presidential candidate, but for the rest of us, there’s Democracy “
Thank you for all you do.
A “weird thing, ‘to spend one’s resources on…'” is how a Princeton MPA describes a question he doesn’t want publicly answered. It’s a garden variety attack on the questioner, in hopes that the dismissive attack will distract from the whole topic.
Singal also doesn’t want to accept that Marcy’s deceptively simple question beautifully illustrates the bent coverage of Trump and Biden coming from one of what the NYT calls one of its top reporters.
That’s the word I’ve been searching for! I notice that dismissive attitude EVERYWHERE. This is part & parcel of the project 2025 takeover of democracy, the wearing down of any other viewpoint than their own. Thank you for being here so as to restore my eqilibrium. I am way too sensitive & wind up taking these as personal attacks when it’s just political manipulation. I don’t know how I could get through this without the sanity & the restraint I find here. I am so grateful emptywheel exists & that I found you.
With consolidation of both print and broadcast media, it is my opinion that journalists and newscasters are not told what to say, but rather are hired because of their bias. In this way, the charade of a free press is maintained. I believe that if this were not true, Dr Wheeler would be a guest on broadcast media night and day as a leading expert.
Editors and headline writers shape content as well.
Minor understatement. Exhibit A, which relieves the GOP of responsibility for its fascist genocidal plans:

“Fixed it for you” is still a surprisingly useful catchphrase.
Reply to Spencer Dawkins
July 21, 2024 at 8:37 am
Oh, the “fix” is definitely well underway.
Dr. Gupta was interviewed on one of the shows last night:
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: There are still key questions about Trump’s injuries after attempted assassination https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/18/health/dr-sanjay-gupta-analysis-trump/index.html Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent
Updated 12:37 PM EDT, Fri July 19, 2024
The shot was from some distance away, so the only question is the actual injury, and since it didn’t involve the skull, Gupta should know better.
That other Dr. Gupta TV doctor Vin Gupta (Sanjay’s younger brother as it turns out), was on MSNBC yesterday and speculated about the same thing:
Thanks!…uggg :-(
No, it’s not the only question. Dr. Gupta mispoke when he used “gunshot blast.” What he seems to have meant was the shock wave caused by a .223 caliber round, with a velocity twice the speed of sound, passing so close to the president’s head that it hit his ear. His concerns are correct.
I posted what Dr Gupta said about the need for complete info after the incident, and WHY it is necessary.
I also posted the video of Chris Christie saying Trump infected him with COVID 3 days before the 2020 debate. Trump, Mark Meadows and Dr Sean Connelly never alerted Chris Christie or any of the people who did Trump’s debate prep. 6 of the 7 got COVID..
The other part of this story the NYTimes could did into would be what the public has a right to know.. Trump hides behind privacy laws, which is appropriate, but he also has broken public health laws. Like before the 2020 debate & after the Rose Garden Super spreader event.
The White House Medical Unit blocked the CDC from helping them do contact tracing!
I believe that an investigation into this time period Sept 25—29 and of Dr. Sean Conley & Mark Meadows would reveal violation of laws that led to international & recklessly disegard of people’s health.
I know who reported on the his in 2020 for the NYTimes, Wapo & CNN. Would any of them dig into it NOW?
Should we make a case they should, or, as Singal suggests, with everything else going on, it’s a waste of reporter’s resources.
I also thought. Let’s say they did, we know they could be easily stonewalled, It’s Private medical info. I have a answer to that problem. The DoD Inspector General can investigate. Why should they? Because they did Dr. Ronny Jackson, THE Report lead to his demotion to Captain from Rear Admiral. The second report & found the drug mill problem.
So, someone with standing, Who gorsick, should ask for the investigation.
What if they found that Dr. Sean Conley was told by Mark Meadows not to report the positive test?
Who should be charged?
That is obstruction, to prevent the people from knowing the truth of COVID in the workplace.
So what if that was proved. Who would file charges?
I think NOW is the time to do this, because Joe has COVID. Trump doctor’s don’t want to talk. The issue of Transparency is one thing, when it doesn’t happen & it was legally required and it didn’t is another.
People want to forget pre-vax world, COVID could be a death sentence.
Medically-trained observers suggest that a thorough medical report would include not just evidence of a wound to the ear, but evidence of a CT scan or other examination for head trauma. The typical 5.56mm/.223 caliber round fired from an AR-15 generates quite a shock wave, especially at less than 150 yards, which might induce concussion or other trauma.
A CT scan, of course, might also disclose other brain conditions besides bullet-induced trauma, which Trump would never disclose. So Marcy’s question is not remotely frivolous, as Singal suggests.
For comparison, the muzzle velocity of a typical 9 mm pistol round would be just under or over the speed of sound (about 1100’/sec). Its kinetic energy would be between 300-400 ft/lbs. Both are lower at distance.
A .223 caliber rifle round at 150 yds travels at more than twice the speed of sound. Because its kinetic energy varies with the square of its velocity, a .223 round at that distance has more than double the kinetic energy of a 9 mm round. Its shock wave is much greater. That’s one reason so many people want the AR-15 banned for civilian use.
4 times the KE
(2*v)^2 = 4*v^2
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And sure enough, Ronny Jackson’s propaganda said they did a CT scan.
But he didn’t release the scan.
Nor have I seen a summary of its results.
Maybe they’ll release an expert’s report, summarizing a summary of the work product, but not introduce into evidence testimony by the examining physician or the results of her actual examination. Begins to sound like the Warren Report or a Hunter Biden prosecution. /s
Here is a rather detail PoV with respect to .223 bullets of various grain sizes. I found “shock wave” imagery at about the muzzle, but not at any distance approaching 150 yards.
However, perhaps an intrepid ballistics expert might hazard a more educated guess. For me – bullet grain size notwithstanding, a 223 at 150 yards “missing” the head by 1/4 inch (or less) is gonna have potential follow on impact especially at the ear canal.
I think the earl is pretty much spot on though.
As a firearm hobbyist (target and gunsmithing) I wanted to post this (I’m a first time poster) that sheds some real world visual light on .223 ballistics.
Also, if anyone HAS an AR style weapon and you want to ‘prove the effect to yourself’ take a ripe peach out to the range and fire NEXT to it as close as you can. You will see the pressure effects of a round passing close to flesh. It’s both more and less than
you’d expect.
Also wanted to drop serious kudos for this reporting and commentary resource. It’s excellent and I’ll be contributing this month (I have a schedule for these things).
Thank you for all you do here, including commenters!
Marcy has a new post up about this aspect of things, and news coverage about it:
Since Leaving Butler, Trump has Foregone the Best Medical Care and is Withholding CT Scan Results
“Ask for the medical report, even if you know they’ll refuse. If they do refuse, that — by itself — is a story.”
Indeed. Pity the NYT doesn’t agree.
If Trump were to win, he’d become the oldest US president inaugurated, so it’s no odder to ask about his health than Biden’s. Maybe they could free up some resources by running slightly fewer “Biden should drop out” articles per day?
Looking at the video of the start of the shooting, Trump puts his hand up to the side of face and then ducks toward the podium. His hand was clean as far as I could tell. I think it possible he struck the side of his head on the podium injuring his ear.
A .223 round from an AR would rip a portion of his ear off if it had hit it. A grazing wound would lacerate what soft tissue it came in contact with. Either wound would smear the side of his head in the direction of the bullets’ travel.
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My, would that be an embarrassing disclosure – a self-inflicted wound rather than from a grazing bullet. But, yes, at 150 yds, a .223 would have so much energy, it seems likely it would do more than make a clean 2 cm tear in his ear. The sharp edge of a lectern, on the other hand….
What we may never see are the estimated trajectories of each shot the gunman fired. The FBI must have worked those out by now. The bullet that supposedly grazed Trump, for example, would have traveled on and gone into the crowd or the bleachers.
The podium was in front of him, and he was looking to his right, when he put his hand up, and a closer view shows blood on his hand. (Not a lot, but some.)
(I’ve seen one faked photo of the site with empty bleachers on three sides. A shot of the site after the crowd was cleared showed a rectangular area strewn with dropped items and trash, and NO bleachers.)
Did the FBI take away the stands for forensic analysis?
As EoH alluded to, it is possible that Trump reacted to the shock wave, and no actual contact occurred. That he wasn’t holding the side of his head, but rather, fist-pumping suggests he bumped the lectern.
Podium is what you stand ON (pod = foot)
Lectern is what you stand BEHIND
Trump’s doctor released a statement today. It goes into detail.
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This purported letter doesn’t fill the gap. It’s from former Admiral, now demoted to Captain for medical and management abuses, Ronny Jackson. Jackson is hyper-partisan and has demonstrated that his Republican politics take precedence over his medical judgment. His examinations of Trump, while WH doctor, were famous for their hyperbole and for accepting at face value self-reported “facts” about his patient, such as absurd underestimates for his weight and overestimates for his height.
Moreover, he’s currently a member of Congress, not a practicing physician. He wasn’t the treating physician for Trump’s ear wound. At best, he’s summarizing information gleaned from Trump – always unreliable – or from another physician’s report, eliding whatever he doesn’t want disclosed. Lastly, he ignores everything except the wound to Trump’s ear. So, another Ronny Jackson nothing burger.
I wish a doctor would ask Trump why he resisted his guards trying to save his life. He refused to leave the stage after getting shot. Four times he told his guards “Let me get my shoes.” Then after beginning to move off he stopped them and said “Wait, wait, wait” and pumped his fist to the crowd. Then when he got to the limo he stood up and made himself a target.
I think this shows extreme recklessness. It’s not bravery to put all those others in danger.
Also, if God deflected that bullet then God did a lousy job protecting the other victims.
Maybe he didn’t want anyone seeing his lifts?
Trump’s opacity about his health before and after becoming president has alway be concerning to me. I’m still puzzled by the first time Trump’s health caught the media’s attention: the infamous letter signed by Dr. Bornstein. Dr Bornstein was a gastroenterologist yet he was listed as Trump’s personal physician. For the vast majority of people who have a physician one might consider a “personal physician” we see a primary care provider. PCPs tend to be internists and family practice physicians, in the case of women it is common to have a GYN physician as a PCP. Most people see a specialist, someone like a gastroenterologist or cardiologist, after being referred by their PCP. I never saw any media attention paid to this curiosity; why was Trump seeing a gastroenterologist in the first place?
Trump took covid advice from Diamond and Silk.
And why should the public believe it is getting the truth now from a guy who was demoted by the Navy for his behavior and known as a pill pusher at the Trump White House?
Math is not Ronny Jackson’s strong suit.
“The bullet produced a 2cm wide wound”
But then, he is rumored to drink heavily…..
Jackson’s description doesn’t quite gel, and he doesn’t use the language I would expect from someone who completed a residency in emergency medicine.
The distance between the top of the ear and the start of the ear canal is a little over 2cm; Ronny’s basically saying the bullet took off most of the top part of Trump’s ear… You know, the one we can still see intact in the video (yeah, it’s bleeding a lot, but his ear is pretty clearly still intact).
Who knew demoted druggy, pill pusher, and alcoholic, Ronny Jackson, was still Donald Trump’s physician? I think he’s fibbing. He’s a member of Congress, not a currently practicing physician. I can see why he would have volunteered for the assignment, but who would have accepted him – except as a proven talent in whitewashing medical reports.
For an MD who apparently completed a residency in emergency medicine, his description of the wound seems falsely specific, but not quite right. He notes further examination for concerns about hearing, but none for potential brain trauma. If a .223 caliber round, possessing about 900 ft/lbs of energy, pierced my ear and came within a quarter inch of my skull, that’s what I’d be most worried about.
Jackson does note, in the fourth of six paragraphs, that they took a CT scan, but sandwiches and buries it beneath concerns about tests of Trump’s hearing.
As a side note, the outer ear is virtually all cartilage (plus skin, vascular tissue, and a few other cells). So when Jackson writes that the wound “extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear,” he’s either a) describing a thin graze that affected only the skin, but not the cartilage underneath it, or b) using medical-speak to avoid actually describing the wound.
Jackson appears to be describing an extremely superficial wound, about 3/4 of an inch long, that did not penetrate the ear. It grazed the skin covering the cartilage of the outer ear.
That’s not to say concussive forces didn’t create more damage. But a key fob size pillow over his ear wouldn’t help that.
He’s not. He describes that Trump’s personal physician will resume his care later.
He could be. Jackson’s statement regarding Trump’s PhCP resuming his care, which your next post indicates hasn’t happened, could relate to the ear wound, hearing or head trauma analysis, or general health monitoring.
Jesse Singal is obeying in advance. Probably has been for some time. Many many things are now in ‘past tense’, remembered fondly.
Like when a POTUS revealed financial and health information. The media jumped on the WH visitor logs (for that debunked parkinsons theory they floated) but never mentioned that in Trump’s term – they were not available to the public at all. That and countless norms were gone – and accepted.
Yes. And very deftly, Singal makes it easy for Peter Baker to brush off Marcy’s tweet. Why Singal summoned his “resources” to say anything at all is otherwise mystifying.
I don’t need to see a Medical Report. Trump is the P.T. Barnum of politics, who exaggerates every aspect of his life and history. His speech was delivered with all the passion of someone on high-powered tranquilizers,ending in stream-of-consciousness blathering, his version of speaking in tongues. Nothing made sense: the maudlin behavior, re: kissing the unfortunate fireman’s jacket and helmet which was a transparent attempt to exploit Fireman, who generally vote for Republicans, bringing them into his voting pack. Disgusting; the entire cheap display and melodrama. The bandage? Just a little token of his “immense” suffering from the trauma.
The Press will not report or analyze this in depth because its more fun to be part of the pack.
It’s not working with me. I’m hanging in with Biden. Anything else is madness at this late date. He will be fine, and if not, that’s what we have a Vice-President for. He earned his votes.
PTBarnum ran for the Connecticutt legislature during the Civil War to make sure that African-American males would have the right to vote in the state. Before he was seated, he embarrassed the head of the state railroad commission about conspiring with Commodore Vanderbilt to monopolize the railroads so much that the commissioner resigned. When Barnum went bankrupt, he worked hard and paid back his creditors.
Comparing Trmp to Barnum demeans Barnum and gives Trmp much more credit than he’s earned.
Thanks for the history lesson. I was thinking of that part of P.T. Barnum’s career identified with the circus. I was characterizing Trump’s campaigning and behavior with of someone running a circus. Lots of acts and “daring do.”
I disagree that this is about “suffering.” Just like his post-covid theatrics, this is about toughness and divine invincibility.
The comment was derisive about Trump’s theater. The use of suffering was ironic.
“Let’s not have a double standard. One standard will do just fine.” George Carlin
Just going to quickly link to Jeff Tiedrich’s article on the press double standard at play here:
“on July 13, 2024, some dweeby dipshit incel named Thomas Matthew Crooks fired an unknown number of bullets in the general direction of Donny Convict. one of the bullets is alleged to have grazed the tippy tip of Donny’s ear.
that’s all we know about what happened. no medical report, no press conferences. no official statements — just an unconfirmed rumor that Donny spent the weekend playing golf at his New Jersey ex-wife cemetery, and then on Monday he showed up at the RNC with a clownishly-oversized maxi-pad on his ear.
so where is our compliant corporate-controlled media in all of this? did they spend the weekend camped out in front of Donny’s Bedminster golf motel? are they demanding answers? are they insisting on seeing medical reports?
fuck no, they are not. they’re too busy pumping out syrupy fan fiction — like this atrocity from the Washington Post.
basically Team Trump told the press to fuck off, we’re not saying shit, and the press just meekly fucked off.
excuse me, but what the bloody hell?
just suppose it was Joe Biden who got shot at. do you in your wildest dreams imagine that the media would accept fuck off as an answer? of course they wouldn’t. they’d be screaming for REAL ANSWERS, NOW!
yesterday we found out that Joe Biden has covid. within half an hour, Biden’s doctor issued a full medical report, complete with pulse rate and body temperature.
that’s what full disclosure looks like.”
– https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/ear-gate-why-is-the-press-giving
If Democratic party orgs continue to use xitter will donations to them be used to pay Musk to pay for Trump’s campaign? I called my rep today to ask and left a message.
I don’t personally engage in the Shitter Wars but I think Ms. Wheeler’s point is a valid one – Trump has gotten a pass on being transparent about his health and finances that Biden never did – or wanted! Biden has released 20 years of his taxes and Trump hasn’t willingly released one! If Biden has all this income from Russia, China and Ukraine that Republicans claim – where is it on his tax returns? Trump has also never disclosed anything resembling a legitimate physical examination summary, instead providing one page testimonials from wackadoo Dr. Harold Bornstein and Ronny Jackson, about what a specatcular human being Donald Trump is!
Because he was neutralized so quickly do they forgo the formality of a forensic ballistic study of the crime scene? Have they confirmed how many shots were fired? One thing guaranteed is with TFG you will never know the truth.
Improbable. They will do it to assess failure modes and effects analysis: they fucked up. And to plan against a future recurrence. But we’ll never see the analysis.