Reading the NYT Front Page, So You Don’t Have To

18 replies
  1. LadyHawke says:

    This really is mind-boggling – the non-sourced NATO article isn’t even the worst. President Biden is defiant – how dare he? Does he think he is the elected President of the United States and winner of the Democratic primary system for the upcoming election?
    How dare we Democrats not take our orders from the New York Times? How ever shall the nation survive? (Meanwhile, the monstrous Trump, Project 2025…)

    • emptywheel says:

      Google Biden defiant.

      It is standard. As it was when Biden’s son was refusing to comply with a subpoena that James Comer did not yet have authority to enforce.

  2. Stacy (Male) says:

    Sulzberger has evidently ordered every reporter, opinion and “straight” news, to let their inner Inspector Javert dominate until further notice. Amazingly, Trump attacked Peter Baker and his wife and the Times generally over the weekend on Untruth Social. If Dash believes that his anti-Biden crusade will result in any leniency for the Times after Project 2025 is in place, he’s in for an unpleasant surprise.

  3. harpie says:

    SO infuriating. One question I have is who writes the headlines?
    One possibility [NYT denies it went further than testing]:

    “You are a headline writter [sic] for The New York Times,” says a prompt for the paper, which is suing OpenAI for copyright infringement. Nikita Mazurov July 8 2024, 12:05 p.m.

    • Rayne says:

      Speaking of headlines, I recommend Mastodon users follow @nyt_diff, a bot which tracks changes made to NYT’s headlines and subheads/abstracts.

      Original article headline at the bottom in this ^ image, with some of the edits made to the headlines and abstracts on same articles.

      The “Biden defiant” article hasn’t appeared in the bot’s feed — yet.

      If this is what humans are producing, I can’t imagine how much worse this could get using AI.

      I can’t imagine what NYT is *teaching* AI with this crap assuming its content is scraped, even if this material is copyrighted.

      • Peterr says:

        The changes to the second one on the left strike me as more benign than the others. The main change is that it moves from a story about what Biden is planning to do (future tense) to a story about what Biden is doing (present tense). Sounds kind of like an evolving story updated through the day.

        • Rayne says:

          Some of their changes are related to evolution. Some are not. Their audience rarely notices the changes being made, though; which version appears in the print edition and how many readers see that and only that?

  4. Upisdown says:

    Today my Washington Post cancellation takes effect. (I guess I was paid up until today.) I thought about paying for the NYT’s with my freed-up funds, but no way will that happen now. I can’t watch CNN any longer, and MSNBC isn’t totally dependable either.

    Any suggestions on where I should turn for fair and balanced reporting? It looks to me like ProPublica is perhaps the only media outlet invested in exposing the crooked conservative monopoly over America. Other than Emptywheel, of course.

    • Sloth Sloman says:

      The Guardian is pretty good and has no paywall. They’re certainly not on the level of ProPublica on investigative journalism, but you won’t find the same issues that you see above on their front page.

      • Rayne says:

        Don’t kid yourself about bias at The Guardian. They have their own; they just don’t capture as much US audience as NYT.

        source:[email protected]/112756446315703403

        Guardian has also changed the headline on the older article in this comparison – the original is shown in the screen capture above.

        I wish there was a bot tracking changes on headlines for each major news outlet which publishes content online.

        • Sloth Sloman says:

          I’m not saying they’re perfect, but come on, they clearly are not the NYT. There is plenty of Gaza reporting that avoids the language and perspective your example shows.

          If anything, I find their editorial bias to be very much in favor of liberals and Democrats (or Palestine if you want to focus on a specific issue). Sure, that’s still probably not very far to the left in the UK, but it’s much more tolerable than the NYT and WaPo of the present.

          My point was simply that you won’t find a front page where every story is spun around Biden and why he should drop out. It doesn’t feel corrupted in the way those papers have become. And it is freely accessible for anyone, which holds some value to me.

        • Sloth Sloman says:

          I’d just like to add that currently, Biden is mentioned once on their front page/top headlines. It is quoting him condemning the Kyiv hospital strike.

  5. harpie says:

    Off to the races.
    Jul 8, 2024 at 9:12 PM

    Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it [screenshot]

    From the screenshot:
    Which Democrats have called for Biden to drop out of the race? […]

    Which Democrats Have Called for Biden to Drop Out of the Race?
    July 3, 2024 Updated July 8, 2024, 5 p.m. ET

    • Rayne says:

      They’re completely ignoring NYU’s Jay Rosen who has exhorted news outlets to report on the stakes in election, not the odds which horse race reporting offers.

      Rather the NYT is leaning into this presidential election as a sport. Only wondering when and how NYT will monetize betting on the odds they’re publishing.

  6. RitaRita says:

    NYTimes and the Washington Post are behaving like high school kids. They recognize that someone has to take on the school bully but they are too afraid to do so themselves. And when someone does step forward to challenge the bully, they say, “Oh no, not that nerd.”.

    And, while they both mention, as an aside, that Trump should withdraw, they don’t want to say it too loudly. And they continue to prop Trump up. Not only do they avoid scrutinizing his increasing incoherence, they helpfully interpret his gibberish and form it into policy statements. The “shark and battery”, like the “injecting bleach and lightbulb” Covid therapy shows such ignorance that one wonders how he made it through high school. Yet they bang the drum for Biden to withdraw.


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