David Weiss Maintains He Can Use Hunter Biden’s Diversion Statements at Failed Plea Hearing

David Weiss has made a show of agreeing to Hunter Biden’s Motion in Limine to exclude statements from his failed plea colloquy but has done nothing of the sort.

In response, he claims that he has already agreed to this, but has submitted his own order because the scope Hunter is asking for is broader than that covered by rules of criminal procedure.

The United States, by and through undersigned counsel, respectfully submits this Response to defendant’s motion in limine (Doc. No. 137). The government previously advised the defendant that the government does not intend to introduce the defendant’s statements from the July 26, 2023, hearing outside the limits of Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(f) and Federal Rule of Evidence 410. Because the relief he requests, the exclusion of such statements “in this matter,” is broader than Federal Rule of Evidence 410, the government asks the Court to grant his motion in part and enter the attached order to this pleading which conforms with the Rules.

FRE 410 has an exception, allowing prosecutors to use statements for use in false statements charges, as has been charged here.

(b) Exceptions. The court may admit a statement described in Rule 410(a)(3) or (4):

(1) in any proceeding in which another statement made during the same plea or plea discussions has been introduced, if in fairness the statements ought to be considered together; or

(2) in a criminal proceeding for perjury or false statement, if the defendant made the statement under oath, on the record, and with counsel present.

Hunter’s proposed order is broader than that — it excludes such statements altogether.

Among the things Hunter agreed to at the plea hearing was language written by Weiss’ team describing Hunter’s well-documented struggle with abuse.

THE COURT: All right. Thank you. Okay. In the next paragraph, it says you have a well-documented and long-standing struggle with abuse and you did tell me already, I’m not going to ask you again about your efforts to treat that. But when we talk about well-documented, is there a particular thing that we’re looking at for where it’s documented or is that just based on your discussions?

THE DEFENDANT: Well, I believe the government is referring to a book that I wrote about my struggles with addiction in that period of time in my life. And quite possibly other news outlets and interviews and things that have been done.

In other words, prosecutors made a big show of agreeing, but instead have carved out their ability to use Hunter’s admissions to being an addict at trial.

To be clear: Under the rules of evidence they can use the plea colloquy (something that has come up over and over). Hunter is asking for broader exclusion, but Weiss is playing games to make it look like he’s agreeing (meaning Judge Noreika will not review the issue), while instead getting her to sign an order permitting them to use everything.

13 replies
  1. P J Evans says:

    The impression I’m getting is that Weiss was promised something good if he convicts HB, and is going all-out to get that conviction, regardless of rules of evidence and everything else.

    • emptywheel says:

      To be very clear: he is adhering to rules of evidence. That’s precisely what he’s doing here.

      I keep trying to emphasize, these guys are experts in prosecutorial dickishness, but prosecutorial dickishness is all protected within precedent.

      • Soundgood2 says:

        It’s all good until you go after the powerful. Then people pay attention to what is done to the rest of us all the time.

        • bmaz says:

          No, this comes up more than you think. You just hear about it when it is a case like this,

      • Savage Librarian says:

        One of my attorneys got really annoyed with the behavior of the city’s attorneys. I couldn’t understand at the time how they got away with it. I was told they’d probably get nice fat bonuses for it. I understand it a little better now. But I still wonder how the system might be improved. So many hinky things happened.

        Yet, somehow, I still managed to get a settlement even after things went south at trial. I think I had a good case for appeal. Plus I had grounds for a 2nd case, based on retaliation. But the emotional drain sucked. I suspect Weiss knows how this works and is counting on it.

        Although I was grateful a major issue was resolved, I found much more satisfaction in what I think of as the unexpected poetic justice that eventually came to pass. It impacted the trajectory of several people’s lives in surprising ways. I could never have anticipated it. I’ve chalked it up to the secret life of chaos.

    • harpie says:

      All the more reason to do everything we possibly can to make sure
      that TRUMP is NEVER in a position of power again.

      • Discontinued Barbie says:

        I hope that is happening. I personally saw more boots on the ground for 2020 vs 2024.

        • Harry Eagar says:

          I 2020, I sponsored a doorknocker in Georgia, through a blogger in Texas, and I’d be ready to double that this time, but so far no one seems to be organizing anything like that.

          Nothing I could do locally would be significant (red county in blue state).

          Georgia persuaded me that sponsoring a doorknocker is much more efficient than paying for another teevee ad

  2. harpie says:

    Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home The justice’s beach house displayed an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a symbol carried on Jan. 6 and associated with a push for a more Christian-minded government. [< euphemism] https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/us/justice-alito-flag-appeal-to-heaven.html May 22, 2024 Updated 8:02 p.m. ET

    From the #J6TL
    12/29/20 Christian Nationalist leader [Dutch] Sheets and 14 other New Apostolic Reformation [NAR] “apostles and prophets” attend a multi-hour meeting AT the WH with TRUMP Administration officials. They stay at the WILLARD while in DC

    That’s from:
    The Key to Mike Johnson’s Christian Extremism Hangs Outside His Office The newly elected House speaker has ties to the far-right New Apostolic Reformation — which is hell-bent on turning America into a religious state https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/mike-johnson-christian-nationalist-appeal-to-heaven-flag-1234873851/ 11/10/23

    • harpie says:

      From that Rolling Stone article, by Bradley Onishi and Matthew D. Taylor:


      […] The flag — which Rolling Stone has confirmed hangs outside his district office in the Cannon House Office Building — is white with a simple evergreen tree in the center and the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” at the top. Historically, this flag was a Revolutionary War banner, commissioned by George Washington as a naval flag for the colony turned state of Massachusetts. The quote “An Appeal to Heaven” was a slogan from that war, taken from a treatise by the philosopher John Locke. But in the past decade it has come to symbolize a die-hard vision of a hegemonically Christian America. […]

      NYT interviewed Taylor for their article.

      And here’s Heather Cox Richardson with an historian’s perspective:

  3. freebird says:

    I can answer the question that Biden is being tried on either yes or no and believe that I am answering truthfully. I used marijuana years ago but not now but does that make me a user? The answer depends on your frame of reference and what is meant by user. We used to make the distinction between a dabbler and a user.

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