David Weiss’ Exhibit List Looks Like One Matt Gaetz or James Comer Would Assemble

David Weiss’ team has submitted its exhibit list for Hunter Biden’s Los Angeles tax prosecution (as well as their motions in limine, which were — with the exception of a request to exclude mention that Hunter paid his taxes in 2021 — mostly uncontested).

The exhibit list includes a number of things that were expected — including:

  • Almost 40 exhibits pertaining to Hunter’s ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and their contentious divorce
  • Documents pertaining to Jeffrey Gelfound, the accountant who did Hunter’s taxes in 2020, who will almost certainly be a key witness on the most serious tax evasion charges
  • Payment records to Lunden Roberts, Hunter’s expensing of which is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence of intentional tax evasion

But it also includes a number of frothy right wingers’ favorite documents.

There is a Tony Bobulinski email that incorporates the “10 for the Big Guy” email — possibly an attempt to show that Hunter didn’t object to that claim, a complaint that comes straight from Matt Gaetz during Hunter’s testimony.

The indictment makes much of the fact that Hunter cut his partners out of this deal; there are multiple pieces of evidence that show one reason he did was he didn’t like Bobulinski’s Russian ties, which if David Weiss wants to talk about Bobulinski’s Trump and Viktor Vekselberg ties, by all means, let’s have it.

In any case, it doesn’t relate to non-payment of taxes, particularly not in 2018.

There are two references to the SDNY Patrick Ho docket — apparently to the docket itself, not the filing that redacted the name of someone believed to be Hunter.

Hunter did get a huge payment from Ho, ostensibly to find legal representation for Ho’s case. At a time when CEFC was recruiting Trumpsters like James Woolsey, Ho also kept ties with Hunter who — in 2018 — could be of no use to him (which is why CEFC was instead focusing on Woolsey).

Ho has recently claimed — for the benefit of frothers in Congress — that Hunter did nothing for huge payment he got for arranging legal representation in this case. It’s a remarkable claim at this late date and would be still more remarkable if introduced in a tax case.

And finally, prosecutors have included an email that probably dates to 2015 regarding the consulting set up with Blue Star Strategies.

On top of the fact that 2015 is not a charged tax year (indeed, the indictment says Hunter declared his 2015 Burisma income) and DOJ reviewed this for years and years and never substantiated a FARA charge, it is likely one of the almost 10% of documents that Joseph Ziegler sourced to the laptop. As I described in this post, the email I have in mind showed up in somebody’s mailbox recognizing “Burisma” as “Burials.”

Prosecutors had moved, with no objection, to prohibit Hunter from arguing that the prosecution team got sucked in by a Russian influence operation (in context, it was a reference to Alexander Smirnov). But if they’re going to rely on one of the most anomalous emails, potentially one only available on a laptop suspiciously similar to the one Lev Parnas said was being dealt by Burisma, the question of Russian influence operation should remain on the table.

Of these documents, only the Ho payment is even directly relevant to the 2018 taxes. And each of these documents would create all sorts of discovery problems and mini-trials about misrepresentations of Hunter’s motive.

Prosecutors have not yet filed their 404(b) notice; perhaps they want to turn the non-crime of monetizing a famous name into a crime?

Or perhaps David Weiss simply wants to use his tax case to feed right wing frothers during an election season.

9 replies
  1. NYsportsfanSufferer says:

    Wondering if the reports Morris is tapped out funding Hunter’s defense is the waving of the white flag. Maybe they’re trying to get Weiss to the negotiation table? What could be another reason for such a leak?

    • Upisdown says:

      I’m not being facetious, but why couldn’t the DNC help fund Hunter Biden’s defense in the same way that the RNC is funding Trump’s legal costs?

      There is ample proof that these cases are politically related to Joe Biden’s reelection. I’m not on any Republican mailing lists but I have no doubts they are fund raising off Hunter and his upcoming trials.

      • NYsportsfanSufferer says:

        The GOP and right wing media has made Hunter so toxic nobody wants anything to do with him. Not even his dad can say anything about what is happening to his son. If Joe does or says anything Comer, Jordan and Fox News will lose their shit again and Dems are just going to sit and take it. Hunter is the sacrificial lamb.

        • dopefish says:

          President Biden should just issue a pardon to his son and announce it with a statement that Republicans in congress have whipped up a political prosecution of his son for purposes of election interference wasting millions of taxpayer dollars and he’s tired of it. He should smear David Weiss’s motives and good name (ha ha), use all the same buzzwords as Trump uses in every post-courtroom speech, call the Republicans partisan hacks and raging hypocrites who would rather score cheap political points than actually govern the country, and then dare them if they don’t like it to try and legislate reform of the pardon power.

  2. Brad Cole says:

    I think the leaked amount, $6M, on legal fees is a bit eye popping. HB is certainly good at spending money and making friends. I wonder how much Javanka spent on Lowell and if he’s only in it for the money? Lots of free research at this site. There’s still 100+ miles of appeals to go post conviction. The Federalists timing is as superb as always, almost like they have a lock on the system.
    O well, time to restore blue checks, amirite.

  3. Tarrforme says:

    Usually when the Left and the Right dislike and distrust the same special council, it means the special council is probably doing a pretty good job.

    Weiss, however, just plain sucks and both sides have good reason to not trust him.

  4. e.a.foster says:

    dopefish, the suggestion has its merits, caused me to laugh. can just picture it now as the GOP goes crazy, o.k. crazier. However, when they finish screaming, yelling, etc. it will still have been done. Upside, this business will be over and the courts can get back to regular business and the money wasted on all of this will be over. Hey if the Gov. of Texas can pardon some guy who shot and killed people, why couldn’t Biden pardon his kid for who knows what, oh, tax evasion or some sort of stuff. As it is, this has been going on for some time. If the kid is pardoned, there would have been shouting and all of that, but in due course it would be over. The press would have moved on.

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