The Cultivation of Don Jr: A Framework to Think of the Russian Attack

Months ago, I started laying out a framework to provide background to explain how Trump has trained the GOP to hate rule of law, a key part of how he has brought us close to fascism. My weekend post on Bill Barr’s obfuscation about his role in Ukrainian matters (to which there will be a follow-up) started to fill in another of the remaining bullets.

Today, and in parallel, LOLGOP and I will begin to release some podcasts as we explain the important part: how all this brings us to where we are, with both Aileen Cannon and SCOTUS taking active measures [heh] to help Donald Trump avoid accountability.

So I need to explain how I think of the Russian attack.

Generally, people think of the Russian attack in the same way Robert Mueller set up Volume I of his Report:

  • Volume I Section II: [Dead] Yevgeniy Prigozhin’s social media campaign
  • Volume I Section III: GRU’s hack and leak campaign
  • Volume I Section IV: Russian Government contacts to the Trump campaign

Remember, his report was an explanation of prosecutorial decisions. It was only intended to determine whether things were crimes. It only included the prosecutorial decisions that had been concluded by Mueller. So, for example, the report itself didn’t describe the referrals sent to other districts, such as SDNY’s prosecution of Michael Cohen for financial crimes and hush money payments or EDNY’s prosecution of Tom Barrack on foreign agent crimes, which ended in acquittal; it remains unclear how much of these referrals show up in the referral section. Mentions of ongoing investigations, such as into the suspected $10 million payment to Trump from an Egyptian bank or evidence that Roger Stone conspired with Russian in the hack-and-leak, were relegated to the appendix or a footnote.

The SSCI Report instead considered whether these things posed a counterintelligence risk, rather than a crime. As such, they considered a long list of possible compromises, categorized both by people (like Paul Manafort or Maria Butina — the latter of whom was not included in scope of Mueller Report) and events (like the June 9 meeting). Viewed from that framework, having a guy who spent years implementing influence operations for Russian allies Manafort, work for “free” on the campaign looks quite different, like a grave counterintelligence risk to Donald Trump. Great swaths of that report — such as a section on Andrii Telizhenko’s influence operations, which may even have incorporated Bill Barr — remain redacted.

But as this effort to interfere in the US election proceeded, Russia conducted at least two (and, I argue, at least a third) devastating attacks on US intelligence, which had ties to the election year attack itself.

  • The Shadow Brokers release of NSA’s hacking tools, which (I was told but have not reconfirmed) shared one forensic link and has several human infrastructure links to the election attack
  • The Vault 7/Vault 8 release of CIA’s hacking tools, which in implementation continued a pressure campaign by Julian Assange rooted in the election year attack
  • A concerted campaign against the FBI, largely focused but not exclusively reliant on the Steele dossier

The Solar Winds attack, discovered in the last year of Trump’s presidency, could be another such attack, one used by Sidney Powell’s team (including Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne) in their attack on democratic elections, one that stole Chad Wolf’s emails as he helped Trump discredit election integrity efforts, one Trump is using in his attack on rule of law. The attack was first initiated years earlier, possibly as early as 2016. But so little is known about the attack — aside from that it targeted a number of government agencies and court filing systems — that I will bracket that for now.

This sets up a structure something like this:

What Mueller includes in his contacts with Russia section is possible (and in some cases, definite) attempted recruitment. That kind of thing is a constant.

In advance of the Russian attack, however, Russian entities may have been behind a number of efforts focused on Trump and his associates. Deripaska worked a brutal double game that made it more likely to get Manafort’s cooperation, witting or not. Joseph Mifsud brokered ties to Russian officials for George Papadopoulos — leading to an (aborted) plan to set up a meeting with Putin’s team in London. A former GRU officer and two sanctioned banks got involved in Felix Sater’s pitch of a Trump Tower to Cohen, resulting in Dmitry Peskov collecting proof of Trump’s willingness to work with GRU before the Hillary hack was ever revealed. Someone dangled stolen emails before Roger Stone, ultimately giving him an advance peek — in exchange for what, we don’t know — but Stone started pursuing a pardon for Julian Assange no later than November 15 (and probably as early as October 3).

With the exception of the Manafort pitch (which leveraged his financial desperation), none of those pitches from Russia — whether they were backed by Russian spooks or not — would have required anything more than recklessness and venality from the Trump side. For example, in January, when Cohen called Dmitry Peskov to ask for Putin’s help finalizing the Trump Tower deal, Trump probably doubted he was going to win and there was no reason to be particularly alarmed by the GRU tie; but after the revelation that GRU hacked the DNC, after Trump got the nomination, the existence of the January call became potentially devastating. The Coffee Boy bragged to diplomats from three different countries that Russia was going to attack Hillary, which looked dramatically different when WikiLeaks released the stolen DNC emails (which is when the Australians shared their knowledge of it).

If I’m right that Russia deliberately used some of the same infrastructure in the hack-and-leak and the Shadow Broker operation, it would serve as a stick unveiled at precisely the moment Roger Stone bit on the carrot of advanced access to John Podesta emails, basically tying Stone’s outreach to an attack on the NSA.

Similarly, the unveiling of the Vault 7 release, which WikiLeaks (or an intermediary between Josh Schulte and WikiLeaks) sat on from May 2016 until March 2017, made Stone’s sustained commitment to winning a pardon for Assange all the more damaging. It is unknown whether Russia got an advanced look at those files (which would have provided a way to identify CIA’s assets in Russia), but Assange used a Deripaska-linked attorney to try to negotiate immunity in advance of releasing the files, tying its release to Russia.

Along with Stone, this entire operation came to a focus on Don Jr.

Obviously, there’s the June 9 meeting pitch, which again requires nothing more than recklessness from Don Jr, but which resulted in him receiving a pitch for sanctions relief in exchange for dirt on Hillary. “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.” Maria Butina similarly tried to pitch Trump’s son.

Don Jr, who joined some of the most rabid Trumpsters in validating the Prigozhin’s trolls, likewise would have represented an overlap between those trolling operations and the ones run by right wing extremists.

At least as interesting is the way Assange repeatedly incorporated Don Jr into his pitch. On September 20, WikiLeaks alerted Don Jr to an anti-Trump campaign and provided a password.

59. On or about September 20, 2016, at approximately 11 :59PM, Target Account 1 sent a private message to a high level individual associated with the Campaign (the “high-level · Campaign individual”). 4 The message stated: “A PAC run anti-Trump site ‘ ‘ is about to launch. The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war·PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘. See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?”

Jr passed it onto the campaign, making it clear he had accessed the site. This was the basis of the (totally appropriate) prosecution declination for Jr. only disclosed after years of FOIA challenge by Jason Leopold.

In October, at a time when WikiLeaks was rebuffing Stone’s outreach, WikiLeaks repeatedly suggested Don Jr push out links (and recommend his father do so too). A figure in the Douglass Mackey DM threads by the name of P0TUSTrump kept pushing those links as if in response.

The day of the election, WikiLeaks pushed Don Jr to convince his dad not to concede.

Hi Don; if your father ‘loses’ we think it is much more interesting if he DOES NOT conceed [sic] and spends time CHALLENGING the media and other types of rigging that occurred–as he has implied that he might do. He is also much more likely to keep his base alive and energised this way and if he is going to start a new network, showing how corrupt the old ones are is helpful. The discussion about the rigging can be transformative as it exposes media corruption, primary corruption, PAC corruption etc. We don’t like corruption ither [sic] and our publications are effective at proving that this and other forms of corruption exists.

On December 16, 2016, WikiLeaks pushed Jr to convince his dad to give Assange an Ambassadorship (which would amount to immunity).

Hi Don. Hope you’re doing well! In relation to Mr. Assange: Obama/Clinton placed pressure on Sweden, UK and Australia (his home country) to illicitly go after Mr. Assange. It would be real easy and helpful for your dad to suggest that Australia appoint Assange ambassador to DC “That’s a really smart tough guy and the most famous australian you have! ” or something similar. They won’t do it, but it will send the right signals to Australia, UK + Sweden to start following the law and stop bending it to ingratiate themselves with the Clintons. Background:

As news of the June 9 meeting broke, WikiLeaks advised Jr to release his emails via WikiLeaks and also advised he reach out to Margaret Kunstler.

When these DMs were released on November 14, 2017, Assange tweeted out a follow-up to the December 2016 one, adding a threat by hashtagging, Vault8, the source code to the CIA files, a single example of which WikiLeaks had just released on November 9, 2017.

I read this as a concerted effort to shift from Stone to Don Jr. Whether Don Jr was actively soliciting this help or not, WikiLeaks made sure to tie Trump’s son to their plight, both publicly and privately.

Whatever else may have gone on between WikiLeaks and the failson, around the time that Mueller’s questions would have alerted Trump that he knew of the pardon pitches, at a time when WikiLeaks’ ties with Russia were under far greater scrutiny, Jr’s buddy Arthur Schwartz went after Cassandra Fairbanks, disabusing her of any hopes Trump would pardon Assange. She ultimately flew off to London to tell him.

None of this says that Don Jr conspired with Russia on the 2016 attack. What is says is that Russian assets systematically viewed him as an idiot that could be and was often useful. And Jr ended up connecting all the through-strands: he bridged the hack-and-leak and social media campaigns with the right wing lists, he reliably got his dad to act on his instructions, and then — as the cost of all this went up — Assange repeatedly targeted Jr as he increased the cost of the hack of the CIA, effectively extorting Jr as he started releasing CIA source code.

Even before I turn to the dossier, viewed this way, the Russian operation in 2016 isn’t so much about getting Trump elected. Rather, it’s about sowing irreparable polarization in the US that deliberately tied Trump’s people to the twin attacks on the Deep State — Shadow Brokers and Vault 7/8.

With little involvement beyond predictable recklessness and venality (and Don Jr’s stupidity), then, Russian assets implicated Trump’s people in attacks on the Deep State that raised the cost of their openness to Russian help in 2016, but which would have made any admissions by Trump all the more costly.

Russia didn’t need cooperation from Trump’s people (though they got it from at least Manafort and Stone and a certain idiot who proved useful). They just needed to make any already improbable conciliation impossible, impossible politically and impossible for a Narcissist like Trump to do. That would practically guarantee that Trump would attack the country to defend himself, his son, his ego.

That, in turn, would make the aftermath of the 2016 attack far more fertile for recruitment, because it would prioritize allegiance to Trump over allegiance to country.

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22 replies
  1. Savage Librarian says:

    In the 1st sentence of the penultimate paragraph: “a certain idiot who proved useful…”

    Are you referring again to Don Jr.? Or someone else?

    • Spencer Dawkins says:

      I assumed so, but I had a similar issue decoding “Coffee Boy”.

      I assumed that referred to George Papadopoulos, but I’m old enough to remember that in 2017, a lot of people around Trump were dismissed as a “coffee boy” when they achieved notoriety and were pushed out. Common nouns don’t work well when referring to Trump’s minions, because they are so interchangeable.

      • Savage Librarian says:

        I think it might refer to somebody else. I’m staying tuned. I have an idea, but think it best to wait for clarification in a future post.

      • Savage Librarian says:

        On 2nd thought, the homepage blurb for this post has this same paragraph, except it fills in Don Jr.’s name. So I guess that’s it.

  2. Alan King says:

    Sort of like British colonization 101: put the weak guys in charge and be sure the strong guys know it.

    • emptywheel says:

      Prosecutors claimed Schulte confirmed it was all sent on (IIRC) May 5, 2016, give or take a day. It all happens between April 28 and May 5.

      But it couldn’t have been sent directly to Wikileaks bc their submission portal was bolloxed at the time, even for much smaller submissions.

  3. HikaakiH says:

    A wee typo: “… the suspected $10 million payment to Trump from an Egyptian back bank …”

  4. zscoreUSA says:

    Is it just me or does that Assange tweet sound a lot like Qanon?

    “The public will get a turbo-charged flow of intel about the latest CIA plots…”

  5. NerdyCanuck says:

    You would have made a brilliant spy and/or intelligence analyst, holy moly!

    You have this amazing ability to put all these wild and intersecting (but otherwise so confusing) events and people together into a master geopolitical puzzle picture. thanks for the analysis!

  6. PeaceRme says:

    The sad part for me is that the reason trumps use of power and control has been so successful brainwashing such a large part of the US is our history.

    We are a violent nation masquerading as peaceful. We’ve been raised on power and control. Brainwashed for a couple hundred years which keeps us from actually dealing with it.

    A country that got rich by the genocide of the indigenous people and participation in slavery means that many of us cannot “see” the paradigm that brainwashed us even today.

    We also need to publicly call out power and control behavior. That’s one reason Biden is the perfect character to go against Trump today. The name calling the intimidation, the coercion, the minimize, deny and blame, the authoritarianism (my house,my rules), economic abuse, and using relationship to punish (do it my way or I cut you off). It’s all there.

    Trump is raised and tutored by fascists and it’s serious business. Trump followers are brainwashed. Listen to them as often as you can to understand the depth of mental illness involved.

    Power and control is wrong. Its steals the individual. It goes against American values and yet…our values were not the true guide. We’ve all been brainwashed by power and control. For those who see the paradigm and how it blinds so many of us need to call out the paradigm. Unveil the wizard of oz. And vote. Support democracy over power. We the people matters more than power!!

    • OldTulsaDude says:

      Your analysis missed one critical aspect, that being that all you said is believed to have been blessed by God so that makes it all just and right.

  7. notyouraveragenormal says:

    Thank you. This re-framing helps to clarify how the Russians maneuvered various pieces into position in a way that de-risked the achievement of their objective and which included elements of redundancy.

    Curious, how much planning would the Russians need to design & implement a plan like this? It seems they did a nice job, perhaps with some luck along the way. The inability of the executive, including the IC, to mount any kind of meaningful counter-narrative is a concern, be it due to a lack of intel and/or an inability to exploit an increasingly fragmented media landscape (reminiscent of cats chasing laser dots). My sense is that we’re just getting to the end of the beginning.

    • emptywheel says:

      Several parts of this were lucky: to the extent they had a plan, it was nearly upended when the DNC attributed the hack to Russia in real time.

      A lot of it, though, was just throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck. They didn’t need — and as far as is public — didn’t get any full-blown recruits. What they did instead was corner people such that their own vices would get them to act in Russia’s favor.

      And then there were really opportunistic aspects to this. The available evidence says that Schulte decided to steal the CIA’s hacking tools out of sheer pique, in response to some things that happened in April 2016. That is, it was not planned to coincide with the Russian attack. But it was fortuitous that it did.

      Similarly, as far as I know there was no guarantee that Steele would pitch the Dems on the dossier, but once he did so, he gave Russia an unbelievable resource.

      • klynn says:

        “A lot of it, though, was just throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck. They didn’t need — and as far as is public — didn’t get any full-blown recruits. What they did instead was corner people such that their own vices would get them to act in Russia’s favor.”

        This! I would boldface from the word “corner” to “favor!”

        Bet “spaghetti at the wall” ops have been a long time strategy. Gaining favor through vices is as old as time.

        Thank you for pointing out the strategies and synergies.

      • initial40forlorn says:

        Striking similarities when looking back and comparing the TTPs of these hack/leaks. From the Manafort daughters to the Biden’s:Hunter+Ashley and Clinton’s:Huma+Weiner. Odd how the Stone, Trump, Crow, Wynn, Broidy, Barr, Freeh, and their FailChilds all seem to avoid this particular type of perpetual media-storm spotlight, huh? We all know well and good these actors have well-documented histories of this very sort of predator behavior. The Steele Dossier was very good at giving Trump cover. See, it happened to him too! Can’t trust those DC pols, he’s just another Political victim of the dirty DC swamp fuckerists. Scary to see the same slow, frog-boiling information tactics used to ramp up mass Political Violence and vote fraud FUD upon every branch and limb of our gov institutions.

        [Moderator’s note: edited to improve readability — please use spaces after punctuation rather than running on. /~Rayne]

  8. Dmbeaster says:

    I have long believed that the Russian operation was not about colluding with Trump, but compromising him. Dangle the stolen property and see if he will involve himself with Russian dirt.

    Interesting details about how Assange is a partner with Russian intelligence because he hates the US.

  9. harpie says:

    I was very happy to learn that the entire 27 min. introduction interview is available here:
    [It’s very well done! And of course, REALLY informative.]

    This is a call to anyone who cares about democracy In Ball of Thread, Marcy Wheeler unwinds the story of the attack that has brought us to the brink of fascism so that we can step back.
    Jason Sattler [< Is this LOLGOP?] May 14, 2024

  10. wetzel-rhymes-with says:

    Some very interesting related experiences in my life seem to confirm the United States is within a conflict in the domain of psychological warfare. My oldest son has risen in the Army to be within a psychological operations unit of some kind or another at Special Forces Command, so his career as an NCO has been like how FSB identifies the geniuses across Russia, and so now that’s what he can’t talk about so much, but yeah, there are a half dozen oligarchical formations, Russia, China, Gulf States, Iran, as well as from within the house but the latter is just politics, right? Whatever may be going on with the bad acid techbros in all this couldn’t and shouldn’t be an Army issue. My son is absolutely circumspect. I don’t know anything except to confirm many approaches people like Flynn would implement in the War on Terror countries have now been turned upon us through our open society.

    The other experience is really a separate set where at my bar in Atlanta, which represents pure social and racial communism, the black men are 100% for Trump, as far as I can tell, and also for Putin. For one pair of fellows, it was, “Show him the Putin thing the Putin thing’ and it was a tick-tock where Vladimir Putin provided the argument proving Jesus was black. There was another discussion “Trump cares about us here at home, in America, and tell me, just what’s wrong with Vladimir Putin?” Finally, Med-Beds, did come up again. The first time was from a country white fellow in Kennesaw, but supposedly Trump and Putin have Med-Beds, which Biden and the FDA are keeping from us. Med-Beds heal broken bones and cure cancer, but there is a conspiracy to deprive the people of everlasting life.

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