Fridays with Nicole Sander

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26 replies
  1. David F. Snyder says:

    Taylor’s newest album converted me to a Swiftie. Her lyric writing has matured. I particularly like her writings with Aaron Dessner. Pop diamonds in there. Or as Swift calls it: “ Female rage, the musical”. YMMV but I hope post-mature folks give this one a chance.

    The wife just got back from seeing Suffs in NYC and raved about it — wish I could have gone! Another musical on the power of women.

    Jerome Arizona is a cool place to go through if you go to Sedona, Nicole. I know you’d love it.

    And, of course, fuck the fascists.

    [Moderator’s note: you attempted to publish two very similar comments, both of which went into moderation. I’ve deleted the first one as it was shorter. Please allow time for moderation to clear comments rather than attempting to re-publish. /~Rayne]

      • David Brooks says:

        Once flew a small plane out of Sedona for sightseeing the rocks. Fantastic flight! The instructor took over for the landing; the strip is on a small mesa and given the low air density at that altitude and temps, the touchdown ground speed was scary.

  2. Savage Librarian says:

    Hush, Hush, Cheat Racket

    Hush, hush, cheat racket,
    Racket throne deny,
    Hush, hush, cheat racket,
    Deliver for your guy.

    We hear him snarling,
    His face is tight,
    The rush of fear in his eye,
    The creep has caused
    his own damn scam and plight,
    Yet schemed he’d find a fall guy.

    We see with exhibits now at hand,
    He knows what he gave away,
    Still he hopes for another cash-in,
    Enticing who he might sway.

    Hush, hush, cheat racket,
    Racket throne deny,
    Hush, hush, cheat racket,
    Deliver for your guy.

    He micromanaged to falsify,
    Yes, spun every single con,
    Stormy weather now will amplify
    Cheat racket’s Big Boss, the Don.

    “Bette Davis sings ‘Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte’ on ‘ I’ve Got a Secret’ 3/1/65”

  3. harpie says:

    THANKS, Marcy and Nicole! Here’s a summary for those who might want it:

    [0:40] NS: How are things in Ireland?
    Marcy: How are things in Ireland?
    [border, immigration, Torries threatening to send people to Rwanda, information/disinformation, amplified by Alex JONES and Steve BANNON]
    […] Even Sinn Fein, who wants a united Ireland said “you have to police the border”. You can’t police the border […] So that’s how crazy things are getting in Ireland, but that’s where we are. Welcome to 2024 around the world.

    [2:39] NS: Yeah. [talk about music – Springsteen / Swift]

    [5:00] NS: So anyway, I’m delaying the inevitable. This was the week we finally saw…we’ll get through the Stormy Daniels stuff first, and then we’ll move on.

    [7:55] NS: Now on Monday, Michael Cohen takes the stand […]

    [9:15] NS: It looks like this will be the only trial of the four to happen before the election […]
    [they mention the rest of the TRUMP trials: Florida docs, DC #J6 and Georgia]

    [12:50] Marcy: Meanwhile, [TRUMP] got busted, or not got busted, he should be busted. He was eliciting bribes from the oil and gas [unclear] […]

    [13:15] Marcy [WaPo article re:] MANAFORT is [air quotes] working for free, again, and he in between was consulting with companies that wanted to do business in CHINA, and so this time he’s gonna be an unregistered agent of China. Um, it’s just a mess. It’s a colossal mess, and [NS: I think the technical term is clusterfuck] It’s been a hard week. […]

    [14:28] [Hunter Biden cases] […] Marcy: [Hunter’s] pissed off all these judges
    [15:08] Everything is working out, and I said that it would, everything is working out as horribly as it could for Hunter Biden as possible, literally. […]

    [17:45] NS: So, tell us a little bit more about this judge, Maryellen Noreika. […]
    [20:25] Marcy: [H. Biden] is facing hostile judges, and he is facing prosecutors who not only do not adhere to the low standards that John DURHAM adhered to; who clearly are not adhering to the standards that Robert Mueller and Jack Smith have adhered to […]
    [22:30] Ethical prosecutors would correct the record if they made those errors, and they’re not doing it in this case. They’re just like, I’ll just say anything and it doesn’t really matter.

    [28:19] NS: So there will be two Hunter Biden trials, but we’re not gonna see another TRUMP trial…amazing. // Marcy: Yup. […] [documents case]

    Marcy: [Julie KELLY] is a dumbass […] [KELLY] gives Aileen CANNON cover. Aileen CANNON believes this shit. Ah, Bill BARR believes this shit. The SUPREME COURT believes this shit.
    [harpie: I’ll expand this IMPORTANT part in another comment]

    [39:30] NS: FREEDOM WORKS is now gone. It’s been replaced by MAGA.
    – MULTI-TRUMPS to be Florida delegates to convention
    – TRUMP Gestapo-Biden comment, bribery-solicitation dinner
    – [45:00] [In 2018 or 2019 Pete HOEKSTRA admitted to Marcy he had no proof of naturalization]

    [48:30] TRUMP Trials Entourage] [Rick SCOTT]

    [49:35] Marcy: One of the things that I repeat a lot, and I think everyone should repeat a lot is We are all going to be Don Bacon’s wife. [sleeping with a gun under her pillow because of TRUMP MOB “justice”]. […]

    [51:48] Marcy: I’m an asshole on Twitter and I freely admit it […] I do think fairly tactically about how I do these things. […] So, generally, I am not treated in the way that most women in those situations are, and that is one reason that I’m an asshole on Twitter, and that is one reason that I make these tactical decisions, because when they try The Mob, I push back. […]

    [55:05] [BANNON]
    [56:20] [CUELLER] [MENENDEZ]

    [1:01] NS: Well, to be continued, certainly never a dull moment these days. You know, the old adage, may you live in interesting times. I could do with some boring down time, for now, [Marcy: I hear ya!] but I guess that’s not in the cards. […] [1:02]

    • harpie says:

      Transcript 1/3:

      [28:19] NS: So there will be two Hunter Biden trials, but we’re not gonna see another TRUMP trial…amazing.
      Marcy: Yup. […]

      [re: documents case] Marcy: [Julie KELLY] is a dumbass […] [KELLY] gives Aileen CANNON cover. Aileen CANNON believes this shit. Ah, Bill BARR believes this shit. The SUPREME COURT believes this shit. And so, because the right wing is very good at creating an alternate reality, which is easily debunked once you look at the documents, once you look at the actual facts, but because the right wing has so successfully created this alternate reality, people in positions of authority…

      [34:54] Like, do I know that Aileen CANNON doesn’t care about the actual facts? I don’t know. She was always sloppy with like the actual lawyering side, so maybe she’s just sloppy with lawyering and she believes this stuff.

      Do I know that Bill BARR made it safe for Rudy GIULIANI to solicit dirt from RUSSIAN spies? Maybe, but you could also, I’m writing about Bill BARR all week. But you can also see how it’s possible that Bill BARR sort of pickled himself in FOX News and came to believe bullshit. And, then started chasing the bullshit, and that made him super susceptible to RUSSIAN disinformation. So you have the ATTORNEY GENERAL, who framed Joe Biden, super susceptible to RUSSIAN disinformation, because he believed what he saw on FOX News.

      [35:43] Do I think that Clarence THOMAS believes what he sees FOX News? Yeah, because you know who he’s married to? She [GINNI] definitely believes what she sees on FOX News.

    • harpie says:

      Transcript 2/3:

      Marcy[continuing directly]: And this is one of the things I’m trying to say: we’re not gonna get the trial we want, but one of the reasons we’re not getting the trials we want is because this alternate reality that TRUMP has created is so domineering on the right. And until we deal with that, until we start poking at that, until we start making Joe Kahn, the editor of the New York Times understand that he has started internalizing FOX News bullshit, then, you know, we’re always gonna be swimming upstream. […]

      Mike JOHNSON and Mike LEE and a BUNCH of OTHER INSURRECTIONISTS have started the next big lie. They’re trying to say, you know, we need to pass laws so that immigrants can’t vote. There’s already laws, But what they’re doing is, they’re creating an excuse that will be used on election night to explain what happens when Joe Biden wins.

      [37:20] NS: opposite world

    • harpie says:

      Transcript 3/3:

      Marcy[continuing directly]: This is how fascism happens, right? Fascism happens when everybody who wants to be part of a party, the Republican Pary in this case, everybody who wants to have any success in the Republican Party has to claim to believe, most of them don’t believe it, but they have to publicly claim to believe that 2020 was stolen. They have to publicly claim to believe that Joe Biden isn’t President. That is the price of admission for being a Republican right now.

      Basically, TRUMP has demanded from Republicans that they believe his bullshit lies. It’s how you discipline the Party, it’s you know, everyone from top to bottom in that Party, I mean they got rid of a guy named Charlie Spies, this week. [even though they keep complaining they have no Marc Elias] So, they got rid of their best lawyer, because he has at times told the truth. []

  4. David Brooks says:

    Policing the Irish border would be like policing 0 Avenue in Surrey, BC. Just try stopping the refugees trying to escape the US.

  5. Tarrforme says:

    Marcy elegantly wrote the other day, that we need to find a way to cut through the MAGA grievance, for more rational discussion to happen.

    I doubt there is any remedy to help the hardline MAGA’s, but one thing to perhaps persuade the middle of the country to vote Biden, is to call the Bragg false business records trial, what it is – a complete farce.

    If there is just “mob-think” here and there, on every thing trump, eventually the middle is going to think trump is being politically prosecuted and Joe might lose.

    Tanya Chutkan and Jack Smith – Yes. Alvin Bragg with Michael Cohen – please, No.

    • Krisy Gosney says:

      They already think Trump is being politically prosecuted.

      I believe a side effect of what the trial can do and might already be doing is- remember those flag and signs of Trump’s head on a Rambo like body- showing Trump is not invincible, that he doesn’t get away with every single thing. The fantasy Rambo Trump is taking a hit, a little hit but a hit.

  6. harpie says:

    Marcy, could you post here a link to the article you’re referring to
    at the beginning of the interview about Alex JONES and Steve BANNON?

    • emptywheel says:

      Here you go.

      I have a half-written post on it, basically pointing out how the US needs to understand that it, increasingly, is the foreign malign influence it claims to warn against.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        One needn’t be a Latin American leftist to heartily agree with that observation. Looking forward to your post about it.

  7. harpie says:

    Re: MANAFORT: He plays a big role in this THREAD by CapitolHunters
    which shows a web of connections between people/events in our current themes:
    9:08 PM · Apr 24, 2024

    As Israel’s Netanyahu hysterically calls US campuses “horrific..German[y] in the 1930s”, remember who took him to power: the divisive US operative Arthur Finkelstein, who also gave us autocrat Viktor Orban, antisemitic conspiracy theories, and indirectly, Donald Trump. 1/

    Finkelstein, who was both Jewish and gay, won races for homophobic candidates with antisemitic messaging. It’s beyond twisted. He got Bibi elected in 1996; Bibi referred him to Viktor Orban – and to help Orban win he created the George Soros conspiracy. 2/

    It was Finkelstein who pushed Trump to hire Paul Manafort, deep in Ukraine fuckery in 2016 and formerly in business with Finkelstein protege Roger Stone. Trump’s campaign used Finkelstein’s tactics: 1] polarize the electorate, 2] make people fear each other. As Bibi is doing now. 3/ […]

  8. harpie says:

    Marcy mentions MANAFORT being back in the picture in the interview…now this:

    Amid Scrutiny, Paul Manafort Leaves Republican Convention Role
    Eight years after helping Donald J. Trump get elected — and four years after being released from prison — the longtime political operative was back as a volunteer to advise the G.O.P. convention. May 11, 2024 Updated 4:56 p.m. ET Haberman /Swan

    NYCSouthpaw gives a gift link here:
    May 11, 2024 at 4:08 PM

    Paul Manafort, the longtime Republican strategist and chairman of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign, who had assumed an unpaid role advising party officials on the nominating convention, stepped aside on Saturday after questions arose about his involvement in the convention’s planning process.

    Mr. Manafort’s move came after The New York Times reported that he had been on the ground in Milwaukee last week for planning meetings for the convention, as well as a Washington Post story that said he was involved in work connected to foreign officials and businesses. […]

    I have a comment in the pokey about a CapitolHunters thread about a political operative named Arthur Finkelstein, who got Manafort and TRUMP together in 2016.

    • harpie says:

      This part of the NYT article is interesting:

      […] Mr. Manafort was never expected to be in a management role over the convention this time. But he was expected to be involved with advising the staffing structure of the platform committee, although not the substance of the platform itself, according to a person briefed on the matter.

      The platform debate will be especially significant for the party this year. In 2020, the Republican Party did not adopt a new platform amid a series of changes to the convention because of the coronavirus pandemic, and simply reverted to the platform from 2016.

      And in a controversy that received little attention at the time,

      [I guess they mean that they didn’t think it was worth investigating.]

      language was inserted into the platform watering down language supporting Ukraine with military aid against Russian incursions. That language change was among the issues Mr. Mueller sought information about during his investigation.

  9. Twaspawarednot says:

    I don’t understand why the judge has repeatedly threatened TFG with jail for speaking out against the gag order and yet he continues. Is there a risk to to validity of the case if the judge puts him on jail that I don’t understand of the case or what? Put his fucking ass in jail.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      The conduct for which Trump has so far been held to be in criminal contempt predates Justice Merchan’s threat to put him in jail. It’s the next violations of the gag order that will require Merchan to determine whether they were sufficiently bad enough to impose imprisonment.

      Personally, I think Merchan should start with weekday house arrest in Trump’s Manhattan condo, on whatever days he’s not required to be in court. No leaving his condo, no telecoms. Trump would find it excruciating and it helps Merchan demonstrate that he’s ramping up punishment and not abusing his discretion. He should tell Trump that, depending on his conduct, he might impose further jail time after the trial is finished. Otherwise, Trump’s absence would delay the trial.

      If Trump keeps violating the gag order, Merchan can impose a longer sentence wherever he deems appropriate.

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