Joseph Ziegler[‘s Filter Documents] Say Derek Hines Is Lying

For years, there have been questions about whether, and if so how, Hunter Biden could ever be prosecuted using evidence from the laptop. As I noted here, David Weiss and Derek Hines revealed how they intend to do that yesterday. The answer is, by engaging in unbelievably dickish sandbagging of the President’s son.

The ploy involved two steps. First, prosecutors provided Hunter digital evidence in October, with warrants only for tax crimes. At that point, there was no reason to assess those warrants for suppression, because they did not permit searches for gun crimes.

Then, exactly seven days before the motions deadline in the case, they provided a new warrant, for the first time presenting a warrant covering gun crimes. They now claim that because Abbe Lowell did not move to suppress the laptop by that motions deadline seven days later, he has waived his opportunity.

I’m not saying that this kind of ethically problematic gimmick won’t work, nor am I saying it only happens to privileged white men like Hunter. But it is shocking that that is how they plan to bury legal and forensic problems with evidence from the laptop.

I think it likely Lowell may respond by saying there are a whole bunch of things — such as evidence the FBI conducted analysis long before they obtained the laptop and determined John Paul Mac Isaac had unlawfully accessed it and known forensic reports describing problems with the data — that he should have been provided. I expect Lowell will point to this gimmick and describe that it is proof these men are no longer entitled to the presumption of regularity, and therefore the gun charges should be reviewed for vindictive prosecution.

Lowell may also point out that evidence Joseph Ziegler made public shows that a key premise behind this gimmick is false.

Part of Hines’ gimmick is a claim that investigators could, and — the response suggests — did, find evidence pertaining to gun crimes while seeking evidence of Hunter’s state of mind pertaining to the tax crimes.

The warrant authorized investigators to search for the same violations referenced in the previous paragraph, that is, violations of 26 U.S.C. § 7201, Tax Evasion, 26 U.S.C. § 7203, Willful Failure to File Tax Returns or Pay Taxes, and 26 U.S.C. § 7206(1), False Tax Returns. Relevant to this case, this warrant also authorized investigators to seize “evidence indicating the state of mind of the owner and user of the TARGET MACBOOK PRO and TARGET EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE as it relates to the crimes under investigation.” Again, evidence that showed the defendant’s addiction to controlled substances indicates “the state of mind of the owner and user of the TARGET MACBOOK PRO and TARGET EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE as it relates” to the to the tax crimes enumerated in the warrant.

Except Joseph Ziegler helpfully told us what he looked for with that very same warrant when he provided the filter term document to Congress. While he included “halliebiden” (meaning a few of these texts might come in), porn, and girl, he did not include drugs, cocaine, crack, or any other drug-related term.


Cathay Bank





Dennis Louis





That is investigators wouldn’t find most of these communications as part of the tax investigation.

In fact, Garrett Ziegler has identified several that involve Hunter’s then still licensed psychiatrist, Keith Ablow, which would have been filtered, and aren’t drugs at all.

Again, to be clear, Hines intends to bypass all scrutiny of the laptop with his unethical sandbagging, and he might get away with it.

But in the process, he’s making claims refuted by public evidence.

32 replies
  1. EW Moderation Team says:

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  2. zscoreUSA says:

    In the filter terms, there is a redacted term between Pilot and porn in what appears to be an alphabetical list.

    Any idea what this term would be and the reason for the redaction?

  3. coalesced says:

    Holy hell! So Keith Ablow sent those “sawdust framed as cocaine” pictures to Hunter Biden?! Do you know how triggering that would be to someone with a history of an addiction disorder, much less someone actively struggling with said addiction? I’ll tell you who knew…..Keith Ablow. That is an almost indefensible dagger straight to the mesolimbic system. I’ve seen patients over 15 years sober relapse within an hour of someone pulling a stunt like that. As someone familiar with profession, his intent is clear. Remaining unlicensed eternally should be the least of his punishments.

    • zscoreUSA says:

      Possible, but Ablow sent the image along with words of encouragement to use art to overcome addiction. And they were in talks of going in to business together which got derailed by Hunter’s addiction, so what motive would he try to spark addiction?

      • PieIsDamnGood says:

        You’re wondering why the former Fox News guy would want to harm a democratic president reelection chances?

        Hunter’s stay with Ablow also coincided with his online identity being stolen. Marcy has written about this before, although I don’t recall any definitive evidence.

        • coalesced says:

          His stay with Ablow was for Ketamine treatment if i recall. Given the dates, nasal ketamine spray was not yet available, though off label use of IV ketamine infusions was seeing increased use in boutique outpatient clinics around that time. Would explain why he was “staying” with Ablow.

          I have no information regarding Ablow’s treatment plans/preferences, but I know of others who would administer the dissociative amnestic IV for hours/days at a time. I could envision others potentially seeking advantage during such a state of altered consciousness/impairment of memory formation.

        • zscoreUSA says:

          You are misunderstanding my point.

          Ablow was attempting to have a business partnership and expressed great interest in Joe’s potential candidacy. Perhaps Ablow does have a role in Hunter’s data being stolen, if it was really stolen. But Hunter’s addiction was so bad that it derailed any potential for Ablow to have ongoing access to Hunter. That turned out to be moot regardless as Ablow had his own situation which blew up a potential to partner with Hunter. But as of this time period, driving Hunter towards addiction would prevent him from having further access to Hunter, the son of a presidential candidate.

    • Peter Ben Fido says:

      I have deduced that the picture in question was not taken by a finish carpenter, but by a framing carpenter.

    • Super Nintendo Chalmers says:

      I used to live one town away from Ablow, just across the Merrimack River. I hate that guy so much that I would have gone Billy Jack on him if I ever saw him in public. IF he still has a license, he should lose for this. I hope Hunter sues him.

      • zscoreUSA says:

        I would be shocked if Hunter sues Ablow, it would open up a huge can of worms that I don’t think the Biden’s want to get into.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Might be one of many reasons Ablow no longer has a license, as is the idea that he considered going into business with an addictive patient. That didn’t work out so well for Brian Wilson.

      Setting aside the pro-addiction framing, pun intended, there’s also the potential that Ablow exposed the identity of a patient. How many carpenters were his patients in the relevant time frame? How many did work for him?

      • coalesced says:

        Bingo. The ethical breaches on display here are beyond breathtaking. Simple dual-relationships are forbidden in psychiatry. And just this picture here implies multiple nested inappropriate relationships of multiple types. Good Goddess.

      • coalesced says:

        I will do my best within the limits of the comments system.

        Association of Drug Cues and Craving With Drug Use and Relapse A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry.2022; 79(7): 641-650

        Of the 230ish studies included in the analysis, most used pictures very similar to the sawdust one above as the visual cue given to study participants. Lines on a mirror, rolled up dollar bills, baggies full of white powder etc.

        “included 30 images of cocaine and individuals preparing, using, or simulating use of cocaine (e.g., snorting or smoking), collected from freely available online sources and adapted (as still images) from a cocaine video used previously in our laboratory.”

        “For humans, conditioned drug cues are typically environmental and can include the sight of drugs, paraphernalia, and interoceptive cues. Clinical studies have consistently shown that humans respond to such drug-associated cues with craving along with conditioned sympathetic activation, dopamine release, and associated neural activity in regions like the ventral striatum.”

        “Moreover, each of the 4 cue and craving indicators was prospectively associated with more than double the odds of drug use/relapse. This association held across cue types, drug types, outcome, time lags, assessment settings, questionnaire types, and gender. To our knowledge, these consistent and significant prospective associations provide the strongest evidence to date that cues and craving may reliably predict drug use and relapse outcomes and may be core mechanisms underlying drug use.”

        The underlying neural reward/pathways involved in cocaine use are integrated into the limbic system. It ties senses to memories to past behaviors. Ever had very stark recollection of past events and maybe even a physiological response (goosebumps/etc) simply because you smelled something distantly familiar? That’s the same pathway.

        • zscoreUSA says:

          This is interesting and something I will definitely think about. But it’s only part of the story and misses context. And I believe that both legal and medical professions don’t consider it best practice to draw conclusions on partial context. People can correct me if I am wrong about that.

          Context left out:
          *The photo was sent with a caption that a former addict created the sawdust image as art as a tool to overcome addiction and made a choice Art vs Addiction, and Ablow encourages Hunter to use art to overcome addiction
          *as I mentioned previously, Ablow and Hunter’s business relationship ended and left Newburyport due to relapse, which was adverse to Ablow remaining in Hunter’s orbit
          *Ablow’s philosophy is Pain 2 Power, and a theme in the Hunter -Ablow books was going to be using pain to overcome addiction
          *Ablow is also an artist that the included an art therapy protocol for Hunter
          *The amount of Hunter-Ablow texts is shocking, this photo is just one of hundreds of texts, they text like they have been besties for years. It’s probably unethical to text like friends, socialize at restaurants and movies, form business relationships a patient. Texting was a complaint that showed up in Ablow’s lawsuits
          *At one point, Ablow prescribed medication for Hunter that he later rescinded when Hunter tested positive for substance abuse because it shouldn’t be taken by someone also using crack
          *Ablow sent the sawdust image on 11/20/18, the day before 11/19, he prescribes the medication after asking if Hunter is currently using drugs which Hunter says he is not (which may be a lie by Hunter). The failed drug test is 11/29 which causes Ablow to order to stop using the prescription medication until he’s clean via multiple consecutive clean drug tests

          So did Ablow intend to trigger Hunter’s drug problem? There’s more context for people to decide

        • coalesced says:

          Source for this context?

          PS Psychiatrists are forbidden from even receiving a haircut from someone who is a patient. It is a dual relationship. The code of ethics for psychiatrists is different than any other branch of medicine.

        • zscoreUSA says:

          That makes sense that the behavior would be forbidden for psychiatrists.

          Sources for above info: texts, photos, and emails from Marco Polo; Ablow’s websites; Ablow’s court records and media reports about them

  4. Zinsky123 says:

    Interesting. Thanks again for the detail behind the headlines! It doesn’t look like there was any discrete global searches by Zeigler and team for drug-related terms. Trying to link Hunter’s drug use to the timeline of the short period of time he owned/possessed a firearm, seems like a fool’s errand to me. Besides, the Second Amendment issues here might crush the flimsy evidence of Hunter “lying” on the federal form he signed. Further, the ‘chain of control’ over Hunter Biden’s laptop (or multiple hard drives) is so broken and sketchy, that any good defense attorney should be able to shoot holes in any evidence brought forward. I know this is painful to do, but if you go over to Fox News’ website, they are pushing the Tony Bobulinski fairy tales about “the Big Guy” really hard again to try to resurrect Joe Biden’s impeachment. Wonder if anyone on the EW site has any insights into Bobulinski’s closed-door House testimony? I’m sure the transcripts will not be made available.

  5. Ginevra diBenci says:

    Hey, EW, how does it feel to have Garrett Ziegler out there scrabbling to present a prebuttal against your arguments in public? I would be so proud to be labeled a “smear merchant and liar” by the likes of him.

    More to the point, what strategic purpose does he think he’s serving in blasting out this egregious error? He must know it doesn’t exist in isolation, and in fact serves as emblematic of the whole corrupt enterprise.

    Hard to see his game plan here.

    • emptywheel says:

      You know, any time someone wants to invoke my name in conjunction with Abbe Lowell’s unverified Twitter account, I’ll take that as a compliment.

      Remember that Ziegler has a hearing next month in this lawsuit. So he’s probably stabbing at everything he can reach.

  6. Tech Support says:

    I’m a little confused on the timeline here. Does the timing of the gimmick suggest an intent to charge gun crimes earlier than the GOP pressure campaign would suggest, or does this imply a remedial effort to engineer the prosecution to make the additional indictment more viable?

    • John Paul Jones says:

      My understanding is that it’s the latter.

      Keep in mind that the local cops and prosecutors passed on the gun charges, and so did, initially, the Feds, and none of them seemed to take such charges seriously enough to do any forensic work on the pistol for literally years.

    • Shadowalker says:

      There is no superseding indictment. This is trying to add more evidence in support of the indictment brought in October.

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