Friday Podcast with Nicole Sandler

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  1. EW Moderation Team says:

    A reminder to all new and existing community members participating in comments:
    — We have been moving to a new minimum standard to support community security over the last year. Usernames should be unique and a minimum of a minimum of 8 letters.

    — We do not require a valid, working email, but you must use the same email address each time you publish a comment here. **Single use disposable email addresses do not meet this standard.**

    — If you have been commenting here but have less than 1000 comments published and been participating less than 10 years as of last October 2022, you must update your username to match the new standard.

    Thank you.

  2. Knox Bronson says:

    I truly want to listen to this podcast and hear what Marcy has to say, the audio quality makes it almost unlistenable. I know Marcy is across the Atlantic but there must be a way to improve the sound!
    Someone mentioned transcriptions—I tried a company called Podium, very accurate transcriptions (you upload the audio file and it spits them out), reasonably priced (for my needs) and they even include a file that can used for subtitles on a video. Worth checking out.

  3. Fancy Chicken says:

    Hey there!

    Just wanted to say thanks again for posting the podcast. After listening to two now I find that it’s a really great way to cap off a week of posts and listen to you point out the through line of them. While the written word is necessary for me to understand the complex timelines and excerpts of legal filings that are often your subject matter, listening to you unpack your week’s work and why you found it important is actually really helpful to understand how those whiteboards and balls of red string we think are in your head work.

    Crossing my fingers your recuperation is almost at an end and that you’ll be walking around soon!

  4. Clare Kelly says:

    “No loose screws at”

    …had me grinning throughout the entire podcast.

    It’s also not a bad summation of the Community Rules.

    Thanks, as always.

      • Clare Kelly says:

        Why, thank you!

        ‘Had to laugh at myself at the vertical-thumb dopamine hit, reminiscent of my former Xitter addiction.
        (I’ve got two one-year chips under my belt now. Yay me!)

        I have a question you may be able to answer: Marcy mentioned one journalist as an exception to a lemming-like reaction. My audio cut out.

        Did you hear the name, perchance?

  5. chum'sfriend says:

    The white powder was found on the outside of the leather pouch, not on the inside with the gun, holster, reloader, and ammunition.

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