22 replies
  1. dark winter says:

    I can’t tell you how totally thrilled you’ll be doing this every Friday night! What a great and very informative show tonight. Thank you so very much both of you and my favorite reporter EVER!: Marcy Wheeler.

  2. RMD De Plume says:

    Do you plan to post a transcript of the podcast?
    Tools exist that will generate a text from audio…and would be a relatively straightforward conversion. (some editing for phonetic errors)

    Thank you for the podcast.

      • CaptMike says:

        It would be great if someone associated with the podcast were able to produce edited transcripts, as many podcasts, though not nearly enough, do. There’s a vast difference in quality between transcripts edited by the content creator and auto-generated ones.
        I understand that unfortunately that may not be practical given limited resources.
        And while telling someone to do it themself might be intended as helpful, it is also ableist.

        • Rayne says:

          Demanding more work from people who already provide a service for free is what, then?

          There’s only so much Marcy to go around. She can either work on investigating and writing content with the added fillip of a weekly update by podcast — which is the opposite of ableist since it serves folks who are challenged with text at this site — or she can spend yet more time on transcript production. There aren’t enough journalists doing what she does already, she should do less of it?

        • CaptMike says:

          As I said, I understand that it may not be practical given limited resources.
          That doesn’t change the fact that it would be great if it were somehow possible.
          There are many people with hearing impairments or APD, just as there are many with impaired vision.
          In a more perfect world we could do more to accommodate all, starting with recognizing the utility of accommodations.

        • Rayne says:

          Mike, I’m going to ask you nicely to leave off with this line of discussion; you might not have spent a lot of time here with only 9 comments under your belt since July so perhaps you don’t understand how this site works. Contributors and moderators here are unpaid volunteers who give their time because they believe in supporting democracy; I give a big chunk of my day to ensure these comments remain troll free and discussion goes smoothly. Demanding more for nothing is not helping the discourse here, nor is subtle concern trolling about the site’s capabilities.

        • CaptMike says:

          Apologies. I thought I’d made it clear I wasn’t demanding anything. I very much appreciate your efforts, and have for more years than I care to count, though I haven’t commented much the last few. I guess I’m a little prickly on the subject right now for reasons unrelated to you & ew and it caught me up. Many thanks for all you do, and have done for, whew, a long time. Cheers, stay safe, and enjoy the snow.

        • RMD De Plume says:

          Why is it necessary to mischaracterize a basic question as a demand?
          I simply asked if a transcript is or would be available.
          There was no demand.

        • Rayne says:

          Stop. Clearly you’re unable or unwilling to read this thread. You’ve also been in this community long enough to know better. Move on.

        • RMD De Plume says:

          You’re an insulting asshole, Rayne

          [Moderator’s note: I’m letting this through to allow the community to see the kind of content moderation has had to deal with even from community members who have been here quite some time. /~Rayne]

    • RMD De Plume says:

      I would be happy to volunteer to do the conversion to text…
      I tried, but cannot access the file to download and this is needed to do the conversion. The only option am aware of is playing the podcast and doing a recording of the audio as it played, then using that recording for conversion. At minimum over an hour just to get the recording…and more time for conversion and editing.
      Again, much easier to have the source file.

      It is disappointing to see my inquiry taken as an opportunity to take umbrage.
      As an appreciator of this site I have donated for some time now and don’t consider the work taking place here as something that is “free” and not worthy of support.

      • Rayne says:

        You did not ask for a recording to do the transcript yourself. You could contact Nicole Sandler for that because it’s her podcast.

  3. jecojeco says:

    Thank you ladies for the insightful & entertaining enlightenment!

    A couple of my takeaways: The charges against Hunter are flawed and really weak juice. If anyone has a valid complaint about political persecution it’s him.

    trump’s collusion with Russia is deep,long-lasting and is OK with most GOPers. I think a lot of GOPers view Dem voting non-white Americans as “the enemy” and will do anything to put trump back in power.

    Congratulations Marcy on getting Dick Pics entered in Congress’ lexicon, your PhD is coming in handy!

    PS Roger Stone is a criminal psychopath, well beyond political dirty trickster, nothing funny or cute about advocating domestic poliitical terrorism.

  4. phred says:

    Thanks so much for posting these, EW!

    I’m not much of a podcast person but when I see this pop up here, I’ll make a point to put it on while I’m puttering around the house doing chores on the weekend…

      • phred says:

        Which is GOOD! We can’t have you distracted from your PACER reading list ; )

        Nice job by the way. You continue to knock it out of the park on the Hunter Biden circus parade.

  5. Clare Kelly says:

    It is not-for-nothin’ that one of Nicole Sandler’s sponsors is the therapist aggregator betterhelp.com

    After listening to/watching Fridays with Emptywheel’s 1/12/24 episode, however, the spontaneous smiles at the absurdity of “dic pics” in the Congressional Record alone, was all the therapy I needed (O.K. That and a smackeral of Indica gummy).

    As always, thanks for your extraordinary work.

    [Moderator’s note: this comment appears to have been auto-moderated into Spam bin because of a keyword. Let me know if otherwise. Thanks. /~Rayne]

    • Clare Kelly says:

      Thank you for the reprieve and your hard work, Rayne.

      [No problem, you’re welcome. For future reference: certain words related to substances illegal in many states will trigger algorithm and kick comments to Spam bin. Sorry you were caught in it and yet if you saw the firehose of material that algorithm blocks… O_O /~Rayne]

  6. Reality Bites says:

    Would like to second that request for a transcript, even if it’s not 100% perfect. Some of us have hearing impairment of varying degree

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