Luke Broadwater’s Attempt at Fact-Checking Covers Up Fabrications and IRS Sloppiness

NYT has two articles out fact-checking GOP lies in support of impeachment.

One, from Adam Entous, is really worth reading. It describes how a text that Hunter Biden sent his daughter Naomi, which joked about the fact that Joe Biden had made his sons work their way through college, has been misrepresented to instead suggest that Hunter was giving his father 50% of his diminished 2019 earnings.

Hunter felt dejected, and, while apparently under the influence of drugs, wrote a series of angry and often nonsensical messages to Naomi in which he threatened to cut her off financially.

“Find an apartment with Peter by next week,” Hunter instructed. “And send me the keys and leave all of my furniture and art. I love all of you. But I don’t receive any respect.”

Then he sent the text message that Republicans have used to suggest that Hunter’s foreign income was going to enrich his father.


Hunter’s oft-told story about giving half of his salary to his father appeared to originate during his freshman year at Georgetown.

His roommate at the time recalled Hunter telling him and his twin brother “a million times” that then-Senator Biden encouraged him to work, saying, “You can keep half of the paycheck, but you have to hand over the other half for ‘room and board.’”

It was a story, and a theme, that Hunter continued to invoke, especially after he married Ms. Buhle and they had three daughters — Naomi, Finnegan and Maisy — all of whom attended Sidwell Friends, a costly Washington private school, where they were surrounded by wealthier families.

Hunter told close friends that he was worried that his daughters had become spoiled. According to family members, he would frequently tell them the story about how he had to work in college and pay half of his salary to his father, in hopes of encouraging them to be more self-sufficient.

In other words, Republicans are literally trying to impeach Joe Biden because he made his sons work their way through college, and at a time he was broke, Hunter tried to do the same with his daughters.

Note that the underlying back story Entous describes, in which Hunter attempted to find specialized medical care for his daughter Finnegan, shows that while in Fox News pundit Keith Ablow’s care, Hunter was somehow cut off from the digital world.

Then Ablow responds to his own email, which this time is marked [External], noting that “His [apparently meaning Hunter’s] email is screwed up,” and then saying he had texted Rock.

From: Keith Ablow <kablow[redacted]>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2019 11:40 AM
To: Positano [redacted]; rhbdcicloud
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: From Keith

CAUTION: External Email.

His email is screwed up

I texted you

The doctor responds — happy to help — and provides his contact. Ablow thanks him. Hunter responds to that, plaintively,

Guys are you getting my emails?

And though neither of the external interlocutors ever said a thing directly to Hunter, Ablow says, yes, suggesting they had gotten his emails, then instructs Hunter to contact the doctor and “send him the x-rays,” even though in the original email Hunter already sent 2 jpgs.

Hunter then tried to email the doctor directly, using the same email included in Ablow’s email (possibly even using the link from the doctor’s own email), and it bounces, “RecipientNotFound; Recipient not found by SMTP address lookup.”

Hunter’s digital rupture from the outside world is part of the back story to how his digital life got packaged up for delivery, eventually, to Congress. And it should raise provenance questions about every other aspect of this investigation.

Which brings us to the other NYT story, an attempt to fact check that was, instead a confession that NYT scribe Luke Broadwater either doesn’t care or doesn’t know how to assess evidence and claims for reliability.

Broadwater feigns fact-checking Republican representations of a text Hunter sent in 2017, claiming to be sitting next to his father while he was trying to strong arm a business associate, which is another communication that Republicans are sure proves Joe Biden was in business with his son.

Before I show you what Broadwater wrote, let me reconstruct how we have the claim in the first place. Gary Shapley provided the texts to Congress in May. He shared them, he claimed, as proof that investigators were denied the ability in August 2020 to obtain location data — he doesn’t say for whom — and to search the guest house at Joe Biden’s house.

For example, in August 2020, we got the results back from an iCloud search warrant. Unlike the laptop, these came to the investigative team from a third-party record keeper and included a set of messages. The messages included material we clearly needed to follow up on.

Nevertheless, prosecutors denied investigators’ requests to develop a strategy to look into the messages and denied investigators’ suggestion to obtain location information to see where the texts were sent from.

For example, we obtained a July 30th, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, where Hunter Biden wrote: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Communications like these made it clear we needed to search the guest house at the Bidens’ Delaware residence where Hunter Biden stayed for a time. [my emphasis]

Already, at this point, the savvy interlocutor would have asked Shapley, “why do you need location data? You get about five different kinds of location information in an iCloud warrant. What more did you need?”

Which might have led Shapley to confess he really wanted to get a location warrant targeting Joe, not Hunter.

If these texts were ever introduced at trial, Hunter’s lawyers would likely point out that they were obtained in reliance on the laptop obtained from John Paul Mac Isaac. At the point they got those warrants in August 2020 — effectively obtaining text messages that were available on the laptop — the FBI still had never validated the laptop to make sure no one had tampered with it either before it got into the custody of John Paul Mac Isaac or while in JPMI’s custody. That is, the warrant to obtain these texts may well be a classic case of poisonous fruit, and the texts could be affected by an alteration done to Hunter Biden’s contact list in the period in January 2019 when he was staying in Keith Ablow’s property and seems to have been partially cut off from the digital world; his contacts were restored — from what, it’s not clear — on January 24, 2019.

As Shapley was walking Congressional staffers through these texts, he admitted that they weren’t WhatsApp messages themselves, they were summaries. He wasn’t sure who had done the summaries.

Q Okay. And these aren’t WhatsApp messages, these are summaries of WhatsApp messages, correct?

A Yeah, that’s correct. Because it was something about the readability of the actual piece, right? It was easier to summarize in a spreadsheet.

Q Okay. And who did the summary? Who prepared this document?

A It was either the computer analysis guy or [Ziegler], one or the other.

Who did the summaries matters, because whoever it was did a shoddy job. In one crucial case, for example, whoever did the summaries interjected their opinion about what a screen cap that showed in the message was. It is the only indication in the exhibit shared with Congress that identifies the first name of Hunter’s interlocutor.

This interjection — a parenthetical comment recording that this was “(believed to be Zhao)” but included inside quotation marks as if it was part of the screencap — is the only place where Zhao’s first name is identified. Elsewhere, he is always referred to as “Zhao” or “Z,” even in a summary also referring to “Zang” and “Zhang.” Nowhere in this “summary” is his WhatsApp identifier included, as it would be in reliable WhatsApp texts summaries (here, from Vladislav Klyushin’s trial). It’s not the only parenthetical comment included as if it were part of a direct quote, but as we’ll see, it is a critical one.

Even in spite of the inherent unreliability of this summary, the shoddiness of the underlying IRS work, Republicans love it.

Jason Smith took these unreliable summaries and fabricated them into texts, creating the illusion that they had a solid chain of evidence for these texts.

Smith’s tweets of these texts went viral.

In spite of the fact that Abbe Lowell has attempted to get Congress to correct this viral claim twice, Smith left it up.

The summary and the fabrications of the text and Smith’s use of the initials “HZ” matter because there’s a dispute between Republicans and their IRS source about the identity of the person involved.

Shapley said the texts involved Henry Zhao, consistent with Smith’s fabrication.

But in a later release, James Comer described the interlocutor as Raymond Zhao — which is consistent with the interjection in the summary (and other communications regarding this business deal).

On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden sent a WhatsApp message to Raymond Zhao—a CEFC associate—regarding the $10 million capital payment:

As we’ll see, Broadwater predictably “fact checks” this as a dispute between Democrats and Republicans. It’s not. Before you get there, you first have to adjudicate a conflict between the guy who led the IRS investigation for more than two years, Gary Shapley, and James Comer. It’s a conflict sustained by the shoddiness of the underlying IRS work.

This is a story showing not only that James Comer and Jason Smith don’t know what they’re talking about, but are willing to lie and fabricate nevertheless, but even the IRS agents may not know what they’re talking about, and if they don’t, it’s because the standard of diligence on the investigation of Joe Biden’s son was such that they didn’t even include the identifier of the person to whom Hunter was talking, which would make it easy or at least possible to adjudicate this dispute.

This is a story that discredits the IRS agents — for their sloppy work and for their bogus claims to need location data to further investigate this and the conceit that it ever would have been appropriate to get location data for Joe Biden or search his guest home in August 2020. It is a story that shows that when faced with uncertainty created by the sloppiness of their IRS sources, Republicans instead just make shit up.

But here’s how Luke Broadwater describes the conflict:

‘I am sitting here with my father’

One WhatsApp message that has received much attention was provided by an I.R.S. investigator who testified before Congress under whistle-blower protections. In it, Hunter Biden invoked his father, who was then out of office, while pressing a potential Chinese business partner in 2017 to move ahead with a proposed energy deal.

“I am sitting here with my father and we would like to know why the commitment has not been fulfilled,” the message states. On its face, the message seemed to suggest Joe Biden was in league with his son pressuring for a payment to the family.

But Democrats have argued it is more likely an example of Hunter Biden’s bluster than an accurate statement of Joe Biden’s involvement in a shakedown. A lawyer for Hunter Biden says he does not remember sending the message.

The president has denied he was present at the time.

Broadwater turns this into an unknowable question about whether Biden was sitting next to Hunter, and claims it’s just about competing partisan arguments.

But this is a confession about Broadwater’s own abilities or work ethic, not a fact-check of truth claims. Because if you don’t understand or explain that the claim itself builds off provenance problems, you’re actively covering up several layers of shoddiness in this impeachment stunt.

If the point is to test the reliability of the impeachment inquiry, it’s that other story that needs to be told.

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  1. EW Moderation Team says:

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  2. Greg Hunter says:

    I cannot tell if the NY Times links are gift articles and if they are not let me know and I will use my account to gift them. The WAPO makes gift links easy but the NYT not so much, but I will en devour to persevere if requested.

    • Eschscholzia says:

      Greg: both NYTimes links show up as paywall to me when I click them, so if you are willing to create gift links I would be grateful. [I’ll try to repay the favor on scientific journals if that is ever relevant here :) ]

    • emptywheel says:

      I don’t use gift links bc they’re basically tracking devices, and I don’t want people to be tracked to me.

      • RipNoLonger says:

        Thanks, Marcy. I wish more people would be aware of how these sites are using “Share This” type links and how they give the sites your email address and allow them to build linkages between the giftor and giftee. People should print to PDF and share that if needed using their own email service.

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        Would it help if a commenter supplied the gift link?

        I have a hard time justifying my Times subscription and providing gift links has been among my reasons for keeping it. (Luke Broadwater has generally not been.)

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          The link would still connect you and this blog and those who read it. A better route to me would be to summarize the article and critique it.

    • harpie says:

      Here’s the Entous story at the Internet Archive…less some of the photos:

      Hunter Biden Text Cited in Impeachment Inquiry Is Not What G.O.P. Suggests A 2019 message from the president’s son alluded to giving his father half his salary. The back story offers unflattering insights into the Biden family but does not support assertions of corruption.
      Adam Entous Dec. 22, 2023 Updated 9:23 a.m. ET

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        Thank you, harpie! I would have been happy to provide a gift link because I’m always looking to be helpful, as opposed to irritating.

        I have to face facts though: I will never be you, so I’ll take this chance to express my enduring gratitude for all that you do to support the amazing work of the official people at this place. EW provides intellectual heft for so many, hope for those willing to find it, and entertainment even for the haters–who, if they admitted it, would have to concede that they are indeed entertained.

        Thanks to all!

        • harpie says:

          Thank YOU, Ginevra!
          I always look forward to reading what you think about an issue.

          I think [HOPE] it is the case that linking to Internet Archive doesn’t bring any unwanted tracking to me, us, emptywheel/Marcy.

  3. Greg Hunter says:

    Thanks for the information as I understand the Biden’s a little bit better. Great caring family that is being vilified for showing love for those in crisis.

    1. Growing up “poor” means you look up to see where you could go or what you do not have is a real thing, while ignoring how much worse it could be. Hunter Biden is a Nepo baby but even those aren’t the same as Joe instilled the right lessons in his family even if surrounded by much greater privilege.

    2. I have been “blessed” to have two brothers, one chose cocaine and one alcohol. Based on my life long experience with their behaviors I will choose cocaine over alcohol, but I cannot imagine that duel addiction. Ugh.

    Families that care really do try anything to help loved ones manage their addictions including offers to “control” the finances as I tried this tactic but alas no takers. Joe and Hunter should not be going through this ordeal, but for Republicans the cruelty does seem to be the point. I can only hope that Joe and Hunter find a mechanism to discuss these issues in a way that makes even the hardest of hearts crack.

  4. earthworm says:

    and since there are very few American families that have been left unscathed by addiction issues, the hypocrisy of those who weaponize them boggles the mind.
    for that matter, most of the weaponized ‘themes’ of the MAGAs are shared by they themselves, although of course swept under the rug. internalized shame is a big piece of the MAGA psyche, or so it would seem.

  5. Upisdown says:

    I’m struggling to figure out what potential crime Shapley is chasing when he states: “The messages included material we clearly needed to follow up on.” In spite of Shapley’s denials of political motivations, this smells of him desperately trying to involve Joe Biden in a theorical shakedown which would not be illegal based on Joe Biden being out of office.

    To me it looks like Shapley is crying foul that his requests to chase one of Peter Schweizer’s rabbits was denied by higher ups.

  6. Knowatall says:

    It’s such an unbelievably tangled narrative. You really need to be a scholar to follow the disinformation, the shoddy reporting, and the grains of truth in these matters. One longs for the days when there was, at least, a modicum of good faith in the public sphere. Discouraged but undaunted.

  7. Zinsky123 says:

    Thanks for another incredibly helpful analysis with links! When the Republican Oversight Committee had one of their ill-fated hearings, I was appalled by the WhatsApp presentation that Rep. Byron Donalds presented. It was so obviously manufactured that I wanted to throw a brick at the TV. Then, we learn that all of the WhatsApp “word balloons” presented that day were manufactured! Joe Biden wasn’t in the room when Hunter and his colleagues talked to Chinese investors about a deal – it was all manufactured! These people are clearly not dealing in good faith. We should not trust them ever!

  8. zscoreUSA says:

    The article from Entous provides an explanation for that text about half the income, which sounds like a long running family joke. Also provides context for other texts in the data set.

    Though, Entous gets a few details wrong, about the location of Hunter and status with Ablow at the time of the accident. At the time of the ski accident, Hunter had left Ablow a week prior and was confronted by the family on 12/26 to rehab. He was presently in New York where he was attempting, or at least going through the motions to placate family, to get treatment there. But, secretly to his family negotiating with Ablow to return there for rehab treatment. He was possibly literally texting Ablow as the ski accident occurred. The rehab treatment plan is more detailed than the previous treatment plan from November which was not considered rehab.

    Entous words the article like Hunter never left Ablow’s treatment care, which from the pov from some or all of his family might seem true.

  9. zscoreUSA says:

    This is a helpful analysis to understand the 7/30/17 Whatsapp message situation.

    For the sake of accuracy, I want to offer corrections/ context on a couple points in the article regarding Ablow and contacts

    1) On the date mentioned, 1/3/19, Ablow was not a “Fox News pundit”, but was a FORMER one. Ablow’s contract with Fox ended in September 2017. Besides accuracy, it may be worth acknowledging at that point he had been sued in 2016 by a former patient and had engaged in behavior that will appear in later lawsuits that will result in his license suspension, perhaps Fox was aware of something about his behavior.

    2) On that date, 1/3/19, “while in…Ablow’s care” is not accurate; Entous erroneously writes that he was. Hunter had left Ablow the week prior from regular/wellness treatment. In a few days he will rejoin Ablow in the form of rehab and regular/wellness (and with plans to partner on books and a podcast, and perhaps other business interests). On 1/3/19 he was still negotiating the terms of the upcoming treatment.

    3) “Hunter was somehow cut off from the digital world”. Besides the email glitch what does that refer to? What evidence is there that Hunter was cutoff from the digital world? Any tech people look at these emails and concur that Hunter was cutoff from the outside world? He appears to be emailing and texting, accessing the digital world just fine.

    4) The doctor email was returned undelivered because Hunter had a typo to the doctors email. Hunter included an extra “l” into the email address

    5) The contacts being restored on Jan 24 was possibly from using new phone. He lost a phone in LA (see Bobby Hernandez email) in October 2018. On 10/13/18 begins re-using his ex wife’s iPhone 8 as one of the 2 (or possibly 3 or more) he has at any given time. It’s possible it took until Jan 24 to sync the contacts on that phone. Or the other new phone he allegedly started using on Jan 14, which is the phone Dimitrelos lists as current and was extracted on Feb 6

    Please don’t take above as a defense of Ablow. There is much to be suspicious about, including his reported attempts to monetize Hunter’s belongings and that he had Hunter’s diaries/journals which seemingly Miranda Devine has been the only rw source to cite (if anyone finds a different author citing Hunter’s journal or diaries please post in a comment)

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