Rudy Giuliani Appears to be Claiming Privilege Over Hundreds of Items He Already Agreed Were Not

Based on statements that Rudy Giuliani and his attorney Robert Costello have made in the Ruby Freeman suit, he should be claiming privilege over no more than 43 items total.

He is claiming privilege over around 400.

We can say that based on two claims, made in sworn declarations.

First, Rudy submitted this declaration stating that all his comms from the coup conspiracy would be in the materials archived by TrustPoint as part of the SDNY search of his devices.

Mind you, there’s a claim in that declaration that Costello’s declaration debunks — and it explains a lot about Rudy’s failure to provide discovery. Rudy claims that all his iCloud emails would be in the TrustPoint materials.

All of my [redacted] iCloud data would have also been included in the TrustPoint data because I synced my iCloud to my devices.

But Costello’s declaration reveals that prior to October 18, 2021, he had observed to the Special Master that many of the email files, “contain no ‘body’ text” and by October 18, 2021, he learned that the reason for that is that “this is the way the iPhone stores backup data.”

Rudy’s lawyer, at least, learned before this lawsuit was filed that the TrustPoint material wouldn’t have his emails intact. Nevertheless, Rudy claimed his emails would be available in the TrustPoint materials, and apparently never checked his existing iCloud, Gmail, and ProtonMail accounts for relevant emails.

Meanwhile Costello confirmed something still more damning: that ultimately he and Rudy never appealed any of the designations that the Special Master in that case, Barbara Jones, came to on his content.

Trustpoint would then send me sections of the electronic material, so that I could designate whatever communications I believed were covered by attorney client, work product, or executive privilege. Those identified communications would then be sent to Judge Jones for her ruling. If there was a dispute between Judge Jones and myself, the matter would be referred to Judge J. Paul Oetken, the sitting SDNY Judge who had authorized the search warrants. We never needed to have Judge Oetken resolve a dispute.

That’s important, because we know how many files, total, Barbara Jones ultimately deemed to be privileged: 43.

Remember: per Judge Paul Oetken’s order, this privilege review covered all material post-dating January 1, 2018, regardless of topic.

Here’s what Jones said about the results of her review in a January 22, 2022 filing (filed before this lawsuit moved towards discovery):

As indicated in my November 2, 2021 Report, I initially reserved decision on the first 3 items that were designated as privileged by Mr. Giuliani’s counsel. After further discussions regarding these items, I agree that they are privileged and should not be turned over to the Government’s investigative team.

B. Device 1B05 – Chats and Messages

I next assigned for review the chats and messages that post-dated January 1, 2018 on Device 1B05, which is a cell phone. There were originally 25,481 such items, which later increased to 25,629 after a technical issue involving document attachments was identified. An initial release of non-designated items was made to the Government’s investigative team on November 11, 2021.1

Of the total documents assigned for review, Mr. Giuliani designated 96 items as privileged and/or highly personal. Of those 96 designated items, I agreed that 40 were privileged, Mr. Giuliani’s counsel withdrew the privilege designation over 19, and I found that 37 were not privileged. I shared these determinations with Mr. Giuliani’s counsel, and they indicated that they would not challenge my determination that the 37 items are not privileged. The 40 privileged documents have been withheld from the Government’s investigative team and the remaining 56 were released on January 19, 2022.

43 documents total, across Rudy’s 16 devices, were privileged. Most were on an iPhone referred to as 1B05.

Rudy actually used the device identifiers from the search in his privilege log. Most are from 1B05 — and the Bates numbers show that there were over 21,000 items on that phone.

Indeed, we can see that around 40 really are privileged — because they pertain to Rudy’s own representation by Joe Sibley (indeed, those appear to be the only emails that were preserved).

That says Rudy and Costello already agreed that all the rest of the things in this privilege log (save potentially 3 files) — around 220 of which are just from that one phone — are not privileged.

That is, if you put Costello’s declaration together with Rudy’s, it suggests that Rudy claimed, in the Ruby Freeman lawsuit, that hundreds of things were privileged when he and his attorney had already agreed, before this case moved towards discovery, they were not.

I emailed both Costello and Freeman’s attorney Michael Gottlieb to check whether I understand these details correctly and got no response from either.

25 replies
  1. Tech Support says:

    Trying to imagine a world in which MAGA-world attorneys voluntarily respond to Marcy in any capacity. Even boilerplate responses or indignant whining feels risky.

    • FiestyBlueBird says:

      Good one!

      But keep in mind they still have time (to respond.)

      It feels to me that anyone associating with Trump, lawyer or not, is a risk taker. Or dumb as a fence post. Or both.

  2. bitte says:

    “I emailed both Costello and Freeman’s attorney Michael Gottlieb to check whether I understand these details correctly and got no response from either.”

    It thrills me to imagine the shock of cold terror that this inquiry must have induced.

    • David Brooks says:

      I don’t imagine Gottlieb’s shock would have been quite as terrible. Or shocking.

  3. hippiebullsht says:

    wow. Marcy wants the answers. We do too. reminds me of the Planesmistakenforstars album, “up in them guts”
    We’ve watched the lines form in our faces
    And the smoke fall and break to code from our hands
    And a message missed was a message read
    We can never leave the regrets we’ve wed
    We’ve loved too little
    And it’s cut us to our quick
    We sleep in the seconds between a swing and a hit
    someone has to chase these lazy fux down and hold them to account. Thank you

  4. TooLoose LeTruck says:

    Given just how screwed Rudy appears at this point, he might as well try anything and everything he can think of.

    How many of Trump’s lawyers are now in serious trouble?

    Apart from Rudy, there’s…

    John Eastman? Sidney Powell? Lin Wood?

    Am I missing anyone?

    • Matt___B says:

      Cleta Mitchell, Jenna Ellis and the guy who was contestably acting AG for a few hours – Jeffrey Clarke…

      • TooLoose LeTruck says:

        Ah… once I see the names, I remember… you are indeed correct.

        The list goes on and on, dunnit?

        What’s that old saying…

        ‘The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine…’???

        As far as some of these individuals are concerned, we’re seeing that idea in action…

        Good for them!… just desserts and all.

        • Hoping4better_times says:

          “Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”
          ― Henry Wadsworth Longellow

      • TooLoose LeTruck says:

        The image that comes to mind is Death leading his victims hand in hand at the end of The Seventh Seal…

    • scroogemcduck says:

      I think you’re missing the ones who have been sucked into the Mar a Lago documents case. It’s honestly difficult to keep track of them all. Luckily there is a podcast available if you’re into that; aptly named “Serious Trouble”.

      • bmaz says:

        Josh Barro is not a lawyer and would not know criminal law if it bit him in his ass. Barro is a complete dipshit. Ken is okay.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Josh Barro seems to think that progressives complaining about “hamburgers” – really, high environmental-cost beef products – is an existential threat to their popularity. His record as a journalist looks like a Harvard legacy’s search for something popular to sell.

        • bmaz says:

          Lol, Barro has been garbage from the first time I ever saw him. And long before he improbably partnered with Ken. I will never understand that.

        • scroogemcduck says:

          I’m not a lawyer, so Josh’s dumbass questions don’t irritate me as much as they would irritate you. When he offers his own opinions, I tend to ignore them completely.

          I do like Ken. Ken deals with Josh’s inquiries with the measured sigh of someone who is experienced in handling dumbass questions from dumbass clients.

      • TooLoose LeTruck says:

        I think we need a a scorecard, or perhaps a flow chart on a whiteboard at this point…

        And I noticed no one mentioned Michael Cohen…

        How could we overlook Michael?

  5. e.a. foster says:

    You just can’t make this stuff up. Its amazing what politicians and their lawyers will do.
    Yes, they’re as dumb as they come, but also as greedy.
    Risk taker, more like power hungry. This has not turned out well for a number of people and lawyers. O.K. lawyers are people, but in the Trump saga, the lawyers are just dumb or perhaps just conceited. They actually thought they could get away with it all. Hopefully people will learn to not trust Trump and his far fetched schemes.

    • ExRacerX says:

      Calvin: Goal Reversal Rule—all your goals are now mine!

      Hobbes: 3, 2, 1… I refuse under Executive Privilege in less than 5 seconds, so my goals are protected!

      Calvin: This game is really starting to suck, Hobbes…

  6. Student Driver says:

    I still play Carly Aquilino’s TikTok about Four Seasons Total Landscaping when I’m sad.

  7. CaptainCondorcet says:

    IANAL, but I do work with sensitive info. I can’t imagine miscounting previously formally identified sensitive records by the 100s. It would be disciplinary action for sure. To those who have worked in law offices, is there any charitable reading to this gap?

      • CaptainCondorcet says:

        Thanks. Succinct but regrettably unsurprising. I can only imagine how deep Gottlieb’s sigh was when he got Dr. Wheeler’s message and has to decide what to do with it.

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