Trump has released this post on his failing social media site, which I’ve altered to remove the garbage.
Share this entry 09:49:012023-07-18 09:50:20Jack Smith Gives Trump Until Thursday to Explain Himself to the January 6 Grand Jury
Time to fasten our safety belts! Thanks for the heads up, EW
Jon Sitzman says:
Thank you for the humor this morning, EW.
Alan Charbonneau says:
In spite of how long the DOJ has been investigating Trump for Jan 6th, it still seems like a short period of time. Glad to see it’s here at last.
Inspector Clouseau says:
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Walt Nauta found out this news. It changes his calculus big time. The game theory / prisoner dilemma math changed big time with the additional outcome that he can’t impact.
ExRacerX says:
If Nauta didn’t see this coming, I’d be pretty surprised—Fani Willis hasn’t exactly been playing her cards close to the vest.
Kope a Pia says:
I am not sure what you mean by this since the post is about Jack Smith’s Federal J6 Grand Jury not Fani Willis’s Georgia investigation.
Alan_OrbitalMechanic says:
I think it is a safe bet that Nauta has already agreed to let himself be convicted and go to prison if that is what it takes to spare DJT the slightest discomfort.
Don’t look for him to flip or panic. He will do just what he is told to do by the team and he has already agreed to “take one for the team.”
“His” attorney is clearly working for DJT and I am sure he is OK with that.
AgainBrain says:
Perhaps repeated exposure to Trump’s odor-barrier-devastating stench destroys brain structures responsible for critical thinking, moral conduct and self-preservation?
It could explain a lot, and it’s possible Bob Woodward should be studied to try and figure out his apparent resistance / immunity? He’s been working in DC so long, perhaps exposure to the general political stench destroyed key olfactory paths which in healthy people transport the cause of damage into those deeper brain structures?
More likely, though, Nauta’s let Trump and Trump’s Nazgûl so deep into his life, that despite being terrified of the nigh-certain outcome, he (reasonably) questions even the US Government’s ability to keep him and his safe.
Rwood0808 says:
It’s getting busy. Might need a corkboard and some string to keep it all connected.
He and his business are scheduled to face trial in New York in October for fraud.
He’s scheduled to face trial in New York in January for defamation.
He’s scheduled to face trial in New York in March for the hush money case.
He’s likely facing charges for election tampering in Georgia in August.
And now he’s likely facing charges for J6 in as little as four days.
He and his lawyers will be living on his antiquated 757 for the next year.
Stephen Calhoun says:
This evoked a delicious, cinematic vision: somewhere adjacent to Smith’s team is one or more corkboard-and-string-thingies (and sticky notes!) depicting the web of relationships and the tendrils of the conspiracy.
nord dakota says:
1940s-movie newspaper headline montages
Rayne says:
Hmm. I think something like a NNDB relationship map will be more effective — sadly, NNDB ran on Flash which is kaput.
Strumbert Leather says:
I see NNDB reckons “animal nut” Queen Elizabeth is still alive. She cross-breeds corgis and dachshunds using a brick.
Rayne says:
NNDB went into hiatus after 2021 once Adobe Flash software died — in other words, it kicked before Old Bess did.
I wish the site was reconstructed with an alternative to Flash.
Rwood0808 says:
Best part:
Risk Factors: Toupee
Charles Wolf says:
Flash is enabled in a browser named “FlashBrowser” available for download. Googlit.
Rayne says:
Thanks but I don’t know the developer and I generally avoid most software produced outside the U.S. which doesn’t have a large userbase (that particular browser’s developer is in Romania).
I have a feeling that Smith will reference the “11,780 votes” call in the J6 indictment timeline, which should shed light on how silly Georgia is to investigate a Federal crime. Also, I thought the New York hush money trial was set for October. In any event, he’s in very serious trouble. And yet he won’t be jailed. He will walk free and try to incite a small civil war in the weeks ahead.
timbozone says:
It’s very likely a state crime in Georgia to attempt to corrupt a Georgia state election official to change official tallies of votes for corrupt purpose. Georgia and its law enforcement officials have every legal right to ensure the election integrity of their own elections. Some people may not like that but it is not up to the Federal government typically to enforce local election laws when the local officials are fully capable of and willing to enforce those laws fairly and expeditiously.
Dave_MB says:
We have state run elections for a national office. Trying to strong-arm the Georgia Secretary of State for the Georgia election is a state crime. Depending on which element you focus on, it can be a state or federal crime.
bmaz says:
Lol, thanks for the help!
e.a. foster says:
No civil wars with all the forest fires in British Columbia and all the rain and heat in the U.S.A. Just not on at this time. We’re all too busy. Of course if Trump wants to do something………..
Raven Eye says:
When the Jan6 investigations started I was also thinking about corkboard and colored strings, but I figured you’d need something like a gymnasium to fit it.
Maybe, if you scale it down to just Trump, you could fit the thing into a school cafeteria.
“Four days to get my story straight?
“Come on Jack, give me 5”.
Raven Eye says:
“…Or just wait until after the election?”
timbozone says:
Or that thing we’re hearing less and less of recently: “But her emails!”
Steve Bentley says:
“Almost always means an Arrest and Indictment”…glad to know he is getting to be such an expert on getting indicted.
Fraud Guy says:
And he’s once…twice…(soon to be) three times indicted
And we love it, do
Then when he’s once…twice…three times convicted
We’ll love it, too
We’ll love it, too…
Uhhh… ok, channeling Eddie Murphy on SNL as Buckwheat.
“Unce, dice, feee times endided…”
xxbronxx says:
MAGA MAGA HEY (h/t The Ramones)
MAGA MAGA we indict you
We indict you so say us
MAGA MAGA we indict you
We indict you so say us
We don’t want your grubby grifting no more
We just met Jack Smith and he knows the law
We don’t want your grubby grifting no more
We just met Jack Smith and he knows the law
M A G A everyone’s indictin’ me
M A G A everyone’s indictin’ me
Maga Maga Hey
Maga Maga Hey
xxbronxx says:
Fixed rhyme for last couplet –
M A G A everyday’s indictin’ day
M A G A everyday’s indictin’ day
Maga Maga Hey
Maga Maga Hey
Fiendish Thingy says:
This announcement isn’t that surprising; I’m more interested in who else did, or didn’t, get target letters, particularly Mark Meadows.
Would Smith actually indict Trump first, without also indicting Eastman, Giuliani, Clark, et al?
harpie says:
According to Paula Reid, GIULIANI’s lawyer says he did NOT:
JUST IN: Rudy Giuliani has NOT received a target letter in 1/6 probe, his lawyer tells me. As CNN previously reported, Rudy, did a voluntary interview with Special Counsel investigators several weeks back. His lawyer does not expect him to be charged.
Ginevra diBenci says:
Thank you harpie! Do we understand this to mean that Rudy is singing like the proverbial canary? And has promised to do so again in the witness box?
earlofhuntingdon says:
Possible, but I suspect Smith would have many witnesses for each element of any crime he charges. Rudy might be useful to help establish essential facts, but WTF would rely on him as a sole witness?
emptywheel says:
I’m sure he did not and I suspect EVERYONE is misreading the proffer sessions.
I suspect they are like the Trump grand jury invites, but offered on terms that Smith could get them booked before a Trump indictment. One or two people may have successfully used them to flip — certainly Mike Roman seemed like he was going to try. But for everyone else, Smith knew they’d lie and therefore knew the immunity would be easy to offer.
drewsill says:
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this blog, it’s don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched and it takes time and careful planning to handle such a large investigation. But the fact you can’t see much happening doesn’t mean it’s not.
I’m wondering if this (leaving important witnesses without target letters for now) might be a strategy to leave Trump twisting in the breeze, wondering and worrying which former official might have flipped?
In any event, my reaction: It’s about damned time! And another brick gets added to the wall.
Ravenclaw says:
Remarkable. Giuliani is in it up to his hair dye. If anything, you’d expect to see people like him (and Stone, and Flynn, and Eastman) indicted before Trump, as the logical stepping stone between Oath Keeper/Proud Boy leadership and the president. I’m guessing that either the letters are being staggered across several days/weeks or he made some sort of deal with the prosecutors – one he doesn’t want to talk about until he has to. More likely the former, but who knows?
Peterr says:
There’s also the distinct possibility that various others would be indicted *alongside* Trump, in the sense that one might indict members of a conspiracy at the same time one indicts their leader.
See, e.g., Walt Nauta indicted alongside Trump in the Mar-a-Lago case.
Ravenclaw says:
You know this stuff better than I do. But wouldn’t someone of Giuliani’s stature be likely to receive a warning letter? I mean, I get it that Nauta is a poor cog and lucky not to just have a squad car show up with handcuffs, but it seems like the “big boys” get more courteous treatment.
bmaz says:
Target letters are not about stature.
Ravenclaw says:
Yes, I see now that Nauta had received one as well. My stupid.
earlofhuntingdon says:
Anyone in the “right” position, regardless of stature, should receive a warning letter. I know you know this, but the legal system is not built around Trump and his cohort.
Edward Garratt says:
I’ve never received a target letter. Oh wait, I’ve never been arrested for a Federal crime either.
bmaz says:
And your point is what?
Terduken says:
Gawd, I hope Phoenix temps come down so you can recognize attempts at sarcasm.
earlofhuntingdon says:
Pretty sure he knows sarcasm when he sees it, heatwave or no.
earlofhuntingdon says:
Do you want one? Help elect Trump.
Ginevra diBenci says:
The thing that hung me up–and the reason for my question about Rudy singing like a canary–is his lawyer’s statement that he doesn’t expect Giuliani to be prosecuted.
I’m assuming this is Costello, and thus not entirely to be trusted, but it was that statement that spurred me to think Rudy had flipped, when it makes more sense to me to prosecute him too.
emptywheel says:
See also not to be trusted.
See also, probably has no fucking clue what’s going on.
Fran of the North says:
My impression is that those potential co-indictees attorneys have better clients than Epshteyn does.
harpie says:
John EASTMAN’s lawyer says EASTMAN has NOT received a target letter,
[per Kyle Cheney]:
Jul 18, 2023 · 5:55 PM UTC “Our client has received no target letter, and we don’t expect one since raising concerns about illegality in the conduct of an election is not now and has never been sanctionable.”-EASTMAN attorney
Charles Wolf says:
Target Letters from the DOJ are not mandatory, they are more like nasty courtesy letters… a bit like the kind you get reminding you to pay a traffic ticket.
Eastman probably has an indictment in his future, TL or no TL.
bmaz says:
But it was smart to issue one to Trump.
JT Moser says:
Since he has been “truthing” his defense every day since the event it would seem he could do it with one day notice. The extra days are to re-arrange his golf schedule
Jak R King says:
As I am a non-lawyer, can someone explain to me why the target of a criminal investigation is given a warning that they are a target? I never hear of bank robbery or murder suspects being given advance notice of a pending arrest.
Peterr says:
This is the DOJs way of saying “We have reason to suspect you of having committed a crime, and we’re offering you a chance to come in and explain why you think we are off base in our suspicions, or otherwise engage in plea discussions.”
> When a target is not called to testify pursuant to JM 9-11.150, and does not request to testify on his or her own motion (see JM 9-11.152), the prosecutor, in appropriate cases, is encouraged to notify such person a reasonable time before seeking an indictment in order to afford him or her an opportunity to testify before the grand jury, subject to the conditions set forth in JM 9-11.152. Notification would not be appropriate in routine clear cases or when such action might jeopardize the investigation or prosecution because of the likelihood of flight, destruction or fabrication of evidence, endangerment of other witnesses, undue delay or otherwise would be inconsistent with the ends of justice.
That provides some colour to me on why a former president might get different treatment than an everyday criminal.
bmaz says:
Target letters get issued every day. This is not the huge deal CNN is making it out to be.
boloboffin says:
Trump indicted soon.
The thing I can’t determine:
Red or white wine toast?
John B. says:
David Brooks says:
Damn. I can’t get wine toast at my local supermarket -or- wine shop. Use grape jelly and wait a while?
Probably a spelling error that left out the “h,” which would make it a commodity readily available on the Internet and in most Republican Party offices nationwide.
[…] One thing we don’t know: What potential crimes is Jack Smith eyeing.
He’s examined:
1] -Assembly of false elector slates
2] -Fundraising for the Jan. 6 rally
3] -Plans to seize voting machines
4] -Pressure campaign against states/Pence
5] -Trump actions on Jan. 6 [Link to POLITICO]
Based on conversations with sources close to witnesses in recent days, Smith is building a sprawling case focused on how Trump acted after he was informed by many that claiming the election was rigged would be pushing fraud… and whether Trump criminally conspired to block cert.
Thanks, harpie and EW for channeling Hostetter’s crystalline clarity. He explains each point so common-sensically that afterward I had that weird sensation of being unable to remember why I was confused.
I highly recommend EW’s post, which harpie linked above.
earlofhuntingdon says:
I’m sure this came as an absolute surprise to the Don and his consiglieri. Not. What this should do is alert reporters and readers that if there’s a leak over the course of any of his investigations and trials, the first place they should look for its source is Donald Trump.
Ginevra diBenci says:
As always.
Myra_Bo_Byra says:
Amazing how what goes around comes around: LOCK HIM UP!
Now, questions for the legal beagles among you: Will Trump use the same legal team as for MAL, and if not, who could possibly be left?
bmaz says:
Peterr says:
The answer to your last question perhaps depends on who might be indicted alongside Trump.
boatgeek says:
I’m honestly surprised that there was that much continuous sentence /without/ whining and lies. It’s more than 40 non-whining, non-lying words in a row!
The grammar fiend will criticize the runon sentence, but I’m far too mature to mention that. /s
ExRacerX says:
Agreed, although Trump’s repeating that it was Sunday night still leaves a whiny aftertaste. *ptui*
Then again, it’s a truly herculean task to surgically edit out all Trump’s lies and whining without also removing all context—that the post even remains readable is a triumph.
jecojeco says:
The preceding paragraph which got edited out for excessive whining is about twice as long. Somebody must have taught him that commas are good and periods are bad. There is a truth post preceding this one thats totally deranged, everything, including the kitchen sink is flying. And hasn’t poor John Edwards suffered enough?
trump’s truths obviously didn’t get grammar reviews but somebody made sure there were no crude threats directed at Jack Smith (I thinkk they’ll be in the 3AM special edition!)
Flerzo says:
Interesting to see what this does with today’s Cannon hearing. If I was Trump, I might hope to have her speed up the trial, and try to delay the other one.
1. He can play the victim, because even Cannon goes against him
2. She can influence that trial to end up with a non-conviction before the election
3. He will then proclaim exoneration, and witchhunt, witchhunt, witchhunt, and the MAGA & Co will gobble it up
Mark Palmgren says:
Yes, I do find it curious (euphemistically) that this statement was released just several hours before today’s 2:00pm hearing. Will be interested to learn – sadly no live audio stream – whether any of Trump’s defense team might mistakenly address “Justice” Cannon during the proceeding.
BirdGardener says:
Took me awhile, but I realized Trump may be trying to distract from today’s hearing before Cannon by directing everyone’s attention to the Jan. 6 grand jury. Seems to be working atm, too. Would suggest he is not confident about how Cannon will rule.
gertibird says:
Cannon won’t be single handily be able to keep Trump out of Federal trials now before the election. That’s a good thing too about this coming indictment.
David F. Snyder says:
I am so grateful to be spared reading the whining and lies. Seriously.
The list of charges in this indictment will be fascinating to read.
Littleoldlady says:
This must have been in concert with/in reaction to the judge giving them the Thursday deadline.
Popcorn with my wine for breakfast!
Seashell says:
If you Google ‘Donald Trump Truth Social’ non-subscribers can see only his posts. The second one, as of now, has a strange claim that seems like a clue, maybe.
>…a perfect phone call made to many lawyers and a Secretary of State, without any protestation of my call, because nothing that was said was wrong (it was clearly a complaint about an election), these are all HOAXES and SCAMS made up to stop me from fighting for the American People…<
Does anyone know about this phone call?
John B. says:
To my ear, it sounds like the infamous call to Georgia Sec of State Raffensberger for 11,780 votes.
Grain of Sand says:
That’s the one.
Seashell says:
I think you’re both right. For some reason, I had Pompeo in my head. Thank you!
jecojeco says:
In that same truth trump said his trial couldn’t be held in “dirty, filthy” DC because he recently called for direct Federal control and the jury pool will be against him for that. (He knows a DC trial won’t be like Cannon’s Florida home cooking!).
I think trump is thinking about direct Federal control of more cities than just DC, maybe most heavily democratic, minority cities with trump appointed administrators – who will of course, make sure there are “fair votes”
Matt___B says:
You mean like they appointed an “emergency manager” for Flint, Michigan? Or a “colonial governorship” a la Vichy in France?
xyxyxyxy says:
Don’t forget that Trump/Barr sent US marshals to direct Federal control in Portland. They killed Michael Reinoehl with no video or any evidence of wrong-doing by the marshals.
Rick Ryan says:
One of the very first statements he made as President (IIRC, even before the Muslim travel bans) was to threaten to “send the Feds” to Chicago (ostensibly to combat crime). He’s been thinking about doing that for a long time.
I’ve been morbidly curious why he never really tried it, if advisors convinced him it was a bad idea, if agency heads made it clear they’d refuse or undermine the order, or if he just sort of forgot about it amidst all his other self-induced crises and general flailing. I guess he did sort of try it in DC when he had federal agents teargas a protest to set up that Bible photo op in 2020, but they didn’t really try to maintain an increased presence after.
In this morning’s “Wake Up to Politics” newsletter, Gabe Fleisher writes “Truth Social — the go-to social media app for announcing imminent indictments.”
Barringer says:
Hi Marcy, thank you for sanitizing the message for our protection. Why did you not remove the words “a very short” referring to the 4 days? My understanding is that the days are the customary 24 hours long.
BirdGardener says:
—Did you see this over at TPM? It seems Trump may have appropriated Israeli antiquities that were supposed to be returned several weeks after they were received—in 2019—but ended up at MAL.
Antiquities belonging to Israel have been kept for the past several months at former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, and senior Israeli figures have unsuccessfully tried to have them returned to Israel.
Among the antiquities are ancient ceramic candles which are part of Israel’s national treasures collection. They were sent to the U.S. in 2019 with the approval of then-Director of the Israeli Antiquities Authority, Israel Hasson, on the condition that they be returned within weeks, yet almost four years later, they have yet to be returned.
It isn’t clear precisely how the antiquities ended up at Mar-a-Lago. “It is unclear whether Trump himself is aware that the items are on the premises of his estate,” Haaretz reports.
“It isn’t clear,” is not absolution. It means there’s been no investigation with power to compel cooperation. It means the Israelis are trying to keep this on the down low and get their property back without fuss, something Trump hasn’t much history in allowing. Trump has had these items for three and a half years.
The antiques would have been loaned to the USG, not to Trump personally. Somehow, Trump’s White House kept them and allowed them to be loaded onto shipments bound for MAL. Ordinarily, that puts the USG on the hook, but with the right to go after Trump personally on behalf of Israel, regardless of how or why he failed to return a foreign government’s property.
It’s unlikely Israel would accept Trump’s usual response to these things, which is that the owner actually gave these items to him. Even if they did, improbable at best, the gift would have been to the USG, not to Trump. Trump would have had to disclose any gift of this value, something he usually failed to do, which would be another in a list of illegal acts by Trump. Hopefully, for once, Trump will find and return these items without fanfare. The line for sparkle ponies starts on the right.
Ginevra diBenci says:
Earl, Trump had “a Second Amendment that says I can do whatever I want.”
What keeps a man who believes that from making off with government property, whether ours or Israel’s? For Trump the rubric “They’re mine” seems to have infinitely elasticity.
earlofhuntingdon says:
Nothing will stop Trump from trying. But another, parallel theft would not be a good look for a guy already in the midst of a prosecution involving the theft of govt documents and secrets.
Israel is trying hard not to embarrass Trump over this; they’ve putzed around for over three years asking nicely, only to be ignored. But it appears that the artifacts are rare and valuable enough that their owners are not going away, like some red state municipality Trump has shafted for half a million in security-related costs for a speaking event attended by twelve people.
e.a. foster says:
Heard about it on the evening news. omg You have to wonder about that boy. Perhaps Benni will send Mossad to pick them up from Mar a lago
Hasn’t Trump heard its very impolite to keep antiquities and some countries take it very seriously. Perhaps Trump wanted them as gifts for his daughter and son in law.
You have to be crazy to try to keep things like that, o.k. we’re talking about Trump and his mental state is still being discussed by many
newbroom says:
Gee, we hope this doesn’t inconvenience you, but you are hereby ordered before the Grand Jury by Thursday. Will be wild!
Peterr says:
This is not an order, but an offer, and Trump is under no obligation to take them up on it. And, as bmaz and others have noted, it rarely is in a potential defendant’s interests to go into the grand jury room.
Among other things, you can’t take a lawyer with you into the jury room. As bad as that might be for a typical defendant, can you imagine Trump in that setting? Trump’s lawyer would have to be put on a suicide watch, because God only knows what damage Trump’s testimony would do to his case.
My understanding is that Trump will not have counsel when testifying before the Grand Jury. If so, we might legitimately hope that his free association style of talking is likely to get him into trouble. Well, we can hope.
0Alexander Platt0 says:
It’s not like he’s actually going to show up. Isn’t this just a formality?
FLwolverine says:
I doubt he has the discipline to give concise answers, but if there’s no lawyer sitting there to remind him, does he even have the self-discipline to take the 5th Amendment consistently?
Fraud Guy says:
He has the right to remain silent, but not the ability.
Tim Weston says:
Stealing !
Matt___B says:
He’s not gonna show up, so no issue. It’s a voluntary invitation, which he most certainly will decline.
xyxyxyxy says:
He’s probably boarding his jet to fly to one of his golf courses. When he gets there he’ll do a press conference that he would return from the important trip to appear, but circumstances happen and he can’t make it back by Thursday.
Just like in the Carroll trial where of course he didn’t show up but couldn’t claim he was screwed as the judge extended the time for him to show his face in the trial.
CovariantTensor says:
I love the resulting brevity. The “MAGA” banner is also garbage and arguably should have been removed, but the rest is factually accurate information.
P’villain says:
Is it now a race to the courthouse between Smith and Willis? Presumably, if Smith indicts first, he would very much want to go to trial first.
David F. Snyder says:
Trump doesn’t show on Thursday. He’s the last GJ invitee most likely, being the focus figure in all this mess. Having no further information, I would not be surprised to see the GJ hand down the indictment on Friday, though I’d love it* if it happened on my birthday next week.
*h/t Don Jr.
FLwolverine says:
What are the possible consequences if Trump fails to show up on Thursday? Assuming he does appear (even if only to invoke the 5th Amendment), are there any clues about how long it would be before the grand jury decides whether or not to indict?
0Alexander Platt0 says:
Pretty sure it’s an invitation, not a subpoena. There’s no penalty and nobody expects him to go. IANAL.
Shadowalker says:
It was an invitation. Trump as usual is exaggerating. Though there is a very low* probability he is being called to testify about someone else, but that would be worked out with his lawyers some time ago, and we didn’t see the usual court filings claiming executive privilege.
*low as in close to nil.
Fly by Night says:
We should start a pool guessing how many miles Brandy will rack up shuttling between JFK, DCA, ATL and MIA.
Seashell says:
And give the total pot to her. She had me captivated with the PB trial.
earlofhuntingdon says:
As does this site, see the Support button top right, Brandi accepts donations directly.
bmaz says:
Fly by Night says:
Obviously still speculative, but I’m guessing “probably”.
FL Resister says:
One would think that a likely Jan 6 indictment would be an incentive to keep the Florida documents case on fast track to clear the deck for this trial. However, if your defense strategy is to not answer charges and avoid accountability, then delay appears about the only thing you’ve got. The question remains, what effect, if any, will this have on Judge Cannon’s trial date decisions?
gretapooh says:
Is it possible Jack plans on arresting all of the top players in one fell swoop?
[Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]
bmaz says:
smf88011 says:
While it might make great TV, it isn’t going to happen. Real life isn’t like what you see on TV.
Fuggle Hops says:
Question from a totally not a lawyer: Why does a prosecutor send a target letter? Is it a requirement? A courtesy? Does sending one prevent difficulties down the road? I guess I do see that it lets the prosecutor give the target a chance to come see the grand jury and give their two cents, and I can see why that might be prudent or required. Are there other purposes served by sending such a letter?
Do the answers to these questions shed light on who else involved in this case might receive such letters and when?
bmaz says:
It is a formality, is appropriate, and fine. No it sheds no additional light, they are personally directed.
CovariantTensor says:
It’s also a courtesy, right? Just because you don’t receive a target letter doesn’t mean you aren’t a target, correct?
timbozone says:
It’s more good policy rather than a courtesy.
CovariantTensor says:
My point was that trying to read the tea leaves as to who may be named as a defendant in a case based on who has or has not received a target letter to date may be a futile exercise. I think that’s what bmaz is saying too, much more economically..
harpie says:
CNN’s Kristin Holmes with news about someone
who WILL be testifying to “a GJ” [AGAIN] on THURSDAY:
Trump adviser Will Russell is expected to appear before a grand jury in Washington, DC, on Thursday in the special counsel’s investigation into Trump, two sources familiar with the matter tell CNN. He has already appeared at least 2 times.
Prior reporting also indicates Russell has also been represented by Stanley Woodward, who is in Fort Pierce, FL today with another of his clients, Walt Nauta. Increasingly, the action seems to be wherever Woodward goes. . . .
Savage Librarian says:
William Russell married Sarah Trevor who worked in Kellyanne Conway’s office in the WH. Their wedding was in Trump’s DC hotel. Russell moved to Florida and continued to work for Trump after he left the WH.
Here’s an earlier article Kristen Holmes wrote about him:
Maybe OT, but related to the December 18, 2020, Oval Office meeting and Trump’s subsequent now infamous tweet about Jan. 6 to be wild. This tweet advertised Peter Navarro’s “36-page report” first and then the “big protest” in DC on Jan. 6. I haven’t read about Navarro lately, and when, then only in the context of his upcoming trial because of contempt of Congress. I miss information about his role and/or acts after the release of his “report” and early 2021.
Eastman is regularly mentioned in the context of the J6 investigation. But wasn’t Navarro some “precursor” of Eastman, regarding the promotion of the “alternate” electors?
Spank Flaps says:
Only four SHORT days? I didn’t realise it was a leap year, daylight savings adjustment, or any other type of disruption to the space time continuum?
Fraud Guy says:
And now Michigan has charged the false Trump electors:
Yes. Maybe the Phoenix City Attorney can jump in next. Let’s make it as big of a farce as humanly possible. What a joke.
Purple Martin says:
Serious felonies that seem well within within the professional judgement and prosecutorial discretion of the Michigan State Attorney General (hardly a county or city district attorney). From Fraud Guy’s Detroit News link above…
16 false Trump electors face felony charges in Michigan
The Detroit News | Craig Mauger, Beth LeBlanc, July 18, 2023
Lansing — Attorney General Dana Nessel is leveling felony charges against 16 Republicans who signed a certificate falsely stating that Donald Trump won Michigan’s 2020 presidential election, launching criminal cases against top political figures inside the state GOP.
As part of the push to undermine Biden’s victory, Trump supporters gathered inside the then-Michigan Republican Party headquarters on Dec. 14, 2020, and signed a certificate, claiming to cast the state’s 16 electoral votes for Trump.
Eventually, the false certificate was sent to the National Archives and Congress. The document inaccurately claimed the Trump electors had met inside the Michigan Capitol. However, they hadn’t. Biden’s electors convened inside the Capitol, and the building was closed to others on Dec. 14, 2020.
Derek Muller, a law professor at Notre Dame Law School, said the criminal charges leveled are a “fraught” area of the law.
“…(I) am quite skeptical of this indictment but I’ll need some time to collect my thoughts,” Muller added in a post on Twitter.
Ryan Goodman, a law professor New York University School of Law, called the charges “a strong case” and noted the fake electors signed a sworn statement attesting “we convened and organized in the State Capitol.”
“In truth, they met (secretly) in GOP headquarters basement,” Goodman wrote on Twitter.
After initially referring the matter to federal prosecutors, in January, Nessel reopened a state-level investigation into the fake Trump electors, citing new documents released by a U.S. House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021 failed attempted insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
Rayne says:
Let’s keep an eye on Fair Use, please. This one just squeaks inside it at 256 words.
Purple Martin says:
Yes, I noticed, but good reminder.
I try to be careful of such things—should have removed the third paragraph since the same content was in the Ryan Goodman quote.
[FYI – your username was edited to match that of previous comments as I suspect you may have slipped and used your RL name. /~Rayne]
Rayne says:
Keep in mind some reminders aren’t just for the commenter publishing content approaching or exceeding 300 words — it’s for the readers who may reply as well.
Purple Martin says:
Yup, thx. I’ll try to be more careful. And I pay attention to all the universally-applicable reminders you post as lessons for all of us! :-)
bmaz says:
Well, good gawd, who can argue with Ryan and Muller? Except I will. And, yes, I know exactly who they are.
Purple Martin says:
Not surprised—they’re common conservative and liberal go-to sources for legal quotes. In this case you may agree with one of them, since they’re taking opposite positions.
Or is your issue not the legal question ( “skeptical of this indictment” versus “a strong case”), but AG Nessel’s professional judgement in this use of prosecutorial discretion?
bmaz says:
I will stay where I I am at.
Molly Pitcher says:
In other related court news, the NYT says: Michigan announced felony charges against 16 people in connection with a false elector scheme to overturn Donald Trump’s election loss in 2020.
“Each of the 16 defendants has been charged with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy to commit forgery. Those charged include Meshawn Maddock, a Trump ally and the co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party at the time.”
Thanks Earl and Harpie, I didn’t want to use a NYT link, but was in a hurry !
ToldainDarkwater says:
You know, now I’m wondering if the reason Jack Smith didn’t appear overly concerned with trying things before Judge Cannon is because he knew that it was all going to be a sideshow in comparison to the indictments concerning Jan 6, which will take place in a DC courtroom, for sure.
If that coming indictment reads anything like the docs case indictment, it’s going to be a lulu.
bmaz says:
Uh, no.
ToldainDarkwater says:
While terseness is laudable, I find that I frequently don’t know your mind, even after you comment. Maybe you consider that a plus, I mean, as a litigator, it probably is a plus. And I don’t know that you are (or were) a litigator, but the probability seems high.
However, my bmaz translator translates this as “Cannon is not really capable and possibly not interested in really messing up the docs trial, and so Smith just went with that, which is whare the GJ was convened in any case.”
Is this a decent rendering of your take?
bmaz says:
JAFO_NAL says:
I think of bmaz as the Calvin Coolidge of emptywheel (when President Coolidge was told by a dinner party guest that she had bet someone she could get more than three words out of him, he replied “You lose.”)
earlofhuntingdon says:
Unlike Trump, Jack Smith doesn’t waste time with sideshows.
So, the Jan. 6th volcano is rumbling and releasing a bit of smoke? Where’s that popcorn maker?
Thank you, Marcy, for de-toxifying his ST post – sparing us from that, I appreciate that you’re as good an editor as you are a journalist.
As usual, I don’t mind not speculating on charges or results, or the speculation about the speculation. We’ve waited long enough, but we can be patient a bit longer to see what kind of case Mr. Smith has developed.
I’m just hoping it isn’t another colossal disappointment in the end, like the Mueller Report or the Impeachments, because one political party resembles the mafia, or a demented religious cult, more and more every day. I want Justice to prevail, and Democracy to continue evolving and become more inclusive, tolerant and responsive to the needs of its citizens. But then again, I’ve been a hopeless romantic my whole life.
VinnieGambone says:
To me, hopeless romantic is a misnomer.
Hope is the very essence of Romance.
Vinnie Gambone says:
Could be before long we will be referring to Trump as the Not So Teflon Don .
fubar jack says:
I’ve occasionally imagined tfg in a jumpsuit that matches his complexion, and excited to see him face some serious consequences for his horrible and illegal behavior . However I have a real feeling of dread at the prospect of political violence ensuing from these developments. Am I overreacting? This blog is like a lucid tonic to what feels like a fever dream most days…
Cosmo Lecat says:
With several prominent people claiming they did not receive target letters, does that suggest Trump will not be charged with conspiracy? Could Trump be indicted for conspiracy with just one or more unindicted co-conspirators? I can’t recall if Michael Cohen was charged that way with Individual 1.
P J Evans says:
No, it just means that *they* aren’t in line for indictments in the next couple of weeks.
gertibird says:
Or that they are lying.
timbozone says:
And/or actively cooperating with investigators.
Rayne says:
“I can’t recall if Michael Cohen was charged that way with Individual 1.”
Then look it up before you come here.
willlgfdog says:
Hoping for or at least thinking about romance every day is wll worth while!
willlgfdog says:
‘well’ worth while! Apologies for the typing error. I am delighted to have been directed to empty wheels.
Rayne says:
I have the impression you believe this site will cater to your needs for romantic contacts, which would be the wrong conclusion.
Please focus on the topic of this post or move on.
willlgfdog says:
No Rayne. Your impression is incorrect. I was replying to the sentiments expressed by DrStuartC and VinnieGambone. No offense to EW was intended. Please take the allotted 5 minutes and remove my name, username, and email address. Have a nice day.
klynn says:
willlgfdog: It was difficult to follow that you were responding to DrStuartC and VinnieG. The blog experienced an attack yesterday and the concern for intentional misdirected traffic/comments and Rayne’s response, are part of her commitment as a mod for which I am grateful as a long time reader here. Had your comment been a reply to DrStuartC under his comment, it would have made sense and not appear like “junk mail” to readers. Or if you had noted DrStuart at the start of your comment, your comment would have had context. Rayne’s comment is appropriate.
willlgfdog says:
klynn: Your point is well taken. I am a slow typer and by the time I had completed my post and sent it the comments had moved past my reply. Your suggestion to begin with the name of the poster one is replying to has been employed. Thank you.
THE SPECIAL COUNSEL’S letter to Donald Trump related to Jan. 6 listed the federal statutes under which Trump is expected to be charged, including conspiracy, obstruction, and civil rights violations, according to a source with knowledge of the contents of the target letter. […]
The source said the statues listed likely refer to the prosecutor’s interest in charging Trump with obstructing the election certification process, including Trump efforts to pressure Mike Pence to stop the certification of President Biden’s 2020 victory.
This says 371, 1512 (labeled as tampering), and MAYBE 18 USC 241. The latter makes sense but has not been mentioned — it may relate to stuff Trump did BEFORE Jan 6.
Note, not campaign finance.
Others saying 18 USC 242, which would cover Trump doing this as a government employee.
Oops, sorry for the duplication, I now see that harpie already noted this. (I could have sworn that I checked before posting my comment, perhaps harpie’s was awaiting moderation due to the link, so I didn’t see it despite searching?)
IainUlysses says:
Deprivation of rights under color of law?
I’ve not heard that speculated on as a possible charge before. Did I miss something or is this more likely to refer to something we don’t know about? Or is it most likely Rolling Stone is being fed a story?
leolajeanne says:
My beloved Reality Chex is shutting down at the end of the month. I am thinking of hopping over to emptywheel for enlightenment. Reality Chex was an outgrowth from New York Times letters of one smart woman, and I will miss it fiercely. Am I welcome at emptywheel?
bmaz says:
Rayne says:
Welcome to emptywheel. You’ll find we do not cover as many topics all at the same time as RealityChex because this site is not an aggregator. If you’re looking for an alternative offering daily briefs on multiple topics, you may wish to consider The Morning News newsletter, Flipboard (comment sections can be wretched), memeorandum (leans center-right), or slashdot (mostly technology).
Purple Martin says:
I’ll second the Memeorandum automatic news headline aggregator. It’s nicely organized, constantly updated, and provides lots of links from all points on the political spectrum. It’s usually one of my early daily stops.
Don’t think it leans center-right as much as reflect that a lot more minor sites of right-wing nuttery than left-wing nuttery exist. In the same way and for the same reason, it probably cites more left-leaning then right-leaning major mainstream sites.
(As an aside, think I’m seeing more frequent top-level Emptywheel links there lately.)
Best thing is that unlike Meta, etc, it does NOT learn your preferences and start elevating things to enrage you…just keeps pumping out the links in proportion to what’s out there today.
Rayne says:
We’ll agree to disagree about the political bent. When a site chooses more right-wing/right of center sites to cite, it’s making a statement of its own position.
timbozone says:
As well, take a look at if you aren’t already well acquainted with it. The commentariati over there aren’t as focused as emptywheel though.
William312 says:
We have not (yet) heard that others received target letters.
If Trump is indicted first, why would prosecutors choose to do that rather than start with Eastman and Clark?
Shadowalker says:
Could be to apply pressure to make them flip, if they haven’t already.
HikaakiH says:
So, Eastman and Clark now have to consider whether Trump will show them the sort of loyalty he expects from his underlings: to wit, do they expect Trump to refrain from defending himself with some version of “these lawyers were telling me I could and should do these things”?
earlofhuntingdon says:
The whole world knows the answer about whether Trump will show anyone the loyalty he expects to come his way. It’s why his advisers all have bus tire tracks on their backs.
ThomasJ7777 says:
1. Seditious Conspiracy
2. Racketeering
3. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
4. Conspiracy to impede a federal official
5. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding of Congress.
That’s my guess for the indictment on Thursday and there will be several co-conspirators.
I wish that I could say for sure if the conspirators in Congress will be indicted as soon as Thursday, but I do not know if the appeals court ruling about Scott Perry’s phone has been made, and I do not know if the appeals court has ruled on DOJ’s access to the encrypted apps used by Jordan, Biggs, Perry, Gaetz, Higgins, Banks, Gohmert, Gosar, Smith, Clyde, Greene, Brooks, Hice and possibly others.
If there were sealed rulings that have somehow escaped all of the court watchers that I have checked, then we may indeed see those indictments and arrests within days.
My opinion is that the indictments on Thursday will not include charges about fake electors or insurrection or wire fraud racketeering or witness tampering or money laundering or bribery or campaign finance felonies, but that those will come in other indictments later this year.
I also believe that another espionage indictment is imminent and it may have something to do with Trump claiming that he “talked to Putin the other day.”
No one really knows if the lying nut is talking about one of his imaginary stories or if this is another one of his subconscious cries for help as he confesses to another crime in public,
BUT if he is telling the truth and he divulged some kind of national defense information to Putin while he was being wiretapped, then I would fully expect that crackpot clown to be inside of a military prison by this time next week, if not sooner.
I am a fiction writer but I have an uncanny prescience at times.
e.a. foster says:
Thank you for editing the B.S. out of his statement! Its now shorter and makes more sense.
“4 short days”. all days are 24 hrs.
Parker Dooley says:
“On Earth, a solar day is around 24 hours. However, Earth’s orbit is elliptical, meaning it’s not a perfect circle. That means some solar days on Earth are a few minutes longer than 24 hours and some are a few minutes shorter.”
Not sure where we are in the cycle.
e.a. foster says:
correct you are. now that you mention it, yes we did learn that in school. however like much we learned in school…………..
it was such a long time ago and now being retired for soooo many years, a few minutes here and there don’t matter, except when a forest fire is heading your way.
CovariantTensor says:
I will stipulate that “Four short days” is a rhetorical device, indicating that in his opinion he wasn’t given enough time to respond. Not a critique of the National Bureau of Standards. While it arguably is whining that should have been edited out by Marcy’s whine filter, I think it’s getting more attention than it deserves.
Rayne says:
Four days is fact. Short is opinion. If you want to quibble, focus on Trump’s personal opinion.
CovariantTensor says:
Exactly, and I don’t.
harpie says:
[Rayne and bmaz, I messed up an earlier very similar comment…
this is the better one, so there’s no need for the first. Thanks!]
Marcy and Zoe Tillman AGAIN point to an OBSTRUCTION charge:
Zoe, who has covered half the zillion Jan6 cases, confirms that this is obstruction and not witness tampering. [LINK] [THREAD]
Point being, TRUMP IS NOT DIFFERENT. Dozens, maybe a hundred, people have already been convicted of this. There are multiple cases before DC Circuit debating standards that will apply to Trump as they will all the other Jan6 (alleged) criminals.
The target letter Donald Trump announced he’d received in the Jan. 6 probe lists several criminal statutes he could be charged with, incl. one covering obstructing an official proceeding (common J6 charge) and conspiracy to commit offenses/defraud the US [THREAD] [Link to Bloomberg article]
Federal prosecutors examining former President Donald Trump’s attempt to hold onto power following the 2020 election requested surveillance and other security footage recorded at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, according to a subpoena obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
In a grand jury subpoena dated May 31, the Georgia Secretary of State’s office was directed to hand over “any and all security video or security footage, or any other video of any kind, depicting or taken at or near” State Farm and “any associated data.” […]
Even though Willis and Smith appear to be interested in similar sets of events, it doesn’t preclude each of them from bringing their own sets of charges under Georgia and federal laws. They could also coordinate with one another, though there are no public signs that something like that has occurred. […]
Boatsail says:
Let’s make one thing, as Mr. Nixon used to say before obscuring an issue, perfectly clear.
The Fort Pierce U.S. District Judge Aileene “Loose” Cannon set a trial date for August of this year.
The Special Counsel asked her to put the trial off to December of this year.
Judge “Loose” Cannon decisively did not set a new trial date.
She did, however opine that December was “too soon”.
This, it seems makes sense to Judge “Loose” Cannon.
It makes no sense to me.
Scott_in_MI says:
Cannon was required to set a preliminary trial date under the Speedy Trial Act. No one at all expected the trial to actually start in August; it’s just a placeholder while the parties file motions for continuance and other pre-trial matters.
CovariantTensor says:
At the hearing on the 18th she listened to both side’s arguments, and said she would make a decision soon. Nothing “loose Cannon” about that. Just because she made one batshit crazy opinion, about private citizen DJT being afforded extra privileges under the law as former POTUS, roundly rejected by the appeals court, doesn’t mean everything she does is “loose cannon”.
I will await those more knowledgeable than myself to notify us when it’s time to panic about Judge Cannon, before I will.
Also, I think there is a more appropriate active thread in which to discuss this.
bmaz says:
This was never going to be an easy case. Cannon may get loose, we shall see, but that time is not yet.
Scott_in_MI says:
An interesting point that came up on yesterday afternoon’s Lawfare Live discussion of things Trump-related: we don’t know that “4 days” in this instance means “by this Thursday.” Apparently the DC GJ is meeting three days a week (Tue, Thu, Fri), so theoretically this could mean “four GJ sessions,” meaning the clock runs out next Tuesday. I guess we won’t know for certain unless an indictment is handed down at the end of this week.
Time to fasten our safety belts! Thanks for the heads up, EW
Thank you for the humor this morning, EW.
In spite of how long the DOJ has been investigating Trump for Jan 6th, it still seems like a short period of time. Glad to see it’s here at last.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when Walt Nauta found out this news. It changes his calculus big time. The game theory / prisoner dilemma math changed big time with the additional outcome that he can’t impact.
If Nauta didn’t see this coming, I’d be pretty surprised—Fani Willis hasn’t exactly been playing her cards close to the vest.
I am not sure what you mean by this since the post is about Jack Smith’s Federal J6 Grand Jury not Fani Willis’s Georgia investigation.
I think it is a safe bet that Nauta has already agreed to let himself be convicted and go to prison if that is what it takes to spare DJT the slightest discomfort.
Don’t look for him to flip or panic. He will do just what he is told to do by the team and he has already agreed to “take one for the team.”
“His” attorney is clearly working for DJT and I am sure he is OK with that.
Perhaps repeated exposure to Trump’s odor-barrier-devastating stench destroys brain structures responsible for critical thinking, moral conduct and self-preservation?
It could explain a lot, and it’s possible Bob Woodward should be studied to try and figure out his apparent resistance / immunity? He’s been working in DC so long, perhaps exposure to the general political stench destroyed key olfactory paths which in healthy people transport the cause of damage into those deeper brain structures?
More likely, though, Nauta’s let Trump and Trump’s Nazgûl so deep into his life, that despite being terrified of the nigh-certain outcome, he (reasonably) questions even the US Government’s ability to keep him and his safe.
It’s getting busy. Might need a corkboard and some string to keep it all connected.
He and his business are scheduled to face trial in New York in October for fraud.
He’s scheduled to face trial in New York in January for defamation.
He’s scheduled to face trial in New York in March for the hush money case.
He’s likely facing charges for election tampering in Georgia in August.
And now he’s likely facing charges for J6 in as little as four days.
He and his lawyers will be living on his antiquated 757 for the next year.
This evoked a delicious, cinematic vision: somewhere adjacent to Smith’s team is one or more corkboard-and-string-thingies (and sticky notes!) depicting the web of relationships and the tendrils of the conspiracy.
1940s-movie newspaper headline montages
Hmm. I think something like a NNDB relationship map will be more effective — sadly, NNDB ran on Flash which is kaput.

I see NNDB reckons “animal nut” Queen Elizabeth is still alive. She cross-breeds corgis and dachshunds using a brick.
NNDB went into hiatus after 2021 once Adobe Flash software died — in other words, it kicked before Old Bess did.
I wish the site was reconstructed with an alternative to Flash.
Best part:
Risk Factors: Toupee
Flash is enabled in a browser named “FlashBrowser” available for download. Googlit.
Thanks but I don’t know the developer and I generally avoid most software produced outside the U.S. which doesn’t have a large userbase (that particular browser’s developer is in Romania).
I have a feeling that Smith will reference the “11,780 votes” call in the J6 indictment timeline, which should shed light on how silly Georgia is to investigate a Federal crime. Also, I thought the New York hush money trial was set for October. In any event, he’s in very serious trouble. And yet he won’t be jailed. He will walk free and try to incite a small civil war in the weeks ahead.
It’s very likely a state crime in Georgia to attempt to corrupt a Georgia state election official to change official tallies of votes for corrupt purpose. Georgia and its law enforcement officials have every legal right to ensure the election integrity of their own elections. Some people may not like that but it is not up to the Federal government typically to enforce local election laws when the local officials are fully capable of and willing to enforce those laws fairly and expeditiously.
We have state run elections for a national office. Trying to strong-arm the Georgia Secretary of State for the Georgia election is a state crime. Depending on which element you focus on, it can be a state or federal crime.
Lol, thanks for the help!
No civil wars with all the forest fires in British Columbia and all the rain and heat in the U.S.A. Just not on at this time. We’re all too busy. Of course if Trump wants to do something………..
When the Jan6 investigations started I was also thinking about corkboard and colored strings, but I figured you’d need something like a gymnasium to fit it.
Maybe, if you scale it down to just Trump, you could fit the thing into a school cafeteria.
I wanna see ALL of Dr Wheeler’s timelines!
I fear it would be like the main character Evelyn Wang’s experience of the multiverse in Everything Everywhere All At Once. LOL
ha ha! good one, Rayne!
“Four days to get my story straight?
“Come on Jack, give me 5”.
“…Or just wait until after the election?”
Or that thing we’re hearing less and less of recently: “But her emails!”
“Almost always means an Arrest and Indictment”…glad to know he is getting to be such an expert on getting indicted.
And he’s once…twice…(soon to be) three times indicted
And we love it, do
Then when he’s once…twice…three times convicted
We’ll love it, too
We’ll love it, too…
Uhhh… ok, channeling Eddie Murphy on SNL as Buckwheat.
“Unce, dice, feee times endided…”
MAGA MAGA HEY (h/t The Ramones)
MAGA MAGA we indict you
We indict you so say us
MAGA MAGA we indict you
We indict you so say us
We don’t want your grubby grifting no more
We just met Jack Smith and he knows the law
We don’t want your grubby grifting no more
We just met Jack Smith and he knows the law
M A G A everyone’s indictin’ me
M A G A everyone’s indictin’ me
Maga Maga Hey
Maga Maga Hey
Fixed rhyme for last couplet –
M A G A everyday’s indictin’ day
M A G A everyday’s indictin’ day
Maga Maga Hey
Maga Maga Hey
This announcement isn’t that surprising; I’m more interested in who else did, or didn’t, get target letters, particularly Mark Meadows.
Would Smith actually indict Trump first, without also indicting Eastman, Giuliani, Clark, et al?
According to Paula Reid, GIULIANI’s lawyer says he did NOT:
Jul 18, 2023 · 1:59 PM UTC
Thank you harpie! Do we understand this to mean that Rudy is singing like the proverbial canary? And has promised to do so again in the witness box?
Possible, but I suspect Smith would have many witnesses for each element of any crime he charges. Rudy might be useful to help establish essential facts, but WTF would rely on him as a sole witness?
I’m sure he did not and I suspect EVERYONE is misreading the proffer sessions.
I suspect they are like the Trump grand jury invites, but offered on terms that Smith could get them booked before a Trump indictment. One or two people may have successfully used them to flip — certainly Mike Roman seemed like he was going to try. But for everyone else, Smith knew they’d lie and therefore knew the immunity would be easy to offer.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this blog, it’s don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched and it takes time and careful planning to handle such a large investigation. But the fact you can’t see much happening doesn’t mean it’s not.
I’m wondering if this (leaving important witnesses without target letters for now) might be a strategy to leave Trump twisting in the breeze, wondering and worrying which former official might have flipped?
In any event, my reaction: It’s about damned time! And another brick gets added to the wall.
Remarkable. Giuliani is in it up to his hair dye. If anything, you’d expect to see people like him (and Stone, and Flynn, and Eastman) indicted before Trump, as the logical stepping stone between Oath Keeper/Proud Boy leadership and the president. I’m guessing that either the letters are being staggered across several days/weeks or he made some sort of deal with the prosecutors – one he doesn’t want to talk about until he has to. More likely the former, but who knows?
There’s also the distinct possibility that various others would be indicted *alongside* Trump, in the sense that one might indict members of a conspiracy at the same time one indicts their leader.
See, e.g., Walt Nauta indicted alongside Trump in the Mar-a-Lago case.
You know this stuff better than I do. But wouldn’t someone of Giuliani’s stature be likely to receive a warning letter? I mean, I get it that Nauta is a poor cog and lucky not to just have a squad car show up with handcuffs, but it seems like the “big boys” get more courteous treatment.
Target letters are not about stature.
Yes, I see now that Nauta had received one as well. My stupid.
Anyone in the “right” position, regardless of stature, should receive a warning letter. I know you know this, but the legal system is not built around Trump and his cohort.
I’ve never received a target letter. Oh wait, I’ve never been arrested for a Federal crime either.
And your point is what?
Gawd, I hope Phoenix temps come down so you can recognize attempts at sarcasm.
Pretty sure he knows sarcasm when he sees it, heatwave or no.
Do you want one? Help elect Trump.
The thing that hung me up–and the reason for my question about Rudy singing like a canary–is his lawyer’s statement that he doesn’t expect Giuliani to be prosecuted.
I’m assuming this is Costello, and thus not entirely to be trusted, but it was that statement that spurred me to think Rudy had flipped, when it makes more sense to me to prosecute him too.
See also not to be trusted.
See also, probably has no fucking clue what’s going on.
My impression is that those potential co-indictees attorneys have better clients than Epshteyn does.
John EASTMAN’s lawyer says EASTMAN has NOT received a target letter,
[per Kyle Cheney]:
Jul 18, 2023 · 5:55 PM UTC
“Our client has received no target letter, and we don’t expect one since raising concerns about illegality in the conduct of an election is not now and has never been sanctionable.”-EASTMAN attorney
Target Letters from the DOJ are not mandatory, they are more like nasty courtesy letters… a bit like the kind you get reminding you to pay a traffic ticket.
Eastman probably has an indictment in his future, TL or no TL.
But it was smart to issue one to Trump.
Since he has been “truthing” his defense every day since the event it would seem he could do it with one day notice. The extra days are to re-arrange his golf schedule
As I am a non-lawyer, can someone explain to me why the target of a criminal investigation is given a warning that they are a target? I never hear of bank robbery or murder suspects being given advance notice of a pending arrest.
This is the DOJs way of saying “We have reason to suspect you of having committed a crime, and we’re offering you a chance to come in and explain why you think we are off base in our suspicions, or otherwise engage in plea discussions.”
I’m not a lawyer, but provides this description of when it’s suitable to notify targets:
> When a target is not called to testify pursuant to JM 9-11.150, and does not request to testify on his or her own motion (see JM 9-11.152), the prosecutor, in appropriate cases, is encouraged to notify such person a reasonable time before seeking an indictment in order to afford him or her an opportunity to testify before the grand jury, subject to the conditions set forth in JM 9-11.152. Notification would not be appropriate in routine clear cases or when such action might jeopardize the investigation or prosecution because of the likelihood of flight, destruction or fabrication of evidence, endangerment of other witnesses, undue delay or otherwise would be inconsistent with the ends of justice.
That provides some colour to me on why a former president might get different treatment than an everyday criminal.
Target letters get issued every day. This is not the huge deal CNN is making it out to be.
Trump indicted soon.
The thing I can’t determine:
Red or white wine toast?
Damn. I can’t get wine toast at my local supermarket -or- wine shop. Use grape jelly and wait a while?
I believe I can help, I’m an indictment sommelier.
May I suggest Waltine Saltines ?
“Chico, Harpo & Groucho Marx at the piano (Animal Crackers, 1930)”
Probably a spelling error that left out the “h,” which would make it a commodity readily available on the Internet and in most Republican Party offices nationwide.
Popcorn for breakfast !
Jul 18, 2023 · 1:25 PM UTC
And here is Robert Costa [via Laura Rozen]:
Jul 18, 2023 · 2:09 PM UTC
Marcy has some advice for journalists:
Jul 18, 2023 · 2:33 PM UTC
Marcy wrote about HOSTETTER at this post, under the heading:
I lost a comment here, about HOSTETTER. If it’s not back there, I’ll repost…THANKS!
Marcy has some advice for journalists:
Jul 18, 2023 · 2:33 PM UTC
Read Marcy on HOSTETTER, here, under the header
Thanks, harpie and EW for channeling Hostetter’s crystalline clarity. He explains each point so common-sensically that afterward I had that weird sensation of being unable to remember why I was confused.
I highly recommend EW’s post, which harpie linked above.
I’m sure this came as an absolute surprise to the Don and his consiglieri. Not. What this should do is alert reporters and readers that if there’s a leak over the course of any of his investigations and trials, the first place they should look for its source is Donald Trump.
As always.
Amazing how what goes around comes around: LOCK HIM UP!
Now, questions for the legal beagles among you: Will Trump use the same legal team as for MAL, and if not, who could possibly be left?
The answer to your last question perhaps depends on who might be indicted alongside Trump.
I’m honestly surprised that there was that much continuous sentence /without/ whining and lies. It’s more than 40 non-whining, non-lying words in a row!
The grammar fiend will criticize the runon sentence, but I’m far too mature to mention that. /s
Agreed, although Trump’s repeating that it was Sunday night still leaves a whiny aftertaste. *ptui*
Then again, it’s a truly herculean task to surgically edit out all Trump’s lies and whining without also removing all context—that the post even remains readable is a triumph.
The preceding paragraph which got edited out for excessive whining is about twice as long. Somebody must have taught him that commas are good and periods are bad. There is a truth post preceding this one thats totally deranged, everything, including the kitchen sink is flying. And hasn’t poor John Edwards suffered enough?
trump’s truths obviously didn’t get grammar reviews but somebody made sure there were no crude threats directed at Jack Smith (I thinkk they’ll be in the 3AM special edition!)
Interesting to see what this does with today’s Cannon hearing. If I was Trump, I might hope to have her speed up the trial, and try to delay the other one.
1. He can play the victim, because even Cannon goes against him
2. She can influence that trial to end up with a non-conviction before the election
3. He will then proclaim exoneration, and witchhunt, witchhunt, witchhunt, and the MAGA & Co will gobble it up
Yes, I do find it curious (euphemistically) that this statement was released just several hours before today’s 2:00pm hearing. Will be interested to learn – sadly no live audio stream – whether any of Trump’s defense team might mistakenly address “Justice” Cannon during the proceeding.
Took me awhile, but I realized Trump may be trying to distract from today’s hearing before Cannon by directing everyone’s attention to the Jan. 6 grand jury. Seems to be working atm, too. Would suggest he is not confident about how Cannon will rule.
Cannon won’t be single handily be able to keep Trump out of Federal trials now before the election. That’s a good thing too about this coming indictment.
I am so grateful to be spared reading the whining and lies. Seriously.
The list of charges in this indictment will be fascinating to read.
This must have been in concert with/in reaction to the judge giving them the Thursday deadline.
Popcorn with my wine for breakfast!
If you Google ‘Donald Trump Truth Social’ non-subscribers can see only his posts. The second one, as of now, has a strange claim that seems like a clue, maybe.
>…a perfect phone call made to many lawyers and a Secretary of State, without any protestation of my call, because nothing that was said was wrong (it was clearly a complaint about an election), these are all HOAXES and SCAMS made up to stop me from fighting for the American People…<
Does anyone know about this phone call?
To my ear, it sounds like the infamous call to Georgia Sec of State Raffensberger for 11,780 votes.
That’s the one.
I think you’re both right. For some reason, I had Pompeo in my head. Thank you!
In that same truth trump said his trial couldn’t be held in “dirty, filthy” DC because he recently called for direct Federal control and the jury pool will be against him for that. (He knows a DC trial won’t be like Cannon’s Florida home cooking!).
I think trump is thinking about direct Federal control of more cities than just DC, maybe most heavily democratic, minority cities with trump appointed administrators – who will of course, make sure there are “fair votes”
You mean like they appointed an “emergency manager” for Flint, Michigan? Or a “colonial governorship” a la Vichy in France?
Don’t forget that Trump/Barr sent US marshals to direct Federal control in Portland. They killed Michael Reinoehl with no video or any evidence of wrong-doing by the marshals.
One of the very first statements he made as President (IIRC, even before the Muslim travel bans) was to threaten to “send the Feds” to Chicago (ostensibly to combat crime). He’s been thinking about doing that for a long time.
I’ve been morbidly curious why he never really tried it, if advisors convinced him it was a bad idea, if agency heads made it clear they’d refuse or undermine the order, or if he just sort of forgot about it amidst all his other self-induced crises and general flailing. I guess he did sort of try it in DC when he had federal agents teargas a protest to set up that Bible photo op in 2020, but they didn’t really try to maintain an increased presence after.
I guess he didn’t see a way to monetize “sending the feds” in to Chicago.
In this morning’s “Wake Up to Politics” newsletter, Gabe Fleisher writes “Truth Social — the go-to social media app for announcing imminent indictments.”
Hi Marcy, thank you for sanitizing the message for our protection. Why did you not remove the words “a very short” referring to the 4 days? My understanding is that the days are the customary 24 hours long.
—Did you see this over at TPM? It seems Trump may have appropriated Israeli antiquities that were supposed to be returned several weeks after they were received—in 2019—but ended up at MAL.
“It isn’t clear,” is not absolution. It means there’s been no investigation with power to compel cooperation. It means the Israelis are trying to keep this on the down low and get their property back without fuss, something Trump hasn’t much history in allowing. Trump has had these items for three and a half years.
The antiques would have been loaned to the USG, not to Trump personally. Somehow, Trump’s White House kept them and allowed them to be loaded onto shipments bound for MAL. Ordinarily, that puts the USG on the hook, but with the right to go after Trump personally on behalf of Israel, regardless of how or why he failed to return a foreign government’s property.
It’s unlikely Israel would accept Trump’s usual response to these things, which is that the owner actually gave these items to him. Even if they did, improbable at best, the gift would have been to the USG, not to Trump. Trump would have had to disclose any gift of this value, something he usually failed to do, which would be another in a list of illegal acts by Trump. Hopefully, for once, Trump will find and return these items without fanfare. The line for sparkle ponies starts on the right.
Earl, Trump had “a Second Amendment that says I can do whatever I want.”
What keeps a man who believes that from making off with government property, whether ours or Israel’s? For Trump the rubric “They’re mine” seems to have infinitely elasticity.
Nothing will stop Trump from trying. But another, parallel theft would not be a good look for a guy already in the midst of a prosecution involving the theft of govt documents and secrets.
Israel is trying hard not to embarrass Trump over this; they’ve putzed around for over three years asking nicely, only to be ignored. But it appears that the artifacts are rare and valuable enough that their owners are not going away, like some red state municipality Trump has shafted for half a million in security-related costs for a speaking event attended by twelve people.
Heard about it on the evening news. omg You have to wonder about that boy. Perhaps Benni will send Mossad to pick them up from Mar a lago
Hasn’t Trump heard its very impolite to keep antiquities and some countries take it very seriously. Perhaps Trump wanted them as gifts for his daughter and son in law.
You have to be crazy to try to keep things like that, o.k. we’re talking about Trump and his mental state is still being discussed by many
Gee, we hope this doesn’t inconvenience you, but you are hereby ordered before the Grand Jury by Thursday. Will be wild!
This is not an order, but an offer, and Trump is under no obligation to take them up on it. And, as bmaz and others have noted, it rarely is in a potential defendant’s interests to go into the grand jury room.
Among other things, you can’t take a lawyer with you into the jury room. As bad as that might be for a typical defendant, can you imagine Trump in that setting? Trump’s lawyer would have to be put on a suicide watch, because God only knows what damage Trump’s testimony would do to his case.
My understanding is that Trump will not have counsel when testifying before the Grand Jury. If so, we might legitimately hope that his free association style of talking is likely to get him into trouble. Well, we can hope.
It’s not like he’s actually going to show up. Isn’t this just a formality?
I doubt he has the discipline to give concise answers, but if there’s no lawyer sitting there to remind him, does he even have the self-discipline to take the 5th Amendment consistently?
He has the right to remain silent, but not the ability.
Stealing !
He’s not gonna show up, so no issue. It’s a voluntary invitation, which he most certainly will decline.
He’s probably boarding his jet to fly to one of his golf courses. When he gets there he’ll do a press conference that he would return from the important trip to appear, but circumstances happen and he can’t make it back by Thursday.
Just like in the Carroll trial where of course he didn’t show up but couldn’t claim he was screwed as the judge extended the time for him to show his face in the trial.
I love the resulting brevity. The “MAGA” banner is also garbage and arguably should have been removed, but the rest is factually accurate information.
Is it now a race to the courthouse between Smith and Willis? Presumably, if Smith indicts first, he would very much want to go to trial first.
Trump doesn’t show on Thursday. He’s the last GJ invitee most likely, being the focus figure in all this mess. Having no further information, I would not be surprised to see the GJ hand down the indictment on Friday, though I’d love it* if it happened on my birthday next week.
*h/t Don Jr.
What are the possible consequences if Trump fails to show up on Thursday? Assuming he does appear (even if only to invoke the 5th Amendment), are there any clues about how long it would be before the grand jury decides whether or not to indict?
Pretty sure it’s an invitation, not a subpoena. There’s no penalty and nobody expects him to go. IANAL.
It was an invitation. Trump as usual is exaggerating. Though there is a very low* probability he is being called to testify about someone else, but that would be worked out with his lawyers some time ago, and we didn’t see the usual court filings claiming executive privilege.
*low as in close to nil.
We should start a pool guessing how many miles Brandy will rack up shuttling between JFK, DCA, ATL and MIA.
And give the total pot to her. She had me captivated with the PB trial.
As does this site, see the Support button top right, Brandi accepts donations directly.
Obviously still speculative, but I’m guessing “probably”.
One would think that a likely Jan 6 indictment would be an incentive to keep the Florida documents case on fast track to clear the deck for this trial. However, if your defense strategy is to not answer charges and avoid accountability, then delay appears about the only thing you’ve got. The question remains, what effect, if any, will this have on Judge Cannon’s trial date decisions?
Is it possible Jack plans on arresting all of the top players in one fell swoop?
[Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]
While it might make great TV, it isn’t going to happen. Real life isn’t like what you see on TV.
Question from a totally not a lawyer: Why does a prosecutor send a target letter? Is it a requirement? A courtesy? Does sending one prevent difficulties down the road? I guess I do see that it lets the prosecutor give the target a chance to come see the grand jury and give their two cents, and I can see why that might be prudent or required. Are there other purposes served by sending such a letter?
Do the answers to these questions shed light on who else involved in this case might receive such letters and when?
It is a formality, is appropriate, and fine. No it sheds no additional light, they are personally directed.
It’s also a courtesy, right? Just because you don’t receive a target letter doesn’t mean you aren’t a target, correct?
It’s more good policy rather than a courtesy.
My point was that trying to read the tea leaves as to who may be named as a defendant in a case based on who has or has not received a target letter to date may be a futile exercise. I think that’s what bmaz is saying too, much more economically..
CNN’s Kristin Holmes with news about someone
who WILL be testifying to “a GJ” [AGAIN] on THURSDAY:
Jul 18, 2023 · 6:26 PM UTC
William RUSSELL’s attorney: Stanley WOODWARD
Jul 18, 2023 · 6:42 PM UTC
William Russell married Sarah Trevor who worked in Kellyanne Conway’s office in the WH. Their wedding was in Trump’s DC hotel. Russell moved to Florida and continued to work for Trump after he left the WH.
Here’s an earlier article Kristen Holmes wrote about him:
Maybe OT, but related to the December 18, 2020, Oval Office meeting and Trump’s subsequent now infamous tweet about Jan. 6 to be wild. This tweet advertised Peter Navarro’s “36-page report” first and then the “big protest” in DC on Jan. 6. I haven’t read about Navarro lately, and when, then only in the context of his upcoming trial because of contempt of Congress. I miss information about his role and/or acts after the release of his “report” and early 2021.
Eastman is regularly mentioned in the context of the J6 investigation. But wasn’t Navarro some “precursor” of Eastman, regarding the promotion of the “alternate” electors?
Only four SHORT days? I didn’t realise it was a leap year, daylight savings adjustment, or any other type of disruption to the space time continuum?
And now Michigan has charged the false Trump electors:
Yes. Maybe the Phoenix City Attorney can jump in next. Let’s make it as big of a farce as humanly possible. What a joke.
Serious felonies that seem well within within the professional judgement and prosecutorial discretion of the Michigan State Attorney General (hardly a county or city district attorney). From Fraud Guy’s Detroit News link above…
Let’s keep an eye on Fair Use, please. This one just squeaks inside it at 256 words.
Yes, I noticed, but good reminder.
I try to be careful of such things—should have removed the third paragraph since the same content was in the Ryan Goodman quote.
[FYI – your username was edited to match that of previous comments as I suspect you may have slipped and used your RL name. /~Rayne]
Keep in mind some reminders aren’t just for the commenter publishing content approaching or exceeding 300 words — it’s for the readers who may reply as well.
Yup, thx. I’ll try to be more careful. And I pay attention to all the universally-applicable reminders you post as lessons for all of us! :-)
Well, good gawd, who can argue with Ryan and Muller? Except I will. And, yes, I know exactly who they are.
Not surprised—they’re common conservative and liberal go-to sources for legal quotes. In this case you may agree with one of them, since they’re taking opposite positions.
Or is your issue not the legal question ( “skeptical of this indictment” versus “a strong case”), but AG Nessel’s professional judgement in this use of prosecutorial discretion?
I will stay where I I am at.
In other related court news, the NYT says: Michigan announced felony charges against 16 people in connection with a false elector scheme to overturn Donald Trump’s election loss in 2020.
“Each of the 16 defendants has been charged with eight felony counts, including forgery and conspiracy to commit forgery. Those charged include Meshawn Maddock, a Trump ally and the co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party at the time.”
Marcy’s got a post up about this already!
Thanks Earl and Harpie, I didn’t want to use a NYT link, but was in a hurry !
You know, now I’m wondering if the reason Jack Smith didn’t appear overly concerned with trying things before Judge Cannon is because he knew that it was all going to be a sideshow in comparison to the indictments concerning Jan 6, which will take place in a DC courtroom, for sure.
If that coming indictment reads anything like the docs case indictment, it’s going to be a lulu.
Uh, no.
While terseness is laudable, I find that I frequently don’t know your mind, even after you comment. Maybe you consider that a plus, I mean, as a litigator, it probably is a plus. And I don’t know that you are (or were) a litigator, but the probability seems high.
However, my bmaz translator translates this as “Cannon is not really capable and possibly not interested in really messing up the docs trial, and so Smith just went with that, which is whare the GJ was convened in any case.”
Is this a decent rendering of your take?
I think of bmaz as the Calvin Coolidge of emptywheel (when President Coolidge was told by a dinner party guest that she had bet someone she could get more than three words out of him, he replied “You lose.”)
Unlike Trump, Jack Smith doesn’t waste time with sideshows.
So, the Jan. 6th volcano is rumbling and releasing a bit of smoke? Where’s that popcorn maker?
Thank you, Marcy, for de-toxifying his ST post – sparing us from that, I appreciate that you’re as good an editor as you are a journalist.
As usual, I don’t mind not speculating on charges or results, or the speculation about the speculation. We’ve waited long enough, but we can be patient a bit longer to see what kind of case Mr. Smith has developed.
I’m just hoping it isn’t another colossal disappointment in the end, like the Mueller Report or the Impeachments, because one political party resembles the mafia, or a demented religious cult, more and more every day. I want Justice to prevail, and Democracy to continue evolving and become more inclusive, tolerant and responsive to the needs of its citizens. But then again, I’ve been a hopeless romantic my whole life.
To me, hopeless romantic is a misnomer.
Hope is the very essence of Romance.
Could be before long we will be referring to Trump as the Not So Teflon Don .
I’ve occasionally imagined tfg in a jumpsuit that matches his complexion, and excited to see him face some serious consequences for his horrible and illegal behavior . However I have a real feeling of dread at the prospect of political violence ensuing from these developments. Am I overreacting? This blog is like a lucid tonic to what feels like a fever dream most days…
With several prominent people claiming they did not receive target letters, does that suggest Trump will not be charged with conspiracy? Could Trump be indicted for conspiracy with just one or more unindicted co-conspirators? I can’t recall if Michael Cohen was charged that way with Individual 1.
No, it just means that *they* aren’t in line for indictments in the next couple of weeks.
Or that they are lying.
And/or actively cooperating with investigators.
“I can’t recall if Michael Cohen was charged that way with Individual 1.”
Then look it up before you come here.
Hoping for or at least thinking about romance every day is wll worth while!
‘well’ worth while! Apologies for the typing error. I am delighted to have been directed to empty wheels.
I have the impression you believe this site will cater to your needs for romantic contacts, which would be the wrong conclusion.
Please focus on the topic of this post or move on.
No Rayne. Your impression is incorrect. I was replying to the sentiments expressed by DrStuartC and VinnieGambone. No offense to EW was intended. Please take the allotted 5 minutes and remove my name, username, and email address. Have a nice day.
willlgfdog: It was difficult to follow that you were responding to DrStuartC and VinnieG. The blog experienced an attack yesterday and the concern for intentional misdirected traffic/comments and Rayne’s response, are part of her commitment as a mod for which I am grateful as a long time reader here. Had your comment been a reply to DrStuartC under his comment, it would have made sense and not appear like “junk mail” to readers. Or if you had noted DrStuart at the start of your comment, your comment would have had context. Rayne’s comment is appropriate.
klynn: Your point is well taken. I am a slow typer and by the time I had completed my post and sent it the comments had moved past my reply. Your suggestion to begin with the name of the poster one is replying to has been employed. Thank you.
Rolling Stone source re: TARGET LETTER:
Special Counsel’s Jan. 6 Target Letter to Trump Mentions Conspiracy, Tampering The letter does not mention statutes relating to insurrection or sedition, a source tells Rolling Stone JANA WINTER 7/18/23
Marcy is tweeting about it here:
Jul 18, 2023 · 10:25 PM UTC
Marcy, in that link:
Per an unnamed Rolling Stone source, the statutes listed in the target letter include “Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud the United States; deprivation of rights under color of law; and tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.”
Oops, sorry for the duplication, I now see that harpie already noted this. (I could have sworn that I checked before posting my comment, perhaps harpie’s was awaiting moderation due to the link, so I didn’t see it despite searching?)
Deprivation of rights under color of law?
I’ve not heard that speculated on as a possible charge before. Did I miss something or is this more likely to refer to something we don’t know about? Or is it most likely Rolling Stone is being fed a story?
My beloved Reality Chex is shutting down at the end of the month. I am thinking of hopping over to emptywheel for enlightenment. Reality Chex was an outgrowth from New York Times letters of one smart woman, and I will miss it fiercely. Am I welcome at emptywheel?
Welcome to emptywheel. You’ll find we do not cover as many topics all at the same time as RealityChex because this site is not an aggregator. If you’re looking for an alternative offering daily briefs on multiple topics, you may wish to consider The Morning News newsletter, Flipboard (comment sections can be wretched), memeorandum (leans center-right), or slashdot (mostly technology).
I’ll second the Memeorandum automatic news headline aggregator. It’s nicely organized, constantly updated, and provides lots of links from all points on the political spectrum. It’s usually one of my early daily stops.
Don’t think it leans center-right as much as reflect that a lot more minor sites of right-wing nuttery than left-wing nuttery exist. In the same way and for the same reason, it probably cites more left-leaning then right-leaning major mainstream sites.
(As an aside, think I’m seeing more frequent top-level Emptywheel links there lately.)
Best thing is that unlike Meta, etc, it does NOT learn your preferences and start elevating things to enrage you…just keeps pumping out the links in proportion to what’s out there today.
We’ll agree to disagree about the political bent. When a site chooses more right-wing/right of center sites to cite, it’s making a statement of its own position.
As well, take a look at if you aren’t already well acquainted with it. The commentariati over there aren’t as focused as emptywheel though.
We have not (yet) heard that others received target letters.
If Trump is indicted first, why would prosecutors choose to do that rather than start with Eastman and Clark?
Could be to apply pressure to make them flip, if they haven’t already.
So, Eastman and Clark now have to consider whether Trump will show them the sort of loyalty he expects from his underlings: to wit, do they expect Trump to refrain from defending himself with some version of “these lawyers were telling me I could and should do these things”?
The whole world knows the answer about whether Trump will show anyone the loyalty he expects to come his way. It’s why his advisers all have bus tire tracks on their backs.
1. Seditious Conspiracy
2. Racketeering
3. Conspiracy to Defraud the United States
4. Conspiracy to impede a federal official
5. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding of Congress.
That’s my guess for the indictment on Thursday and there will be several co-conspirators.
I wish that I could say for sure if the conspirators in Congress will be indicted as soon as Thursday, but I do not know if the appeals court ruling about Scott Perry’s phone has been made, and I do not know if the appeals court has ruled on DOJ’s access to the encrypted apps used by Jordan, Biggs, Perry, Gaetz, Higgins, Banks, Gohmert, Gosar, Smith, Clyde, Greene, Brooks, Hice and possibly others.
If there were sealed rulings that have somehow escaped all of the court watchers that I have checked, then we may indeed see those indictments and arrests within days.
My opinion is that the indictments on Thursday will not include charges about fake electors or insurrection or wire fraud racketeering or witness tampering or money laundering or bribery or campaign finance felonies, but that those will come in other indictments later this year.
I also believe that another espionage indictment is imminent and it may have something to do with Trump claiming that he “talked to Putin the other day.”
No one really knows if the lying nut is talking about one of his imaginary stories or if this is another one of his subconscious cries for help as he confesses to another crime in public,
BUT if he is telling the truth and he divulged some kind of national defense information to Putin while he was being wiretapped, then I would fully expect that crackpot clown to be inside of a military prison by this time next week, if not sooner.
I am a fiction writer but I have an uncanny prescience at times.
Thank you for editing the B.S. out of his statement! Its now shorter and makes more sense.
“4 short days”. all days are 24 hrs.
“On Earth, a solar day is around 24 hours. However, Earth’s orbit is elliptical, meaning it’s not a perfect circle. That means some solar days on Earth are a few minutes longer than 24 hours and some are a few minutes shorter.”
Not sure where we are in the cycle.
correct you are. now that you mention it, yes we did learn that in school. however like much we learned in school…………..
it was such a long time ago and now being retired for soooo many years, a few minutes here and there don’t matter, except when a forest fire is heading your way.
I will stipulate that “Four short days” is a rhetorical device, indicating that in his opinion he wasn’t given enough time to respond. Not a critique of the National Bureau of Standards. While it arguably is whining that should have been edited out by Marcy’s whine filter, I think it’s getting more attention than it deserves.
Four days is fact. Short is opinion. If you want to quibble, focus on Trump’s personal opinion.
Exactly, and I don’t.
[Rayne and bmaz, I messed up an earlier very similar comment…
this is the better one, so there’s no need for the first. Thanks!]
Marcy and Zoe Tillman AGAIN point to an OBSTRUCTION charge:
Jul 19, 2023 · 10:42 AM UTC
Links to:
Jul 19, 2023 · 10:37 AM UTC
EXCLUSIVE: Feds sought surveillance video from State Farm Arena in Trump probe Tammar Hellerman 7/19/23
Let’s make one thing, as Mr. Nixon used to say before obscuring an issue, perfectly clear.
The Fort Pierce U.S. District Judge Aileene “Loose” Cannon set a trial date for August of this year.
The Special Counsel asked her to put the trial off to December of this year.
Judge “Loose” Cannon decisively did not set a new trial date.
She did, however opine that December was “too soon”.
This, it seems makes sense to Judge “Loose” Cannon.
It makes no sense to me.
Cannon was required to set a preliminary trial date under the Speedy Trial Act. No one at all expected the trial to actually start in August; it’s just a placeholder while the parties file motions for continuance and other pre-trial matters.
At the hearing on the 18th she listened to both side’s arguments, and said she would make a decision soon. Nothing “loose Cannon” about that. Just because she made one batshit crazy opinion, about private citizen DJT being afforded extra privileges under the law as former POTUS, roundly rejected by the appeals court, doesn’t mean everything she does is “loose cannon”.
I will await those more knowledgeable than myself to notify us when it’s time to panic about Judge Cannon, before I will.
Also, I think there is a more appropriate active thread in which to discuss this.
This was never going to be an easy case. Cannon may get loose, we shall see, but that time is not yet.
An interesting point that came up on yesterday afternoon’s Lawfare Live discussion of things Trump-related: we don’t know that “4 days” in this instance means “by this Thursday.” Apparently the DC GJ is meeting three days a week (Tue, Thu, Fri), so theoretically this could mean “four GJ sessions,” meaning the clock runs out next Tuesday. I guess we won’t know for certain unless an indictment is handed down at the end of this week.