June 9, 2023 / by emptywheel


Defendant-1’s 38 Count Indictment

Here’s a link. I’ll update in a bit.

There are 31 counts for withholding documents, each holding a 10 year sentencing, on top of the obstruction charges. I’ll summarize them:

  1. May 3, 2018 White House intelligence briefing (TS/NOFORN/SPECIALHANDLING)
  2. May 9, 2018 White House intelligence briefing (TS/SI/NOFORN/SPECIAL HANDLING)
  3. Undated military capabilities of foreign country with Sharpie annotation
  4. May 6, 2019 White House intelligence briefing (TS/SPECIALHANDLING)
  5. June 2020 concerning nuclear capabilities of foreign country (TS/XX/XX/ORCON/NOFORN)
  6. June 4, 2020 White House intelligence briefing (TS/SPECIAL HANDLING)
  7. October 21, 2018 communications with leader of foreign country (S/NOFORN)
  8. October 4, 2019 military capabilities of foreign country (S/REL TO USA FVY)
  9. Undated document concerning military attacks by foreign country (TS/XX/XX/ORCON/NOFORN/FISA)
  10. November 2017 document concerning military capabilities of foreign country (TS/TK/NOFORN)
  11. Undated document concerning military contingency planning of US (no marking)
  12. Undated document concerning projected regional military capabilities of foreign country S/REL to USA/FVEY)
  13. Undated document concerning military capabilities of foreign country and United States (TS/SI/TK/NOFORN)
  14. January 2020 concerning military options of a foreign country (S/ORCON/NOFORN)
  15. February 2020 concerning policies in a foreign country (S/ORCON/NOFORN)
  16. December 2019 concerning foreign country support of terrorist attacks against US interests (S/ORCON/NOFORN)
  17. January 2020 concerning military capabilities of foreign country (TS/XX/TK/ORCON/IMCON/NOFORN)
  18. March 2020 concerning military operations against US forces (S/NOFORN)
  19. Undated document concerning nuclear weaponry of US (S/FR)
  20. Undated document concerning timeline and details of attack in foreign country (TS/XX/ORCON/NOFORN)
  21. Undated doc concerning military capabilities of foreign countries (S/NOFORN)

  22. August 2019 concerning regional military activity of a foreign country  (TS/XX/RSEN/ORCON/NOFORN)
  23. August 30, 2019 White House intelligence briefing with Sharpie (TS/SPECIAL HANDLING)
  24. Undated doc concerning military activity of a foreign country (TS/HCS-P/SI/ORCON-USGOV/NOFORN)
  25. October 24, 2019 military activity of foreign countries and US (TS/HCS-P/SI-ORCON-USGOV/NOFORN)
  26. November 7, 2019 military activity (TS/XX/ORCON/NOFORN/FISA)
  27. November 2019 military activity of foreign countries (TS/SI/TK/NOFORN)
  28. October 18, 2019 White House intelligence briefing (TS/SPECIAL HANDLING)
  29. October 18, 2019 military capabilities (TS/XX/SI/TK/ORCON/NOFORN)
  30. October 15, 2019 concerning military activity (TS/XX/ORCON/NOFORN/FISA)
  31. February 2017 concerning military activity of foreign country (TS/SI/TK/NOFORN)

Those below the line were returned in June 2021.

Update: Here’s the best explanation of the classification marks and possible content I’ve seen so far, from Matt Tait.

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Originally Posted @ https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/06/09/defendant-1s-38-count-indictment/