Friends of Sedition: The Networked January 6 Conspiracy

I’d like to look at several developments in recent days in the interlocking January 6 investigations.

First, as I noted Friday, the January 6 Committee subpoena to the former President focuses closely on communications with or on behalf of him via Signal. It specifically asks for communications with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers (including on Signal). And Roger Stone is the first person named on the list of people all of whose post-election communication with Trump (including on Signal) the Committee wants. Clearly, the Committee has obtained Signal texts from others that reflect inclusion of the then-President and expects they might find more such communications, including some involving Stone and the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.

Then, on Friday, one of the the main Proud Boy prosecutors, Erik Kenerson, asked to continue Matthew Greene’s cooperation for another 120 days, which would put the next status update in late February, over a month after the Proud Boy leader’s trial should be done. There are, admittedly, a great number of Proud Boy defendants who will go to trial long after that, but Greene doesn’t know many of them (he had just joined the Proud Boys and mostly interacted with other New York members like Dominic Pezzola). Nevertheless, prosecutors seem to think he may still be cooperating after the first big trial.

Those details become more interesting given how DOJ is presenting the Oath Keeper conspiracy at trial. Last Thursday, DOJ added the various communication channels each participant was subscribed to on their visual guide of the various co-conspirators.

It’s not surprising they would do that. To prove the three conspiracies these defendants are charged with, DOJ needs to prove each entered into an agreement to obstruct the vote certification, obstruct Congress, and attack the government. DOJ is relying on the various statements in advance of (and, for sedition, after) January 6 to show such intent. The fact that an intersecting collection of Signal channels incorporated most of the charged defendants will go a long way to show they were all willfully part of these three conspiracies.

But as you can see with Elmer Stewart Rhodes and Kellye SoRelle (circled in pink), DOJ has included Stone’s Signal channel — Friends of Stone — along with the Oath Keeper ones. As DOJ laid out last week, in addition to Rhodes and SoRelle, Enrique Tarrio, Alex Jones, and Ali Alexander were on the FOS channels, in addition to Stone himself.

DOJ has included things Rhodes said on the FOS chat in its timeline leading up to and on January 6. Significantly, at 2:28 on January 6, Rhodes informed the FOS chat that they were at “the back door of the Capitol.” (See the context in Brandi Buchman and Roger Parloff live threads.)

The thing is, many of the participants in FOS that prosecutors have, thus far, identified as participating in the chat (SoRelle, Ali Alexander, and Alex Jones) and most of the Oath Keepers were there on the East side of the Capitol or had only recently left. So was Owen Shroyer, who was also on FOS; he had been on the top of the stairs with Alexander and Jones.

Enrique Tarrio is one exception. He wasn’t present at the East side of the Capitol, but he was following along closely on social media — and likely already knew what was happening on the East side of the Capitol from Joe Biggs, who went through the East doors right along with the Oath Keepers.

Which means the only person mentioned so far who now needed to be told where the Oath Keepers were was Stone, back at the Willard.

We learned one more thing recently, at the last January 6 Committee hearing.

At 1:25PM — after the attack on the Capitol had started — Trump’s Secret Service detail was still planning on bringing him to the Capitol two hours later, around 3:30. That was after, per a video clip in which Nancy Pelosi said she would punch Trump if he showed up, Secret Service told Pelosi they had talked him out of coming.

But 18 minutes after Rhodes told the Friends of Stone list where the Oath Keepers were, at 2:46, Joseph Hackett came out of the Capitol and looked around, as if he was expecting someone to show up.

The fact that Rhodes was updating the FOS list from the Capitol suggests he may have been getting feedback from Stone and whoever else was on the list, including those who may have been coordinating with the then-President.

And whatever else DOJ’s use of the FOS list as part of this conspiracy does, it establishes the basis to argue that those coordinating on the FOS list were, themselves, in a conspiracy together: Rhodes and SoRelle with Tarrio (whom both met in the parking garage) and Alex Jones and Ali Alexander and Stone.

Just as importantly, it would network the conspiracies. That would put all the various Proud Boys taking orders from Tarrio in a conspiracy with those on the FOS list. It would put all the Oath Keepers conspiring with Rhodes and SoRelle in a conspiracy with those on the FOS list.

And it would put those on the FOS list in a conspiracy with those directing the attack on the Capitol.

I laid out over 14 months ago that, if DOJ were to charge Trump in conjunction with the attack on the Capitol, it would likely be part of an intersecting conspiracy with those already being charged.

Finally, if DOJ were to charge Trump, they would charge him in a conspiracy to obstruct the vote count that intersected with some of the other conspiracies to obstruct the vote count, possibly with obstruction charges against him personally. In general, I don’t think DOJ would charge most of Trump’s discrete acts, at least those conducted before January 20, as a crime. There are two possible exceptions, however. His call to Brad Raffensperger, particularly in the context of all his other efforts to tamper in the Georgia election, would have been conducted as part of campaigning (and therefore would not have been conducted as President). It seems a clearcut case of using threats to get a desired electoral outcome. It’s unclear whether Trump’s request that Mike Pence to commit the unconstitutional action — that is, refusing to certify the winning electoral votes — would be treated as Presidential or electoral. But that demand, followed closely with Trump’s public statements that had the effect of making Pence a target for assassination threats, seems like it could be charged on its own. Both of those actions, however, could and would, in the way DOJ is approaching this, also be overt acts in the conspiracy charged against Trump.

In the last two weeks, DOJ has started to show how those conspiracies intersect.

Unsurprisingly, they intersect right through the former President’s rat-fucker.

Update; Corrected Pelosi timing, per Nadezhda.

Update: Tried to clarify that Tarrio was on the chat but was not (as the Oath Keepers, Jones, and Alexander were) on the East side of the Capitol.

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88 replies
  1. nadezhda says:

    Correction to your timeline – the Pelosi video was before she went to the House chamber for the session. They’d been listening to Trump’s speech re going with the crowd to the Capitol. They got word from the SS about the time he finished his speech and had the set to with Ornato and Engle who insisted he return to the WH. Around the end of the speech both SS and Meadows were nixing a trip to the Capitol, which is what they would have told Pelosi’s staff

  2. Mipiti365 says:

    Minor typo located a few lines above your SS reports photo: “Which means the only person mentioned so far who know needed to be told where the Oath Keepers were was Stone, back at the Willard.”
    Should be: “who now needed to be told…”
    An intersecting conspiracy, for sure. The threads are ever more entwining!
    (Note: I updated user name to have 8+ letters.)

    [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

  3. Sue 'em Queequeg says:

    I’ve often said there are three things everyone thinks they have a natural talent for: acting, sex, and information design. I don’t know, and truly don’t want to know, how DoJ does on the first two, but OMG do they need help on the third.

  4. Clare Kelly says:

    As always,
    Go raibh maith agat, Marcy.

    (For the cogent analysis, for the RF reference, and for including the Speaker Pelosi clip. Big grin here).

  5. joel fisher says:

    Quoting this excellent piece, “an agreement to obstruct the vote certification, obstruct Congress, and attack the government” I’m wondering if all three are necessary to show a conspiracy? Seems likely that most of the 1/6ers were intending all three, but it would be sad if it were a defense that an individual defendant was, say, attacking the government–“Hey, I love a good riot.”–and not caring about obstruction.

    • emptywheel says:

      There are 3 conspiracies charged here.

      For each, DOJ has to prove that the defendant entered into an agreement to pursue that crime, and took some steps (legal or not) to commit it.

      If you look at the graphic, at Jonathan Walden in stack Two, DOJ actually spun him off onto obstruction charges by himself, perhaps deciding that they have proof he intended to obstruct the vote certification, but NOT that he entered into an agreement with the others to do so.

      • joel fisher says:

        Thanks for the clarification. One can’t help but wonder if there’s aren’t evil doers at the top of each category that are coordinating things among themselves and on behalf of evil doers in the White House. The whole thing seems way less spontaneous and way more coordinated as time goes on.

    • Retired guy says:

      Re the “I just like a good riot” defense against the more severe charges. In the trial, it was revealed that the unknown Oath Keeper who had the patch saying “I don’t believe in anything, I’m just here for the violence” was Kelly Meggs, leader of the Florida Oath Keepers. This sentiment is not consistent with the stated ethos of the OK,arrayed in constitutional principles. Meggs is not a normal OK, more cosplay than experienced combat veteran. From the public evidence he appears unlikely to escape the top charges.

      Among those accused of lesser but violent crimes are a lot of habitual criminals (Dr. Wheeler includes them among the category of “random dudes”) who somehow knew there would be a violent riot that day. Perhaps this “somehow” will be evident as the other parts of the conspiracy are indicted. IANAL, but I think this part of the network will be accused when we start to see see mention of TheDonald dot win in future Statement of Fact affidavits. In the latest public House Select Committee hearing, they are able to connect this noisy forum to the former president’s campaign and perhaps to COS meadows in the White House.

    • Hoping4Better_Times says:

      Elizabeth delaVega’s quick tutorial on elements of a conspiracy-
      May 16, 2018

      *Twitter Bar Exam Conspiracy Law Summary*
      Need not succeed
      No writing needed
      Many goals, agree on 1
      Use many means
      Don’t have to know everything
      If join, on hook for all acts
      Can use statements of one v. other
      Overt acts to further can be legal &
      Quid pro quo is NOT an element!

  6. wasD4v1d says:

    The graphics dept here is kicking it!

    [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

      • Rayne says:

        After clicking Reply below a comment, type your new preferred unique username with a minimum of 8 letters in the Name field.

        Then type in your email address in the Email field. Continue as usual; make a note in your comment that you’ve changed your name.

        If your browser auto-completes fields, you may need to delete your cookies and your cache first. Give it a whirl.

        • TREPping says:

          Taking Rayne’s cue. I will thank Marcy for the use of “then President” in the story as the subtle reminder to the deniers, and note that I have changed my user name from Troy P to this.

          [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

        • Tom-1812 says:

          I’ve noticed Nicole Wallace regularly refers to him as “the disgraced former President” or sometimes “the disgraced twice-impeached former President”, but I think plain old “Mr. Trump” would be best.

        • SFosters says:


          [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. I assume this is the one you’ve settled on since it is 8 letters. /~Rayne]

        • timbozone says:

          Testing out my new user name, Rayne. Please let me know if it’s okay.

          [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

        • Carlllll says:

          I’m unlikely to remember the name-changing procedure, so I’m going through it now, here.

          [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

  7. Zinsky says:

    Roger Stone was pitching the slogan “Stop the Steal” in 2016, when it appeared that Hillary Clinton would kick Trump’s ass in that presidential election. He should have trademarked it. This slimeball has been part of political treachery on the right since 1970. When people talk of all the evil on the conservative side of the aisle related to J6, I’m reminded of the line from the book/movie The Exorcist, when the young priest enthusiastically tries to tell the older priest about all of the demons he has identified in the possessed Regan. “No, my son” the priest replies, “there is only One”.

  8. Ginevra diBenci says:

    This post makes crystal clear why Stone was so angry when documentary crew-members caught him on camera on January 20, 2021. Having failed to receive a pardon he seems to think he was promised, he rages on the phone at an “unidentified person.” I don’t see the difficulty in IDing that person, given Stone’s references to Jared Kushner and “your abortionist daughter.”

    I do wonder why Stone’s pardon failed to materialize, especially in light of what is covered here. It sounds like he has every reason now to rat(fuck) out his patron. Or “flip,” to use Trump’s word.

    • Savage Librarian says:

      Control freaks may have their own sense of logic. Throw in some malignant narcissism and all bets are off. In my own experience with power struggles, I found that appearances and reality were often convoluted.

      Bits of truth seeped through only after many months, or even years. For example, one administrator once told me that (with teen siblings in FL) they used to drive around in summer with windows rolled up so people would think they had air conditioning. Later they told me you could tell how smart someone was by how much money they made.

      And a considerable time later, they asserted they weren’t going to do something a colleague wanted just because they were asked. The ask was something very reasonable, and in fact was both ethically and legally the right thing to do. But nope, they wouldn’t and didn’t. It was a costly decision, both monetarily and professionally. When someone finally flipped on them, things did not end well for that person.

      • Ginevra diBenci says:

        I assume bad faith whenever Stone allows us to observe him; he seems always to be in performance mode. It hadn’t occurred to me before your comment, Dr. EW, that the 1/20/21 phone call might have been one-sided–that is, no one was on the other end, which you seem to be suggesting. That makes more sense. Especially because it makes people like me look foolish.

  9. pdaly says:

    At 2:28 pm Rhodes states they are at the back door of the Capitol (East side, I presume)

    My first thought is that the “Grand Theft golf cart” was about to happen or was in the process of happening (Me not knowing where the golf carts started out):

    “At about 2:33 p.m., MINUTA, JAMES, and the others in their group parked the golf carts near the intersection of Third Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest. They then continued on foot towards the Capitol.”

    Minuta taunted law enforcement officers guarding the perimeter of the Capitol near the East side of the building, and at 3:15 p.m., Minuta and James forced their way into the Capitol building through the east side Rotunda doors.
    Are Minuta and James cooperating witnesses now?

  10. Calistogan says:

    I wonder if it will ever come out who planted the two pipe bombs in D.C. the evening of January 5, and discovered the next day. Seems like an obvious diversionary tactic.

    • Rugger_9 says:

      In addition to the point about diversions, two pipe bombs in the vicinity of the respective party HQs should have clued the USSS and FBI that some violence was planned and placed everything on high alert. Instead, it appears Individual-1 ordered a stand down and refused to help get the NG in when Pelosi asked for them (with proof on tape).

      So, when Ornato and Engel (maybe Cuffari too) said to the investigators that there was no violent chatter or indicators of trouble coming, they were in fact lying in service of Individual-1. Again.

    • timbo says:

      Sort of. When were the suspected bombs phoned in? What this idea neglects is that Harris’ USSS detail was there with her when this was all going down…

      See CNN this CNN article from early 2022, . The USSS was there, and had swept the area prior to Kamala Harris’ arrival, and prior to the bombs being known about by her unaware USSS detail. (I hasten to add here that missing USSS records, “accidentally deleted” might be missing from Harris operational, tactical, and administrative teams for that day—we just don’t publicly know at this point.)

      By that timeline in the CNN article, it would seem to be unreasonable to assume that Harris’ USSS detail was not aware by 1PM that a bomb or bombs were possibly nearby; by 1:14PM Harris had been removed from DNC HQ, close by where one of the bombs was planted. This PBS article fleshes out the timeline somewhat, describing when a large contingent of LEOs began arriving at RNC HQ, namely around 12:45PM.

      Harris being there complicates any public investigation into this being leaked as there is the possibility that this was a possible assassination attempt of the US Vice President-elect, not just a diversionary tactic. The fact that it wasn’t known publicly that VP-elect Harris was at DNC at the time of the bombing attempts, that we didn’t learn about that until around the time the PBS article was written, months and months after the seditionist plot was carried out, means that there must be a very, very tight lid on the Jan 6 bomb investigation. I mean, just think of all the LEOs that must have been aware of Harris having to be gotten out of DNC HQ? Keeping an official lid on that is remarkable.

      And, at the hazard of feeding a conspiracy mind-set, look to where 2.25 miles away in DC, that very same day, the seditionists and insurrectionists were encouraging folks to chant “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!”…

    • Alan Charbonneau says:

      I think it will come out. The bomber was texting from DNC headquarters and there was a time stamp on the surveillance video. There is likely video we have not seen, perhaps because the FBI already knows who it is and is putting forth a weak effort to make it look as if they are at a dead end.

      While I try to stay away from conspiracy theories, the idea that Marjorie Taylor Greene is the bomber is not only plausible, I can see her gleefully carrying out the task. The bomber is definitely female, she adjusts her bra straps when she sets the backpack down in front of the DNC.

      She is such a sociopath that now I can’t see it being anybody but her! I’ll be surprised if it’s not, but it’s not a religious belief.

    • harpie says:
      11:03 AM · Oct 20, 2022

      The Oath Keepers trial this week is filling Jan 6 news, but remember Michael Riley‘s trial too. He’s the Capitol Police officer charged with helping an attacker – and was the first responder to the pipe bombs & is repped by Trump’s lawyer Evan Corcoran. 1/ [THREAD] [screenshots and links]

      Riley is charged only with telling a stranger on Facebook to delete his social media. But his lawyers insist he needs video of the pipe bomb response. It’s a reach, and they spend effort defending it: “the government cannot take a narrow reading..” 5/ […]

      It seems that DOJ fended off demands to hand over Jan 6 security cam video, but the docket has 65 entries and maybe others want to read.

      The upshot: a simple case of deleting Facebook posts is now a jury trial w/ a defense team of 3 former AUSAs. Why? 8/

    • timbozone says:

      Sort of. When were the suspected bombs phoned in? What this idea neglects is that Harris’ USSS detail was there with her when this was all going down…

      See CNN this CNN article from early 2022, . The USSS was there, and had swept the area prior to Kamala Harris’ arrival, and prior to the bombs being known about by her unaware USSS detail. (I hasten to add here that missing USSS records, “accidentally deleted” might be missing from Harris operational, tactical, and administrative teams for that day—we just don’t publicly know at this point.)

      By that timeline in the CNN article, it would seem to be unreasonable to assume that Harris’ USSS detail was not aware by 1PM that a bomb or bombs were possibly nearby; by 1:14PM Harris had been removed from DNC HQ, close by where one of the bombs was planted. This PBS article fleshes out the timeline somewhat, describing when a large contingent of LEOs began arriving at RNC HQ, namely around 12:45PM.

      Harris being there complicates any public investigation into this being leaked as there is the possibility that this was a possible assassination attempt of the US Vice President-elect, not just a diversionary tactic. The fact that it wasn’t known publicly that VP-elect Harris was at DNC at the time of the bombing attempts, that we didn’t learn about that until around the time the PBS article was written, months and months after the seditionist plot was carried out, means that there must be a very, very tight lid on the Jan 6 bomb investigation. I mean, just think of all the LEOs that must have been aware of Harris having to be gotten out of DNC HQ? Keeping an official lid on that is remarkable.

      And, at the hazard of feeding a conspiracy mind-set, look to where 2.25 miles away in DC, that very same day, the seditionists and insurrectionists were encouraging folks to chant “Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!”…

  11. Rugger_9 says:

    Speaking of the Friends of Sedition, apparently Clarence Thomas is preventing Lindsey Graham from being interviewed by the Fulton County grand jury on a shadow docket ruling. Apparently briefs are due Thursday so this delay will be short. However, why is Thomas ruling on this at all, given Ginni’s involvement in the so-called ‘Stop the Steal’ movement? Lindsey’s activities were tied to that group directly and FWIW he’s being interviewed as a witness, not a target. The Speech and Debate Clause has exceptions for felony, treason, and breach of peace for which the 11CA already said invalidated Graham’s excuses (one could make the case for all 3 exceptions, but that’s not the point here) and involves arrest (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1) and refers to debate in the Senate, not so-called ‘fact finding’ which should test the Westfall Act (Wuterich v. Murtha only made it to DCC and looks like the closest analog):

    [Members of Congress] “shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their attendance at the Session of their Respective Houses, and in going to and from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.”

    Even though Thomas is the 11CA emergency rulings justice, he should have recused, but IOKIYAR.

  12. Lurks123 says:

    If the oath keepers on trial met at a bagel shop to have things out with the oath keepers who have flipped – the ones singing like canaries to the DOJ – would that be a bunfight at the OK chorale?

    • Purple Martin says:


      “…it is a Joke,” declared the Woggle-Bug; firmly, “and a Joke derived from a play upon words is considered among educated people to be eminently proper.”

      “What does that mean?” enquired the Pumpkinhead, stupidly.

      “It means, my dear friend,” explained the Woggle-Bug, “that our language contains many words having a double meaning; and that to pronounce a joke that allows both meanings of a certain word, proves the joker a person of culture and refinement, who has, moreover, a thorough command of the language.”

      “I don’t believe that,” said Tip, plainly; “anybody can make a pun.”

      “Not so,” rejoined the Woggle-Bug, stiffly. “It requires education of a high order. Are you educated, young sir?”

      “Not especially,” admitted Tip.

      “Then you cannot judge the matter. I myself am Thoroughly Educated, and I say that puns display genius.”

      —L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz

      • Epicurus says:

        In Gregory Maguire’s Wicked and the play, the Wicked Witch is Elphaba. The Elphaba name is shorthand for L. Frank Baum. Not quite a pun, but clever and a shout out to LFB.

  13. LeeNLP941 says:

    Changing username from LeeNLP to LeeNLP941

    [Thanks for updating your username to meet the 8 letter minimum. /~Rayne]

  14. Pedro Perfecto says:

    Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we had the appropriate security on Jan 6th and the Capital was never breached?

    Would anyone be on trial for anything?

    Would there be a Jan 6th committee?

    • Zinsky123 says:

      Pray, Pedro – what is the “appropriate security” for a coup? How about an insurrection? What a ridiculous comment. I suspect you are another Trump apologist (a/k/a ‘traitor’) who thinks Nancy Pelosi is somehow responsible for 10,000+ dumb animals storming the Capitol, trampling and killing people, smearing feces on the walls and beating cops with flagpoles, hockey sticks and fire extinguishers? I consider that lame and unwilling to accept adult responsibility for juvenile actions!

      • FLwolverine says:

        Maybe the kind of security provided at the Lincoln Memorial during the June 2020 protests over the killing of George Floyd and the use of federal forces to clear Lafayette Square so the disgraced then-President could disrespect a Bible?

        AP Photo: https: //www. google. com/search ?q=security+at+lincoln+monument&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS789US790&oq=security+at+lincoln+monument&amp

        [Could you please do us a favor? Point to the photo itself and not the results in Google Search? The link you’ve provided offers a bunch of tracking including your device ID, browser, Google account, and the fact you’ve parked the link here (I can tell you used Chrome on a mobile device which is why I’ve broken the link). Open the site at which the photo is located, try to open the image in a separate tab, then copy the URL from the image and paste in a reply. I will fix it up when you’ve done this. Thanks. /~Rayne]

    • P J Evans says:

      It would have required a president who wasn’t the driving force behind it. So, no, that would have been a universe where Clinton won in 2016.

  15. Alan Charbonneau says:

    I just saw this from CNN—DOJ is asking a judge to pierce privilege for the two Pats, Cipollone and Philbin

    “The Justice Department is asking a federal judge to force the top two lawyers from Donald Trump’s White House counsel’s office to testify about their conversations with the former President, as it tries to break through the privilege firewall Trump has used to avoid scrutiny of his actions on January 6, 2021, according to three people familiar with the investigation.

    The move to compel additional testimony from former White House counsel Pat Cipollone and deputy White House counsel Patrick Philbin just last week is part of a set of secret court proceedings.”

    • timbozone says:

      Re that CNN article…

      A few years ago, when it comes to concision and brevity in writing, I would not have been able to spot the hackneyed attempts in that CNN article. Now it just makes my mind-teeth hurt. Although there is lots of interesting infos, it felt like it was cobbled together with baling wire. Kudos to Dr. Wheeler et al here at who generally edit and re-edit for much clarity and concision—the contrast between here and that CNN article is…glaring.

      To be fair to CNN medium journalists, maybe there is too much seemingly anonymated editing initiative and related unasked for hodge-podgery… “where is my context!” is often the howl of the parboiled editor…for which the correspondents (and us poor readers therefore) must then jump to or fro, jostled by the cyclone of dizzying contextings imposed…

  16. harpie says:

    I don’t have enough time, but this TL of WaPo’s 3/4/22

    The Roger Stone Tapes Previously unseen documentary footage shows the long time Trump advisor working to overturn the 2020 election, and after the Jan. 6 riot, secure pardons for the former president’s supporters (“A Storm Foretold”)

    might have some info relevant to this discussion:

    See especially 11/5/20 where STONE is coordinating as well as 1/621 around 3-3:30 PM

    3:30 PM was the time STONE was attempting to get people to converge NE of the Capitol:

  17. harpie says:

    I’m trying to catch up on info from the OK trial and ran across this:
    10:13 AM · Oct 26, 2022

    There is no cross for Hawa today by the defense so we move right into our next witness, DC MPD Officer Christopher Owens. […]

    Owens reported for duty sometime between 10-11AM on 1/6. The CDU is commonly referred to as the “riot police.” He was dispatched to a staging avenue in NW DC on 1/6 and then deployed for a parade that left BLM Plaza toward the Capitol

    I don’t think I’ve heard about this “parade”, which would approach the CAPITOL from the North West. BLM Plaza is a block north of Lafayette Square.

  18. harpie says:

    PENCE movement TL at CAPITOL [According to Lanelle Hawa, USSS, VIP Security] 9:50 AM · Oct 26, 2022 9:53 AM · Oct 26, 2022

    12:30 PM PENCE arrives at Capitol, Senate Carriage Entrance [Northeast corner]
    Wife and daughter also arrive.
    They are escorted to PENCE ceremonial office [S-214 on 2nd floor]
    [Approx] 1:15 PM PENCE/family are escorted from Senate Chamber, through back hallway to Ceremonial Office
    1:59 PM VP motorcade [no VP] is moved from East Plaza
    2:26 PM PENCE and family are evacuated from Ceremonial Office, down the nearby “Member Stairs” to first floor near Carriage Entrance, to loading dock area. PENCE stays there for nearly 5 hours.
    [Between] 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM PENCE returns to Senate Chamber

    Second Floor:×4096

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