Day Four — The Well-Qualified K. B. J.
[NB: check the byline, thanks. Update(s) if any will appear at the bottom of this post. /~Rayne]
It’s the fourth and final day of U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings on the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. Today’s hearing is in progress.
Today’s hearing consists of three remaining panels (Judge Jackson was Panel I):
Panel II
The Honorable Ann Claire Williams
American Bar Association
Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary
Ms. D. Jean Veta
American Bar Association
Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary
Mr. Joseph M. Drayton
American Bar Association
Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary
Panel III Majority
The Honorable Joyce Beatty
United States House of Representatives
State of Ohio – 3rd District
Ms. Risa Goluboff
Dean, Arnold H. Leon Professor of Law, and Professor of History
University of Virginia
Mr. Wade Henderson
President & CEO
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Mr. Richard B. Rosenthal
Captain Frederick Thomas
National President
National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE)
Panel III Minority
The Honorable Steve Marshall
Attorney General
State of Alabama
Ms. Jennifer Mascott
Assistant Professor of Law & Co-Executive Director
The C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
Ms. Eleanor McCullen
Anti-abortion activist
Ms. Keisha Russell
First Liberty
Ms. Alessandra Serano
Operation Underground Railroad
From the looks of the last three panelists, the GOP senators are continuing to play to the base by hammering Judge Jackson on abortion, religious freedom in public schools, and human trafficking. The last will likely fit with the crap Sen. Josh Hawley et al already tattooed about child pornography.
The GOP will want to leave that shitty taste of zealotry and bigotry in the audience’s mouths as the hearings end. In other words, on brand for the GOP.
You can watch live feed at these sites (not the same links as yesterday’s as the previous links may lead to recordings previous days’ hearings):
Senate Judiciary Committee hearing feed
PBS Senate Judiciary Committee hearing feed on YouTube
You can also catch the hearings through these live Twitter threads:
If you know of anyone else covering today’s hearing in Twitter, please leave a comment below. Thanks!
~ ~ ~
Apparently these hearings weren’t really to determine a nominee’s qualifications for a lifetime appointment to SCOTUS or to ensure the public was informed. No, apparently the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings have been little more than social media opportunities, which Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) called out.
Ben Sasse moments after Ted Cruz throws a performative tantrum that was tailormade for Hannity: “I think we should recognize that the jackassery we often see around here is partly because of people mugging for short-term camera opportunities.”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 23, 2022
Sasse also expressed his concern about cameras in the court room, that “cameras change human behavior,” and yet the difference between the video above by C-SPAN versus this by CBS News below tells us cameras tell us things audio and written reporting don’t offer.
Sen. Sasse (R-NE) says he believes it should be up to the Supreme Court to decide if cameras are allowed in the courtroom, adding:
“I think we should recognize the jackassery we often see around here is partly because of people mugging for short-term camera opportunities.”
— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 23, 2022
Or this photo by Los Angeles Times’ Kent Nishimura:
Can confirm this. He was searching twitter for his name, this was right after his exchange with Chairman Durbin.
— Kent Nishimura (西村賢一) (@kentnish) March 23, 2022
If you have a Twitter account, every once in a while for grins and giggles you should drop Sen. Ted Cruz (Senate account: @sentedcruz, personal account: @tedcruz) a tweet and let him know what you thought of his performance as a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wholly visible on all sorts of cameras.
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There may be more to come, watch this space for updates.
Any different headline image might be helpful with many daily blog posts in a row. My 2 cents worth.
Thanks but no. The point is that these four posts are all related to a single topic — easily discerned by the use of the same “label” image.
Thank you for your work. Your ability to be detailed, concise, and beautifully expressive is a trait which I wasn’t blessed with.
Some 20 years ago and after I dedicated myself to political writing, I quickly learned the value of the ongoing the Three Stereotypes, and which are critical for understanding yesterday’s and today’s politics.
They are:
1. The Native American….”He’s just another white man.”
2. The Chicano: “El gringo quere componer todo con su, ‘I’m sorry.”
3. The White Version…”I don’t care…I’ll be dead…So, what’s your point;'”
And thanks Rayne, for listing today’s Responders, and of course, the media makes no mention of having Responders speaking of and to the Chicano and Native American audiences. And to add a little humour to this
‘attitudinal escapism, the Constitution made no mention of anything related to the disappearance of the almost 2,000 languages that have fallen by the wayside. Today, there are only 20 of these indigenous languages remaining.
The weight of the loss language also includes the loss of personal memories and history.
Indigenous peoples of the Americas are who I celebrate on Columbus day and the Fourth of July.
Thank you Rayne for the laundry list of participants at todays hearing.
Having watched for three days, my conclusion –
Disgraceful: Hawley, Cruz, Cotton, Graham and Blackburn. Four bullies and one mean girl.
Proud of Judge Jackson who showed grace and dignity under pressure. Her smile radiates the room. Lovely to see Senator Booker’s passion and joy plus has her back.
I look forward to seeing her on the Supreme Court.
I wept as I watched Cory Booker’s statement. I can’t bear to watch the rest of the BS the Republicans are throwing out, so I check in with Twitter every so often. It’s breathtaking how low they will go.
Tracy, I too wept with Senator Booker’s compassionate statement. A genuine moment from the heart.
As for the GOP, very low vibration bonded in the drug of hate.
Can anyone vouch for the accuracy of this meme seen today on the Internet:
“For the first 127 years when only white Christian man were allowed to be supreme court justices, there were zero confirmation hearings. Confirmation hearing was invented for the first Jewish nominee.“
Meme is probably wrong. See
From the Wikipedia article:
“The modern practice of the committee questioning nominees on their judicial views began with John Marshall Harlan II in 1955; the nomination came shortly after the Supreme Court handed down its landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, and several southern senators threatened to block Harlan’s confirmation, hence the decision to testify.”
The slave power, up to its old tricks.
Alabama Attorney General, a Witness Against Ketanji Brown Jackson, Refuses to Say President Biden Was ‘Duly Elected’ Mar 24th, 2022, 1:37 pm
WHITEHOUSE: “Pretty simple question, yes or no, did you personally solicit money to support the robocall that brought people to the Capitol and then assaulted the Capitol?”
WHITEHOUSE: [Did you have] “any contact with members of Congress in any effort to keep the electoral process open through objections to give those coming to assault the Capitol time to breach the Capitol and disrupt the elections process?”
That was ALL BEFORE MARSHALL, when asked multiple times, REFUSED to say
BIDEN is the “duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States?”
Check out the info at this comment:
Navarro, [ALABAMA Senator] Tuberville, and “former RAGA director Adam Piper” among those at TRUMP Hotel on 1/5/21.
Steve Marshall was elected Alabama Attorney General by the same people who repeatedly elected sexual abuser Roy Moore to be chief justice of their Supreme Court. The only real qualification that’s important to be elected to public office in most of Alabama is “white supremacist.”
I feel like the role of RAGA in J6 has been woefully underreported. There was a lot of coordination there.
If there’s some hope in all of this, Jackson seems to be polling well:
Caveat is that the poll was taken before this week’s hearings, but I’ve seen nothing that is likely to move the needle on public opinion; no gaffes from the judge. The racists who would oppose her because she’s Black; the conservatives who would do likewise because she’s liberal, opposed her from day one.
Of course, polling doesn’t matter; what matters is whether Manchin or Sinema might decide to vote nay. So far, haven’t seen any indication that they plan to defect on this issue.
But fingers crossed.
So just what is going to happen about the little problem of Justice Thomas and his charming wife, Virginia ?
The Washington Post
Alert March 24, 5:22 p.m. EDT
“Virginia Thomas urged Trump’s White House chief of staff to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show
In messages to chief of staff Mark Meadows in the weeks after Election Day, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas called Joe Biden’s victory “the greatest Heist of our History” and told him that President Donald Trump should not concede.”
Probably nothing. Doubt she has any liability here, and the only way to attack Clarence is via impeachment, and that obviously will never work.
Is Thomas still in the hospital ? I haven’t heard any more about him for a day or two.
For some reason, they’re not saying whether he was released from hospital on Tuesday night, as expected. Which leads me to suspect he’s had complications and is still there – just my intuitive, and possibly wrong, guess:
Presumably an ethics complaint to the Bar association would have no teeth, since supreme court justices don’t need to be lawyers anyway? Forgive me if that’s too bone-ignorant, but it would be lovely to see the guy pilloried for his failure to recuse himself from a case that involved his wife…
For some reason, they’re not saying whether he was released from hospital on Tuesday night, as expected. Which leads me to suspect, he’s had complications and is still there – just my intuitive, and possibly wrong, guess:
This may be of minor interest but the “counsel” from First Liberty Institute, Keisha Russell lifted, verbatim, her attack on Immanuel Kant and Critical Race Theory from a column in the Washington Post last November by Marc Thiessen. Thiessen was summarizing the crackpot theory about Kant and the Enlightenment of Princeton History Professor Allen Guelzo. Guelzo’s theory was a bit more nuanced than the Thiessen/Russell version… but not much. I tracked down the likely source for Guelzo’s views about Kant (assuming that it wasn’t first hand knowledge of the texts) and the source was scathing in his denunciation of Guelzo’s interpretation.
Guelzo probably spoke with the Princeton Kantian scholar Lachlan Murdoch.