Breathing Room: What Pods Are You Casting?

Two weeks ago it felt like things were on the verge of breaking loose. I still have that feeling, as if things are beginning to pick up speed and might run away with us.

Here’s another opportunity to slow things down a little and take a deep cleansing breath in and out before we’re swept away.

What are you listening to these days? I want to be very focused on podcasts, not music programming now that we’re in the golden age of time-shifted listening.

What podcasts do you find to be informative? helpful? restful?

What podcast platform works best for you?

I’m a bit eclectic when it comes to podcasts. I avoid the white-dudes-yacking-with-each-other because Jesus Christ, how much of that do we really need when white-dudes-yacking-with-each-other still constitutes huge swaths of news media?

I don’t have a regular podcast I consume regularly, either. I’m fond of the Android app Stitcher and I often browse on a hit-or-miss basis for an episode which hits my fancy.

Over the last several years, though, there were three podcast episodes which really stuck with me:

NPR’s Planet Money: We set up an offshore company in a tax haven (re-cast October 6, 2021)
An exploration of offshore companies and bank accounts in which the hosts set up their own company in a tax haven and found the easiest place to register a business anonymously. First released in July 2012, it still amazes me how easy it is to move assets offshore.

Hakai Magazine: Can We Really Be Friends with an Octopus? (Episode 67, January 11, 2022)

This Is Love: Something Large and Wild (Season 1, Episode 2)
A story about a teenage swimmer and an encounter with something wild.

These are rather diverse with nothing apparent in common though the Hakai Magazine and ‘This Is Love’ podcast episodes have a natural element.

But after thinking about these three favorites, I think I need podcasts to contain an element of wonder. Not necessarily a positive state of awe, but something which checks me up short and makes me think or elicits an emotion I hadn’t anticipated. My favorite three episodes each possessed that factor.

Take a break, take a breath, then share in comments what podcasts have attracted your attention.

69 replies
  1. P J Evans says:

    The norts spews: Bengals are going to the Superb Owl. The previous two times, they lost to the Niners…but not by much, either time. (The second time, the matchup the next year was Niners-Broncos, and it was a blowout. My reaction was that it tells you how good Cincinnati was the previous year.)

        • DrFunguy says:

          Glad to see someone sharing my quaint and archaic habit.
          I just don’t care much for spoken word media; rarely listen to books on tape, only take news that way if trapped in a vehicle. And that goes double for t.v.-like media.
          When I think this through, its at least in part because I can engage more critically with the material… What did they just say? Read it again. Does that make sense? Whats the source?
          I’m not judging anyone for their chosen media, of course. But podcasts don’t do it for me.
          A recent exception: an interview with Neal Stephenson about his 2021 novel Termination Shock. But I don’t recall the platform…

      • Stew says:

        Moderate Rebels

        Ralph Nader Radio Hour

        On the Media
        (A recent episode featuring comments by Marcy)

        And Bob Garfield’s aptly named Bully Pulpit

        • bmaz says:

          I spent a day with Ralph Nader once. He is one of the biggest assholes and piece of shit humans I have ever met. Complete dick.

        • bmaz says:

          Lol, absolutely brilliant input from you. I related real interaction, albeit it quite long ago, about which you do not know squat, and you took a cheap pot shot. Thanks for playing “rip”.

        • Mark says:

          Ralph Nader a piece of shit?

          The man’s record of service to Americans, and really to everyone that expects to drive a safe car, is exceptional, probably unequalled.

        • Rayne says:

          Fuck Nader. My family had a Corvair which was a marvelous small family car with great gas mileage. Only accident it was ever in was a goddamned bus driver who hit it from behind. My father and kid sister were fine, though. We needed more cars like the Corvair, not fewer.

  2. madwand says:

    Haven’t listened to a podcast in a long time, when I did it was to Indre Viskontas a Cognitive Neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco. She did a podcast on a lot more than neuroscience and I liked her and in fact bought a course she taught from the Learning Company on 12 Essential Scientific Concepts a 24 lecture course which goes into a little bit of everything. Can’t say I remember a lot, but I just got the disk out to reply to this post and will replay, so thanks.

    In other news Bengals came from 21-3 down to wining 27-24 not bad, and Lydia Ko went wire to wire in the Gainsbridge Classic in Fla beating Danielle Kang by a stroke. So exciting sports today with one game to go, and I can’t wait to get out on the golf course myself.

  3. Judy says:

    Science Friday – Kind of a science round up of what’s happening in all branches of science. I like when they do their book review episodes.
    Gastropod – Food, history and science. Nicola Twilley and Cynthia Graber are fun.
    Radiolab – You never know what the next episode will bring.
    Now and Then – History and how it relates to what is happening today. Heather Cox-Richardson and Joanne Freeman
    This American Life – So many different types of stories over the years. Almost always interesting.
    The Times – LA Times podcast hosted by Gustavo Arellano. News with a diverse point of view. Sometimes gives me a lot of food for thought about our society.
    The next two are because I have lived in LA and Ventura county all my life and these bits of history are part of my life experience.
    Slow Burn – I’ve only listened to their series that covered the Rodney King case but they have covered a lot of big cases. I particularly remember the riots and protests. For this child of suburbia it was very frightening. It reminded me of the Watts Riots.
    Firebug – A fire investigator who was an arsonist and how they finally caught him. I worked for the company where he set a fire that wound up killing people.

    Over the years I have listened to so many different ones. Sometimes, one leads to another. Of the ones I listed, one of the first three may meet your quest for wonder. I don’t know about wonder, but The Moth brings you stories from the lives of everyday people.
    Happy listening.

    • Tracy Lynn says:

      First heard TheMoth on an NPR affiliate when taking a road trip thru rural Oregon years ago. Since then I’ve been an on-again off-again listener. Thanks for reminding me of this podcast. I have to check it out again.

    • rip says:

      Great list, Judy. Thanks for reminding me of these. I have listened one or more times and then forgot. Need to revisit.

      I don’t listen to podcasts much, or radio shows/T.V. since the linear presentation requires my attention throughout the broadcast.

      The ability to scan headlines, hyperlink to sections or references, etc. have become my preferred way to read news. If audio could come up with a similar ability – perhaps.

      Also when I hear a good presentation on 1A or OnPointRadio, I really like having a transcript that I can search by keywords.

  4. Jonah says:

    Reveal for investigative reporting, BBC’s In Our Time for general discussion, 13 Minutes to the Moon is done, but great for that sensawunda (it takes you through the 13 minutes of that first moon landing), Beekeeping at Five Apple Farm for random hobby, Code Switch and PCHH because I grew up on NPR, Belabored and Death Panel Pod for opinionated news, Wierd Studies for Overly Erudite, Grendel Tower Inquiry is what it says on the tin. Interestingly, the GAO has a podcast and it’s short snippets about recent reports and actually not bad?
    I think of those, only Wierd Studies is a couple dudes dudely talking, and they’re not very dudeish.

  5. rosalind says:

    “Murdaugh Murders Podcast” – a real-life John Grisham novel. South Carolina lowcountry reporter Mandy Matney has been covering the local legal dynasty Murdaugh family tragedy & scandals for three years. the current scion Alec Murdaugh is currently incarcerated for an ever-growing number of crimes. for those who moan that local newspapers are dead, Mandy and her crew are the antidote. she worked (unhappily) for a McClatchy paper for several years and found a refuge in local paper FITSNews where she is breaking open an unbelievable scandal that probably goes back generations with old fashioned gumshoe reporting.

    “The Plot Thickens”: the most recent season of the TCM podcast telling the story of Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz. i thought i knew their story. i did not know their story. Lucy: such a hard life, such determination, such a soft touch for a bad boy. Desi: from pre-revolutionary life of privilege in Cuba to starting over in the U.S. brothels, gambling, big bands and then – his move to Hollywood and meeting his big blue-eyed love. Lots of audio fm interviews the both did over the years. A tear-inducing end when they say farewell.

    as a palate cleanser, a couple H’wood actor-y podcasts:

    “Household Faces w/John Ross Bowie” – Character actor Bowie interviews other character actors. The visible but unheralded actors in countless TV & Film productions get their day.

    “Smartless” w/actors Will Arnett, Jason Bateman and Sean Hayes. The three are best friends and whip smart and while their show is another one from the “bored actors finding something to do during covid” genre, their genuine wit and banter raises this podcast above others. Especially appreciate that Will exhibits real affection for his ex-wife, Amy Poehler, and shows that the two, while unable to make their marriage work, are firmly united in raising their children within their new blended world.

    * i download all for free through Apple Itunes

  6. Sue 'em Queequeg says:

    Backlisted. So, okay, yes, it’s two white guys — Brits, even — talking to each other, although they always have terrific (and often not male) guests. They talk about fiction, mostly British and mostly 20C and mostly obscure, which admittedly may not sound like much of an advertisement, but the thing is that they make it so lively and interesting you almost don’t care what they’re talking about. And while they know enormous amounts about the subject and have read more books than I would have thought humanly possible, they never rub it in. You always feel included.

    • Jonah says:

      Yeah, Backlisted is excellent. I used to listen to a lot of SFF book discussion podcasts and now I’m basically just down to Backlisted

  7. Jan says:

    “On the media” is basically a podcast (and not a radio show). While their own shows can be good, Neanderthals as a lever for scientific racism was solid this week, they also pull in other solid shows like “LA Brega” about essentially the politics and identity of Puerto Rico.

  8. Mary Beth says:

    I love Pod Save America, it’s fun and progressive, has whip smart guests. I am older than their demographic, but love them and contribute through them to progressive causes. It’s on youtube.

    • Judy says:

      Pod Save America is also a non video podcast on whatever platform you use.
      I use the podcast app on my android phone. I used to use Video Podcatcher Deluxe but the creator moved on to other things so it was no longer updating and it was getting harder to add new podcasts.

  9. holdingsteady says:

    I like stitcher too, although my phone memory filled up and I deleted it based on potential ‘other’ memory usage …recently reinstalled and it remembers my podcasts. I find I listen when gardening, housework, etc. and that’s why I need clothes with pockets:)

    Ive slowed down so much, but:

    A Way to Garden (nice and short but inspiring)
    Splendid Table (miss Lynn as host but Frances Lamb is cool)
    Anything that recaps a show I’m enjoying (Better Call Saul, where are you?)
    And the usual political ones with white guys.

    I just listened to one ‘Three Brothers’ where they interviewed Eugene Goodman !

    Oops dinner just arrived. Love you guys!

  10. Knox Bronson says:

    I am currently listening to the first season of “The World Beneath” for the second time, to refresh my memory before the second season drops. Written and performed by LB, whom you might know on Twitter as @lincolnsbible, she has created an fascinating and exhaustive historical podcast about the foundation of organized crime in this country, the creation of a global money-laundering system, the intersection of organized crime and the intelligence community, and her ultimate reveal, over the course of five seasons, will be how Russia invaded our country by coopting our own criminal underworld and, by extension, Trump and the Republican Party. I cannot speak too highly of nor praise too strongly “The World Beneath.”
    I enjoyed “Off The Record: David Bowie,” a wonderful biographical series on the Man. I love “Rudolf Steiner Audio,” the recorded lectures and books of the creator of Waldorf Schools and Biodynamic farming, who was an early twentieth-century Christian mystic and clairvoyant. It’s pretty out-there stuff, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t say it mostly rings true for me.
    The “Mushroom Revival Podcast,” about all things mycological. “The Oldest Profession,” a fascinating look at the world of sex work and politics and culture from the inside out by a couple of very smart women, with plenty of guests. A wonderful episode about Melania Trump, whom they deem an old pro, and a two-part feature on Lilith and how she was too hot for Adam to handle and the cultural ramifications of that down the centuries. “Everything Fab Four,” about the Fab Four. I like “Mea Culpa” by Michael Cohen, mostly because he hates Trump so much. “Narativ” by Zev Shalev and “Prevail” by Greg Olear — they are friends with LB of “The World Beneath,” and all are looking at the rise of MAGA and hopefully its fall.
    Lastly, I will plug my own podcast (I realized the other day that I’ve done over 800 of them, so I must be a podcaster), “Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble,” usually five to eight minute off-the-cuff episodes on whatever is on my mind on any given day. Latest episodes are “Intimations Of The Divine” and “Take Your NFTs & Shove Them Up Your Ass.” Something for everybody.

    • Tracy Lynn says:

      I have to admit that occasionally, Mea Culpa is a guilty pleasure. I like Michael Cohen’s NY accent. Also, Daily Beans and Mueller She Wrote. And the Glo Podcast.

  11. SuzyQ says:

    Once Upon a Time at Bennington College – “Bennington class of ’86, class of Bret Easton Ellis, future writer of American Psycho and co-leader of the literary Brat Pack; Jonathan Lethem, future writer of Motherless Brooklyn and MacArthur Fellow; and Donna Tartt, future writer of The Secret History and Pulitzer Prize winner. All three are, at various times, infatuated and disappointed with one another, their friendships stimulated and fueled by rivalry as much as affection. And all three will mythologize Bennington in their fiction—fiction that, as we’ll discover, isn’t always fiction, is often fact—and thereby become myths themselves.”

    No Place Like Home – “A thief steals a pair of the ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz from a museum in Garland’s hometown of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Who took the slippers, and where did they go?”

    The MLK Tapes – A deep dive into who murdered MLK Jr.

    Untold: The Daniel Morgan Murder – The story of the 1987 murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan, which is also the story of institutional corruption within the British Metropolitan police.

  12. Badger Robert says:

    OT on this thread, but: Try HBO Max’s Station Eleven. It has an odd improve feel to it, with some inconsistencies.

  13. Leslie Wilde says:

    Sisters in Law- hosted by 4 very smart women lawyers/former federal prosecutors who discuss left leaning political issues and related prosecutions like Jan 6.

    Know Your Enemy- discussion and analysis from the left about folks on the right.

    Pantsuit Politics- 2 southern women who are also lawyers discussing political issues with grace.

    Fever Dreams- Hosts informing listeners about crazy right-wing conspiracies like QAnon while simultaneously making fun of them.

    Five Thirty Eight- Nate Silver and co-hosts discuss political polls, polling, and related issues.

    Other favorite political podcasts: Amicus, Pod Save America, The Bulwark, Politicology, The Lincoln Project.

  14. Peterr says:

    I have really gotten tied in with Grumpy Pundits on Sirius XM’s soccer channel – lots of snark along with good conversation about soccer/football, mostly English Premier League but also other soccer leagues. Beyond the soccer stuff to remind me that there’s more to life than politics, they also approach soccer with a realization that the sport is more than just “shut up and kick the damn ball.”

    On Sunday mornings, as I’m driving to church, “The Warm Up” with Max Rushden and Barry Glendenning on Sirius XM’s soccer channel is absolutely spectacular. The humor is amazing (the weekly Ian Culverhouse game is spectacular), and I am convinced that my preaching has improved since discovering them, as they take my mind off of things in advance of worship.

  15. Ruthie says:

    Rayne, I also listened to the This Is Love episode about the swimmer, and I agree it was magical.

    I listen to lots of podcasts, so I won’t bore everyone with the complete list, but one of my all time favorites is S-town. It’s hard to describe, but although it’s based on a true story it has a novelistic quality to it. It’s a series of under ten episodes.

    Podcasts featuring women hosts which I enjoy include Death, Sex & Money, Judy Gold, a nearly 60 year old Jewish lesbian comedian interviewing other performers, and Where Should We Begin with Esther Perel, who is a couples counselor

    I look forward to trying out some of the ones I read about here! Thanks to all who contribute!

  16. PJB says:

    Nixon At War hosted by Kurt Anderson. With the release of secret files from the LBJ library after 50 yrs, the inside story of how Nixon sabotaged the Paris Peace Talks, how LBJ knew about it through illegal FBI domestic surveillance 2 weeks before the 1968 Election Day but Nixon knew that exposing him would exposed LBj’s illegal wiretapping and played chicken and won as Johnson didn’t go to the NYT with it. And, Nixon’s worry about those files, and thinking they were housed atBrookings, led to the formation of the plumbers, the break-in and ultimately to Watergate. Totally fascinating.

  17. MB says:

    Glutton for punishment that I seem to be, in addition to all the bad political news that gushes forth daily, I listen to smart commentary about the horseshoe of grifters in the wellness community who now spout right-wing nonsense and endless conspiracies on the Conspirituality Podcast: – new episode every Thursday afternoon.

    Also, a daily jazz podcast from France – “Open Jazz”. All commentary by host Alex Dutilh is in French, though occasionally he will lapse into accented English. I love it when he introduces the musicians by instrument: contrabasse, batterie etc. This is on Apple podcasts.

    • RobertaM says:

      Here to second Conspirituality! Also if you’re into that sort of thing “Knowledge Fight” takes on Alex Jones and “QAnon Anonymous” takes on well.. QAnon.

  18. Ed Walker says:

    I only listen to podcasts while exercising, to take my mind off the tedium of the elliptical trainer. I started with the Partially Examined Life, four guys who set out to do philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. They read the original philosophy texts and discuss them. I’ve learned quite a lot from it, and I enjoy the thinking. I don’t read the texts myself so this is a great introduction to fairly obscure historical figures as well as the famous people.

    Lately I’ve been listening to Supreme Myths, by Eric Segall, a law prof at Georgia State and author of Supreme Myths: Why the Supreme Court Is Not a Court and Its Justices Are Not Judges. He interviews law professionals about constitutional law mostly, but also other issues.

  19. Jim O'Neill says:

    The Lubber’s Hole – two learned coves discussing the books in the Aubrey/Maturin series by Patrick O’Brian.
    Also: Radioactive- The Father Coughlin Story.

  20. Chirrut Imwe says:

    I can’t imagine that the EW crowd only listens to serious podcasts. My weekly diet of podcasts includes mostly lighter fare (not that I don’t listen to some of the already-listed pods…). Comedy Bang Bang (although I sometimes skip the interview portion at the beginning) and Judge John Hodgman are weeklies. Stuff You Should Know and Al Franken (politics) as time allows. Dana Carvey & David Spade have a new one called ‘Fly On The Wall’ that is pretty good so far. Clear and Vivid with Alan Alda has great guests, and Alda is a good interviewer.

    I use the Google Podcasts app, mostly at 1.3x speed (except for Comedy Bang Bang, which features improv character work that I prefer to listen to a normal speed).

  21. Greg Hunter says:

    I subscribe to Luminary and I have listened to

    Every season of Fiasco – Busing, Iran Contra, Benghazi and Election 2000
    Every episode of History on Fire and History Impossible. Excellent historical podcasts

    Wyoming Public Media produces some excellent content – Open Spaces (Cheney on Jan 6th), Carbon Valley, Modern West and Humanature….

    Skullduggery just listen to the New York Times of podcasters Mike Isikoff…Actually some excellent guests including the persons who wrote about Davos Man and about Smedley Butler’s outing a right wing coup in the 1930s.

  22. Zwik says:

    Only a little OT:
    I’d like to find my spouse a center-conservative (not Republican) news website to replace the RW voices that have ratcheted up spouse’s fear and anger with emotionally-charged mis- and disinformation for decades. Any suggestions?
    One that addresses current topics and news without linking off to Newsmax or similar.

    Also, Mary Trump’s podcast is terrific. Lawfare is another favorite

    • FL Resister says:

      Tell her to check out The Bulwark, moderated by Charlie Sikes. Formerly an insider and popular radio talk show host, Sikes resigned from the party in February 2021.
      He’s center right and more principled than some of the Never-Trumpers who come on his show.
      It’s free on Apple.
      I also like listening to Talking Feds and she might like that podcast. They usually have a good smattering of opinion on the latest events in Washington and the show moves along nicely.
      The Sidebars are always interesting, with different celebrities coming on to explain a point of law.

  23. Nehoa says:

    Stay Tuned with Preet and Washington Post Reports with Martine Powers. Skullduggery sometimes and Josh Marshall.

  24. Max404 says:

    I listen to – and pay attention to – Christian Drosten’s “Coronavirus-Update” on NDR-Info. Drosten is chief of the department of Virology at Berlin Charité. He has made 108 podcasts since the beginning of the pandemic, each about 90 minutes long. Regular listeners – 10’s of thousands, who knows, 100’s of thousands of people – have practically received honorary degrees in virology listening to it. Science, science, science and no opinion just evidence based information. Especially now, as government policy ping-pongs around with little clear direction, listening to Drosten gives one the confidence to make sound decisions regarding daily life facing the pandemic.

    Also really good for improving German comprehension; his sentences are long and complex but there is never a wasted word.

    Bodo Wartke even wrote a song about the Coronavirus-Update podcast. Not to be missed !

  25. Jim Cri says:

    I love to listen to Counterspin every week from F.A.I.R. Janine Jackson always has interesting guests on to discuss situations.

  26. eastman says:

    This is a cool topic, thanks. I do lots of relatively monotonous work with my hands, so I have lots of time for podcasts. I’ve subscribed to a few suggested here, and am looking forward to checking them out.

    For years I’ve enjoyed KEXP’s “weekly mix” podcast which is an hour long mix of new independent music of many varieties, curated by the station’s DJ’s. A subset are running podcasts, some of which are as long as 3 hours and are great for listening to while exercising (or not). It has recently been retired and is being replaced by a weekly running podcast. Old episodes are still available to be downloaded.

    I also enjoyed “Vaccine: The human story” which is about the history of the smallpox vaccine. It was especially interesting given the vaccine misinformation and hesitancy going around these days.

    The last one I’ll mention is “QAnon Anonymous” which started out in 2018 with the goal of understanding and explaining the conspiracy theory, and has branched out from there. I have a feeling that some of the humor may not be appealing to some here – a group of white guys talking – but I’ve learned a lot from it, and have a much deeper understanding of the QAnon/right wing conspiracy theory ecosystem than I would without listening to it.

    Off topic, I really wish John Eastman wasn’t sullying my name these days… It is jarring.

  27. Jenny says:

    Things Fell Apart
    This Jon Ronson podcast explores the extraordinary human stories behind America’s culture wars.

  28. Zinsky says:

    American Radical – The backstory of Rosanne Boyland who was trampled to death at the West entrance tunnel on 1/6/21.
    Trump, Inc. – Good background on the Trump crime family. The breadth and scope of their misdeeds are truly astonishing!
    Planet Money – for financial information and background on stories in the news related to business and economics.
    Pod Save America – because my wife and adult kids all listen to it and we often discuss things they cover.

  29. DAT says:

    I’ve recently traveled across the country by train so had lots of time to indulge in podcasts. “You’re’ wrong about” by Sarah Marshall is good. I’ve listening to her 11+ episodes on the OJ trial. (and the trial hasn’t started yet!) “Cocaine & Rhinestones,” which focuses on 20th century country music, is fabulous. If you don’t try it because you think you don’t like country music, you are doing yourself a disservice. “You must remember this,” with tag line (approx.) “the forgotten and/or suppressed history of Hollywood’s first century.” is much meatier than you likely suspect. I’ve just finished her 12 parter on Charles Manson. Her six episodes on Walt Disney’s racism was eye opening to me. Finally, I Love “The Cornfield Resistance,” by Pro Left Pod, out of Springfield Illinois. As they say, “It’s not safe for work.” They have a focus on the Media, (MSM) and especially David Brooks. (Poor David Brooks!) Their husband and wife banter has been a balm for me.

  30. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Just a reminder for bmaz that all the episodes of Car Talk are available on their website. Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers, are still brilliant and have pretty good advice about cars.

    • bmaz says:

      I know! Reruns of them were still on Saturday morning NPR not that long ago. Okay, maybe five years ago. And, yes, they were still great. It was hilarious when a caller was asking about their Gremlin or Pinto or something, but still awesome.

  31. Douglas Erhard says:

    The Office Deep Dive – Brian Baumgartner (Kevin Malone) interviews cast members, producers, writers and directors of the Office (US) TV show.

    DATELINE – Everyone knows what this is….

    This is Actually Happening – pared down, simple retelling of stories by a single person, on a single personal topic.

    AXIOS How it Happened – January 6th Insurrection retelling by reporter Jonathan Swan.

    Court Junkie – Crime court cases

    What About Pam – Dateline podcast about a murderer named Pam.

    The Shrink Next Door – Story of a New York psychologist and one of his clients. I don’t want to give anything away.

    New Scientist Weekly – Team of science junkies discuss various topics.

  32. Callyn says:

    Awesome suggestions everyone. Thank you.

    1) Another Way by Lawrence Lessig
    2) The Apology Line. A hotline set up for 15 years in Manhattan by Mr. Apology. People called and left their stories and confessions.
    3) Chapo Trap House. Self described as the “Dirtbag Left”
    4) Bowery Boys. Two guys explore more than 400 years of action packed stories in New York City.
    5) Casefile. True Crime with amazing Australian narration.
    6) CLE Rocks. Cleveland Ohio centric rock ‘n’ roll podcast.
    7) Flashback. Covers failed technology and tech products.
    8) Gangster Capitalism. First season, the college admission scandal. Second season, the NRA, third season, Jerry Falwell and liberty University. Some original reporting.
    9) Hunting Warhead. Follows the journalist and police on a global mission to explores the darkest corners of the Internet.
    10) Once upon a time at Bennington college.
    11) Qanon Anonymous.
    12) Terrys Talkin. Cleveland Plain Dealer sports writer Terry Pluto talks Cleveland sports.

  33. Franktoo says:

    I enjoy the National Constitution Center’s “We the People” and “Live at the National Constitution Center”. The NCC has a non-partisan charter to educate the public about the Constitution. They discuss important cases before the Supreme Court, often with one knowledgeable attorney from the liberal Constitutional Society and one the Federalist Society. Many times the guests have filed amicus briefs about the case. Often you can hear what both sides agree upon before getting into the areas of disagreement, which often are surprisingly narrow. The second podcast is covers a wider variety of issues and rights not linked to specific cases: freedom/regulation of speech on the Internet, history of the founding ideas, civil war amendments, women’s rights, Electoral Count Act, Martin Luther King, etc. I like that I am presented with the best arguments of both sides and not told what to think.

  34. Jeff Stana says:

    I walk to stay active and of late it takes almost an hour to shake the lethargy. Podcasting enhances the experience, though I prefer reading when parked in a chair, for many of the same reasons already mentioned.

    Google podcasts work well. It’s a shared environment on laptop and phone. I search/subscribe on the laptop, then download episodes on the phone while at home to save data charges.

    “Stuff You Should Know” and “Citations Needed” are go-to podcasts and recently discovered “Decoding the Gurus”. The Irish and Australian accents add extra spice to the experience. Sorting out foreign expressions ups my attentiveness, a lot.

    Thanks for all the new topic suggestions!

  35. elcajon64 says:

    I listen daily instead of watching television. Some of these are offered as audio/visual but I just listen. Nearly all of them offer bonus content for a low price and I don’t do that either. I use the Apple podcast app for all of them.
    1. The Majority Report – Every weekday they provide headline political news and have an interview related to a current topic or ongoing situation that is always interesting. It’s presented much like traditional radio and is some of the most professionally presented podcasting from the left. There have been several spin-offs that were/are pretty good, including the two below. This is where I first heard Dr. Wheeler.
    2. DOOMED with Matt Binder – Covers sociopolitical current events from the left in a very charming – if low rent – fashion. Usually has guests doing a deep dive into timely topics.
    3. Left Reckoning – Leftist economic and labor discussions by two guys in their early to mid-twenties who were producers and co-hosts of TMBS (The David Brooks Show) prior to David’s passing. They seem to interview every other lefty podcaster.
    4. Give Them an Argument – Ben Burgis has guests that cover current topics from a philosophy professor’s viewpoint. Burgis has recently published a book on Christopher Hitchens and is diving deep into the subject.
    5. Chapo Trap House – Dirtbag left and fucking hilarious. It sounds like rightwing shock, and is three dudes duding it up, but a great deal smarter. If you want to recommend something to someone who likes this presentation, but you don’t want them getting into the “dark web”, this is a great alternative.
    6. Gin and Tacos – Semi-funny, nerdy stuff. The most Gen X soundtrack ever and drink recipes/histories.
    7. Cover to Cover with Chris Franjola – Mindless entertainment that isn’t off-putting particularly stupid. Franjola is a former writer from the Chelsea Handler Show who shares his life as a standup comic and Hollywood has-been.
    8. Guitar Jerks – Two friends of mine who dive into all the unimportant things about guitar. The two of them have nearly the same voice and are both named John so it sounds like a conversation in someone’s head. There are just ten episodes, the last of which was released several years ago but it still holds up.

    • Bobster33 says:

      I make it a point to listen to the Majority Report every Friday. I usually only listen to the guest but sometime I listen to the whole thing.

  36. Steve13209 says:

    The Kingcast. All things Stephen King. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Nothing with too much current events. I need to escape while driving 4 hours in my car. I just use the Podcast app on my iphone.

  37. Tracy Lynn says:

    Just finished The Dropout: Elizabeth Holmes on Trial, a podcast of ABC News. I didn’t pay any attention to Theranos at the time, but couldn’t escape hearing about the verdict — I’m fascinated by how she got so many “luminaries” of the Stanford/Sand Hill Road VC world to throw gawd-awful amounts of $$ at a technology that didn’t really exist. Holmes had an amazing ability to separate people from their money — Rupert Murdoch spent $125M, then when it appeared the wheels were coming off, sold his shares back to Theranos for $1 and took the tax write-off.

  38. Maureen A Donnelly says:

    I love podcasts. I listen to The Daily Beans M-F and Muller, She Wrote on Sundays. The Guardians of the River is an excellent podcast about conservation in Botswana and elsewhere. This Land is a wonderful weaving of an American story and the eastern half of Oklahoma. The Noel Casler Podcast does have “two guys talking” but I adore both of them and their weekly take on the news. Bag Man by Rachel Maddow was my first podcast and am delighted to know she is going to make a movie derived from her work on that project . . . I stream over Apple music service. Thanks for the question.

  39. Libration Point says:

    Here’s the ones I currently listen to routinely.

    Well There’s Your Problem – a podcast about engineering disasters, from a leftist perspective that examines not just the immediate events of incidents but the underlying causes. You can tell something is about to go terribly wrong when the lead host mentions a specific date and time. Skip the first couple, the audio quality is trash and until the third host joins the conversational dynamics haven’t quite gelled.
    Kill James Bond – an ongoing review of the Bond films, which just hit the Craig years. The hosts can be pretty scathing about how terrible Bond is, but also insightful about what the movies succeeded at and why they had trouble carrying that from one film to the next.
    Lions Led By Donkeys – An army veteran and historian talks about various historic military screw-ups, with the catchphrase “wait, it gets worse”. It can get a little dark – the lead is getting a masters in genocide studies and boy does that show sometimes – but they’re pretty good at giving appropriate warnings. The initial audio quality here is a little sketchy too.
    What a Hell of a Way to Die – another leftist military podcast mixed with current events. Come for the insights into military affairs, stay for the dad chats about gardening in Missouri and England.

    Several of the hosts overlap and all but WYTP are edited by the same guy, so there’s a fair number of crossover. If you like them you might like Trash Future as well. I find the segments about bizarre startups interesting but the British politics a bit impenetrable.

  40. NickinNJ says:

    While many in America, lost their minds in America during the pandemic. I made a goal for myself to become a better gardener instead of going down unproductive rabbit holes such as insurrection and fascism. In my pursuit of greener and more healthy plants and crops, I found an interest in the cultivation of cannabis as the walls of prohibition are now tumbling down in the US and around the world. This led me to a informative and interesting podcast called “The Cannabis Cultivation and Science Podcast” hosted by Tad Hussey. If anyone has an interest in agronomy, gardening or cannabis cultivation, I recommend that you take a listen.

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