Three Things: Fire, Fire, Fired [UPDATE-1]

[NB: Check the byline, thanks.  Updates will appear at the bottom of this post. /~Rayne]

Bet you’ll guess only one of the three people our country needs to have removed from their position and replaced immediately.

Oops, there’s four, but let’s call it a two-fer.

But these people can’t be fired by the president, one might say.

If the Supreme Court said the president can fire the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Board according to its decision in Seila Law v. CFPB — Article II, Section 1’s vesting clause assures the president can remove those who assist him in execution of his duties — the president can likewise fire the heads of other executive branch functions.

Do it, Joe Biden. Get this done. Deliver for the people.

~ 3 ~

Fire U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy — right the fuck now.

And fire along with him whomever it is on the USPS Board of Governors who has been bottlenecking his removal, which is likely governor chairman Ron Bloom.

DeJoy is hurting retired and disabled Americans who can no longer rely on getting their essential medicines on a timely basis. With some diabetics in particular already rationing their overpriced medicines, the mounting unnecessary delays caused by changes DeJoy implemented with the Board of Governors’ consent are causing injury. Lawmakers have tried to intervene on behalf of veterans whose medicines are mailed by the Veterans Administration, but without improvements to vets and non-vets alike.

It’s only a matter of time before we hear of some American who died as a result of USPS delays.

DeJoy is hurting businesses, particularly small business owners; they can’t rely on getting a First Class letter containing a payment from across town within a week, nor can their workers or contractors who are paid by check get their payments on a timely basis because of DeJoy’s unnecessary changes to USPS service. There have been losses which can’t simply be fixed by a replacement shipment — like dead chicks.

DeJoy’s changes to USPS aren’t saving Americans money; they’re costing them more and they can’t see this expense in their taxes where it’s concrete. It’s leaking away in disruptions to business and in injury to their vital personal needs.

We can’t tell how much of the manifold supply chain crises we’re experiencing is really DeJoy’s gross mismanagement of postal deliveries, even though DeJoy made the USPS prioritize package deliveries over First Class mail. Wrong move when business’s liquidity may be in that First Class mail.

The USPS has gotten so bad it now has its own Wikipedia entry for U.S. Postal Service Crisis.

Meanwhile, DeJoy continues to hold his current job in spite of documented and mismanaged conflicts of interest, including the purchase of $305,000 of bonds from Ron Bloom’s investment company.

The American public can’t afford to wait for any current investigations into his corruption to be completed.

DeJoy needs to go and take his corruption and lousy management with him. It’s not like he’s counting on the postmaster gig for a living while millions of Americans count on the USPS for their daily needs.

Don’t forget to take Trump-appointee Bloom, too. He’s likely been the reason the Board of Governors hasn’t removed DeJoy already since Biden appointees were named to the board.

How much longer are we going to have to yell about this particular Trumpian mess?

~ 2 ~

Fire the head of the Federal Election Commission Shana Broussard.

Broussard, a Trump-appointed Democrat (which should make one immediately skeptical), voted with the three GOP members of the FEC to dismiss a complaint that a foreign company Sandfire Resources donated $270,000 to a ballot initiative, Stop I-186 to Protect Mining and Jobs, in Montana to further its mining interests.

You’d think Broussard would have relied on the opinion of another Democratic FEC commissioner, Ellen Weintraub, to make her decision but no. Weintraub published a dissent which essentially begs Congress and state legislatures to ensure U.S. democracy is protected by regulations “preventing foreign influence over the U.S. political process.”

You’d also think Broussard as a Democrat would have some grasp of what’s at stake after the influence of foreign money on the 2012-2016 elections though laundered legally thanks to Citizens United — but no.

Further, you’d think Broussard would understand the GOP doesn’t lockstep with the three GOP FEC commissioners as to foreign influence. Evidence of this bipartisan concern appears in H.R. 5841 – the Stop Foreign Funds in Elections Act submitted on November 3 and forwarded to the House Committee on House Administration.

But no, Broussard is out of touch with what is needed to protect U.S. elections and simply not up to the job. At least she spurred a genuine bipartisan effort born of panic over her indifferent work.

Hand her a pink thank u, next card, and then ask Weintraub who she’d hire instead.

~ 1 ~

Fire Bureau of Labor Statistics section chief Angie Clinton.

The employment statistics errors resulting in the biggest correction ever of BLS reporting merits a shakeup.

How do you fuck up reporting the number of payroll checks issued this badly for months? Granted, that’s an oversimplification but this is in essence what’s needed: counting the payroll paid out and correctly classifying which types of jobs were paid.

If businesses are late reporting the data because we’re in a goddamned pandemic, REPORT THAT CAVEAT with emphasis appropriate to the occasion.

This is unacceptable:

In August, when economists expected a strong follow-up to the 943,000 jobs the economy added in July, the BLS announced the U.S. added only 235,000 jobs. Headlines dubbed it a “colossal miss” as job growth took a “giant step back.” Two months later, revisions based on additional data showed August jobs grew by 483,000, more than double the anemic original reading. It was the biggest positive revision in almost four decades.

When the incoming data appeared this far off, there should have been some hustle to explain it with a strong caveat.

Businesses of all sizes can’t make accurate decisions about their hiring and retention if they are going to receive such deeply erroneous information. How many businesses have been thinking there are unemployed on the sidelines waiting when they’ve already been hired?

Businesses are now late to rethinking their processes due to a much tighter workforce. How much of this delay looks like supply chain crises?

How much have these errors delayed improvements to supply chain problems when it can take a year more to plan, design, build, install, and implement automation to augment labor? Demand for automation had already been strong before the pandemic; the chip manufacturing problems compound lead times for equipment. Delays because of bad BLS data only exacerbate challenges.

We can’t afford these mistakes. Ditch Clinton.

~ 0 ~

Americans who watched that orange-tinted slack-bottomed mobster masquerading as a legitimate business person for over a dozen years have been trained to expect a chief executive who terminates failures.

Biden as our chief executive needs to not only hire but fire when the people have been failed.

And these three have failed. There are equally or better talented people waiting in the wings who don’t have the corrupt conflict of interests DeJoy has or the flop sweaty stink of Trump mole on them like Clinton and Broussard.

Two of these four are Democrats — that’s Shana Broussard and Ron Bloom — which should make GOPrs happy that it’s not a partisan purge.

Do it, clean house. We demand better. Tell them “You’re fired” because their screw-ups are big fucking deals.

~ ~ ~

UPDATE-1 — 10:10 AM ET 19-NOV-2021 —

Well, well, well, would you look at what hit my timeline shortly after 8:00 a.m. today…

Biden expected to replace Ron Bloom, USPS board chair and key DeJoy ally, on postal board

President Biden is expected to announce Friday that he will not renominate Ron Bloom, the chair the U.S. Postal Service board and a key ally of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, when his term expires next month, according to three people with knowledge of the situation.

The move casts doubt on DeJoy’s future at the agency, the people said, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Excellent. Bloom’s term ends on December 8. Let’s get a better governor in that seat who respects union labor but also understands the importance of reliable postal service to this nation’s competitive standing and to its individual constituents.


Congressional Democrats are still fuming about DeJoy’s planned mail slowdowns in the run up to the 2020 presidential election, his past activity as a Republican megadonor and his financial relationship with Bloom. DeJoy between October 2020 and April purchased up to $305,000 in bonds from the asset management firm where Bloom is a senior executive.

Postal ethics officials have cleared the transaction, and Bloom has told The Washington Post that he receives “no benefit whatsoever” when bonds issued by his company, Brookfield Asset Management, are bought or sold.

Support of First Class mail slowdowns during an election year, with the removal of sorting machines from key locations in blue cities, was absolutely unacceptable and Bloom shouldn’t be re-nominated for this reason alone if he supported DeJoy on this change. It’s never been clear how Bloom’s relationship with the letter carriers’ union survived after this change; how did removing those sorting devices improve the lives of unionized postal workers?

The appearance to the public of a conflict of interest should have mattered to both Bloom and DeJoy even if they had clearance from USPS postal ethics officials. At the top of the USPS’ food chain they are expected to exert a greater effort to avoid any transactions which could raise questions, and they simply didn’t.

[Note to self: look into the postal ethics officials because there’s far too little transparency about this asset management matter.]

A Republican seat on the board of governors will also open along with Bloom’s — let’s hope there’s a rational GOP or another independent out there Biden can appoint to that slot when he names Bloom’s replacement.

And then on to excising the wart named DeJoy.

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64 replies
  1. Rayne says:

    Disclosure: I am waiting for an order from Amazon which has gotten lost in the mail. I’ve had an Amazon account since 1999; before this year only one order had ever gone astray. This year, though, I’ve had three go astray inside the last three months.

    As for the small business experience, that, too, is personal: there have been several invoices and paychecks which have taken 7-10 days to get from a location 5 miles across town. We shouldn’t have to drive over there to get individual checks which are processed in batches and bulk mailed to save that other small business time and money. Nor should we have to drive across town to drop off invoices; time in the car isn’t billable and vastly more expensive compared to a First Class stamp. Don’t even get me started on how much carbon driving around would generate when mail trucks are already on the road to do this for us.

    Just so fed up with this gross incompetence installed to fuck up our country and its democracy.

    • Bardi says:

      For the Post Office, Kevin Drum posted an article a while back showing basically what first class postage cost in developed countries. The US was the cheapest.

      A company I used to work for, one of the largest American air carriers, needed to send me filled-out copies of my “proof of employment”. Two weeks after they sent the mail and I saw nothing, I called and had them “overnight” the paperwork. They said that “overnight” now takes from five to seven business days. Overnight?

      My family has received one of the three Federal handouts. No investigation nor seeming interest.

      Fire the dude.

      • Rayne says:

        I don’t give a damn how cheap our First Class postage is compared to other countries. That’s irrelevant to DeJoy’s fuckupedness.

        What really pisses me the fuck off is that the GOP, which is supposed to be pro-business, isn’t when it comes to the USPS. Our post office is a cheap and (until DeJoy) extremely efficient business subsidy. The demand that USPS ran profitably has always been stupid; it more than paid for itself in what it has saved businesses.

        Show that pudgy corrupt fuck DeJoy to the curb.

        • P J Evans says:

          They’re pro-business, as long as government is minimally involved. They hate that the USPS is a public service, and serves everyone. (They’d also kill Amtrak and the FAA if they could.)

        • Raven Eye says:

          Regarding your “DeJoy’s changes to USPS aren’t saving Americans money; they’re costing them more…”: Truth. The more DeJoy slows things, the costlier the service gets and the more money private carriers make.

          Every additional hour between when USPS accepts an item and when USPS delivers it to the final destination increases the cost.

          So unless you also reduce the total volume of mail in proportion to the service cuts (convince mailers/shippers to use other services), there is an increased volume of mail in transit for a longer period of time. That requires more trailers and more storage space. USPS runs out of organic capacity and so must contract for that capacity. The commercial carriers win either way.

          A co-worker of mine had been a supervisor at a USPS regional facility. He explained that the reason that you rarely (if ever) got bulk mail on Monday was that the trucks arrive at those regional facilities 24/7. With no Sunday delivery things pile up and USPS has to prioritize Monday to catch up on the first class/priority mail. And regional facilities can only push so much mail into the local offices and their vehicles.

          I used to wonder about the era of multiple mail deliveries throughout the day in large cities in the UK. But if you have small post offices, you need to keep things moving — though that was a pretty labor intensive solution. Theoretically, a USPS system using hypersonic winged monkeys would have some advantages.

        • P J Evans says:

          Bulk mail hits my box Tuesday or Wednesday. It’s all local stuff; the non-local is spread out through the week. (This time of year, it’s all been stuff pushing Medicare add-on plans.)

        • Rayne says:

          God freaking damn it all. If DeJoy changed things up so that more mail sat in XPO Logistics trailers longer and USPS paid demurrage and detention charges, I’m going be so pissed off.

          That’s a scam right there: DeJoy slows down all First Class so that there’s less cash spent on overtime and on labor in general, but then the backlog of mail ends up in trailers for longer periods of time. Package shipments are given priority because there’s competition for that but there is NO competition for First Class mail at volume since he’s the postmaster general.

          And he continues to rake in $$$ because he’s never fully distanced himself from XPO Logistics while showing both no real change in expenses but lower staffing hours.

          Thanks for sharing that observation about the trucks or I wouldn’t have made the connection. Sure would like to know if there’s an audit of demurrage and detention fees.

          EDIT: Here’s a piece explaining demurrage and detention in containerized shipment; it’s the same thing with dry vans or trailers.

          This is a factor contributing to some portion of inflation — additional demurrage and detention because freight can’t be offloaded and cleared from the port fast enough. If the White House wanted to do something directly and short-term to address inflation, it’d be looking at using the Defense Production Act to resolve the backlogs at the ports because there are essential goods and materials required by critical infrastructure in containers.

          And the DPA might also provide rationale for terminating DeJoy who hasn’t perceived any sense of urgency during this pandemic related to keeping businesses relying on USPS on war footing.

      • Cinco says:

        I use USPS to send cards and letters to my friend in Ivy Bridge, Devon, United Kingdom. Getting cards and letters in the mail is so much more personal than texts or emails. Sure it takes more effort, but that’s what makes it more special than electronic means of sending sentiments. Oh yeah, it only takes 10 days to get there. I’m totally amazed that l can put a $1.00 stamp on an envelope and it’s in Gail’s hand, half way around the planet, and it is physically in her han in 10 days. It’s magic to me.
        So why does it take a week to get a birthday card or letter across town? With the present delivery system under De joyless, delivery would be faster using Pony Express.

    • mospeck says:

      yea Rayne, I’m lost in the mail too. We got troubles with a capital T.
      You ever get the feeling that some folks are just so much better, more principled, and way fucking braver than we are or ever could be? I mean, I’m not a bad human being, but Navalny is like ten thousand miles up.. And there’s no news from vladland. And no news is good news, right?
      What about the kids? Lay your bets down. Right now Vegas line is they’re a 40/60 dog. Take the points?

  2. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Nice new format, and wholeheartedly agree. DeJoy in particular is a hydra-headed menace. I assume he’s still refusing to deliver mail to 21 or more countries, including Australia and New Zealand, on the farce of an excuse that he hasn’t the infrastructure to do it. A patent lie. And he’s not using airplanes for domestic bulk shipping, but only trucks? Ironic, given that the US postal service was a founding patron of American commercial air travel. DeJoy needs to go now, and he can take his USPS board patrons with him.

  3. Rugger9 says:

    Let’s remember that the GQP theme (willingly parroted by the courtier press like Chuck Todd) is that the economy is tanking, people are not working and it’s all Biden’s fault. Oh-for-three, but one does wonder how much this kind of reporting convinced voters that Biden’s program was a failure in the recent off-year elections. Was Ms. Clinton a Trumpkin or Bushie? One also has to ask that question as well.

    • P J Evans says:

      There are a lot of people who believe that, because the media stories don’t explain how supply-lines work. Or futures speculation in oil.

      • Theodora30 says:

        Or tell us that the oil companies have the capacity to increase production but are holding back because they like the high prices. When the Treasury recently released it’s estimate of the cost of the BBB bill and found that its tax provisions and reduction of drug prices would more than pay for the costs — i.e. that BBB will actually reduce the deficit — most of the media chose to ignore that report and continue reporting about how Republicans and “moderate” Democrats are concerned about the costs of the proposals. The WaPo’s Paul Waldman and Greg Sargent were the exception:

  4. ernesto1581 says:

    What about parlementarian MacDonough who has, over the last few years, come to consider her advisements to be “rulings.” (see Vermont Law School commencent address, 5/12/18)
    Very popular in Congress, widely admired for her handling of the impeachment proceedings, but clearly suffering from an inflated sense of self-importance at this point.
    Dismissal of parlementarian would not be unprecedented.

    • Rayne says:

      Separation of powers means Elizabeth MacDonough is the responsibility of Congress. It’s on them to fire/hire the parliamentarian. And that’s a whole ‘nother post.

      • ernesto1581 says:

        yeah, you right. plus, i consistently mispelled “parliamentarian” which you were kind enough to ignore…

        • Rayne says:

          Believe me, I had to spell it out in my own head, just lucky I wasn’t using my phone which does the most gawdawful autocorrections of late.

  5. Fraud Guy says:

    Never put people who think that government can’t work in positions of power–they will do everything they can to prove themselves right.

    • P J Evans says:

      If someone running for office is campaigning on the idea that government is the problem – they need to be asked all the time why they want to be *in* government.

    • punaise says:

      Rayne está en fuego!

      I have received past due notices (with late penalties) for bills I paid and mailed well before the due date. I’m mostly onboard with online banking and payments, but for some quaint reason I still enjoy putting a stamp on a few envelopes to support the USPS.

      • bmaz says:

        As a lawyer, even with email, there are still some things I have to send hard copies of. I have no problem paying higher postage if necessary, but when I mail something, it needs to go. Now. It needs to work again.

  6. obsessed says:

    Thank you for voicing another of my biggest frustrations. But how – technically – could he go about removing DeJoy and his most corrupt henchman Ronald A. Bloom?

    • Rayne says:

      The same way the administration removed the head of CFPB — or close to it. White House calls them, says, “Turn in your resignation effective with the end of business today, turn in your keys, your network access will be locked down and you’ll be escorted. If you don’t resign you’re fired.”

      The head of CFPB saw the writing on the wall and resigned.

    • Leoghann says:

      Actually, you have the henchpeople turned around backwards. It’s moot now, but DeJoy was hired by, and works for Bloom and the rest of the commissioners.

      Also, Rayne, it was reported in the HIll and another publication today that Biden’s choice for the other, Republican board of governors position is Derek Kan. From what I read, Kan has some good bona fides and seems to live mentally on this planet.

  7. subtropolis says:

    That FEC issue came up a couple of weeks ago over at the “Daily Chaos”, and I left a comment which, at the time, wished had been posted here. To wit:

    “It occurred to me that one might also attack this through the Foreign Agent Registration Act, as the scope of that includes not just sovereign governments but a “foreign principal”. Force anyone who’s at all involved with any organisation that is taking the money to register as a foreign agent.”

    I then quoted from this brief PDF:

    “An agent of a foreign principal also must file public copies of any “informational materials” that the agent disseminates among two or more persons in the interests of a foreign principal. These materials must include a conspicuous statement that they are distributed by an agent on behalf of a foreign principal.”

    IANAL, nor anywhere vaguely expert in these matters. Is this viable?

    • Rayne says:

      That was the first thing which occurred to me, that FARA came into play — and the reason a foreign entity might give money to a ballot initiative was to avoid FARA because the situation is so nebulous until Shana Broussard’s goddamned vote to allow foreign money.

      Some FARA experts are going to have to weigh in on this.

    • Rayne says:

      This one is a bit more complicated, will take a little more than merely saying, “You’re fired!”

      Michael Yaki, a Democratic commissioner on the Commission on Civil Rights, charged that the four conservative commissioners, led by Trump appointee J. Christian Adams, held the “entire agenda of the Commission hostage” until they were given power to name an election board designee. Ultimately, the Civil Rights Commission agreed to have the Republicans put forward two names for the election advisory board, and the Democratic commissioners would choose between them.

      The Republicans put forward Mitchell — and Adams — for the Democrats to choose between.

      Give the situation time to ripen.

      • mvario says:

        Very good, thank you. And it looks like some action is finally happening as far as Bloom (and hopefully DeJoy to follow).


  8. bg says:

    I had a big run in with a mail carrier a couple of years ago. This one refused to put mail in a street side multi box if there were any weeds near it or if there was someone parked in front of it. The parking issue is ongoing in this neighborhood which has a lot of on street parking, and not just for the multi box, but for individual mail boxes. I got a notice on my windshield when I parked too close to an individual mail box on the street. One must not park in front of or near a mail box any more. I did learn that the mail carriers actually have to account for each step they take, and they are not allowed to back track to a box. My sister moved from her home more than a year ago, no one living in the house, but the carrier walks to her mailbox on the porch daily because it is important that those steps be counted for when someone moves into the house, the steps to the box have not been eliminated in the count of footsteps the carrier makes on a route. I saw a neighbor recently complaining on line that the mailbox they mounted by the street is not a proper design for that location (cannot have a top opening box must be opened at the end) or the carrier will not leave the mail. The carriers are certainly overworked and stressed, our mail is often delivered as late as 6 PM. I am happy to buy stamps and don’t use on line banking though I do pay a number of bills over the phone. I am with you on these firings, Rayne. These people need to go.

    • Rayne says:

      Nah. There have been a number of petitions out there for months demanding DeJoy be removed as well as Bloom. I’m just the last straw on the massive pile.

  9. Tom says:

    The other day I suddenly realized I hadn’t received a copy of “The Atlantic” in quite some time. If your subscription is due to expire, you usually receive an abundance of renewal notices but I hadn’t gotten any at all. Checking out their subscription department, I found that there is a tremendous backlog of magazines waiting to be shipped out due to delays at the USPS. Funny, but there has been no interruption in delivery of my “Harper’s” magazine.

    One of the odd facts I recall from reading Paul Hendrickson’s 2011 book, “Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved in Life and Lost, 1934-1961” is that during the 1930s, when Hemingway was living in Key West, the mail delivery time between his home and his publisher, Charles Scribner, in New York was usually two days.

    Another example of how modernization does not necessarily result in improvement of service can be drawn from Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. In Dudley Pope’s 1972 book, “The Great Gamble: Nelson at Copenhagen”, we read that, “The postal system in Britain at this time [1801] was remarkably good and cheap … A letter from London to Plymouth took two days, comparing favourably with about the same time, using computers and trains, in the latter half of the twentieth century. Foreign mail to places like the West Indies was considerably faster than present-day surface mail.”

    To illustrate his point, Pope states that mail packet ships sailing from Falmouth, England, would usually reach Jamaica in about 35 days, ten days longer if they stopped in Barbados along the way. By comparison, “In the last third of the twentieth century surface mail to the Windward and Leeward islands takes between forty and eighty-five days.” Yet more testimony to the advantages of green–i.e., wind–energy!

  10. rdpayne says:

    Sigh, not having any better judgement at the moment, perhaps Broussard should be shown wither goes the ramjet

  11. tmooretxk says:

    I live in a town of 60,000 well separated from any other population centers. Ten years ago all our local mail was handled in one of our two post office locations, and in-town mail was delivered the next day. Since then our sorting operation has been dissolved and all mail goes to Shreveport (seventy five miles away) and is returned here three to ten days later. This predated DeJoy by several years, but the original three days has definitely trended toward the ten days over the last year and a half. I receive some bills so late that I can’t even pay them online in time and have to hand deliver them; one water bill didn’t arrive until it was overdue. So happy to see USPS efficiency being improved!

  12. Judy says:

    I saw the announcement about Bloom’s term ending and Biden not renominating him. My first thought – They heard Rayne all the way in the White House.

    • Rayne says:

      LOL No, if anything I suspect they had this change in hand and were waiting until after the BBB passed this week. My post merely hit their communications window, what with Bloom’s term ending on December 8, a little over two weeks from now.

      And perhaps they heard about Bloom saying he thought he was going to be renominated. ~insert nope-nope-nope octopus gif~

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