Three Things: North by East by Northeast on January 6

[NB: Check the byline, thanks. /~Rayne]

While Marcy has the prosecutions of January 6 perps admirably handled, there are a few things which have niggled at me as the investigations into the insurrection have progressed.

Maybe they’re something; maybe they’re nothing. What do you think?

~ 3 ~

In the early days after the insurrection, a few of the better pieces of reporting looked at the location and timing of the mob. I’d snapped screenshots from one report in particular but I should have done more since the original report no longer contains the key interactive feature without any note it was pulled/killed. I can’t pull up the video any longer from which I pulled this screenshot – here is the original as snapped and an enhanced version tweaked for color balance, gamma, and saturation.

In this snap from a representation of cell phone users moving toward the Capitol on January 6, note in particular at the northeast of the Capitol Building a dense cluster of cell phone signatures.

The cluster isn’t highlighted like the mass of rioters who moved from the Ellipse toward the Capitol, but the signatures are dense.

You’ll note the location is at/near Columbus Circle where people will catch transportation, but the cell phone traffic didn’t appear to move toward the circle after the speeches were done at the Ellipse; it was very focused on moving toward the Capitol.

Nor was there cell phone traffic moving toward the Capitol South Station for transportation though the area may have been closed to through traffic.

Who were these people and why were there so many in that one north-northeast location as the Capitol was assaulted? Is there a benign explanation like people waiting for rally/insurrection participants, or is there another explanation?

~ 2 ~

Dr. Jack Brown, who does body language analysis, performed an analysis of surveillance photos and video which captured the perp who left the improvised explosive devices near the Democratic National Committee building and the Capitol Hill Club on the evening of January 5. It’s worth your time to visit this threaded study.

I can’t help thinking after looking at images and video of the perp that this was a woman wearing shoes which may not have been hers, but perhaps my perception is off.

One really important detail came up in this analysis which I know I’d missed before and perhaps reporters did, too: earlier reporting by multiple media outlets said the second IED had been placed at the RNC building (located at 310 First St SE, Washington, DC), not the Capitol Hill Club (located at 300 First St SE, Washington, DC). What’s the story here? Is it important that the perp targeted the Capitol Hill Club and not the RNC?

One other detail which I don’t recall being reported before the Washington Post’s huge investigative spread was the existence of a third suspicious package which hasn’t been called an IED or bomb, located at the Supreme Court building which is located directly east of the Capitol Building.

The DNC offices are south of the Capitol while the Capitol Hill Club is to the southeast. Had the IEDs at these sites detonated, law enforcement (and National Guard if they were summoned) may have swarmed to the location of the IEDs. If the suspicious material at the Supreme Court building was an IED, that would also have drawn first response personnel away from the Capitol. All three combined would have left the east side of the Capitol even more lightly defended than it was.

Not to mention the chaos such blasts would have created among mob members who weren’t in on a possible conspiracy behind the bombs.

All of which makes the congregated cell phone signatures to the northeast of the Capitol Building off First Street more intriguing.

~ 1 ~

Long-time emptywheel community member harpie has done yeoman’s work pulling together timeline content related to January 6 events. In a comment last night she pointed to the parking place of Alabaman Lonnie Coffman who has accepted a plea agreement related to a 17-count indictment related to weapons and explosives found in his pickup truck on January 6.

You may recall the truck had guns and Molotov cocktails in it. Reporting mentioned that the truck was found during a search around the area where the IEDs had been found:

… According to charging papers, police spotted weapons in his red pickup while searching an area of Capitol Hill that had been sealed off because unexploded pipe bombs had been reported near the headquarters of the Republican and Democratic parties minutes before the mob assault began about 1 p.m. …

The curious thing about this truck which caught my eye was its parked location: 301 First Street SE. That’s between the DNC offices and the Capitol Hill Club as you’ll note on this map:


This parking address denoted by the red flag is next to the Capitol Hill Club.

It’s also directly south on First Street from whatever was going on with that cluster of cell phones to the northeast of the Capitol Building.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Coffman’s plea agreement was sealed, by the way:

… In a 24-page decision, Kollar-Kotelly found that sealed government filings and his cache of weapons “convincingly demonstrate[d]” his planned intentions to disrupt Congress in potential coordination with others. The judge did not say that coordination was realized. …

Coordination? Or conspiracy?

~ 0 ~

I can’t help wondering if there was a Quick Response Force waiting at Columbus Circle for some triggering event less than a mile south along First Street SE.

Were the Molotov cocktails not meant to be thrown but part of an in-place fiery signal in a sacrificed truck parked between the location of two IEDs? Or were they meant to be used on whomever responded to calls had the IEDs detonated?

It will be a long wait before we find out. Plenty of food for thought in the mean time.

Thanks to harpie for all the bits and pieces!

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62 replies
  1. harpie says:

    Lot’s of VERY interesting points, Rayne!

    1] We don’t know exactly where COFFMAN parked, just that it was “on the 300 block of First Street SE” at 9:15 AM. He got back to his truck [after it had been de-weaponized] at 6:30 PM, after, he says, he had tried several times during the day. The area had been blocked off because of the bombs/suspicious packages.

    Two things about this:
    a] I’m curious about is the woman driving a blue sedan who brought him to his truck that evening.
    b] He also said that he had been in the DC area for about a week, living out of his truck.

    2] Your observation about the cluster of phones near Union Station [Amtrak and Metro] is very interesting! There are [at least] TWO HOTELS nearby that have been mentioned in the J6 coverage:
    a] The Kimpton George: HOSTETTER and TAYLOR from California stayed at the KIMPTON. Marcy mentioned that here:

    b] The Hyatt Regency: mentioned in a Police report about a threat against FBI hdqtrs., which I mentioned here:

    THANKS so much for this post! :-)

      • harpie says:

        RAYNE, do you know what time that screenshot shows? Check out the southpaw link I posted below…could your snap be taken around 2:45 PM? There seems to be a marked increase in dots there around then…the video is really difficult to see, though.

        • Rayne says:

          I didn’t record the time when I took the snaps. The cell traffic in that locale appears thickest between 2:17 and 2:24 to me, thinning a bit after that.

          EDIT: Funny how I can view that video in southpaw’s tweet but not at NYT. Hmm.

        • villiageidiocy says:

          I travel through Union Station on the regular. Eyeballing only your screenshot, I see four clusters. Going clockwise from the southwest part of the building: the first is at the SW entrance to the metro station, “outdoors” but under cover of the building. Some folks look to be standing directly in the open air and not under cover. The second cluster is the other entrance to the Metro, in the NW part of the building. The third, _much_ smaller cluster looks like the waiting area for Amtrak and commuter trains, with plenty of seating. In fact, those phone pings might be for normal travelers. The fourth cluster, in the center of the building, is the center of the terminal, which does not have much in there to speak of except a grand view. Not even much to sit on any more. It was the original terminal where you bought tickets and had seating. Pre-pandemic there was a restaurant in the middle and smaller businesses around the periphery. I think there’s still a Shake Shack there.

        • Rayne says:

          Thanks for that feedback. I’m still puzzled by how little traffic appeared to be headed toward Union Station after the Ellipse event wrapped.

        • villiageidiocy says:

          Why, exactly? The Ellipse has closer Metro stations, and the Capitol South and a Federal Center South stations are probably just as close to the Capitol as Union Station (depending on where you are standing) and maybe a preferable line (blue orange vs. red). In fact, Capitol South is a straight line south from the east side of the Capitol bldg. People also forget how far apart all the buildings are on the Mall – it’s a mile from the Washington Monument to the Capitol building, and there is parkland and some barriers that may funnel people in particular directions even before you get around to any security fencing the Capitol Police put up. Basically, people are lazy and had been on their feet all day, who knows what looked the easiest at the time.

          As far as other transport, although there are inter-city buses from Union Station, they are mostly northeast corridor and I get the impression most of the buses used by the participants were hired coaches. Amtrak is possible, but this crowd doesn’t seem like the Amtrak type.

    • Ravenclaw says:

      That cluster of cellphones seems to be at/near Union Station rather than Columbus Circle. I’m not sure of the time lapse in the video, but could this just be people at the station making/receiving calls about the bad craziness going down nearby?

      If it is some sort of rapid response team, which group would it be? We already have one faction (Oath Keepers, I think) placed across the river at the Marine Corps Memorial, weapons stashed in a nearby hotel and two routes planned into the heart of the city. And all the Proud Boys were doing due diligence as street fighting thugs. Three percenters? Someone else entirely?

      • subtropolis says:

        I don’t feel that this is another QRF, simply because it’s inside DC limits. The planners seemed to think it important enough not to test their luck by bringing their (long) arms inside Washington to stage.

        I’m still on the fence but I tend towards thinking that Coffman wasn’t coordinating with the militia types. And that his parking location was a coincidence. While there’s plenty of precedence for hitting the responders to a previous bombing, this just doesn’t look like that. He’d have been shot in no time at all. Rather, I suspect that what he’d brought them along for was an extended, barricaded street brawl, like the protests in Kiev.

    • Rayne says:

      Both the Kimpton George (0.2 miles) and Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill (0.3 miles) are an easy walk to Columbus Circle.

      How convenient.

    • harpie says:

      HOSTETTER, et al CONSPIRACY [Three Percenters/3Pers] 6/9/21

      [p4] 13. Alan HOSTETTER 56 San Clemente, Ca
      14. Russell TAYLOR 40 Ladera Ranch, Ca
      15. Erik Scott WARNER 45 Menifee, Ca
      16. Felipe Antonio “Tony” MARTINEZ 47 Lake Elsinore, Ca
      17. Derek KINNISON 39 Lake Elsinor, Ca
      18. Ronald MELE 51 Temecula, Ca
      19. […] conspired with each other, and with others known and unknown, to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede the Congressional proceeding at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. […]

  2. pdaly says:

    The “Emergency No Parking Restrictions” and the “Restricted Vehicular Traffic” maps for 1/5/21 through midnight 1/07/21 provided by DC Police Department do not include First Street NE/SE, apparently.

    First Street is used for several pro-Trump rallies on 1/05/21 and 1/06/21. I cannot help but think these rallies were also occasions to scope the security measures put in place around the U.S. Capitol, pre-1/6/21 attack.

    Jan 5, 2021 rallies

    Moms for America sponsor “Save the Republic Rally”
    Located across from the U.S. Supreme Court, corner of Constitution Ave NE and First St NE
    (near the Russell Senate Office Building)

    Virginia Women for Trump (along with co-sponsors Stop the Steal, American Phoenix Progject, and Jericho Marh) hold the “One Nation Under God” rally near the U.S. Supreme Court (and near Russell Senate Office Building)

    Other 1/5/21 rallies closer to the White House:
    “The Silent Majority” 1-6 pm on National Mall, north inner gravel walkway between 13th and 14th Street, NW (And again on 1/6/21 same location, 12pm to 6pm)

    “Rally to Revial” Freedeom Plaza on Pennsylvania Ave a block away from the White House 1pm to 8:30PM

    Jan 6, 2021 rallies
    “Wild Protest” by Stop the Steal. Located in Area 8, across from the Russell Senate Office Building.

    “Freedom Rally” by Virginia Freedom Keepers, Latinos for Trump and United Medical Freedom Super PAC. Located 300 First Street, NE across from the Russell Senate Office Building

    • pdaly says:

      BTW, Rayne, I’ve changed my email. I’ll post another comment using the new address so that you can update the filter for this site.

    • Rayne says:

      They pointedly protected the White House and left the Capitol completely unprotected with these vehicular traffic+parking restrictions.

      Amazing stupidity or conspiracy? I hope we’ll find out soon.

      • pdaly says:

        Yes. Who could have “thunk” there would be a breach of the U.S. Capitol? Oh, wait…

        It almost screams ‘park at the U.S. Capitol’ for those wanting to attend the rally at the Ellipse.

        • posaune says:

          We lived on the “bomber” alley for a number of years when first in DC. We’re on the next block over now. The Jan 6 lack of parking surveillance is highly unusual. First St SE is ticket-surveyed multiple times per day! Every day except Sun. They put up “Emergency No Parking” signs at the drop of the hat — funeral, deliveries, construction, residential or commercial moving, parish event at St. Peters (2nd St SE), etc. AND they ticket for infractions to the Emergency No Parking. Why not on Jan 5-6? And I can’t imagine someone parking a truck like Lonnie Coffman’s across from Capitol South Metro on any day. I could be wrong, but I don’t believe he was parked in a designated space. Huge red flag on any other day. Oh — and that block is part of three LE areas: Capitol Hill Police, US Park Police, DCMP, plus LOC Police across C Street at the intersection.

          p,s. The Capitol Hill Club is informally referred to as the Republican Club. Democrats go to Young Chow’s back room (where Jeffords defected in 2001).

      • harpie says:

        This reminds me of [from Chapter 2 of the recent WaPo series]:

        12:46 PM Capitol Police begin executing protocols to keep the peace. Officers are dispatched to block side streets as a precaution against possible vehicle rammings. This essentially creates a protected funnel for the protesters, straight toward the Capitol.

        • pdaly says:

          Thanks, harpie. I had not seen that before.

          By ‘side streets,’ I assume that included Third St, SW that runs past the west side of the U.S. Capitol, as well as First St NW/SW (west side of Capitol) and First St NE/SE (east side of Capitol)?

          While blocking those streets gave pedestrians unimpeded access to the U.S. Capitol, I wonder whether the Quick Reaction Force was inconvenienced by the sudden lack of road access to the west and/or east side of the Capitol?

        • pdaly says:

          Makes me wonder, too, whether there were barriers along the Mall preventing a direct walk from the Ellipse to the U.S. Capitol?

          Trump seemed very particular about mentioning walking down Pennsylvania Avenue as he ended his 1/6/21 speech at the Ellipse:

          ““So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

        • subtropolis says:

          His emphasis, “I love Pennsylvania Avenue”, is actually a tell of his. He’d earlier forgotten the name, saying something like, “we’re going to walk down … we’re going to go down there …” He often flubs his lines and then overcorrects with an aside just like that: “I love Pennsylvania Avenue.”

          That’s not to take away from the main point. He wanted to be clear that the entire mob was invited — expected — to relocate straight to the Capitol. But that emphasis, I have no doubt, was simply his usual overcorrection.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        I remember the elaborate motorcades streaming through DC when Dick Cheney went to church or out to lunch. It’s a reflexively high security environment every day of the week.

        Leaving the Capitol relatively unguarded on the one day in every four years that it was to perform an important national electoral function – an act demonstrably adverse to Donald Trump’s interests – could only have been a deliberate act.

        • silcominc says:

          I agree. There is a lot more here. Rayne, what happened to Flynn’s brother – Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn? He was deputy chief of staff of the army that day and he along with Ryan McCarthy Sec of Army sat on the call to mobilize the guard for over three hours. They debated among themselves or were they waiting to give their comrades on the ground more time? Or some sort of signal. Neither has been subpoenaed (yet).

        • Rayne says:

          Good question(s). No idea where we are with them, though I assume the way things are slowly rolling up they will eventually be subpoenaed — if not charged.

        • posaune says:

          You always knew it was Cheney’s motorcade when the ambulance came along at the end. Cheney had his own designated GWU cardiology resident in the motorcades. What a waste of a residency! Hope the house were good at least.

    • harpie says:

      wrt: that 1/5 RALLY: American Phoenix Project is HOSTETTER/TAYLOR:

      From the indictment I linked to above:

      26. On December 19, 2020, Hostetter posted from his “americanphoenixproject” Instagram account explaining the reasons to travel to D.C. for January 6, 2021:

      Late last night President Trump tweeted that all patriots should descend on Washington DC on Wednesday 1/6/21. This is the date of the Joint Session of Congress in which they will either accept or reject the fake/phony/stolen electoral college votes. I will be there, bullhorns on fire, to let the swamp dwellers know we will not let them steal our country from us. I hope you can join me!! #fightfortrump #stopthesteal #savetherepublic

  3. subtropolis says:

    I’m not convinced of all of that body language analysis, although there are some really good catches.

    Much is made of the fact that the RNC was not circled, suggesting that the person had more familiarity. However, this could simply be due to the situation in the moment. There were people about near the DNC, causing the bomber to backtrack, pause, etc.

    When the bomber pauses to allow the dog walker go by, they appear to me to be feigning a discussion on mobile, not cleaning their glasses. The former would appear to be rather more casual.

    I think the person may have bulked up with extra clothing, both top and bottom. Thus, just previous to placing the DNC bomb, they might have been readjusting whatever they’d been wearing under the hoodie, rather than performing the unconscious flex this dr is going on about. The bomber may have waited until they were sitting to make the readjustment so as to avoid attracting attention while walking.

    It’s notable that the bomber chose to carry the backpack by the handle. It certainly appears more suspicious. I think it’s possible that it was more than just an unconscious concern about the explosives. They may have wished to avoid accidentally shifting the timer mechanism. But, if it were me, I’d simply be very careful about how it was placed inside the bag to begin with, and carefully sling the bag over my shoulder like normal people do. I’d also not arm the bombs until they were placed. Does this suggest that the person who placed them did not build them?

    A little while ago (but a longer while after Jan.6) there was an update to this investigation that mentioned that the FBI had found video from a previous day which appeared to be somebody surveillance the area. This individual was tracked through successive security videos to a metro station outside DC that was named, although I forget which one, not being familiar with the region. (I believe it was in Virginia.) The report didn’t exactly say that the individual’s movements were thereafter lost, so there might be much more. In any case, it seemed that somebody leaked, and then perhaps the feds may have requested that the Press sit on it, because I’ve never seen another mention of it.

    • Leoghann says:

      You make a good point. It seems like these IEDs, while a big deal at first, have completely fallen out of the general conversation.

    • Fran of the North says:

      I’m probably late to this party, because y’all pay way more attention to the cast of cretins…er…, characters than I do.

      The Atlantic has an incredible article on John (Johnny) McEntee today. It’s mind boggling that there was so little oversight as to the quality of candidates that were jammed into incredibly important roles in the administration.

      McEntee was less qualified than the Javanka twins, and some of his hires were pathetic.

      • pdaly says:

        I saw that. It was very concerning to see how easily McEntee and his newbies ran wild chasing from the halls of power anyone failing to smell loyal enough to Trump.

        I was amused, nevertheless, when Barr appeared in the article. The author did not add snark markings when describing heroic Barr’s apparent displeasure with the newly appointed and extremely pro-Trump liaison whom he personally barred from setting foot inside the DOJ again. As if Barr was not equally protective of all things Trump!
        Perhaps Barr objected only to the amateur techniques she wielded?

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Who, I wonder, would have had high enough clearance to modify the access privileges of the Vice President, and who would modify them except on orders from the President? Doing it without authorization could easily mean jail time, not to mention pose a potentially fatal risk for the VP and his staff. Most mortals would not lightly assume that liability. And what would happen to the access privileges of his accompanying Secret Service detail?

      • P J Evans says:

        Where I worked individual badges sometimes stopped working due to wear. I do recall at one point it was something wrong with a *batch* of the cards, so they replaced all of the cards from that batch – but that’s the only time I remember a real problem, and it was still scattered. They were handled by company Security, which had its own office near the company lobby, so it was a short trip if you needed to visit them.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          The odds that Pence, his staff’s, and his SS security detail’s access cards stopped working because of overuse seem as low as the odds that he will win the presidency in 2024.

      • pdaly says:

        Excellent point. How can Trump claim he didn’t do it?

        If the system of door locks can remotely revoke the VP’s access, can someone also UNLOCK a room that a VP and his entourage are hiding in?

        This 1/6/21 timeline I keep coming back to. I wonder where the blocked keycard access occurs?


        2:12 p.m. rioters begin entering the Capitol through the window they broke at 2:11p.m.,
        and 2:12 to 2:13 p.m. is also when VP Pence is removed from the Senate chamber and moved to a “nearby office” near the Senate Chamber.

        2:13 p.m. Senate is called into recess (but the House continues on until 2:20 p.m. when it adjourns and starts to evacuate)

        At or around 2:13 pm: “The Senate immediately went into recess. The C-SPAN feed providing live footage of the proceedings was shut off.”
        (from Carol Leonnig & Philip Rucker’s book about Trump “I Alone Can Fix It” as excerpted by them in their July 2021 article in The Washington Post)

        2:20 p.m. House adjourns and starts to evacuate

        2:24 p.m. Trump tweets, “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

        2:26 p.m. Security video shows Secret Service moving VP and family to new secure location.

        AND at 2:26 p.m. Trump calls Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), having misdialed Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL). Mike Lee passes his phone to Tuberville, who informs Trump that Pence had been evacuated. “I said ‘Mr President, they’ve taken the Vice President out. They want me to get off the phone, I gotta go’. (Was Tuberville in the nearby office with VP Pence where there is no CSPAN feed, or was Tuberville still in the Senate Chamber?)

        More from Carol Leonnig & Philip Rucker’s book about Trump “I Alone Can Fix It”

        “The Pences then made their way to a secure underground area to wait out the riot.

        Back at the White House [the time is not stated but the story implies it is after the Pences were moved to a new secure location in the Capitol], Kellogg was worried about Pence’s safety and went to find Trump.

        “Is Mike okay?” the president asked him.

        “The Secret Service has him under control,” Kellogg told Trump. “Karen is there with the daughter.”

        “Oh?” Trump asked.

        “They’re going to stay there until this thing gets sorted out,” Kellogg said.

        Trump said nothing more. He didn’t express any hope that Pence was okay. He didn’t try to call the vice president to check on him. He just stayed in the dining room watching television.”

        As I mentioned in a prior thread, this is an odd exchange between Kellogg and Trump. If Kellogg is “worried about Pence’s safety,” and “went to Trump” then he’d want to be eliciting information from Trump, not providing, as illustrated here, reassurances to Trump about Pence’s plans in the Capitol.

        Or is this Kellogg telling Trump to ‘call off the hounds, Pence has protection and a plan’? (updated to add: Or is this Kellogg telling Trump to give VP Pence back his keycard access?)

        • Leoghann says:

          Trump’s call to Mike Lee, having misdialed Tuberville, occurred while they were still in the Senate chamber. Pence had already been conducted out, and security was becoming insistent that everyone clear the place. That small group of GOP Senators were the only ones remaining, and things were getting scary, while 45 jacked his jaws over the telephone.

    • harpie says:
      6:32 AM · Nov 12, 2021

      Trump confirms to @jonkarl that he had updates on Mike Pence’s actions/status at a time when a Trump-incited was hunting him down, chanting, “hang Mike Pence.” This could be very very problematic for Trump. [screenshot]

      Among other things, Trump just waived privilege on whatever communications he got informing him of Pence’s status (whether from Secret Service, Members of Congress, or someone like Mark Meadows).

      And the TIMING of this, as compared to his call to Tommy Tuberville, is key. [link]

      Exclusive audio: Trump defends threats to “hang” Pence 11/12/21

      Karl: “Were you worried about him during that siege? Were you worried about his safety?”
      Trump: “No, I thought he was well-protected, and I had heard that he was in good shape. No. Because I had heard he was in very good shape. But, but, no, I think — ”
      Karl: “Because you heard those chants — that was terrible. I mean — ”
      Trump: “He could have — well, the people were very angry.”
      Karl: “They were saying ‘hang Mike Pence.’
      Trump: “Because it’s common sense, Jon. It’s common sense that you’re supposed to protect. How can you — if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? — how can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that? And I’m telling you: 50/50, it’s right down the middle for the top constitutional scholars when I speak to them. Anybody I spoke to — almost all of them at least pretty much agree, and some very much agree with me — because he’s passing on a vote that he knows is fraudulent. How can you pass a vote that you know is fraudulent? Now, when I spoke to him, I really talked about all of the fraudulent things that happened during the election. I didn’t talk about the main point, which is the legislatures did not approve — five states. The legislatures did not approve all of those changes that made the difference between a very easy win for me in the states, or a loss that was very close, because the losses were all very close.”

      • harpie says:

        Aaron RUPAR:
        1:00 PM
        1:02 PM · Jan 6, 2021

        Quite the split screen — Trump putting massive pressure on Pence to try to overthrow the election while Pence gets ready for the joint session [screenshot]

        [1:00 PM APPROX at RALLY]
        TRUMP: The Republicans have to get tougher. You’re not going to have a Republican Party if you don’t get tougher. They want to play so straight. They want to play so, sir, yes, the United States. The Constitution doesn’t allow me to send them back to the States. Well, I say, yes it does, because the Constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our Constitution, and you can’t vote on fraud. And fraud breaks up everything, doesn’t it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you’re allowed to go by very different rules.

        So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do. And I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.

        • harpie says:

          2:26 PM TRUMP calls TUBERVILLE to delay certification

          TRUMP: “Coach, how’s it going?”
          TUBERVILLE: “Not very good, Mr. President,” “As a matter of fact, they’re about to evacuate us.”
          TRUMP: “I know we’ve got problems.”
          TUBERVILLE: “Mr. President, they just took our vice president out.” “They’re getting ready to drag me out of here. I got to go.”

      • harpie says:

        The 90 minute KARL interview of TRUMP took place at Mara-Lago on 3/18/21.

        Phone Calls from/to DOJ;
        2:29 PM ROSEN (b)(6) [blank]
        From: DC To: DC 1 minute
        2:29 PM DONOHUE (b)(6) Acting Chief CTS (NSD) Phone
        From: DC To: Incoming CL 2 minutes

    • P J Evans says:

      And his lawyer appealed to the district court of appeals. had it already written and ready to file, I bet.

  4. silcominc says:

    Rayne, there are just too many dots on this – they were totally organized in their feeble little way with Flynn’s brother (who I reference above), the group at the Willard hotel led by Guiliani and Bannon, and the ragtag militia and they almost pulled it off. What worries me now is that this was a ragtag joke. But now, almost a year later and they have serious money behind them and near-total alignment with some very powerful groups.

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