Three Things: Good, Better, Best News

Let’s mix things up a bit and roll around in some good news for a change, hmm?

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Arrests continue in wake of January 6 Capitol insurrection and they are both pleasurable and comic.

Mothertrucking racist who waved an enemy flag inside the capitol has been arrested.

Goddamned firefighter arrested for throwing a fire extinguisher at a Capitol Police officer’s head.

Chicago man stupid enough to think he wouldn’t be caught, was caught.

Gratifying to see they are chasing all of these perps to ground. These are only a few I’ve seen in my timeline, but among some of the more egregious insurrectionists. The firefighter is only lucky he didn’t throw that extinguisher hard enough to kill the Capitol Police Officer.

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Flint may get some justice; former Michigan governor Rick Snyder was charged with two misdemeanor counts of willful neglect of duty in his handling of Flint’s water crisis. Six others were charged as well; the former director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the state’s former chief medical executive were both charged with involuntary manslaughter related to the known dozen deaths of Michiganders who died from Legionnaire’s disease acquired from the city’s contaminated water.

Personally, I think Snyder’s charge is both too light and won’t stick; an entire city’s children were poisoned because he failed to execute his job faithfully, not to mention an increase in fetal deaths. Lead poisoning isn’t like getting the flu — the brain damage it causes may be permanent though the brain can be trained to compensate for some of the damage. Chances are good Snyder will weasel out of the charges because he relied on experts like the director of MDHHS and the chief medical executive.

One of my adult kids was poisoned during the period when Flint’s water was contaminated. They were fortunate their exposure was limited, but it took nearly five years to recover their health and we’re still not certain there won’t be sequelae which haven’t yet emerged. An entire city faces the same challenge, at a minimum; not all those who died of Legionnaire’s were Flint city residents, getting sick in Flint because they had to be in Flint for work or some other reason. There’s a possibility there were more Flint-related deaths which were masked by other chronic illness, but we may never know for sure.

At least these charges are the beginning of the end to the Flint water crisis. I do hope during the course of prosecution that all communications before and immediately following the cutover from Detroit’s water supply to the Flint River will be disclosed. I still suspect something happened the night of the cutover when Detroit made a last pitch to keep Flint on their water system.

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A new day dawns at Democratic National Committee as Joe Biden gave Jaime Harrison the nod for DNC Chair. His experience will help change the party’s approach to southern states, complimenting the work Stacey Abrams did in Georgia.

There will be grousing from the far left about Harrison’s experience working for Podesta Group and the types of clients served. But Harrison has done what others with similar experience haven’t — organizing and getting out the vote in marginalized communities, zip code by zip code. Will he be more moderate as many Black Americans are across the south? Sure, but leave the policy and legislation to the Democratic majority in Congress; if they can pull off greater successes felt at home and in American’s wallets, the entire base will move more to the left.

We may have a chance to keep the majority and win more seats if Harrison can keep the energy high across the party. We don’t want another 2010 during which we lost an extremely narrow majority in the Senate, ushering in Mitch McConnell’s nightmarish decade of obstruction and social destruction.

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What other good news is there? Apart from the fact we are now six days away from Biden’s inauguration. Share in comments.

78 replies
  1. Rayne says:

    Yes, there’s still a glut of bad news. Yes, we’re still worried about Trump’s remaining grasp on power.

    But there’s light at the end of the tunnel and we have to learn how to look at it as we emerge from the dark without squinting so much.

  2. P J Evans says:

    Good stuff happens, too: Got a phone call yesterday evening – automated – from the hospital I’ve used the last few years, wanting money. I hadn’t gotten the bill, though I’d been expecting it. This mornign I called and after being on hold for a while I got a live person, and we got it fixed. I thanked her for the robocall as well as the help, because otherwise I wouldn’t have known until the Medicare statement showed up in a couple or three weeks. (Yes, you can get more than one in a quarter.)

    • ThoughtMail says:

      What, with insurance and Medicare, it’s beyond me to understand why Americans get bills for anything. In Canada, I see nothing, nada, for health maintenance, especially as a senior.

      And we don’t see ads ginning up meds, either (except from U.S. channels). I much prefer the side effects of senescence to those of meds, anyway.

      Not to worry. I’ll be gone soon enough (read: right on time).

  3. Geoff says:

    Best news for me is that in a week we have much more competent Federal leadership running the vaccine acquisition and distribution process. It’s been a joke so far, and resulted in still more avoidable deaths, and will continue to do so for the next week. But of course, it’s obvious that no one in the Trump Administration ever cared and they certainly aren’t focusing on anything since the election aside from saving their own bacon and likely destroying any evidence that could be uncovered ahead that would document their nefariousness.

    On the negative side of the ledger, Republicans are still mostly Republicans, and a worse version of themselves than ever. And Facebook is evil.

    • BobCon says:

      I’ve ralked to a couple of health care workers who have gotten first shots and an ER MD I know has had both, so the trickle has started. Hopefully the flood isn’t too far off.

      • BobCon says:

        I am so glad Larry Summers is sitting on the outside. I won’t miss his awful political instincts masquerading as economic advice.

        • Alan K says:

          Not just ‘awful political instincts’. A masterful obfuscator. He pushed the last minute Clinton era *prohibition* of Credit Default Swap regulation. CDS arsonists lit the Global Finance Crisis. Obama’s inclusion of that Clinton era gang was my first clue as to O’s cluelessness.

  4. Lois Radford says:

    Don’t know if it’s true or not, but I heard, at the beginning of the Flint water crisis, that Snyder’s buddies planned to privatize Detroit’s water system. But Detroit wouldn’t sell because it was making a profit and the city needed the money. The plan was to take Flint off of Detroit water, thereby making it unprofitable and the city would sell. As soon as the privateer bought the water system, Flint would be reinstalled, making it profitable again. The original excuse for taking Flint off of the Detroit system was to “provide cheaper water for Flint.” And, in order to make the residents of Flint want to return to Detroit’s more expensive system, the Flint water was made bad on purpose… really bad… on purpose. But the deal fell through. The Privateer didn’t get his water system. Detroit was stuck with a water system that didn’t turn a profit. And Flint was stuck with poisonous water.

    • Rayne says:

      There was definitely some angle related to selling — more specifically, financing — water in some way. I didn’t see anything about Snyder interested in selling its water system but with Nestle here in state siphoning off an aquifer for Ice Mountain, you know there’s a market. And the bonus would have been a kickback from whatever bank financed the deal. They were hanging around the financing of the pipeline to Lake Huron.

      None of this had to happen, just like COVID. It would have been cheaper to run a pipe along northbound I-75 to the next city than to buy up land and rights-of-way to get to Lake Huron, and as I far as I could tell no one ever did a cost estimate as an alternative. It’s as if they were pointedly avoiding that option.

  5. Bobby Gladd says:

    Good news? My new grandson Calvin turns a year old tomorrow (we keep him 3 days a week so his parents can work. We are having a blast). My great-grandson Kai, born 2 months premature along with his tragically stillborn twin Kaleb, is now 7 months and joyfully thriving.

    Pending good news? Getting up on Jan 21st and not having to check on “OK, what kind of crazy shit did he pull overnight?”

  6. Mary M McCurnin says:

    My daughter, who is a Kaiser RN, got her second shot about a week ago. I am anxious to get mine so I can see my family. I haven’t seen them once since March. Yikes, that is almost a year.

  7. martha says:

    Good news for our four legged friends too, with Biden’s dog Major being the first dog rescued from an animal shelter to live in the White House. There was some talk of them adopting a cat from a shelter also. I hope they do!

  8. Stacey says:

    Good News: Witnessing all of the ‘other side of the coin’ realities of Trump being a ‘bidnessman’ in a global culture that is repulsed by his toxicity, even if newly sniffed out by their advanced olfactory bulbs. This is particularly sweet given that he gave up ‘owning’ or building buildings a long time ago and has been a ‘branding/partnering’ entity for years now commanding a high price for the equities associated with his name. Other side of that coin? the equities associated with his name. So rather than having assets, he mostly has contracts that are valuable to him because others are perceived to value his name and therefore their association with his name. Talk about living by the sword and dying by the sword!

    He has literally convinced banks to loan him money by convincing them that his name, his increasingly ONLY asset, is worth billions and therefore an asset/collateral that he can use to obtain loans. What does the lender do once the collateral that the loan is backed by burns to the ground and wasn’t insured?

    A second point is that apparently the larger population of adult humans in America that corporate America sticks their PR thermometer into thinks that all that Trump stands for does not redound to their brand to be associated with. AND YET, Dems can’t evaluate that to be ‘if they significantly associated themselves with these same positions in a very strong way, it would likewise redound to them’. Instead they evaluate just the opposite: that strongly associating themselves with the most moderate common denominator is somehow the place to be. Read the room, Dems: When shit goes down, Corporate America tries to get as far away from the shit as they can–not to sound all conciliatory about whatever it is. They’ve paid lots of money to understand how the majority of America sees things and to camouflage themselves as closely to that extreme as possible. There is no danger for Dems to some HARD after this shit and I hope they internalize that!

    Lincoln Project is going after Corp America to abandon any Republican not adequately opposing the toxicity brought about by Trump, and they know the power of that argument because they know how Corp Am will evaluate that choice. How can Dems ever be talked into the notion that not coming HARD after these assholes would be advantageous to them? Political strategists seem to inhabit a different world than corporate image strategists for some reason.

    • Raven Eye says:

      Anything that introduces uncertainty into the minds of big business increases risk. How they perceive uncertainty — where it is and where it comes from — is important.

      Trump never understood how that part of his persona would play out. If the Lincoln Project can keep sticking Trump with the “Uncertainty” tag…

  9. Valley girl says:
    John Eastman, the attorney who falsely told Trump that Pence could block the certification of Biden’s win, is out at Chapman University, the school has announced, saying they “reached an agreement pursuant to which he will retire from Chapman, effective immediately.”

    This is from yesterday, but I missed it. Remember this guy?

      • skua says:

        Newsweek continues to seek a place in some lower hell by pretending to believe that, “… this essay [Some Questions for Kamala Harris About Eligibility] was an attempt to examine a legal argument about the difference between “natural born” and “naturalized”, …”.
        And of course, “All of us at Newsweek are horrified …” that anyone could so mis-interpret the snow-white motives of the author or NW or twist it into some pro-Trump anti-American attempt to over-turn the results of the 2020 election. And gee, they shouldn’t have done that. But NW is asking Susan Collins for advice on how to proceed, though maybe they `avn’t really bothered to do that.

  10. Savage Librarian says:

    This week, as I was bringing my laundry into the house from the clothesline in the backyard, I noticed a young, nonverbal, special needs child playing in the street alone. I looked around for her caregiver but didn’t see her anywhere. So, I encouraged the child to help me find her.

    Then we went to her house and knocked on the door. Her caregiver was shocked the child had slipped out of the house unnoticed. She had been playing in her bedroom. But, apparently she wanted a change of scenery and she quietly slipped outside through the back door. I was so relieved the caregiver and the child were both okay. All’s well that ends well.

    • P J Evans says:

      Kids, like cats, are remarkably good at getting out. (I tried to go to my grandparents’ house, a mile or so away, when I was about 4. By myself.)

      • Chris.E says:

        When I was a wee-one (1950’s) my mom put me on a leash. She also tried to keep me from getting out by putting a hook on top of the screen door to keep it closed. (I got the broom to unhook.) My poor mom.

        Nice account on Twitter, catio guy… Wonder if popehat has any space for an enclosure — the kitten is perching on his shoulder!

  11. e.a.f. says:

    It was very good news to see the former Gov. charged. Thought it had slipped through the cracks. Even if he isn’t convicted, it sends a message to others thinking of doing something like he did. Water, in Canada and the U.S.A. ought to be clean and drinkable from every tap. Clean drinking water is not a political football or reserved for the rich. Just the cost of defending himself will be a form of punishment. It may also bring to light some of the details.

    Watching Trump be impeached certainly cheered up my day. As the nice cashier a the grocery store ask, and How is Your Day going. Told her, just fine. Trump was impeached and she laughed and thought that was a good thing and that my favorite cheezies, Hawkins (Canadian brand) were on sale. Made my day. It didn’t rain today and given some of the storms we have had on Vancouver island, that is a good thing. So life is looking up, vaccines are on the way, Biden/Harris will be sworn in, terrorists are being arrested, Trump impeached. Not bad at all, good day. Oh, got a picture of my friend’s grandchild at 5 months old today and that kid is fabulous. Stuck in Idaho, but eventually we’ll all be able to see the little angel when she gets to Canada, with the parental units.

  12. skua says:

    Looks like most of the rioters can be identified (if the work is done).

    Here is Steve Doige, Prof Journalism Arizona Stae Uni, on why even crowd size is very difficult to know without aerial photography.

    However with enough work a full database showing names and movements for each specific attendee can probably be created.
    Some “Jane Doe 1, John Doe 57, …” type entries for rioters who did not have a phone and who do not get matched by facial/clothing recognition software, social media posts, CCTV or other means are likely though.

    • chum'sfriend says:

      Our domestic terrorists benefit greatly from the expectation that everybody wear a mask during this pandemic.

  13. Bill says:

    “We don’t want another 2010 during which we lost an extremely narrow majority in the Senate”

    You mean when a large majority in the Senate that only seemed narrow because of the filibuster became a little smaller (although the house majority was lost). McConnell didn’t become majority leader until the beginning of 2015, which shows how much damage he was able to inflict even in the minority.

  14. Peacerme says:

    I am on a list as a health care provider. Two of my kids have had it. My 80 year old mom is still waiting. In Nebraska they vaccinated the private nursing homes first. State nursing homes still have not had residents vaccinated.

    I am registered and on a list (private mental health care provider) because if they thaw too many they call anyone who can get there in 30 min. We have no idea how many were tossed. (Or if they were). But I do know they frantically call the list so as not to waste the vaccines. I get it, but they are problem solving as they go. I don’t trust Ricketts. (Who refused to shut our city down or mandate masks and who forced people to stay working in meat packing plants. Who refused to count those infected while working at meat packing plant and or while living or working in nursing home.) He is currently mandating that that workers without green cards should not be allowed vaccines while they scramble to use what they thaw for the day.

    This could be done more efficiently.

    Surviving life in a RED state and a blue city!

    • ND senior says:

      There was a news item on TV a week ago or so about how West Virginia is doing a great job. Small local pharmacies serve most of the WV nursing homes so the state prepared by matching pharmacies to nursing homes and using those local pharmacies to deliver and administer the vaccines.

      I (66) got an email from my provider saying I will be notified. But I absolutely realize this means that I have insurance (still working), internet access and email, and have had the same healthcare provider for 10 years now (no network changes even though insurance through work has changed many times and will change again in June with the acquisition of my job by another company). Those are advantages many people do not have.

  15. Raven Eye says:

    I think the vaccine may be coming soon(-ish).

    Oregon had several “phases”, with Phase 1A broken down into for different groups — that apparently were to be vaccinated in order. That got tossed out, probably because it was a complex solution to a problem that didn’t emerge. I think that the distribution problems might have made the granularity of the originl plan impossible to execute. Reality won out and they are now trying to vaccinate anyone in 1A.

    This county is planning a drive-up “Mass Vaccination Event” for Phase 1A people January 21, 22, & 23, with the National Guard assisting. The Governor announced that Oregon would be expanding the COVID-19 vaccine to include educators and individuals over 65 and older (which are part of the Phase 1B cohort). This will begin on Jan. 23, pending increased vaccine deliveries from the feds. In 65+, but messages back and forth my doctor’s office indicated that they don’t know what’s going on.

    So we have overlapping dates, uncertain delivery, and doctors’ office wondering what’s happening.

    Not sure if the answers is a. Good; b. Bad; c. All of the above; or d. None of the above.

  16. Peterr says:

    Good news: there is a new quiet in the land, as Donald Trump’s twitter account is no longer sending out bomb after bomb after bomb, arming and exploding other ordinance lobbed by other people.

  17. punaise says:

    My PPP loan forgiveness got approved this week. The PPP definitely helped keep my small business afloat and four people employed. That counts as (somewhat selfish) good news in these parts!

  18. cavenewt says:

    My good news is very local. Our local planning commission (community pop 300), which I am a member, has been wrestling with revising the zoning ordinance regarding swine. We had a marathon 4-hour meeting last week. Unlike the circus that happened several years ago, all participants were civil, positive, and cooperative.

    Also, the attempted coup last week failed, at least so far. Three of Trump’s banks have declared him persona non grata.

    For today, all is well with my world.

    • ND senior says:

      A few towns around me have wrestled with that issue in recent years, usually related to very large enterprises planning very large swine operations (I raised farrow to finish hogs for a few years long ago, very small numbers, but I know what that smells like). They evolved into huge nasty fights and I think the enterprises ended up backing off in the end. If you guys have managed to keep things civil, kudos to you.

      • cavenewt says:

        Yeah, we’re all on 5-acre lots and we’re talking limiting pigs to between 3-10. It gets complicated when you get into piglets versus weaners versus feeders versus adults (who knew?) A commercial operation wouldn’t fly here at all, it’s not allowed. Unfortunately, all the “best management practices” are aimed at big operations.

        Last time this came up 10 years ago it was a horrible fight. We’re working really hard to keep it cooperative this time. So last week’s meeting was a most happy development.

        Believe me, it was really hard to focus on pigs on the same day that there was an attempted coup on our federal government!

  19. Atomic Shadow says:

    We should all bask in the warm glow of Mitch McConnell’s massive self own. If he had done a proper trail last year, and held a private vote, I think the Senate could have gotten rid of Trump then. There is no way that Pence would have messed up the Covid response as much as Trump. Zero. Pence might have beaten Biden in the election as a result. Without the massive failure on the Covid front, they might have kept the White House AND Congress. Good thinking there Mitch!

    I love it when people talk about Moscow Mitch being a master of the process. It’s not true. He was just an obstruction. Like a heap of dried mud. And now he is going to be whining about the far left agenda, and being very concerned that we are mortgaging our grandchildren’s future.

    Next we need to impeach Boofington for lying at his previous confirmation hearings. And Thomas for lying on his financial disclosures. And as long as I’m at it, start vetting a lot of the work those unqualified lower court judges are doing. It shouldn’t be that hard to find poor work ethics, as well as financial shenanigans, DUIs, and domestic violence. After all, this is the MAGA crowd. We can move a good many of these clowns back to the private sector. Like food service maybe?

    • Rayne says:

      Oh gods, that just gave me an awkward flashback to an ex whose favorite albums included the one with which that song was released.

      • punaise says:

        Sorry for the trigger!

        The Who were (was?) well past their prime at that point, with Tommy, Who’s Next and Quadrophenia under their belts. And then Pete Townsend drifted into unsavory (kiddie porn) territory.

  20. BSChief says:

    I have adult children. Thank you for sharing your personal experience. The horror of a loved one’s being poisoned, with the added burden of worries for the future, is a terrible double blow.

  21. PhoneInducedPinkEye says:

    Anyone have some suggested reading about following known or suspected communication/warnings as the switchover in Flint neared?

  22. jaango says:

    Today, we should be celebrating our best, and thus, Truth-telling” at its most ventured level, given the toxicity of yesterday, and among the most of the favored blogs on the internet.. Consequently, the writers and commentators here at Emptywheel, should be toasting the Cactus Juice in ever larger amounts and amongst ourselves!


  23. Dave Noble says:

    Not sure if this is right topic thread to pose this, but here goes.

    If Trump is convicted and forbidden to run for office again (we can hope, but I understand that may not be the outcome) what happens to the funds he has grifted under the guise of Campaign 2024, and transferred in some way to personal needs?

    • Ginevra diBenci says:

      He hasn’t declared himself a 2024 candidate, so there’s no campaign yet to donate to. Do you mean the quarter billion he’s brought in under aegis of the “stop the steal” 2020 campaign banner? I noticed that his constant solicitations for that funding stopped just before the Raffensperger call came out. Can’t say I miss them, but I do wonder what he’s doing with the money.

      • e.a.f. says:

        Hiding it, so he has something to live on when he is no longer president. his life style is a tad on the expensive side. Even the $250M isn’t going to provide him with the life style he is used to. No more private jets, he may have to deal with riding first class, unless they put him on the no fly list.

      • Stephen Calhoun says:

        I chuckled today listening to mushy NPR when the journalist said something like,

        “Trump remaining politically viable, let alone a 2024 run, provides him with a critical source of income.” Then they went onto to mention his debts.

        Trump grift is 24/7. Although, I sense it is going to be more challenging for him to pull in big ticket donations from corporate sources sensitive to reputation and brand devaluation. Tis’ a good thing!

        We all delighted at the PGA icing the 2022 tournament at a Trump links. Maybe it is safe to take up golf, albeit many clubhouses are likely notorious bastions of dead ender Trumpism. Still. . .

    • NickinNJ says:

      I second Mr. Noble’s excellent question! inquiring minds want to know.

      On the upside, my wife and I just had our first baby Adaline Noelle. She loves to eat, poop and scream. Big props to all the parents out there, I am beginning to understand just how difficult and thankless being a parent is. Anyone have advice for a new dad? I have particular interest in best ways to get a baby to sleep :(

      On the low-side, after passing the cannabis referendum in NJ, with the NJ senate, assembly and Gov office all in Dem hands, they still cannot get the legalization bills passed… this is madness! It has been 2.5 months since election day and they already had draft legislation written and circulated in the past 2 years! This is a perfect example of why many americans look at the Dem party skeptically and inept.

      I am not asking everyone to join hands and sing Kumbaya… but shit common cause people please.

      • mass interest says:

        Congrats, NickinNJ, and welcome to the rest of your life!

        Off-the-wall, counterintuitive suggestion on getting Adeline to sleep: As long as she’s physically OK, think about trying white noise. My niece, who was at wit’s end for the same reason, tried running the vacuum cleaner in her infant daughter’s room. It worked. Once the baby was asleep, she could shut it down. Who woulda thunk!

        Best of luck. Prolly many suggestions on Giggle, as well.

        • P J Evans says:

          White noise, or brown noise. I was a kid like that, and I find a little noise helps me sleep – though these days, it’s harder.

      • vvv says:

        My kids are in their early 20’s so it’s been some time but we have a new pup around here and dealing with him is remarkably similar.
        So, I would never reco that you treat yer kid like a dog, but mebbe like a puppy.

        This little guy (40lbs, now 6 mos.) sleeps well with the stereo cranked, or complete silence, and not between.

      • Geoguy says:

        Congratulations NickinNJ! My advice is don’t be in a hurry for her to grow up. It goes by too fast. Our pediatrician recommended cereal in her last bottle of the day when she was younger than when some thought she should have it. Worked like a charm. Of course, “check with your doctor.”

    • timbo says:

      Sadly, this seems to be the state in the Capitol at the moment: An officer that had some smarts about crowd control is suddenly some great hero… which makes one wonder what the heck the other officers have been doing with their training time the past decade plus…

      • timbo says:

        I further note that because our cop patriot is from the 101st the politicians and military types will now go gaga over him rather than acknowledge the ‘mild debacle’ that just occurred could have been entirely less mild, better to dwell heavily on the fact that had these rioters been saddled up, our hero guy from the 101st would have very likely been gun downed/disposed of within seconds. Now if he hadn’t come through this it wouldn’t be his fault per se in all likelihood, there being plenty more folks up the chain to take the blame and/or bury, but it certainly wouldn’t have left us with much of this good man to celebrate.

        So, I celebrate that he and so many others are alive who got lucky, that the collective ‘we’ got lucky here. And that we all should now acknowledge that next time this distraction trick is much less likely to work so effectively given how it has been presented on TV over and over again now to the point where even the C-Team Trumpers will be able to avoid this sort of distraction in the event that they get another crack at bringing the Republic to civil war.

        In other words, remain sober and don’t be taken in by the rah-rah good feelings that some mild luck and quick thinking seems to have blessed the Republic here on January 6 last, for January 6 next is a long time from now, and it’s going to be a bumpy ride from here to then. Because? Because there are folks out there who now hate this man. Because there are folks out there who are vowing “not to be made fools of again”. And they are serious about that, no doubt.

        You know who I also want to give a medal to though? Who ever made sure that that guy was there where he was instead of somewhere else less effective. I mean, where were the Capitol Police actually and resoundingly effective on January 6 is what I want to know (within limits; I’m good with not learning key secrets that might save the Republic a second time because they are secret, yo)! Yeah, you know what, this door ajar anecdote seem like it wasn’t a high point as, gee, where were the security personnel for that Senate door, and why was their pure air between the mob and the Senate chambers? And then I want to know if any of these other, better managed high points (if any) of the recent ‘mild debacle’ are likely to be repeatable because they depended on trainable, repeatable diligence, smarts, and grit. Because what that police force needs is good and effective leadership to a good level of depth, as luck is often fleeting… and self-congratulatory laurel sitting is not the skill that will pull us through this if Fortune runs further away.

  24. joel fisher says:

    The Trustee in Bankruptcy will be prying those pricey firearms from your soft, pasty–almost like dead–hands.

  25. Chapparal says:

    The NRA has collapsed under it’s own corrupt weight. Isn’t that nice?

    Forbes is calling out Trumps mouthpiece liars. Corporate America knows which side it’s bread is buttered on.

    “Trump’s liars don’t merit that same golden parachute. Let it be known to the business world: Hire any of Trump’s fellow fabulists above, and Forbes will assume that everything your company or firm talks about is a lie. We’re going to scrutinize, double-check, investigate with the same skepticism we’d approach a Trump tweet.”

    Local police ranks are being thinned for Capitol mob participation. The search for the Oath Breakers has begun.

    Veteran’s organizations make it loud clear that they are not going to tolerate insurrectionists.

    No doubt, the military is getting busy rooting out the racist fascist militia element in it’s ranks. Even without any kind court martial charges, the military has a multitude of ways to quell the rebellious spirit. Do we still have those radar installations in Northern Canada?

    All the civil servants who took an oath are ultimately bound by the Fourteenth Amendment, section 3 of the US Constitution.

    Life is going to get harder for the fascist among us.

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