Sidney Powell Falsely Claims All Jeffrey Jensen’s Errors Have Been Corrected

Sidney Powell doesn’t want anyone writing Judge Sullivan correcting the erroneous record that she and DOJ have entered in the Mike Flynn case. She wrote a letter asking him to strike the letters from lawyers for Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe informing him that exhibits Powell received via Jeffrey Jensen’s review and uploaded to the docket and integrated into her accusations against others were false.

I guess she realizes there are additional errors that need to be fixed.

More remarkably, after taking a swipe at Strzok and McCabe in her letter (sounding like President Trump wailing for indictments), she claims that the Jensen “errors” have been corrected.

When Mr. Strzok and Mr. McCabe become parties to criminal proceedings, they are welcome to file objections in their own cases. Until then, they are free to write directly to the Department of Justice with their concerns, but they may not engage in ex parte or extrajudicial communications with the judge in this case, nor insert themselves into proceedings in which they have no standing. The Department of Justice has already taken appropriate action to correct the unintentional error. The defense only filed what it had been provided by the government.

This is, of course, false. The original claim not to know when the January 5, 2017 meeting was remains, as does Powell’s own attack on Joe Biden based off that false claim.

This ought to draw more, not less, attention to how Judge Sullivan’s docket has become a seeding ground for false campaign attacks.

1 reply
  1. Mitch Neher says:

    How to make a “garble” change back into a pumpkin way far past midnight:

    Sidney Powell wrote, “When Mr. Strzok and Mr. McCabe become parties to criminal proceedings . . . [*which won’t happen because] . . . The Department of Justice has already taken appropriate action to correct the unintentional error . . . [*which, had it been left uncorrected, might have led to criminal proceedings to which Mr. Strzok and Mr. McCabe might have become parties]] . . .The defense [*”Ms. “Mulligan” for Lt. Gen. Flynn] only filed what it had been provided by the government . . . [*none of whom have brought criminal proceedings against Mr. Strzok nor Mr. McCabe].”

    IOW, if Strzok and McCabe get their Mulligans from the government, then it’s only fair that Lt. Gen Flynn should get his own government-issued Mulligan, too. Pretty please. With a cherry on top.

    [*I might be reading things into the text that had not been originally written there by anyone else but me.]

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