Trump Told One Key Truth at His Convention

CNN had a funny story the other day. It described how five different RNC speakers — it focuses on Natalie Harp (who lied about receiving treatment under the Right to Try Act), Mark and Patricia McCloskey (who threatened protestors with their guns), Abby Johnson (whose story about abortion and spousal voting fell apart), and Mary Ann Mendoza (who got cut after spewing an anti-semitic conspiracy theory) — were so crazy, it suggests the Republicans didn’t vet their speakers.

The appearances of several speakers at this week’s Republican National Convention have been surrounded by controversy over social media comments and actions from their past, raising questions about whether and how the RNC vetted its speakers before they were placed on national television.

The story is funny, in part, because it left out the bigger name controversial speakers, like Rudy Giuliani, whose conspiracy theories are every bit as baseless as Mendoza’s, and who is reportedly under criminal investigation for the circumstances behind them) or Eric Trump, who is currently defying a New York State subpoena on the grounds that testifying truthfully about Trump Organization’s accounting irregularities would incriminate him. Which makes the premise even funnier: One controversial speaker is a vetting problem, seven (the number is actually much higher) is an intentional choice.

And yet the press has interpreted Trump’s failures to play by norms they believe remain in place as a goof, simply poor execution of a known formula.

A more alarming example comes in this NYT story. It sums up what it views as the themes the two parties are using, along the way repeating Trump’s claimed theme of “law-and-order” five times.

COVID vs. Law and Order


the President is hammering a law-and-order message


The moves come as the presidential campaign barrels into the critical last 10 weeks. They represent a bet by Mr. Biden that a focus on Covid-19 will prevail over Mr. Trump’s “law and order” emphasis and his attempt to portray Mr. Biden as a tool of the “radical left.”


Aides to Mr. Trump said on Friday that their line of attack would not change. They plan to repeatedly highlight Mr. Trump’s familiar “law and order” message, and are blunt in their assessment that they will benefit politically from violence erupting at some protests.


Mr. Trump’s aides said he enjoyed the frustration and anger he caused by holding a political event on the South Lawn of the White House, shattering conventional norms and raising questions about ethics law violations. He relished the fact that no one could do anything to stop him, said the aides, who spoke anonymously to discuss internal conversations.

Even assuming NYT describes these themes correctly (it doesn’t mention “competence,” for example), it totally misreads what happened at the Trump convention. It treats the RNC as a thematically organized event, rather than a raw display of power, power premised on dismantling any logic of themes.

While this extends to every logical claim Trump made at the RNC — from his claim that COVID is a thing of the past and his celebration of immigrants lured to participate in the RNC unwittingly — it was most visible in his claim to care in the least about law and order, the theme reporters claimed to be the central backbone of Trump’s campaign.

This is a man, after all, who has had two campaign managers and five other aides indicted or prosecuted, most in the service of protecting Trump. Two separate legal proceedings in New York State are pursuing financial crimes implicating Trump and his business (as noted, RNC speaker Eric Trump is currently defying subpoenas, claiming that his truthful testimony will implicate himself in crimes). And during his last campaign, Trump was implicated in two more crimes, the hush payments to his former sex partners and the misuse of his Foundation. There are active lawsuits from women credibly accusing Trump of sex crimes. It’s likely the only thing protecting Trump from prosecution for these crimes and obstruction of the Mueller probe is his success at winning another term. Meanwhile, the woman who shattered all prior norms about the Hatch Act, Kellyanne Conway, completed her service to Trump by admitting more violence would help Trump’s campaign.

And yet the NYT treats Trump’s “law and order” theme as a credible political claim.

The only mention from this purported news story that Trump’s convention was a televised crime spree of its own accord came in describing the glee with which Trump’s aides enjoyed watching Trump commit crimes, which the NYT instead describes as “raising questions about ethics law violations,” with impunity.

Mr. Trump’s aides said he enjoyed the frustration and anger he caused by holding a political event on the South Lawn of the White House, shattering conventional norms and raising questions about ethics law violations. He relished the fact that no one could do anything to stop him, said the aides, who spoke anonymously to discuss internal conversations.

This is not (as it would be in a minimally competent story) a fact check, a discussion of how absurd it was that the most criminally implicated President in history was instead running as the “law and order” candidate. It is, instead, an unexamined nugget of the key truth.

Trump’s aides are gleeful that his defiance of the law during a convention where he claimed to be the “law and order” candidate caused so much consternation. They relish the way he could commit crimes in broad daylight without anyone stopping him.

That is, the theme is not “law and order,” as NYT gullibly parroted. Trump’s campaign promise is the complete dismantlement of rule of law, where a candidate whose potential and confirmed crimes are too numerous to track could condemn the crimes and criminalized peaceful speech of his opponents, while failing to condemn murder committed by a supporter, all while claiming this selective enforcement amounted to “law and order.”

The point is not the theme. It’s partly that a small pack of NYT journalists might collectively repeat it as if it’s true, without instead describing the grave danger posed to democracy when a man who has systematically attacked rule of law rebrands that assault as law and order. Trump has successfully recruited those whose business is supposed to be truth-telling, and gotten them to instead reinforce his central lie, that his abuse of the law is something called “law and order.” And it is, more significantly, that while less negligent journalists were trying to push back on Trump’s deluge of lies, he was instead telling the key truth. Trump’s campaign message is not whatever theme some horse race journalists discern from ad buys. Rather, it is a promise — with his defiance of rule of law, his abdication of any platform save his own whims, his assault on the sanctity of the election, his incitement of violence — that in a second term Trump will forgo any past pretense he made to be engaged in democracy.

Trump’s convention was all designed to perform his utter contempt for democracy itself. And it succeeded, wildly, at telling that one key truth.

56 replies
  1. Smeelbo says:

    I wonder how much of this lawbreaking will ever be prosecuted. It is so wide and so deep that it defies credulity that all of it can be accounted for, but how much would be enough? If an entire class of crimes or criminals is let aside, what is the precedent for the future? Worse, in the name of unity, will all but a few crimes be forgiven?

    Given how much Trump has angered prosecutors, there may well be many indictments. Thus, I think the Republican Party is playing for all or nothing, that they must win at ANY cost. I fear even my worst imaginings fall short of what will happen this year.

    • Rugger9 says:

      Appeasement by “looking forward, not backward” is why we have DJT now, and we need to keep the pressure on Biden to prosecute because of the rampant criminal activity (i.e. non-interpretation issues like tax fraud and Russian bounties). It is probably enough to send DJT and his minions to jail for long stretches, which should establish that the rule of US Constitutional law as opposed to DJT Tweet law.

      If Biden fails to do so, the US Constitution becomes WH toilet paper.

      After all, DJT has had 3 years and seven months to MAGA and has torched the place while looting it. He now wants a do-over and extra time in addition to the moved goalposts. That needs to be hammered home but the courtier press that values “access” above all else refuses to hold DJT accountable.

  2. P J Evans says:

    It makes me wonder why NYT is still considered to be the “paper of record”, given that they’ve demonstrated over the last 20 years that their management and editors are all in for the GOP-T.

    • darms says:

      No NYT no ‘travelgate’, no ‘whitewater’, last minute Comey/Hillary leak. ‘Liberal’ my f*ck*ng ass…

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      I think some of their stuff is very good: the graphics, the data displays. Those are excellent

      Unfortunately, media that rely on reporting *what someone said* have been suckered by many electeds, but particularly Trump/GOP/Kellyanne. Today, I tried to watch “Meet the Press” for the first time in ages, and ended up turning it off. I don’t fault Chuck Todd as much as I fault the format — back in the 1960s when this format evolved, people valued truth, civility, and didn’t come on news programs to intentionally ‘spin’. It was possible to be a prepared host at that time.

      But post-Rove, post-spin, this whole format needs to go in history’s dustbin. No matter how hard the hosts try, the format won’t work in a world of bullshit (if I can make you believe what I say, that makes it ‘truthy’). The guests only have to bullshit for 3 minutes at a clip, and just about any moron can manage it.

      It’s all spectacle at this point; the press have become more like art critics (‘the lighting, ohhhh the lighting; and the staging, just sensational…). That implies, “We don’t have to cover government, because it’s too complicated to understand and we don’t know how to explain it to you. Plus, you might disagree with us and some of you have AK-15s, so we’ll just stick to wallpaper….” So the RNC becomes ‘entertainment’, and Trump’s contempt for democracy just looks like part of the artifice.

      On the upside, the DNC got better ratings.

      • Tracy Lynn says:

        “…the lighting, ohhhh the lighting; and the staging, just sensational…” This comment! Brilliant!

      • John Paul Jones says:

        Not AKs, but AR-15s, like the one the little thug who was just arrested for murdering protesters was toting. The WaPo had a video of him, partly shot by “news” folk who seem to be militia themselves, and the number of times the cops cruised by and congratulated the militia types, and gave them water bottles to make sure they didn’t dehydrate was kind of sickening. If he was a person of color, of course, he would be bumped to adult court, but one wonders whether that will happen in this case.

        • bmaz says:

          Oh, there is zero chance Rittenhouse is tried in juvenile court. In fact, in WI, anybody 17 or older is automatically tried as an adult. So, once extradited, he will be in adult court.

  3. earlofhuntingdon says:

    The NYT’s coverage is as shameless as Trump, and it cares just as little. Fitting, somehow, for Trump’s hometown newspaper. Trump’s disdain for rules and the law is one of his defining characteristics. It pervades his life. It erupts with the least exposure, for example, in how he manipulates asset values, one value for tax purposes, another for self-promotion.

    That disdain has been part of Trump since boyhood: manipulating his sister into doing his homework, paying someone else to take his college entrance exams, paying a medical doctor to describe his supposed bone spurs as debilitating. Public episodes of it are commonplace. The racial discrimination lawsuit brought by the least likely source: cynical racist Richard Nixon’s DoJ. The hiring and adoration of Roy Cohen, and the patterning of his behavior after him. It is the warp of his life, paired with the weft of his lies.

    If the NYT were half the newspaper it claims to be, it would have tethered Trump’s description of his supposed concern for law and order with how effortlessly and often he lies and violates the law. But it’s not half the newspaper it claims to be. It helped throw the election to Trump last time. It’s doing it again.

    • Tim says:

      c’mon! Nothing, no one is as shameless as tRump

      [Welcome back to emptywheel. Please use the same username each time you comment so that community members get to know you. This is your third user name; you’ve also commented previously as “timmer” and “Tim E.” Either of those would be better as they are more differentiated than “tim” or “timothy” since we have other commenters who share that name. Thanks. /~Rayne]

      • bmaz says:

        Hi Tim. Who the heck is “tRump”? He is the President of the United States. Use his real name, and not try to be too clever by a half. You accomplish nothing with this bullshit other than making yourself and this blog look like silly idiots. Please do not pull this garbage here.

    • gmoke says:

      George Seldes in his early biography of Mussolini, Sawdust Caesar, wrote that the NYTimes Rome stringer was Mussolini’s paid agent. Yep, NYTimes has been normalizing fascism since the very beginning, knowingly and unknowingly.

  4. Rugger9 says:

    One of the post-RNC evaluations made me yell a bit at the radio, since just like Chuckles would do, this political expert was talking about the comparisons between the DNC and RNC in terms of messaging. Her thought was that since the RNC message was so cohesive in terms of the story, it was better than the DNC message actually telling the truth. Other outlets have waxed poetic about how the RNC staged their convention better with the backdrops being more impressive than the DNC road trip. In the first case it was an unrelenting torrent of lies debunked in real time by Maddow and the Lincoln Project independently (among others) which should give a pretty good idea who DJT has pissed off in the political spectrum. The second ignored the fact that all of these backdrops and surprise visits violated the law which has been applied (with 60 and 120 day suspensions without pay) to underlings. The courtier press spent lots of time calling the Hatch Act a paper tiger that no one pays any attention to when looking at government conduct.

    Yet, when Silly Billy Clinton met the Attorney General Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix because he happened to be there when she was for a short meeting, the GOP and courtier press went ballistic. So the IOKIYAR double standard was pretty clear even then.

    This is why the courtier press will never grasp the idea that to report a story requires that the truth cannot be subsumed under a messaging blanket. However, the RW editors (and almost all of them are) want a horse race and will lean on the reporting to get it.

  5. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Forensic assessments of criminal psychopaths belabor why the signs weren’t spotted and acted on sooner, before the psychopath destroyed so much that they made international headlines. With hindsight, the signs seem obvious and progressive. The manipulation of family, the obsessive lying and fantasies, the torture of pet animals, the constant blameshifting, the apparently baseless anger that takes longer to subside each occurrence, the criminal behavior that escalates until it can’t be excused, but always is.

    Donald Trump is a textbook example. Only a few psychopaths in history can say that they put a nation and the world at risk. But the NYT cares only about…what, exactly?

    • Chris.EL says:

      this could be a little off topic, but demonstrating resolve seems motivating and appropriate…

      Britain and Europe, our allies, made their way out of the most horrible and deadly periods of human history on Earth!!
      Now and then I reflect on events in Hollywood in 1939 (Wizard of Oz) and Hitler taking over in Poland etc. I mourn for the stupidity that humans can exhibit.

      We need to listen; we need to hear; we need to see; we need to change and evolve.

      Courtesy of NPR


      STEPHEN DILLANE: (As Viscount Halifax) There’s nothing heroic in going down fighting if it can be avoided. Nothing even remotely patriotic in death or glory, if the odds are firmly on the former. Nothing inglorious in trying to shorten a war that we are clearly losing.

      GARY OLDMAN: (As Winston Churchill) Losing. Europe is still…

      DILLANE: (As Viscount Halifax) Europe has lost. And before our forces are wiped out completely, now is the time to negotiate in order to obtain the best conditions possible. Hitler will not insist on outrageous terms. He will know his own weaknesses. He will be reasoned with.

      OLDMAN: (As Winston Churchill) When will the lesson be learned? When will the lesson be learned? How many more dictators must be wooed, appeased – good God, given immense privileges – before we learn? YOU CANNOT REASON WITH A TIGER WHEN YOUR HEAD IS IN ITS MOUTH!!!


  6. yogarhythms says:

    Trump is the embodiment of ultimate power + psychopathology watching TV in the worlds most powerful bedroom. He is above the law.
    Collectively individual votes are supposed to be more powerful than one man and according to law able to elect.
    Two years before signing Viet Nam peace treaty after 55,000 dead the collective individual numbers changed the government.
    Nov 3 2020 anticipate 200,000 dead…..

  7. Yohei72 says:

    Masha Gessen said it before the election – Trump was never running for president, he was running for autocrat, and the press (and his opposition) kept insisting on behaving as if this was normal politics. And they’re still doing it.

    I’ve got this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach like I have few times before even during the Trump administration.

    • Marinela says:

      The bad feeling, you are not alone.
      I just hope after the election the feeling is different.

      In Minnesota I see lots of Trump 2020 signs, and Minnesota is supposed be democratic state, there are no Joe Biden signs.
      We don’t have any sign on our lawn, so I hope that are many voters like us.

      Many Trump supporters are duped by whatever medium they are using that normalizes his Presidency.

  8. Arthur M. says:

    Totally agree with your powerful piece. Having been the victim of Team Trump’s emotion-triggering BS campaigns so many times, it has now become obvious to even me, without a college degree (although I got manager level restaurant sanitation certification going for me,) through the tedium of what feels like endless repetition over the past 4 years, that these guys are just bullies, jerking people around by the feels. IMO they probably spend all their money on targeted emotion-triggering social media campaigns, through Facebook and Google and other algorithmic advertisers. If I have somewhat short-circuited the grip their emotional rollercoaster has on me, why not the NYT? I am intrigued by the comment about NYT in the 1920’s, as I am just recently becoming more aware of the NYT as a center right newspaper.

    IMO Team Trump are bullies, but they are not competent bullies. They are not competent governing and they truly lack competence re: sanitation.

    • madwand says:

      In the book “Hoax” Brian Stelter relates how Billy Bush recalled “a day when he got fed up and called out Trump on his fabrications” (about ratings for The Apprentice) Bush said “Wait a minute Donald you haven’t been No. 1 in five or four years, not in any category, not in any demo” Trump replied, “Well did you last Thursday? Last Thursday, 18-49, last five minutes” Bush “Nope still not true” Trump remarks ” Billy Look, you just tell them and they believe it , thats it they just do.”

      Yep keep saying the same thing over and over no matter the truth of it is just what Trump does. There’s a percentage that will believe him absolutely.

      • Arthur M. says:

        Agreed and wow — thank you for sharing that story. I had not heard that before and it really drives home that Trump knows what he is doing is wrong. I have been at home with an elderly family member instead of working since the pandemic began, but the restaurant when I work(ed) was a favorite of Jonathan and Josephine Bush (Billy’s parents.) I am a Union-loving civil rights proponent, as liberal as they come, no fan of these folks on paper, but in person, Jonathan Bush asked me about my personal history, my aspirations for the future — Jonathan Bush at least, I will vouch for being a warm-hearted human being. Josephine was feared for being 1. high maintenance with exacting standards 2. a history of taking her complaints directly to ownership, rather than the chef / maitre D who may have been able to find a solution in the moment. That never worried me because I worked just under the old school (read: mean) French maitre D who was always willing to bend over backwards for Josephine: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, sort of thing. Based on my interactions with Jonathan and Josephine Bush I am hopeful they are voting for Biden.

  9. Marinela says:

    How are the people in the Trump administration able to sleep at night?
    So many lives destroyed…
    And for what?
    For just one con man, small man, that needs to stick to the power to avoid criminal exposure.

    We are not going to make it to election.
    If I am currently working in the Trump administration, I would seriously consider resigning in mass and also request this small man resigns as well.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Con men and psychopaths have no trouble sleeping at night. None at all.

      Trump is more than one small man, trying to stay out of prison. He is the avatar of the modern Republican Party. Its leaders like what he does, they want him to do more of it. They will protect him while he does it.

      • Jenny says:

        Trumps group/supporters tend to be like a gang or a pack based on fear, anger and hostility. Fight, fight, fight, attack, attack, attack is alpha Trump’s attitude and platform.

        Gang members play by the rules or get thrown out. They wear the same hat, camouflage clothing and carry a weapon. Plus to prove oneself, they do dishonorable deeds. Their arrogant defiant attitude is to bully, belittle, intimidate others outside the gang and those in the gang not going along with the gang mentality. If they feel they have been disrespected by a member or others losing face, then they challenge with incidents, abuse and violence.

        Abusive behavior is power and strength in the gang. They will get others before someone gets them. They feel hurt so they in turn hurt others, lash out and blame everyone not taking any responsibility. That way they are protecting themselves and their reputation. A vicious cycle.

        To these people I ask, “What hurts you so much that you have to hurt others to heal it?”

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:


        I would simply add that ‘leaders of the GOP’ at this point appear to include people of multiple nationalities.

        People really need to stop limiting their assumptions about ‘GOP’ to people with American passports, IMVHO. Because of the long-time linkages between gas-and-oil interests and the GOP (think ‘Bush, Cheney, Baker Botts’), the GOP went ‘global’.

        Layer on The Family (Jeff Scarlet’s brilliant tome) in the Plantation Caucus of the GOP, and you include Africa, S. America, and heaven only knows what else.

        So asking ‘how do these people sleep at night’ is probably not the most relevant question.

        ‘Where do these people get their money, and how much money have they been taking from ‘X’ to alter federal laws, or appoint specific players?’ is probably the more relevant point.

        Morality doesn’t exist for these people in any sense other than, “Do I benefit?”

        Humans are herd animals; we all need a group. Even a dysfunctional one. If we are lucky, we seek out groups that are productive and functional, but not everyone is so lucky.

  10. Epicurus says:

    The issue of America’s going concern is not that Trump is re-elected. The issue is that even if he is not re-elected there is approximately 45% of the population that accepts the institutionalization of racism, lawlessness, and internment of traditional DoI and Constitutional ideals that are embodied by Trump, his administration, and Republican lack of management/governance. (They are not leaders and should not be called leaders. They just happen to be lemmings at the head of the pack.) That high percentage speaks of continuing discord and a less perfect union in process and goal, with significant liability for the country as a going concern in its current Constitutional format: John Yoo’s vision as our future.

    • Jenny says:

      Agree. (They are not leaders and should not be called leaders. They just happen to be lemmings at the head of the pack.)

      Here is what Scalise, the 2nd ranking Republican in House of Representatives did in order to support Trump by altering the words of a disabled man to smear Biden.

      I was so appalled I called Scalise office (202-225-3015). I asked him what is he teaching our children by his actions in disrespecting the disabled? And how much lower can one go?

      DNC Speaker Ady Barkan Demands Apology After GOP Rep. Posts Doctored Video
      Rep. Steve Scalise tweeted a video that altered the words of the progressive activist, who has Lou Gehrig’s disease and speaks using voice assistive technology.

        • Jenny says:

          Yes, the GOP – the party of “family values.”

          “God wants stability. It’s better to have a stable government under a crook than turmoil under an honest man.”
          Pat Robertson 1978
          Former Presidential Candidate

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          PJ, that is one hell of an anecdote.

          If it’s any cause for optimism, I was listening to a Bulwark podcast with ?Amanda Carpenter? talking about some recent focus group work in AZ and ?SC?.

          Almost none of the GOP women had watched the RNC convention, although in AZ the topic of ‘social unrest/violence’ (feeling threatened) was starting to resonate. Among the women in ?SC?, it was not resonating as much.

          I’m not sure WTF is really happening, but every bit of my experience in life tells me that people hate being pwned and lied to.

          Once Biden makes clear how his words are being twisted, he ought to gain traction. From everything that I can see among my contacts, people are absolutely fed up with lies, and with incitement.

          In case it’s useful on your end: I have a bunch of relatives in the Portland-Vancouver area, many of whom are gun owning hunters of deer and elk. For them, gun safety actually is a big deal; they have guns in their homes, often in gun safes.

          *If* I’m hearing astutely, they view these militias as dangerous clowns, and any President who would tolerate this kind of lunacy needs to be turfed out.

          It’s interesting that Trump and his elephant-trophy-hunting kids don’t grasp that to genuine hunters, they look like egotistical weenies. Trump/GOP also fails to grasp how inciting militias is probably backfiring more with genuine hunters than it is with suburban women.

          My relatives are walking encyclopedias of natural systems and the biology of elk herds. Half my relatives grew up on elk and deer through the winter — the animal(s) were killed, went to the meat locker, and fed their families until around March. IOW, guns were for feeding your family, but never for threatening others.

          I worry a bit that suburban women are intimidated by this nonsense; whereas my spouse (who is a very good shot) sees the militias as a bunch of overarmed, dangerous weenies. They are dangerous because they have more firepower than they can probably handle, and no sensible person who is a decent shot would need that much firepower outside of a battle zone.

          So a lot of this nonsense needs to be recycled right at Mitch McConnell, who has been stalling on gun safety legislation. None of this would be possible with sensible gun safety laws, and if McConnell were turfed out, the odds of gun safety laws go up significantly.

          But I sure wish the Biden campaign would engage with true hunters, with people whose families actually do ‘eat what they kill’, to clearly explain the distinction between people who care about the land, care about gun safety, and would never act like a pack of loons.

          This is a distinction that I honestly think too few suburban women – like those in Amanda Carpenter’s focus group – actually grasp. But it’s extremely important that the true hunters not be tossed in with the militia instigators.

  11. Jan says:

    “When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.”

    Timothy Snyder – On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

  12. DAT says:

    R. Ben-Ghiat Has a book, “Strongmen: from Mussolini to the present” coming out. I read of it on TPM. If I can, I will approximate two of her ideas. The first is the “strength” business. The basic point is “I am untouchable.” That is how you demonstrate your strength, you are not bound. I suspect this is a part of how “we” let Trump get away with his lawlessness. The breaking of the law is central to his schtick. His ignoring norms is not a bug, but a feature.
    The second is virility. She doubts Putin was aware of the homage, but he’s the first ruler to make a point of being photographed shirtless since Mussolini did it in the 20’s of the last century. Who can forget Trump boasting about his penis size at the Republican primary debates? (Now I hate myself for recalling that stomach turning moment.) And who can forget Mao swimming the Yangtze at age 72?

  13. earlofhuntingdon says:

    L.A. cops shoot and kill 29-year old Black bicyclist on L.A. streets. Police shot and killed Dijon Kizzee after trying “to contact” him after two officers allegedly observed him committing a traffic violation while riding his bicycle. Police refused to name the alleged violation. A car-bicycle chase became a foot-race. In sequence: police caught up with Kizzee, they struggled, in the course of which Kizzee supposedly dropped a bundle of clothes he was carrying, police allegedly saw the handle of a revolver or pistol inside, police then fired their weapons multiple times, killing Dizzee at the scene.

    The police story does not hold water. According to police, officers shot and killed Kizzee after he allegedly dropped the alleged weapon. When they had control of the scene. They fired multiple rounds from close range. If they wore body cameras, they were not on. Who carries a bundle of clothes while navigating south L.A. streets on a bicycle? What purported traffic violation would a cyclist have to commit to get two L.A. cops to try to stop him on a busy weekday afternoon? What crime – if any – would justify this shoot-to-kill conduct?

  14. John Campion says:

    A short while ago, I posted a message to the effect that we should all be careful about taking the bait that Trump would steal the election and deny the regular–such as they are–processes to function—that it was a trap that Trump was deploying to use against us in that media that’s fit to print. A few folks here–in an inverted form of kindness–instructed that I was deluded to think that Trump wouldn’t do any damn thing he wanted and we better be ready for the “Golpe de Estado” was at hand. You were right, I was wrong; hence this Mea Culpa. Now just dusting off for the truly ugly fight ahead.

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