Brian Kemp Suggests Workers at Nail Salons Don’t Own Their Own Lives

Fox News’ Martha MacCallum did a good job last night pushing Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to justify his order to reopen non-essential businesses like hair and nail salons and gyms. The order supersedes any city-wide orders, meaning even devastated cities like Albany must comply.

The entire thing is worth watching. The same guy who claimed neither he nor his health commissioner understood that COVID-19 can be spread by asymptomatic people three weeks ago — and in this clip suggests temperature screening could be effective to stop the spread — now claims that, “our people in our state have learned a lot … we’ve all been, learned how to do” social distancing and that’ll be enough to open businesses that require close proximity for extended periods.

He also suggested that the data on Georgia cases and fatalities are dated by as much as six days, meaning he’s claiming that Georgia passed its peak already.

But the real tell came when he explained that,

We’re talking about a few businesses that I closed down to help flatten the curve which we have done in our state. But for us to continue to ask them to do that while they lose everything, quite honestly, there are a lot of civil repercussions of that … When you close somebody’s business down, and take the livelihood of that individual and those employees, and they are literally at the face of losing everything, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Kemp treats small businesses — not life itself — as “everything.” And he doesn’t consider that, for people who work in these small businesses, their health and their life is what they own. Effectively, he’s stripping them of their ability to work in safety.

And, as many people have suggested, he’s also stripping people who choose not to work in unsafe conditions of unemployment benefits.

Kemp went on to suggest that “if you take Albany out of the situation right now our state is a much different place,” correctly noting that it has more deaths (but not more cases) than Atlanta but, in making the suggestion, imagining he could take Georgia’s rural black population out of the state’s general condition.

Kemp cited Trump repeatedly in this interview, even claiming that this move complies with his guidelines on reopening (it is being done before cases decline adequately and in businesses not included even in Trump’s irresponsible list, which includes gyms). He didn’t, however, say that if the Trump Administration hadn’t botched the PPP, then these small businesses wouldn’t have to choose between reopening or their lives.

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181 replies
  1. harpie says:

    Kemp: if you take Albany out of the situation right now our state is a much different place

    That’s quite a turn of phrase.
    The question of who counts in this country is foundational…
    I keep thinking lately of that famous “compromise” in 1787.

    • Areader2019 says:

      Money. It’s about the money.

      Small business are not paying rent… because they are closed. You can bet that ten minutes after the Gov announced they will ‘reopen’ landlords were on the phone demanding payment. Plus scrapping employees off unemployment insurance, as mentioned above.

      It is a cynical, disgusting ploy for a few dollars.

      • emptywheel says:

        Yep. And, again, if Trump’s policies weren’t implemented incompetently, this wouldn’t need to happen.

      • orionATL says:

        down here folks believe this is indeed about making it difficult to apply for or continue to receive unemployment insurance.

        one thing you can say for kemp, he has got the sorrowful, concerned teevee facial expression down pat. it just happens though that there are few more hard-hearted, ruthless son-of-bitches in american politics than brian kemp.

        • madwand says:

          Exactly, you have a choice, be forced to go back to work and get infected, perhaps die, or quit and then be ineligible for unemployment. A lot of people are in that seam right now. If they get called back and go and are lucky not to get infected they reset the unemployment clock. Georgia is also not going to expand medicaid and rural hospitals closing is also a factor.

        • orionATL says:


          the long-standing refusal to expand medicaid (despite substantial federal incentives) coming from a state where 1 in 6 live in poverty is hard to understand.

          ignoring the long-coming, slow-motion collapse of rural health care is willful blindness.

          poverty statistics for georgia. down near the bottom is a list of cities and poverty. eye opening.

        • orionATL says:

          oh, did i mention race as a factor in governor kemp’s decision?

          no? good? because everybody in georgia understands that race is never an issue in georgia politics:

          “… In a state where African Americans make up more than32% of the population but account for an estimated 54% of known coronavirus deaths, the decision pitted a white Republican governor against mostly black Democratic mayors and critics.

          “By trying to push a false opening of the economy, we risk putting more lives in danger,” Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who lost to Kemp in a controversial election in 2018, told MSNBC…”

        • madwand says:

          The blob on the map in the SW corner tells it all. As far as understanding race as a factor it’s hard to make a man understand something when his job depends on his not understanding it. Lot of cognitive dissonance down here. No wonder Trump changed his permanent address to Florida, he fits right in.

      • BobCon says:

        I think that money is a piece of it, but I think that it is important to think about other factors.

        There is a deep reactionary impulse infecting the country which overrides economic calculations. A lot of current policy failures arise from pure hatred of the rational thinking and planning that led to stay at home policies.

        Peter Navarro made an explicit economic argument for action to the White House in January, but the dollar signs got no traction. I think in large part it is because conservative institutions are now fundamentally aligned against any kind of mobilization, and this is abetted by defeatism in mainstream institutions which assumes anything comprehensive, even with clear economic benefits, is doomed — antivirus programs, national healthcare, climate change laws.

        Probably the best comparison is the addiction to segregation in the Jim Crow era. Southern economic interests could see evidence everywhere how it put them at a competitive disadvantage, but they remained committed to Jim Crow anyway.

  2. Tom says:

    I wish Ms. MacCallum had asked the Governor to demonstrate how to give someone a manicure, a haircut, or a massage from six feet away.

    Perhaps I’m misconstruing the Governor’s words or intended meaning, but at one point he referred to hospitals “bleeding money” because of their “record vacancies”. So the collateral windfall for the hospitals from an upsurge in COVID-19 cases will be that they can make money by virtue of their beds filling up with new patients?

    • holdingsteady says:

      Yesterday when Dr. Birx was asked how social distancing could happen in, say, a nail salon, her response was that they would get creative…. sheesh! I had thought she was one of the sensible ones, silly me.

      Sounds like Kemp is making his own Modest Proposal, yikes!

      • Alan Charbonneau says:

        I thought Kemp was reading the tea leaves and doing what he thought Trump wanted. But Trump’s “LIBERATE” tweets were aimed at his opposition; i.e. foment unrest in states with governors who are Democrats. Now I’m reading that Trump and Pence had long conversations with him. I’m not sure if Kemp was blindsided by Trump’s statement that he “strongly disagreed” with his decision or if is all part of the massive distraction everyone’s been subjected to.

        This year has been so surreal, I feel as though I am residing in a small corner of the Twilight Zone.

        btw, I love the “Modest Proposal” reference — I hadn’t read Swift’s essay, nor heard reference to it, since the early 70’s.

        • holdingsteady says:

          Surreal indeed… and thanks for the Twilight Zone reference – I think I’m in the cornfield at this point.

        • Alan Charbonneau says:

          Yeah, the cornfield is a good image. Trump is just like Billy Mumy’s character, Anthony Fremont.

          This quote from Lucian Truscott IV sums it up nicely:
          ‘People talk about Trump’s ‘lack of empathy,’ but as the bodies pile up, I think what we see in Trump is the delight of a dictator in the making. For every dead body wheeled into the back of a refrigerated truck, Trump sees a hundred frightened voters who can be manipulated into adoration of their fearless leader.”

    • Peterr says:

      I can’t find exactly what you are referring to from Kemp, but broadly speaking, I think he’s talking about the general financial situation of a lot of hospitals. I know from conversations with medical folks around KC that many hospitals depend on elective surgeries and other non-emergency procedures for the income that covers other things the hospital does that lose money (such as a lot of emergency care for un- and under-insured folks).

      A year ago, your doctor might have told you “You need to get your hip replaced, so let’s find a date that will work.” Today, the second half of that sentence would be “so after this epidemic is more under control, I’ll call you to talk about scheduling it.” That’s why the hospitals have “record vacancies” – no one is coming in that doesn’t absolutely positively have to come in. And that has big financial consequences for the hospitals.

      Add to that one more thing: some hospitals are taking those choices out of the hands of doctors and patients, as they have either postponed all these elective procedures or dramatically scaled them back, especially if they have an outbreak of COVI-19 to cope with. “We don’t want folks with non-COVID-19 conditions to face potential exposure by coming in right now, so if they can wait a while or go somewhere else, that’s what they need to do.” Many hospitals in rural areas were running on fumes before COVID-19 raised its head, and having to cancel the procedures that bring in a sizable chunk of their revenue is an ugly ugly thing to contemplate.

      The economics of medical care are a nightmare of competing incentives and pressures. From what I can see, hospitals do not make money from a COVID-19 outbreak – they lose it hand over foot from the increased expenses (more staff needed, more PPE — and prices for PPE are orders of magnitude above what they were 6 months ago, more equipment, the costs of converting regular rooms and spaces into COVID-19 treatment areas, etc.) and they cannot cover these new expenses with revenue from elective procedures because they had to scale them back or eliminate them entirely due to the epidemic.

      • rip says:

        I wonder also if part of the problem is that hospitals apparently rely on contracted ER staff and the for-profit venture-capital-funded companies that contract these staff are cutting salaries and limiting benefits.

        Strange that in these times the very people you would want to have available can’t (or won’t) work under these conditions.

        I can’t imagine anybody intelligently constructing a more dysfunctional healthcare system than that in the US. Venture capitalists running the ER. What could go wrong?

      • Tom says:

        Kemp made his remarks about hospitals around the five minute mark of the interview. As I said, I may have misunderstood his meaning and I appreciate the extra information and clarification you provided.

      • holdingsteady says:

        Is there an underlying conclusion here that hospitals shouldn’t be in the business of making a profit anyway?

  3. harpie says:

    New information:
    Coronavirus Death in California Came Weeks Before First Known U.S. Death
    The earliest U.S. deaths publicly attributed to the virus had been on Feb. 26, when two people died in the Seattle area. Santa Clara County said an autopsy showed a Feb. 6 death was also related.
    April 22, 2020 Updated 8:51 a.m.

    […] But Santa Clara County officials said that autopsies of two people who died at their homes on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17 showed that the individuals were infected with the virus. The presence of the disease Covid-19 was determined by tissue samples and was confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, county health officials said in a statement. […]

    • harpie says:

      From the beginning the States/Counties/Municipalities were HAMSTRUNG by the Federal Government IN ORDER TO MOLLIFY TRUMP:

      I know we knew this, but just from today, in the above linked article with regard to the new information about earlier deaths:

      […] Strict definitions of who could be tested limited what local health officials could do to find out how widespread the virus might be.

      “We had to ask the C.D.C. every single time: Does this person meet the case definition? May we send a sample?” Dr. Cody said. […]

  4. OldTulsaDude says:

    Quote: “Effectively, he’s stripping them of their ability to work in safety.

    And, as many people have suggested, he’s also stripping people who choose not to work in unsafe conditions of unemployment benefits.”

    Amazingly, these two sentences back-to-back encapsulate the unspoken Republican platform since at least 1980 – strip labor of any power; and undo the social safety net.

  5. Jenny says:

    Remember Brian Kemp said this on April 2, 2020:
    ‘Finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs, so what we’ve been telling people from directives from the CDC for weeks now that if you start feeling bad, stay home … those individuals could’ve been infecting people before they ever felt bad. But we didn’t know that until the last 24 hours. And as Dr. Toomey told me, this is a game changer for us.’

  6. Raven Eye says:

    This opinion piece appeared in WaPo yesterday. To say it is stunning would be an understatement:

    I’m not sure how PA state representative Mike Jones was persuaded to write the piece, but the comments from 99.9% of the readers suggest that he may have let his ego and political naivety get ahead of him.

    • PieIsDamnGood says:

      I doubt he wrote the piece at all, probably accepted some cash to put his name on something he hadn’t read.

      • BobCon says:

        Jones is probably a useful idiot. But there is a lot of money going elsewhere in the process.

        The conservative joke Stephen Moore has been talking for a while about how funders are pushing the anti-virus control movement. The press has sporadically talked about some of the funders, but they have erased a key part of the dynamic.

        Billionaires don’t direct these photo ops themselves. They hire PR companies to do it, and these same companies handle the pitches to the media — assembling the officials who sign their names, writing the press releases, handling the distribution. There are all kinds of concrete steps needed, and the press can see a lot of them.

        But they cooperate in hiding this from the public, because there is an unwritten agreement by the press that PR flacks are never a part of the story.

        The press knows that this is astroturfed, they know the names of the companies and flacks behind it, but the club will never talk about who belongs to the club.

        • BobCon says:

          And what is so maddening about reporters and editors today is that they are much more savvy about the machinery of the PR industry than they were in the earlier days of Bernays. But that savvy has only hardened their commitment to never talking about the machinery in public.

          You have a greater likelihood of seeing the word “fuck” in the NY Times than you do of seeing them report on a PR firm pitching the media on astroturf. PR campaigning is even a greater taboo than saying Trump is a racist — they might at least allude to that in a couched way.

  7. Vicks says:

    “You will never lose money betting on the stupidity of Americans”
    No clue who said that, but it’s fitting
    Kemp is promoting a game of chicken that any reasonable person has to realize will end up being mostly show.
    It’s the oldest and most overused play in the The Trump playbook.
    When are people going to learn to not to take the bait?
    Sure, some of the give me liberty or give me covid” idiots will be setting their alarms so they can be first in line to get a tattoo of Trump or Kemp on their foreheads, but seriously, can’t anyone see the power in pointing out in a reasonable way that logistically it just isn’t going to work?
    Is it just more fun for the media to convince viewers that enough business owners are so stupid and desperate that they will really risk everything because Kemp has given them permission to?
    When the federal government just added more money to the payroll loan program?

    • BobCon says:

      It is worth noting that Trump’s backing is getting softer over time, and I have little doubt it will get worse.

      One key demographic is senior citizens, and polling indicates that anger, disapproval and fear is growing everywhere, including the deep South. Fox News is influential, but Steve Doocey’s appeal is wearing thin as news worsens. This time is different.

      • Peterr says:

        Senior citizen take particular notice of what happens in assisted living communities. Either they live in one, their friends live in them, or they are aware that they might be living in one down the line some time.

        Watching horror stories from these places lead the news, followed by mindless “we need to reopen” from folks like Kemp, is not likely to calm down the anger, disapproval and fear that many senior citizens are feeling.

        • Vicks says:

          Seniors are scared. Really, really scared.
          Should we start with the image of dying alone?
          How about the fact that there are hints everywhere that they are expendable?
          It has to rattle even the healthiest and most confident elder..
          Look at how much help they need from others now, how their independence has been stolen. You don’t think that they know they will continue to be a drag when everyone else is ready to get back at it?
          These are horrific times for our seniors, if you know any ( I was going to say give em a squeeze but you can’t even do that) send them a treat or give them a call and let them know you have their back.

  8. Thomasa says:

    I had a conversation yesterday with a pharmacist at Seattle VA hospital. I asked how they were doing an if she had to be onsite. She does as an essential woker. They observe the standard precautions she said. But a bit too late for her it seems. We compared notes on flu-like illnesses, she in December, me in late March. Both had seasonal flu shots at the VA, both had classic Covid19 symptoms. Neither were tested. Her case sounds much worse than mine, with spiking fever alternating with way sub-normal, followed by pneumonia for two weeks. “We didn’t know what it was in December.” I didn’t either until I read about people coughing up bits of lung tissue. I had called the rural clinic to see about a test. “You don’t fit the pattern. Call us if it gets worse. The treatment is the same either way.” It did get worse. I finally quit coughing this week. After nearly a month. I wouldn’t wish this on any hairstylist or bartender and I’m badly in need of a haircut and a drink. Neither the pharmacist nor I was knowingly exposed and we both lived to tell the tale. Clearly many others weren’t so fortunate.

    • Jenny says:

      Saw this last night. Might be of interest. How all this unfolded in Washington state.

      PBS – Frontline: Coronavirus-Pandemic – A Tale of Two Washingtons
      SEASON 2020: EPISODE 16
      How did the U.S. become the country with the worst known coronavirus outbreak in the world? FRONTLINE investigates the American response to COVID-19 — from Washington state to Washington, D.C. — and examines what happens when politics and science collide.

      • Fran of the North says:


        Thanks for the link. I’m really interested in this as I think Frontline generally does a good job reporting their stories.

  9. earlofhuntingdon says:

    The good white folk Mr. Kemp knows don’t work at those bidnesses. They have home gyms and monthly subscriptions to streaming workout videos, whose model-athletes provide better T&A than the local gym. They can pay their stylists to come to them, so they don’t need the local neighborhood salons. Kemp is happy to sacrifice those who didn’t vote for him (in an election he stole). so that he can appease Trump and make it look like he’s helping even the lowly get back to work. He’s happy, too, to rain down fire and brimstone on those who selfishly value their lives over his economy.

    Kemp is also appeasing his neoliberal patrons, who tell hoi poloi that their government is the problem, not the cure. (True for them, except when it comes to tax treatment, legal imminuties, and security for themselves and their property).

    • Vicks says:

      Mystery solved!
      Von Miller had no clue how he got the virus. “He only left his house 4 times and never got out of the car”
      Perhaps it wasn’t his hair stylist that infected him but surely a man that just added a 2000sq ft closest to his home has needs that can only tended to by multiple people coming and going?
      Which leads to why Trump is playing games with testing?
      Could it be as simple as he doesn’t like people telling him what to do?
      Does the constant pressure put on him about it, trigger some teenage response to a nagging adult?

      • Peterr says:

        For Trump to admit there’s a problem with testing right now would require Trump admitting that he has failed to address this problem over the last three months.

        Trump admitting failure is not ever, ever, ever going to happen.

        Other people fail, but not Trump. Ever.

        All those business failures and bankruptcies? They were the fault of Trump’s contractors and customers and politicians and government regulations and unforeseeable market conditions — not Trump.

        All those failed marriages and personal relationships? They were the fault of his ex’s and the media and his enemies — not Trump.

        All those convicted campaign officials and senior Trump administration folks who left under clouds of failure? They were the fault of those people and the Deep State and the Lamestream Media and Trump’s enemies — not Trump.

        Like I said, Trump admitting failure is not ever, ever, ever going to happen.

        • Ken Muldrew says:

          “For Trump to admit there’s a problem with testing right now would require Trump admitting that he has failed to address this problem over the last three months.”

          Asking for consistency from Trump is maybe going a bit far. I think it’s more likely that he made a calculation that herd immunity before November was his only chance, no matter what the cost. Being unable to empathize with anyone, he probably doesn’t see mass graves as anything more than a Democratic talking point, once the threat of infection has passed. He wouldn’t consider mourning anyone for more than a few seconds so why would anybody else?

        • Vicks says:

          The crazy part is, that for a guy as lazy as Trump, the easy way (not resisting, listening to the experts) could have made him a real hero.
          He could have for one of the few times in his time as president been given credit instead of taking it.
          He knew exactly what was going on and it’s potential for chaos and he chose to do nothing. I suspect that Trump is a guy who is pretty dead inside and the only way he feels alive is through the chaos and pressure cooker world he forces other into. At some point the question of whether his complete lack of urgency despite everything he knew was at some level, intentional

        • Ken Muldrew says:

          She says that Trump lies about everything, all the time, and his only play is to say whatever will make him look good for the next few minutes. Sort of a Markov process that has no memory and no concept of the future, he just reacts with whatever makes him look good in the moment.

        • vvv says:

          I had no issues after I turned of my adblocker. Try opening in incognito mode, if you have that option (Chrome, etc.) It’s an amusing article, altho’ I think perhaps a little simplistic …

  10. Fran of the North says:

    It truly is a no-win problem. No wonder the ‘Pubs are in a tizzy.

    If quarantine continues, there are two options: craft widespread, meaningful financial rescue for the 90 percent; or continue to spout the dogma, be churlish and allow small businesses to fail and their owners see their hard work evaporate. Individual workers will go bankrupt and be cast into the streets to starve and die, (think of the video) or even worse, march. The inadequacy of the of the safety net will be exposed and there will be vocal cries for significant change.

    And that doesn’t bode well for the GOP or their decades long project to deconstruct government and any regulations that prevent rapacious use of resource be it natural or human.

    If the country opens up prematurely, the second wave gathers height and rushes farther up the shore, destroying more lives. That only delays the reckoning.

    Is the end game that perhaps the ‘economic relief’ provided by early opening delays the second wave to after the election, thereby allowing the GOP to plausibly claim that they are taking decisive action to mitigate the crisis?

    • madwand says:

      It’s very possible the end game is out of control; right now it’s a small manipulated minority in the streets, but there’s no telling what will happen if systemic failure and financial collapse along with food shortages rupture any pretense of normality. The US is becoming destabilized in the same way we have destabilized other countries since WW2 and one could argue they are getting even. For another time,

      Moreover internal power interests are not backing down and manipulating people into potential armed confrontations. It’s only a matter of time before an Archduke situation occurs and things get really out of control. Fracturing into regional or state polities becomes a real possibility. It’s just not that long ago when that happened to Russia. For us an article in the Atlantic by George Packer sums up a lot. It’s hard to see where up is from there.

      • BobCon says:

        I am guessing that the somewhat more realistic ones among the GOP are aiming for a repeat of 2009-10 — count on the GOP survivors to block as much as they can, build a tacit alliance with establishment Dems and the press against serious progressives, and saddle passive Democrats with blame for a slow recovery.

        I am hopeful Democrats have learned lessons from 2010 and that demographic changes have further undercut the GOP base, but we’ll see.

        But another possibility is that current Republicans have sowed the seeds of their own destruction, but only to open the door to even worse people, and then we will see the Balkanization reasonable people fear. I think staving that off will require a shift in the establishment away from systemic preference for extreme stasis. I don’t know if they are there, even now.

      • BeingThere says:

        What’s slipped out of much of the news is that of Putin putting Trump in power in the US. Everything Trump has done over the last 3½ years has been to the detriment of the US. He’s still doing it. The coronavirus pandemic us only making his easier for him, simply doing nothing will be destructive. This is paying Putin back. Putin meanwhile sees a retaliation for his childhood beloved Soviet block being broken up, in a goal of seeing similar in the US and Europe.
        We can prevent this perhaps only by continuing to work together and fully sidelining the Trump administration?

    • Krisy Gosney says:

      I’ve been thinking too that the Rs in government/power do not want ‘the people’ to come together and see/remember they have collective power. So they manufacture these protests and push to ‘reopen’ the states and work to make the conversation about cures being worse than the disease, etc. Those in the locked castles do not want the villagers to notice the sharp pitch forks and flaming torches leaning against the castle walls.

      Also, about hair dressers and nail salons opening, those are largely female occupations and female customers. So if the media reports new Covid-19 cases having female names/faces, American misogyny says a lot of most folks won’t take it as seriously as male names/faces getting Covid-19.

      • P J Evans says:

        Female occupations filled mostly by minority/immigrant women. Doubly invisible for the GOP-T.

        • coral says:

          These businesses have female customers, some quite well off. If they start dying like flies–and infecting their husbands and children…I’m not sure anyone has really thought the consequences through to the ultimate end.

    • posaune says:

      I can see the pubs choosing premature opening to delay the reckoning: it might give enough time to help them steal the election– or at least they’re willing to bet on that.

  11. JamesJoyce says:

    Mr. Whoopee and his 3DBB are of no use with this lot. It is sad..

    Lever Levity….

    Bottom line here is…

    Like viruses, certain folks don’t care. The divisions of labor will alway serve monied interests, even if it kills the goose and golden eggs.

    Liberty and pursuit of happiness do not exist for those without, Life..

    Bassackwards thinking and lack of preparation are one in the same.

    Some in the Antebellum Senate, simply placed business interests over life.

    “Amity Isle” tourists interests did not do well $$$ wise after Alex Kintner become Jaw’s midday lunch snack.

  12. Matthew Harris says:

    I decided to do some research about Georgia’s economy, and learned a few things.

    As I am sure everyone knows, Atlanta has the world’s busiest airport. Or at least, it was in normal times. Hartsfield-Jackson generates 65-85 billion dollars in revenue.

    The economy of Georgia generates about 600 billion dollars a year:

    Which means that the airport generates between 10-15% of Georgia’s revenue.

    The airport has had business drop by 85% of its passengers, and lost 50-60% of its revenue:

    I went to the trouble of looking up these statistics and sources to point out the obvious: the economy of Atlanta and Georgia is heavily based around the airport there, and the airport has contracted drastically.

    As much as Kemp might talk about “getting things back to normal”, and as much as he can put on a show of opening up bowling alleys or barber shops, Georgia’s economy is tied into the world economy, especially long distance travel, which is most likely going to be the last sector of the economy to recover. So the point to me is not that Kemp is heartless, it is that he is totally ignoring the basic structural problems around him.

    (NB: economic impact studies of things like airports tend to overstate their importance, so these numbers might be fuzzy around the edges, but the basic picture, that Hartsfield-Jackson is important, and that it has declined drastically, are pretty intuitive and obvious)

    • Rayne says:

      Thanks for the analysis. I think Atlanta like Detroit Metro area has both relied on business supporting their airports but also suffered from the international traffic which brought COVID-19 to these cities.

      I’m not in agreement with this, though: “So the point to me is not that Kemp is heartless, it is that he is totally ignoring the basic structural problems around him.”

      I think Kemp knows the airport traffic won’t resume and he wants to increase revenues which don’t rely on the airport. BUT his drive to reopen the service economy rather than manufacturing tells you a lot: the people who are the means of production, the lowest paid workers, are just fungibles. Disposable.

      And that may be the entire point. Make the noisy white upper-to-middle class with disposable income happy, while installing the most covert poll tax on the working poor who in Atlanta are likely black.

      Get back to work, service serf, risk your health. Maybe you’ll be healthy enough to vote this November.

  13. Andy says:

    I lost all faith in Dr. Birx when she showed that chart the other day about country deaths per 100,000, which had the US as the lowest after China. That chart was no doubt produced at Trump’s request as PR and Birx knew it. What it did not take into account was each countries population density. If that had been adjusted for, the US would have been number one. Population density is everything in a pandemic.

    • P J Evans says:

      cases and deaths per hundred thousand is used so that numbers can be compared across jurisdictions with different populations. Deaths per square mile isn’t really useful….

      • Fran of the North says:

        Kind of like those maps in red and blue used to defend why the Electoral College is so necessary, eh?? Empty land mass doesn’t vote either.

      • Andy says:

        Tell that to New York City, the Smithfield plant employees, the nursing homes and prisons. They might beg to differ. You can be a lot more successful in Wyoming fighting a pandemic than you can in Detroit from a standing start.

        • bmaz says:

          Seriously? Unless your “Smithfield plant” is in South Dakota, which is pretty much as stark as Wyoming. Please, don’t be silly.

        • posaune says:

          Interesting that just yesterday, JHU switched statistical modes on their SPH Covid19 website — to a population density model from an absolute numbers stack. Some statistician there must have been pissed off with Birx using their numbers. At any rate, it’s density based now.

        • Andy says:

          It is simple physics. Transmission requires contact. Increased density = increased contact = increased transmission = increased infection = increased death.  Decreased density = decreased contact = decreased transmission = decreased infection = decreased death. That is the purpose of social distancing, to decrease localized density. Definition of a hot spot = dense infection site. If you are going to judge which countries or states have done a successful job of mitigating death (which was the purpose of the chart), population density is the most important risk factor which needs to be factored in. Ask any epidemiologist. It is always telling when someone resorts to an ad hominem attack (Don’t be silly), that they have failed logically to address an argument.

          South Korea = 1,339 per sq mile
          UK = 710 per sq mile
          Italy = 518 per sq mile
          US = 87 per sq mile

          [FYI, line returns added to last 3 lines to improve readability for comparison of countries’ population density./~Rayne]

        • bmaz says:

          Well golly Andy, thanks for the smarmy explainer of the patently obvious. For the record, it may have been a while, but I had multiple courses in physics in college including university physics and quantum mechanics. I can grasp the basics just fine, thank you. You know what is really “telling” Andy? When some holier than thou short term interloper wanders into this site and assumes everybody else is an idiot.

          I did not “fail logically” whatsoever. And your own smarmy explainer proves it. Density is relative. A Smithfield plant in South Dakota can be a dense spot even though it is in one of the least overall population dense states in the union. On the flip side, California is, by far, the most populated state in the union, and Orange County is one of its most densely populated areas, and, yet, has a shockingly low infection and mortality rate.

          So, Andy, there is more going on, and the dynamics more complex, than your holier than thou but simplistic “density” explanation. Ergo when I said “don’t be silly”, it was not an “ad hominem attack”, it was the truth. The real scourge here is when interlopers blithely and frivolously whine about being ad hominem attacked. Thanks for your input Andy.

        • Andy says:

          Controlling for population density in evaluating and comparing different pandemic mitigation efforts is beyond non-controversial. It is a primary risk factor for spread. You really need to get control of yourself. Your reactions are outsized and not normal. You can disagree without being demeaning and name calling. I can’t even imagine how you would react if someone referred to your comment as silly.
           Ad hominem – An argument or reaction directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
          Trust me, I won’t be back.

        • bmaz says:

          Hey Andy! Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. And I addressed your simplistic, even if holier than thou, argument on the merits not just once, but twice. You, however, never addressed my initial, and continuing, posit that “population density” is too simplistic and is somewhat relative. So, take your whiny ad hominem bullshit and stuff it.

    • Geoguy says:

      “That chart was no doubt produced at Trump’s request as PR and Birx knew it.” I agree that Trump wanted a favorable graphic. A fun read on the subject is the book “How to Lie with Maps” by Mark Monmonier. It’s easily understood by the non-professional cartographer.

  14. Savage Librarian says:

    After reading and watching the info below, part of me can’t help but think that we might be in the midst of a systemic evolutionary paradigm shift. But, also, relative to this specific virus, maybe this info will inspire some creative thought:

    “How an Ancient Virus Spread the Ability to Remember” | MedPage Today, 12/13/19

    “Jason Shepherd, PhD, explains how his curiosity spurred an unexpected finding as he studied the biology behind memory storage, encoding, and retrieval. Exploring the gene called ARC, which is essential to the synaptic plasticity that facilitates learning and cognition, Shepherd discovered that, at a biological level, the process of memory storage strongly replicates that of viral transmission.”
    “It’s fascinating to think that some of the most complex processes in the brain may have been the result of an ancient viral infection.”

  15. SVFranklinS says:

    Our paper (SJ Mercury News) publishes a daily Coronavirus Tracker for California, county by county (SF online link for similar info is ),
    and with some idle time, I plotted the growth charts for the Bay Area (now at 236 deaths) and SoCal (now 1591 deaths) since they’ve been publishing them.
    Although SoCal (LA to San Diego) has 3x the number of people, the # of deaths is >6x more, and the growth slope is significantly higher than in the Bay Area.

    I expect that’s because the Bay Area ordered shelter-in-place just a few days earlier.

    A few days.
    Nearly 1000 fewer deaths when adjusted for population; ~1,350 more in raw numbers.
    Alive here because we locked down early.

    Opening up too soon will just start the trend all over again, unless there is a fool proof way to catch and stop the spread. The numbers are sobering.
    I know both are small compared to the situation in NYC, but the Bay Area and LA are far more alike than the Tri-State area, so much more of an apples to apples comparison.
    And it was only a few days difference. Leading to 1000+ lives saved.

  16. SVFranklinS says:

    … should be “~1,350 fewer”, not “~1,350 more” …
    Still new here; is there a way to edit my own post?

    • bmaz says:

      Ooof, sorry. Our edit functions sometimes get obviated by security protocols. Sorry about that. But thank you for joining in, and please do so more often!

  17. harpie says:

    Yesterday, Marcy retweeted Steve Silberman:
    4:16 PM · Apr 21, 2020

    More chaos in Trump’s #coronavirus response: [Dr. Rick Bright] Leader of vaccine-development agency abruptly exits for “narrower role” at NIH. [link]

    Links to:
    Director of U.S. agency key to vaccine development leaves role suddenly amid coronavirus pandemic
    APRIL 21, 2020

    • harpie says:

      Today, Dr. Bright has something to say:
      3:54 PM · Apr 22, 2020

      SCOOP – Dr. Rick Bright says in statement he was pushed out of BARDA for a narrower, more limited role at NIH for wanting to use science to test treatments for COVID19, specifically the administration push to get chloroquines in wide use

      “I believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government invest the billions of dollars allocated by Congress to address the Covid-19 pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, …” 1/

      “and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit,” Bright said. In statement, he said,

      “I am speaking out because to combat this deadly virus, science – not politics or cronyism – has to lead the way.”

        • vvv says:

          trump at today’s (oops – yesterday’s) coronaviris campaign rally denied knowledge of or hearing of the situation or ever meeting Dr. Bright. His demeanor was less than truthful about that and, of course, most else.

    • harpie says:

      And then, there’s this…which Dan Diamond tweeted out three hours before Silberman’s tweet:
      1:02 PM · Apr 21, 2020

      A new analysis found that 11% of veterans with Covid-19 died when they received standard care — but the death rate rose to 28% when they were also given hydroxychloroquine, the malaria drug touted by Trump. [AP link]

      More deaths, no benefit from malaria drug in VA virus study
      4/20/20 [I don’t know what time this was published]

      • harpie says:

        From AP:

        […] The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment. But with 368 patients, it’s the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19, which has killed more than 171,000 people as of Tuesday.

        The study was posted on an online site [link] for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work. […]

        • harpie says:

          […]On Tuesday, NIH issued new treatment guidelines [link] from a panel of experts, saying there was not enough evidence to recommend for or against chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. But it also advised against using hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin because of the potential side effects. […]

      • harpie says:

        Here’s NPR:

        NIH Panel Recommends Against Drug Combination Promoted By Trump For COVID-19
        April 21, 2020 4:15 PM ET

        A panel of experts convened by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recommends against doctors using a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for the treatment of COVID-19 patients because of potential toxicities.
        “The combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin was associated with QTc prolongation in patients with COVID-19,” the panel said.

        QTc prolongation increases the risk of sudden cardiac death. […]

        TRUMP: What do you have to lose? 4/5/20

      • Goeguy says:

        I commented on this earlier today in a different post. The AP story is by Marilynn Marchione and I think it was it was posted on 4/20/20 or yesterday.

    • harpie says:

      1] Politico, 4/20/20:
      Trump tones down the hydroxychloroquine hype
      His public statements regarding the drug have diminished significantly over the past week for reasons that remain unclear.
      04/20/2020 01:30 PM EDT Updated: 04/20/2020 02:15 PM EDT

      2] Media Matters, 4/21/20
      Fox News mentions of hydroxychloroquine have significantly dropped off
      Fox personalities once touted the drug for an alleged “Lazarus effect” on COVID-19 patients, but starting around April 16, mentions of the treatment plummeted by over 75%
      PUBLISHED 04/21/20 3:44 PM EDT

        • harpie says:

          Oh, yeah! That’s probably a good guess.
          I was thinking that maybe the loss in the 4/13 WI Supreme Court election might also have made a strong impression on Trump and the GOP.

        • harpie says:

          Yes, I thought so. What about Kadlec and Azar?

          Maybe it had to do with the publication of the RED DAWN emails on 4/11 I link to down further?

        • harpie says:

          Also on
          April 14, 2020 The Government awards $21 million contract to Alchem, a Fl. lab to study: “combining hydroxychloroquine with intravenous doses of famotidine, an anti-heartburn drug known by the brand name Pepcid.”

          See my comment about this further downthread.

    • Duke says:

      I have not come across mention of the following trial testing Colchicine in non-hospitalized Covid-19 cases during Trump’s DIE FOR ME rallies. I take it already. The price has gone up over 400% from the previous refill. Hmm?

      Because Trump is not mentioning it, I am inclined to feel safer taking it. Well, that, plus I have to for preexisting condition which excludes me the trial.

      Generally, if I hear a conservative campaign talking points which accuses liberals of something then It is processed with a grade school level filter of “I’m rubber and conservatives are glue…“

    • harpie says:

      Now, there’s more about BRIGHT:
      3:29 PM · Apr 23, 2020

      After Dr. Bright was removed, top aides insisted there was nothing to see. “The media got it wrong & this is a great opportunity for him” is how one summed up internal talks. After Bright spoke out, his deputy warned [his staff] not to speak to the press. [link]

      Links to:
      Bright’s ouster shines light on months of HHS turmoil
      Jeremy Diamond, Kaitlan Collins and Matthew Hoye, CNN
      2:22 PM ET, Thu April 23, 2020


      • harpie says:

        […] Countering Bright’s allegations of political retaliation, five current and former administration officials are now also leveling a range of allegations against Bright, including:
        1] accusing him of poorly managing his office,
        2] mistreating staff and
        3] failing to consult his superiors on consequential decisions.

        Four current and former administration officials say Bright’s removal had been a long time coming and preceded any disagreements over the use of hydroxychloroquine […]

      • harpie says:

        […] The former top Health and Human Services official who hired Bright also defended his work on CNN Thursday morning.

        “Dr. Bright is a strong scientist, he is a visionary leader, he’s able to make decisions he get things done, and he believes and he stands on strong science,” former Assistant Secretary Dr. Nicole Lurie said. “I think this is about something larger than hydroxychloroquine. I think it’s really about listening to scientific opinion, scientific perspective and standing up for strong science.” […]

      • harpie says:

        And, here we get to the real issue, I think:

        […] Bright also came under fire recently for what others saw as unilateral decision-making. A person familiar with the dynamic said this likely wouldn’t have bothered others in a normal time, but was seen as subversive [harpie: quite a word choice !!!!!!!] given the pandemic.

        Bright had the authority to unilaterally select which companies BARDA would give funding to pursue a certain product.
        [harpie: WAS THAT NOT HIS JOB?]

        This purchasing power came under scrutiny as the coronavirus outbreak spread throughout the United States — and the urgency for treatments and a vaccine grew.
        [harpie: …AND KUSHNER GOT INVOLVED???] […]

      • harpie says:

        Bright wants the HHS Inspector General to:

        “investigate the manner in which this Administration has politicized the work of BARDA and has pressured me and other conscientious scientists to fund companies with political connections as well as efforts that lack scientific merit.”

        So it is, as Lurie said, about “something larger than hydroxychloroquine”

        But [AS USUAL] there is technically no permanent official in that role.

        1] Dan Levinson, the former inspector general resigned last year. Then
        2] Joanne Chiedi, the acting inspector general who retired last year. Now
        3] Christi Grimm, became principal deputy earlier this year, and took over from Chiedi.

        Also, this:

        Trump clashed with Grimm after she published a report this month detailing shortages in hospitals across the country.

        Christi Grimm, who has worked in both Republican and Democratic administrations since 1999, became principal deputy earlier this year. She took over for Chiedi replaced Trump clashed with Grimm after she published a report this month detailing shortages in hospitals across the country.

      • harpie says:

        Amid the back-and-forth of allegations, one clear picture has emerged:

        that of a top government scientist repeatedly clashing with his politically appointed leaders, including his direct superior Dr. Robert Kadlec, the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, and Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

        Kadlec was in the the RED DAWN e-mail chain published 4/11 by NYT here:

        He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
        An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.
        April 11, 2020 Updated 4:33 p.m.

        80 pages of DOCUMENTS:

      • harpie says:

        E-mail exchange between
        Dr. Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services and
        Eva K Lee: American operations researcher who applies combininratorial [???] optimization and systems biology to the study of healthcare decision making at GeorgiaTech.

        On Sunday, February 23, 2020 11: 35 PM , Kadlec, Robert (OS ASPR > wrote:

        Eva this true ? !
        If so we have a huge whole on our screening and quarantine effort.

        (DrLee is a atGaTech.) Means of spread A study from AMA confirmed many of the parameters assumed in our models:
        – A 20 -year old infected with COVID -19 left Wuhan and went on infecting 5 relatives. When they tested positive, she was finally isolated, but tested negative still, and later tested positive, and remain normal on chest CT with no fever, stomach or respiratory symptoms (cough or sore throat as late as Fen [FEB?] 11 (time of the papert study duration ). So spreading and its wide scope is unavoidable because there exists these very healthy individuals who can spread effectively — even during incubation period — while they remain perfectly healthy . It also showcases difficulty in testing — negative test — may not be the end of it.

        On Monday, February 24, 2020 12: 07 AM, Dr. Eva K Lee > wrote:

        Hi Bob Yes, it is reported in JAMA: [link] Clearly, there’re still lots of uncertainty. However, there is no reason for them to lie. Furthermore, in the very first model sent around the results on Jan 30, assume infectious for patients even during incubation, during infection, 1 / 3 asymptomatic, 2 / 3 symptomatic.

        I was motivated to do that after talking to the head of laboratory in Hong Kong on Jan 29. He said many cases from his findings support that the viral counts are simply too low to surface at the beginning and hence cannot be detected.

        With that assumption, the model can explain how and why the spread is so furious in China and why China resorts to complete lock down of Hubei, and now 1/ 2 billion people

        Simply, people are carrying the virus everywhere.

        And this young woman is doing exactly that. She wasn’t even tested positive after she infected her 5 relatives. Only afterwards. That’s why I modeled the test and told James of the days to test and that we either must test all, or we must sample.

        The Diamond cruise partially supports that priority screening on only “suspected symptomatic individuals ” are not sufficient.

        Please note also that before the Jan 23 lock down of Hubei, approx. 5 million people have left the city, traveling everywhere in China. This woman left on Jan 10.

        Bob, if Europe fails, there is very little chance we can contain. So we must roll out the NPI systematically.
        Best, Eva
        [“James” is probably: Dr. James Lawler, infectious disease doctor at University of Nebraska]

    • harpie says:

      MORE on Dr. BRIGHT:
      10:58 PM · Apr 23, 2020

      Our latest: Before he was ousted from his HHS post, Rick Bright felt pressured by Trump administration officials to award a $21-million contract to a Florida laboratory to study an anti-malaria drug touted by the president as a COVID-19 treatment… [link]

      Links to:
      Government scientist felt pressured to approve contract for work on drug Trump touted
      APRIL 23, 2020 7:42 PM

      […] Rick Bright, […] was told by officials to approve the contract for a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to Alchem Laboratories, a small [Florida] drug-development firm, the person said. […]

      The government awarded the contract to Alchem on April 14, a week before Bright was moved out of his job […]

      Bright had been pushing for a controlled study of the drug before it was put into widespread use. The study proposed by Alchem and backed by senior officials at the department called for combining hydroxychloroquine with intravenous doses of famotidine, an anti-heartburn drug known by the brand name Pepcid. […]

      • harpie says:

        More about Alchem, from the LA TIMES article:

        Alchem Laboratories, the firm conducting the study funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, is located in the north-central Florida city of Alachua, near Gainesville.

        The firm appears to have gotten into the hydroxychloroquine business in January 2018, when the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity awarded it a contract “to procure, synthesize, or purify potential antimalarial drug candidates” for the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

        The contract was just one of $10.6 million in federal contracts that Alchem won in early 2018, mainly with the Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health.

        The company described itself at that time as a “contract manufacturing organization” and appeared largely to manufacture “experimental therapeutics” for use in clinical trials.

        Later in 2018, the firm appears to have moved aggressively into doing more clinical trials.

        The current agreement between the firm and the government calls for it to “rapidly implement a multi-site, randomized, double-blind, multi-arm historical control, comparative trial of the safety and efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and the combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Famotidine for the treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 disease in hospitalized adults.”

        James D. Talton, the company’s president and chief executive officer, hung up abruptly when contacted Thursday by The Times. “I cannot speak to you, I’m sorry,” he said.

        …wonder if the name comes from the word ALCHEMY.

      • P J Evans says:

        Famotidine is sometimes one of the drugs in the reaction-control mix for chemotherapy. So it’s certainly possible to get it via IV – but why for this, I don’t know..

  18. stryx says:

    I follow some Atlanta hip-hop artists on Insta and even though some of them are prone to some of the weaknesses of the extremely online (contrails conspiracies, loopy health/diet ideas etc), they pretty solidly called bullshit on this move by Kemp. “Salons and barbershops??” The account owners and their followers were pretty clear-eyed about who the target of this effort was going to be.

    • Savage Librarian says:

      Yeah, it looks like Floridians have better sense than the Gov and Prez, too.

      “Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in latest Florida poll” – Miami Herald, April 22, 2020
      “The poll also showed that Floridians are in no hurry to end social distancing, at least until public health experts say the state is safe enough to reopen, with 72% of voters saying that Florida should not loosen social distancing rules before the end of April. Nearly three-quarters of voters say Florida’s economy should not reopen until public health officials say it’s safe, compared to 17% who say it should reopen even if public health officials warn against it.”

  19. Rapier says:

    Between 5 and 90 million American Christians now believe it is their duty, to Jesus and Trump, to infect as many people as possible with the Covid 19 virus. With often thinly veiled admissions that it amount to culling the inferiors. Just as Jesus taught.

    Ultimately each person is going to have to decide how much risk they need to take or are willing to take, and not coincidentally how much risk they are willing to subject others too. There will be tragedies on a huge scale, in any case. The fracturing of households and lives, their health and security.

    I am finding it almost universal among the ‘open the country’ up crowd, a towering contempt for those who say they are thinking of others or of helping others. They are too savvy for that. Then know that nobody does anything that is selfless. This is what Christianity has become in America.

    • P J Evans says:

      It seems to be mostly the white fundies – the ones who are all “independent” churches. The mainline denominations pretty much shut down. (The Southern Baptists among them. But not, AFAICT, the Seventh Day Baptists, who are very much northern. Their first church, in Providence, RI, had a sign out front: “Hadn’t Planned On Giving Up This Much For Lent”.)

    • vvv says:

      +1 I’ve been indulging in some troll fighting on the local news site and it’s amazing what the ‘open the country’ up crowd are willing to admit, as in, “they’re gonna die anyway” and “statistically, 100K dead isn’t that much”, etc.

      As an aside, it might be amusing that the site prohibits and is pretty good about deleting offensive posts and even name-calling (at times) so I’ve gotten pretty good at using “redhat” as an adjective and even a verb. It’s a pretty effective trigger of that cohort …

    • PhoneInducedPinkEye says:

      Kemp has clearly been telegraphing that he is following Trump’s lead for the past few weeks, which yet again demonstrates the danger of attempting to appease the Orange one. He’ll knife you in the back in public, without a second thought. Yet the GOP keeps lining up.

  20. OldTulsaDude says:

    In an interview, Joseph Stiglitz said that the number of people going to food banks looks like a third-world country. Someone should explain to Mr. Stiglitz that when you elect a third-rate president….

  21. Don Hudson says:

    A uga graduate….that said if someone is vain enough to go get a tattoo or their nails they might not value their life that much.

  22. harpie says:

    11:21 PM · Apr 22, 2020

    He’s misled the public from the start.
    He’s allocating resources based on which governors he likes best.
    His family and their cronies are making policy decisions in backroom deals.
    Enough is enough.
    We need an investigation into Trump’s pandemic response. [link]

    Links to:
    Elizabeth Warren Demands Investigations Into Trump’s Shambolic Coronavirus Response
    For instance, why has Jared Kushner been allowed anywhere near this thing?
    BESS LEVIN APRIL 22, 2020

    • harpie says:

      Recent Examples on the Web [From the MW links]
      [These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘shambolic.’ [‘mislead’]
      Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. [LOL]]


      Further Reading COVID-19: the biology of an effective therapy The good news is that much of the testing is being pursued by private companies and is taking place in other countries, leaving them free from the shambolic US response to the pandemic.
      — John Timmer, Ars Technica, “Coronavirus: Is it too much to ask for an actual plan?,” 25 Mar. 2020


      Indeed, Bennett’s odd refusal to place any blame on Donald Trump for the policies of his administration only fuels the idea that the president is being misled by sinister forces — something one hears constantly from certain quarters of the right.
      — Jonah Goldberg, National Review, “Cowardice Isn’t Driving the American Response to COVID-19,” 17 Apr. 2020

  23. harpie says:

    Via bmaz:

    They lived in a factory for 28 days to make millions of pounds of raw PPE materials to help fight coronavirus
    April 23, 2020 at 6:22 a.m.

    At his factory just off the Delaware River, in the far southeastern corner of Pennsylvania, Joe Boyce clocked in on March 23 for the longest shift of his life. […]
    In what they called a “live-in” at the factory, the undertaking was just one example of the endless ways that Americans in every industry have uniquely contributed to fighting coronavirus. The 43 men went home Sunday after each working 12-hour shifts all day and night for a month straight, producing tens of millions of pounds of the raw materials that will end up in face masks and surgical gowns worn on the front lines of the pandemic. […]

    Its amazing to read about what regular Americans are doing to support OUR country!

    BUT it’s also infuriating.

    Tens of millions of people, TOGETHER, are sacrificing as much as they EACH can
    so that OUR country can somehow make it through this challenge
    that DID NOT HAVE TO BE the CATASTROPHE it is.

    [I’m very sorry for screaming, but I find I can not help myself]

    And now TRUMP and his RABBLE are
    any PROGRESS we may have made and
    ALL of those

    Sometimes it’s just too much.

    • bmaz says:

      The Braskem story is truly amazing. And it illustrates perfectly the issues with the “supply chain”. It also illustrates perfectly the kind of coordinated and accelerated production that could have been triggered by early and intelligent application by the President of the DPA. Still could and should be. That is how you get ahead of things instead of always being behind the curve.

  24. Vicks says:

    As someone acting “as if” while anxiously waiting for the test results of a member of my household my obsession with testing is even more jacked up.
    This administration is only moronic when it serves their leader, and I believe it’s reasonable to conclude that the people around the president are being tested daily.
    Every person on that stage today needs to be asked directly how often they are getting tested and the person doing the asking needs to be ready with the even more important follow up question. imho these should cover either the national security issues revolving around the president of the United States not being protected in situations where the virus can easily be transmitted or if the answer is they aren’t being tested or a solid wtf?

  25. Fran of the North says:

    I ran across this earlier, be warned its from Brookings, from William Frey. It is a pretty insightful piece analyzing how the Covid spread into Republican enclaves is growing over time, and how it is changing the statistics of infection. His analysis tracks counties with high Covid infection rates >100 in 100,000.

    The prevailing view is that most infections are in urban, blue communities of color. That isn’t the case with the most recent reported infections. https: //

  26. P J Evans says:

    I’m seeing suggestions that tracking devices be put into shipments of masks, PPE, and other equipment, and that lot numbers be recorded on invoices for tracking purposes – because a lot of them seem to be paid for by states, counties, cities, and hospitals, and then they get hijacked by the feds.

  27. madwand says:

    Latest on Georgia, Kemp issues 20 rules for business opening, seems to me you might have to redesign certain businesses from scratch. Some of the twenty are obvious, like wash your hands and provide disinfectant, social distancing etc. Depending on the business, bowling alleys come to mind, preventing social gathering may be pretty difficult.

  28. posaune says:

    Lysol and Clorox both issued press releases this morning with directions NOT to inject, ingest, or use their products for medicinal use. They don’t want any part of the White House’s liability after the presser yesterday.

  29. harpie says:

    Here is a transcript of the
    F#CKING DANGEROUS stream-of-consciousness comments
    made last night by the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:
    6:19 PM · Apr 23, 2020 [VIDEO]

    TRUMP: So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re gonna test it.

    And then I said supposing you bring the light inside the body which you can do either through the skin or ah in some other way and I think you said you’re gonna test that too.
    Sounds interesting. Right?

    And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or or almost a cleaning cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs so it would be interesting to check that. So that you’re gonna have to use medical vouchers with but it sounds sounds interesting to me.

Comments are closed.