We’re In This for the Long Haul

Update: Peterr clarifies the difference between food bank and food pantry, etc., here.

(Hey, I know that complaining about politics is our jam in Emptywheel comments, but can we keep the ones on this post to mutual aid and resources for now?)

The time of Covid-19 is different time, and we have to meet it with different commitments.

This pandemic isn’t just killing people, it’s putting people out of work, and driving the precarious into being the marginal of society. What many people need right now, even more than medical care, is food. At the same time, food banks are losing their donations while serving more people than ever. This need is immediate now, but it’s also going to last much longer than the quarantine itself. The world will be reeling from this for many years.

I try to support and lift up people doing good and vital work every month, but this time is different. I’m committing to support the food bank local to where I am now, for the minimum of two years, and one that I would especially exhort you to consider doing this yourself, in the opening hours of this era of need.

The history of pandemics isn’t just a history of disease and death, it’s a history of the breakdown of logistical systems, of economic hardship, and of tremendous working together and mutual aid. It’s a time of social upheaval, but also times of social innovation. Epidemics wreck nations, and birth public health systems. They teach us fragility, and we fall silent at the end of the lesson.

Everyone is going to have a lot of time to think about their place in the world in the next months, at least, I hope you all do. Many of us will be touched by tragedy, and some of us will be crushed. Some of us will be able to give to institutions like food banks, and some of us, some of the people reading this, are going to need them.

I hope that you and your people emerge unscathed, but I also know not everyone will. The history of plagues is surprisingly full of generosity and honor. And we’re going to need a lot of those qualities in the coming years. In that spirit, I’m committing to a monthly donation to the SF-Marin Food Bank, not in one lump sum, but for years to come.

America is not a kind country, and the need is tremendous here, and it will last years after Covid-19 has largely passed. Please join me in making a two or more year commitment to supporting a local food bank, if you can.

If you can’t, and you find that you need a food bank, don’t hesitate. They are there to help you, and we all need you back on your feet.

Here’s a directory of food banks in America, one for Canada (Thanks, Mary R!), and another one for the UK. If you know of other directories or food banks, please leave them in the comments. If you decide to support a food bank, please also leave that in the comments.

66 replies
  1. Francis says:

    “Epidemics wreck nations, and birth public health systems. They teach us fragility, and we fall silent at the end of the lesson.”

    All these lessons had take-home tests too.

    Fortunately, we have Betsy as our Sec. Of Ed.

    Oh the lessons we will learn.

  2. Jenny says:

    Thank you Quinn for this post.
    Reaching out to a fellow humans in need of assistance is vital. The act of kindness and compassion is a ripple effect which will make a difference.

    We the People will make a difference with our actions to help one another.

    I donated to Chef Jose Andres, World Central Kitchen. He certainly knows how to get food to the people. https://wck.org/

    A local food bank in Arlington, VA, Arlington Food Assistance Center.

    And Feed the Children, https://www.feedthechildren.org/

    • Valerie Klyman-Clark says:

      Ditto Jose Andres (I have such love for that man and his teams) and in the Asheville area: https://www.mannafoodbank.org-they are matching all donations right now. In our little town of Marshall (20 miles north), there’s Beacon of Hope, Neighbors in Need and My Sister’s Attic, a domestic shelter which also needs continued support.

  3. Peterr says:

    As a pastor, I’ve worked with a lot of congregations and other agencies involved with providing food for those in need, be it running a food pantry with dry goods, providing cooked meals in a “soup kitchen” setting, or coordinating donations from farms and companies in the food business with pantries and kitchens who need them.

    One helpful distinction that these groups make is between “food banks” and “food pantries”. The term “food bank” in the US refers specifically to what might be considered “wholesale” agencies who collect food and then make it available to the local “food pantries” that do the “retail” distribution to those in need. Feeding America is the overarching association of food banks, and their website has a good widget to find their regional affiliated food banks.

    Here in Kansas City, Harvesters is the local food bank, which serves a 26 county area in Missouri and Kansas, providing food to all manner of local food pantries and kitchens. Participating agencies have to undergo strict inspections to make sure they have proper food handling and storage procedures and facilities, and are required to agree that there is no payment required or religious test for receiving aid. (no fees can be charged to clients, no requirement to attend worship or belong to the group, etc.) These food pantries and kitchens in turn can get food from Harvesters either free or at huge discounts (basically to pay for handling costs, not to generate income for Harvesters). They get lots of canned goods, but also a lot of meat, dairy, and produce. At the Harvesters website, there’s a page to find local food pantries and kitchen to connect with, either to receive food or to volunteer locally.

    The folks who work at food banks, food pantries, and soup kitchens are quietly serving now, but they are going to be even more critically needed in the months ahead. Thanks for giving them support here, Quinn!

  4. Vicks says:

    Trump is tossing matches to distract from the fire, and as usual we are all lit up about it.
    Who the hell seriously believes the country will “re-open with a bang” on the May 1?
    It won’t and Trump will either play down the reasons why, or blame whoever his target is next week.
    Trump’s the world’s most successful troll. Best to stop feeding him and listen to the experts.

  5. Wm. Boyce says:

    Maybe off-topic, but one of the few pieces of good news I’ve seen in the Times this morning:
    “East Coast Captivates; The West quietly helps.”
    Not front page news, but it is possible that leaders shutting down our states of CA, OR, and WA a little earlier may have helped a lot in terms of saving lives. CA actually was able to ship 1000 ventilators to NY, because we don’t need them.

    • Quinn Norton says:

      Oh, it definitely did. I was here (Cali) for all of that and it was really clear how things were going to go if it didn’t all get shut down hard, and it was. I’ve been really impressed with how good it’s going on a public health level.

  6. Pericles21 says:

    Read about (or watch on youtube.com) pertinent vids about Caligula , the horrendous, narcissist, deranged 1st c. AD Roman emperor whose reign lasted 1400 days…about the same as the Jan 2017 to Nov 2020 reign of Trump. Frightening parallels.

    • JamesJoyce says:

      Okinawa’s Suicide Cliff come to mind where thousands of humans fearful of Americans, having been brutally conditioned by their culture…
      committed suicide.

      Jefferson spoke of the homage of reason vs being blindfolded by fear.

      God would approve of reason, not shortsighted stupidity…

      America is great.
      Our current driver sucks..

      The bone spur was preoccupied combing his hair while looking in the rear view mirror. Too to self absorbed to see the child’s
      ball come rolling into the road between two cars parked on the same side with the “child” following right behind the rolling ball into the road.

      “It was child’s fault not mine..”

      Children don’t know how to look both ways when entering a street.

      Negligent Homicide?

      Not great at all..

      “Epidemics wreck nations, and birth public health systems. They teach us fragility, and we fall silent at the end of the lesson.”


  7. Pajaro says:

    Our state Republican party is having a press conference today to ask that the Governor open up temporarily shuttered small businesses. Telling, the conference is a virtual one. Has anyone estimated the mortality rate for MAGA?

    • Mooser says:

      “Has anyone estimated the mortality rate for MAGA?”

      I fear mortality may not matter if the MAGA is self-replicating, and I fear it may be. What little MAGA won’t appreciate the efficient transfer of wealth to younger generation facilitated by Trump?

    • Vicks says:

      What state?
      If you don’t mind sharing?
      I wonder if even for a moment they considered that many businesses may lose less money being shut down then they would reopening under duress?
      Most businesses would fail even in good times if they had to cover the cost of additional supplies and staffing that will be needed to keep employees, vendors and customers safe.
      Now these “republicans” are so bold they assume that business owners are going to jump at the chance to do it when (except for a lucky few) they know their income is going to suck?
      People are scared shitless about spending money right now (as they should be). We can barely get food to our grocery stores. If any customers do show up with money in hand, what the hell are they going to be able to buy?
      The federal government under republican leadership rolled out a plan to fund small businesses for 2.5 months.
      Greed and stupidity are a terrible combination, here’s hoping they don’t have power too

        • Pajaro says:

          Yes, New Mexico. Democrat Governor and legislature for now. I agree Vicks, who is going to spend money? Travel and entertainment are are out of the question, tourism also, many sectors will be depressed until this is turned around with a working vaccine.

  8. rosalind says:

    thanks, quinn, for the reminder to move my donation to the local food bank to the top of my “to do” list. writing the check now. [note: most food banks offer only online donation forms, but for those unable to do an online payment go ahead and email them about whether they accept checks – most do!]

    a food bank not listed in the directory is “The Store” in Nasville, TN, a new non-profit Kimberly Williams & Brad Paisley have created. it’s set up like a grocery store with the initial intent to provide free food to people for one year to help get them back on their feet, but is now expanding their scope to help deal with the current crisis.

  9. Frank Probst says:

    Wow. South Dakota’s governor just leapfrogged past Florida’s in terms of being a major threat to their state’s health.

  10. Eric Matthies says:

    We are fortunate to be in a position where we can support the Central Texas Foodbank, which is our ‘local’, as well as some small community farm projects in some of the areas we’ve worked and/or lived over the years. Quinn, I’m curious what your thoughts are on wck(dot)org – The World Central Kitchen.

  11. Robert Britton says:

    Hi friend:

    First, just a little typo you might want to correct. “I try to support ant” should probably be “I try to suppoort and.”

    Anyways, I am shamed as an American. We no longer truly value anyone but the wealthy, the powerful, and the pretty. For far too long, I’ve said that the average American has a self-esteem problem in that we collectively believe that people below the 1% are just not worthy.

    We are programmed to worship and idolize those with wealth, power, and beauty.

    And now, in a pandemic, the little people just don’t matter.

    I, too, have tried giving what I have. But i’m one of the poor people. I have a B.S. in BUsiness Management, white, male, 50+, highly skilled, but under employed. According to my evangelical co-workers, people like me don’t deserve food or healthcare or a living wage.

    Now, in the face of a global pandemic, ideology, and populism have created an environment that is just gutting our American society. There is so much hate, so much bitterness, so much in the way of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘fake news.’

    We deserve what we are getting, IMHO. Far too long we blame Trump, Mnuchin, McConnell, et al.

    But the reality is that this is on us. We all failed our country. TOo busy watching HOney Boo Boo, The Bachelor, or hate-tweeting anyone online who doesn’t fit into our ideological bubble.

    I truly hope that this crisis causes each of us to evaluate who we are individually and who we are supposed to be as a Nation.

    Maybe we survive this, both literally, and figuratively.

    Personally, I think the time is ripe for a complete and utter collapse of economies and societies and worse.

    But hey, I’m just a stupid 50+ white male with a chump degree from a chump SUNY school.

    So yes, like you, I give. I try to serve my neighbors thoough they continue to spew “fake news” and hatred at the screen about how this is all the Deep State Dems fault and the Witch (Pelosi).

    We will never make it if we don’t figure out, each individually, how to stop with the hatred and the partisan divide.

    • vicks says:

      One of the few upsides of this whole mess is that it gives most of us time for some serious self reflection.
      In the bible, god sent floods and plagues to punish man for it’s wicked ways.
      I can’t help but be suspicious that something similar is happening here, at least the metaphorical sense.
      I for one, sense a softening, perhaps a slow realization of the damage we have done and how little we have accomplished by allowing the ugliness of politics into our homes and workplaces.
      How humbling to realize the time and energy wasted arguing about how much we “know” the ways of our tribe are the best without spending much, if any time discovering what we don’t know.
      We have allowed celebrities and politics to entertain us and suddenly they aren’t funny, or interesting and they sure as hell aren’t going to lead us out of this mess.
      You are correct, it’s time to let it go.
      All of it.

      • Robert Britton says:

        On Asha Rangappa’s twitter today, she quoted a partial poem by Shelby that was a close reference to elements of the Angels of the Apocalypse. Someone else referred to Revelations 13:5, which I haven’t read in years.

        After reading a few minutes of that verse and following verses, it clearly indicates that even the saints will fall.

        That is what is hardest for me: The “Christian” right, esp. the evangelicals, who are spewing and embracing hate, literally worshiping the “King of Israel, the RE Developer who “did more for Christians than Jesus ever did.”

        It is unfathomable to me how even people with intelligence and degrees have lost their sanity and succumb to his vile lies and hatred.

        I’ve been a Christian all my life. But my fellow “Christians” make me want to run from Christianity, not from Christ.

        I still try to serve, to love my neighbor. I and I try to turn the other cheek. But the sheer zombie-like adoration of the Trumpers, even “Christian” Trumpers, make me want to not only run, but are destroying my faith.

        I try not to give in to hate, to become hard-hearted against all those who are praising and adoring the Con Man in the White House. But it is really hard to think of them as even human beings. They are just raging haters, reveling in the evil that man is doing.

        BUt we must remember: Barrack wore a brown suit, used mustard, and his wife Michelle had muscular arms. And Buttery Mails. Never forget the Buttery Mail.

        • Vicks says:

          Just as I was reading your comment I got an alert that B. Obama will be endorsing Joe Biden today.
          A month ago, Biden would not have been my first pick to lead this country.
          IMHO Biden’s #1 quality is that he is a decent man, who will surround himself with other decent people and now suddenly I am finding peace with that.
          Speaking of finding peace, the ee-van-gel-i-cals make choices every day, just like all of, us that will define our character.
          Speaking again in metaphorical terms, surely any group that spends so much time reading the Bible can tell the difference between an agent of god and someone “sent” here to work on behalf of the other guy.
          They don’t have the excuse that he is a clever trickster, Trump didn’t even bother to disguise himself.
          They have been tested and their devotion has proven to be unconditional.
          Things will continue to get worse as long as no one is willing to sit down at the table (politically, literally AND metaphorically) because of the cartoonish versions of our family members, neighbors and co-workers both sides have been so eager to buy into.
          Like I said it’s time to let it all go, shake it off, disconnect from the superficial re-actors we’ve become and dig deep and find our real identities.
          Perhaps allow others the space needed to do the same.

  12. joejim says:

    The best central listing I can find for Seattle food banks is http://www.seattlefoodcommittee.org/food-bank-directory/

    But they aren’t run centrally, so I strongly recommend that after you have identified a food bank that you want to visit, that you do your own separate google search for the food bank name, instead of clicking the link on the list (which may be outdated). Doing so, you have a much better chance of finding the correct hours, policies, and recent news updates.

    Some food banks are doing home delivery one day a week.

    Besides food, they are dispersing essential cleaning and hygiene supplies, diapers, as available. Often they have some pet food.

    For pet food banks, the Seattle Humane Society has the biggest one, but here is a listing of others: https://www.seattlepup.com/pet-food-banks

    Most food banks here are operating outside of their usual buildings in the open air and the usual system of picking and choosing from available food is discontinued, and everyone is given a standard bag, so that lines move much more quickly.

    For recent information about how you can donate money to Seattle food banks, as well as local government news about the food crisis (who knew that Jay Inslee has the National Guard on this?) you can go here: https://seattle.eater.com/2020/4/7/21212770/washington-food-banks-coronavirus-need-more-supplies-funding

    (I just discovered this site while looking for information now, but this eater.com website looks like it is doing a stand out job in putting together a centralized listing of Seattle grocery stores hours and policies, special hours for the elderly and immune compromised, along with a great listing of take out offerings from restaurants. Also ways to assist restaurant workers.)

    From personal experience, I know that Seattle food banks are pretty good, widely spread out, and run by great volunteers, and I imagine that they have stepped up to the crisis. Ciara and Russel WIlson donated a million meals to them on March 17.

  13. reader says:

    Do food distributors (pantries) who just hand over grocery bags to people in cars, also put out convenient tables where recipients can put back the food items that don’t work for them, for another recipient to take?

    • Quinn Norton says:

      I think it depends on the pantry. They often configure things according to local circumstance. The bags to people in cars is a new Covid protocol in a lot of places, but i suspect that for many, putting back would be considered too much of a cross infection risk.

    • P J Evans says:

      trading with others?

      This isn’t a new problem – look at WIC, which specifies what can be bought, and doesn’t allow for things like allergies and lactose intolerance.

  14. reader says:

    Of course food banks should be fully funded. But are we all now (in the U.S.) chasing a smaller amount of distributable(including retail) groceries? How do we increase this supply so food costs -for the foodbanks and for the shoppers – come back down again?

  15. paulpfixion says:

    There are also after school programs that are essential sources of food, as well as safety and positive role modeling, for many at risk youth in our communities. In my hometown of Duluth, MN there is a really great one called Neighborhood Youth Services (NYS). They have been collecting food donations and making deliveries to the families of the children (about 325 deliveries last week!) who come to their space after school. They have a couple paid staff and a lot of volunteers, so, they are some of the heroes back home.

    Here is a link to their fb page: https://www.facebook.com/NeighborhoodYouthServices/

    Something to keep in mind is that many of these kids don’t have craft supplies at home. Here is a message I received from NYS’ director:

    “Hi Paul sorry I never got back to you. I’ve been a bit busy as you can see. 😊 trying our best to meet the important needs of youth and families in the area. We are accepting food donations, cleaning supplies, and paper products. We are also accepting arts & craft supplies/kits. My idea is to create packaged activities for youth to do at home. Many caregivers shared during phone check ins that their kids want to do crafts at home but they lack supplies. We made some kits last week with markers construction paper and origami instructions. Last week we received approval from the City and our Board to open and provide specialized programming for a small group of youth. We hope to provide academic support and tutoring. I have a couple volunteers lined up to attempt virtual tutoring (I have no idea if this will work) but we are giving it our best shot. I hope you are doing well also and staying healthy.

    Thanks so much for checking in and your willingness to continue supporting NYS from the other side of the globe.”

  16. posaune says:

    The Nats just signed an agreement with Jose Andres to allow him to organize a
    regional meal/food production kitchen at Nats Stadium. He is using the chefs and food preparers who usually work for the Nets and Caps. Andres has been asking for this since February — due to the adequacy of refrigeration and kitchen facilities at the stadium, loading docks, truck facilities, proximity to the interstates and city neighborhoods (Ward 7, Ward 8). I have a lot of confidence in Jose’s model.

  17. e.a.f. says:

    food banks are desperate every where. that includes Canada. One person suggested, given all the barbers and salons are closed, we donate the money usually spent there be donated to the local food bank. Even some of our newscasters are cutting their own hair. So Quinn thank you for the reminder. Might as well start sending them the cheque because my salon is closed.

    This is going to be a long haul and people need food.

  18. taluslope says:

    My deep thanks to you Quinn; my g*d, a true gentleman and a scholar.

    I take you up on your suggestion to give to food banks over the next 2 to 3 years. I’ve donated to the Oregon Food Bank (mostly northern Oregon but also statewide I think). Also since we live in Eugene I’m mostly giving to Food for Lane County .

    I also gave blood at the Red Cross last week which has wrecked havoc on my running pace but has led to some fun family dynamics. I’m the scientist with LOTS of math in the family but never rose to the A+ level that the three women in the family have. But my Red Cross card came back and I finally got my A+ (blood type) so the women no longer have sole bragging rights.

    My daughter and I rounded up old clothes last week and donated them to a local organization helping homeless. While there, someone came up and requested and received a clean pair of socks. When you are homeless a clean pair of socks probably feels pretty good.

    I agree with your suggestion to forget politics at this moment. We fix what ails our broken country by each helping our neighbors — however and whenever we can.

  19. Eureka says:

    If I may add: please check into the needs of your local domestic violence sheltering system; you may be able to help them even if you don’t have spare change, but spare stuff. Typically, they need things to help establish new homes, and are generally always need unopened toiletries in any case.

    In my area, these agencies host thrift shops where they can raise money from public shopping, and they issue vouchers to clients so they can pick out items at no cost. Of course cash donations are always welcome, and some even take working automobiles.

    Look for your state in the list here:

    Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault State Coalitions (U.S.)

    Click the “Find Help & Statistics”* url for your state, where you can click through to your locality, and eventually to the site of the local service organization. Under the ‘Donate’ tab (s), there will usually be a place to find a list of what items they do and do not accept (and they don’t want junk).

    *You’ll also see a link to your state coalition, which also takes donations — but of cash (only, generally), and for higher-order purposes like legislative advocacy.

    [This website is the functionally closest directory to the old-school blue pages one would find at the front of the phone book for community services affiliated with government agencies. My how times and public goods have changed.]

    • Quinn Norton says:

      This is so vital right now, as lock down in exacerbating existing abusive relationships. Thank you very much for posting this.

  20. Eureka says:

    The main food bank for the nine-county greater Philadelphia region (incl. parts of NJ) is Philabundance:

    About Philabundance – Fighting Against Hunger & Food Insecurity

    Via the FAQ page:

    Philabundance serves five counties in PA: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia, and four counties in NJ: Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Salem.

    [The linked database omits Philabundance, instead listing the merged-in-~2005 Greater Phila Food Bank, with some outdated contact info — so go for the new link if interested in donating cash, or volunteering if/when applicable.]

    Back to ‘and also stuff’: the food pantry down the street also operates (through its parent org) a thrift shop, where clients can select items without charge. They maintain a web-list of things they need for drop-off. (For that matter, the pantry itself lists grocery items/parameters that people can drop off.) The nearby church which hosts a pantry also takes in stuff during limited hours for public sales in nicer weather — they used to, anyway: corona time has likely changed that.

    Obviously donation policies will vary by state +/- locality and time, but I thought it worth mentioning as there are some additional needs, some of which those who are short on cash — or even along with cash — may be able to help fulfill. And this post is about the long haul.

    • MB says:

      And dovetailing into this story (also a story on Chris Hayes’ show a few days earlier) is the toilet paper shortage story. The CW explanation is that more people are staying at home and therefore using more toilet paper. While this may be true, the larger picture is that there are 2 separate supply chains for toilet paper – the commercial supply chain that makes large single-ply rolls for use in institutional settings, wherever there are public bathrooms, and the commercial supply chain for home use. So there are huge supplies of commercial toilet paper going unused right now, while the supply chain for home-sized toilet paper can’t keep up. Likewise with food, separate supply chains for restaurants and consumers, and they’re throwing away food that can’t be delivered to restaurants, and simultaneously supermarkets have empty shelves. Yes, this kind of supply-chain lack of crossover most definitely will need to be fixed.

      • Eureka says:

        Check your local or nearest-city newspaper (or, if you’re so inclined, the devil’s playground known as FB*): regional commercial suppliers are selling lots of this stuff directly to individuals. From another thread:

        Restaurant/ industrial suppliers are now selling packages or custom orders (depending on the seller) directly to consumers, many with delivery. This list is updated for the Philadelphia (incl South Jersey) region, but includes some vendors who deliver elsewhere (e.g. Boston is cited). Good way to help farmers and suppliers balance the load.

        *Some even have that nice flat industrial toilet paper* ;)

        Food distributors now sell restaurant-quality meat and produce directly to consumers

        *Adding: a lot are setting up pop-up inventories on FB, for folks to select what they want to order. I wish there was another (truly) “free” easy platform for people to conduct business like this.

  21. Thomasa says:

    We won’t need the $1200 should it ever come and have sent a check to the Cove food pantry. We also hired a local handyman and his son to build a fence around the garden. He bought the materials from the local feed and farm store. We are planting a garden bigger than we need and will share our surplus. There are many ways to help out.

  22. FLwolverine says:

    I don’t have space for a garden, and I’ve never been able to grow anything except weeds anyway (when I volunteered at the botanical gardens, they put me in the finance department), so it would probably be good for me to buy a CSA share this summer. This article from the Bangor ME paper explains how that benefits the farmer too.


  23. Honeybee says:

    I have transplanted my persimmon tomatoes and hatch chili seedlings into larger pots this week since we still have cold weather. I have also had time to ruminate on the evolution of the crisis. Partners in Health has written about the two separate strains of the virus hitting our shores: European and Asian. I just reviewed a July 22, 2005, DoD preparedness document on ARDS surveillance. At least then there was a sophisticated reporting procedure in Europe and Asia. Why would that not have been fired off right away in Seoul, for example, at our evac hospital? Were US troops in these places evacuated on noncommercial flights? Or did this plan change in the intervening years? Just wondering…

  24. Jenny says:

    Dali Lama Quotes:

    “Compassion is the radicalism of our time.”

    “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

    “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”

    • Tom says:

      Or as Elwood P. Dowd would say, quoting his mother: “In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.”

  25. Fran of the North says:

    Kai Ryssdal interviewed Claire Babineaux Fontenot, the CEO of Feeding America on Marketplace last night. In December, their network was “feeding about 40 million people. Since then, because of Covid-19, we’re expecting an increase of 17 million people over the couse of the next six months.”

    A good investment of 5 minutes. ht tps://www.marketplace.org/2020/04/13/feeding-america-ceo-expects-to-serve-17-million-extra-people/

  26. gmoke says:

    I compiled some resources for food and agriculture the other day at https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/4/5/1934700/-COVID19-Food-and-Agriculture-Resources

    These are not food banks or food pantries but regional, municipal, institutional, and local groups which are now thinking about how to cope with food supply issues in the time of COVID19. Oddly enough, I didn’t find any state-level resources though I am sure they are there. This is for the Northeast but I wouldn’t be surprised if every region had similar initiatives.

    We probably need to have a rebirth of the WWII Victory Gardens as well and I know local community gardeners are thinking hard about that too.

  27. Midtowngirl says:

    Sacramento Food Bank. I had already committed to supporting my local SPCA on March 19th – the same day I posted this to my Facebook:
    Which Covid-19 Group Describes You?

    For those among us who haven’t been paying attention – life as we knew it has changed dramatically, practically overnight. It’s a frightening and precarious time.
    And it seems to me that most people are dealing with this existential threat in one of three ways –

    Group 1 is minimizing what’s happening, thinking that this is overblown and that they personally won’t be affected. This is the group that ignores the “socially distance” and handwashing guidelines – and more than a few will cause someone’s severe illness or even death because of it.

    Then there’s Group 2 – the “Looking out for me and mine” group. These are the “panic shoppers” that have emptied store shelves of toilet paper and other staples, because.. Better safe than sorry, right?

    Sure…. Except for when your “safe” becomes someone else’s “sorry” because they didn’t have the good fortune of beating you to Wal-Mart.
    Now they, and their family, are having to go without the most basic necessities – while you and yours are sitting on more than you could possibly need. “.

    The third group out there – and I deeply hope that everyone reading this finds themselves within it – wishes this all were a bad dream, like Group 1, but accepts our new, current reality and the potential threat it imposes on us all.

    Group 3 understands the need to stock up on goods, like Group 2, but doesn’t go into a panic induced spree when shopping, and takes only what they need.

    This is the group of reason, guarded optimism, and compassion.

    You fall into this group if there were 5 packages of tp left on the shelf, but you only took 2.

    Or if you’re young and healthy but still practicing social distancing, and doing your best to ensure that you don’t become an unwitting carrier for the virus.

    If you identify with this group, you are a key player in helping ALL of us make it through this challenging time, together.

    * Teach your little ones the proper way to sneeze, cough and wash their hands. Refrain from taking them to playdates or to visit elderly relatives.

    * Give whatever money you can spare to local groups serving the homeless and to animal shelters. They will most certainly see sources of funding dry up in this unstable economy, while seeing the need for their services multiply.

    * And especially, use your phone or social media to check in with your neighbors, family and friends. Often. Especially the elderly, the ill and the frail. Make sure they’re ok and have everything they need as they shelter in place.

    We’ll get through this, no matter what. But to make it through with our humanity intact, we each need to look beyond our own personal “bubble”. Even as we safely shelter in place within it.

    Take care of each other.. Xoxo, Me

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