There Are More Charges Pending for George Nader or an Accomplice

On July 19, the government moved to unseal a bunch of search warrants involved in the investigation of George Nader. Among other things, the warrants revealed that Mueller originally obtained warrants for one of Nader’s Gmail accounts and a Hotmail account associated with his work on November 30, 2017.

The EDVA obtained a warrant to access the data from the iPhone 7 on which a Mueller-related FBI agent had found child porn on March 16, 2018. The case agent first accessed the data on March 22. Nader skipped town on March 24.

That’s … remarkable timing. It suggests he may have gotten tipped off.

Especially since, along with the four phones he was carrying when he was arrested on June 3, he was carrying a shit-ton of luggage.

That’s totally inconsistent with Nader’s claimed explanation for returning to the US, which was to consult with a heart doctor. Remember: he returned just days after Mueller officially closed up shop.

Finally, there’s this interesting detail from the government response to the judge’s order asking what had to remain sealed in Nader’s case.

The United States does not believe that any of the documents (other than those portions involving the health status of the Defendant and noted by his counsel) identified in the docket under the caption indicated above need to remain under seal.

Though it is not directly responsive, as the Court is aware, the government has successfully sought to unseal a number of search warrants that were authorized by the U.S. Magistrate Judges in this Court in this matter. See Dkt. 71. However, there are a number of search warrants and affidavits that involve charges and subjects beyond that contained in the current Indictment. While the defense in this matter will be given access to these documents and the subsequent materials obtained pursuant to this Court’s Discovery Order and Protective Orders, they should remain under seal until the investigations are complete for the reasons set forth in the original sealing orders obtained.

One of the unsealed warrant applications describes Nader discussing child porn with someone in the Czech lands as recently as 2016. So it may be there are more trafficking charges; that same passage cites a warrant issued in April that was not among the ones unsealed.

Or it may pertain to something more interesting, such as his pitch to have PsyGroup help Trump get elected.

Update: Because very few people understand how this timing works, here’s the timeline that shows that Mueller’s team properly referred the child porn after they found it, and Mueller’s known interviews (aside from a grand jury appearance) precede when the porn was found.

November 30, 2017: Mueller obtains warrants for one of Nader’s Gmail accounts and a work-related Hotmail account.

January 16, 2018: Mueller obtains a warrant for Nader’s person.

January 17, 2018: Nader detained in Dulles, interviewed, phones seized; Mueller obtains warrant to search Nader’s three phones.

January 19, 2018: Nader interviewed by Mueller FBI Agent under proffer.

January 22, 2018: Nader interviewed by Mueller FBI Agent under proffer.

January 23, 2018: Nader interviewed by Mueller FBI Agent under proffer.

February 12, 2018: Agent in Mueller investigation conducts first review of Nader phone files, sees three child porn videos sent via WhatsApp.

Week before March 6, 2018: Nader appears before grand jury.

March 5, 2018: iPhone 7 files saved to hard drive for referral to EDVA (where the files were illegally transported).

March 16, 2018: EDVA obtains warrant to access iPhone 7 files.

March 22, 2018: EDVA case agent reviews iPhone 7 files, finds four more child porn videos.

March 24, 2018: Nader flies to Dubai.

April 19, 2018: Arrest warrant.

June 3, 2019: Nader returns to the US, ostensibly for a heart surgeon consult, but with four suitcases.

22 replies
  1. klynn says:

    I am going to revive an EW turn of phrase…Nader’s departure and return seem coinkidinky.

      • bmaz says:

        Yes, it is hard for a perv to know exactly who might care, at any given time, and may be judging their stored data. Always shocking to find gambling at that casino. Just ask Donald Sachtleben.

  2. drouse says:

    He might have been tipped off but someone might have screwed him the same way. They were his phones, presumably he knew what was on them. Did he really think that the Feds were just going to let the kiddie porn slide? Just what prompted him to come back with those kind of charges in the offing? I think someone gave him reassurances they knew were false.

    • viget says:

      I agree. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a trap. Probably forgot to check with his lawyers first.

      Other possibility is that he perceived that coming back to the US was the lesser of 2 evils perhaps? Maybe he felt he was in bigger trouble in Europe?

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Strange. Within a period of four weeks, two men (Nader, Epstein), who have apparently been dealing in pedophilia for decades, are finally… arrested. And they seem to be SHOCKED — as if they were somehow certain that they would remain untouchable.
        Coinkidinky, indeed.

      • MattyG says:

        A trap is an interesting possibility, since you’d then need to figure out who benefits from setting it. Is it some kind of US-side whistleblower trying to keep heat on DT by any means possible, or a RU operation to put heat on… DT? Both Nader and Epstein invove sex trafficing and underage girls and in this scenario RU posseses the necessary kompromat and skill to deply it. Who else might need remiinding that might be next?

        On the other hand it’s hard to envision Putin doing anything now to really mess up DTs situation. Except for some of the sanctions he has most of what he was after, and a US prez in his pocket. Is there an important sanctions related milestone approaching Moscow may want DT to work extra hard on?

        • e.a.f. says:

          Perhaps Putin thinks trump is too much of a lose cannon and needs to go……..
          of course with trump and all his racist comments, perhaps what he and putin want is a race war and think this will start one. all its going to do is ensure every voter of colour gets to the polls and votes.

        • MattyG says:

          Hard to imagine Putin thinking things could have worked much better; the West hasn’t been this fractured since the 30’s, US in trade wars with most the democratic world, a continual gush of offensive rabid and insane talk out of the WH daily – and the US is doing all the work for him. All he needed to do was seed the GOP with cash, accumulate a titdy stash of mildly uncomfortable kompromat, and offer to aid the GOP in it’s ongoing voter supression campaign, ‘official routine’ voter purges, and hammer away on the racist message that bring the flock to the voting booths. There was probably glee in certain GOP quarters that they’d found a true partner to work with – so it’s a whole way of life that being challenged for the GOP. Nader & Epstein just keep DT (and perhaps others) ever more on-message.

        • P J Evans says:

          If Tr*mp gets into serious trouble, he’s going to find out that all those good buddies he talks about, like Putin and Kim and Duterte, don’t know him any more – he was just the guy who brought them covfefe.

      • MattyG says:

        A trap is an interesting possibility, since you’d then need to figure out who benefits from setting it. Is it some kind of US-side whistleblower trying to keep heat on DT by any means possible, or a RU operation to put heat on… DT? Both Nader and Epstein invove sex trafficing and underage girls and in this scenario RU posseses the necessary kompromat and skill to deply it. Who else with a suspiciously similar resume might need reminding that they could be next?

        On the other hand it’s hard to envision Putin doing anything now to really mess up DTs situation. Except for some of the sanctions he has most of what he was after, and a US prez in his pocket. Is there an important sanctions related milestone approaching Moscow may want DT to work extra hard on?

        • MattyG says:

          mods – feel free to delete one of the two posts above – not sure how a I double posted!

  3. gmoke says:

    Unpleasant as it is to consider, I believe some diligent investigator should look at the degrees of separation between George Nader and Jeffrey Epstein and the degrees of separation between Nader, Epstein, and Marc Dutroux, the pedophile ringleader and murderer who helped collapse the Belgian government in the 1990s. All were active in their, ahem, pursuits in the 1990s and I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t linked closer than the six degrees of separation supposedly between every person on the planet. Mapping out their social networks would, I fear, reveal an international cabal of rich and powerful people who look on children as their sex toys, both male and female.

    I understand that there are also a series of open “rent boy” murders in the UK from the 1980s which have been rumored to be linked to members of Parliament, specifically Tory MPs. We like to forget how thoroughly power corrupts but it’s well past time to face that reality.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      You and I must have been posting mystified comments about any possible linkages between Epstein and Nader at the same moment. Coinkidinky.

  4. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Stop the presses! It is more important to avoid exposing “an aging hero to a harsh glare,” than to investigate a president for significant, serial, and ongoing abuses of power.


    Washington, DC, is not Mudville, and Bob Mueller is not Casey at the Bat. Mueller has worked in Washington for decades at the highest levels of law and law enforcement. The risk that he would be on the receiving end of corrosive character assassination was clear when he accepted his assignment. He would know better than anyone that if you don’t like the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

    What does need to be subjected to harsh glare and censure, however, are the self-reverential press and politicians, who, like Trump, equate status and time served with a Get-Out-of-Criticism-Free pass.

    This line of criticism is meant to persuade an already reluctant Congress not to do its job. It would justify that to the American people as being kind to an old man whose prowess has passed its sell-by date. Its result would be to let Trump off scot-free.

    The idea that this Republican Party would hesitate to throw any smear, however vile, in order to protect itself and its president, is laughable. If it were not attacking Mueller, it would be attacking someone else.

    The argument is nakedly authoritarian. It serves only the interests of a leadership class whose public service qualifications are long past their sell-by date. A more convincing reason to replace it would be hard to come by.

    • 200Toros says:

      Too True. What concerns me is that the GOP has great clarity of purpose – they know exactly what they need to do – support anything trump wants, affirm anything he says as truth, no matter how idiotic, hateful, or unpatriotic. It’s clear and simple, and that has a power of its own. There is unfortunately a certain freedom that comes with casting off any loyalty to truth, facts, or duty to one’s own country. The Dems, on the other hand, are divided and seem unclear on their strategy, and at best seem to be running normal campaigns based on normal platform and policy issues. I don’t think they have adapted to this reality, or formulated a strategy to counter it. AOC and other younger members of congress have a far better understanding of how to do this – AOC can destroy opponents on Twitter (or in person) far better than the idiot prez, but Pelosi doesn’t seem to know how, or want to, engage them as allies. This GOP clarity of focus has a powerful advantage against Dem relative chaos, I think. Which only strengthens the need for an impeachment inquiry rather than “voting him out of office”..

      • Tom says:

        And the “clarity of purpose” is turning the Republican party into a cult. Look at their leader worship, their embrace of eccentric or discredited theories on climate change and economics, their intolerance of internal debate and craven subservience to the talkers at Fox news. The Republicans are basically “sheep in sheep’s clothing”, to borrow a phrase from Churchill, and the Democrats should go after them on that score.

        • 200Toros says:

          Yes, and all they need do is play back Republican’s own comments about trump. Before he became the nominee, they all despised him, and said so, openly, in the most blatant ways possible: ” I think he’s a lunatic” “unfit for office’ “racist bigot” “bought-and-paid-for by the Russians” “doesn’t represent the values of the Republican party”. And yet look at them now. Craven, servile sheeple for sure…

  5. e.a.f. says:

    the guy had to be very stupid or thought he was protected to have travelled through customs with child porn on his phones. O.K. perhaps he felt that entitled.

    It will be interesting to see if there is any link between him and Epstein. One could say their arrests have taken the attention off of other things which might have popped up. so some of the arrests could have been deflection. I’m going to wait until the election and see if trump uses it against the Dems. You know the line, this all happened under Obama’s administration and he cleaned it up…………In my opinion there is more to this than meets the eye.

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