Graphic: Quino Al via Unsplash (mod by Rayne)

Whip It Good: Impeachment Inquiry — Do You Even Math? [UPDATED]

[NB: Check the byline, thanks. Update at bottom of post. /~Rayne]

You may have been following the impeachment inquiry whip count posted here last week.

You may also notice though we agree that an impeachment inquiry is necessary, not everybody at this site agrees how to go about it.

All the shouting and the namecalling won’t change this fact: With 433 active House seats it will take 218 votes (allowing 1 safety vote) to pass a resolution to begin an impeachment inquiry; we are now at 85 votes or 39% of the necessary votes.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could try to put this up for a vote right now but she’d lose. It’d be obvious to that corrupt orange monster and his evil minions there was absolutely no Congressional check on his power. Trump, his minions and sponsors would perceive this failure as a permission slip to continue their crime spree, possibly ramping up to even worse.

One thing can change this dynamic.


You can raise hell with your intransigent representative if they are a Democrat who has not yet offered their support for an impeachment inquiry. You can still raise hell with your GOP representative just so they know we are still expecting them to perform to the letter of their oath of office.

You can also identify a primary candidate running against the most resistent representatives, make a donation to them, volunteer to help their campaign, and then call your intransigent rep and let them know you are going to ensure they are primaried because they are failing their oath of office.

You can share Law Works’ production of The Investigation recorded last week if friends and family haven’t read the Mueller report and don’t understand that Trump obstructed justice. Now bmaz thinks this production was a stunt but treat it as a podcast: talk a friend or family member into a long car ride over the holiday and weekend, and play The Investigation while you’re on the road. Talk about the report and the obstruction — and then persuade them to help make calls.

About those rallies outside media offices: we could have rallies outside local offices of members of Congress, but there’s no guarantee media will treat these as newsworthy. They didn’t cover any of MoveOn’s rallies this month for example. So hold them at media offices, like outside the biggest radio or television stations in your market. Make it impossible to avoid coverage. I’d like to tell you to avoid the Sinclair-owned ones but if the local station picks up the story, it’s a double win. If you organize one with a group be sure to prepare clear, succinct talking points and have a designated spokesperson deliver them.

You can wallpaper your municipality with home printed materials to drum up more support. Feel free to use this graphic:

Post it at the library, grocery store, coffee shop, wherever there’s a bulletin board open for public use.

Is this an old school approach? Sure, but let’s face it — the new school efforts aren’t breaking through.

It’s up to you. And you, and you.

Let’s roll.

Congressional switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Updated whip count follows below; share in comments any new announcements by House members throwing support behind an impeachment inquiry.

A word to leaders of certain activist organizations who’ve been dogging Nancy Pelosi: it’s YOUR organizational leadership failing this country if you haven’t persistently encouraged your members to focus on getting the 218 House votes needed. Harassing Pelosi doesn’t make it likely the outstanding 133 vots will turn up; it makes it more likely they will hold out longer to avoid the harassment they’ve seen aimed at Pelosi. Jesus Christ, use your fucking brains. No dog is going to willingly show up for a whipping they’ve seen another dog take; they’ll run and hide.

Carrots are good as well as sticks; while your organization badgers Pelosi for fundraising now, keep in mind the entire House must raise money to run in 2020. Reward the representatives who are committing to voting for an impeachment inquiry with donations.

This is an open thread.

UPDATE — 1:00 p.m. 02-JUL-2019 —

Updated spreadsheet with count. Note that 16 of 25 Democratic House Judiciary Committee members are now in support of an inquiry since last week that’s 67%.

Still zero GOP support save for Justin Amash; meanwhile the RNC is dishing out tickets for a non-campaign campaign event using taxpayer funded resources limiting access to a taxpayer-funded Fourth of July holiday. Surprised none of these spineless leeches are sucking up to Moscow for the holiday.

State Last First, Middle, Nickname Party Affiliation Impeachment Inquiry Y/N House Judiciary Committee
Alabama Sewell Terrycina Andrea “Terri” Dem
Arizona Gallego Ruben Dem
Arizona Grijalva Raul M. Dem Y
Arizona Kirkpatrick Ann Dem
Arizona O’Halleran Tom Dem
Arizona Stanton Greg Dem Y    🔺
California Aguilar Pete Dem
California Barragán Nanette Diaz Dem Y
California Bass Karen R. Dem
California Bera Amerish “Ami” Dem
California Brownley Julia Dem
California Cardenas Tony Dem Y
California Carbajal Salud O. Dem
California Chu Judy Dem
California Cisneros Gilbert “Gil” Dem
California Correa Jose Luis “Lou” Dem
California Costa Jim Dem
California Cox Terrance John “TJ” Dem
California Davis Susan A. Dem
California DeSaulnier Mark Dem Y
California Eshoo Anna G. Dem
California Garamendi John Raymond Dem
California Gomez Jimmy Dem Y
California Harder Josh Dem
California Hill Katherine Lauren “Katie” Dem
California Huffman Jared W. Dem Y
California Khanna Rohit “Ro” Dem
California Lee Barbara Dem Y
California Levin Mike Dem
California Lieu Ted W. Dem Y    🔺
California Lofgren Zoe Dem see comment
California Lowenthal Alan S. Dem Y
California Matsui Doris K. Dem
California McNerney Gerald Mark “Jerry” Dem
California Napolitano Grace Flores Dem Y
California Panetta James Varni “Jimmy” Dem
California Pelosi Nancy Dem
California Peters Scott Dem Y
California Porter Katherine “Katie” Dem Y
California Rouda Jr. Harley E. Dem Y
California Roybal-Allard Lucille Dem
California Ruiz Raul Dem
California Sanchez Linda T. Dem
California Schiff Adam B. Dem
California Sherman Brad Dem Y
California Speier Jackie Dem Y
California Swalwell Eric Michael Dem Y    🔺
California Takano Mark A. Dem see comment
California Thompson C. Michael “Mike” Dem
California Torres Norma J. Dem Y
California Vargas Juan C. Dem Y
California Waters Maxine Dem Y
Colorado Crow Jason Dem
Colorado DeGette Diana L. Dem Y
Colorado Neguse Joseph “Joe” Dem Y    🔺
Colorado Perlmutter Edwin G. “Ed” Dem
Connecticut Courtney Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
Connecticut DeLauro Rosa L. Dem
Connecticut Hayes Jahana Dem
Connecticut Himes Jim Dem Y
Connecticut Larson John B. Dem
Delaware Rochester Lisa Blunt Dem
Florida Castor Katherine Anne “Kathy” Dem
Florida Crist Charlie Joseph Dem
Florida Demings Valdez “Val” Dem Y    🔺
Florida Deutch Theodore Eliot “Ted” Dem
Florida Frankel Lois J. Dem
Florida Hastings Alcee L. Dem
Florida Lawson Jr. Alfred “Al” Dem
Florida Mucarsel-Powell Debbie Dem Y   🔺
Florida Murphy Stephanie Dem
Florida Shalala Donna Elvira Dem
Florida Soto Darren Dem
Florida Wasserman Schultz Debbie Dem
Florida Wilson Frederica S. Dem
Georgia Bishop Jr. Sanford Dixon Dem
Georgia Johnson Jr. Henry C. “Hank” Dem
Georgia Lewis John R. Dem
Georgia McBath Lucia Kay “Lucy” Dem
Georgia Scott David Albert Dem
Hawaii Case Edward E. “Ed” Dem
Hawaii Gabbard Tulsi Dem
Illinois Bustos Cheri Dem
Illinois Casten Sean Dem Y
Illinois Davis Danny K. Dem Y
Illinois Foster G. William “Bill” Dem
Illinois Garcia Jesus G. “Chuy” Dem Y
Illinois Kelly Robin L. Dem Y
Illinois Krishnamoorthi S. Raja Dem
Illinois Lipinski Daniel William “Dan” Dem
Illinois Quigley Mike Dem Y
Illinois Rush Bobby Lee Dem Y
Illinois Schakowsky Janice D. “Jan” Dem Y
Illinois Schneider Bradley Scott “Brad” Dem
Illinois Underwood Lauren A. Dem
Indiana Carson Andre D. Dem
Indiana Visclosky Peter J. Dem
Iowa Axne Cindy Dem
Iowa Finkenauer Abby Dem
Iowa Loebsack David Wayne “Dave” Dem
Kansas Davids Sharice Dem
Kentucky Yarmuth John A. Dem Y
Louisiana Richmond Cedric L. Dem Y    🔺
Maine Golden Jared F. Dem
Maine Pingree Chellie M. Dem Y
Maryland Brown Anthony Gregory Dem
Maryland Cummings Elijah E. Dem
Maryland Hoyer Steny Hamilton Dem
Maryland Raskin Jamin B. “Jamie” Dem Y    🔺
Maryland Ruppersberger III Charles Albert Dutch “C.A. Dutch” Dem
Maryland Sarbanes John Peter Spyros Dem
Maryland Trone David Dem
Massachusetts Clark Katherine M. Dem
Massachusetts Keating William Richard “Bill” Dem
Massachusetts Kennedy III Joseph Patrick “Joe” Dem Y
Massachusetts Lynch Stephen F. Dem
Massachusetts McGovern James P. “Jim” Dem Y
Massachusetts Moulton Seth W. Dem Y
Massachusetts Neal Richard E. Dem
Massachusetts Pressley Ayanna S. Dem Y
Massachusetts Trahan Lori Loureiro Dem
Michigan Dingell Debbie Dem
Michigan Kildee Daniel T. “Dan” Dem Y
Michigan Lawrence Brenda Lulenar Dem Y
Michigan Levin Andy Dem Y
Michigan Slotkin Elissa Dem
Michigan Stevens Haley Dem
Michigan Tlaib Rashida Dem Y
Minnesota Craig Angela Dawn “Angie” Dem
Minnesota McCollum Betty Dem Y
Minnesota Omar Ilhan Dem Y
Minnesota Peterson Collin Clark Dem
Minnesota Phillips Dean Dem
Mississippi Thompson Bennie G. Dem Y
Missouri Clay Jr. William Lacy Dem Y
Missouri Cleaver II Emanuel Dem
Nevada Horsford Steven Alexzander Dem
Nevada Lee Susan Kelley “Susie” Dem
Nevada Titus Alice Costandina “Dina” Dem
New Hampshire Kuster Ann McLane “Annie” Dem
New Hampshire Pappas Christopher C. “Chris” Dem
New Jersey Gottheimer Joshua S. “Josh” Dem
New Jersey Kim Andrew “Andy” Dem
New Jersey Malinowski Tom Dem Y
New Jersey Norcross Donald W. Dem Y
New Jersey Pallone Jr. Frank Dem
New Jersey Pascrell Jr. William J. “Bill” Dem Y
New Jersey Payne Jr. Donald M. Dem
New Jersey Sherrill Rebecca Michelle “Mikie” Dem
New Jersey Sires Albio Dem
New Jersey Van Drew Jeff Dem
New Jersey Watson Coleman Bonnie Dem
New Mexico Haaland Debra A. “Deb” Dem
New Mexico Lujan Ben Ray Dem
New Mexico Torres Small Xochitl Dem
New York Brindisi Anthony J. Dem
New York Clarke Yvette D. Dem Y
New York Delgado Antonio Dem
New York Engel Eliot Lance Dem
New York Espaillat Adriano Dem Y
New York Higgins Brian M. Dem Y

see comment

New York Jeffries Hakeem S. Dem
New York Lowey Nita M. Dem
New York Maloney Carolyn Bosher Dem Y
New York Maloney Sean Patrick Dem
New York Meeks Gregory Weldon Dem
New York Meng Grace Dem
New York Morelle Joseph D. “Joe” Dem
New York Nadler Jerrold Lewis “Jerry” Dem
New York Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria Dem Y
New York Rice Kathleen M. Dem Y
New York Rose Max N. Dem
New York Serrano Jose Enrique Dem
New York Suozzi Thomas R. “Tom” Dem
New York Tonko Paul David Dem Y
New York Velázquez Nydia Margarita Dem Y
North Carolina Adams Alma Shealey Dem Y
North Carolina Butterfield Jr. George Kenneth “G. K.” Dem Y
North Carolina Price David Eugene Dem
Ohio Beatty Joyce B. Dem Y
Ohio Fudge Marcia L. Dem Y
Ohio Kaptur Marcia Carolyn “Marcy” Dem
Ohio Ryan Timothy J. “Tim” Dem Y
Oklahoma Horn Kendra Dem
Oregon Blumenauer Earl Dem Y
Oregon Bonamici Suzanne M. Dem Y
Oregon DeFazio Peter Anthony “Pete” Dem
Oregon Schrader Walter Kurt “Kurt” Dem
Pennsylvania Boyle Brendan F. Dem Y
Pennsylvania Cartwright Matthew Alton “Matt” Dem
Pennsylvania Dean Cunnane Madeleine Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Doyle Michael F. “Mike” Dem Y
Pennsylvania Evans Dwight Dem Y
Pennsylvania Houlahan Christina Jampoler “Chrissy” Dem
Pennsylvania Lamb Conor James Dem
Pennsylvania Scanlon Mary Gay Dem Y    🔺
Pennsylvania Wild Susan Ellis Dem
Rhode Island Cicilline David N. Dem Y   🔺
Rhode Island Langevin James R. “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Clyburn James Enos “Jim” Dem
South Carolina Cunningham Joseph K. “Joe” Dem
Tennessee Cohen Stephen Ira “Steve” Dem Y    🔺
Tennessee Cooper James H. S. “Jim” Dem
Texas Allred Colin Dem
Texas Castro Joaquin Dem Y
Texas Cuellar Henry R. Dem
Texas Doggett II Lloyd Alton Dem Y
Texas Escobar Veronica Dem Y    🔺
Texas Fletcher Elizabeth Pannill “Lizzie” Dem
Texas Garcia Sylvia R. Dem
Texas Gonzalez Vicente Dem
Texas Green Alexander “Al” Dem Y
Texas Jackson Lee Sheila Dem Y     🔺
Texas Johnson Eddie Bernice Dem
Texas Veasey Marc Allison Dem
Texas Vela Filemon B. Dem Y
Utah McAdams Ben Dem
Vermont Welch Peter F. Dem
Virginia Beyer Jr. Donald Sternoff “Don” Dem Y
Virginia Connolly Gerald Edward “Gerry” Dem
Virginia Luria Elaine G. Dem
Virginia McEachin Aston Donald “Donald” Dem
Virginia Scott Robert Cortez “Bobby” Dem
Virginia Spanberger Abigail A. Dem
Virginia Wexton Jennifer T. Dem
Washington DelBene Suzan Kay Dem see comment
Washington Heck Dennis “Denny” Dem
Washington Jayapal Pramila Dem Y    🔺
Washington Kilmer Derek Dem
Washington Larsen Richard Ray “Rick” Dem
Washington Schrier Kim Dem
Washington Smith David Adam “Adam” Dem Y
Wisconsin Kind Ronald James “Ron” Dem
Wisconsin Moore Gwendolynne S. “Gwen” Dem Y
Wisconsin Pocan Mark Dem Y
Alabama Aderholt Robert Brown GOP
Alabama Brooks Jr. Morris J. “Mo” GOP
Alabama Byrne Bradley Roberts GOP
Alabama Palmer Gary GOP
Alabama Roby Martha GOP
Alabama Rogers Michael Dennis “Mike” GOP
Alaska Young Donald E. “Don” GOP
Arizona Biggs Andy GOP
Arizona Gosar Paul Anthony GOP
Arizona Lesko Debbie GOP
Arizona Schweikert David GOP
Arkansas Crawford Eric Alan “Rick” GOP
Arkansas Hill James French “French” GOP
Arkansas Westerman Bruce GOP
Arkansas Womack Stephen A. “Steve” GOP
California Calvert Kenneth S. “Ken” GOP
California Cook Paul GOP
California Hunter Duncan Duane GOP
California LaMalfa Doug GOP
California McCarthy Kevin GOP
California McClintock Thomas “Tom” GOP
California Nunes Devin Gerald GOP
Colorado Buck Kenneth R. “Ken” GOP
Colorado Lamborn Douglas L. “Doug” GOP
Colorado Tipton Scott Randall GOP
Florida Bilirakis Gus Michael GOP
Florida Buchanan Vernon “Vern” GOP
Florida Diaz-Balart Mario GOP
Florida Dunn Neal Patrick GOP
Florida Gaetz Matt GOP
Florida Mast Brian GOP
Florida Posey William “Bill” GOP
Florida Rooney Francis GOP
Florida Rutherford John GOP
Florida Spano Vincent Ross “Ross” GOP
Florida Steube Greg W. GOP
Florida Waltz Michael “Mike” GOP
Florida Webster Daniel “Dan” GOP
Florida Yoho Theodore Scott “Ted” GOP
Georgia Allen Richard Wallen “Rick” GOP
Georgia Carter Earl Leroy “Buddy” GOP
Georgia Collins Douglas Allen “Doug” GOP
Georgia Ferguson IV Anderson Drew “Drew” GOP
Georgia Graves Jr. John Thomas “Tom” GOP
Georgia Hice Jody B. GOP
Georgia Loudermilk Barry D. GOP
Georgia Scott James Austin “Austin” GOP
Georgia Woodall III William Robert “Rob” GOP
Idaho Fulcher Russ GOP
Idaho Simpson Michael Keith “Mike” GOP
Illinois Bost Michael J. “Mike” GOP
Illinois Davis Rodney L. GOP
Illinois Kinzinger Adam GOP
Illinois LaHood Darin McKay GOP
Illinois Shimkus John M. GOP
Indiana Baird James R. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Banks James E. “Jim” GOP
Indiana Brooks Susan W. GOP
Indiana Bucshon Larry D. GOP
Indiana Hollingsworth III Joseph A. “Trey” GOP
Indiana Pence Gregory J. “Greg” GOP
Indiana Walorski Jackie Swihart GOP see comment
Iowa King Steven A. “Steve” GOP
Kansas Estes Ron GOP
Kansas Marshall Roger W. GOP
Kansas Watkins Steve GOP
Kentucky Barr Garland “Andy” GOP
Kentucky Comer James R. GOP
Kentucky Guthrie Steven Brett “Brett” GOP
Kentucky Massie Thomas H. GOP
Kentucky Rogers Harold Dallas “Hal” GOP
Louisiana Abraham Jr. Ralph Lee GOP
Louisiana Graves Garret GOP
Louisiana Higgins Clay GOP
Louisiana Johnson James Michael “Mike” GOP
Louisiana Scalise Stephen J. “Steve” GOP
Maryland Harris Andrew P. “Andy” GOP
Michigan Amash Justin GOP Y
Michigan Bergman John W. “Jack” GOP
Michigan Huizenga William P. “Bill” GOP
Michigan Mitchell III Paul GOP
Michigan Moolenaar John GOP
Michigan Upton Frederick Stephen “Fred” GOP
Michigan Walberg Timothy L. “Tim” GOP
Minnesota Emmer Jr. Thomas Earl “Tom” GOP
Minnesota Hagedorn James “Jim” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Minnesota Stauber Peter Allen “Pete” GOP
Mississippi Guest Michael Patrick GOP
Mississippi Kelly John Trent “Trent” GOP
Mississippi Palazzo Steven McCarty GOP
Missouri Graves Jr. Samuel B. “Sam” GOP
Missouri Hartzler Vicky Jo GOP
Missouri Long Billy GOP
Missouri Luetkemeyer W. Blaine GOP
Missouri Smith Jason T. GOP
Missouri Wagner Ann L. GOP
Montana Gianforte Greg GOP
Nebraska Bacon Donald John “Don” GOP
Nebraska Fortenberry Jeffrey Lane “Jeff” GOP
Nebraska Smith Adrian M. GOP
Nevada Amodei Mark Eugene GOP
New Jersey Smith Christopher Henry “Chris” GOP
New York Collins Christopher Carl “Chris” GOP
New York Katko John M. GOP
New York King Peter T. “Pete” GOP
New York Reed II Thomas W. “Tom” GOP
New York Stefanik Elise M. GOP
New York Zeldin Lee Michael GOP
North Carolina Budd Theodore Paul “Ted” GOP
North Carolina Foxx Virginia Ann GOP
North Carolina Holding George Edward Bell GOP
North Carolina Hudson Jr. Richard Lane GOP
North Carolina McHenry Patrick Timothy GOP
North Carolina Meadows Mark Randal GOP
North Carolina Rouzer David Cheston GOP
North Carolina Walker Bradley Mark “Mark” GOP
North Dakota Armstrong Kelly M. GOP
Ohio Balderson Troy GOP
Ohio Chabot Steven J. “Steve” GOP
Ohio Davidson Warren GOP
Ohio Gibbs Robert Brian “Bob” GOP
Ohio Gonzalez Anthony E. GOP
Ohio Johnson Bill GOP
Ohio Jordan James D. “Jim” GOP
Ohio Joyce David P. “Dave” GOP
Ohio Latta Robert Edward “Bob” GOP
Ohio Stivers Steve E. GOP
Ohio Turner Michael R. “Mike” GOP
Ohio Wenstrup Brad R. GOP
Oklahoma Cole Thomas Jeffery “Tom” GOP
Oklahoma Hern Kevin R. GOP
Oklahoma Lucas Frank D. GOP
Oklahoma Mullin Markwayne GOP
Oregon Walden Gregory Paul “Greg” GOP
Pennsylvania Fitzpatrick Brian K. GOP
Pennsylvania Joyce John GOP
Pennsylvania Kelly Jr. George J. “Mike” GOP
Pennsylvania Marino Thomas Anthony “Tom” GOP
Pennsylvania Meuser Daniel P. “Dan” GOP
Pennsylvania Perry Scott G. GOP
Pennsylvania Reschenthaler Guy L. GOP
Pennsylvania Smucker Lloyd K. GOP
Pennsylvania Thompson Glenn William “G.T.” GOP
South Carolina Duncan Jeffrey D. “Jeff” GOP
South Carolina Norman Jr. Ralph W. GOP
South Carolina Rice Jr. Hugh T. “Tom” GOP
South Carolina Timmons IV William R. GOP
South Carolina Wilson Addison Graves “Joe” GOP
South Dakota Johnson Dustin “Dusty” GOP
Tennessee Burchett Tim GOP
Tennessee DesJarlais Scott Eugene GOP
Tennessee Fleischmann Charles J. “Chuck” GOP
Tennessee Green Mark E. GOP
Tennessee Kustoff David GOP
Tennessee Roe David Philip “Phil” GOP
Tennessee Rose John W. GOP
Texas Arrington Jodey Cook GOP
Texas Babin Brian GOP
Texas Brady Kevin Patrick GOP
Texas Burgess Michael C. GOP
Texas Carter John Rice GOP
Texas Cloud Michael J. GOP
Texas Conaway K. Michael “Mike” GOP
Texas Crenshaw Daniel “Dan” GOP
Texas Flores William “Bill” GOP
Texas Gohmert Jr. Louis B. “Louie” GOP
Texas Gooden Lance GOP
Texas Granger Kay N. GOP
Texas Hurd William “Will” GOP
Texas Marchant Kenny Ewell GOP
Texas McCaul Michael T. GOP
Texas Olson Peter Graham “Pete” GOP
Texas Ratcliffe John Lee GOP
Texas Roy Chip GOP
Texas Taylor Nicholas V. “Van” GOP
Texas Thornberry William McClellan “Mac” GOP
Texas Weber Randy GOP
Texas Williams Roger GOP
Texas Wright Ron GOP
Utah Bishop Robert William “Rob” GOP
Utah Curtis John GOP
Utah Stewart Chris GOP
Virginia Cline Benjamin Lee “Ben” GOP
Virginia Griffith H. Morgan “Morgan” GOP
Virginia Riggleman III Denver Lee GOP
Virginia Wittman Robert J. “Rob” GOP
Washington Herrera Beutler Jaime Lynn GOP
Washington McMorris Rodgers Cathy Ann GOP
Washington Newhouse Daniel Milton “Dan” GOP
West Virginia McKinley David Bennett GOP
West Virginia Miller Carol Devine GOP
West Virginia Mooney Alexander Xavier “Alex” GOP
Wisconsin Duffy Sean P. GOP
Wisconsin Gallagher Michael John “Mike” GOP
Wisconsin Grothman Glenn S. GOP
Wisconsin Sensenbrenner Jr. Frank James “Jim” GOP
Wisconsin Steil Bryan George GOP
Wyoming Cheney Elizabeth “Liz” GOP
North Carolina Jones Jr. (RIP) Walter B. GOP Open
North Carolina GOP Vacant Office


119 replies
  1. P J Evans says:

    This page at the Backbone Campaign site has downloadable materials: their spine postcards (which go back to 2006) and “spineless” citations for legislators who refuse to get it. Those are probably the most useful materials they have, for the purposes here.

      • P J Evans says:

        The PDF postcard is what I have. I should probably get the “spineless” certificates, too. For Schumer and Hoyer and Clyburn, at least.

        • Democritus says:

          Ok let me try this again. I submitted my first reply right when the cloudflare issue happened and it first I thought I broke empty wheel and Rayne was going to be very, very mad at me.

          Then after checking ~5 other sites that also used CF I thought to check twitter, which isn’t protected by CF, and realized I did not somehow manage to break the internet before even getting out of bed in the morning. I am at best tech adjacent, not a techie myself though I can help you set up and run systems to mass produce tech.

          Anyway, Hoyer can go pound sand, at least Clyburn gives us cheesy turtle jokes, aka McConnell shade.

          For those who missed the video:

  2. Rayne says:

    Still comparing last week’s whip count to this week’s whip count, sorry.

    Caution: make absolutely certain you use the right link to as a Russian entity has purchased a very similar domain name. When in doubt, look up in search engine by keywords.

  3. harpie says:

    Hi Rayne:
    I was just working on this. I found this list from Secure Blue:
    85 and Counting: Help us urge members to call for impeachment

    We currently have 85 members of Congress who have at least said they would support an impeachment inquiry. See the list below.

    I compared their list [don’t know when it was last updated] with yours from last week.
    Here are the 10 names on the Secure Blue list that were not on our list 30 minutes ago:

    Gomez, Jimmy (D-CA), Peters, Scott (D-CA), Rouda, Harley (D-CA), Himes, Jim (D-CT), Schakowsky, Jan (D-IL), Kennedy, Joe III (D-MA), Norcross, Donald (D-NJ), Beatty, Joyce (D-OH), Doyle, Mike (D-PA), Smith, Adam (D-WA).

    • P J Evans says:

      I pulled the list from CNN, as WaPo (and Mercury-News) won’t let you in without disabling adblocking. (Great way to make people want to subscribe.) They had 80Ds plus Amash, but it’s not current. With yours, I have 83. (CNN had Gomez, Himes, Schakowsky, Kennedy, Beatty, Doyle, and Smith.)

      • harpie says:

        Yeah…I hadn’t see Don Norcross [D-NJ-01] before, but just found this twitter thread [nothing on his congressional page]: [D-NJ-01] 11:27 AM – 25 Jun 2019

        THREAD: We have a President who obstructs, blocks & limits access.
        At every turn, the administration ignores subpoenas & instructs officials not to communicate with Congress—it’s reprehensible.
        Here are 10 obstruction counts from Federal Prosecutor & Special Counsel Mueller…
        […he lists all ten…]
        I remain in favor of the impeachment process. The future of our country is at stake. No one is above the law

        • Democritus says:

          This site, love it.

          Everyone just doing the work that needs to be done, as always. You guys rock.

  4. Savage Librarian says:

    For less than $8.00, this guide could be a valuable tool. Maybe some generous, concerned citizen could buy it in bulk and have it delivered to the American people:

    “Impeachment: A Citizen’s Guide” –
    by Cass R. Sunstein

    “Cass R. Sunstein provides a succinct citizen’s guide to an essential tool of self-government. He illuminates the constitutional design behind impeachment and emphasizes the people’s role in holding presidents accountable. Despite intense interest in the subject, impeachment is widely misunderstood. Sunstein identifies and corrects a number of misconceptions. For example, he shows that the Constitution, not the House of Representatives, establishes grounds for impeachment, and that the president can be impeached for abuses of power that do not violate the law. Even neglect of duty counts among the “high crimes and misdemeanors” delineated in the republic’s foundational document….”

    “With an eye toward the past and the future, Impeachment: A Citizen’s Guide considers a host of actual and imaginable arguments for a president’s removal, explaining why some cases are easy and others hard, why some arguments for impeachment have been judicious and others not. In direct and approachable terms, it dispels the fog surrounding impeachment so that Americans of all political convictions may use their ultimate civic authority wisely.”

    “With insight, wisdom, affection, and concern, Sunstein has written the story of impeachment every citizen needs to know. This is a remarkable, essential book.” ― Doris Kearns Goodwin

    • bmaz says:

      Cass Sunstein is one of the most useless public “intellectuals” in the last century.

      • Savage Librarian says:

        Thanks, bmaz, I appreciate the insight. But it would be helpful to have something that is simple (NOT intellectual) for people to read. Any other ideas that might work?

      • DMM says:

        Thank you! The more this can be said, the better for everyone.
        This could be a whole new line of essays for Ed Walker — likely a lifelong series: intellectuals/academics who serve elite power and prescribe policies and practices that are more or less exclusively “return to/do more of these things that got us to this present place.”
        Note to Ed: Sunstein and Ian Bremmer would be a great pair to start with.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      To add to bmaz’s overly diplomatic language, Sunstein, now at Harvard, spent most of his career at Chicago. That suggests his views are more conservative than his public personal suggests. He is a libertarian and believes in a very strong presidency.

      The thrust of his argument on presidential impeachment is that it is meant only to address gross neglect or abuse of powers. Judgments about such things are inherently political, something the press and members of Congress frequently get wrong. Those acts and omissions need not be crimes. Crimes, in Sunstein’s view, are for the electorate or prosecutors, not Congress to act on.

      I agree that impeachment is meant to address gross neglect or abuse of office. I agree that the president need not have committed a crime to be a legitimate object of an impeachment proceeding. I disagree that presidential crimes are not a fit subject for impeachment. Certain crimes go to a person’s suitability and fitness for office, as they do, say, to maintain a license to practice a host of professions of less consequence.

      The constitutional checks on abuse of the impeachment process are the majorities required in each house: a simple majority in the House to impeach (indict), two-thirds in the Senate to convict. Substantial hurdles. The punishment is civil, not criminal, and is explicitly limited to removal from office.

      In Trump’s case, he has given Congress a cornucopia of acts to choose from that ordinary people would call “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a phrase meant to be broadly inclusive.

      • Bern says:

        Plenty of reasons why he must be removed from office – criminal prosecutions can begin later. The most important thing is to get him and his repulsive crew outta there asap.

      • Democritus says:

        So what he doesn’t believe in High Crimes, despite it being there in the constitution?

        Note I am not a lawyer so I may be missing a huge chunk of reasoning.

        Also thank you for that explanation

      • Mooser says:

        ” He is a libertarian and believes in a very strong presidency.”

        Oh, I see, a Monarchist.

        • P J Evans says:

          That’s a really good description of what many libertarioids seem to think government should be. (And of course, all of them seem to think that they’re qualified to make decisions for everyone else.)

      • bmaz says:

        It was my best attempt at diplomatic language vis a vis Sunstein. It really was the best I could muster.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          I always appreciate your understated commentary. And I wholeheartedly agree that the most pressing need is for the House to launch an impeachment inquiry.

          Its goal should be to explore and document the facts, about Mueller’s investigation and about the larger abuses and incompetence he did not address. Its goal should be to educate Americans about the president’s misdeeds, incompetence and cruelty. It would document the need for a laundry list of essential reforms. It would lay bare that Senate Republicans want him to remain president now and forevermore.

    • Tracy Lynn says:

      So strange. Until yesterday at 4 p.m. I had never heard of Cass Sunstein. Then last night when I couldn’t sleep I started reading a book called, “Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy” by Seva Vaidhyanathan. In his book he references Sunstein’s warnings about the “echo chamber” effect of receiving information from social media and blogs. Apparently, Sunstein isn’t a fan of either blogs or social media.

  5. harpie says:

    WaPo: Trump asks for military tanks on the Mall as part of grandiose July Fourth event

    […] Traditionally, major gatherings on the Mall, including inauguration festivities and a jubilee commemorating the start of a new millennium, have featured a designated event producer. But in this case, the producer is the president himself. […]

    On twitter Marcy calls it
    Trump’s July 4 Military Parade and Graft opportunity
    Rep Don Beyer (Va) says it’s more fuel for
    the never-ending bonfire of Donald Trump’s vanity

    • harpie says:

      TANK STORY [cont’d]
      3:13 PM – 1 Jul 2019

      Trump says tanks will be stationed outside the National Mall for his July 4th event [VIDEO]

      5:52 PM – 1 Jul 2019

      President Trump says military tanks will be part of Washington’s Fourth of July celebration.
      And on Monday evening, an @AP photographer saw at least two M1A1 Abrams tanks on a rail car in Washington. [photo]
      [links to] Trump isn’t taking ‘no tanks’ for an answer.

      • Democritus says:

        As a member of a looooong multigenerational mil family, fuck him and he can go pound sand then dig pits to be refilled by him tomorrow.

        This isn’t about the troops or patriotism, it’s about him stealing the sacrifices military and their families make and using it for re-election.

        Fuck Twitler

  6. harpie says:

    With regard to the Trump-Kim meeting this weekend, both North Korean and American State News Agencies are busy doing what they do:
    6:10 PM – 30 Jun 2019

    And here it is: Kim Jong Un’s propaganda victory, in full color across the first three pages of Rodong Sinmun. Look at the smiles. [photos]
    [headline]: “Dear Respected Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un held a historic reunion with United States president Donald Trump at Panmunjom”
    7:43 PM – 30 Jun 2019

    Propaganda victories aren’t just for North Korea. [photo]

    That is a FoxNews photo with the words, TRUMP ‘DOMINATED’

  7. Katherine M Williams says:

    The democratic party has been recruiting and funding blue dog-conservative candidates for a long time. Representatives who shun anything too liberal sounding, who woo swing voters while ignoring their own democratic voters, and who want to “work with” republicans. The D party is blackballing any companies/consultants who work for a liberal running for office against a conservative democrat such as Lipinski.
    And now they can’t get votes to impeach a mentally ill and criminal president with ties to enemy countries. Nice.

  8. David says:

    As I mentioned in a June 18 comment (on “Whip It Good: Impeachment Inquiry Edition”), I called Connecticut Rep. Joe Courtney’s office in May to ask where he stands on impeachment. In response, I received a letter (dated May 30) in which he wrote, in part:

    “At this time, I support allowing the committees to continue utilizing all of the tools available to Congress to dig into the issues raised in the Mueller report and other investigations. As a former attorney, I recognize how critical it is to gather as much evidence as possible before pursuing any course of action. These investigations, and whatever evidence they uncover, will guide what comes next, so it is essential that these committees have the chance to continue their work and collect the facts, testimony, and evidence needed. I am firmly committed to taking this process one step at a time to methodically uncover the truth, to inform the American public, and build the case for any steps that may be needed to ensure accountability wherever it is required.”

    I called Rep. Courtney’s office again, on June 18, to ask if anything in his mind had changed. A staffer said I’d receive a response in the mail. Last week I received that response: another letter—a word-for-word copy of the one Rep. Courtney’s office had sent weeks earlier.

    In other words, Rep. Courtney stands still.

    Thanks for all you do, Empty Wheel folks.

    • Sw_marks says:

      I received the same response from Courtney last week. Frustrating, but I plan to keep bugging him.

  9. dwfreeman says:

    What does it take to see the daily erosion of our democratic republic before you act to remove the scourge damaging it beyond repair?

    Procrastinating division is another word for nothing left to win, if you balance your beliefs on the thin blue line of election victory against this red crowd in which anything goes. Republicans are engaged in a zero-sum battle for survival as a party. So, they don’t care how they manage to win, so long as they do.

    At this point, I don’t see House Pelosi ever giving the greenlight for an impeachment inquiry, in whatever form supposed hearing testimony takes.

    In any case, that will only embolden Republicans into looking the other way as foreign government influence in our election process continues to grow even as gerrymandered districts, suppressed voting campaigns and allegations of election fraud are aggressively pursued at the state level on the basis of GOP claims of voter unfairness.

    The Republicans can no longer win a fair fight for a national election majority. They can only win by cheating with the help of outside influence. And they are prepared to accept that in any form and look the other way when it happens without fear of the constitutional consequences. How do I know this? They’ve already done it.

    And to rub salt in the wound of their power struggle, they are having the investigators of the the allegations stemming from their complicit involvement in the last presidential election investigated without any guilt or fear of its outcome.

    Want to know how much help their campaign got from the Russians last time round? Let me enumerate it for you: university researchers have reported that on Twitter alone, four thousand Russian trolls amplified the messaging of 50,000 bots, as far as we know. This accounted for more than 4 percent of the re-tweets of Donald Trump’s account during the election. It’s estimated some 1.4 million people followed at least one fake Russian Twitter account. All told, it’s believed that 300 million people looked at a tweet from a Kremlin-linked account. And that’s not even considering what Putin’s Internet Research Agency put out on Facebook.

    We do know this much about the FB impact: A Columbia University researcher reviewed the IRA’s six biggest FB pages and discovered that their messages had been shared 340 million times. The agency created 129 event pages that were seen by more than 340 thousand twitter viewers, with 62,000 or more indicating that they were considering attending one of those IRA advertised events. It’s impossible to suggest how much difference this Russian disinformation campaign had in swaying votes or persuading non-voters in supporting Trump.

    But we do know this: the IRA campaign was nearly as large as the Clinton presidential campaign in terms of its paid workforce with some 80 people on the agency payroll, with the Kremlin shelling out more than $1 million per month by September 2016 for its joint effort to elect Trump. Based on that help and the work of the GRU in breaking into Democratic Party committee servers for messaging and campaign strategy as well as dirt on Hillary, Trump didn’t have to worry much about digital spending on his campaign.

    The Russians were doing the lion share of his propaganda legwork online. Overall, they are believed to have reach 126 million Americans.

    Looking at these numbers, many will say as other pundits and commentators have claimed, what the Russians did on behalf of Trump, never changed votes or minds because no one in authority said so. And that’s because it was never officially considered, calculated at the polls, purposely reviewed at any level or seriously audited to determine what difference it made. Because this didn’t occur, we can only guess what it meant.

    But if digital persuasion doesn’t work, then how come both sides spent so much time in trying to influence voters online? It did matter.

    And the fact is Trump had the benefit of two campaigns to get him elected including one that did all his dirty work for him which he openly embraced, and which nobody denies. And yet this fact has been allowed to sit out there like a ripening pile of dung that the Democrats are afraid to make the shitmeister in chief accountable for and his Repubican minions clean up after their fucking mess. House Pelosi be damned, impeach now. Worry about the political consequences later.

    • P J Evans says:

      SOME Democrats are pointing this stuff out. In case you hadn’t notice, there are now 83 (at least) who want to get started on impeachment inquiries. That’s about a third of those in the House.

      • dwfreeman says:

        Yes, I am pleased as punch by that number. It’s almost motivational. Pelosi seems encouraged by it, can’t you tell?

        Again, the Republicans will do anything to win, and the Democrats apparently plan to let them while pretending that if they shout at a cloud about the inherent unfairness or illegitimacy something or someone, like Mueller, might respond. But, probably, not.

        If you are counting on the electorate to bail you out when you know the historical score of recent Democratic tallies in races the party won but didn’t seat their winner in the White House, why would you depend exclusivelyon winning at the polls to make your case?

        The Republicans only want to win. And they don’t care how they look or what it takes to get it done. Shameful victory is still victory. And that’s just alright with those guys.

        Under Mr. DMZ himself, it is what it is, total exoneration. You either accept that and play the game accordingly, or prepare to get your clock cleaned again and then go about the aimless task of wondering why.

    • Democritus says:

      I have been saying this very clearly for a long time I do not think Trump won free and fair election. look at the margin of victory in three states and then look at all the help he got from overseas and all the laws he broke.

      he should not be president.
      He did not truly win, imo.

      Sorry trying to use dictation and I’m not very good at using punctuation with dictation right now I suppose

    • harpie says:

      The sub-head for that article is:

      The three-year-old group, which has roughly 9,500 members, shared derogatory comments about Latina lawmakers who plan to visit a controversial Texas detention facility on Monday, calling them “scum buckets” and “hoes.”

      Really vile stuff.
      This was AOC’s response:
      9:11 AM – 1 Jul 2019

      This just broke: a secret Facebook group of 9,500 CBP officers discussed making a GoFundMe for officers to harm myself & Rep. Escobar during our visit to CBP facilities & mocked migrant deaths.
      This isn’t about “a few bad eggs.” This is a violent culture.
      9,500 CBP officers sharing memes about dead migrants and discussing violence and sexual misconduct towards members of Congress. How on earth can CBP’s culture be trusted to care for refugees humanely?
      PS I have no plans to change my itinerary & will visit the CBP station today.

      • Rugger9 says:

        The MAGA trolls are empowered by Kaiser Quisling, and we need to accept that will be the level of discourse and crush it when we find it.

        It’s funny that they would try it on AOC who as a waitress probably heard worse and effectively dealt with it (based on how she’s responded) so she’s not backing down either when she knows she is right (and she is). She would certainly know how to listen to her constituents which is why she beat her predecessor.

        OT, I noticed that former Gov. Snyder of Flint fame (where the water still is not fit to drink) was given a Harvard fellowship for…..IDK, really. Of course IIRC Harvard is also where the dorm RA (part time) HLS professor (full time) that was called out for charging 700 per hour as a moonlighting defense lawyer came from who is playing the free speech card for all he is worth. It’s a reminder about how a population (the university or the NYT) may be progressive but the management is not and the management decide what gets done. I actually know the Harvard Provost distantly (our daughters were ballet buddies before they went back East), perhaps I’ll drop him a note.

    • harpie says:

      Adam Klasfeld adds:
      9:53 AM – 1 Jul 2019

      Per @ProPublica’s story, this group has 9,500 members, nearly half of Border Patrol’s 20,000-strong force.
      This should not be soft-pedaled: The doctored photo at the top of the story showing this Border Patrol group fantasizing about Trump forcing AOC into performing oral sex is a window into why 15 women accusing Trump of sexual assault has failed to sustain national controversy.
      [he added later] The more accurate way of phrasing this would be a doctored illustration of Trump raping her by forcing her to perform oral sex.

      • Jenny says:

        Thanks Harpie. This just makes me sick.
        AOC is correct, “a violent culture.” This from a maniacal administration with the slogan, “I really don’t care, do u?”

        The good news is they are exposed. Now will they be held accountable?

        This story needs to be splashed all over media.

    • harpie says:

      Here’s the Border Patrol Union response:
      11:09 AM – 1 Jul 2019

      The NBPC condemns the inappropriate and unprofessional social media posts related to members of Congress and those encountered by Border Patrol agents. [screenshot]

      Here’s Agency response:
      11:11 AM – 1 Jul 2019

      Today, CBP was made aware of disturbing social media activity hosted on a private Facebook group that may include a number of CBP employees. CBP immediately informed DHS Office of the Inspector General and initiated an investigation. Full statement: [screenshot] [link]

  10. Rugger9 says:

    Ro Khanna’s my Congresscritter, and he was the chucklenut that came up with the idea of censure to send a message to Kaiser Quisling and the Palace. How very triangulating and useless, since censure only works on those capable of social shaming. That’s clearly not the case here.

  11. Desider says:

    Impeachments are about feelings & politics, not about “facts”.
    In the last 2 months, a lot of new data that tweaks our visceral response
    has come forward. New photo ops with Kim Jong-Un. Abusing immigrant kids.
    Claiming executive immunity from Congressional review.
    Trump’s unelected daughter & son-in-law claiming nepotistic privilege
    in front of the world’s leaders. Shifting government money illegally.
    More violation of the Emoluments clause…

  12. vertalio says:

    About a month ago I called Joe Kennedy’s local office to ask if he’d read the Report, and supported an impeachment inquiry: the staffer didn’t know, but said he’d ask. Now JK’s come out in favor of that process.

    Call, and call again. But I’m all in favor of patience: the WH and GOP will keep breaking the law in the meanwhile. Attain critical mass, then smash.

  13. Quake says:

    While I too would like to see the orange man impeached and convicted that’s not going to happen until enough stuff comes out to drive his support ratio below 35% (or 30%). He’s holding steady at 40-43% now. That means 1/3 of his supporters have to turn against him. Disclosure of his finances may do this. Hopefully the House Dems will get the info soon.

    Anyway impeachment AND CONVICTION by the Senate requires public bipartisan public outrage that isn’t there yet. So I think investigations need to continue for a while yet before a formal impeachment inquiry will have public support.

    Bookmarking 538’s Trump support rate page is recommended.

    • P J Evans says:

      People who voted for him are starting to turn. Maybe not enough – but if the ones who don’t turn can be discouraged from voting, that will help.

      • Mongoose says:

        I am on board. BIG TIME!!! However, we need to concentrate first on persuading the Senate or to suffer the humiliation of Trump’s glorious celebration of his acquittal by Mitch and his partners in crime. I would have to slit my throat.

        • bmaz says:

          Why in the world are you talking about Senate trial, much less acquittal or conviction??? The only point right now is to open an inquiry to aid evidence gathering and court argument strength. Talking about a Senate trial like it is the only purpose of opening an inquiry is not just ridiculous, it propagates the lie that Pelosi is cravenly relying on. Seriously, don’t do this. It is about investigation, oversight and protection of the Constitution and its built in checks and balances.

        • Democritus says:

          That is the argument that wins IMO. Can I copy that to repost around with a “I read a comment by Bmaz the other day that explained the why we need impeachment, and now:” opener so I’m not plagiarizing?

          Well explained and no typing for me if so😊

        • bmaz says:

          Do as you will, attribution or no, with that. I only care about that this issue is discussed honestly, as opposed to falsely. There is a lot of falsely in the current discussion, and that is wrong.

      • P J Evans says:

        You can support getting out the vote, every election. People need to be in the habit of voting.

    • bmaz says:

      JFC. You understand that getting to outrage requires oversight currently being obstructed, and that opening an inquiry is the best way to deal with that, right? How are you going to acquire that precious “outrage” you so blissfully ponder? On the wings of fucking magical unicorns or something? Or, maybe, just maybe, use the actual process designed in the Constitution. How about that?

  14. OldTulsaDude says:

    I contacted my Republican representative and told him that if he did not do his duty to his country and support an impeachment inquiry I would contribute as much as possible to anyone willing to run against him in the primaries.

    That seems only leverage.I might have – a modest sum of money wrapped in animosity..

    • Mongoose says:

      I poured a considerable sum into the Garrett (against Gym Jordan) and Janz (against Nunes) campaigns. Look what happened. It would be a waste to contribute my time in Maryland, since all of my Congress critters are Democrats. It’s frustrating.

      • P J Evans says:

        You can support Dems trying to defeat Rs in other states.
        You can support getting people to register and, more important, to go vote, every time, not just in presidential-election years.

  15. Yargelsnogger says:

    I live in a bright blue district and my rep is already on board. But what worked for me with my parents was printing out the 14 or so pages in volume one about Paul Manafort. I highlighted all the incredibly treasonous parts. I also printed out Trump’s tweet about Manafort not “breaking”, and asked them to explain why Trump would be in a joint defense agreement with, dangle pardons to and publicly praise this guy.

    If he wanted to move past this and had nothing else to hide, why wouldn’t he denounce Manafort in the strongest terms and get on with his Presidency? I then gave them the out that Trump is not straight up a traitor himself, just a narcissist incapable of seeing beyond his own ego and fulfilling his obligation to protect our country. That actually seemed to get through to them. (I still think he knew about Manafort’s and Stone’s actions and approved them which is why he covers for them, but I’ll take moving them from Trump voters to thinking he is an unfit narcissist as a win.)

  16. K-spin says:

    As an outsider (I.e. not a US citizen), I read and despair as both the evidence mounts, and impeachment seems – at best – a distant hope.
    Two thoughts:
    1. DJT has already given his ‘sound bites’ to the/his media re: what behaviour is sufficient to bring about impeachment proceedings. As I recall, he specified this as ‘high crimes AND misdemeanours’ (emphasis mine), which suggests he believes both must be proven. If this is a misrepresentation, I would like to see greater push back, and more airtime for those who can challenge of clarify that view;
    2. IMO, Trump is corrupt, just as water is wet. One of the difficulties facing Congress however, is that there are so many examples of this, and so many lines of inquiry to follow, that resources and time are being eroded exponentially, as every single lead is pursued.

    Don’t get me wrong – I think that every single example of DJT’s corruption is worth pursuing, and important to document. The reality is though, that some may have more ‘weight’ with the voting public than others. In this light, I’d like to see Dems focus on 1-2 issues and pursue them with all the speed and strength they can muster. And I think their best chance is to ‘follow the money’. Go the Al Capone route.

    Sure, there are a litany of reasons he is unfit for office. But at the end of the day, what you want is for his term and his toxic influence to be as short as possible. You’re spoilt for choice, but there is no reason (as I understand it) to iterate, investigate, and prove every single crime AND misdemeanour this idiot has engaged in. Pick one that will stick, and keep your narrative co-ordinated and focused. Repeat it. Demand a response.
    Don’t be distracted. Keep on message. Stick to your guns.

    Try/indict him later for his other crimes. Or let history decide. Just get this nutter out of office.

  17. Democritus says:

    I will start psyching myself up again for another round of congressional phone calls!

    Also, anyone see this piece about “health ministries” from Houston Chronicle? Just I mean, come on. We need single payor.

    Ok, now I’ve read the article. Thank you Rayne for whipping us into action. You make it hurt soooo good 😉Runs far away in case joke isn’t taken well 😉

    “A final word to leaders of certain activist organizations who’ve been dogging Nancy Pelosi: it’s YOUR organizational leadership failing this country if you haven’t persistently encouraged your members to focus on getting the 218 House votes needed. Harassing Pelosi doesn’t make it likely the outstanding 133 vots will turn up; it makes it more likely they will hold out longer to avoid the harassment they’ve seen aimed at Pelosi. Jesus Christ, use your fucking brains. No dog is going to willingly show up for a whipping they’ve seen another dog take; they’ll run and hide.

    Carrots are good as well as sticks; while your organization badgers Pelosi for fundraising now, keep in mind the entire House must raise money to run in 2020. Reward the representatives who are committing to voting for an impeachment inquiry with donations.”

    Loved this too, people need to THINK

  18. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Being anti-immigrant is today’s safe form of being racist: no vehemence against immigrants is beyond the pale, and it makes similar behavior toward others acceptable.

    Stephen Miller is both, and he has the ear of a racist president. The cruelty is intentional. For the Millers and Trumps, it feels good. Politically, it distracts from the shit hole that is this administration’s destruction and incompetence.

    Displacing them will require more than convivial bipartisanship or even harsh language. What’s needed, as Rayne has repeated, is determined local organization, full disclosure of their lies in the media, and not falling for their occasional offer to kick Lucy’s football. That last bit is for you, Chuck Schumer.

    • OldTulsaDude says:

      In horror of the current status of the executive branch as we near July 4th:

      Here in the water of our greatest city stands
      his likeness, with 5-iron, whose shaft
      is graphite, on his balls his name:
      Fucker of Mothers. From his empty hand
      comes a middle finger, a world-wide gesture, a command
      The air-brain dead ender in a city of fame.
      “Shithole countries die, the assholes!” cries he
      from metal lips. “Give me your whites, your rich,
      your Norwegians who’ve been yearning to meet me.
      The wretched refuse of your shithole countries?
      Lock them in cages, take away their kids,
      Whack ’em with this ugly lamp….
      at least the door is golden.
      I don’t know. We’ll see.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Trump’s recent comments to Tucker Carlson about “cleaning up” the cities have sparked more controversy. He specifically mentioned Democratic strongholds of San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York. Presumably, they are his new shit hole cities.

      The MSM interpreted the comment to mean a newfound concern for the homeless. That’s an unlikely pro-Trump interpretation. He has never shown concern for the less fortunate, except for how to make a buck off them. A more likely interpretation is that the difficult conditions in parts of those cities made it harder for him to sell America. To whom and for what is a different matter.

      Superficial and ignorant, for sure. But Laura Clawson suggests something darker. She notes that neither Trump nor Carlson mentioned the homeless. She infers that they meant other, less specific undesirables. People of color. The poor. Democratic Party voters.

      Trump’s “clean-up” language is a direct reference to the language used by rightwing parties in the 1930s, and by Reconstruction era former slave owners in the 1870s. Steve Miller has been obsessing about the purity of our cultural essence since he first saw Dr. Strangelove. But his perceived enemies are not the commies.


      • P J Evans says:

        Tr*mp claimed that homelessness as a problem started just two years ago – I don’t think he understands that claim puts the entire blame on him and his maladministration – but everyone who lives in a city of any size knows that it’s been a problem for decades, and is getting worse because the GOP-T wants to end all social programs and starts by cutting funding to them.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          I think you’re factually correct. But this is Trump, and facts do not drive his comments or policy. Everything is personal and opportunistic.

          As Lawson said, neither he nor Carlson referred to the homeless. They talked about cleaning up a “mess” that Trump claims is an eyesore and international embarrassment.

          The mess he referred to is in three large, coastal, left-leaning cities. They are at odds with Trump and his anti-immigrant agenda. They are culturally distant from the supposed heartland that backs Trump. They are home to the politicians that piss him off.

          From that, one could draw a few conclusions: Trump did not choose those cities at random. He is not talking about improving circumstances for their homeless. He is reminding his base of where their “true” enemy lives. His claimed “fix” will be punitive.

  19. Diane says:

    Greetings from Washington DC!
    The phones on Cap Hill are quieter than you think, at least on the topic of impeachment. These days, a majority of the calls are about the terrible situation at the border. Coincidence? Probably not. Trump has a knack for changing the subject. So if you’re serious about impeachment, call YOUR rep. (Pelosi gets enough calls.) YOUR rep needs to be on board, in order for her to proceed.

    • Democritus says:

      You all heard the lady, call now!

      tel:(202) 224-3121

      First twenty callers get two karma points instead of one!

  20. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Best of luck to the US and British teams as they meet in the semi-final of the FIFA Women’s World Cup — this afternoon — at 15.00 hours EDST. The Dutch take on Sweden same time tomorrow.

    There’s just one thing. The total prize money FIFA has set aside is a decent 26.5 million euros. Double the previous pot. But for the last men’s World Cup, the total prize money was 355 million euros.

    Shirley, FIFA are not saying the women are worth only 7.5% of what the men are worth. Something’s gotta give, gents.


    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      The final match of the Women’s World Cup is this Sunday at 1100 hours EDST.

  21. viget says:

    Well my congressman is on board. I think it’s been a while.

    I am very concerned about this July 4th boondoggle. The fact that he’s only going to have rabid supporters and big money “donors” up front, this is going to be a rabid GOP rally at the taxpayer’s expense.

    This is looking more and more like Germany circa 1938. We are a laughing stock.

  22. harpie says:

    NEW: a really good thread, recommended by Quinta Jurecic
    10:34 AM – 2 Jul 2019

    [SIREN emoji] Breaking! DHS Office of Inspector General releases report on
    “Dangerous Overcrowding and Prolonged Detention of Children and Adults in the Rio Grande Valley.”
    Conditions “represent an immediate risk to the health and safety of … those detained.” […]

    • P J Evans says:

      In case you didn’t know – a lot of tech companies are located in S.F. Or have executives who live there, i.e., IN HER DISTRICT.

        • Rayne says:

          Why don’t you put the same level of nastiness into checking out McConnell’s donors and conflicts of interest? We probably wouldn’t be having this whip count at all if House Dems uniformly believed they could get impeachment into the Senate for a conviction.

          But no, let’s beat on Pelosi.


          Jesus Christ. I don’t fucking know what the fuck to do to get this fucking math through to people.

        • Willis Warren says:

          You’re pretending like a large number of these reps aren’t withholding their impeachment wishes expressly because of Pelosi. I’m not. She’s withholding an impeachment inquiry (which is obviously inevitable) for some reason that goes well beyond support from the little people. It’s the party’s big donors, most likely, that are against it. You’re not gonna win this without putting pressure on them.

          And it’s absurd to hear that I haven’t attacked that Koch sucker McConnell. That’s the last five years of my life, Rayne.

        • Democritus says:

          This x 1000

          We need to keep our fire where it belongs, on the GOP.

          Call your rep, And call anyone else you know who lives in a democratic district and tell them to call their reps. As a bonus if it’s family you don’t like to talk to as often, not only can you influence them to get off their ass, but you will also ensure they don’t call too often.

          It will be like oh no, I’m not calling Joe Bob because they’re going to peel my eyes open to the horrors and injustice in our country, and make me call Congress!

          Seriously though I might just take today off the news with another Brock Turner 2.0, friendly to rapist judge.

          I mean don’t you know the rapist could’ve gone to college and a good college at that. *starts throwing shit*

          I will close with a piece in my morning reads that made me laugh, about Trump using stock pics, models for campaign ads.

          “There’s just one problem: The people in the videos that ran in the past few months are all actually models in stock video footage produced far from the U.S. in France, Brazil and Turkey, and available to anyone online for a fee.

          Though the 20-second videos include tiny disclaimers that say “actual testimonial, actor portrayal,” they raise the question why a campaign that can fill arenas with supporters would have to buy stock footage of models. It’s a practice that, under different circumstances, Trump himself would likely blast as “fake news.”

          Trump campaign officials declined repeated requests for comment on Tuesday. Political experts say that, while it’s not unusual for stock footage to find its way into ads, a presidential campaign should have been more careful.”

  23. Rayne says:

    Hold this thought for me:

    Vice President Mike Pence said Sunday that “of course” the Trump administration believes migrant children being held at detention facilities should have access to soap, toothbrushes and other basic amenities, comments that come just days after the administration went to court to argue against having to provide the children with such things.

    “Of course we do,” Pence told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “My point is it’s all a part of the appropriations process. Congress needs to provide additional support to deal with the crisis at our southern border.”

    This is pure bullshit. A substantive number of the children shouldn’t be in detention at all as they have family members waiting for them.

    This is Pence aiding and abetting crimes against humanity by lying about the process, casting blame somewhere else instead of on the executive branch where it belongs.

    It’s impeachable.

    When I get done with my History’s Rhyme series I need to come back and kick Pence’s ass with his own Articles.

    • P J Evans says:

      We-the-people are paying up to $750 PER DAY PER CHILD. For that price, they could be getting rooms with beds, bathrooms, and laundry service at a decent motel, plus new clothing and toothbrushes and toothpaste. (I spent two nights at an ExtendedStay America last fall, a “single”, meaning a queen-sized bed, with a kitchenette. It was less than $200 per night, and I made the reservation not more than two weeks ahead.)
      Pence is a monster.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Pence defines pusillanimous.

      As you have elegantly pointed out, this is Not about the money. It’s about the cruelty – and getting away with it. Trump thinks it excites his base and makes him look strong, as any dictator should.

    • Rugger9 says:

      Like many of his fellow Evangelicals, Pence believes his soul was “saved” when he accepted Jesus as his savior. However, the early writings about the Church also talk about the hypocrites who make an ostentatious show of their professed faith (it’s in Matthew as well as the Didache). One wonders WWJD about Joel Osteen and his ilk (table turning in the temple wouldn’t be sufficient IMHO, but it’s His call). As part of that view, the fundie will believe that they can no longer be touched by sin, in something like a blank check (they’re “saved”, after all) even though Jesus in his parables made it quite clear that good works count for far more.

      Paraphrasing: “The things you do for the least of these my brethren, you have done them for me”.

      • P J Evans says:

        The mainline churches teach that repentance and forgiveness is an ongoing thing, not a one-time get-out-of-hell-free card. I think they’ve got that part straight.

    • Democritus says:

      Those fucking kids, and most of the adults, SHOULDNT EVEN BE LOCKED UP! Obama’s ankle monitor pilot program was what, 90+% successful? And cost $36 a day!

      AND DIDNT BASICALLY TORTUE PEOPLE AND CONFINE THEM IN SUBHUMAN CONDITIONS. Leading to how many deaths now? I bet they are still hiding some, and I read how the release people from custody as they are dying so it’s not recorded.

      They are fucking throwing disabled people in solitary to lay in their own filth so they don’t have to worry about them. Fucking monsters.

      If the CPB weren’t metering that father and baby girl would be alive.

      I just can fucking NOT. People are dying, because OUR country is not following international fucking law.

      *slowly backs away from computer*

      Lights of liberty protests are Friday evening on the 12 July

      • e.a.f. says:

        yes, but trump wants to be like his heroes, Putin, Kimmie 3, Xi, etc. so he has concentration camps. He has shown the other guys he’s just like them.

        Americans might want to remember once governments start with concentration camps, they don’t stop, the just keep filling them up with any one and every one who disagrees with them. Its not like trump thinks the law applies to him.

        When is some one or something going to take him to the U.N. He is violating the game rules laid out during the Year of the Child. He needs to be taken to the Court of the Hague for crimes against humanity.

  24. Rugger9 says:

    OT but interesting, Mike Pence was summoned back to the WH pronto for some reason, with lots of speculation about why. Whether Kaiser Quisling is unwell will be determined by the tweets to come, and he had been on the twitter warpath about the NYS AG potentially filing criminal charges. So I’m guessing that KQ became unwell, and Pence is minding the store. It could be temporary or more serious, thus the note about the tweets. However, I’ve never known the Palace to interrupt any political event even to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns on Memorial Day.

    More on topic: I noticed that the CBP union head (like many other police union heads) tried to spread more lies about AOC, et al, but unfortunately one of the group had a camera. It’s also instructive to see how the “very fine people” in Trumpworld behaved with the civility they are known to have (their compadres were snowflakes getting “glittered” in Beantown, the horror). ICE and CBP need to be disbanded. The outright repeated refusal of the CBP goons to provide any sort of security for sitting members of Congress means I’d start with that office first, top to bottom. Also, as noted by the AOC and the team, this was a facility they were allowed into, presumably they engaged in good behavior. One wonders what is going on in Florida where several delegations were stopped from entering.

    Lastly, the “cleaning of the cities” isn’t a question of mere homelessness as reported by the MSM, it’s more fundamental. The “2 years” part is the “tell” because that is when SF, NYC, etc. started to push back against the Palace. This is actually a threat of imposing martial law on jurisdictions that defy the Palace.

  25. Democritus says:

    You rock for a separate WC thread, unfortunately I have to DVR and wait for the spousal unit to return before watching.

    Sorry if I missed this being posted, but just saw this again. I had seen earlier Daily Beast reports about the same issue, but this is based off a new report released by the Brennan center, which I may throw in my ebooks if I can to read.

    I am NOT amused by the tanks in DC. At motherfucking all. Trump is cloaking himself in stolen valor, and wants to be mini-Putin NOW. I think the Deutsche records currently being provided to the House have him shitting bricks. You know, back when Justice Kennedy’s son was his banker and gave him a billion despite knowing Trump was giving him fraudulent financials.

    Report: FBI, DOJ ‘Deprioritize’ Investigating Far-Right Violence

    Link to the report from the

  26. harpie says:

    !!!!!! emptywheel Retweeted
    1:26 PM – 2 Jul 2019

    HUGE CENSUS NEWS — the Government just advised that the decision has been made to print the the census questionnaire WITHOUT the citizenship question. We won. / Here’s the email from DOJ [screenshot]

    Well, I won’t believe it till it actually happens….but this is good news.

    • P J Evans says:

      DOJ apparently sent the notice to the litigants, after it got remanded to the lower court. If the idjit-in-the-WH tries to bring it back, the courts will not look with favor on the move.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Beware of Lucy and her football. Your cynicism is entirely warranted, given this administration’s conduct.

      • Rugger9 says:

        I concur, it’s typical of the Palace and the GOP minions to slip stuff in at the last moment and scream loudly it’s too late to fix it.

        • Rugger9 says:

          And… here we go! I know it’s also on Raw Story and I’m not sure who was first here. Remember that the GOP is interested in ruling over the people, not governing with the support of the people. IIRC,Chip Roy of TX is one of the GOP twerps that prevented the disaster relief bill from being approved around Memorial Day.

          I also note an article on RS (take it with a grain of salt, or a boulder) yesterday speculating about whether Ivanka would run as Kaiser Quisling’s Veep to shove out Pence. Before speculating too much, note that in the Constitution the electors must vote for the POTUS and the VPOTUS of whom one cannot be from their own state. Granted, KQ didn’t win NY but I do not see this happening except for the idea that Nepotism Barbie would then pardon her dad like Ford pardoned Nixon.

          Then again, the tweets this morning were allegedly more literate than usual. Hmmm, let’s bring back the old Kremlinology game since Pence apparently has zero items on his schedule today. I can’t really see this Palace keeping a lid on a story very long if it is true that the staff hates KQ.

        • Rugger9 says:

          Raw Story has this with some tweetage, but it shows that Kaiser Quisling is not going to leave without his question in the Census. I’m interested in how the judge scheduled an emergency hearing, how often does that happen in federal court? I don’t know where RS got it.

          This tells me the question is still in the forms sent to the printers and I’ll speculate it’s probably a Stevie Miller operation. As I noted before, the Palace will claim an “oopsie” but say it’s too late to change things now, like we saw in several of the gerrymandering cases before the 2018 elections.

        • Rugger9 says:

          I did, but the key takeaways are that there is a hearing which will have a transcript. My question was how unusual this is and my speculation is that in spite of Wilburrrrr throwing in the towel officially, the Palace minions (i.e. Miller) aren’t. Otherwise, why the rush on this hearing without any briefs? We will not know until the Census forms are released out of the printer to see what KQ actually did do. I think the Palace sent it in with the citizenship question intact, but didn’t tell Wilburrrrr so he’d have what the Reagan WH called “plausible deniability”.

    • Democritus says:

      I scared my cat I got so loud when I saw that yesterday! Great news.

      DOJ confirmed printer was told to print without question, though earl has a point about DJT & GOP lawlessness so they may try something stupid.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Many thanks. Predictable. As were that yesterday’s headlines and celebrations were premature.

        The government already conducts surveys asking for immigration information. But it has separated them from the census questionnaire for decades and for good reason. These were statistical samples, whereas the census is required to be an actual count. Big difference.

        The MSM is not doing its job in informing the public abut the nefarious purposes Trump has for including immigration questions on the census. The GOP has planned this for years, as part of its efforts to suppress the vote among those who do not vote for the GOP.

  27. errant aesthete says:


    Update on Susan DelBene (D-WA). In addition to the letter I previously sent to the Congresswoman that you included on the chart next to her name, I received a letter from her office approximately two weeks ago. She adequately covers background on the Mueller report, its release, Barr’s efforts to contradict its contents and substitute Trump’s “wishful thinking” alternative and a reasonably thorough listing on the indictments of Cohen, Manafort, Stone, et. al.

    As to her own position, she states:

    I have read the report and I am distressed by its findings and unsatisfied with the Attorney General’s behavior. I am also frustrated and concerned that the president has ignored requests from Congress for further information and has attempted to avoid legal subpoenas, but Congress has already won two challenges in court to obtain that information. I expect these legal victories to continue as Congress exercises our constitutional oversight responsibilities. However, if the Administration continues its obstructive actions by defying court orders, then that leaves Congress with few options and may make impeachment unavoidable. Impeachment is a serious charge that requires a thorough vetting of the facts for the American people.

    She closes with a thank you and “please don’t hesitate to call.”

    The letter was dated June 11, 2019. I followed up with another letter on June 25, 2019, using the congresswoman’s own words of being “distressed”, “unsatisfied”, and “beyond frustrated” and yet, “doing nothing to initiate impeachment.”

    It was a fairly long letter with a rather somber close:

    “Know this. The day is coming when you and your party will regret your decision to have failed to act on behalf of your constituents and more importantly, on behalf of this precious democracy you pledged to uphold. I for one will want to know why.”

    Seeing your post earlier, I called her office today here in Washington state since it is more likely that I will speak to a staff member. While he wouldn’t comment on DelBene’s current position on the issue, he seemed interested in what I had to say and said as much. I point that out for the sake of others who are making calls. I reached him at the end of the day in a quiet moment. And while he was careful not to reveal anything, my own words seemed to prompt a more forthcoming response, as in mentioning that “calls like mine” were extremely important to the congressman.

    • Rayne says:

      Thanks for following up with your rep. DelBene sounds like she’s on the fence and waiting for a trigger. I wonder what her position will be after Mueller’s testimony on 17-JUL.

    • Democritus says:

      Thank you! These updates and knowing people ARE working out there to help get the monster out of the White House always brighten my day some.

      Meanwhile can everyone on the East Coast go start seeding clouds for a massive rainstorm?

  28. harpie says:

    1] Here is a 7/2/19 photograph of a
    8:11 PM – 2 Jul 2019

    8:24 PM – 2 Jul 2019 [Replying to .@andyharnik .@lrozen]

    “What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independence? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coasts, the guns of our war steamers, or the strength of our gallant and disciplined army.

    “These are not our reliance against a resumption of tyranny in our fair land. All of them may be turned against our liberties, without making us stronger or weaker for the struggle.

    Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms.

    “Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, every where.

    Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors”

    The quote is from a September 11, 1858 Speech at Edwardsville

    • Democritus says:

      So fucking mad. Trump stealing valor, because he was too much of a coward to serve. Even as a REMF.

      Fuck Trump.

      Don’t forget his insulting the Capt Khan’s gold star family, his mom and dad, and John Kelly lying about the widow of a servicemember who was slain in Africa. Then lying about the Rep Frederica Wilson to boot.

  29. Vicks says:

    I will say it again.
    “The people” will ultimately decide what happens
    If “the people” want Trump impeached, he will be impeached. If they don’t he won’t and Trump and his cronies will continue to build power at “the people’s” expense.
    While the Trump administration has been acting as if their lives depended on influencing “the people” and controlling the narrative, Pelosi and company seem to be relying on what looks like a “hope and prayers” inspired strategy.
    I believe that this “game” has been the democrats to lose since day one, yet somehow they are going into the final stretch/quarter/period so far down, if they don’t have a bombshell of a play in the works this country may never be the same.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Democrats have a history of snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory. But I disagree with your premise. What people “want” can be readily manipulated. Entire industries exist and flourish to do it. Relying exclusively on polling mistakes the cart for the horse, and is a formula for inaction.

      A mundane example from decades ago: A famous breakfast cereal company spent $300 million a year to advertise unappealing, nutrition-free, salted cornmeal flakes doused in sugar, and it was highly profitable to do so.

      Leadership exists to help educate and inform the public about what government should do or avoid. I believe the Democratic leadership is badly failing in that responsibility regarding the incompetence and abuses of the current president.

      • Vicks says:

        OT I apologize, my ability to put my often complicated thoughts in writing has been a lifelong struggle, it’s a big reason I am drawn to this site. I am a huge admirer of those who do it with ease.
        I will try again.
        The point I was attempting to make seems to be yours as well. This contest will be won by whichever side convinces the most amount of people that their team represents what is best for this country and/or “the truth”.
        For all appearances team Trump has been out their busting their butts selling their position right out of the gate. They have built this incredible MAGA machine for messaging that includes Fox “news”. We have to stop kidding ourselves. They are winning.
        Democrats kinda look like chumps playing catch-up. They APPEAR to be ignoring some important tools (like an inquiry) and it seems like they are counting on the fact that they are “right” to rescue them at some point.
        For about 18 months I woke up to the almost daily news of Trump’s most recent stunt, saying “THIS HAS TO BE THE TIPPING POINT!!”
        It finally dawned on me that if we continued to view the sitution this way we could wake up one day and it would be too late. My biggest fear is that we are right now on the verge of “too late”. If the democrats can’t figure out a way to stir up complete outrage in a large majority of Americans at the shit that has been going on, the sickening events we have seen so far are just the beginning

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