Big Dick Toilets and Sasquatch Dolls: Matt Whitaker’s Qualifications To Be Dog-Catcher

I’ve followed the burgeoning scandal that the guy Trump appointed to play hatchet man to Mueller’s investigation is totally unqualified to be Acting Attorney General. But I’ve already lost track of all the reasons why. So I’m going to try to keep a running list here.

This will be updated as new issues are identified.

Legal problems with the appointment

While Steve Vladeck says it’s legal, and Marty Lederman and Walter Dellinger find OLC’s analysis, concluding that Matt Whitaker’s appointment is legal, to be plausible, a number of commentators disagree. Those include:

These arguments include a mix of constitutional (Appointments Clause) and legal (Vacancies Reform Act and the purpose of DOJ).

Numerous people are already challenging his appointment, including the state of Maryland, three Democratic Senators, and a number of criminal defendants. Quinta Jurecic is collecting all the litigation documents for those challenges here.

Other legal problems

In addition to the Constitutional and legal problems he raises, Neal Katyal also argues that Whitaker cannot legally supervise Mueller’s investigation.

David Kris points out that because of the legal questions surrounding Whitaker’s appointment and the certainty that defendants will challenge it, his appointment will create a whole bunch of downstream problems for DOJ.

A company for which Whitaker served on the board is under investigation by the FBI and FTC. Though Whitaker was subpoenaed by the FTC, he blew off that subpoena. FOIAed records show that Whitaker kept pitching the company even after receiving complaints.

One report on Trump’s efforts to get DOJ to prosecute Hillary Clinton and Jim Comey describes Whitaker prepping discussions about what it was doing in response; he reportedly “did not seem to cross any line,” but it remains to be seen whether that’s true.

Whitaker got four donations amounting to $8,800 to his 2014 Senate run in 2018, after he had started as Sessions’ Chief of Staff, which may amount to a violation of the Hatch Act. Following a complaint from watchdog group American Oversight, the Office of Special Counsel (the DOJ office in charge of reviewing such violations, among other things) opened an investigation into this.

Bureaucratic problems

There may be problems with the way that Whitaker was appointed.

As numerous people have noted, Jeff Sessions did not date his resignation, raising questions about when his authority really passed to Whitaker. (OLC says Sessions resigned on November 7.) Democrats in the House are also suggesting they believe Sessions’ forced resignation counts as a firing, which changes the options Trump would have to replace him under the Vacancies Reform Act.

Chris Geidner has reported that the White House won’t say when Whitaker was formally appointed.

Because Mueller has sought an interview with John Kelly (indeed, he’s a leading candidate to be the Mystery Appellant challenging a subpoena or something else from Mueller), it may be problematic that he played a key role in firing Jeff Sessions.

Conflict problems

Whitaker has a potential conflict with regards to the Mueller investigation tied to his relationship with Sam Clovis, who was in charge of crafting Trump’s outreach to Russia. Whitaker served as Clovis’ campaign manager in 2014.

Then, in a series of appearances Whitaker used to draw Trump’s attention, he commented on the Mueller investigation or the underlying conflict.

In a USAT column on July 5, 2016 and then multiple appearances on July 6, Whitaker suggested Hillary should have been prosecuted, partly by criticizing Jim Comey for making the decision.

On September 30, 2016, Whitaker suggested that if Trump won, he should restart the investigation into Hillary.

On May 19, 2017, Whitaker dismissed the possibility that Trump had committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey.

In July 2017, Whitaker interviewed with Don McGahn to take on the role of legal attack dog discrediting the Mueller investigation.

On July 13, 2017, Whitaker defended Donald Trump Jr taking the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting.

In a CNN interview on July 26, 2017, Whitaker described how you could defund the Special Counsel and thereby end his work.

I could see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced, it would recess appointment and that attorney general doesn’t fire Bob Mueller but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigations grinds to almost a halt.

On July 27, 2017, Whitaker said it would be a mistake to provide Mueller any further protection.

On August 4, 2017, Whitaker recommended an article that describes, “with a little planning he could install a true believer to a political position at DOJ—as a sleeper agent—and then (after easing out Sessions) elevate him or her to attorney general.”

On August 6, 2017, Whitaker used the Red Line comment Maggie and Mike teed up to describe Mueller pursuing Trump’s finances as improper.

On August 11, 2017, Whitaker suggested the investigation into Paul Manafort was outside the scope of Mueller’s appointment. In that same appearance, he suggested Mueller had engaged in prosecutorial misconduct.

On August 15, 2017, Whitaker said Mueller’s appointment was a little fishy.

On August 25, 2017, Whitaker suggested searching Manafort’s condo with a dozen agents was designed to intimidate him.

On August 30, 2017, Whitaker suggested Mueller’s investigation was politically motivated and was misusing resources that should be used elsewhere.

In spite of the fact that many of these would seem to pose conflicts that DOJ normally concludes would ethically prohibit Whitaker’s involvement in the Mueller investigation, both Trump and Whitaker appear to have known he would not recuse from the Mueller investigation even before he was appointed, though Trump has claimed (evidence to the contrary) that he didn’t talk to Whitaker about such things before he appointed him.

Financial problems

As noted by CREW when they released Whitaker’s financial disclosures, his disclosures got doctored (or “Kushnered,” as I’m now referring to serial attempts to belatedly fix glaring problems in official disclosures) four times after the time he was appointed AAG.

CREW has already filed a FOIA for those revisions.

What the records show is just as alarming.

The non-profit Whitaker worked at to, first, beat up Hillary Clinton and then audition to kill the Mueller investigation, Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, has obscure funding and genesis. It keeps changing its name. Whitaker’s salary, which went from $63,000 for part time work to $660,000 a year, made up most of its expenditures in the period before he became Sessions’ Chief of Staff. One of the guys listed as a director, James Crumley, claimed not to remember its existence. Another, Noah Wall, didn’t know he was listed as Director. While claiming to be non-partisan, it overwhelmingly attacked Democrats (and Hillary specifically), a possible violation of IRS regulations. As OpenSecrets notes, its funding comes from a black hole pass through, but the organization seems to have ties to other judiciary-related dark money groups.

The 14 companies in Iowa Whitaker worked for (reportedly, past tense) have never filed paperwork noting that, so on paper he still works for them.

In 2016, Whitaker abandoned a taxpayer-funded apartment rehabilitation project, defaulting on loans and hiding from creditors.

World Patent Marketing — the company the FBI is investigating — was totally fraudulent, pretending to help review patents without doing so. Among those the company defrauded are veterans. Among the things it marketed were Big Dick Toilets, Sasquatch dolls, and time travel.

Abuse as (or invoking past history as) US Attorney

Whitaker has already abused his position as a government prosecutor, both while serving and since.

In 2006, he prosecuted a Democratic politico, Matt McCoy and even paid an informant to incriminate him. The jury acquitted McCoy after deliberating for just 25 minutes.

Then, when serving on the advisory board for a World Patent Marketing, he threatened people who complained, including threatening them with legal retribution.


Both on his legal views and his other beliefs, Whitaker has a temperament far outside the mainstream.

When running for Senate, Whitaker argued that judges should have a biblical view and said that Marbury v. Madison — the foundation of judicial review in this country — was among the worst Supreme Court decisions.

He was among the US Attorneys who imposed the harshest sentences in drug prosecutions.

Update: Since it has attracted a lot of attention, I owe this title in part to HowdyQuicksell, but the Dog Catcher accusation (which will probably ensure no DOJ spox will ever again return my calls) is my own.

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101 replies
  1. longtimelistener says:

    This certainly fits with the larger pattern of putting corrupt and/or incompetent people in charge of agencies that they are actually hostile towards (for ex. Pruitt, Carson, DeVos, Perry … all of them, pretty much).

    As these reports keep trickling out, my take has been that picking someone with this much baggage and installing them in such an unprecedented fashion must create a lot of uncertainty, instability, and confusion on the DOJ side while making a substantial focus of the media coverage and public outrage about time machines, specialty toilets, the 1991 Rose Bowl, etc.. There are significant threads for incoming House Democrats to pull, but January 2019 is feeling a long ways off ….

    I don’t think making Whitaker acting AG was the most carefully thought out decision, or that there aren’t countless ways for it to massively backfire, but I also don’t buy the suggestion that the WH was unaware of all the issues outlined above or that this guy was the only hack they could find. I believe that the plan is to simply create chaos (or the menace of it) by putting someone like Whitaker in charge. It’s a brazen “If I go down, I’m taking you all with me” from Trump.

  2. Avattoir says:

    If CJ Roberts really wished to show how serious he is about leading the judiciary into addressing the levels of swamp gas and other toxic substances emanating from Toad Hole, he could do worse than following the recent change in international measures to the Planck Length, in proposing our courts move to a universal irreducible measure of fundamental political abuse, bullshit, corruption and grifting: the Whitaker Bowl.

  3. BobCon says:

    Maybe add the time travel cryptocurrency stuff to the section on Sasquatch and toilets?

    For a really weird take (LOTS OF ALL CAPITAL WORDS) on it, take a look at this piece by some rival time travel guy who thinks Whitaker’s former firm’s idea was too crazy:

    Rob Corddry, of all people has a good explanation of why the theory is nuts, in this interview regarding Corddry’s movie Hot Tub Time Machine 2:

    • Avattoir says:

      Time travel is every bit as real as Sasquatch and the need for big dick toilet bowls.

      If we travel back in time to 7 May 1993, we get to the Warner Bros. release date of the move “Dave”. That work would suggest the essence of this “appointment” lies – not ‘may lie’, ACTUALLY lies – in the Liar in Chief holding to a decidedly more colloquial definition of the word “acting” than that same word in the various attorneys’ opinions and courts’ precedents currently under discussion:

      whereas Dave Kovic’s fortunes turned on looking just enough like President Mitchell yet otherwise being a different person, Whitaker’s turn on him being essentially indistinguishable from the effective AG while looking just enough different.

      So, back into the time machine for a theoretical constitutional question of whether outward appearance suffices to withstand a challenge to Dave’s legitimacy as POTUS, which, one might hope, would be binding on the current question of whether outward appearance is sufficient to withstand a challenge to POTUS’s legitimacy as Attorney General.

      • BobCon says:

        I have to watch Dave again some time. Kevin Kline is great and the rest of the cast is awesome too.

        Much better than Hot Tub Time Machine, for that matter, although I haven’t seen the sequel so I can’t say if we should really trust Rob Corddry’s handle on time travel and if he’s right that Whitaker’s scheme is bunk.

        • Pete says:

          That sound you heard was H G Wells forehead palming himself wondering why he bothered to think up such a complicated mechanical contraption.

          Though on second though there could be a Trump/Whitaker-Morlock case to be made.

          Permit me a Wikipedia excerpt:

          Wells’ source for the name morlock is less clear. It may refer to the Canaanite god Moloch associated with child sacrifice. The name Morlock may be a play on mollocks – what miners might call themselves – or a Scots word for rubbish,[16] or a reference to the Morlacchi community in Dalmatia.[17]

          BTW – in the Florida Everglades – not so far from Mar-a-Lago – resides our version of Sasquatch affectionately known as The Skunk Ape. You don’t have to ask why the name.  I guess Sasquatch plays better than Skunk Ape even though Whitaker’s rip off World Patent Marketing was nominally located in Miami.  Florida – tough being native born at my age with all this Florida nonsense.

  4. Geoff says:

    An ambitious, amoral, thug, lacking any semblance of a conscience. How is it we are supposed to care a whit what this troglodyte’s opinions are on really anything related to the law, when his education in the law is not that many steps higher than a Trump University degree and his experience is one of pure hackery and malfeasance? Why dont people just laugh at him when he appears on television shows, and question his relevancy, education, accomplishments or character? Instead, they let him sit there spouting off and they take him seriously. The other guests should just say, I’m not appearing with this fool, or I am going to humiliate him so people can see what is really going on here. No one ever said no to this guy apparently, and allowed other dark characters to  groom him with huge payoffs to do their bidding. We really have to put an end to this charade of having pure political hatchet men appear and not be shut down before they are elevated to position of unwarranted power, where they can do real damage. Someone needs to start laughing in Rudy Gs face and just say out loud that despite him being in his position, he is a joke.

  5. tryggth says:

    I like that he was funded at FACT by Donors Trust, a money laundering operation that is a cutout for billionaires from shady shit like James ‘O Keefe.

    • jjohannson says:

      I mean, how do we know there ain’t Russkie dough bundled up in that remittance?  Quite a few mil landed in the NRA’s accounts, after all, which washed right into 2016 GOP campaign coffers.

      Not knowing the source of Whitaker’s windfall is a national security matter.

  6. pseudonymous in nc says:

    If Sam Clovis doesn’t know who bankrolled Whitaker’s luxury-tier wingnut welfare, he probably knows someone who does. One-person bullshit 501(c)(3) “foundations” aren’t unusual in DC, but spinning one up from nothing to six figures over a couple of years, changing names and functions and in practice tied to a very specific goal? That’s something for the IRS to look at.

    There are some really weird echoes here of the Butina influence operation.

    • Naomi says:


      DesMoines Register 28 May 2014

      Rick Perry and Matt Whitaker…   was Butina far away?

  7. bmaz says:

    I think Whitaker is illegitimately, if not illegally, placed in his current position as Acting AG. That said, I do not necessarily buy off on the hyperbole of many people to the effect that it makes any and all actions of the DOJ illegitimate as a result. There is still a Senate confirmed DAG in place, and pretty much everything, especially criminal, flows through that post. Until Rosenstein challenges something and/or is fired, am pretty sure courts will find him a backstop despite Whitaker.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      But what defense counsel won’t add a motion on this issue to the laundry list, flooding the courts with more needless work?

  8. Teddy says:

    Under “Bureaucratic Problems” I would add Whitaker’s one-on-one Oval Office meetings with Trump while he was Sessions’ Chief of Staff.  As Sessions had recused himself from the Russia probe, would that mean his direct-report staff was as well?  Was only Sessions as a person recused, or was his AG office recused? And what were those meetings about with Trump and Whitaker, anyway?

  9. Dedalus says:

    I don’t believe the “Temperament” heading does justice to his WTF legal philosophy, which alone wholly disqualifies him.    How about a separate heading for “Antediluvian Legal Philosophy” and then another for Temperament?    In the latter category, you can add his phone calls berating and threatening victims recently swindled of their life savings by his business buddies.

  10. SteveB says:

    Ken Klippenstein tweets:

    “Trump’s new DOJ chief is still working for *14* different companies, per Iowa state records I reviewed.

    The businesses are strikingly varied, spanning road racing, childcare, custom bikes, ice rinks, real estate & more.

    This may violate DOJ ethics rules:[link snipped]”

  11. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Matthew Whitaker seems the perfect foil for Donald Trump.  His application to be on the Iowa State Supreme Court, from 2010 and newly liberated for public viewing, suggests how dumb and full of himself he is.

    His poor language skills nearly rival Trump’s.  What sticks out from the application, though, is his inability to describe his legal qualifications.  Something of a liability for an applicant to the state’s highest court.

    Whitaker spends four of eight paragraphs mentioning his college football prowess.  Having already served four years as the USA for the district of southern Iowa – his strongest qualification – he barely mentions it.  He does mention that several of his fellow USAs have been placed on their state supreme courts, so Iowa better keep up.

    It seems clear that Whitaker is only mildly literate, he has inadequate analytical and legal skills, none of the judgment, and little of the management and political experience expected of a senior executive in the Department of Justice. 

    That Whitaker is even acting AG is a testament to his blunt ambition and to the cynicism of those using him.  The latter can only want the chaos and uncertainty, the loss of credibility and authority, that his brief tenure will bring to the DoJ. Who wants that but a despot-in-waiting and a criminal on the run?

    • Eureka says:

      I really did LOL at this:

      only mildly literate

      And the geek schadenfreude:

      four of eight paragraphs

      ADD: this is rivaling your SheShed/ Thelma and Louise material (of peri-Kavanaugh Era)

    • JD12 says:

      That’s hilarious! He could actually make it look like an alright resume, but the way he tries to fluff it up makes him sound like a dummy. He name drops Coach Hayden Fry, who offered him a football scholarship, but not President George W. Bush, who offered him an appointment as US Attorney?

      Also, implying that you believe the court has “wandered beyond its constitutional authority” and needs someone like you to “restore the Iowa Supreme Court to a position of respect and honor” without citing any examples probably wasn’t the brightest idea. You don’t know who everybody is who’s going to be reading that. Save that for the FedSoc meetings.

      Like some have said, Whitaker is a stupid person’s idea of a smart person. How does someone like that get through law school? It reminds me of Louie Gohmert with his Mueller manifesto, which is also funny to read. If anyone hasn’t seen it it’s here.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        Forget it, Jake.  It’s Iowa.

        Whitaker acts like Trump: it’s not what you know (nothing), it’s who you know, who you can buy, and who you can sue into poverty (or kneecap).  No wonder Humpty and Dumpty get along so well.

        I have to say, it’s worked pretty well for Whitaker in the past four or five years.  His income was over a million in some of those years.  But Peter has long since caught up with the Principle.  What we have here is a low-level collections attorney trying to pass himself off as the managing partner at a global law firm.

    • Trip says:

      Psst, Dubya picked ’em. Not the sharpest tool in the shed either. And he became president (via the judicial system). We thought that was the lowest point in anti-intellectual leadership. We were dead wrong.

  12. Trip says:


    On August 4, 2017, Whitaker recommended an article that describes, “with a little planning he could install a true believer to a political position at DOJ—as a sleeper agent—and then (after easing out Sessions) elevate him or her to attorney general.”

    The twitter account is private, so I couldn’t see what he said. But obviously he’s not exactly great in the cloak and dagger department, having tweeted it out publicly before. “Hey dude, here’s an article on how to successfully rob a bank”.

    The damn Federalist Society is setting up their own private Ukraine, replete with fucked up criminals and corruption, just like Putin’s puppet did.

  13. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Whitaker’s income since he arrived in Washington, barring his time as Sessions’s aide, makes him look a lot like a garden variety lobbyist. Virtually all of his income came from wingnut welfare organizations, set up so as to avoid disclosing who their funders were. The most likely source would be the Koch organization, but theirs is hardly the only candidate.

    As acting AG, even as the AG’s COS, Whitaker probably should have had a security clearance above top secret. But how does he get one that high with rightwing views and an employment record like his?

  14. Frank Probst says:

    For the sake of completeness, see the 11/11/18 episode of Last Week Tonight, where John Oliver covers the ass-enhancing jeans that were part of the whole time travel and Sasquatch venture.

    • Avattoir says:

      I feel a slight sad fearless leader wasn’t informed of this before posting what’s still, for a site known for smart-sleuthing hubris in the surveillance state,  notably Food Lion check-out line lit. Now I feel like the title here is saying,

      You’re up there among the most faithful readers, Frank: you shoulda taken better care. This coulda had less class, it coulda been a contender, it coulda had some bawdy ass enhancers, instead of just bidet biggening and boy dolls.

  15. Frank Probst says:

    The the “Legal Problems with the Appointment” section, add Fox News’ Judge Napolitano to the list of legal “experts” saying that the appointment is unconstitutional.

  16. Rapier says:

    I’m guessing Whitaker will be AAG in September, easy. Tell me I’m wrong. I’d be happy to be.
    The jury is out if this guy has the bureaucratic chops, and the will, to run the Justice Department. At first I thought not but after I heard he made a million bucks, beyond just working for a new law firm in Des Moines that was using Taco John’s wifi or or leaning on disgruntled customers from some Florida patent racket, one can suppose that his dick swelled enormously. Leonard Leo seems to like him. A man with some clout.

    • Avattoir says:

      “Tell me I’m wrong.” Okay: he’ll be shuffled out before incoming Chairman Nadler can strike his gavel to open the first HJC session that Whitaker runs out of the ability to duck. And Nadler is much better at wrangling process than Whitaker is at ducking.

      Always nice to bring a little happy.

  17. Dc says:

    Wonder if that ny bomber mistake revealed potentially exculpatory evidence not shared with the convicted defendant…. that would be an oops.

  18. Jenny says:

    Thanks Marcy for the laundry list of Whitaker’s major problems.  LOVE the title.  Time for another glass of wine.  Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. SpaceLifeForm says:

    “The jury acquitted McCoy after deliberating for just 25 minutes.”

    Awesome. Experienced that long to dismiss free lunch. Fed, civil. 8 jurors. Then done. 8-0. Then another 25 minutes for jury poll because plaintiff lawyer shocked. Shocked I tell you!. (ambulance chaser wanting 12 million).

    Hint to ambulance chasers: do not show pictures from fall when accident happened in spring. Tree leaves are not the same. Just saying.

  20. Valley girl says:

    “World Patent Marketing and Squatch World are offering a $1 MILLION reward to anyone that can present irrefutable evidence that Bigfoot exists.”

    https:// (delete)
    Watch vid-  I’m well on my way to collecting the prize- I don’t want to give anything away but I think its initials are DJT.

    • Valley girl says:

      0h hell, I thought I had outsmarted the part that inserts the video.  Apologies to all.  It didn’t show up when I looked at the edit.

      • Eureka says:

        I wish I knew that trick.  I am always awed when I see a youtube link as text, and not overlaying other text.  Advices, anyone?

        • Trip says:

          This Is How We Do It~Montell Jordan

          (something) In front of the link.

        • Eureka says:

          Trip with the soundtracks lately- I was running thru Living Colour the other day.

          I will try to remember that the next time I am youtube compulsed.  BUT I HAVE SEEN some magical powers where JUST the link is there.  I know it sounds like I’ve spent too much time sasquatch-spotting, but I saw it I swear.

        • Trip says:

          Maybe a moderator blocked the embed? I’ve seen it too. (I just don’t take chances, since they take up the whole damn page).

          I’ve been traveling the 90s lately, when on youtube. Some good political stuff that still kind of resonates.

          *****BTW: Marcy will be on “All In” with Chris Hayes tonight****

        • Eureka says:

          Thanks for the heads up- will record!

          And yes I am afraid of that big box appearing after I accidentally made such happen before, too.  So will go with your method or, if avail, the ‘insert hyperlink on text’ method.

          It’s so funny the cycles of music with political resonance- I have been listening to a mix cd I made in the early aughts.  (And had Cult of Personality, etc, replaying in the tape deck back in the day.)

          ADD: so your songs are displacing my songs in my head; then they come back and This is How We Do It (musical note, musical note)…

    • Tom says:

      I wonder if the Big Dick Toilet was developed especially for the burgeoning Bigfoot market.    Do you suppose Matt Whitaker sits on one at his desk at the DOJ?    Or is Matt Whitaker living proof of the existence of Bigfoot?

      • Tom says:

        Or does Matt Whitaker meet with the President on a regular basis so that Trump can place his hands on Matt’s domelike cranium and bathe in the golden glow that emanates from it?

  21. Eureka says:

    Open mic night at the emptywheel tonight! LOL at the comments that are not also otherwise heartbreaking in implication. Eh- those too.

    • Avattoir says:

      Soon as he finds out he graduated in the same class in law school as Russ Feingold & Brad Sherman, headed up a society that later hired Obama to run it, and works in an organization that’s over 40% D with a middle-aged never-married woman, a Latina and a big black dude.

  22. oldoilfieldhand says:

    Marcy on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes discussing inappropriateness of Matt Whitaker as AAG.. Also on, Jed Shugermln and Senator Jeff Merkley.
    It’s about time!
    Thank you for your perserverance, intellect and scathing wit!
    Happy Thanksgiving and hopefully rhubarb pie in on the menu.

    • Eureka says:

      Yes, thank you Marcy for (Thanksgiving prep interruptus) deploying your expertise on tv.  I don’t really know how to articulate it, but things like that make me feel better about credibility in televised media.  Not that I have a problem with Chris Hayes’ show- it’s a good one- it’s just from reading here, I have confidence in the quality of what was just discussed.

  23. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Nice work with Chris Hayes.  Ten pounds of commentary in a five pound bag.  It stretches the scope of permissible discussion in the MSM like few other commentators.

  24. Tom in AZ says:

    I arrived home and just laughed out loud when I saw Marcy on Chris Hayes tonight. Couldn’t stop grinning as I saw the famous BJ comment live back then, and more so knowing that she had been on the Whitaker case. Doing what she does best – tracking down shit on shitheads.

    • peacerme says:

      I proudly remember that moment. And make no mistake, I felt proud. Truth to power woooman!! This place has kept me sane for many years. Thank you Marcy for caring enough to use your considerable gray matter to help us muddle through these times. Happy Thanksgiving from the heartland where we are a little too buried in Red to be comfortable. I almost daily, fantasize about slipping through the boundary waters with my family in the journey of a lifetime to Canada. But I still love our constitution, and believe in the power of “seeking truth” to save us. Thank you for your part in keeping me sane. I am probably too old to break into Canada anyway….But living in Nebraska…well let’s say it this way….as a therapist…I find no shortage of wounded people! (And wounded thinking)!

  25. Trip says:

    Dave Itzkoff‏Verified account @ditzkoff

    (Dave Itzkoff Retweeted Donald J. Trump)
    To: Dave From: Dad Subject: Re: Re: FWD: Re: FWD: the TRUTH about global warming

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

    Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?

    • Eureka says:

      My reactions, in order:  (1) wow that is some profound succinct truth; (2) omg those FedSoc Doomsday Cult fuckers made ’90s email miserable and socially awkward, too!; (3) they ruin everything, just let them go to their New Zealand escape hatch properties already.

  26. Tracy says:

    Missed Chris Hayes last night but taped it, I’ll have a look just to see Marcy’s comments!!

    Thanks for compiling all this, Marcy! Wow – such a disheartening situation. It’s easy to think he’s already used his power to block some actions by the OSC. The Manafort situation will be telling, w/ some suggesting that the delay in disclosing how helpful Manafort has been is meant to come after further OSC action reveals how he helped disclose x and y leading to indictment z. I guess we will have further visibility through what comes out or doesn’t about Manafort, perhaps also the Miller situation. (I’m not a lawyer and only have time to tangentially follow all of this these days but I do think that the OSC will find ways of making public or at least signaling to Congress that Whitaker is blocking them).

    I also found interesting on Maddow 2 nights the connection b/t Nixon and head of criminal div at DOJ, in charge of the probe prior to an OSC, and what’s happening w Whittaker (James Baker was on to explain his writing). I think Jill Wine Banks said on O’Donnell’s show that this attempt to get info from DOJ about Nixon’s investigation was mentioned in an article of impeachment against him.

    This gives me hope that every step of this obstruction will be named as an offense in articles of impeachment later, which I feel confident, having read Marcy’s writings on all the underreported evidence on conspiracy – the Case in Chief – by MSM, will eventually come out and necessitate impeachment and/ or indictment.

    Thanks for all your witty and hilarious comments, everyone! It does help to make light of a bad situation! Happy Thanksgiving to all!! :-D

  27. Manqueman says:

    So unfair, expecting so much from Trump.

    He saw Whitaker on Fox and Whitaker looked good. And, obviously, he was willing to serve in the administration. What more qualification is needed? As time may prove, that’s enough for confirmation by the Senate.

  28. dude says:

    Wait a moment.  If all these disconcerting things are in Whittaker’s public record, or even a small portion of them, then why and how and who made Whittaker Session’s backstop?  Did Sessions not have any input on the selection? What was Sessions role in having this guy on board?

  29. Geoff says:

    It certainly seems like all this background on Whitaker was well known and irrelevant to his being burrowed into Sessions realm and then as the AAG. He serves one purpose and one only here, and in all likelihood he has already accomplished this by the time everyone digs up all the dirt on him to impeach or otherwise get him the hell out of the government. That purpose, obviously, is to fill in Trump on what Mueller knows. Once that is done, he is expendable, and then will have various high paid sinecures as his reward after all is said and done. Anything else he accomplishes is gravy.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Feature, not bug.  Like the guy most touted to replace John Kelly, Nick Ayers, Mikey Pence’s COS.

      The college drop-out Ayers, starting with the clothes on his back, has, by age 36, turned political consulting and government payroll jobs into a nest egg worth between 12 and 54 million dollars, through a variety of self-dealing arrangements for his political hosts.  Just the kind of guy the Don is looking for – except that he made his own fortune, albeit by scamming the system, not by inheriting it from daddy.

      The thing about political viruses is that they are just like their biological prototypes.  In their Randian way, they have discarded or outsourced all the resources needed to coexist with others or to be self-sustaining.  All, that is, except for their ability to prevent the host from recognizing the virus as foreign and dangerous, and the ability to co-opt the host to feed it and to replicate it.  That they endanger or destroy the host goes without saying.

      • AndTheSlithyToves says:

        Thanks, EOH, for bringing up Nick Ayers, open-mouthed funnel for sleazy political funds and Pence’s evil twin:

  30. Willis Warren says:

    I’m curious how much Pelosi is going to bargain away in this corruption a palooza cornucopia of dipshittery over the next two years. I don’t buy the “investigations will backfire” bs

    • cat herder says:

      And today, Hillary sez in The Guardian that the only way to deal with fearmongering over immigration, “in Europe and elsewhere”, is to shut down immigration. That’s a brilliant concept, I bet it would work if applied to just about any of the far-right’s made-up grievances. Take away their power by being just like them. Brilliant!

        • cat herder says:

          You are seriously saying that since there are lots of people upset by scary tales of rape and murder by filthy diseased immigrants rampaging across borders all over the world, that these scared people can only be shown how wrong they are by… curbing immigration? That’s kinda fucked up. Sorry.

        • bmaz says:

          I am saying that if you underestimate, or refuse to admit, the crystal clear effect it is having on EU politics, that is seriously fucked up. You don’t have to like it (and I most certainly do not), but to be blind to it is absurd.

        • Trip says:

          Alan Mills‏ @alan_uplc

          History repeats itself: armed guards at a border repelling asylum seekers. So much for “Never again.”


          headline: JEWS ON KNEES BEG NETHERLANDS ENTRY; Implore Admission at Border, but Guards Are Doubled. Pathetic scenes were reported today from the German frontier where groups of Jews, attempting to leave the Reich, literally went to their knees in imploring Netherland officials to allow them to pass. Netherland frontier guards have been doubled and strict orders have been given to prevent any refugee invasion.~NYT, November 14, 1938, Page 7

        • bmaz says:

          What a load of bunk. Certainly acknowledging actual facts and circumstances cannot be considered. Again, a total load of bunk. Seeing and working for a b better and smarter future is wonderful. That is what we do here. But to blithely look through one way rose colored glasses in the present, as you seek the better future, will not get you there.

        • cat herder says:

          I agree that there is a moral panic happening around immigration that is affecting politics. I do not agree that the basis of the moral panic is factual.

        • Trip says:

          I didn’t read the Clinton article, but if she didn’t mention Gatestone, then she is not discussing the full picture and propaganda.


          Rebekah Mercer, a billionaire heiress known for her donations to right-wing causes, was listed as a Gatestone board member in April 2017. When the foreign policy-focused website LobeLog enquired about her role in the organization, Gatestone removed all information about her from their website. It was later revealed that Mercer Family Foundation gave $150,000 to Gatestone in 2014 and 2015.[9][18][5] Gatestone had a revenue of $2.3 million in 2016…Gatestone authors frequently appear on Russian government-controlled media such as Sputnik News and RT.[5] Several Gatestone articles were promoted by Russian trolls working for the Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency, as the articles often have a common purpose with a Russian disinformation campaign which seeks to portray Western society as in crisis due to immigration of Muslims.[5]..In 2011[34] and 2012,[7] Gatestone published articles claiming that Europe had Muslim “no-go zones”, falsely describing them variously as “off-limits to non-Muslims”[7] and “microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law”.[34][35] The claim that there are areas in European cities that are lawless and off limits to local police or governed by Sharia is false.[7][34][35][9][36] Gatestone’s claims were picked up by many outlets, including FrontPageMag,[34] and The Washington Times.[35] The idea of no-go zones originated from Daniel Pipes,[34] who later retracted his claims.[7]~ MORE AT WIKIPEDIA

        • cat herder says:

          The full picture doesn’t matter, Trip. All that matters is votes. Right and wrong is determined by which one gets the most votes. Don’t make this more complicated than it has to be, you’ll just drive yourself crazy.

  31. Andy says:

    CNN needs to under go an investigation of how it selects and vets paid!!!!! commentators. I cannot believe that they put Witless on and allowed him to spew obvious garbage.

  32. Trip says:

    Cheeky Meduza:

    Meduza in English‏Verified account @meduza_en

    Korobov reportedly started feeling unwell after a severe reprimand from President Putin in mid-September, following the exposure of an apparently bungled GRU operation to assassinate Sergey Skripal in Salisbury, England.

    (Meduza in English Retweeted Meduza in English)

    Meduza in English‏Verified account @meduza_en

    BREAKING NEWS: The head of Russia’s GRU spy agency is reported dead “after a long and serious illness”

    • Trip says:

      Feb. 2, 2018,
      3 Russian spy chiefs visited the US days before Trump decided against new sanctions on Russia

      A third official, Igor Korobov — who leads the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence unit — visited the US at the same time as Naryshkin and Bortnikov but did not meet with Pompeo, one of the people said…Naryshkin and Korobov are among several Russian officials barred from entering the US under existing sanctions. Korobov was barred when Obama signed another executive order in December 2016 implementing sanctions in response to the US intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government mounted an elaborate campaign to interfere in the 2016 US election.

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