The Trump Trash Talking of Puerto Rico

This spot in our week here at Emptywheel is supposed to be a set aside for light hearted banter on sports, especially football and Formula One. That is what we have done since our beginning over a decade ago.

But I just cannot summon the enthusiasm for that right now any more than I could last weekend when the Trump racism and narcissism were already raging.

There are 3.5 million American citizens in the lurch in Puerto Rico, suffering from dehydration, starvation and death. Because of a fundamental lack of fuel to move, and communications to know, the full extent of the damage is still not really known.

So, what is the most powerful leader in the world doing? Tweeting a bunch of racially bigoted trash at the people and leaders of Puerto Rico. Here is what our disgrace of a President blasted off this morning:

That graphic was posted on Twitter by Josh Marshall of TPM, and his annotations are perfect.

Trump’s conduct is disgusting and unconscionable. From a man fiddling golfing while Rome burns Puerto Rico dies. What did the Mayor of San Juan, the largest population center and capitol hub of Puerto Rican government say? She begged for her people via a tearful plea to all of the federal government:

“We are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency and the bureaucracy,”

That would be Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz. She also had the temerity to call out Acting DHS Secretary Elaine Duke who made the horribly insensitive and asinine comment that Puerto Rico is a “good news story”. For seeking to keep her constituents from dying and calling bullshit on the actual bullshit of Elaine Duke, Trump now thinks Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz is the functional equivalent of Kim Jong-Un. Even insanity has rarely run this far amok.

Where will you find Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz? Perhaps there is a photo somewhere in an office, but since the Puerto Rican crisis began, I have never seen her portrayed by the press, or anybody else, as being anything other than tirelessly out in the streets and flooded destroyed neighborhoods with her devastated constituents. Like a real leader would be. This photo is indicative:

Remember General Russell Honore, who brought some long past due seriousness and reality to Katrina in NOLA? He is in San Juan now. Here is what he had to say when questioned on Trump’s attack on the Mayor:

“The mayor’s living on a cot and I hope the President has a good day at golf.”

Can’t argue with that. Maybe Trump can secretly meet with the Puerto Rican bondholders he so cherishes that put their craven investments ahead of the lives of American citizens, while he is relaxing at his fucking golf resort this weekend. It is simply who he, and they, are. It should NOT be who we are though. This country is better than that.

I would also like to, again, point out that the much ballyhooed by Sarah Sanders and Trump Administration “Jones Act Waiver was a complete fraud and sham on the press, public and, most of all, people of Puerto Rico. There are effectively little more than SEVEN days left on Trump’s bogus waiver and gift to craven bondholders and rapacious shippers. Trump insured he got good press for a news cycle and completely stiffed Puerto Rico of any meaningful assistance via relief from the hideously oppressive Jones Act. Heckuva job Trumpie.

If you want a couple of fantastic pieces of reportage on Puerto Rico today, go see the Washington Post piece “Lost weekend: How Trump’s time at his golf club hurt the response to Maria” as well as the superb interactive overview from the New York Times, “One Day in the Life of Battered Puerto Rico”. You will be better for having seen both.

As to the games. Eh, Pirate Mike Leach and Washington State pulled off a serious upset of USC last night. Leach had his usual awesome take. As to the NFL, the focus seems to be more on the pre-game than the real games. I will note that Tom Brady’s first start was 16 years ago today. The Patriots have since won 5 Super Bowls, 14 AFC East titles and 185 of his 238 starts. Kid can play ball. Also, this weekend is the Malaysian Grand Prix at the Sepang Circuit. Hamilton takes pole and Vettel starts at back of the grid due to a bad engine. That likely ends the Drivers’ Championship battle for yet another year.

That is it for today. Rock on, and put the thoughts of our fellow citizens of Puerto Rico in your hearts.

75 replies
    • bmaz says:

      It works for me too. What is going on here is not just racist, but intellectually sick in the head. But 38% of America thinks Trumps is great, global warming does not exist, and that actual individual Americans in Puerto Rico are at fault and that he is right to, on an ignorant and racist basis, shit on them.

      That is the state of our current Presidency. What a “leader”. What a country. As Yakov Smirnoff would say. But, hey, that would be yet another Russian showing what a mockery we are to foreign interference.

      • Evangelista says:

        On Saturday, September 30, while Trump was castigating the shop-floor supervisors and workers of Puerto Povero for not doing enough of everything for themselves from nothing and with nothing, it was reported that about ten thousand containers were on the docks in San Juan, with contents just unable to be moved inland and upland to where things were needed.  No one was saying what was in the containers, but I think we were supposed to imagine them full of fuel and water and basic commodity food-stuffs, rather than Fall fashion lines for Walmart, nylon stockings and pantyhose and winter coats in dozens of colors, which they very likely were, along with having very likely been sitting there from before the storm…

        So, how about moving stuff inland?  Whose responsibility would that be, or have been?

        According to responsible Republicans (the kind who run businesses, instead of only financing projects and selling ‘brand’, organization and logistics is what Management is for:  Getting the right parts and supplies to the right places at the right times, getting shipped in and shipped on to the assembly areas where they need to be to keep production from stopping.  To keep assembly lines and machinery in continuing and continuous operation.

        In disaster relief situations that management used to be under local control and was local government responsibility.  Then minions of government began braying that central government authority was required, to focus the operations more effectively and make the processes and movements of materials more efficient, reducing redundancies of efforts and organizing for pinpoint direction and relief effort flow…

        And so came the USA to be ‘blessed’ (or should that be ‘blessée’) with “FEMA”…

        FEMA = “Federal Emergency MANAGEMENT Administration”.

        A whole new multi-layer structure of bureaucracy was created, creating jobs for politicians’ and their contributors’ nieces and nephews…  Desk jobs, organizing and “managing”.  Not any actual get-out-and-do jobs.  No chainsaw operators, debris chippers, skip-loader operators, electrical line-persons or any such, the ones needed after every storm, large or small.  Or, apparently any with any understanding of such ones being needed, or potentially to.

        The usual in result, in all situations and locations, is for dust-clouds of FEMA fat-heads to descend on areas, while, in areas where transportation is not interdicted by expanses of ocean, bands of venturers and entrepreneurs flock in, descending to canvas neighborhoods to work deals to begin doing debris clearing, damage repairs and reconstructing, on ‘free-market’ basis, most within a range competent, some fly-by-night, some scammers.  The FEMA cloud swarms around trying to impose ‘government requirements’ for credentials (which means, mostly, especially in those kinds of situations, collecting fees for issued ‘licenses’ and ‘bonding’, which last, in almost all cases, means nothing at all, except that someone has paid a ‘bonding fee’ to some political PAC contributor institution).

        With the Atlantic Ocean preventing the usual outside operators migrations to Puerto Povero, the island did not have the influx of additional manpower FEMA depends on to take up the slack the Federal ‘Organization’ requires to migrate to do the work the federal ‘organization’ has, first and foremost, no idea how to get done, how gets done, or who does while it fucks around in portable offices pushing paper and mostly getting in the way, impeding the work and workers.

        The oceanic isolation of Puerto Povero, preventing influx of itinerant workers to do what FEMA has no idea how to do or that needs to be done, has shown up FEMA for what it really is, a Federal Bureaucracy, a boondoggle, an added multiplex of in the way bureaucratic parasites, who suck more out than they actually put in.  Check the records and you will find that FEMA is not a Democrat, or an all Republican, creation.  It is as much a product of the “less government” parasite-classes in Washington DC as of the “more government” ones.  Both sides are “more useless” fee-sucking license-issuing useless bureaucratic super-structure parasites.  There product, as we are seeing, without underground and gray-economy activities, which the over-layering bureaucracy only gets in the way of, is nothing but costs and expenses increasing impediment.

        The model is not FDR-era government assistance, it is post-FDR Republican Grand-Old-Scale government welfare scamming.

        If FEMA did actual management it would have been organizing transportation of necessities to the hinterlands of Puerto Povero immediately, to keep the machineries of civilization and civil structures in some degree of operation. That it could not proofs it not a management administration.  FEMA is also not just another layer of overhead expense, another form of useless government manifesting in additional taxation.

        FEMA is, in reality, FEMMA, a Federal Emergency Mis-Management Administration.

        For all who want dowsize of government in the USA getting rid of FEMA, and Homeland Security, another costly and useless boondoggle bureaucratic addition, along with NSA and all the rest of its worse than useless parasitic ilk, out to FISA and FISC, would be the proper place to start.


    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      Mercy and justice shall not follow us all of our days unless we jointly fight for it.  Retribution will not follow Mr. Trump’s major and minor sins, his crimes and misdemeanors without a little help.  His career has made a laughing stock of the idea.  But there’s still time.

      We are inherently optimistic.  Optimism helps us to endure the unendurable and to explain and valorize our willingness to self-sacrifice.  But optimism won’t distribute fuel or water, fix a wound, or feed a child.  As Margaret Thatcher has said, history would not remember the Good Samaritan if he had only had good intentions.

      Mrs. Thatcher’s reveal was that the Good Samaritan had money, too.  A less manipulative personality might have noticed that he acted on his good intentions.

      More daringly – and this is why the parable is remembered – the Good Samaritan helped an outsider.  He put himself in physical danger, he risked ostracism from his kinship group, to which he owed loyalty and from which he expected loyalty in return, and he risked financial loss to help someone he did not know and from whom he could expect nothing in return.  He did it anyway.

      For Mr. Trump, that makes the Good Samaritan a fool.  For Puerto Ricans, that makes him a good neighbor.

      People form governments to do what they cannot do individually, to do what they cannot do all the time or when it is needed most.  To be there when we’re not lucky enough to live next to a Good Samaritan.

      The battle, as Mrs. Thatcher well knew, is about what we have government do: What Mr. Trump, the Kochs, the Mercers want done or what Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz would have it do?

      • Peterr says:

        More daringly – and this is why the parable is remembered – the Good Samaritan helped an outsider

        Close, but not quite right. The Samaritan didn’t help an outsider — the Samaritan WAS the outsider. The insiders, the “good guys” by the lights of the first century Jewish community in Jerusalem, were the priest, the levite, and the guy who fell into the hands of robbers and was beaten and left for dead.

        Kind of turns the idea of what it means to be a hero on its head.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Depends on your perspective.  From the Jewish perspective, help was received from an outsider, who was normally a potential threat if not an outright enemy and not one from whom one was reared to expect help, let alone without a price.

          Help is given by an outsider, gratis, upending tradition and normal relations, but not given by those who passed the injured man by, shaming normal Jewish tradition.

          The Samaritan risked considerably, too.  Both perspectives shame Trump and the billionaire cohort that funds neoliberalism’s hydaheaded presence.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          One interpretation is that one goal of the parable was to upend tradition, to allow the possibility that there were no outsiders.  Imagine all the people living for today, as John Lennon might have said.

        • Peterr says:

          Jesus told the parable explicitly to skewer the mindset of Jewish religious elites, in this case a nice lawyer (waving to bmaz), and like all of Jesus’ parables, it was designed to take the worldview of the hearers and turn it upside down. The lawyer engaged Jesus in a discussion of the law of Moses, which after a time led the lawyer to ask a followup question: “But who is my neighbor?”

          [Aside: there’s a saying that a lawyer should never ask a question to which he or she does not know the answer. This story shows what can happen when you neglect this bit of wisdom. But I digress . . .]

          Jesus’ answer not only allows for the possibility that there are no outsiders, but demands it. “Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” asked Jesus at the end of his story.  The lawyer replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”

          If there is someone with a need, that someone is your neighbor. Period.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Go and do likewise.  Assume the risks taken by the Good Samaritan, if need be, to do it.  Act beyond the law to bring us all into it and to live it.

          Mr. Trump, as usual, understands the exact opposite of that aspiration.  Screw the other guy before he can screw you.  Ensure that he cannot do the same.  Make a buck doing it.  His is the way of the outlaw.  Thankfully, we don’t all follow it.  And thank you, Mayor Carmen Luiz Cruz for showing us how it can be done.

      • bmaz says:

        This will seem excessively sappy. Apologies for that.

        But since the earliest days, I was always excited to read the comments here at EW as much, if not more, as our own posts. This kind of comment is exactly why that was.

  1. Ed Walker says:

    And just as bmaz can’t bring himself to talk trash, I’m continuing my boycott of ND football. I haven’t watched a single play this season except one I caught on Sports Center by accident.

  2. lefty665 says:

    Hecka of a job Trumpie. I didn’t think we would ever see a dumber presidential response to a disaster than Duhbya’s, but it seems we have. Congratulations Trump for setting a new low by picking a Twitter fight with a mayor struggling with the devastation of her city after a hurricane. WTF?

    Here’s a start on NFL trash.
    ‘Skins vs Chefs Monday night should be a good one. The ‘Skins shocked (and thrilled) us last Sunday night by unplugging the Chargers. Held them to 118 total yards and the only points they scored were on ‘Skins turnovers. ‘Skins actually played 4 quarters of good football. Are they for real, will they do it again? Inquiring minds want to know.

    D looked awesome, and can can be back again this week. Tomsula is the real deal as D line coach, that is a transformed group. Swearinger has lit up the D at safety, Norman and Breeland are playing like they mean it at corner, LB Zach Brown is #2 in the league in tackles, and Kerrigan and Smith are forces at OLB. Smith looks like he has decided he actually wants to play football.

    Cousins was NFL O player of the week last week with a 150.4 QB rating, but is currently off waiting for his first born to arrive. O line is talented but has had some struggles, especially Moses at RT. Vernon Davis has blossomed replacing injured Jordon Reid at TE, he still has some legs and moves as an old guy. RB Chris Thompson was good for a combined spectacular 18something yards, and Josh Doctson showed up (finally) at WR with a spectacular TD catch. The O played well together.

    Will the ‘Skins show up for a second week in a row? Who knows, and the Chefs have been on a roll. Can the ‘Skins D stop Hunt, will the good Cousins show up, can he avoid Justin Houston? Should be a game worth watching.

    • bmaz says:

      DJ Swearinger, was pretty darn good here. Was a little surprised the Cards did not do more to keep him. They must have really thought Tyrann Matthieu’s injuries would be behind him. But Swearinger really filled in well for Honey Badger, and that is saying something, because a healthy Matthieu is really something.

      • lefty665 says:

        Swearinger has put his imprint on the defensive secondary.  He’s firing up the D, reading offenses and calling coverages, and he has done a remarkable job mentoring rookie safety Montae Nicholson. He put a hit on Marshawn Lynch last week that ought to make the highlight reels. Here’s a nice piece on him from today’s Wash Post.

        Thanks for putting a fine point on what kind of an absolute jerk Trump has been with Puerto Rico. It would be unfuckingbelievable if it were not happening before our eyes.  The Russians can bridge the Euphrates in Syria and support their allied vehicles and encampments there. Surely we can bridge rivers and repair roads to get gasoline, water and food to help our own citizens a lot closer to home.

        • bmaz says:

          We have helicopters that can lift fucking buildings. Can they not get big containers of gas and diesel distributed on, as the San Juan Mayor noted, an island that is only 120 miles by 35 miles in dimension?

          Of course we could and can. We are just not doing it, and it is sick.

        • posaune says:

          If this administration cared at all, they could “commission” a dozen+ cruise ships, send them to PR and house people until the power and water is restored.   They could set up schools on the ships to take of children while their parents try to fix things.

          There are so many things that could be done.   One can see just how much detritus comprises the Trump conscience.  Ugh.

  3. Bay State Librul says:

    Bmaz, thanks for the opportunity to provide “the con to end all cons.”

    Trump: “My plan is for the working people, and my plan is for jobs.”
    Reporter: “You wouldn’t benefit under your tax plan?”
    Trump: “No, I don’t benefit. I don’t benefit. In fact, very very strongly, as you see, I think there’s very little benefit for people of wealth

    Repeal the alternative minimum tax (also known as alt min) — Con could save $31.3 Million
    Reduce highest rate from 39.6 % to 35% – Con could save $500,000
    Reduced tax rate to 25% for certain entities – – The Con Man has over 500 LLC’s — Con could save $16 Million
    Eliminate the entire Estate Tax — The Con Man could save $1.1 Billion (that’s right Billion).
    If they do eliminate the state tax deduction, he would pay 3-5 Million more. Blue states are hit hard.

    How can anyone with an ounce of brains believe this pathetic con artist?

  4. Jim White says:

    Yesterday, Mr. bmaz sent me a link to a terrific organization called “Operation BBQ Relief” (be sure to watch the video on their site to see them in action). These amazing people are on the ground in Puerto Rico, smoking an incredible number of pork butts and feeding close to 50,000 people a day. I just sent a donation their way to celebrate the Gators finally winning a game that didn’t come down to the final play.

  5. orionATL says:

    it hasn’t happened in puerto rico yet and it may not if the pathogen is not widely extant, but conditions now are perfect for a cholera epidemic – damaged sewer systems, damaged water supply, damaged medical delivery systems:

    a cholera epidemic would be one of the worst outcomes, but isn’t the only epidemic possible.

  6. orionATL says:

    here is the most complete short report i have seen on the major problems puerto ricans face, annotated problem by problem:

    as an example look at the map of p. r. highways and note that there are several dozen mudslides or washouts or bridge outs in the main artery around the island. the center of the island is entirely mountainous (~3500 – 4000′).

    this is a problem of an enormous physical catastrophy caused by direct hit of a category 4 hurricane traversing the entire island from southeast to northwest.

    this is not a problem of happy-go-lucky, song-singing natives sitting around on the porches of their shacks not working, not saving, not planning ahead – you know, the entire well-worn sterotype which president trump’s insulting tweets of the last few days were designed to activate in some susceptible american minds – hinding our president’s personal incompetence behind debasing caricatures of the actual victims.

  7. bmaz says:

    Right. But this IS exactly the type of infirm environment the lore of our military is literally premised on.

    Gotta build a beachhead? Gotta build a bridge for an invasion force?

    That is simply everything we are supposed to be. But, why not now?

    You think Puerto Rico would be starving for truck drivers and fuel to deliver relief if Trump Admin not choking the DOD??

    • Peterr says:

      Somewhere in the bowels of the Pentagon, and in the HQs of various bases, there are colonels beating their heads against their desks. “We go to a great deal of trouble to invent practice scenarios and then run our folks through them. That costs a lot of money, because we want really really good practice. Now, there are folks in Puerto Rico who need what we can do, and we can cancel one of those expensive practice sessions to help them out. And no one at $%@!* 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with any &$^@($&!$ power or influence has a $^#*$@ *%*#&$ clue!”

      Yes, Gen. John Kelly, USMC (ret), former head of US Southern Command (with responsibility for the Carribean) they are angry with you. You have either forgotten what your troops can do, or you are a powerless pawn of a trollish lout — take your pick.

  8. Charles says:

    I am pretty well convinced that the slow response to Puerto Rico is not simple incompetence, but part of a calculated strategy to coerce the island to sell off its electric utility and place itself into permanent indenture. My reasoning is here. But to summarize: Due to a conservative government’s decision to offer tax incentives for industry to locate on the island, PR fell deep into debt. Vulture capital bought up its distressed debt and then forced through legislation to force the island to cut services to pay off debt: bankruptcy was forbidden.  One of the only assets the island had was its utility company, which it didn’t want to sell because it was one of the few things bringing in money.

    OK: so, there’s a hurricane. Puerto Rico is about 80% dependent on gas and oil for power generation. These in turn are essential for sewage treatment and water purification.  FEMA did not pre-position supplies of this or anything else. It is about a four day journey by ship from the US to San Juan. And yet one week after the storm, the island is running out of fuel (not to mention food and clean water).

    And, just to make sure that no meddling country like Cuba or Venezuela could help out, the Jones Act is left in place.

    There’s a saying, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” In the case of Trump, the quote should be inverted. Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, NY Mag:

    At a certain point, incompetence becomes so unstinting, so impervious to correction, so aggrieved and outraged in the face of criticism, that it becomes its own kind of malice.



    • orionATL says:

      hey, wait a minute. haven’t i seen this movie before?

      private individuals scavenging in a financially troubled nation for valuable public infrastructure that they can buy at firesale prices, enriching themselves mightily?

      why yes, as a matter of fact – russia in the 1990’s.

      our prez, boy he’s some dealmaker.

    • bmaz says:

      Charles – Yes. If that was not the intent of the lack of intelligent pre-positioning and response, it sure seems to be the response to the reckless failure thereof.

  9. Peterr says:

    FAA 1, Bolts 0.

    From Deadspin:

    Dean Spanos and the Los Angeles Chargers recently asked the Federal Aviation Administration to grant what is called a temporary flight restriction over StubHub Center on Chargers game days, arguing that an airplane flying over an arena packed with NFL fans is an inherently dangerous proposition. . . .

    Terror! Terror! Terror!

    . . . Of course, that’s not the real issue. The real issue is that one of the planes doing the flying over StubHub Center—owned by disgruntled Chargers fan Joseph McRae—is towing banners carrying anti-Dean Spanos messages.

    See the link for pictures of the messages, the first of which starts with “Worst owner in sports? Dean Spanos”

    So what did the FAA do?

    Unfortunately for Spanos, the FAA has now reportedly denied the request, meaning disgruntled San Diego fans and fans of high comedy can now fly taunting banners over StubHub Center just as often as existing air traffic laws will otherwise permit. Most embarrassing of all is the FAA’s reasoning for declining to issue the restriction, per FOX 5 San Diego:

    However, the FAA only grants TFRs for stadiums and arenas that hold 30,000 or more, and since the StubHub Center capacity is under 30,000 — the Chargers announced a sellout at 25,386 during their game with the Kansas City Chiefs last Sunday — the FAA will not grant the TFR.

    God bless the FAA.

    • bmaz says:

      Orion, welcome to the F1 world. It is a beyond wonderful, yet often maddening, place. But the machinery and drivers simply have no equal in the world. Both are the best of the best, and remarkable.

      • orionATL says:

        yeah, otherwordly for sure.

        according to the finish clock (1:54: –) + the text, 80% was run at full throttle. damn. lose your concentration for 1 second in those 2 hours at those speeds and……

        and for those 2 hours, you’re tucked away, except for your helmet and your eyes, in the belly of the beast.

        • bmaz says:

          I have been fortunate enough, because of family connections, to have been around F1 pretty closely since I was a kid in the mid to late 60’s. The history, and the stories, are legend. If interested, I would highly recommend a book by the name of “Yankee Champion”. It is the story of Phil Hill, who was the family friend I mentioned, and also the first, and only one of two, American F1 champions ever. The other was Mario Andretti, some nearly 20 years later. Other than that, the US has never really come close to a championship. But Yankee Champion is the tale of the old days of F1. It is different now, but still, in a way, the same. I think you would love that history.

        • orionATL says:

          tx for the cite.

          i always wondered about that connection. very interesting happenstance in life. very rare for anyone.

        • bmaz says:

          It is totally weird. And happenstance is exactly the right word for it. But if so inclined, do find that book and read it. I really do bet you would like it. And that kind of era is pretty refreshing from what we have now.

        • bmaz says:

          That goes for you too! Seriously, if this history is interesting  to you, I bet you would like it. I have never read the updated version, that I understand exists now (is that like 25years??) Anyway, I too probably need to go read it again, especially with the updates.

        • lefty665 says:

          Bet I would, but it would probably make me feel old too. Those days of Phil Hill, Foyt, Moss, F1, Indy, Can Am and NASCAR seem very far away, idyllic and innocent. It would at least bring smiles instead of tears and locking my jaws up like Burns’ Vietnam did. Talk about anger at dumbfuck Presidents, Trump’s got nothing on Johnson and Nixon.

    • lefty665 says:

      And what you don’t really see is the cubic money invested in aerodynamics and downforce. They’ve come a long, long way from Jim Hall and his Chaparrals that pioneered aero long ago when I was following them. Whole damn car back then probably didn’t cost as much as the $50k steering wheel in today’s F1s. They’re not in Texas anymore, it’s the race car world of the future. Truly amazing.

      Overview of the cars

  10. bmaz says:

    The white horn helmets of the Rams look absolutely stupid with the blue and gold uniforms. Who made that idiotic call?

    • scribe says:

      The NFL Merchandising Department.  You want stupid-looking uniform variants?  Go check out all the different kinds of NY Yankees caps on the market.

      • bmaz says:

        How bout that “color rush” shit??

        Although I am one of the few humans who kind of like the Stillers bumblebee kits. So I may be a bad human.

  11. scribe says:

    I am liking the Stillers at Crows.  Mmm-hmm.

    Biebs’ boys hosting Cam, not too hot.  Patsies’ D sucks, possibly even more than their O-line.   Biebs taking a beating, too.

    • Bay State Librul says:

      You are right.

      Patsies lost a close one due to their own making (penalties).

      Do you think the Sox have a chance beating the Astros?



  12. scribe says:

    Joe Fluke-o, he of the Ravens’ cap-busting contract, has been intercepted in 10 straight games.


    Thank you, Ryan Shazier, for keeping that streak alive.

  13. Anon says:

    Good post but I’m afraid you omitted the worst of the tweets where he referred to people in Puerto Rico criticizing him as ‘politically motivated ingrates‘ I am sure presidents have said such things privately since Washington but to publicly call the people you work for ingrates is really beyond the pale, even for him. I would expect that kind of language from a CEO criticizing the uppity janitors. Or a plantation owner whining about his slaves. And perhaps that is what it is to him.

    Even if they find that the administration did everything right, noone will ever believe it. Not now that he called American Citizens ‘ingrates’.

    His stupidity gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

    • Peterr says:

      Given that Trump tweeted about the “politically motivate ingrates” at 5:22am on October 1 and bmaz wrote this post on September 30th, I think I’ll give him a pass on not mentioning that tweet.

      This time.

      But don’t let it happen again.

      • Bay State Librul says:

        You and Earl’s discussion on The Good Samaritan parable was a big winner.

        It describes how one might feel after consuming everything in the Con’s path, starting with the Inauguration.

        Remember when the Seinfeld gang landed in a small western Massachusetts town and were arrested?

        Dagnabbit, can we slip in a plank in Donnie’s impeachment article that he has violated, in principle, all Good Samaritan laws?




  14. harpie says:


    you tweet:  

    As interested whether Paddock has a history of domestic violence–as mass shooters if whatever motive often have–as I am in what we call it

    In this CBS interview with the shooter’s brother, he says

    Mary Lou, I mean that’s why I was on the phone with the cops. because we were worried that he might  have hurt her, too.


  15. wayoutwest says:

    You have to wonder about the bravado, or is it ignorance, used by the snowflakes to race bait Trump for his comments about the leadership in Puerto Rico. 76% of Puerto Ricans are White people with European roots which is a higher percentage than the mainland population. The snowflakes including Sanders and some talking heads are labeling people in Puerto Rico as all ‘people of color’ to fit their moronic racist meme.

    The Puerto Ricans I’ve known resisted being grouped with Mexicans and other actual people of color and if someone called them a minority there was liable to be a fistfight.

      • wayoutwest says:

        It’s hard to decide whether you are doubling down on bravado or ignorance or if it matters. I can’t expect too much awareness from a trash-talking professional so perhaps someone like Heraldo Riveracould clear up your confusion aboutwho most of the Puerto Ricsns are.

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