It’s Not the Economy, Stupid

Despite Bill Clinton’s famous catchphrase that he rode to two terms in the White House, and despite its echo in the 2016 campaign when Trump voters were described as acting out of “economic anxiety”, politics in the United States in my lifetime comes down, first and foremost, to racism. Yes, in Trump’s case and for most Republicans in office, there is a hefty dose of misogyny mixed in, but the animus against those who are not old, rich, white males unites their hatred.

Russia affected the 2016 contest. Clearly. But one of their primary tools was to stoke racial animus. Another huge impact on the actual outcome of the election was the outright suppression of minority votes by Republicans. It now appears that they may well have tipped the Wisconsin vote through suppression. And all those millions of votes for Trump, in the end, amount to nothing more than a huge endorsement of his outright racism. In the end, they came out on top with a little help from Republican policies expressly developed to prevent minorities from voting.

Trump is America’s racism unmasked and he would not be President if there weren’t a huge racist component to American culture today. The primary home for that racism is the Republican party.

The last few days have shown Trump revealing both his deep-seated racism and his cynical understanding that virtually his only support now is rooted in America’s racism. He tried his best to make his response to NFL protests be about the flag and patriotism. But that is most definitely NOT what Colin Kaepernick was protesting when he started this movement in August of 2016:

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has willingly immersed himself into controversy by refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem in protest of what he deems are wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States.

His latest refusal to stand for the anthem — he has done this in at least one other preseason game — came before the 49ers’ preseason loss to Green Bay at Levi’s Stadium on Friday night.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Making matters even worse, NFL teams and even billionaire NFL owners–the very parties responsible for Kaepernick still not being on a roster despite abysmal quarterback play on several teams–came out with what some folks saw as admirable statements and actions in response to Trump calling for owners to “fire the sons of bitches” who kneel during the national anthem. The best response to that development came from Shannon Sharpe. If you haven’t seen it yet, watch the entire statement, it is a thing of beauty and something that every American needs to hear:

So what are we to do?

First, those of us who carry the advantage of being old, white males who are at least comfortable if not rich must speak up every time there is an instance of racial injustice. Especially at the local level, when the police treat minorities without respect, make it known that this will not stand. Support larger groups that are working to promote racial justice.

But perhaps it is also worth taking look at our own lives. What aspects of our own lives help to perpetuate racial injustice? Even simple actions can accumulate. The next time you reconcile a credit card statement, take a look at your choices. Do you only eat at faceless chain restaurants? When was the last time you had a meal at a locally owned restaurant with a minority owner? Those are likely some of the best eating establishments in your town if you take the time to look around and try some new cuisines.

How about schools? Do you send your kids to private schools, most of which have been established to get around integration? Worse yet, do you send them to charter schools, which are set up expressly to take money away from public schools?

How about your place of worship? Is it integrated? Does it have any activities or programs aimed at racial justice?

One small action that I’ve decided to take is that I won’t watch another down of NFL football until Colin Kaepernick has been signed by a team.

Trump is the poster child for American racism, but we could all benefit from spending a little time thinking about our own roles both in how he came to be President and what we can do to make sure his sort never gets there again.

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17 replies
  1. Peterr says:

    You can hear the preacher in Shannon Sharpe. Just reading a transcript won’t do it, folks — you gotta hear the man preach.

    How about your place of worship? Is it integrated? Does it have any activities or programs aimed at racial justice?

    Yes and yes. Thanks for asking, but better would be that the question didn’t even have to be asked.

    I’ve been watching the protests in St. Louis over the last 10 days, following the acquittal of yet another police officer who spoke the magic words (“I was in fear for my life”) that got him off on charges of murder. Never mind that during the chase, the officer said into a live mic that he was going to kill the guy he was chasing. It’s starting to push folks to ask and answer the same questions you pose here, adding in that the mindless support for militaristic police has got to end.

    [Re the video . . . I laughed out loud when Skip uttered his first words around the 8 minute mark: “OK, so just to be clear — you were unimpressed with the reaction to President Trump’s statements on Saturday night?” Maybe it’s just me, but I thought Shannon was pretty damn clear on that point by about the 0:30 mark.]

    • Jim White says:

      Yes, that’s one of the great tragedies of our current time that the question has to be asked. Of course it wasn’t directed at you, but my feeling is that 11 am on Sunday is the most segregated hour in our country.

      And thanks for keeping us posted on the happenings in St. Louis. It’s hard to see anything about the protests now in the national outlets.

      • Peterr says:

        I didn’t take it as directed at me at all, but I am just as aware as you are of the segregated nature of Sunday morning.

        As for St. Louis, I think they got lost behind news like 3 massive hurricanes, two catastrophic earthquakes in Mexico, and the increasing tensions with North Korea. I’m not generally someone to give the media a pass for not sufficiently covering stories like St. Louis, but this has been one helluva two weeks for editors. Even for a 24 hour cable news outlet, there comes a point when “we’ve only got 24 hours to work with!” is true and not just an excuse for sloppy coverage decisions.

    • SpaceLifeForm says:

      You left out that the cop forced the subject car to wreck, shot subject 5 times when there was no threat from subject, and then planted a gun. All on vest cam.

      See why people are pissed?
      See how many white people in St. Louis are upset?

      • SpaceLifeForm says:

        followup edit.

        A lot of the protestors in St. Louis are white.

        They see the injustice. Most actually try to work with each other. But there are gangs and outside influences, that try to stir up shit. See #Ferguson.

  2. lefty665 says:

    America is still racist to the core. We have eliminated de jure segregation, but de facto thrives. We segregate by who we live with, socialize with, send our kids to school with. Are there exceptions? Sure, but the norm from sea to shining sea is de facto racist. Trump plays to the worst in us, but he is a symptom, not the disease.

    In Charlottesville black opinion was to the effect that white folks could squabble among themselves over statues, but until white disrespect for the black community changed the statues did not matter, and if disrespect changed then the statues did not matter either.

    It is the economy, stupid. Minority wages lag behind white. Following the economic collapse median black household net worth collapsed to nearly zero while white fell to about $100k. In Charlottesville, again as an example, urban renewal destroyed the traditional black community of Vinegar Hill. Black people are predominately in lower wage jobs. Gentrification means that most black workers in the city can only afford to live outside the city.

    It is also Pogo redux “We have met the enemy and he is us”.  If the country changes Trump shrivels. Until we change, focusing on Trump or statues blinds us to becoming an integrated society with equality and opportunity for all. Taking off our blinders is a first step.

  3. Bay State Librul says:

    Not to be an asshole, but do you have any regrets with your vote which helped elect Don the Con. I know you didn’t vote for Donnie, but you are a good democrat and hated Hillary. As a result, we have a Supreme Court Justice who will help screw up the country and a President who is an avowed racist. Repent, man, repent…. This would never happen on Hillary’s watch.

    • lefty665 says:

      You can’t help it, you are what you are. No regrets, I was afraid one of the mofos was going to win, and sure enough one of them did. We’d be in a different world of shit with Hillary, but still a world of shit. Guess you haven’t been paying attention to her book tour. Dems have to be hoping she’ll crawl under a rock while the Repubs are praying she’ll keep running her mouth through ’18. If she keeps it up she might cost the Dems ’18 too. Mox nix, neolibs are every bit as deplorable and racist as neo-Nazis.

  4. Bay State Librul says:

    False equivalency. Get over your hatred. Listened to Hill for an hour, she is one smart woman. She does not campaign well and is better in person. Not sure how you can live with yourself…. Get rid of our avatar, you are no lefty, sir……………
    What we need is a women prez…………
    I am beginning to wonder if Massachusetts and the blue states should secede from the union because the South (I lived there for three years) is so fucked up…….

    • lefty665 says:

      Sigh, not hatred, objective realism. Get over your mindless adoration. Hillary’s not dumb, but she’s not as smart as you and she think she is (which is part of her problem). She is however a corrupt, lying, neolib, neocon, and completely delusional about why she lost the election. She is no better in person than on the campaign trail. She is in her own way as scary as Trump. If you guys don’t wake up, reform the Party, and get back to your New Deal roots the Repubs are going to take you to the cleaners again in ’18, and that is not good for the country.

      We need a president with the integrity to get us back on track to a public sector that acts in the interests of the American people, gender or race are not relevant. Remember, white men do not have a monopoly on corruption or stupidity. Mixed capitalism worked for a long time to restrain the excesses of capitalism and to channel its energies for the good of the country. It can do it again, but Dems must dump the neolib elites from the drivers seat to have any hope of getting there. Sanders, Warren, Ellison, Gabbard and about half the Party have the right idea.

      I voted for a woman for president, and you picked on me for that, WTF? Get over yourself, I’m a lot further left than you ever dreamed of being. I never aspired to be a weenie librul, and never labeled myself one, either proudly or in shame. Right wing, elitist, neo liberal fits you better. Bet you sucked up to Bill and the right wing DLC too.  Humm, there were a lot of folks in Massachusetts and other northern states that fought a war against succession. You think it was a mistake that they won? There are some folks in the South who would agree with you, but I am not among them.


  5. Bay State Librul says:

    Scary as Trump. You’ve got to be shitting me. You have lost your fucking mind. You are not a realist but a shaman. You were conned baby.

  6. orionATL says:

    honestly, lefty, this is one of the most unhinged, emotionally manipulative fits i’ve seen you pitch here.

    never in the time you’ve been writing here have i ever heard you speak passionately about race – until now, until it fits neatly into your emotionally manipulative diatribe. your sudden concern for race here reminds me of your sudden conversion to “peace with russia” which started showing up here after the election when you began covertly defending trump.

    as for your incredible history of vituperative disparagement of first bill clinton then, more recently, hillary clinton, i can only say i have never seen anyone hold a grudge as persistently and as harshly as your grudge against the clintons.

    as for economics being primary in the last election, despite all the media noise right after the election, it most certainly was not, as many dems will find out in 2018.

    there’s plenty of research to show that dislike of people of a different culture, ethnic group, or language fueled the affection for trump, together with strong unease about cultural shifting as white culture’s dominance slipped.

    • bmaz says:

      Hi guys. I have tried to say this before. BUT, please stop this shit.

      You are both valued here, but this is truly tiring.

      • orionATL says:

        bmaz – since you put it in my mail box, i assume your fair and balanced reprimand was aimed at me.

        is this comment of lefty’s what you would considef high-quality commentary here?

        lefty –

        “… Sigh, not hatred, objective realism. Get over your mindless adoration. Hillary’s not dumb, but she’s not as smart as you and she think she is (which is part of her problem). She is however a corrupt, lying, neolib, neocon, and completely delusional about why she lost the election. She is no better in person than on the campaign trail. She is in her own way as scary as Trump. If you guys don’t wake up, reform the Party, and get back to your New Deal roots the Repubs are going to take you to the cleaners again in ’18, and that is not good for the country… ”

        or this, addressed to bay state librul?

        “… You can’t help it, you are what you are. No regrets, I was afraid one of the mofos was going to win, and sure enough one of them did. We’d be in a different world of shit with Hillary, but still a world of shit. Guess you haven’t been paying attention to her book tour. Dems have to be hoping she’ll crawl under a rock while the Repubs are praying she’ll keep running her mouth through ’18. If she keeps it up she might cost the Dems ’18 too. Mox nix, neolibs are every bit as deplorable and racist as neo-Nazis… “

  7. Bay State Librul says:

    I’ll take responsibility.
    Bmaz, sometimes you have to call people out. Hey you called me dumb when I called Don the Con a traitor. I’t didn’t fit into your legalistic mind set. You know, tough shit, sometimes I don’t agree with you. Somehow you were feed up on dealing with that fucking lying son of a bitch Trump.
    Suggestion: why don’t you set up an open forum so we can rant about the dickhead? The man is evil and mentally deranged.

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