Wherein emptywheel Avoids Saying Blowjob on the TV

Amid a crazy week traveling, I kept getting asked to do TV, in one case extending a short airport transfer in Chicago overnight to appear on Democracy Now. I thought I’d share today’s interviews.

To explain the Beeb clip above: I have a history of totally bolloxing the time difference in Chicago. So I thought I had another hour to get myself safely ensconced someplace quiet at O’Hare. Instead, they texted me and said I had 5 minutes while I was on the El heading out to O’Hare. So I jumped off at the next stop, huddled down in a shelter and did the interview sitting on the platform. The Beeb did a tremendous job editing out the train and highway noise–I could barely hear myself speak.

Then there’s this Democracy Now interview, which was a comedy of errors in its own way (if one of you wants to walk me through buying my own TV interview earpiece, I’d appreciate the help). I think the interview was good; it’s always a treat to be on with Amy Goodman. But I wanted to call attention to this part of the interview.

MARCY WHEELER: Right. So, this is not Ken Starr. For those of you old enough to remember, Ken Starr was investigating everything and everywhere and couldn’t be fired. And that—the law that authorized such investigations was ended, on the logic that they encouraged kind of wide—they encouraged investigators to keep investigating until they found anything, such as the consensual relationship between Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

You can too teach an old dog new tricks!

One more note: the lack of make-up in these was not my fault. I thought I was adulting plenty by bringing a jacket with me just in case I had to go adulting somewhere, so I was reasonably okay for the Democracy Now interview. But I didn’t have makeup with me because … why?

Something new to add to my adulting list, now that I’ve mastered translating “blowjob” into “consensual relationship,” and even before coffee: make-up.

Some day soon I might yet grow up.

Update: Adding a link to the Intercepted podcast I was on with Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald, because it was a lot of fun.

20 replies
  1. Peterr says:

    I used to live in Chicago, and rode the L frequently. In all those rides, I saw a whole lot of interesting things taking place on the platforms and in the stations (including a couple of those “consensual relationships” of which you cannot talk about on television). I saw plenty of people sitting by themselves and appearing to talk to no one in particular, but since this was in the ancient days before cell phones became ubiquitous, I’m pretty sure they actually *were* talking to no one in particular and not with the esteemed folks at the British Broadcasting Company.

    Speaking of the BBC, however, I was driving down the highway when I heard their DC correspondent talking to London this afternoon (Chicago time, not London time) about Short Ride Joe being the leading candidate to be the new FBI director. She was gushing over how grand a bipartisan pick Short Ride Joe would be, because he is a Democrat who works with Republicans so well, so everyone on both sides of the aisle would be happy with him.

    I almost went off the road.

    The BBC clearly needs to up their game in DC. Maybe you can help them out and improve the accuracy of their reporting on how Joe is perceived by Democrats.

    • P J Evans says:

      Joe is well-remembered by a lot of people at the Great Orange Satan. Not favorably, I should add, and the consensus is that he’s unqualified for the job and should be blocked for that and also for the very, very obvious conflict of interest – he works for the same law firm as His Orange Obesity’s lawyers.

      (Do we need to get out the Kiss float again?)

  2. Petey says:

    Boo, hiss! Saying “blowjob” on the TV is your #brand, Marcy. Don’t give in to the nattering nabobs of negativism.

  3. SpaceLifeForm says:


    Never grow up. It means you don’t care.
    Always keep doing ‘Full Speed Ahead’.

    Always. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.

    What else is there to live for if you decide you are old and don’t give a damn anymore?

    You and PJ are the most beautiful women I know, even without makeup.

  4. SpaceLifeForm says:


    According to lawmakers, Rosenstein confirmed that the bureau’s investigation into Russian interference in the election is no longer strictly a counterintelligence investigation — a kind of probe that does not normally result in charges — but also a criminal one.

    ‘He also said he was aware President Trump intended to fire Comey prior to penning a memo that the White House later used as its justification for the dismissal.

    [It’s too late Joe. Procrastinate]

  5. Evangelista says:

    My favorite in the “comedy of errors” DemocracyNow! interview was the revelation provided in:

    AMY GOODMAN: …no other politician in history has ever been treated worse or more unfairly by the media. Your response?

    MARCY WHEELER: Right. Ronald Reagan, JFK, Abraham Lincoln—those politicians were shot.”

    … They were shot… “…by the media…”?

    You may have opened a new field for Conspiracy Research, Marcy

    “Mr. Oswald!  Mr. Oswald!  ABC, CBS or NBC?  And how much did they pay you?”  … “What-off?  You mean a Russian hired you? … Like ‘Pravda’?”… …BANG!…  “Hey!  Jack!  For Chrissake!  It was my question!  You butted in!”


    “And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Hinkley, jr. putting one in for the Foster…  Made possible by a grant from NPR…”

    “Say again, Ms. Fromme?   Your shooting at Ford was for Public Service?” “Looks like another shooter for NPR, folks…”

  6. ek hornbeck says:

    Amy Goodman is probably cool like that. As for the beeb? Try “Gobby” on them.

    Buch of wankers.

  7. Avattoir says:

    There’s a solution to this: an emptywheel podcast platform.

    Doesn’t have to be regular thing. But Ms. Wheeler needs more input into timing, context, length, a reliable interlocutor … a vast array of jackets (WTF cares about jackets?). Approach the bloggingheads.tv media empire on this: they’re desperate for content.

  8. Mayl_ says:

    Whoa wait a minute, I thought adulting in call in interviews was done with the classic surfer short- sandals – blazer combo


    That Democracy Now! Interview was hilarious.

  9. zonefreezone says:

    I enjoyed these interviews.  But I take issue with your conclusions about Kevin McCarthy’s comments about Rohrabacher and Trump. I think it plausible and likely that this was a joke. Even the WPost transcript reflects spontaneous laughter. Releasing the tape would do a lot to clarify the situation, but I believe the Post does not have a copy and there is speculation that the reporters heard it over the phone. So, I’m going with joke.

    • greengiant says:

      Three points of context.   One,  Evan McMullin who was there talked to the WaPo on this.  One can guess that McMullin has been the one sourcing this story for some time.

      Second,  this appears to be a basis for the triple bank shot nothing but net https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1shK-j_u6LI hyper tin foil pipe dream that Hatch will become president after somehow Ryan, Pence and Trump are simultaneously removed from office.

      Third, I’m going with joke also.  That Rohrabacher, ( I don’t need a dime of their money to be pro Russian),  and Trump were the ONLY ones on the Russian payroll.  Consider the current smoke cloud of a single 20 million dollar casino contribution to Ryan’s Super Pac amidst rumors of casino, ( might as well add Wall street and real estate here ),  money laundering funding 2016 activities.

      Not to worry,  Mueller is partially recusing? himself cause his law firm represents Manafort, Kushner and Ivanka and allegedly halted US  marshals from executing warrants etc Wednesday.  Nothing to see,  move along here.

  10. SirLurksAlot says:

    Wow – Amy & EW on the same teevee…double faves!

    Together you two are doing more to help journalism stay alive than the rest of corporate broadcast media combined.

    Love you guys!

    – Phil

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