London Calling: What Is The NFL Doing? And other Trash Talk

Arighty then, this is going to be an abbreviated Trash Talk. I saw the Twitters yesterday, but spent the great majority of the day from early morning here, to mid afternoon, by which time I had some heat stroke and was paralyzed.

Sorry about that! So, for today’s Sunday games, the abbreviated topic will be the status of Goodell and the NFL’s insistence on games in London. The NBA tried forcing basketball on China when they sensed Yao Ming was a an entry card. But the NBA has, properly, backed off that aggressiveness out of common sense. A lesson the NFL has not learned from a disastrous series of shiftiest and worthless “games” they have put on in Sleepy Old London Town.

Today’s game between the Skins and the Bungles may be the first exception I have ever seen, certainly at least remembered. Not that I can see the end of that game, of course, because the freaking unbendable, Catholic school mark like jackasses inhabiting 345 Park Avenue with fatuous Roger Goodell don’t give a shit about actual football fans and have shifted me, after hours, to the first useless minutes of the Cardinals/Panthers game. No, because bottom dwelling pissant souls like Goodell and his office only care about the gross millions of dollars they are liberating FROM the fans, not about the best interests OF the fans.

What a crock of shit.

In fairness, not sure how much better the slate of games today is in the regular domestic NFL. Pats versus Bill is interesting to see how much Tom Brady and Bill Bel want to kick the shit out of Rex Ryan and the gnats from upstate NY. Jets v. Browns??? Hahaha, not. Lions/Tejans may be a surprisingly fair fight, we shall see. Raiders versus Rapies and the Bucs? No thanks. Chargers/Broncs? Get the fuck out.

Packers at Falcons and Eagles at Boys on SNF are the only real discussion points this week.

Oh, yeah, and already, the Arizona Cardinals look simply pathetic. NO professional team ever in Phoenix has ever prospered and been competent that was not owned by Jerry Colangelo. Rule still holds.


Music this week by the Clash. As if you didn’t know.