Did Wikileaks Do US Intelligence Bidding in Publishing the Syria Files?

Consider this nutty data point: between CNN’s Reliable Sources and NBC’s Meet the Press, Julian Assange was on more Sunday shows today than John McCain, with two TV appearances earlier this week.

Sadly, even in discussions of the potential that the DNC hack-plus-publication amounts to tampering with US elections, few seem to understand that evidence at least suggests that Wikileaks — not its allegedly Russian source — determined the timing of the release to coincide with the Democratic National Convention. Guccifer 2, at least, was aiming to get files out earlier than Wikileaks dumped them. So if someone is tampering, it is Julian Assange who, I’ve noted, has his own long-standing gripes with Hillary Clinton (though he disclaims any interest in doing her harm). If his source is Russia, that may just mean they had mutual interest in the publication of the files; but Assange claims to have determined the timing.

Since Wikileak’s role in the leak has been downplayed even as Assange has made the media rounds, since the nation’s spooks claim that publishing these documents is what makes it different, I want to consider this exchange Assange had with Chuck Todd:


All right. Let me ask you this. Do you, without revealing your source on this, do you accept information and leaked documents from foreign governments?


Well, our publishing model means that what we publish is guaranteed to be true. That’s what we’re concerned about. That’s what our readers are concerned about. That’s the right of the general public, to not–



Does that not trouble you at all, if a foreign government is trying to meddle in the affairs of another foreign government?


Well, it’s an interesting speculative question that’s for the press and others to perhaps–


That doesn’t bother you? That is not part of the WikiLeaks credo?


Well, it’s a meta story. If you’re asking would we accept information from U.S. intelligence that we had verified to be completely accurate, and would we publish that, and would we protect our sources in U.S. intelligence, the answer is yes, of course we would. [my emphasis]

Sure, at one level this is typical Assange redirection. When Todd asked if he’d accept files from Russia, Assange instead answered that he would accept them from the United States.

But it may not be so farcical as it seems. Consider the case of the Syria Files Wikileaks posted in spring 2012, at the beginning of the time the US was engaging in covert operations in Syria. They contained embarrassing information on Bashar al-Assad, his wife, and close associates, as well as documents implicating western companies that had facilitated Assad’s repression. Even at the time, people asked if the files were a western intelligence pys-op, though they were explicitly sourced to various factions of Anonymous. Then, between Jeremy Hammond and Sabu’s sentencing processes, it became clear that in January 2012, the latter identified targets for Anonymous hackers, targets that include the Syrian government.

An informant working for the F.B.I. coordinated a 2012 campaign of hundreds of cyberattacks on foreign websites, including some operated by the governments of Iran, Syria, Brazil and Pakistan, according to documents and interviews with people involved in the attacks.

Exploiting a vulnerability in a popular web hosting software, the informant directed at least one hacker to extract vast amounts of data — from bank records to login information — from the government servers of a number of countries and upload it to a server monitored by the F.B.I., according to court statements.


The sentencing statement also said that Mr. Monsegur directed other hackers to give him extensive amounts of data from Syrian government websites, including banks and ministries of the government of President Bashar al-Assad. “The F.B.I. took advantage of hackers who wanted to help support the Syrian people against the Assad regime, who instead unwittingly provided the U.S. government access to Syrian systems,” the statement said.

What’s not known (as multiple reports say is still not known about the DNC hack) is whether the specific files the Sabu-directed Anonymous hackers obtained were the same ones that Wikileaks came to publish, though the timing certainly works out. It’s a very distinct possibility. In which case Assange’s comment may be more than redirection, but instead a reminder that Wikileaks has played the analogous role in US-directed hack-and-publish operation, one designed to damage Assad and his western allies. If those documents did ultimately come via FBI direction of Sabu, then Assange might be warning US spooks that their own similar actions could be exposed if he were asked to reveal more about any Russian role in the DNC hack.

34 replies
  1. N Owens says:

    Did you mean “western intelligence psy-op” or”western intelligence piss-up”? I submit that the latter would be more appropriate.

  2. bevin says:

    We know that, long before wikileaks was ever conceived, the CIA has been ‘leaking’ information (some of which was even true) to the public via the media.
    And the Soviet government did it in 1918 when, in the middle of the Great War, they released the contents of the Russian Imperial Foreign Ministry’s files, thereby causing considerable embarassment ( I believe that Sykes Picot was one of the documents released.)
    Open Diplomacy used to be a basic democratic demand.

    I understand, Marcy, that you have to pursue this matter on the basis of your, unequalled, special expertise and I am very grateful that you share your research and insights in this way.
    On the matter of the DNC leaks however the question is reduced to one of political judgment-unless I am mistaken- with there being no evidence to suggest that Russia is behind the leaks apart from guesses as to motive and capacity.

    On this basis I feel that it is wrong to argue that Russia had any more motive to hack the files than any other state actor (US allies and Israel for example who have much more interest in the election result than Russia or China has). While the Clinton camp, with its almost unanimous media support, has every reason to change the story from DNC corruption of the Primary process to Trump is allied with the Rooskies, as is everyone who doesn’t want war.
    In other words I feel that, unless, again, I have missed something, the story here is not-except to tech experts like yourself- the likelihood of the Russians interfering in the DN Convention but the substance of the contents of those 20,000 files.

    As to the source of the leak my guess is that we have reason to be grateful to a Snowden like character, possibly in the DNC. Someone under the age of 30 perhaps, bearing in mind that Sanders got more under-30 votes than Clinton and Trump put together.

    • John Casper says:

      You wrote, “We know that… .”
      You and who else knew?
      When did you first learn that U.S. Intelligence leaked the Syria files to Wikileaks?
      Why did you never publish what you knew?

    • Rugger9 says:

      Back in the Revolutionary War, it was actually routine for ambassadorial mail to be copied and decoded. So, when Saratoga’s outcome was sent across the pond the British ambassador to France sent his agent to place some orders for the London stock exchange in a classic insider play.
      On Assange, I can certainly appreciate the work he and Anonymous do to open the books, so to speak. While I can certainly appreciate his noble idea to only tell the truth, at this point we still have only his gracious word that it is all true (which would be subsequently hashed out, so that’s not as important here), and that there is no bias in what is released. If Assange has dirt on Clinton, he almost certainly has more dirt on Donald that he has chosen NOT to release, whether it’s due to KGB direction or simple vengeance upon HRC for her role in planting him in Ecuador’s embassy. Since EW identified that the Russia question was dodged to over a USA one, I will only observe that the Russian influence question is NOT answered.
      Trump is being set up as a KGB mole, so of course Putin will do everything he can to make it so, and thanks to Citizen’s United you will never be able to follow the money.

  3. wayoutwest says:

    I can understand that the pin-headed reporters in today’s media don’t know when Assange or anyone else is toying with and mocking them and their leading questions but why can’t others see beyond their fixation on breaking some nonexistent code hidden in their words and deeds and in this case almost begging for help in their finger-pointing at the nonexistent Russian Connection.

    Wikileaks exposes dirt on any government and they are all foreign from their POV. They seek out and assist individuals and groups who have gained access to this dirt. I doubt they have or would assist these foreign and hostile powers especially their greatest enemy the US in their attempts to embarrass or undermine some other foreign power. Assange’s clever answer to the speculative, read fantasy, question about the US supplying information to Wikileaks will have the pin-heads and analysts confused for some time.

    • John Casper says:

      42. Isn’t your 62-word first sentence supposed to end with a question mark?
      You wrote, “Wikileaks exposes dirt on any government and they are all foreign from their POV.
      42.1 Is the DNC a, “government?”
      You wrote, “They seek out and assist individuals and groups who have gained access to this dirt. I doubt they have or would assist these foreign and hostile powers especially their greatest enemy the US in their attempts to embarrass or undermine some other foreign power.”
      42.2 Are the, “individuals and groups,” in the first sentence, the “foreign and hostile powers,” in the second?
      42.3 What evidence do you have that Wikileaks’ greatest enemy is the U.S.?

  4. Bardi says:

    Rugger9 : “Trump is being set up as a KGB mole, so of course Putin will do everything he can to make it so, and thanks to Citizen’s United you will never be able to follow the money.”

    Well, that would certainly help Trump’s money woes.

  5. Rugger9 says:

    Is there any chance that Trump gets asked about this Russian hack in the debates starting in September?
    Oh, that’s right the Presidential Debate Commission set the dates last fall before any votes had been taken and the NFL was well aware of the dates back then. Also the NFL didn’t send Trump a letter (Drumpf would have produced it), and Reince Priebus is trying furiously to say the dates can be changed at this point. I’m sure Manafort was blowing smoke when he said that HRC didn’t want an audience (DWS, the gift that keeps giving), because he ought to know that anyone that can handle 11 hours of brickbats for Trey Gowdy’s band of hooligans can certainly handle a thin-skinned 5 year old. So, he’s laying more foundations to duck the debates altogether. You’ve heard it here first: Donald Trump will not debate HRC because he doesn’t want to be beaten by a girl.
    I think the board should help Donald find the excuse list to dodge the debates, something fun to do this week. Maybe Rayne, bmaz or EW can make it so, free rein.

    • wayoutwest says:

      You seem to be showing signs of advancing dementia from an already low level of function. I understand your fear of HRC having to face Trump in the debates and the DNC/RNC are trying to limit the fallout and PR disaster they may produce for Clinton with their clever scheduling ploy.

      The visions you are seeing of Clinton being saved from the coming debate debacle are pretty desperate pleas for help and your calling her a girl might upset some people who don’t know about your condition.

      Assange/Wikileaks has every right to use the valid information they have in a timely manner to attack the Clintonites, Obama or anyone else who is trying to destroy them because the truth is always a threat to the State and its minions but weaponized truth needs to be targeted and timed for maximum effect.

      • rugger9 says:

        Aw, c’mon you can do better than that, at least I provide evidence and links as opposed to what you’ve spewed out here. You also said nothing about the Khans. Or, the non-political (but leaning conservative) VFW taking Donald to the woodshed. See, you seem to be frightened yourself about discussing tangible issues instead resorting to juvenile name-calling. Actual facts with links, please. Put up or shut up.
        HRC is already batting Trump around like a hyperactive kitten in the Twitter wars, perhaps you can explain to all of us exactly HOW Donald is going to kick HRC’s ass since it is DONALD’s campaign complaining about the debate schedule. The schedule set LAST YEAR before any votes occurred, by an independent and non-partisan commission, which is where the NFL would write instead of only to Donald. Sounds like your boy is scared to get beaten by a girl. Since you seem to think it was HRC that spiked the debate schedule, realize that the DNC chair (DWS) set up that schedule and expanded it once it became apparent even to her that Bernie’s message was too powerful to be ignored. Also remember the MSM was equally complicit in what DWS was doing, and DWS was ejected prior to the convention for her sins, and is getting primaried to boot. Karma is indeed a beyotch.
        Why do you think a KGB/GRU mole would make a good President? Please answer ONE question.

        • wayoutwest says:

          You’re too clever by half, Rug you’re not asking for an answer but seeking to affirm your specious claims about Trump. BTW the Russian security agency is the FSB and has been for over 20 year, where have you been?

        • John Casper says:

          You’re too clever by half,” wow, “you’re not asking for an answer but seeking to affirm your specious claims about,” HRC.

        • Rugger9 says:

          There are several Russian agencies (you forgot the OGPU as well as the NKVD militia). SO if the nomenclature is old, so what? I’ll even stipulate that if it makes you happy. However, it appears from the press reports that those acronyms remain in active use.
          The GRU is the military arm and the KGB the civilian arm that both operate overseas, and Putin was a KGB colonel (more or less). It is a distinction without a difference anyway if Putin makes his puppet (or mole, if you like) dance to Russia’s tune to pay off Trump’s debts.
          You still haven’t answered me as to why that is a good thing for America.

        • Rugger9 says:

          Not specious, but documented and in many cases I have provided links where you have not.
          Now, I also am curious as to why the American Legion has not checked in about CPT Khan. If they do what the VFW did, Trump is most definitely toast because the AL is quite conservative.
          WOW, do you think CPT Khan was an Islamist Mole, and that his parents are fifth column seditionists? Answer this question, because it is what the Trump campaign has been saying all day. Do you agree with your hero Trump on the Khans?

        • wayoutwest says:

          The claim that Papa Kahn is Muslim Brotherhood is a howler and the nonsense about his son is deranged and Trump has rejected both calling Cpt Kahn a hero, whatever that means. Because we are in the midst of the silly season both the Kahn, MB rumor and the Trump, Putin rumor will overstimulate small minds and flame on for some time.

          If the Kahn, MB rumor were proven the Clintonists would look even more incompetent in their choice of political attack dogs and background checks just the reason Trump wants to restrict Muslims entering the US until competent background checks are performed. The Clintons are already connected with the Gulenists the Islamic cult that just failed to overthrow the government in Turkey.

          I’m still puzzled by the claim the Papa Kahn made, and used to attack Trump, that foreign nationals have some constitutional right to enter the US.

        • rugger9 says:

          Trump has not withdrawn Roger Stone’s claim at all, please provide that link. In fact he is complaining that since Khizr Khan “attacked him” on TV, it’s what he should expect. Again, links.
          Big IF on the Muslim Brotherhood “rumor” (it seems even YOU don’t believe it, but according to Cokie’s Law, it’s “out there”, so you’ll continue spreading a lie). Put up or shut up on this claim, with links.
          Khan did NOT EVER say that there is a Constitutional right for foreign nationals to enter the USA, provide THAT link as well. However I won’t hold my breath because as far as I can tell you haven’t provided any links, unlike bevin. What he did say is that immigrants make America stronger, which is the point behind the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.

        • wayoutwest says:

          What exactly was Kahn attacking Trump about while waving the Constitution and ranting about liberty and equal treatment? Trump hasn’t been repressing American Muslims rights like Obama has for the last eight years and his proposed restriction will only affect foreign Muslims trying to enter the country.

          Have you read about the Uranium 1/Kremlin/Clinton connection, lots of money passed to the Clinton Foundation to get that deal done and it shows that Clinton is much more experienced with working with/for Putin than the Donald.

        • John Casper says:

          You wrote, “What exactly was Kahn attacking Trump about while waving the Constitution and ranting about liberty and equal treatment?”
          42. Which part didn’t you understand?
          Please quote it, “exactly,” and provide a link back to your source.
          You wrote, “Trump hasn’t been repressing American Muslims rights like Obama has for the last eight years and his proposed restriction will only affect foreign Muslims trying to enter the country.”
          42.1 Have you read the First Amendment?
          42.3 Are you defending restrictions the United States put on the immigration of Jews?
          “No One Wanted Us – The Tragic Voyage of the SS St. Louis”
          “In May, 1939, the SS St. Louis, a ship of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution left Hamburg, bound for Havanna, Cuba. Without their knowledge, their landing passes had been voided by the Cuban President, Laredo Bru. When the ship arrived in Cuba, the passengers were not allowed to debark. Representatives from the Jewish Joint Distribution committee negotiated with the Cuban government, but to no avail. The passengers appealed to President Roosevelt to allow them to land in the United States, but they were again turned away. The ship was forced to retun to Europe, where two-thirds of the passengers would perish in the Holocaust.”


        • rugger9 says:

          Where. Are. The. Links? I’ve never heard of this Uranium One stuff, perhaps you need to put down the Cheetos, turn off Alex Jones and take a nap to feel better.
          Don’t you think something like this would have headlined Assange’s release of the HRC materials, or come out in the GOP witch hunt that I should point out has been going on for decades with varying intensity? In this case, the absence tells me thou art blowing smoke…

        • rugger9 says:

          Please cite chapter and verse of the U.S. Constitution where Americans are classified by faith, because the copy I have says this about religion and citizenship:
          First Amendment excerpt: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …”
          Fourteenth Amendment excerpt: “Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. …”
          That is precisely what Mr. Khan complained about, the unequal protection of the laws, and I note you still have not said whether you agree with the Trumpies that Khan and his son are 5th column Islamic jihadis (after all why would CPT Khan sacrifice himself when he could take out his command, if Trump is right?). I’m waiting for you to admit whether you agree with Trump on that point. Put up or shut up.
          Where is the link for this claim made @ 1:58 PM 8/1: “I’m still puzzled by the claim the Papa Kahn made, and used to attack Trump, that foreign nationals have some constitutional right to enter the US.”
          Or are you too mulish to admit you’ve got nothing worthwhile to add here and nothing to back you up?

        • wayoutwest says:

          Its a waste of my time to give you links to facts because of the fact that you’re a Clintonite cultist who can’t digest facts.

          The latest fact I discovered about Papa Kahn is that his anger and vitriol about Trump’s proposed restrictions on Muslims entering the US may have more to do with his foreign Muslim immigration business than the Constitution or his dead son. He took down his website that highlighted that very lucrative service but the Wayback Machine captured it for anyone to see.

          I don’t know anything about Cpt Kahn but I can only view him as a janissary like figure who joined the Crusaders in their illegal war of aggression and helped them murder his Muslim brothers for the needs and interests of the Hegemon.

          I know you are conditioned with endless Clintonite propaganda but Trump’s proposal only targets ‘foreign’ Muslims attempting to enter the US. Those foreign Muslims already legally in the US already enjoy most constitutional protections except for the ones Obama has already stripped from them.

        • John Casper says:

          42.4 Is it a waste of your time to learn the difference between, “its,” and, “it’s?”

          42.5 Is it a, “waste of my time to give you links to facts because of the fact that you’re a,” Trump, “cultist who can’t digest facts?”

        • wayoutwest says:

          Poor JC the only thing he excels at is being a grammar Nazi and all the lures I’ve left in his fishy Clintonite lips must surely sting.

          Most of the true believers I have encountered, like you, are so thick and stunted by your Manichean blinders that you can’t comprehend anything outside your narrow diseased minds. I won’t vote for Trump but I will confront the BS Clintonites try to pollute the minds of the public with whenever it appears. The kneejerk reactions to Trump have made me examine him more closely and because he doesn’t code his speech in newspeak he is vulnerable to attacks based on political interpretations and spin. Your degenerate Queen doesn’t say much at all just the occasional triangulated lie, low form attack and well tested newspeak.

          Many people who wouldn’t normally vote for a republican are being pushed to that decision by this BS and the lining up of many of the worst neocons and other political parasites behind Clinton, The Clintonites are welcoming these supposed enemies with open arms which is telling and people are watching and beginning to understand the dangerous implications of this unholy alliance forming around the Red Queen.

        • bmaz says:

          Nazi? Really? Please stop gratuitously insulting and demeaning people. Immediately. Find something positive to contribute other than whining and demeaning diatribe, personal insults and crazed invective. Or don’t bother to contribute at all. This is yet another request/warning. You only get so many, use them wisely.

        • John Casper says:

          I’m surprised he spelled, “grammar,” correctly.
          Usually, he capitalizes it.

      • John Casper says:

        “You seem to be showing signs of advancing dementia from an already low level of function. I understand your fear of,” Trump, ” having to face,” HRC, “in the debates…”

        “The visions you are seeing of,” Trump, “being saved from the coming debate debacle are pretty desperate pleas for help…”

  6. pdaly says:

    At first I thought Assange was merely following the advice of Zootopia’s press conference 101, “answer their question with your own question, and then answer that question”, but your post adds additional dimensions.
    Does Assange change the question to “US spying” for ease of the intended US audience to understand the concept of publishing facts? or is Assange’s question also telegraphing an additional message–that of US intelligence agencies’ use of wikileaks?

  7. rugger9 says:

    One wonders what Trump is up to when he goes after families of dead heroes. One also wonders why highly paid troll and human maggot Roger Stone “went there’ to tie Mr. Khan to the Muslim Brotherhood, presumably with the full approval of the Donald. It’s almost as if the Donald is daring the GOP to pull its nomination. That way he doesn’t get thrashed by HRC in the debates, after all, she sat in her interview at Faux News with Chris Wallace (who has lost none of his 60 Minutes attack dog persona, even if it’s biased now) which is more than the Donald would do at MSNBC (with Maddow) or with John Oliver.
    So, if that’s the case (such as if Wikileaks barfs out some smoking Putin guns), perhaps the lawyers on the board can explain how the GOP would select its replacement nominee(s) which I would guess would be in the platform or party bylaws since I do not think there is any federal legal requirement. This tango would have to occur soon to ensure the new name(s) appear on the ballots in all of the states and DC. Since we are not talking about an unexpected event (such as a death), I would suspect it would be similar in concept to a change of pitcher in baseball, where a reliever can warm up as long as he likes when called in for injury, but only 8 pitches otherwise.
    If Assange has decided to inject personal bias into selection of which releases hit the Internet, he loses all moral high ground and undermines what is otherwise a very useful project. I am reminded of the damage done to the Susan G. Komen foundation when the teabagger executive director / leader tried to make its cancer message about abortion unilaterally and was surprised at the backlash [and subsequent scrutiny of the books which did not go well]. As far as I know, Komen’s walks have still not recovered. It’s why the NC governor just might lose his job, and why Mike Pence (that one) moved to the VP slot because of his ham-handed, dictatorial social engineering that nearly cost Indiana the Final Four.

  8. rugger9 says:

    On the replacement nominee, I suspect it would be Paul Ryan if Mike Pence is not automatically moved up. This may get some heat from Cruz in particular since one of the GOP convention “policies” was that there would be no nominee that did not at least contest a POTUS primary. However, if one reads the tea leaves on Ryan’s statements they seem to be designed to paint Ryan as a “rational” conservative option, without as much of the panty-sniffing baggage tied to Pence (who also did NOT compete in the POTUS primaries).

  9. rugger9 says:

    Actually, “allegedly human” maggot Stone went after CPT Khan as well, calling him a 5th column Islamist in an article linked from Mother Jones (the URL below links to the Khizr Khan tweet attack). Of course, not a peep from Trump or the rest of the GOP on this one. Not even one of their GOP Generals would say they are going too far, and Tamron Hall schooled him for it.
    It should be recalled by everyone that Pence voted for the Iraq war as a full throated cheerleader, HRC voted for the AUMF that had inspection requirements that were buried by Shrub (the Bushies pulled the inspectors out, Saddam was letting them do their work and they were not finding anything. So, Darth made the decision to pull them out and start bombing to hide the fact there was nothing to find, and no convoys to Syria (easily visible from the Keyholes and from Incirlik) either.

  10. rugger9 says:

    Here’s the link to shoebat report where the CPT Khan claim is 3 paragraphs from the end. These are seriously disturbed people.
    This is nothing new for Trump, he is notorious for RWNJ linkages for his tweets, but standby for the full-throated attack of the Trumpbots. I’m surprised Katrina hasn’t checked in yet with the lover-ly bullet necklace. However, if the VFW (not known as a bunch of hippies) is ripping Trump a new one, he really needs to pay attention since those are the old angry white guys he panders to in the Twitterverse.
    Manafort is still in the pay of Putin, apparently.
    Scottie Nell Hughes thinks that “sacrificing” two marriages to create jobs (never mind the infidelity) is EXACTLY THE SAME as losing ones son in battle.
    Even ISIS says CPT Khan is not one of theirs: http://crooksandliars.com/2016/07/isis-sides-donald-trump-smearing-khizr. If he was they would have said he was, “apostate” refers to wearing the uniform of the USA.
    At what point, bevin, WOW, BillMichtom, etc., do you realize that you’ve been had and Trump’s a lying phony? I only hope you cashed your checks already because Trump’s campaign will stiff you too.

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