Wednesday: Graduate

To the bastard talking down to me
Your whipping boy calamity
Cross your fingers
I’m going to knock it all down
Can I graduate

— excerpt, Graduate by Third Eye Blind

Well. That took a lot longer and was a much bigger pain in the rear than I expected. I’ve earned another notch in my belt, the proud parent of yet another high school graduate who left school this past week with less to look forward to than his parents did. Observation of this right of passage consisted of too many people crammed into too-small venues intent on traditional American celebratory excess.

I wonder yet days later if a particular family member’s vocal chords will ever recover from their screaming joy.

Crossing my fingers this kid can knock it all down when he next graduates.

Meanwhile, I’m counting the days…only 87 days until my kid starts college.

And only 36 days left for the 114th Congress to work in D.C. before the general election, if I’ve counted correctly from the House majority leader’s calendar (pdf).

36 days — not counting today — to fix the Flint Water Crisis. Check my math, maybe I’m off a few days, but that’s not a lot of time give or take a few days. Flint residents are still experiencing problems with their water, which will  only be fully resolved when the damaged pipes are completely replaced.

Will this Congress shunt the responsibility off to the 115th? Or will they buck up and do their job by people most in need? Hey, novel idea here, since most of the time between now and election day will be spent in district — for the House members, this means campaigning. Why don’t you folks actually fix the problem ASAP and then tell your constituents what a great job you’ve done while you’re on the campaign trail?


American exceptionalism and EU air
Holy cats. Air pollution in the EU was responsible for 400,000 premature deaths — in 2010 alone.

I can’t wrap my head around that number. That’s massive. I can’t imagine how much money is spent on health care for the people who die, let alone the even larger number of people who are merely sick from air pollution. And yet the EU member states are quibbling over how and when to implement new regulations to clean their air.

If you recall the video in which two citizen investigators discussed both VW’s corporate infrastructure and the emissions controls defeat system, you know that EU automakers don’t fear EU regulators. Their legal system is lax, and they don’t have an effective overarching federal system to backstop the laws of individual member states. The fines assess for violations are a pittance to nonexistent in some EU states. You just know VW’s bean counters are cost averaging the fines across all the vehicles they’ve sold.

What worked to force the EU and member states to take real action is the U.S. — both its emissions standards at state and federal level and its laws with regard to fraud have forced the EU to snap out of its complacency and reexamine its own emissions standards and enforcement. There’s your American exceptionalism (even if contemporary GOP thwarts environmental law every chance it gets, being fossil fuel’s yappy little attack dog).

But the current dithering and weaseling by some EU states continue in spite of ridiculously high mortality rates and legal costs cutting into the profitability of businesses like VW. It may take an even firmer hand here in the U.S., or we’ll see more EU backsliding impacting us directly.

VW got away with selling those cheating passenger diesel cars in EU and the U.S.; as long as it took for a tiny U.S.-based research group to discover the cheat, what’s to keep VW (or another EU-based automaker) from trying to slip another model under our radar? We know the EU won’t catch it first. Put the screws to them now to discourage any further attempts. They’ve already killed or sickened more than enough of our own citizens because they weren’t caught and punished at home.

Odd lots
No theme here, just interesting things swept into my feed.

Whew. That’s enough to get me over the hump today. Catch you tomorrow!

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7 replies
  1. bloopie2 says:

    That fish story is nuts. What these people do for a living—fascinating, but still, teaching fish to spit at pictures of us? I guess that much of this basic research eventually leads (or will lead) to some neat practical applications, at least a fuller understanding of the human mind. But as to their ability to recognize you? That’s was well documented back in 1975. One word: Jaws.
    Welcome back, and congrats to the grad.

  2. lefty665 says:

    Hi Rayne, Why is the NY Fed reviewing/approving SWIFT transactions between Bangladesh and the Philippines (where those transactions were going)? Do I remember correctly a couple of years ago the EU was unhappy about US exploitation of SWIFT information?
    Congratulations on getting another one out of high school. It’s a milestone and a bittersweet transition at the same time isn’t it?
    Glad you’ve reupped on posting.

  3. bloopie2 says:

    The all-knowing Internet tells me that the EU in 2015 had a population of about 515 Million. And a death rate of about 10.2 per 1,000 (so about one percent of them die off each year). One percent of 515 million is about 5 million. 400,000 premature deaths from air pollution is about 8% of total deaths. That’s crazy, but it jibes with this bit from a 2014 WHO study : “In new estimates released today, WHO reports that in 2012 around 7 million people died – one in eight of total global deaths – as a result of air pollution exposure.”
    On the other hand, is the world in good shape to support an extra 7 million (likely mostly old) people effectively being added to the population each year? I don’t think we’ve found a way yet to live a modern life on earth without using up natural resources. Just sayin’, not advocating.

  4. P J Evans says:

    Congress has so little work to do that Steve ‘Canteloupe Calves’ King is hanging a n amendment on an appropriations bill to bar trans people from using the facility for their gender in federal buildings.

    I realize he’s in a seat that’s guaranteed to go R, but this kind of crap should embarrass his constituents. Especially when there’s so much that Congress needs to do that’s more important.

  5. emptywheel says:

    On SWIFT I think it’s because of the emphasis on sanctions enforcement. Though I’d have to think that through to write it up.

  6. lefty665 says:

    Thanks EW, I figured there was logic in there somewhere, but it seemed a little curious. Screening transactions and fraud checking by typo is a little funny too.

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