NFL Pro Bowl Trash Talk
Hahahahaha, psyche!
No, there is no substantive Pro Bowl Trash Talk. Because the Pro Bowl is a complete worthless joke.
This is a let loose on idiocy in general post. Which is more than what the NFL Pro Bowl is at this point.
Have fun and let yer hair down.
Music by Jefferson Airplane. Paul Kantner was an incredibly nice, and extremely under appreciated, seminal musician. RIP Mr. Kantner, and thanks.
The Superb Owl talk is the rearranging of letters on the temporary – and reportedly un-permitted – statues in SF.
I’m wondering if there will also be talk of Johnny Football’s latest incident.
But bmaz!
This is the NFL, which has to be The Best. In Everything. Ever.
MLB can have a screwy tie in their All Star game. The NHL can whittle their game to a 3-on-3 scrimmage, with one of this year’s teams captained by a minor leaguer elected by Teh Internet as it trolled the system. But they both take a back seat to Roger The Fleecer and the Pro Bowl.
Roger will tell you himself: it’s not a completely worthless joke. It creates millions in revenue for The Shield. God knows why, but it does. We can laugh, but Roger will laugh all the way to the bank.
As pathetic as the Pro Bowl is, keep in mind that it often gets higher ratings than World Series games. As Yakoff Smirnoff would say, “what a country!”
Suggestion for next year’s Pro Bowl. . . .
After the players are named to the team, require that the defensive players play offense, and the offensive players play defense. Kickers become returners, and the player who weighs the most on each team must do the kicking.
THIS, I like!
Good thing NSA is on our side.
a fetus with decernable body parts
a front page artical
after a few back and fourth texts
a huge uproar from an angered populous
a low risk of loosing money
a member who does not tow the party line
a never ending Marshall Law situation
a populous they cannot spy on
a price the market will bare
a shoe-in for the nomination
a show trial and a summery execution
a war you will loose
abedding the enemy
about illiciting an emotional response
accused of aiding and abating the enemy
all those who were mislead by Obama
an epidemic that ravaged the populous
and their going to do it anyway
arresting dissonants prevents street protests
as appose to
but more often then not
but you’ve been lead to believe
by shear coincidence
carple tunnel syndrome
complicent with the NSA
copywright and patten laws
could be the tip of the iceburg
data breech; security breeches; breeches of trust
deep package inspection
doing something blatenly illegal
evolution is a trick by satin
except wolves are less viscous
financial hurtle in completing the original
fines should be metered out for such foolishness
good riddens
having delusions of grandieur
he might be able to affect more change
I agree whole hardily
I am tried of all these articles, every single day
I did question the voracity of the individual
I don’t really object to it in principal
I don’t think there’s any alterior motives
I hold no allusions that
in full force and affect
in who’s favor
installing a switch just encase they needed it
intelligent people to give us wise council
it has politicians back peddling like crazy
it’s all just smoke in mirrors
it’s also tax deductable
it’s clearly a real phenomena
it’s somewhere in that continuem
it’s the job of others to reign them in
it is targeted at diary farms
its gotten so bad
its pretty much guaranteed
its starting to show it’s age
its the same thing for
how it was suppose to work
human ginny pigs
lough these many years ago
low and behold
maintaining control is of the up most importance
malice of forethought
mellicious hackers working for the Russian mob
money has more power then truth
more often than naught
most journalists are loathe to criticize Obama
no empiracle evidence for global warming
not a valid criterium for arguing
not as easy as you might be lead to believe
nothing to loose sleep over
one who has been mislead
pass through your digestive track unhindered
publically traded
reap what you sew
reign in these abusive monopolies
renigged on the deal
scientists in the past have been loathe to admit
searches and ceazures
should and should not be aloud
slammed the laundry shoot door
someone who’s name is on one of their lists
something to that affect
risked their wealth on a hair-brained scheme
that is the crutch of the problem
thats exactly why
the bad out ways the good
the basic tenants she swore to uphold
the conservative block in the U.S. Congress
the electorial college which is outdated
the eminent death of the PC industry
the end of the world is neigh
the next cubical
there is a disgruntaled employee involved
the TV ariel on his roof
the upward assent of mankind
their tired and true methods
they should be held libel
they will find a happy median between
this one seems to of got me as well
to a lessor extent
trained to route out terrorists
up to the minuet, around the clock
use your right to bare arms
vessels made specifically for sea fairing
vote for either fraction of the ruling class party
what effects one effects them all
what they’re eluding to when they say
When low and behold, who would of thought
whoa be unto those who
who’s ox gets gored
why fight on the loosing side
without further adieu
worried by the opinion poles
you know the ends and outs of constitutional law
you pretend porn is vial and evil
they managed 25/26th of an acrostic, based on the first letters, but they can’t spell and aren’t otherwise making any sense (or any cents).
Electrons are cheap these days, so they felt they could waste them with impunity.
In other news, the new crop of navel oranges are in and I just got done making a batch of marmalade from some. Nummmm.
Like this
Basketball, baseball, and hockey have All Star games. Why not football? Come on, you people are all so smart, tell me how football is different. It’s an honor for the players. Can’t you just ignore it and let it go on? Why is your opinion so much more important than theirs?
It’s because the players think it’s silly. They have no problem being honored by being named the best at their position, but then they have to go out and play a game that does not matter, and in which they risk potentially career ending injuries. Add to that the fact that players on the two teams in the Super Bowl do not play. Add to that the fact that the folks who walk away with the bulk of the money are not the players but the owners.
At least in baseball, they use the same rules as during the regular season. The Pro Bowl is flag football without the flags, masquerading as a highly professional, highly competitive game.
The players know that it’s a crock. I’m simply agreeing with the players.
All (or most of) the players feel that way? Evidence thereof? Also, I am curious to see statistics on the number of career ending injuries that have been suffered in the Pro Bowl. And, “masquerading as a highly professional, highly competitive game”? Doubtful. Who thinks that to be the case? None of the various sports’ all-star games come across that way; everyone knows it’s just a chance to show off some skills and have a bit of fun while you are being honored. And, as to the money not going to the players, so what? Isn’t every regular season game just like that? Should we cancel all of those also?
Bmaz the musical choice is outstanding bringing to mind falls in Ithaca, New York cruising the collegetown streets in a firebird wailing 3/5 of a mile in its wake. If trash is your game than Kantner and the Airplane were your musical guest (or as my lovely wife said concerning the Airplane, “they’re in your face”). Now excuse me while I rummage out my dusty copy of Bless its Pointed Little Head and continue the reverie.
Bless It’s Pointed Little Head is one of the most kick ass albums ever. Still have mine, and the poster insert, though both have a lot of wear and tear over the decades.
What on earth does Roger Goodell have to do with a game in which (most of) the sport’s best players are honored? Let the guys have a bit of fun; don’t use their big day as yet another excuse to criticize him. And bmaz is right; it’s better to watch game this than to watch one slow, boring, World Series game after a 20,000 game MBL season that lasted forever. That baseball game may mean something, but it’s really shit to watch on TV.
Here’s idiocy for you. The NFL Network running half hour programs, one after another, of Super Bowl game highlights. From old to new. Fifty in a row, all night long. What idiot wastes his time watching such crap? What idiot decided to pay people a salary to make those shows? And most tellingly, what idiot blithely pays his cable bill every month, unquestioningly, knowing that a small portion of it goes to the NFL Network to subsidize such idiocy? Honestly, that was one of my choices last night, out of the 560 (I counted) different channels I had available. So I went to bed.
Someone told Johnny Football he needs to hit the books and study the plays …
… they should have specified, “not literally”
As usual, the NYT plays the understatement game very, very well: “Inquiry Focuses on Manziel”
Y’know, though, it was in Texas right near JerryWorld. So, I could see Jerry hiring Young Mr. Football after the Browns take their losses (first round pick, millions of dollars) and wash their hands. Since he’s doing all this crap in Texas, Jerry could just hire a team of minders to keep him on the straight and narrow, drive him to work, yadda yadda.
Or not, and let us enjoy the entertainment value of a guy with some talent flying his career straight into the ground.
Whatever else you say about Tebow (still available! working out! in shape!), he didn’t screw up off the field.
So, what are the GOP candidates doing today in Iowa?
The GOP candidates? What are they doing in Iowa? Trying to get votes, that’s what. It should be perfectly obvious. Great God!
(thanks to Four Weddings and A Funeral, the “bride or groom” sequence.)
Daytona 24 hours was a damn fine race.
Actually I believe Goodell threatened to cancel the Pro Bowl a couple of years back due to its pointlessness. It’s the players — the ones that choose to go — who like that week in Hawaii in January. Can’t say that I blame them.
I know a lot has been written lately about “the rise of Trump”. Still, this article discussing Pat Buchanan as a Trump precursor is so on point that it is recommended reading (if you pay any attention to what I say).
To Peterr at # 21, this is a family blog, why would you ask me a question demanding a NSFW answer like that??