Interstitial Trash Talk

I was away, playing in New York with my family and a few friends last week. Predictably, everyone got along quite fine! Yet, like a bad cold, here I am again. It is a weird week with the football spread out as it is. NFL and lesser bowl games today, NFL tomorrow, and then weird bowl games through the next week. Not sure how often we will post up new Trash, we shall see. But, here it is for now, on an interstitial basis, so let’s rock and roll.

This is a sports forum, but we have always focused on the NFL. Okay, NCAA football and my hobby horse, the F1 Circus too. But, as we round out yet another year, let’s go to the NFL. Tonight we have a great game, Skins versus Eagles. By the way, for all of you who think the US Government is your ride to elimination of the dreaded “Redskins” name for the Washington Professional Football Franchise, I have news for you. Think again. I warned there were First Amendment concerns with the much publicized patent/trademark decision earlier, and the Federal Circuit has, unsurprisingly, found just that. Personally, I think Snyder should change the name of the team, but I do not think it is a function of an US Government agency to mandate that he, or anybody else similarly situated, do so. And I doubt the Supreme Court, should this case get there, will disagree.

Back to the Skins. They play the Eagles tonight. Washington is even at 7-7, Philly not so even at 6-8. The game is at the Linc in Philadelphia, which is a boon to the Iggles. Sam Bradford is back, and playing for a job with the Eagles next year. Hard to see who else will take him as a starter next year (Houston??) Bradford and the Chip Kelly offense is looking more consistent over the last two weeks. But hard to see that as enough.

Ever since Kirk Cousins lit up Tampa Bay at the end of October, he has been a different QB. Not perfect, but poised and confident, and playing like a real NFL QB. Washington seems off the snide now, and they are getting the full return of Desean Jackson. If this game was not in Philly, it would be an easy call. I am taking Washington anyway.

Okay. tomorrow there are a few games too! None bigger here that the meeting up of my once and always beloved Packers and my now (though NOT when I was young and picked my team) home town Cardinals. I am ready for all the potshots Marcy, Scribe, BSL and Phred etc may lob at me on this. I think. Seriously, this is tough. I seriously love the Packers, and have since I was a kid and long before Bidwell and the Cards carpetbagged their way here to Phoenix. But this is my town, and I will root for Larry Fitzgerald, Carson Palmer, Pat Peterson and the boys tomorrow. Sorry Aaron and Cheese, you will always be first in my heart, but I gotta do this now. The Pack have more NFL Championships than anybody ever. Phoenix could use one, just a measly single one. I am sorry Phred.

As much as i would hope differently, Cam and the Panthers should have no problem with the snakebite Falcons. Atlanta is not that bad of a team, and clearly Mike Smith was not the problem. But not much has changed, has it? Really, after the Cards and Pack, the game of the day may be Pats at Jets. A game that matters a hell of a lot more to the Jets Jets Jets than it does Bill Bel and the boys. That said, NY is the home of Goodell, and do not expect Tom Brady to take his foot off.

Giants at Vikings also has big significance. If the Eagles knock off the Skins tonight (big if!) then Gents at Vikes is huge. Better question is can Eli and the Gents beat the Vikes in their Norske home irrespective of what happens in other games? Frankly, I am not so sure; tend to think Teddy Bridgewater and the Vikes are a better team, especially at home.

That leaves the final game of the weeks, Bengals at Broncos. This game is in Denver at Mile High. You all know what a problematic forum Mile High is for other teams, even the mighty Patriots. If you have never been to a game at Mile High, especially in the cold of winter, you just don’t know what a tough joint it is. Brock Osweiller is starting again for the Donks. I got a chance to see him up close here at ASU, and Osweiller is a great kid. Is he the long term answer for Elway and Denver? Not sure. Better question is whether he will continue to be a better option for the Broncos after this week, as Manning really will be available. I tend to say no, let Peyton ride his rest and experience into the sunset, win, lose or draw. If Manning’s legs are healthy, his arm is certainly rested, ride it out. Will be fascinating to see what Elway does.

Okay, that is it for this week’s Trash Talk. Music by Jefferson Starship, and a song I always hear when seeing a full moon over big mountains like I am seeing right now.

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77 replies
  1. orionATL says:

    the claim of discrimination with respect to the term “redskin” has got to be one of the more inane discriminatory treatment arguments made.

    find me the “redskin” in this picture :)

    in fact, find me that beautiful copper skin on 1000 indians east of the missippi. hint: try western n. carolina.

    oklahoma? yes. south dakota. new mexico, arizona. wyoming, oregon, washington. yes.

    redskin as a racially disparaging term? how about redskin as an easily understood synonym for warrior?

  2. bloopie2 says:

    The sense I got, following the Slants/Redskins name issues, is that the USPTO decisions were very much forced, in two senses. First, they caved in to today’s atmosphere of political correctness. Second, they didn’t want to take it into their own hands, as an administrative agency, to invalidate a statute that had been out there for over half a century without much serious criticism. Better, they thought, to pass on the question, knowing that the Federal Circuit would be ruling after them, and that that’s what courts of appeal do better than trial courts: set policy. And the Supreme Court, I think, will not touch the issue; there isn’t enough appellate law (and/or conflict) to justify their involvement, and it’s not a matter of important public interest. So we’ll see if the outcry dies off in the next couple of years, or if Snyder is forced to change.

    • bmaz says:

      Yeah, think that is about right in many regards. I do not give a lot of credence to the lower administrative forum. By the same token, while it is hard to say that the Fed Circuit is not imposing authority, they are the only entity even more overturned than the local 9th Circuit here. Something I am painfully aware of. That said, absent a circuit split occurring, I agree the Supreme Court will not ever take this up, and if they do, I think they would uphold the Fed Circuit decision.
      The Washington Football Franchise needs to change their name, but that is on them, and not a decision for the federal government.

  3. Peterr says:

    Personally, I think Snyder should change the name of the team, but I do not think it is a function of an US Government agency to mandate that he, or anybody else similarly situated, do so.

    Uh, bmaz? The US Government didn’t mandate that Snyder change the name of the team. It merely said that he couldn’t hold a trademark to an exclusive use of the term “Redskins”. He could still have used the term, even if the appeals court ruled against him. The trademark office’s ruling might have made it more difficult for Snyder to profit from his bigotry, but it didn’t mandate that he do anything.

    • bmaz says:

      The government certainly did put pressure on the team to change their name by placing them at a disadvantage compared to every other team in relation to their marketing of their name. And that was wrong and inappropriate vis a vis the First Amendment in my view. This is simply not the province of the government, irrespective of our personal views of the name.

      • Peterr says:

        There’s a big difference between the government saying “you have to change the name of your team” and “we refuse to grant you trademark protection.” The former is an absolute violation of the First Amendment, while the latter is more debatable. Does it pressure the Washington Racists? Absolutely. For that matter, so does the tax code – you get breaks for doing X and penalties for doing Y. That’s clearly governmental pressure to run your business in a certain way. Is this a violation of the First Amendment (cf. $$ = speech, per Citizens United) too?

        • bmaz says:

          Phrase it however you wish, what the board did below was absolute garbage and contrary to the First Amendment. The Federal Circuit made the right decision in the Slants case, and it must apply to the Redskins case as well. Period.
          IL predict this will end one of two ways, either the 4th Circuit will properly follow the Fed Circuit in finding that the First Amendment applies and controls, and the Supreme Court will refuse cert, leaving the decision intact. The other potential ending is that the 4th does not follow the Fed Circuit guidance, thus creating a circuit split, in which case the Supremes grant cert and uphold the Fed Circuit logic. Either way, the bogus intrusion of the board below gets wiped out.

    • orionATL says:

      peterr at #9:

       “… The trademark office’s ruling might have made it more difficult for Snyder to profit from his bigotry, but it didn’t mandate that he do anything…”

      to begin with,

      – what specifically would be an example of, or what is, snyderr’s personal bigoted behavior toward individual american indians? or american indians taken as a group.

      – what harm comes to victims of snyder’s bigotry? would victims of that bigotry actually experience it in day-by-day, living, as do american muslims daily in the u. s.?

      would victims experience difficulties in jobs, housing, schooling children, medical care, personal safety, as do muslims.


      – would that bigotry be some formal, logical bigotry derived from the etymology of the term “redskin”?

      • scribe says:

        Who’s a bigot, and who’s bigoted?
        A Republican could easily make the case that unions are bigoted against business and therefore should lose all the money they get (such as it is). Or that Reverend Al profits from anti-white bigotry (a false accusation, but the government makes them all the time and gets away with it) and shouldn’t have any money. Or that pick-your-gay-rights activist is bigoted against True Religion and therefore should be broke.
        We have a First Amendment precisely to protect against shit like that. But too many dimwits (I’m looking at you, Ed) want to get rid of it to go after the ideas they don’t like, figuring no one would ever turn around and use that absence of protection to wipe out the ideas they do like.
        The ACLU/American Nazi Party marching in Skokie example to the contrary notwithstanding, to be true to the First Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution, too) one has to be willing to put up with, if not embrace and defend, even the ideas most offensive to your personal ideals. Because there are far too many people in government jobs only too willing and eager to go after your rights (and it always seems to be the left-leaning, pro-worker, pro-environment, pro-equality side of the equation that leads the hit list).
        For those too young or too forgetful to remember, back in the late 70s the ACLU chose to defend the rights of the American Nazi Party to have a big parade, swastika banners and brown and black uniforms and armbands and Hitler-grusse salutes and all, right through the Chicago suburb of Skokie. I believe the Nazis chose that town (after being blocked in Chicago) specifically because there were a large number of Jews and especially Holocaust survivors (1/6 of the village’s population at the time) living there. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where one of the Village’s arguments was that, to the actual Holocaust victims, even seeing a swastika was like being physically attacked (reminiscent of the campus knuckleheads today demanding “safe spaces” from anything that offends them, BTW). The Village lost and the Nazis won on free speech and freedom of assembly grounds. The CLU took a big hit from their donor base. This, in part, because they were defending the rights of people whose ideas were anathema to the rights the CLU donors liked.
        So grow up. Either the First Amendment (and the rest of the Constitution) works for everyone, even the people and ideas you find icky, or it works for no one.

        • JohnT says:

          My (figurative) seven degrees of Kevin Bacon comment
          I was acquaintances w/ a gentleman whose cousin was either the chief of police, or sheriff of whatever county Skokie is in. And he had his hands full, keeping the peace between the two groups
          Another coincidence, is we met through volunteer work w/ the ACLU

        • Ed Walker says:

          Perhaps you don’t grasp it, but the point of my comment is that interfering with profits by preventing a trademark on the use of a racist name isn’t protected by the First Amendment except, perhaps, by our Neoliberal Supreme Court, where it’s all about the profits of the capitalists. I have some other proposed names for your trademark argument, but I know that slippery Slope arguments are the last refuge of a loser.

        • scribe says:

          Ed: I am sure that in a prior life – and at the rate you’re going, in a future one, too – you were a wagon towed behind horses or a tractor and used for spreading manure. You’re both full of shit and fling it in all directions every time you move. (In case you don’t know what one looks like here’s a good example, with the safety advantage of not using a PTO.) To be fair, you cannot help but do that – it’s designed into you – but that doesn’t mean it’s appropriate behavior for someone supposedly wandering around this planet in a human body and masquerading as a sentient being during this life.

  4. Peterr says:

    Ol’ Noodlearm might be unavailable for service due to other reasons . . .

    An Indianapolis anti-aging clinic supplied quarterback Peyton Manning with human growth hormone, a performance-enhancing drug banned by the NFL, a pharmacist who once worked at the clinic asserts in a new special report from Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit.
    The report, “The Dark Side,” is the result of a monthslong investigation in which Liam Collins, a British hurdler, went undercover in an attempt to expose the widespread nature of performance-enhancing drugs in global sports. As a cover story, Collins tells medical professionals tied to the trade of performance-enhancing drugs that he is hoping for one last shot at glory at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Manning is just one of many high-profile players the report names and raises questions about.
    Manning missed the 2011 season, when he was a member of the Indianapolis Colts, after undergoing neck surgery. In the documentary, [Austin-based pharmacist Charlie] Sly tells Collins, who is taking secret video of his interactions, that he was “part of a medical team that helped [Manning] recover” from the surgery. Sly alleges that the clinic mailed growth hormone and other drugs to Manning’s wife, Ashley Manning, so that the quarterback’s name was never attached to them.

    Al-Jazeera’s report airs tomorrow. Also named in the report, per HuffPo, are other sports figures, including a couple of Cheeseheads (LBs Mike Neal and Clay Matthews) and Stillers LB James Harrison.

    • bmaz says:

      And yet another report sliming athletes based on asshole snitches, much like McNamee and Clemens. This will have to be proved with something more than a two bit self serving snitch before I buy it.
      Oh, by the way, the snitch has already recanted his story. Manning may or may not play in the future, but without competent evidence this bullshit will not be a factor in that equation. And there is no competent evidence.

      • Peterr says:

        <a href=""The video of the report is up, and contains plenty of video, including drugs in the asshole snitch’s apartment fridge (this part starts at the 19:00 mark, with the fridge at 19:45).
        He might be lying and puffing up his contacts and connections with some of the athletes he claims to have worked with, but he’s clearly engaged in illegal activity as the video shows. Maybe not with Manning, but he’s definitely not clean.
        Looks to me like the snitch is trying to backpedal heavily in an attempt to minimize the damage to his own sorry self.

      • Bay State Librul says:

        Ah the same fucker (Mortensen) that screwed Brady

        Manning has vehemently denied the allegations, telling ESPN’s Chris Mortensen that “it absolutely never happened.”

        Remain neutral, BMAZ, you’re giving snitches a bad name?

        • scribe says:

          Peyton sounded like he wanted to put the fucker on a meathook.
          You might be right that Peyton’s a public figure for purposes of defamation law, but that wouldn’t stop me (if I were him or his lawyer) from going after the “source”, personally. Go after that slug personally and let him bear the entire weight of the judgment or drag the media outlets into the circus.
          And, I would say Peyton’s wife might have the even-better case both under defamation law (not a public figure, maybe not even a “limited-purpose public figure”) and under HIPAA. Moreover, since my thumbnail view of the case indicates that the claims about her getting stuff mailed to her for Peyton to use would indicate both a straw purchase and therefore a conspiracy to commit some flavor of fraud or some violation of a controlled substances law, I’d say the old “accusation of criminal conduct” prong of defamation per se might apply. Worth a look; it’ll be a deep matter of both state law and First Amendment defamation law.
          That’s right, Ed: The First Amendment carves out a big area where one can say nasty things about people and be protected from liability because we believe the remedy for inaccurate or evil speech is more speech, not some governmental functionary deciding who gets to speak and who does not, based on the content of the speech.

        • Peterr says:

          An honest question in search of an answer . . .
          Given the allegations in the report by AJ, the medicines that AJ acquired through this guy, and the statements made on video, would this trigger some kind of formal legal investigation, and if so, by whom? In what jurisdiction? For instance, beyond the questions about specific athletes, I could see this prompting someone to take a look at Guyer’s operations in Indy, as well as his medical/pharmacy license. But would the AJ report on its own be enough to prompt the investigation to take place, or would a formal complaint of some kind need to be filed?

        • Ed Walker says:

          What liability are you talking about? In the case of the Redskins, the bigots are using the power of government to secure profits from their bigotry. You have this whole thing backwards.

        • bloopie2 says:

          The case that the Federal Circuit decided was in favor of an “Asian” rock band that satirically calls itself the “Slants”. Are they bigots? Give me a break. And tell me, who should make the judgments about which trademark registrations are permissible, and which ones are not? Some government bureaucrat? You? Come on, it’s easy. All you need to do is to get a hundred million people to agree to boycott the “Redskins” and you win. Can’t do that? Well, enlist the government, then. Just be careful. They might come after you next.

        • bloopie2 says:

          There are plenty of non-profit, goodie-goodie organizations that are better off (spend less having to defend their good names) because they have federal trademark registrations. Do you want to shut them off, too?

  5. orionATL says:

    peterr at #15:

    “does it pressure the washington racists? ”

    o. k.

    just who is, by virtue of their actions, a “washington racists” in this statement?

    what are the specific actions that indicate racism is at work against american indians by these malfactors?

    what are specific harms individual american indian citizens experience/receive as a consequence of actions by these “washington racists”?

    • Peterr says:

      Washington Racists = Washington’s football team.
      Who is harmed by the use of the term? Any native american who has to listen to a racist name broadcast to millions every weekend of the fall and early winter. Contrary to your earlier comment, the team name is NOT an “easily understood synonym for warrior”. To a wide range of native americans, it is as offensive as the N word is to African Americans.
      That the main proponent of keeping this term in public view — the DC football team — is profiting mightily off the use of the racist term makes the whole thing that much more offensive.
      (And yes, the actions of the fan base make it worse. But where might those fans have gotten the idea that their attire was acceptable?)

      • orionATL says:


        “Who is harmed by the use of the term? Any native american who has to listen to a racist name broadcast to millions every weekend of the fall and early winter. Contrary to your earlier comment, the team name is NOT an “easily understood synonym for warrior”. To a wide range of native americans, it is as offensive as the N word is to African Americans.”

        peter, i’ll give you that your opinion is hearfelt, but it is blatantly overwrought, hypersensitive rhetoric – a characature of good-hearted caring for others.

        “who gets to declare a name “racist”? you, amanda blackhorse, the oneida billionaire casino operator, and i do mean operator, and harvard law grad featured in #4?

        ” to a wide range of native americans it is as offensive as the N word… “. how do you know this? anecdotes?

        oh, and since when, and i strongly emphasize the time aspect, has” redskin” become understood as a racist term? maybe, by chance, since the inception of this p. r. campaign?

        i never, ever understood it to be used that way. furthermore, it was not even an often used word in speech i heard in the u. s. even as a child. if it ever was used widely, that probably stopped after 40’s, 50’s cowboy movies dissappeared.

        • bmaz says:

          I’d love to see the name changed, it should be. But not because, directly or indirectly, as a result of pressure from an arbitrary decision of an administrative agency.

        • orionATL says:

          i don’t doubt for a minute you’d support name change, bmaz.

          my concern is that looking at the supporters, not the originators, of this crusade, the effort will be a severely misguided, ring-thru-the-nose, good-intentions folly – liberalism run amuck.

          i guarantee you this crusade it will appear that way in retrospect – a do-gooder folly that helped no social group advance and charicatured social caring.

      • orionATL says:


        “…That the main proponent of keeping this term in public view — the DC football team — is profiting mightily off the use of the racist term makes the whole thing that much more offensive…”

        peter, that is just absurd. the folks who brought the term to the forefront of national consciousness, or at at least to the consciousness some of the nation’s media and some liberals, were the organized groups supported by a casino operator who sued the redskins organization. the term “redskin” as a pejorative had no serious currency in u. s. contemporary speech before that.

        in my lifetime i have never heard an american indian addressed pejoratively as “redskin”. in fact i only rarely see an american who is obviously american indian, primarily because of population mixing. hence my comment in #3. usually, i guess by the unique straight black hair, not skin color.
        i do however see plenty of mexico and central american indians who clearly are close to full-blooded. in an area where racial terminology never dies, i here those folks described by plenty of pejoratives, but never “redskin”. why not, if it were deeply embedded in our contemporary speech. what a perfect opportunity.

  6. scribe says:

    Funny you didn’t mention my Stillers at the Crows in Ballmer. While this might not seem important, in reality it carries a lot of implications. If my Stillers win and the Broncos do a number on the Bungles, then both the Broncos and Bungles are at 11-4 and my Steelers, at 10-5, still have a chance to take the AFC North with a win in week 17 and a Bungles loss. It would come down to 3rd or 4th level tiebreakers. Moreover, the Broncos-Bungles game does shape up as a fight for the 2 seed and the precious first-week bye. As it stands now, the 3 seed will wind up playing the Steelers. If, OTOH, the Steelers win and the Patsies do a number on the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS, then it would appear the 3 seed will host the Jets.
    Even Cheatin’ Bill’s Cheating Cheaters from Cheatertown are not secure atop the seeding heap. A loss to the J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS will make mud seem more transparent.
    So there’s a lot of room for movement in the playoff seedings, all of which makes for some interesting watching.
    As to your abandonment of the Cheeseheads, BMAz, this will come back to haunt you. Over and over and over again. Even in the depths of the Bubby Brister era, I never lost faith that my Steelers would somehow come back. Interesting and not at all ironic: when Brister took over from Bradshaw, Bubby wore #6 to Bradshaw’s #12. We all knew immediately, if we hadn’t figured it out earlier, that we were in for a rough ride because Brister was advertising he was only half the QB Bradshaw was. Our ardor may have cooled, but we still pulled for the Black And Gold.
    I have a hard time believing Harrison would be tied up with HGH. Not consonant with his character. The story sounds like something some guy on the hook for federal time for tax evasion or something would be shopping to an overzealous IRS agent seeking to make a name, a career, and a new power grab all at once. We saw how that worked out in the Bonds case.

  7. orionATL says:

    fleshing out (so to speak) the history of the suit against redskins organization and owner snyder:

    it not just the team name that’s offensive to amerindians, it’s what fans wear at games:

    it’s like the lady said: if other parts of american society sre entitled to political correctneess, why not american indians also?

    • Bay State Librul says:

      What do you think of Belichick’s decision to kick in OT?

      Myself, I would have received.

      Belichick’s presser was bad. He should have admitted that he made a poor

      • scribe says:

        Let the navel-gazing begin. It’ll be “4th and 2” all week, maybe all winter, for Cheatin’ Bill and his Cheating Cheaters of Cheatertown. And I believe the choice of kicking, instead of receiving, was Cheatin’ Bill’s and his alone.
        I had a bad feeling about the Steelers-Crows game all along, and (as a perusal of my earlier comments will confirm) did not come down hard on the side of confidence in victory. Sadly, my spidey-sense was right and we’re back out, counting on Fat Rex and his Bills to somehow pull our chestnuts out of a fire. IF the Stillers had taken care of their own business, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. But they didn’t.

        • Bay State Librul says:

          Fuck, you hedge too much scribe.
          You are really disappointed in your Steelers, deal with it, you are pissed
          it’s okay to be a homer

  8. lefty665 says:

    How bout them ‘Skins? NFC East champions! As their song goes “Braves on the warpath, fight for old D.C.” Scott McCloughan is a flippin’ genius, they triumphed despite Dan Snyder.

    Trivia for Orion @3. When the local tribes pay their rent in game to the Guv each year you can tell what they think of him. In some years the deer are freshly killed and gutted, in other years they are riper and not.

    • orionATL says:

      i didn’t know that. nor how to tell the difference.

      i couldn’t help but notice, it was prominent, that the deer looked very wrinkled and a little scruffy.

      indian tribe and guv politics – a whole new arcane area of politics.

      but we know how the story has ended, every single chapter of it: the round-eyes get the land.

  9. bloopie2 says:

    Next time you want to cut back on funding for basic research, read a whole pile of articles like this one. And consider this: Did the technology that made space flight possible, and mobile phones, and the Internet, and life-saving drugs, and nuclear/solar/wind energy, and the things you rely on for daily life, come about with out a generation of basic research before it?

    • bmaz says:

      Exactly right about not doing enough research. Also, that article is fascinating in what it is describing. Though lakes covered in that may cut down on waterskiing!

  10. scribe says:

    BMAz: Mr. Discount Doublecheck Rodgers and some large friends will be stopping by your house after the game tonight. They aren’t happy and they’ll want to be discussing that with you.

  11. lefty665 says:

    Hail to the Redskins!

    Hail Victory!

    Braves on the Warpath!

    Fight for old D.C.!

    Run or pass and score—We want a lot more!

    Beat ’em, Swamp ’em,

    Touchdown! — Let the points soar!

    Fight on, fight on ‘Til you have won

    Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!

    Hail to the Redskins!

    Hail Victory!

    Braves on the Warpath!

    Fight for old D.C.!
    Doesn’t exactly sound denigrating to native Americans (North). G. Washington owned slaves, perhaps we should campaign to remove that clearly racist half of the team name, along with the city, universities (both of them, nix that Lee guy on the other one too), dollar bill and Mt. Rushmore.

    • orionATL says:

      jay gruden has done a fine job, cousins has come along extremely well. snyder has kept his trap shut. griffin has another chance elsewhere. i hope the team can build from here on.

      and, yes, this fight song is just a fight song.
      (not an occassion for a lecture from henry ward beecher) .

    • orionATL says:

      that’s our fbi at work – a social organization structured to attack, and be awarded for attacking, those who can’t fight back.

      i’d like to know more about what the family suffered (“lost my job and land”) to protect their child.

  12. emptywheel says:

    Oh hi!

    Are you the people who drank all the booze in the likker cabinet and left the empty bottles piled high?

  13. JohnT says:

    I think there are two issues with the Washington team name, whether 1) it’s legal, and 2) whether it’s racist
    I’m not a lawyer, so I’m not gonna pretend to be one, but as a human being, I think it’s totally racist.
    From the little I’ve read of the original owner, he was a detestable dickhead and if he were alive today he’d probably be a Donald Trump, or his biggest supporter.
    And even though it won’t happen because we do live in the EPU (Evil Parallel Universe) and 95% of the other NFL owners are sociopathic asshole capitalists, who can hire teams of lawyers and lobbyists to get their way to cheat the other 99% out of bucketloads of cash, I hope a Native American tribe can buy an NFL team and change their team’s name to something offensive

  14. phred says:

    Et tu bmaz?
    The Mr. asked me yesterday as we watched the game in an airport lounge while waiting for our delayed flight which team you were rooting for. I told him I didn’t know…
    “Carpetbaggers”. I think bmaz doth protest too much. He was just waiting for a team good enough to root for. Fair weather Packer fans are the worst ; P

    • bmaz says:

      Cuts like a knife you do!!
      I was waiting for a team period. Is it MY FAULT it took from long before when I was born, through 50 years later, for the Cardinals to carpetbag their way here and via Kurt Warner to start making a difference??
      Seriously, who knew? Also, this is, more than the Rams “Greatest Show On Turf” why Warner should absolutely be in the Hall Of Fame. If Warner getting craptastic losers like the Cards to the SuperBowl,and almost winning it, is not HOF credentials, I do not know what is.

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